(tie believed that IYhMm CVrre kurt will re-up point Mr. "-m Mio Mw to Mexico. ajmo-wn rw.-i.ini or* wxMitA Kliewhen; appears the aanonoee ***** foe Um opening of oar mt» •Cteol on tbe Mtb of this moutb. Tho Mbool was i:ot us wnO pstrunltwl fart peor as V deserved to be and we deebo to urya upon oor people the lm ltKtance ot getting all the good oat ef tlie adoob immIUo. Xo doolit many of cur people *Wi that we had ■reted school* and It la hl*h time* fires ot GaKonl*’* pretensions had aueh schools hnt that la no resaw wliy we siuaM not make theieoetof Ihe aritoot we have and hope that ear taenaned Interval wia compel the ee> taUlehmant of graded school*. . Wamuxotos. Aug. 10.—Hon. UaU W. Ransom. rf North Carolina. la ao longer aatobter of the United States lo Mexico. Tli-d crkco was practically daaUred racaot to-day by a dceialou by Mr. Holmes Ctoorsd. : ,£»IMcor fctateral of t(m Uuited Wales red Anting Attorney General. Ur. Ransom■» Ir.enubantt wne tealaivd to oe contrary to tire Jredevul cousUts Uon. and the eetlag Attorney General Mstetaed the sotlr>n of Mr. ThooMS H0,SS^^*lwr#fU* Treeeory (Or the Mute Drpertmoot. iu declining to past SiTaenbly spun Ur. Rumooi’s . veoebste for salary and oxpeusce. T>» twSir Xllw Sim t.pr.wS, '%r OhartsiMhcea. Tl.s pern that went out trees this - / chy Saturday mom log to hunt dowa U» thieves to Ktsol Oredk township, ndoreed to the city ohoot dark, that "ffelag- Ting brought back a let of iowriiy and mrrchaotfbo that bed bean recovered. S««ac ot tire goods acre IJcotldsd aa bavin* bssu stolen from a Store lo China Grove. Tbs officers uaong the thieves lo Vhs CsUwtu river t been before heard of In this country. A law days W(o a '•ittisg heu quit irvr he* aud Ctiarttv deedtrad that ‘.Vat alga hot jo to be hWchiU he ter d-ute been sidled for .wSSBsaaattr® aee af eeefug fen chtaheBi hatched, a u—4 nrtuse. if. n. MeK te MuJxsDetott '< :/\ ' Ti e people ulnrest an over our satire , Hut# ore •.rout'd over education. •’ "he weswrrt yurt. which he* keen • msnbot lohftel the Keetern, out • ■Mtef seven.I guad iMrtUaUiwe of lure tag. Amofg u-em w«*Tl men! Inc .nun* eetManry, at which school Hie vritir had the pleaanre of spending onoyeoe and ton truthfully asy that tee twUfcV.w there I* not a better school far young Ulire h. Us Wats. W« wo*M IUt*i to look Into th* p'wnt taraot Mar nor. wte baa m mw hod «>r dnramowowt of Uw >1 $tnUra craaaa. . U’oorotk* drawn nd tw.hnivjr fncoo of dyopoptlao In n -m walk of lift*. It»tmt vatlooal doom. oM Marty nil «wa>«atwt» alag tmm flu oooitw. Kratova tlw «uowti dMaulty and tl* wort is 8Mtry(Mw atd p*> Uila pronto am ota"''**■■**** odtOMof Iktbnnd woowro U««Ma. CbiUrvn V >,*. a- •; ■?* I win .vtwwn"'» h'i1 ucrnuruT cumik WhaMWf «f «w task link •* a Tba following arifetaJ aUf*ad few I lha HteboMbd Dtya** was euciowd la a (Strata latter to the editor (rga Osa. Jatoca ML Lena, of Aahoro, AH. a*.C «U, wa know, be of greet inter •at U aU oar render*. Avmax.Oot Sad, WIT. JKvqobs Uatr atom .—Sot tong since I stated publicly that bmmut of t»x> •awsgspar articles abort “Wakatt's famoos ehacga” at 6*tte*Wg vo tba 3rd of July, wbloh X Ism mid, iio •at earn auetiou ray brigade and otlMta Croat that state. I was Urea vary politely requested by IM to writs fcf pni-Ucnt'.on ary rrc-ol Uetioasof Ural Woody bat uasoecwu fnlabaige. and I larva fclnra nuclvrd similar teqaeats from other*—stranger* as wen aa personal friesidj. 