-— ■ I II j . 111 him—i mi , ii mu—wwp _■ The Gastonia , M »Hj-rotod to U.o Frotootl.m ot I to too oti.t r*o Voi. XVI. J Gastonia, JV, CJ„ August 22. , I.|. ■ ■ ■- wmm-r~r~~ _ j_. , r|n-|—r~UUL j U-— --I II ^ ■ ifiimsrs msi?. BAB TABBIES AT THE 8E,VSID£ Cm OF WEA1TH. •l«M»llatW.> «f Hit V. fnlthv Kkoaltl lie Atrrpit l «s. .»«-l<»»sty —•Vrl»r* HH'k< MBIa ItBrtMih Ilf 2l«it«'Y llllla — Knnnrrwl in L'Mirlmi Trll* bjr !>••«*« Ifr. LooU ILiuttlu-. Tim nrxt licst thing to tiring rich oneself I* to Imve itch fiinuits. Anil th« next best thing is t.i l«o nh!c tn accept from 'horn, grarinMnly, wlmt is offurrd to Uin way of hospitality," Mra. Millionaire oiu otlur to you. to me, or to lire other woman, an iuviuttou to her beautiful homo, and, In return, tf tilts question of a return most be dlaouNiad, see giro her tho pleasure of onr |vi|>y, no tln.t yon am giving something tlmt uollnrs run not buy. Tim world ot huge lx inclined to laugh at the I.iltlH lliolhers oj the Iticli, but you can be very cerium tlial tile rich do unt xerk out pnnplc to lie srltli them unless thoy flnrt xoinuttilug In throe friends that they lack. iii t any that woman tn mean who dmsn't know how to accept graciously. muJ enjoy tlicr oughly, the hospitality offered by a rich friend. aui'iu sn. Tbe banian of visiting lo the aver age woman la th« tipping. Thsrc wn* a time when io give to I'm toaiil who attended oua a dollar wn* convidejed Quit* enough, U r. uotv there la tun butler, the maid wlm U nhout one’s room, the man who brushes one’s akirt or oils one's short, indeed more than l c»n tell, who expect their palms to be covarrd with—not silver, hut gold or ita equivalent. To vlait for a uea and have to pay $5 to ttie butler, 4d to oue and 41 to anotUer, and 41 to another servant I* really the bleeding of one. Ho many a woman decl ines u pleasant Invitation because-dut can't nfl it is hurt*. lint at the dinner itself is tlm migidfioent feast which onu sees during tlie season In New York, it cannot be cltal a* nsw. To-night Uiv tcMio of color on the table wo* aJI green ami while, ex cept tlie chum, and that was gold and Willie. Iix(|')i»U« It-tivns and I* tutlful orchids framed tha lino china and so perb silver, au< !i tint man of to-d.iy and lie who aie his food from a wooden platter, ont lilt menl with tlie dagger taken from 111* belt anil l.nd no knowl edge nf a fork, 'flit' chatter goes on through tlm hour* ut lire table, the pretty women nro ■« Uylr lie** airJ brightest and evervlody b trying to Ml something tl.at is now or clue *n okl that It Is worth rrJnve.iMtl in. Ticking op lib gliuu aixl liolillug It to tlu> light, iidmhing Its line ciitilne, a man who Is u judge of la-anriful |>IIh said: “Ilow many of yoo know tlx* (.'gar of Itusslu la a line j.alg-a «f glnoe. esimetally of the Ilyx-mUne gl msY *nnie made in tbs royal potteries of 1 lamia is never reproduced, and I think If i«o ware cotn g to make unr a present I should ask of lilts* not amu* of the old silver, nut wire of tint wonderful Jewel*, but two or liner ptrtn.i nf Hint marvelous glass, studded with grin*, •rid which has never Urn duplicated. •‘Although whin Imr.gfelbne Iraui lated tlie pan of I'ld.md Ire broke tlm •-larch of K-lenlaill,” Milt it never was really broken, bit i* today cher ts! red Id the Musgravn family. t saw It when I was tliirre. and It Is Hymn, line *'«•«. The crony Duke of ivirnr toil once let it full, bill the Unlit, a very old servant ipdckly eaogiiV It la n napkin, «r»U so It didn't hrvak. Tlte story goer that a aien.ti. r of tin' fatally snl liy Ht. Colhlirr*.'