He Gastonia ... _ _OoToteJ to tho ftWMwrtteii o» Horn, and th. Ijltoml. ttw Cu>u(». Vol. XX [| {rdlirn- Cantonla, N. C*, July 18. 1805. NEW BABY CLEVELAND. SHE IS HOT WASHINGTON BOBU, BUT ALL THE 0 ATI PAL IS TALKING 01' HEB. Rab!<"* of lit** W Nil .' iloiuA-TtsP Oho n Tr-*»«»«trj 4>tttt- t Irrk .Vuu - A««1t»«-r It .'rrull.v IB'rJ In Hrwii. 64. Ujulf WAtmXOVdN, 1). c., July 8 — Probably there in iiu one subject la Washington to-iUy which Iwn been no much talked uf ns the Increase iu tli« presidential family ut lJunurd’* JUy. For thu pas'. six mouths thore have been various softly wuUixnvd rumors current in Washington society as to tbs coming domestic event, and all raanasrs of dates have besu set la these prediction*. In foot llirrw *ro those to-day who still claim wisdom and de dare that tho advent of the third mils Miss Cleveland yoaterduy was a week in advance of expectation*, an Mrs. Clove land’s mother, who whs rxiected to lw with her, will not arrive at Uu/zird’a llay antll next Wi-ek. Then also Washington has been industriously gossiping, as outy Wellington can. In aiiecalatlon ov:i( tin* clining hole, anil chiefly concerning tin. well-known parental detiic for n boy. Old Washington iKilUlclous, wlio club lognllicr in hotel con idols and on street corners, have linen known to prognosticate u third terra if Hie I’rcai deot*s next child were only a boy. And it Is safe to ray that the*.' ola IXuno crats am sorrowfully shaking tlwiir heads to-day. Uni with t!*o ffuoifn of tli6 country, and pnrtlnikv.ly tho Worn ea of Wseliiuotoa, who know best the mother and not the fattier of lhr little oQe, Hie anther comes in for tlic most attention. Hr*. Cleveland !?» interesting to American people fm 1,"i) i resnous. .She lint proTed Uni nn ordinary, simple American girl can ei formed tbe duty of private eecmtarv to the President. Mr*. Don tdson, Jackson's niece, not yet 20, came with her uncle to tbe Whlto House lo preside as its mistress, nils was the first White House baby. Baby Doneleo-u gi»w up and married a Mie sla.-ippi gentleman, onoo a Congress man, named Willoox. General Wlllcox has host) dftul fully 3t> years, and Mrs Willcox. who wua tho first to try the Wiiiur Homo as a place wherein to bo boru. lisa since Grant's time boon a clr-ik in tne Troiuiirv. The (list nlto House taby is an old, gray-hatred lady now, and the day Maliy HjlUnr was botn she was busy at her desk In tlie Treasury not 100 ysrda from tbo Irsby’s er.idte. Yet tlie Urst Utby la" wile cased much of tlie world. Ilor f.itlier, following bis term ns •lachwiu's secretary, was at various Kurope.ui o-uurts as Minister. lie eamu homo to plunge into politics, and ouco mu tor the ricn presidency. Hut whetlier it hum to her aa the property of her father or her husband, the fact remains that tlie war swept away what riohe* Mrs. Wrllcox poaseeaud and Grant gave her tlie position she now lu-lds. Jackson's administration prodnCi-rl two more While House babies, both Donelsins, both offspring* of his uelee. l'ho htoiiJ ami third wrro John S. ll.melson and U icliel DoneUoo. Tlie world waited until President Tyter for tho neat While Honae baby | This was (tibert Tyler Jom«, tlie child of Preside .t Tyler’s daughter, Mary, whose liusbund, Captain Jones, was a South (.'irolinUu. Tills, ths fourth White House baby, grew up to be a soldier of the Coufcduracy. Tie served ns Captain In Arm) stead's Hripade and was wounded several times. Ho is now dead, and his grave is very now. He passed away a broken. shattered iuau. In bluer poverty, only a few weeks ago. lt.tbort Tyler Jones came to Wash ington following the war. IJis unde. 0 win of President Tyler, held a slight position In the Treasury. Paralysis e>dsr»l hlro, and tlie fourth White House baby took lilt uncle's place, and did the work and divided tlie small salary with him. About a mouth ago I'.mtnnwli r (Tenoral Wilson gave the fourth White House baby a place tie laborer at $60 a month. Shattered by