1 bare wothlng to add in Vho way cf hist.ukal facta to nr ofllctal report of Uni ball la and two letters written by request, which baas already been pui,i;*lied lu | the doothcru Historical dorian papers, la tba teuaa paper* will La {otiud a comnunioaUou on tba saute *ui|Jc«f tram Oeu. Trimble, who amaatadded a part of render** division (Laos'* *iul acalea1 brigade?) hi Uiat tbhd ds) *» tiwft tl«». Trhuhle ought certainly to ba ao Impartial Judge, aab-eem laaaded ua then fbr Um Unit end bvt tot A perfect atrengrr to vs aU, bo took charge of os on the ImttteflcM, ®»do as a short address. nml wlrli bis stall aad it part of fender's bo rode lu tba taak-of Bio closers us vrr advanced, but oa« or his tegs and Ml Into the head* of tha corir.y whew Uan. )«o •Undrew from UtUysharg. Tha aoeoaipstiylug wry iuturr.jU«vutb. Foe, as Col. CUukm, ol ynnr oily ha* tost pabUcir stulad. "fbc want of krgrwMae among the rising georniiiau —oar Southern yunlh. grown ap since the Wat—nf tba trusted cu d mitbrul aona of tba South, wlio ao grandly nit Mtedttedr pledge* vriUi itelr lives, their fortunes ami tbelr sser.-d honor lu tba defease. Is absolutely aiipaU'uc-’’ Yours 1 leapt*: felly, I.MIB II. LAXt. A KOaiASlIE OF XU* WAU. A XaMgb. lX. C.) kttei- My*/ Co* Of tbe roftMucn of tbe wsr has Just de veloped bore. tn which the otily son rs Oguiaa. Governor Tod tt. Cuidwt.11 during th* war resided hi handsome style In the quiet littlo town of M>w fteatoa. Of an old and honored fami ly, he wae proud and bad but one ob ject of Intense affection—his son John, a handsome lad not twenty years of at*- la the winter of l&ld this only *M> lugged to be allow*! to go to Utr. army. Entreaties were or no avail, and Ida father and Ills mother at Inst eoosenied with tears, that be might, Join Use army of northern VirginU. Ha enlisted In the Thirty-n.lid rejl aient of Korth Carolina iufnuirv, lit Latte's Icigade, Pender’s divUlou, A. P. Hilt's curpv, Co. K. AVben tho campaign opened in ISdH no soldier was mere during tbau youuc Caldwell, nod be was Soon pro mot nd from tbe ranks. Is Atsy bo was nimh* • second lieutenant for hk gallant and meritorious ooi.duct. II is regiment wsot into lb- Psnnsylvania camiw'gn. At Gettysburg lie was present mid iu th* hottest ot tbe Oglit. On tho after noon of Jaly 3«d, lWi, his n-gUuent •yjl* fP hi ■ slope within fifty yards of the federal lines, wont elo-er yd., and bayonets wen cnaa-d. Soddmly tjtej'ite moved book a llltfe, Vouas Caldwell wan never aeau all*# n/u.-r u'*1 ygjoui- He was at tho front *»«**aid uovoau-nt Imran. Hk father tmod an Uw toJlnescei of mouey Md position to find tho loot •oldlet. bat uouvnlllnriy. Thonotliorj tte* ^Hiterd to allow tho graves to bo opatted. It eeald not I* aaccrtalnM whether be was dead or alira. and tha matter became one of th* moat terrible Moortamtiea. Under tbe strain the telnda of tbo father and mother were nearly overcome. Tie father, grimly aamag Ills great sorrow, forbade anv tewmitioij U«o souk name, and tha tsrribl* etory was uevw aliodtd to, avoa by the mother. In Uffl General Caldwell bee*mi nveracrof tberiAte. Two years biter “» WA »• es-oonfiskrste sUdii-r uametf lamas, from llydo comity, was £•***<• to rim UffwUturo, aid earns to Hateigh. So mo uus told Idm one nigbt tha aad at«rv of Uw deatn, or supposed death. aad mystery of John CeUweU. The next day Lucas cul.'wt on tbo governor and Usltl him th;- troth at last. Lucas was to another rsgiit*r:t, and bad observed young OHaeil's ***** bearing us they wit* miar logeth e*. In Uw terrible moment of th* re Itelse bfc had seen youi-.g Laid writ shot down while separated from hte men teiddgbting, baud to hand, s Xcw Vork sold ter. After bearing this ■ton and tlw fnnhar deUlte of the bnrtal at Oaldwell by Lueaa, the gov ernor toetad lAwmlt to hie roots s„d •nwaU Iky In tears. l(a never told hk wife of the nrvrUtton by Lu.mw, a°d 1^4 it ualy to LUitrivate secretary. A few days sgo Major Charles rf. Ouwteo, of Mew Torn oily, wrote your oonreepteMimh «m;1d« u at lia hwll», Ma poaamluu tha OnuelnUKi of on of* torrtn a North Carolina wlrinh ha had ptekod upim tl> - uatlc flaM of firityalMirg. IIU neiwrl.t, 'ha tenth S«« Yartc, brid thwlio* at that pole! Jnet after a terrlbln cfcar/i h9 Mat North Carolui(an. hi which „n« Wthalrr'l and boyiab »«oar wm hr,.t,t la tha Mrtrema. Major Cretan Imd •aaortnef aomo of tba And eonfelyr ate*, whe n thickly chawed Unr ■nrvmj at tha work*, and i*ar on* ’•'^1.^*®'" h**0-'/ couimlmin.,. aa whlah wa* hntlhl* only “John Ca” "•*»■*• Major Covrtun toc pr*te*d afoulr* M mom tfiU omu I Ifauy Motlyea of Um fend xolflat mold U found. The comui'v rtoa wu foanf to i* that of the Um« V>|t •ftfwi Calf wall Yohelaf lit.: mmaMMrti waaarot to 1 A.iuo nr that COTItf hi many of Uie hardest fought hat tie* of the war. All, l Uiluk, at talanl otttoinl postllon*'. and Urn gtnvsa of;Uie dead uud tboaenrs o* lbs liviug attest their valor. Voura Slncoraty, Jam let O. Lax*. w-veyw--.—«f««r» rrninuti s ox ti*c ajk uxt A Train lawn dir Vmrk at VaU Xji-«!-r.«a Hllik a««)i HU KaWli In.-Mt—X-.prr'M Wnanaa-r KrMr KUia-KnankaWr tWatc nw ■naatraa Grr-vriu,-, *■ ft Nvwv Sunday morclne between l and S o'clock U>c night, exprvts train on tho houlhrru railway, duo her* ut !k2l> Jumped the track alam^ taro Bilk* And a half beyond Tooooa, tin. The touu was e.Tmus dowu a Iona, sleep grain on which thau- at a many slump cm vvs. 'i'lio nutror.d mei mj- it rrm luuliif at thirty-live rail.-* an hour. I'useen gvra win acre atxiara xjry the speed wue uertrrr fifty ml ho an Dour nnd tb.it they ware looking for un vucltlint and Ui.it moot of la tho day coaches tier* holding fast to tlie aunts In front of them. Molody knows what tho trouble wav TN» tender jirtiprd the truck, break ing !m bankareut, which r» about thirty feet ElyJi. ou tho right hunt thle o.tumg tr.ward CrertivUH NVxt mine tbe mr.i' tan, which ran by tho tender und t*KO cut oft ou UI'O :«n» side. i*ii» b".»U»>gc tunf *xpn*> <*»• roc hr the «l hew aud J.tuijwid And touCut uud second Claw eo%cb.li did likewise. Tlit: car* were left ,'on*ard endu down U\c bank, earn being thrown vtt ita tracks, unttrrcd at-ng the track for dWf or »kM yards with a distance of from lwu to isyi yard* between each «f 1 them. Tin first J’tdlinau was loti hanging Ktlaaced on Urn edge of the t* co-ielics were C Kii.a 'lrJ to ernwt on their hand* amt ki.tvs sud bill' tiictOMilVes i-v the neats up the steep incline lo tlni !‘»'h freoj wb.cn they ♦unrgrd, all ai.initt. I i-oti'iuctor Jason Can.