* tVell to Ilia gar den of K'lrnimll nl mhhiirht ini M. John's Dvr, and when ll:o fairice came up hs suslelwtl tliU cl rat from one of them. As tiVy Now b ick. the liny elf angry nl toning I ho drinking cap i.rlled PUt! •Jfeier lit* yl,-et >> Itrvaii ,w Ml IfnrvvU loHn- •*•*•», uf Kit*fcni»Mll,‘ • II ii e-x-in siu-Ij thin, uml Is kept in u ••!J lype uf the unpleasant I'ol.ih Jew. hut he would m»vsr bnv-i been able to have given birth to such beauti ful mudc if, boyuud the dirt t«nd Ik*. ynml Uie c.uldishnesA, there Imd not ‘jeeu a email] spirituality. Tin* actor nude linn co imo and common, dirty and offensive, and never gavo u glimpse of the Inner nature of the man who unuld control people Ilka Ueeko and Trilby. Uis Svraigali was u biirhnnpii — the ut.tu who plsyod it, wlioae uuuih I think is l.ackayc, and who looks Ids nuwe, made Idm just such a creature as ihc variety actor who Ulis Jewish vtorlm st Tony Pastor's would make bun. And with all Ids wickedness, this uiun had anisic in his soul so strongly tbU- when hr made the music nt: In-cauie another creature, living ;«n otlu-r life. Uy-lhe-iiy, 1 have soen this same actor in other hurts, uud 1 can not ■Uidu.-stmd Ms being liked, lie u fa-., awkward, and wears Ids i-lullies - Just iiMYcn, how he docs Wear liVS cioilu il Von know liters Is u simp coudueted by the good Sisters, where nl! sorts of dollies are will by rich nw.pli-. sud tbu Sisters frcs'.ion llicu up and w!l them to pour people wlio lut'd tin-m. Vnry often l'try g«L tin, druea clothe* thro an nsida liy n tuan of fault Lou. nod Hit* Motor s dress clothes always link at it they h.ul beeu bought there and Gt well for the pi Leo. That's whrrr lUe Kitgllsli tuv ahead or us. They rls.u’i lei a nun conic on the et.igr kwkilisf as if evening clothe* were nuw filings lo him, but when Ha playa the purl of a genllcumu, an antoi Is ex peeled to at least look likes one. i should like to see Henry Irvin* play Swngnli -l think MoneO-.id would have understood tho watt, but It aoemi a pity that It Should have beuu given lo a m m wiiniiu only idea of It w.n that a hideous Jew must appear and tlutt no liraln* weru necessary to picture him, lint llwii, poor soul, perhaps fir hadn’t any w it to start with. •T>h1 you know Unit good (fueoii Anne 1 shouldn't Uilnk ilicy would call her good— had all actors placed til tlie eutigory with rogues mul yagu iMMids. Iind to-ilrty In Holland It la n .l onusiihinl Uio thing— indeed. 1 linvo hoard It is against tliu law to pormflaii actor to enter a reapr otable Imuechol'l. ‘‘I Imvv nlways uhiiiitislnod that loss brain was necessary for acting than for anything else. A child can act. a man or woman with no inlelllgotiec ran imitHtv, amt tlioiigfi, os lu nil work, n brain la n good thing to liavr, still the ucidr win got along with less than any other nun. It la foitaoalo, isn’t it?” ct'AMJ'ioaiN'd widows. Somebody was lUuding up for the widow*, This wat n klixl (Mug, for. from Mr. Weilrrdnwu and hack, they *wm jo lie regarded *a m once danger oui* and dmirahle. It was a widow who was talking and evidently ehr luul simlkd the aiitijeot. rinld she: “Woulitii’t