wounds, weakened by privation, the fourth White House baiiy only sum moned strength enough U> work one day. Then lie crept horns and died. It would seem as If the Tyler family were pursued by Ill-luck, Tlie grave of the old President at Richmond has to-day no more of a stick or stune to mark it Uian the last resting place of some pauper In a unt (Cr Uelil. Noither Uia dcatu of Vir ginia, tlie mother of Proa (dents, and who behaves like a stepmother Id this bush man of tomhetonoe, nor yet Uie United States has ever betrayed the 'JII'IVWT, interest in the last retting place of President Tyler. Mi*. Letrtla Tyler dcurple, the daughter of President Tyler, who pre ▼ ailed at tlie White House during bU 'ei in on Uin first lady of tlie land I* now mi Inioate of tlie LouUe Haase for Aged Women, an Institution in tills city, built by pldlnathrophy. Uor pension of per month is Uer patrimony. The story of Hebert Tyler Jones has licen la Indy mentioned. It is a fact that otilll ItolxMt TjUt Jones woedls niissed from bis position a yonr ago. tlie carious could llnd two White 11ouso babies, Mrs. Wilcox and Tyler •lours, earning mrsger aalarlos la the Tieusury, from winch llwy could ovnr look tiis greet house they wore boi n In. I!u( Unit house li*d changed hands muiiy time* since Uielr cradle days, ami tli* new tenant* were strangers to tl»9tn. The fifth byby was Julln Dent Grunt, daughter of Colonel Pred Grant, who was born there while tier grandfather WHS I'foidetil. There Is nothing to remark about the fifth While lion so beyond (lie fact that she was christened In tlio llluo room, whereas tbn others hud nil beon christened In the Beet moth, l hern bring on tlieso ocean lone many invited guest*, end tire proceed logs lining marked by a faatilon of guntl«, loving friends. TlK' Sixth White H'IUMo baby sod the List unc to dale wst Baby Esther. When »ho waa l>orh her father was entitled u> remark Mint of ail the chief mAgiatrato* siueo Wsshisgton, Im (UI*VMandl. wn* the first to become a lv,JJ’,l during his terra of offim. Tims it will i« scon that the list of Sjitnhie WliHu ||,me* liable* I* but n ,,n!‘ . •>* In nil, lUhy 1i.MUkrr, Ci.e nutr of Umi )i««; Vhf**n dead, 11*0 two 1 h>nal#on iMbUs and Tyler Inuee, who .lied b, u* eon, „f w ml. Of lie- ntliAra, lira first, gray b'lited sod ltd, huuds over bur desk for the bread (lie seta; tlio last buby has Ilf* tU untried bsforo her. There lathe record. Xur woald It aliuw that to 1>« Imre a While Douse baby is any absolute advantage, The hovel Ualiy may live to b* as wife, happier mid hotter ofl. TSwi TsniraiiU Atuswnl SmlM •! ■he Yarlh CaraHwa l.oaal NlaM. rV "iV111 I* Imld Rt Rutherford College, Burke County. K. C., one mile fniie Cuuuelly Springs do|K>t, August 11 — 18. On Wednesday nlgbt, wiiufactariiig eUsbllshiwnts throughout Hie Kortli. In mentioning these constant proof* of increasing prosperity, however. It is wi ll to note that tbe reason tlmeo advances ill wages sre cuollneil mainly to llie Northern Slate* is Unit wages of similar operative* in the South wero. not reduced during die rooeot period of industrial depression, except ill n few iDStmic-s. To apeak of odvsncing wages in the North alone, without meutiomug the foot Unit wagtw in Southern mills are out boing advanced simple because they were not reduood, would be jojnst to the owners of mills in tlio South. Tlio wages paid opens tlvce in North Carolina and oUier Southern State* hi many Industries sre relatively greater than those lurid in tlio North, oven when recent udtauueu are considered. It Is scarifying to note the returning tldo of commercial mid industrial uc tivlly llml la sweeping over the lend, North and South, and it hi especially gratifying to note tbe increase of mm nfjctuilng enterprises in tills Slate, tl*»cordial relations exlstlug between employ era and opeiallvea, the im munity Crem strikes and kindred dle turiMiioes, and thu promise of sub stantial prostierlty winch tho future seem* to