-.or. at Green. I l»i«» in charge of the train. UK coa • (lact is praised by ail liio pasaruyws. Uo vnu cool K* n encumber and kepi hi* nerve and lurid about him and bla Kindliest uud attention wore ooasUill. Them was a dead silence tmmedl ali ly alto Uie crush of Urn accident. Aiaiuei insUntiy Uie r. ec of the train crow were oat will. itvrir U.iteriu looking over Uie wis.-fc. d cut* mwl eu Il-Ilring Whether ucybndy was ban. il w*» for a lino; honed that there had bee.; an lows of !lfe, bit Uio train i>or j to hrird jm.iu» ar.d Mbotheio! cnlis far kelp from tho ctxpiYsg tar, "vltlch *<■* altsnnl im e-i'l dn.v:. llu* l»itk. Itxraeteoii known tl.ul fomobody uuirr a great aleck nf trunks ami iat!>rew maltar, Inoljrding un Irxm snfo, P-tesl Oil Uie lower cod of tbs car. W!“»o this wus cion red as.iy, Impress Moven^r thw was found Jmiinsu oa the lljor at tiin end. lie was l*>r j rlbly turt anil s»ro nn *l^u of lift- ex . cept an occasion;;' gmxu. Ur wus j i!:i«l int, but he died in iweuty mil* I ntw. One shoulder and dm tip nun* badly broken, bis ttmunch was ctuslml aud ids hand was b.tdlr cut, llie skull be! tig fraetured. Ti>e only oLhcrs :ii*tued were a rail way route agent win'icu name could nut be teamed, cut on the head, and a colored rallroail man who had an arm broke*. Tire p*ia.«fureni ware curried Ixtclc to Toccug, given breakfast and well cured for aud brought on during tb# day. There were tw«utj-tw-> iu on# i'ull tuon cnwcli titid eleven iu tbc other. 'Valto (intar, the deed exprrac mes •enffar, was one i*f Uio most efilsieut and popular oieu on Uie rood. lie was *1 ceiled at Sonrli C’anillr.:i aollug.*, las ing agon of'J‘. C. Girer, formerly iiU patcletr of llus Atlantic (joust Line Mid thv Tlirvas C’#, hot now agent of the South Carolina & Georgiy at KtngTiiK fk C. Yih.ii,{ i-ieer r.MS IS years okl Capt. J. F. Mneliry, tho undertaker uf Wd* city, went 1 u fl'.c scene of tho wreck at the tchagmpfced request of tli* express company uulboritles and brought tlic body here, embalmed It and placed It In a b:uiijs*un« casket. j ll »uj sent u> Coinnibi-i Sunday, be ing met at that phtoo by ilia dead man’s fat ha;-. Tli* wreck was or.o of the most re nuukublc in «!«■> lu aall.nl I'fraK. A tarlflo eyotoiie swept over Mal lerd Cmrfc Uiwueitlp one day loot neck. T.ie T.TmrVlw Srm toiling of tt ray/: Tl«. atoi in catnr up from near Milliard (Wi eitnreh i.ut of tin vniiliwl. ilrat them were a few brUx puTi of •rind time with » mighty war, a Rrtat wind 'Xftu etrraptng along, aoooinpii* nK*J by a Mlwtliu min. In wlileli Wiure wa* it floint deal of Hall. Tiia lomrea wlti.»tr»i the fnrwo of tbs wind, but tint ait nrltli fewim, tret-i mol nor.,. Krvlt aed Uia‘*>er tram w«ro Mown *»T«r nud bint op by t!io root*, fen Out were levohrd, mol auit live rom fluid* look Ilka a rood roller bad gone over them. After thealorni Hart loen Mowing for tea or Oftet-M mlnnleft tiwia iml-leii ly cuo. a dead enlm. a pin font tall, Tl.o-i atvttiuw netr wo* heard, Mfd the arbol mane ah* if again aa heavy m he ftiiw, but (hi* lime It nw from II* •.►•ftii emd, eme-dng tlte tntofc nf the prrvloua gale. The meal etc damage vov» to Urn fruit from a tv) onra. Timon * hat arm not Mown down ware .iloi.nt atrlyxal of frait and le.ivet. ♦rive n, iinin,iyii urTia^m*.. i.lt «*•••« rr. /••* ..iMf.itttl:. e»v« ’eh ilmt hr KIWI {.