you have prnrened Marie Htuart to Kiteibrtb? And railed Uie mat mndniacwit tomb to Ur It album), ,MauioU'|m,’ and K> gave lid) narao to all Wfirrb nionumcnU; and It Win an other widow, Ihmdioca. who lod tho •irmlr* id Ktigland nml committed euloklo when they worn defeated. Mid un. Mainlirtion trua a widow, and to day the oanit powerful woman In tho wnrld ami lit© on# I admire tho new!., Vifloriu.i.Mruii of Koghntd and Itru prt si of It. Im. la oht.i a widow. Wld "»i ninnllr moke good Wire*. because they hunt h id a training and know wlmt plcuw* a man. MKHOrnnu tvoan.N. ‘■thru. too. Uiey nre not apt to lai young nnd *elN*h. A ft if all, ngv hi* very little to do with it. Ifrli-u of »*"» Was i.\cr fit then (Vie made tli.il iroiiht,' Mr her, when (tkotritr* Wnp rV> win-* ilie'iwt Antony. A«*si t*™*'""*1"** landed that ahy lh»». 1 ertclvo, uni Xiuou wne ?J whvu hur gra.idion fell n victim to hnr ; Chnriox. Catherine of Bosnia wax .'1C wbou altsanlard the tlirono and ruled the bcxrl of Oi-loff. mid Annie of Aus tria Him .tA when Jlnuklnghnua fell In hivo with her. They always a>y n nixu is wx nli|:is ho forU. and it woioun us iisshn hx.k*. 1 den t know that this is trim. A woiuuu Is ax old xs the overlnxUng hills when site erases to clisr.n, Slid then site may be onlv 17. Xu, that woman lx y.inng who can make a until fool his owu Impor tune*, for that Is tho art of fMclqa ilnn.” And so the chatter went on, and the ; women adjourned U» llm drawing-room leaving Uie mini lo smoke, because didnly women fcm.w that chiffons 0>'ilso lo Ui frmlwhin when the p«i funis .•f tnh-ieco lingers over Uwto. And all of Hu m ntVed the ho.Ve* to take them nptolho nursery hi see the balnea ■tsleep, ar.d Mr*. Mllllvlmlrr knrlt down bvalilu her Iwby's crib, leaned over and kissed IU soft little oWk and lam tun* slis xnid a prayer in hor limit f'»r it, just us you, or I. or the olliur wont-in would do. It l* a mistake to think that bccanxn ritple me rich they are linrtl-hcurlcd. havo known of meaner prido anil greater (rdflthiuw* under a xlinljhy gnwu than under a line our. Ittcli womitii have so many rcapu.iaUdJIllev They have so uinoh to do, go much lo consider. They are responsible fur so much. And maoy of ihcm realias how hard it |« ror thorn in gut lo ilia king dom of heaven. Aud 1 look at the beautiful house, and I think of Mrs. Millionaire, and I kid rjtbtflyd l can enjoy all *hn lios with Itnr, and f am not answerable for It. Aud I nan Up preolale Jwr tareetmns and Imr giiod neaa, and [ do not hare to think, hs stie does many a time, that 1km foito uatn wmuen envy ms, 1 ought, with very llllle trouble. Hr* the skcieUm In llie Milllonarie estnb Ixhment, but that would be bad form. TUev hive ask'-d >ou and tne sud ;liu othor wounu to slianr tlielr pleasures, nod wo have oo right lu haul out tlielr kirnimt And tbr< time corns* wln-ti 1 am In my own room, and almost asleep, and here in this Kashin city of wsullli. surrunadnl by llm luxuries of the mil lioiuitivs. 1 mormur that old prayer, ‘•Lord, give n>c neither poverty nor riches.” JUii. U Iter M. Ua.lmWW'. Kx-Cimgrcesniau Roswell Uurr leaped Into a national reputation nml won much Republican applause in t.Uo olil day* with it * perch io which lie advised t!