hold hi store for us. ■ - a . l.ii - -=n Br«w« atxInaUcrflcM ImUIsIcW. Xvw* OtoJf.d wr. Tbe Supreme Court threw the man tlo of protection oyer Salterth-ld and llrowu wlten Governor Carr sought to relieve the poopls of thn Assigninent Act. Drown or Sitterlicld had forgnri, or one of their clerks had f ng.nl through a bill that never ps-wed tho legislature, When tiw Supreme Conrt decided that tliey c:>ulU not go behind the (Igoulore of the presiding officers and enquire wiieUiar It was fraudulen tly lk-ucured. Drown and HalteinoM and Umir olerks thought they laid m cuued Investigation. Not »o. The Wake 8uperlar court grand jury has found a true bill a gutnxt them, and the fraud will bn in vestigated, and Ilia guilty parties piiuUhod. Men must be taught they cannot bo gulltiy of fraud without being punished, eyeit If tho pnitiaap msj.mty of the Supreme oourl did seek to shield them. April Um Asia* Ruth Wage. Prcunotia .Wwndjr, A person with aconsiderable amount of spare lime on his hands hat enllec tlm fallowing lla* of worda whloh may lie spelled for sard or tiackwaid— palindromes, M they arc called In learned longuafa: Anna, bab, Imb, did, civic, dad, deed, deillrn), dewed, eoco, eye, ewe. ««g. Rid. g««, Wvid, io»dam, nooo, otto, pop, inrtp. pip, pop, pup, redder, refer, repnp'r. reviver, rotator, sera, aejtea, atinlnn tat, til, toot, tot, and tut. 'It' ' f«H m«4 la Ka#k Iotof. | ltU hfTtrtii'l 'Jim#*. The Repolilic.in papers are pre texting llm ridiculous sptntae.ln of carrying prosperity. in their news t-olmoni Slid calamity on their edlto riul pages. Krti^tof- e»f Ifct’ iNfthWnt. The Stale Commander writes ua from f.lncnln, /Jnh, na follows: ’ Af ter trvlng other medicines for what teemed to be a very ohetliinte cough In onr t«.> cluMran wt tried l>r. King* New Discovery and at the end xf two d.iya llm cough entirely left theta. \Y* will not be Without It hereafter. a* our eaiwrienne prove* tlatl It cures whore all other rewustis* fail,”- Signed F. W. tJleven*. Utile Com.— Why not Kir* this great medio!nr a trial, a* It Is giinraiilxrd axil IrliU tart tin* are fine at Curry «<; Kennrsly’s Ihng Store. lUgukir site QUo. him! *100. DON’T imtpi inp - You do not visit your neighbors unless asked to, and do not attend a party or wed ding without an Invitation; then why should you Intrude on the privacy of a storekeeper without an Invitation ? Buy of the live busi ness man who not only Invites you to come and see him every day, but educates and keeps you posted on what Is popular In his line of goods. Patronize the man who ad vertises. _ I A »M»T or nLUKLIj PIMtt. Hew Ut u« Hlrllatl Help mm* HM mm l w*ii«l.r*4 Prawkwi w*jim WcJJiuitn In Ihctlttam Una Hitakl. Hpeakiog ■>( Franklin Heree reminds urn of » strange story I heard the other dsT- Baring the war a Presbyterian pi eschar In Missouri, wlio, by U» »a y, was afterward In a Ohleago pulpit, fell uinlrr tho suspicion of tllb Federal authorities and was arrested as s Spy. Hlsonuiewss I'slater. Despite Ills protestation* lie wat bundled off to Fort Warren. Boston. After being kept in cvitillusaumt *owo month* he wat released, bot iu a pitlsbl* plight. Ill* ilotliiug was worn not, be bad no money, and. to make nutter* worse, hi* family bad Just armed In Boston fioai the West, having bean sent ou by tbe military authorities Tbe poor nun knew not wliat to du, but bad re course to prayer, in which be was Joined by bis good wife. They had no other place Uian the street iu which to offer np Midi supplications, bat tbi* circumstance turned out to bs to tia-lr favor, for their sad story was srrlttco up In one of tbe Boston paper*, sod a hoh-lkoopcr came forward with gn of fer to keep Uie minister and hi* family until they wm-c able to find eiuulny eient. Accordingly, Hey. Jgr. Faiotor took up Ills residence with ths hotel man and begau looking for work- For some week* lie continued Uia search for employment, and with such poor success that be was greatly dis