•irVv ivrtievyr iir’ le-iuwi /. J.iltia.i a i'i*, *n.-w •/ ; « lir- . ar at Y,v*tu. n,eivin1e.'r eye mat-M urm t «*! W*eh»ei 11> (Uti * I i MM i in H (,/t IP ItM’.rmh rr*i errmra* m • v«..ti *11 iwiMV.t ?**•" wyra3jF fvwniii liflev in* ne*l ■nwn:>ui in iur . pi*-* nw.no'iienn. »lUwvHdne.4.HIM j g'Sf 1 I if'amw't *>•?* *i *a*en Inw*. i% and wee . •On.ttr oil n. If -'I rl «.,i<.n* mrfae.neT i*£a8^sP*^ I mnnn, I'uMfVtUe X. C. late a lady drug cletk. Stun Jonas will Motors la Charlotte Oct. 1st. Apples are aslUog at MU Aid foe tan omits a tiwehri. Au excliaaje m that Ben. O. M. Cook m spoken of for Gevoruor. Mra. W. it Batukardt dM at her ketuo In Unoolatoa last Thursday. A canning and kronm factor* la aooo to be eeUbUsksd at XawUra. X. C. The Sullabttry UtnM my* wutrr meloua ara tatalllag their at a penny «ach. Over two thouaaad poop)* attended tlw Baptist Chautauqua at Bad Springs last week. The Korth CnroHaa railroad ha* Uwu to-leaned to the Southern for ninety-nine years. Secretary of State, Oetayius Coke, wlio rms been critically ill at his horns in JUddftb is improving. W. M. limps, of Stanley couuty wee ■track and killed by a Uwui oo a bridge over Coe iXe river oae night last week. Zebli W kilt was shot and instantly tllhsi at e draukea frolic in M.idiaou county one night last week by Jeff Mace. A beautiful taaccorial window has been placed In Ui* Tint BraabytorUo clmrch of Charlotte by Mr*, it r. Mo Aden. Oround was broken this morning for 1 Mr. Archibald Brady's handsome »aw rtwideoou CO Poplar ab ort.—Charlotte .Vio Aug. 90. Tlie 1 Jnoola COwrier fatlod to make Its appearance at this o«oe last week, finntly the yooeg ladles baveu't quit the fluid already. Tlte Wilmington Mttamgtr says over one hundred caonlog factories have Ueu establUlied lit North Caro lina iu the last forty dnya. Mr. rudettff, a Jeweler lu Sltalby, died tlvero suddenly last Sunday, ilia wife diod three weeks ago, and they leave throe ca phuu oOtldrvn. A Concord dog got lute a pan of yeast and nta heartily of it. W-illiio a few lioore be had swelled double his natural *Uo aad gave up bis ghost. Hickory has pasted an nrdtnauoo prohibiting bicycle riding on the side walks fiora sa ado wo till daylight, the liuu Is 45 or Imprisonment for 6 days. Govoruor Carr 1ms ordered a special term of court for Cleveland County tu Iwgm August 86th fortlis trial of crim inal cates. Judge Browo will preside. 'I'tio Valdase Knitting If 111 baa tw«n purchased aad wUl he moved to New ton. The plant will he enlarged and made ready for operation at au early day. Tho Morgaatoo Jltrald lays: The Hurke County Fair, this year, will nave among other attractions, a hal lo mi aaceuuon by a profession*! aero naut. The Newton i'nlnyrim any* Cutaw l*i Collegu ban opened with line plus pocta. Seventy-five namee were en rolled tbo tint d*y and they contluoo tn como In. Mr, A. D. Beam of Asheville, was drowned whlia bathing at Wilmington last Monday. Tho remains were taken to Asheville and burled with Knights of Pytblas honors. The Ntiei says the work of taking the census of Charlotte Is now iu active progress, and the Hat takers are going at it on a business system. The eity Is to be taken by ward a, A number of tVloeton'a moat prom inent young mco were arraigned in