*o MouUi lo i mV) ' less hell and untie liog*,'' Mince Mr. Cleveland’s two election bt ihe l’.vsidoin y have made it un necessary for Urn Moitllu-rners U> raise slieol ugniast it-JimlblOAn aggresstnus, they have beeu acting iipou ilr. florr’a «dvn.e wltit leaped to hog*, though hi •ootr localilux it Is atilt uecesiuiy for Iheui to culliv.de a breed of swli.o that cuu outrun Mr. Hanisoii’n Sou them Republican constituents. Southsvu l>omocrsts are uul only r.tUIn# hogs in resp-'Ctalile mnubers, hot kfo raisin* corn hi gieat abun dance for fatteniug liieoi, so Unit the firm laUnvra who pick out litis year's cotton crop and plow for next year’* crop will have cheap nod plentiful rations of muscle utufciug food. Mince Djin.ierney re established law nod order In the Month tlio wulnrmchui crop bus also tmeomo a ».ifo sinl prntiu hlo venture, ns U ncyer could bo while Hev-dKican Hinnies dominated rural court* and itolteo systems. The aama Lstrusof tli* fruit crop, tlio poultry crop ami the potato crop. Tha varied proiluot* ntvl iudoatrlus which are fast mnklup the South tlie richest put loti of the Onion wore itn paeaibln under Republican rule, which In thu Sou til sv.it lumr anything but luwlnsmese and lluruxe. Tlie South will go on thriving tut long us Conservative Democracy U nbio lo hold in check the reactionary ptllclo* of Uie Republican party and tbe radicalism of the I'opa lists. MWiSUI Hry. *VIIUlUlll»« 11‘HMlHf. When IVtor Ncy, tint schoolmaster hi Western North Carolina, was on ids dcaib-bsl »: Ilia tunne «f the Ut* OalH.rue Kor I, In lbiwau county, In IjMD, In answer to the y . test ion of thu phyaiclsn tn tell llmm who tin wan be fore leaving this world, he said tn re ply to those prr-snot—“1 nm Marshal Ni-y.” In tint very prosjnoa ~5f death this inisit fxtraonlinnry man, who wn* so crr.it iia to iii»ia>*.» Inmdrisl* of lip trlllge it mid tosy Itlvbly educated pro plo willi the idea of blur nobility of character na well of high abilities, de clared that ha was indeed Mlehnel Nay. the great Murahal of Napoleon, ••tlie bisrest of the hnive" os tin: grant eat gcuiosNitd thills'll .in culled him. The letter from Ihe gentleman in Prune* is out.elusive at to who l'etcr 5>. Nry was. ltnid Mr. \Y niton's book, as interesting na Macaulay's must riiacinsMHg hlatrry or his delightful essays on tr.en fclmejrfti Colloti V||K VurvtHv fwn•**»>. Tim etpneliy of il.o IImw-MU oot tim oiillt on Hr.mil rlvur, In itnOrr foul county. X. U., Just uvof the Huh lin.’t it twin* ilolll.lcd, l. 1>y |t*r> rrucllmi nf u now tniiltlliiK In be f'W fwil Ion* ti.il lys r«nl wide tint by Iii* 40. I* W t|i|inlln« nil.) Hud l.mint. Tin. (ironeiil nUut cootniim Td.OiXj t|>lmlli« mid 7*J0 Iimiim. Tin. new idnht will, lhcrrfof». luiyu n!».nt (Vt.uuu »|*lmlli» mol I,.*i *> inonm-Inr nm'iiiilt ciii|Ht.yni.'iit to nlioiil 1,-V.IU opomllnw. The Umnlor** .VUmmuin < 'nUini . Mi.), ni.ir Kin*** Muuiilnln, X. (!., • lint isnuimn.oinl llit civet um of on til imxUIo Uto i« w MMi-tiinvry r.xonlly ilocutcd u)«nn. Tno tnmirtNV will iMit In UKXl ndwlb t t»r *|iiiinl.i* tin own wnrii..; #m win., jwt Iti it*ty hiiws |.»um. Oyertlbnin nmmiwoonllnnliie .lay .ind nleht, ftuunl. . . THIS PAPER OFFERS . . ADVANTAGES TO ITS . - ADVERTISING PATRONS .. TI1E GAZETTE has a circulation in Gaston county which reaches the people you want to reach. Our sub scribe™ pay tor their paper, they will pay for whflt they buy from you. An advertisement in THE GAZETTE will tell them