couraged. Wliru the outlook whs at It* darkest u strange tiling occurred. ?f' \!r. Painter was one day sorprived to livur tint a gcutlemaii wished to wo bias. A vary tunuUorne dlgutllod old man made UU app^ntnee, and Hina ex plalnnl lln purpon of bU call: *‘l have cotoe to seek for spiritual ndviou and comfort. A> you see, 1 am well along in yoora, and foiling health re mind* me I am not long fur this world. My homo, la in New Hampshire, eoiuo distance from hero, but Uiere are good natsons why 1 do not wish to visa the ministers of tlto gaepal in my owu neighborhood. They -would say I Uud been an unbeliever all my life, and had turned to religion only fromfc.tr death. It la not my wish to give then) satis faction, and ruadiiig fii one of tlm pu ller* an account of yoor experiences, f reanlvrrl to cuute to you. Will you pray for iue?" 'Hie two men Instantly knelt, and Itov. *lr. Painter asked tiie mercy of Out for his visitor. The okl ueutle man was visibly affected. Then two or llireo chapters of scripture were read, and a general talk about the stranger’s double and feme followed, Kw. Mr. painter giving him much comfort. Noxt d*f the old gentleman culled again, and this time blaisnlt naked tiie grace of Ood. After thank ing the minister for taking an interset 111 hla case, bn plaoed In H«v. Mr. Painter’s band an envelops, saying; I “Do not opnu tliat uutil to-morrow."' He then went nwsy. Next day the envrh)|M> was niiened, end in It were found two SlhJ bills sod • card on wlileh wn* Inscribed Uio name of Franklin 1'lerce, ex-Prvableat of tbs Hulled .States. • '■Ilore *• SteveS* i t*l JlirfK DA oaly Tea 1hr l*f 1M N**h)r«iH la Wake daiiaSy. Xew* and atacrrvrr. There are eighteen townships In Wwke euouty with at Waxl six Jastcee In each lowuship, not Including IUI •Igh, which bas twenty justice*. Tills gives 1* justices In tbo county. Id apportioning the copied of the bwwe of 1HU5 to tbe several counties tbo there of State could allow only ten to nil *l***o 138 Jostles* lo Wake county — that ta not Miougti to put a oopy oi tbe laws io nlu* of lli* towushlt* lo tho county. And yet live Ur! lustier*. who will not get a copy of tlie Law* of lftbo. ere required to dispense justice and be governed l-y the latest laws. The Justice in the other ninety five counties are In tlw une condition— appointed lo decide oases mid not fur nished tbe laws Uiey ere ext«oted to enfuroe. This is Tlcfawm 1 Tfce INKS Mttewtar Art VsSaL Kuwa an* Utvrvcr. Tln> discovery of Die fact Uiat tbe Revenue Act of I80S was not ratified opens the door for further litigation over the Act* of the hint Gener.il Ae seiobly. At tho August term of Uowau court proonslliisa will boooio axmoed to nullify the provisions of Lite new Ihw, and it will be decided at IIm> fall term of the Supreme Court. In thu ueaulimo all parties aubjcct to tl>« license tax Imposed on lawyers, doc tor*. corporations and Wirdins-house will ;»1| •■•in- prvlsel. if a;:. clared by the Supreme Court not tu be a law, llie taxes will lx: c-lloctri! under the provisions of Dw ls:i; Act. Secre tary of Suite Cuke retimatm that Um ibOi law will raise >KlU,«U0 more revenue fur Slide purport-* thau the 1N3 Act, but if tlila should bo true lltu Increased tax luipoacd iu ISUO for public schools will be lust. Two declalmm of tbe- Supreme Court will havn a blaring on tbe caw in point. In Scarborough vs, Uobiuton, where superintendent i,t Sch.ioU Scar boi-oiigh sought to compel Licteuant Uoveriiur lliibiiison to sign tbe school law, the ritijiretue Court Iieltl that no act wa* a law until atuwtod by Uw signatures of llie prodding officers of hot h houses, and Uiat these iMlIeera bad no rtgtit to sign after the adjourn ment of Dm legislature. In that caw tho act was found In tbo office of Um Secretary of State among properly ratified bills, not property ratified. In the caw of Carr v< Colt*. Die Supreme Court held that the rat I tied law* on Ole In tbe oflko uf the Secretary of State were