the Superior Court there last week for gnioMittg all of them submitted and wure fluid 9t5 and coats. Dr. Cutrell, of the ohalr of English at Davidson College, has N on elected to the nrofcasorslilp of English and Mndern linguoaes at Wasbiauton and Lee University, Lraiojton, Va. Grant Bed. a negro boy employed by the tobacco factory at Vadkia College was hit on tbo head with a stick of wood by a negro maa named l’oic Robinson and almost Instantly killed. An exchange says two car loads of peaches are shipped dally from South ern Pines and other points In Moure county. Peuchet aro briogiug from &t KS to 83.75 per carrier in New York. A canter contains three pecks. Tlie Xt. 1’. Patrick, of Boatberii Flues, died loot Tbarsduy at Morgan toe. where she bad been for mom Hum for treatment. Ur*. Patrick wattlm on Ijr (laughter of Mr. W. O. Patterson, 1'iojrtMorof Paiuraou Hpvlogs, Where tier mnalne wore Interred leet Sunday. Xmr CmingUMi. Mr. H. Swing and > Uia C.illlmora were nut driving. While crossing n bride* tUn horse 'M-d and booked tbe boggy off Into l'*e creek below. Tbe young wan tried to tare the yonng udy, and In the et rngete she bold Ms lew hcnytlv abett the nnofc and be was drowned. Assistants eacie In iIom to on re Miss tinllnaote. The Wilson Mrfr«ier sty*: Mr. W. If. Moris’ rveldrnoe woe entered Tarsday ntgkt. btaaafeai-rued and a htrge nmoeHl of moory ami mom lew olry wiinaKdew. Tim lliW entered by tbe (root door tbe »*f* won Inoau-il In thd l*al) and la uliln view fn»«n thr bud neenaWd by MorrM. A light was burning In hi. bed too*. Mo trace of | tie* thief am* found. MlUmn* cblldera. •» Ah-vandcr, 1 omnen oet witb a roMleenska IhaCn herd to lost, save thn Wllkonboro | ' ‘AmuMr, Ho killed It lent work near 'h(eho«o*,Bgd ttroqntrwl three shot* to do It. Tbe ratOer w*m* 37 mlitre and woe $ (ms uwg. The anaks's bide | won stefT*i, and to do Hits li required Doctors Sa;/; Bilious and Intermittent Fever' which prevail in miasmr.ttc dir - tricts sue invariably accompan ied by derangements of the. ; Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health . The liver is the great " drivituf wheel" in the mechanism o£ man, and when it is out of order, the whole system becomes d;» ranged and disease is the njsr.lt. Tutt’s Liver Pi\\* Cure all Liver TrcuHes. IUXN OV MiWH Twenty tlmnawl tal'on anil dull, maker* are ou a striku In Nwv York. A. wo-wna lias rejeutly bacti toil abnrilT of 0 recur counlv, M.i., Ir» place of Imr deccnsuO Uustir.fid. The Chinese (•.m-ruioci.l Iws r.. fused to allow tin’ lb llbli oii.l Arri* cau oouaul* to eoqqlie lnU> ttm !. u Clung nuuaanr*. Bee. C. W. T. Uichur.leon. editor «-i Uie Central Vratbii-.-Utw, died il li s i borne lo lllclimoud on tl« Uti. lu"l. A cotton mill compsuy luts been >r gunlxvdlu Henderson with a ea’.iiltd stock of jlOU.OUO. Ml’. 14. Y. Caor-.i i* president. P«teB-ilrin*Mi, who Wimlmvl U/rtr.i Red, aoulmed boy at VnrtMr. Coi|p«: a abort while ago vena capum-i \.i Statcivllls li.st wi**k. Mrs. Maggie HcUiitg, of Sink*.' county, commtU .l antcidn by vd urn ting tun lwudkerchlvt with ol"U)kofun:i and inhaling IU« fum-’e >'o nw>' can b« ussigmxl for the deed. Tltrre I* wmstdenido cxclt-rniMil in j WUk«n cuuoty ov*-r the #[*|«04Wie“ ol j grave robber*. It h ropotleii. tmil several graves bare bcoo roblrd !i. I lloion township. i II i* rumored that President Cluv» land hiu ottered tiie iducii imole vucoitl by lho death of A-oicIntu 4n.dice Jack von to Fry I.Tie (. .jjtKrt. n prorainvit member of tlio Vew York bar. An explosion at fumrxo 11 of I l.i Carnegie .Steel ci:in;uny at Brad lock Pa.. Tiieaday morning, killed uuiu loan, lojund sixtuau ot'.ier j ran! dwtro>ed $40,000 wonn of imJi*r.