about YOU and your busi ness. Advertise! A *•« mum)). lie ns* tli.iiei-wpiim- n-i lUlkrrMMlI mwJ-a|Mwkn I'eewie l.lnte Kultin. J4wM M'.miv TUiua. Ki*r wekx the fopullctsof (kdiarrua uouniy lixvo In-tsi lo ):,jii3 la.wml lo ikeobuilhg of Tillman ami lluikt. Great ;i*r|i.irnUoiia liavu bem task'llX for lUrfr recejutuu, a ml » large crowd was eximct'-d. Acrordui* to apimili t meat traitor* TiUroru and UuIUht apoae I ant! Ue-Uy. rfeey wore iscorted to llm court house iiy n ‘mmiulou i«ro crasiuu of ill men and boys by actual ooiuiL At tin- court li >iisc liie syercbc* were iic.tril by a crowd of about l.J'JO, many of whom wen) llrmocril*. Tillman Sjarkr lira;, ilia a(>e«s;iioccupied ubo.it nu Lour nml n 1mIt. it yu mil re* tx ivii.i rvitli I'tuvii cntl uaiiwu owing to llm tost llmt lie stated iiatt he «u< a Democrat. Tbia -.IIU ant ptc.ian tlj* Popu’isln. lie eluted further Uml lie didn't Uiiuk much of Ibe l*opull« |mr ty It had loo unx-h tail to it. and too mn-.y t °or duvel >p meiit rin cumin rrd wit It lliu iioi-iu and east. Tim .1/Iinyerfae V It-rortl. gives Hut fi.llotv ligure* of KHHporta in “<'omjsttlng iim oily of IVtt'.Inronr with the llu ro Stair« of NtrrUi r’amli un, Sottllt (’irtiliiui nnd •■♦'ir.'jiu, this oity Itii* oyer lno.iXW linitd* employed ill f.tr.| urii'S, sriioto «agm aggregato over :Jpi.ii:ni.iKJU ft year, while tint value of vruilucla If M0UI t'l7.Y0:m,isx) a year agniusl 117,«*» h*« •*. ret1,700, fW in u.-.iioH and iU|J0|»V>.''Ui|tig ,.t thu Winiderfnt luuiin hcfoi’U thu South. If H is doing ns well M it now is and making eiu'ii excellent pr.n'ivea. who coil looamim Its future wl’vu it fuily ulilizijt the great l»:o**h«* given by natiii* us a i.iui;dutl0P l«>t Van, av.tHli creating iiid'.Mtrhts Then! Is uo dan ger of nVcrdniug Southern progreK*, tisiufii llH'ivtusy he dinner at times of •>>>Ttiii*]*ri»u* Stales hi tho South, Including our OWll.' Tin a c la ub n-asmi for d Istnmrug* nront in tiilf state uteri!, but v.dlmr of meonr igemt-nt. If ilito e.tu '*• d.me hi niw eity lrluit are Hie posaltillitiee of » glcnt Sli»lc? They art) burned enl euliiii.ii,, nod liiiiti only call allow what tiro le.tiudiinl future of oar State unit MXittnll will Lie. \Ve liuve gone far eurniyh to we Hint it’ll pohsib I tie* iim Until ks*. I - I.OHl kflu (jLmoiril in.lui|, Mr. .M. |fc H'mcfcwrMi-r wui In Kli'u'* Mi.uninln ;«i«l wm I Irort'lln/ foe tlm .Slnif.’t M«. < liln« ' i*in|Mny, bn* I'urt I'J * ||R wn* In Uhi not of l.-.irloc • Imiel mill I IumI I'WiI IiIh vwlinr, rwtulKliii all lil* |i»;*t mill nc'Tini' «#■!»»• kvh «f oh it lai*. U; !lio *#IJ* mi‘1 vrim miUUiik In* lillt, when a v >rl»r if».>M**i| )■)« I iimpcrtv mnl friviiltloN ‘-■UlliltiUMMl I | ■H*Hl/»T. It It*4* * *#!*!•'»•% IImi |VC t* r >*iUl, inn- i:*» vwliw hi>* i**t yol belli; leCsAV.i*'. * W*t M+.«*** nth*. i*!*- »«4 !>••>*. i' n rn'ni'i^i * mf ••few* **f * . j t'.itf., W/ ffv/l l fc— vl •i"U».» .an.. « • .> lk.«*l>.l . •. c_•_ ». » ; k mrrtm:*'m«m*> n», ** IVtvMrl, VIU.H, tl< *'•» -II. H iiiiiiti K«uw>. Jr.f KUnsl'N UI/KXt. ITKkM. IwCItlra** !»• nirl.1.15 tfitam- Where *S IMwatid u-tean An* NImjs. fared IW a«rl«>.. fldomco Ulf^lrh. laih. tu k.