onncbuilsc, rveu though tlielr pnstnge might ban: been procured by frand: and although it might be erideot tliat llxiy Inul never pawed oiilu-r house uf the Cruenil ArecmUy, still the enurts would be boil ltd by the AeUou Me, and limb tbe Journal* could not lie produced iu court, awl the ctorka or presiding otQeer could not be examined to show fraud, the court being bound by tbe law tin Ale. The eourt but decided Diet It caaiiot go behind Uie ratlOcstlou of no Act. the eridwee of llie ratiflrnllon being tbe attestation by tint i>fllce7* of both HoAMS, lu Iho rwwot Uin IIctmiik Act of 1803, tbe Act is Died, but wltti out enrollment, in Uie otflcn of tlie Secretary of auto unions other Act* property attested. How can the eourt la CM light of tbe decision* nbove qnntcd bold tlmt the Hsveuue Aot of woe it * is*? It become* mom np|oirail every Isy that tbe action of the majority of tlie court In nublug to the lencno of the corrupt I.egltUUuo wne n pmtlanii UseUlon, unworthy of (he tilabest tribunal of tlm Mtste. That decision Is likely to rise up iutd ran front tbe majority wlwii lliey coino la |was upon the question rsltsd liy the full a re Ur ratify tbe Davenue Act. MirrtlCsir Mints. i’Hntm* Ink. A pleasant sd, like s pleasent tooe. Is looked at twice. Tbe nsore yon pay for space, Urn more careful you should I* in lining It. Tlie bushiest Ibid Is not advertised osn ton along for a Haul, so can sdog with three legs. Advertising It s feeder lo business. Never s'ap. Diet yonr bnslocs* oo cssiooslly, but ucvrr Ktsrve it The otreubu it tlio ride of tlie sharp shooter. which. If well ulmed, picks off s struggling soldier ocrntlnnsJly: but tlis well eonstnudisl newspaper sd* vertlormorit Is the Moiling gnu of pub* UoKy clink tnovrt sll before It I tllJ'J 1 »— '■ ■■ — MrklHi'a Amkd Mvt. Tun Host Hai.vk In lln< world fro Mata, Brulees, Hone, I’k-rr*, Ihtlt Uhewns, Fever Mores, 'IVUer, rtuaod I Inode, Chilblains, Com A, nr.J sll Fain Erupt Ions, and porlllvi Is cures l'llee. or no pay rsqulftel. It in guaranteed to give perfect mUafsctimi, #r money refunded. Price JA rents per bos. For seJebyOumy * Koinedy. m Mrvrui a lutrut ■ la U«klwM aad Tfilikl IKIIJIlMU tkfwtlC Uaserwl hrt»iliirallr. RiwuwrtM Xauuflmv. U sasase abaolalely ImpoisibW that a wbanl *0 Inches In diameter. artth a wood rim aud wire spoke*. m light that Um structure walgtai only 90 oonooa, should sustain without Wt maavat distortion Um welglit of four m*n (tending on IU aide, with supports at foar poiuu only under Um rial, aad no hnb support wbatavri. It alio aarau tncredJUU Umt acycto capabla ot carrying a nan of 100 or 176 pounds in weight can be mads ao llgltt UmI the wbolo structure weighs toss than nip* pound*. Yet this has bean done; even at the roadster weight of 99 or 91 pounds, Um cycle carries a treater load with su'ely than hadfsvar bean put on any other vsbidr. The Influence of tbs cycle on aoolal lira to already great, aud will probably oocataoUy extend, aa It provides aa oatdoor sport and amusement for woman, which did sot previously ex tot In any form lu America. Amort oan women are not walkers, bet the eyols to perhaps even better suited to wommut lu good Military condition. Likcvlx—Dr. W. L. Chouse. Uii colutou. Kix tsiara of wltoopii.g-eough. Malarial dietuue* iu souiu touts, along water-coersea. MxcKi.Etin.itc— Dr. I). M. Winter, Charlotte. Chills and fever lu ports of eily and ooonty.' The two creeks to the east and west of Charlotte am In bad sanitary condition, both being filled with Srtud and dvbtU, causing llw aawage too vet How during frteiioU and to spread nut over the low grounds. This, togetlicr with bladder wet* elfrcUoJ. II* tried (utuy an oallwl Khhray cure* Imt wtUiust any good i*aulU About a yrar eg* la Ugu um of Khwtrla llaun and found rv* IM at onoa. blrot rlo Hitter* la «*|K«i ally adapted in eate all htdary and Liver ten:iUr* nad often give* alamet. laetaat relief. On* trial will grave our ataietaont Prhs only do*, fur