«.y. Pi re of the injured will die. Arthur Tuttle tbo nogro who killin', policeman Vickers la Winston let May was tried for his tit* loot week, and found gully of mot-dvr in Hie - I Tbundi.y night. Only one stole ti\ lira place escaping. Sevcr.il parties ; have been arrested and ri-loasod. There seems to be a good drat of io>sti r> j about the matter. Cspt. Aksx W. Wiggs, an ox-ro i fednrnte soldier iiud highly Hh.*ni>il citixrn o£ Wilmington At(erupted *•• commit suicide by shooting hbrueli tliruugh the U ro;ilr. Us tuts be*.i Xcfferiog far sometime with dyspepsia ami melancholia. Twenty-live mi.u, women and ctitl dren warn killed by Uie explosion of n boiler in the euaun* room of IheUw.i rey Hotel in Usurer Colorado, bait Monday morning. A b»y who vr.o' temporarily placed In charge of the botler Is responsible for the r.ocldcut. General John It. Icibodeti. tins fa mous Coutederalc cavalry neutral, dim on the lull Ins', at Abingdon, iu southwestern Virginia. He was s native of Augusta county. Virginia, and a graduate t>( llin Virginia Insti tute. Wtlmiogtoo htmr: Some Iosya ttr kuretty alow but they aro jure. Ciiarb s if. IVright, of Fox Lsiko, 'Vi*., was. Ooe of Utot kind of boys. Twenty yenr> ago bis mothur sunt him to the start. to buy her a elothuViiuo. (Ie «uae back the other day with tbo dotlieJino and wife am) four children. From last Friday’s CiiftrlnUc <‘tj I eerrer we clip the following; The Interior of Messrs. Alelbm >*t Shelton’* store,on Weal Trade street, tins been completed and la now nm»ly for fla ir stock of clothing. Tins shelving an-J counters are finished up in oil nnd the windows arc ventilated. Thu 0o..-v presents n very ItniAl.aoni.'i appearance. , Mr*4tr». Asl.ury and Finger did l!f High Deluiol, tln> rates of tuition 'r. which sre very roasnnaUo. Wc hope he will havo a large patronage. I MMBMIIIB |I>W>MMVS« I'wtiM Iwrlnl twin. New Your, A.ur. 1ft.- Pujl.'e« Corin'.! mu married at noun. at Ad bmy r.vrk, to JpmU Taylor, or Oumlw. otlurwta known m"Vka Hiwiwoiid." i ■ ■■ ■»' — 1 lltNvH .twin. Kawtim Balcrptlw. Thar* la no end to Hi .plea In tliln aennty. People am drying Uiom. auk Ins cider and rlniwar and hauling llirtn la tin bmurty dlattliwliu Hum* of the Ulalllicr* kre totiijielliil in turn nrndee aa Uioy enuu.it work up ItiUi tba fruit they o.nM get yw. 1 IJt Ear iIm> f/rtkw. tsahanor. j Our wherlmnii will b* jjlmi to ! thata iinurt 1‘raoehmn'i h>u nivm-i V, . u naw tire. It It nitMlr <>f (eatlH r, .buy j I* not only nuifw duralit* Umo the |nvn I ml ptimuMlic tin*, b it will Motuk.ly j rwalat tuck*, null*, klmri’ Hour, rlo . j Mud will not »llp on opbnlt or 4 wet road. '■—»>'■ —1. —Mr. 3. I* Uotitiiaou mum In fTm. ttwwtag Moult tat night. CJASTOSf INSTITUTE J. M. DOUGLAS, riilNCIPAL. oastohia, k. c. Fall Term opens August 27, 181)5. TuiWhfii*K fa the Departments, Music in charge of Prof. 8. A. Wolff. Hoard and Tuition at ilcasoimble Kates. For other particulars apply to the Principal. ItUTHicuFOKP Mtutaky Institute. -Ol'KN'S SKIT BMIttsn Hi— Tnvuly I'rw Srholarslili*. Military t>«Uins Uutloiml. Grmduftt* V*. Military IiiSItutc CnmniitruUnt Of C.’iuleU. 