-w York tlmU. A packing and nl.io; liter! ns haute wlicrn Imne mif.t j lavpwrud he Uw Katvpnan market ij one ol Uto thriv ing kiMlMlnee here, being located oa Wwi Fifty-s-coiM elm*-.. no tha north line of the A ruby u»td. Tbareoue liiuultvd rUig-Uaisd aad spavlucd Itorues, bought *t tnetlou fur II to IS a bead. kto sl.uigbtcml and picked lu barrels evt-rj week. A new uddiUnn to lha slunglilrr I .mine itidi calcs tint Uw bu-dmtn tj growing. As 1 spproclmd U« budding lo-d.iy Uic steni’li iivcet to gel four cents a )«oimd or more Air it. “My family cat eouw of tire meat, bat do nut live ou it. I tvmikl not | know wlmt sort of soo-ls l war sriltnf ] if f did mil nit some of it. AU uf it is alike, and you e-ndi tl jairt llkelwvf; you rook It utiy way. Au eatraot similar to tbit! out of tvliiirii bosl tun i« rooda is inroduci-il ii.nn tlm nock*.•* Tills Industry lias Wvt. in operation about two years, and w'ncu it is mniar kUmd lliat Unj ho'wu slaughtered there are emaciated ami lir.ik. n down ani mal*. necessarily inh-elrd with ilHkSsen it will be sneu at onoo tint llu> matter isonoof oous Moral do iiupirtaaec la Immonity in general ami lIn p.-ople of tilnoago in partionlnr. rirart»iu*N a;c >f<«TkW*ni*irv I Charlotte several years ago iravn t lm old Confederal? vitn-aia a lurbeeue that limy have n.xt forgot l1 rlilu.l «u. Tim tranche* will bo dap In tin) (p.-v>- nl Oio (urk. •>a lli»22ud in-tC. tlm day of tlm an nual picnic. Tiro b:vvti>, alt »Wp and other auppllca lit prop irti.m will lm supplies and all the ot.i v-ls .no invited to bn Iran and fall U>. It is Cluiiallt's set up, and It la ip-Ing to loi dono la atyle, M yoo can ir.us word uVuiX Urn line. w'~ >"■ i ■ War! Won tUi-»n ! Tim following Item U (uk<-n from tha Itsk igU n -ia/1 {**•/■■.'.Tr’a men* tlon uf Id* silver picnic In M.imimoh: Major Qutlirlo stiya ih?M was no ultra politic* in tlm KaltHu’li.x aid that it was a sort uf frea sliver affair. Tlm Major says things nru a sort of chaotic simp* politically mid tli.il no one run predict what will la- tin- eoi-.-litlon of thlnn twelve in.mil* iratr.-, mut Unit a slate made l i-d.ty would |wnltd-)y be s-.ipjilnntod by uunUsi-r iw-xt wnA. Uo says Uml it wnr rvUh si-pm lltst-ala-a fotvlipi i*iwrr, l.iat I-:k four or live year*, would i-ini'-il ,mr ]a->iplo to Rrtl.er tuid soilIv nl! nnr iliuinelal urns UiMSS. • ■ .ii a . i — — At Dm muting ..f Hip Stale AIIunion ill t/iuy Uii» wvph. I*;-, * >t»w Xiiomj aoc, of (>U*ll*W. «IU flouted I'AUWcill. ...—-*i Two UrriMiMt. tlr*. lthieW TM.om.is nf .ImucIhmi IMly. Ilk vrix l>y »*-r duclMt alie hail ('oniim>l>l!ou ami Ihn*. ttiore wm m> Ih>^m for Imt. tint t « > kcllr*. J»r, King* Xrw .liacnvery fMiH|ilt*U'1y CMII‘,1 liTf and olni oiv:i l!»r lift*. Mr. TH»i. K*go»a, IJ5.I Km UiIU SC Son I'ntiurlaco. miff.-; • il fmiw n Ul\m:fnl t-.oti1,a|giruucMiiff tli.*ioiiii'|4i U*a*y ••» Mil* awn'Mim lit * '.utgloi and i'ok!*. Krtv ItrUl l«4,.Wat furry «1t Kouiiedy'a Drug fftvA*. Urgttlor DU (Wo. ami *1.UO. -luUm War, though o uch under legal aga, l became a private cavalry «**» .bomrUmw I «aw (kit Jack*,mi. JuAugiur, l*B, tin day U-rom tie owl tun! drove beck anartuy Id tlwbatUa of Orda. Kuo, I ww riding down Um roan leading north from Ornnea Ckurfr House. on my way from brigade lead qoarlera toJulM my regiment on tlw itipldan, when t orencok a division 0“ »ho march, going to ward Culpeper, tlw active move omnia of our fotea* indented the •harp week that was near at hand. “When 1 reached lie head of the rolawn I found Gan. Jackson. hla cap drawn down over tna Jon-head, riding abut# and apiareotly burled la drop meditation of bis cuategiu plana. I rod* by wltb a albmt salute, but lm recognised aw, called me to halt. Had, riding op by wy ride, began to talk alioot the colored tkiuduy aebonl in lorkliigloo. 