targe bottle. At Curry A Krunedy'e Uncatsm rum m*t uki nr. T« Itrlir MU Wk> emphasise the V deetltto itroDg position: * * * TIm matter in which the South tosinudlag lu tbe present flnau ctol pressure wlllpiovo a greater ad vert? semen I timn that section has ever yet had. It to an advcrUei-ment that eowmuuds the at foot toe of tint entire business world, and Its mult will ho worth aore million* to tho South tlisu even lira greatest enthusiast would dor* to put Info cold figures. • * The lube rout strength of the Sooth and Us unequalled comboatlou of resource* end advantage* bare been tewed by the present rtiunctol trouble as never be fore. tV I tout tlm Accumulated capital such as the North a ml the West have through years of rruApcrity gathered, and without any great financial cen tre*, it lias had to light Its own battle during the tost few tntmths. It it had only stood the strain oa well as tlte North ov West uudvr these clrcum ataasm, this woald have ben suiH ctont proof of its wonderfot endunsnoe; but that it lets hod fewer failures or banks end buiinei* lunttrs, and fewer factories closed -loan. and Ins general business trimb!e tluui rithvr tbs Knrtli or West, is a further and more einphot ic vvidetica of Us strength. Till* loot I* attracting wcrid-wid* attention. It bn* coarlneed peupt* who never before lx-llcvvd In tlni mwunluMg nod |*nn nency of ehmlhcui pniRrrw lint tide •notion to tlm b*ei pUcc la Attrrlca for invest incut, WlMm liuslucss again revive* llie South will in tlm tnt to fed the full benefit of It. Money from the East sod from Europe will go into cotton niUto, Into iron works, Into woodworking unlciqirlses, ui.d into id) tho varied branches of mnaatacturlng for which the Hoqth lias such unlimit ed raw mnlerlnto. more freely than ever in the tust. In tha South, la* steed of iu tits West., the surplus capi tal of tbe North will Henceforth find Ua tram proMtabto field. Trtek tfa tkinM TiwavHlr Knuulrcr. Andrew Johnson, a mulatto enaviot, employed ua tbo tainting work at Use Industrial college at B-ick Hill, nutrlo a clew me*]* UU Tuesday, and at last account was still at large. Jotmajn bad lawn coioplalalng all tlia morning of bring unwsIL Bo was working In a room on tlw aeeood floor Of lb* dormItory. Attar aeeiirln g per ailailOu trow Mr Brown, who had bins ia charge, lie itartafl for tire (round below. willing onne was seen ot Ure fellow, and la about an boor, a aa.iioh waa Instituted. Tho aoarcl- recoiled la Use discovery Umt a coal and hat Maturtac to Mr. Brown, and a pair of overall* belonging to another workmaa way* mtwlug. Tim wanner of the coo rtot'a eeeape wm dear. Il« had drawn Ure stolen cIoiIho over hla atrtpea, aafl paaaod oat wider lho eyas ef the gnaifl unsuspected. The fenrih mi the BwiS. Southport Loutur. lh tire alglit of Hu; Fourth a nuaiber ef entered lights wore ream homing ou Uaawall laawh. *ul nu ciujolry It Waa learned that it uaitler of young peopla wm, c*Wheeling tire Fourtiu The party left :*er« a'oat ala o'clock lu the ovcniug, and alter a pleasant mil over landed at tire 1«jU house, anfl there «ro»««d tire ■long walb«b* lire Ufe^vlagguithm. From Uw Station they walked down Ure Iwaeb t# Tort UmweM. and after Impootiag the ttfw eaeemato aad jrfrhiag dowem frm the ahlm of Uw nM f.trl, tire return waa modern Uw Station, wire re sapper rent When Uw basket had been emidled. tattle egging waa In order. A math of a abort dU.inov down the beach breoftbt llw urrty to u ter tie’s trail, and altar following Ure trail Wheat two toadied fret up Use tow* a fame taw fjevraa fraud Jie* coming tip lt« When tire lovtlo started far Uw am . fs*h df tho jamy vouh lures rhlhig on Its book, caualitg mac* a mummer* to tha uwtuuboe, until ibu isnth gnafly dlmHareivd k. tbo -wren. I n Uw mt w>n« found a hared red and forty two «*<*. HufK.Uwxvr myaibat on the'hate farm In llalifia one nun *n» aometbtag to fan frend arr« elm la the Wale—a grid of neat iM.big corn rervvu mike kiug.