11 Wat a great gratifica tion to him, lie aahl. Dial tbc action! was taring kept up la lilt al-wwor. So parted, and Im rode on to Uhmdy victory c “And ones again, it won Uie after noon of tlw areved bull Run battle, itnd one of tlw most ctitlcal motaaaU of Jackson’s whole military career. Ue had oeme rooud through Thorough fare gap. putting l!w Hull Ituu moun tains and Pope's wlml« aresy la twees hlinaeir and Lea. iVpe Intd turned, dosed In npuo him, and brought Idm talnjr. The ba'.Ue bad hgen (aging for hours, and though LoogstreetVwS ooiuo to Jaduonb aid, no one could ret any Uwt Jacks.,,.* liard-preaaed Irfl would uat bo iivcnebclmud. Our taUnlhro of cavalry under MaJ. l*»t rlok bad bean balled itr-jr Grovetou— alinoat In tie oealer of tU« Crh] of iMitla-asd abarpsiKiotera were de ployed to nxet the roomy, who wns eumbig down ih - U’arm.too pike. At this uunoent doe. J.ekaun rad* up. Tboro was hard Ogbtiug every where. ilo conversed for a few mo awnu with MuJ. t'kirieb; and U«u turned mid spoke H inc. II* antd that oei tala of our men oti an emioence staiva Iboroad Were i.cedk»jly exposed, anil bode mo rid<- tn ttwm ami call them in. I had started to nbev when h* suddenly stopped me with -* ■‘-Olil 1 luutaletb-rsfaw days ago from J»r. While, and lie tells me that oor Sunday school Is still kept up.* "That teas alt, 1 went my wsy to rxt-oato bis eommsad. and be rode hook ta his Infantry. I ntvar saw him again." tedlwf Now ratty Mom. WaMwtga Mar. A new poll ileal party lias bren or gantard tn Know, and a call wm la ■tied for a Mate oouvrntlon at Topeka on Sept. 6. Tim uame 1sth* Independ •nl AmvrtOUix, and it U imped t« unite under its tanner the Atari lean Prolrc tle* ueaocliiituu, tlic Junior Ordei of United Amurlcan Mmdiaalo* nlliar IMiriutic orders. U mo ben of thaw orders are invited to Um state conven tion. Tke o ill l» for Amrrlcmibm. free, coinage *4 lilvof and lire removal of lam national o ipital to a m»m cen tral location. A national conference la to be bulk'd by tlw IVyeka ooiiven tlort. ■jr’.1 ."v. is'pi ... Vk*SM»Mlnehlki>llMlrr. UwtMlu mmtrtr. It le n strange arcniuant In favor of rxl mill lug Urn Inu* ,if 0 a- Xnrth <•<»• linn IUtlm.nl at Hit* time Dial unless it w dune Urn *,mtln-rn lUilsray Com. )nuy will talld a railroad Unm Mocks vllla to Moonwvllle. IVlio is It tliav objects to uie building of new rail rimdsf Tliry nnniattale to the Styvn'a de«i lo|iatral ami rvcrjr mile of now l.anl la ornm |im|>i ily ft* i|*u Mato tv tax. .Tta nairr the truer, tin wllk llie ibuteo. •w rrwple. OM I'cvtdo who ruplro madlol-i* in ngidnt.- the U.iri-U and kMaey* kill mid Ike turn n-n.iilj !u i> vine lilt. Kv*. TWte nardtrlun dors M atluiu late and oonbilua no wliWtey nor inker luuxkmnt, tat arts m * ‘.nine and at le.-iiiirn. It aeta iniMly on the M.-we aeti and bus da. achllng *1 length mid glvtttf tm« tn llm erginc, theidry ow ing Nalutv In the lorf.iramnoe nf the fulii tI.ihs Kketrk' IttUrra Issues eeltait nmst'.xvr and «'i|s didUinu. ■ rid IVoplr dial It fust eximtly wliat Uwy need. l*rtea fifty ornla pet bottle at Cany * Kennedy's Urupuotn. A*» foo towns PjvMomlitw* BOB. vtxtom, tte "Ktac w farm Hu» ™*»t" Tfcet !k what ome wIm wwif and nothin* Lu( that. It latte ten* old friend to erhtch tte old MW ptan*4ttelefrith nr.dwar*amr4| anadtent dtr it ia. Ota* ItbHteMtei ntetad^ MT«r srifea, arnrate teMwne Is opk ■ ntetelwoy.J—tgta tiotootte&M— ntef wain qoioT mid wiaa^Q on* *ah now «a ever. It oem Mte Brerybody noadt BktaltwMtete •nd rtoryoTHj abould tote only Mte ■ono Unr Ucaalutvt. '' ^ vj ": • Btwxc you«ellt. TbcIMI Wtetfco wrcyivor. -» “ ■-»“» - Oo.. ntlljuUluhla. wteia warn Ar aaarroor Aa Arn-Otno »X1 urilm - -,.go, *T«I In TtrMt r«. wa. MHoiiiant FarUnpa ipuy of our )•».-*<« «io bo •wpted to Siam Him li e tulnnou wte ■l tlwold ( un.w.j; raotory la ■Oipbw witter ami tx tlm .‘tarot finality of that rJl-lH-.il'uij tr.liitr.il water 1* tUc Mute. The ur!l. w* w !wf..:TDcd. it 190 wwMrti* «nd en«a Un .-I in tnuoood wa# iMnd by tin- luot ssjr ki yank* Jn« ayafcrre. it Ijviijq a Realtor pro aorvji.u r-flret. Tbo water baa beam •mwkiMl uml I4 .«»• cm** to 1I«M llmt It U a mj U-;c quality ami boa *w»Hir*Mn« i*tii«t:«. i I&,SUW' l“6 "*ul- ftnoa St# W 130 fart telirW tliv itiytwe ml rooa down t» tbo river bank and o*t with Ut« tide. i~inr ... MaAkvK.Mktaf, Mvirsautoii Itc.-V Tlieix- U a «!-;•''weal U'li.gmid juat now about :b« P'i'i-xjIChj to carry the old “Liberty J>4I" frum "‘■‘'rltilitita to Atlanta andr.or.al tiw litrpfeyM lllty and totrrtrXu.-yN h-uiu uf tlte Pblt adeSldiiaiia an- unh.ibt iu iWr ot>tHMl lion to having Urn ivll fir night South. m W » the mu'.'.or \t r.t'i l*< fr] anil. If l*l»dadvliib.il (4«‘l aant to aend tJia old relic d.iw.i lew. gnutli will have ta try Mid be-tr tilt- il^ririimii wltli be coming rmijtiw.! u. Tie Ln-tl U wall euouch In luara). tit/, af-crail It won't eiimiwr* In roul ii.tt mi with Ho- old •Ili lock rirtm rbut r.114 m tiullfonl t'otirt Ilmiv uM.l Xi-.jtH Muuntakk. w rec-nlly n eoltecUoii of weap on* at (lulirorU U4f.l1? ur.mnd that wan luted by U*- ptuiiu that we WuuMm t give for A c»r I,Milcrurknrf V-'i bel.-t, ho tnaiier Wttfn or wtu-rv Him ecrc run*. We nil AMierate l'.tibuM ubfa’a rtdw, 1*lit »v Olid H«t UwMeck lenburg tit cIiirnllo;i uf ii.thgMaHiynaa nlilfi.it.! 1! '.I* l'i'5luib-l|lnA i-vi-i.t by mote iluu ;t yiar and w-t tamtl that U wa» laat utlvr the lU-tori-ry of tM treat-iwrr of Arnold |ti Mew York and jtiftl wlu-n loo 1Vu.1xrjr.tuIa Uooiia went lOassoiliitf for'.Ve-r - i-xjr aM «|. mtd 1 BbnUtent r>vti!.tt l.mjitv keroea aa Morgan and l/.>. ,n.4 Mai ton a ad Sumpter and tlm-iu w-d t 'i‘ortli. Ihcte it nn muni, wiry we dioald aak .m fiivpr i f tu« la tha fflhs line. It 0 lii 11- Ui» auniagrr at lliaAUHiiln Eapni ttiii wii/t aban don tha *ht>« (ten if ldn'udeitdlbi wmt b-hd tliC ■•J.'it-crty Hell,'' U tliay rvtara Ontll Aft. imi: n;iO cnu la* MUWM until Aft. ;K Tl.i.nill tw t >ilra ilM muaHtan'ty r.c xuy .«•«: t» vie It KaiHm* cltlm til n mu ill e«t. fw faitln-r t«ifmni.«il.>ii mil >a« au> iwiil U lha Snwlim ItHlIuvir or C'DAk. la IlCtA'l.X*, T. I* A. ■!'.» W. Trida*. t Wlutt*. X, C. ^ T1i« AtanlMt.i t;,.i:*S) , fat* -nh nrmnjtr.t • Xo-1 \tln,-h *,V> t|> rail* fur tnJcoAu «r liatlvM- / atlr. at 0 tti > iM- ttlal ll'l' fur partita often (1*11 II r.\«*!l! * l«c«l:er from AtUt.l i. Aiua-.a < laitiHit. and tn uiaa-dlkt*- ja.liUa. I.ifan IkrowA trahiv will t» ru*. Anv.lwr lara 0W Hurt unity t* • ■tV-rr.t lie." HiUllc.