0.1 MTutO Aoao:nmoil»it!nn» Amnio. Board (tom S3.GO to 910.00 p«r month. m.i:‘! fir c«i*lng«ra to \V. T. U. UiXU A. SI.,Su)it., ttuthtrfordton, N. C. Ol.* njti'.n&wu of HU fiutlll. • .i> i*i K Aiir. 20. -Tliu rte tr-i'J wim5 itiluj tutv» ivumved Ute •>’ 'jU,-n nar fill auira. Ilf. i\ 01101:11]. i:l' loni# Piioal*. '«xi. «t V'iuo fur h few ilriys rest- | Ho iilnnieil to Ins tr.iri: yes- | tt «In>. i l*ru:iY.UMl services at Couam) i !i;;tc‘.i Mitt Vain mi next .H.tlnrJuy u( !>• n'eiiU'k. coi.itucted by Uw |>*«!iir, i't;'.. On> '..' . ’troilicin. iV v. Mi. Christen bury is unjmjyed in :»■ ,:ii 1 o*.Smu »crks of meoilim* ut rli*; in-, ’V,‘. asthie Jones is off on 4 vialt to Vi.m oIiI !«iim in lho eastern purl of tint Mute. Mis. uciuitn llolx-ft* wav burial at in'!:j O-m Is vUurolt 1mm Thursday in •.iii- |.r«-s;tnx- of a lur^u cruwit of sorrow - it r nOiiti'os u ni frh-mla. Kev. U. 1’. >n.ilji. itMiistrJ I1yll.1v. K. J. ilffll'.raln, m tnlllCl'Mi tint funeral sireioe. 1 -,i "vn*/1 J« to have a rally at .-v.tiniy s-iu mi tins -10th lust. t-ivs-.ii-iit \V. A. Slnuoor slopi>eil a ft.iv iaii:;-.teo yeNtenlny on iiis wuy to j..ur Uis wife was with him. Mi. iutnii-.y always has » kind woiJ (lit hi* !’ Irinl*. ‘ COSTSBRJOr-" k CO. At dome. Wu arc happy to armoimoe that from rhw dale vru are “at home’' to oar costumers iu our new and couuoxlioits liiai tcis on norlli corner of Main and >'. irU'.ta stnx-ts. V.'ilb iiiercoM’d fucil’iles r.nor In desirable location near court IiiWW nud oollegt*. il, TwIm Iota in the city of Ashe ville, S. C., unimproved, In full view •>I Itn- 'V •tv'.erbir. estate and the Swan uiinoA r'vcv. 4. >'urty aciei good land near laike %’lty, y\x, In the orange belt. 4. I'ivj hundred »em One limbered ! nt-1 In Colquitt County, tin., tieur ‘.foilIWi’. the county (eat. Only ten acres ohunal--good Investment for s Knrmllt enterprise. IVII! exchange nbove described prop5 ortv for real estate In town of Gastonia or In I.n»ton onunty. All rfmds to sold hmdsuro properly recorded where lU laud lies nod good titles gtrarau *ced W. L. Gai.i.aut, (rustoniw, V. O. 1 •'or Lire next 90 days ws Oder for sale Olio rr, J. K. IMuiy, W. L Oalcavt. —SALE 01— Valuable Real &od Personal Property ll> ' ri*K* or ft Dcrtt in TriwI to ni< made by J. If. ,n*I,rnil i*jr virtue »»r a rnoluttoa K ik CP'dlStartoS aiU J lull a rot, tamed at a meet* li'j i*l nlund In I mat, I offer fr>r ado ilu* r.ill.mitlic Ma<«fHi®flvlpwtoii«i|iro®ort|i Mrif—T.um nunc nu4 let atttwlwd In lie thy r,f <3*nditJ«\ N.C. aod Known at (Im net* r«*Nie**4rj U. Itiiliuvi, mll.iUlHBf ilia tola of .Ink . Vi«MUiM|wlir. S*"'1 i- i —U 4*io*v toll III 1*0 City Of CtAT* (iu Mint eriet, and vjiUiwM «it, mUJ lioiiviJ by w. If. Wllaon u:iU •%Tr«* by d«**l ihitol Dae. XD. lifL and rew WlivI m ikuvknbunr ouunty. Dock iLptm Mi. I*|MI Inw bUam cmctNl IIMJ derail* Ihi.mv whudi iu> m f«tir rental. TiiW-oik-U mi below lot No. I lit «j*.a iM».*<»».xf un Uhj step of aaltl UllwortJi icoptltv, t/Wk*t wax euttveyod bar the Ofcar edu* t -uM'i!«*iti*t iXmatniotLei (utaaear by lift*! Out•*»! Muy *i, Idfi, aad ryalabtrotl fa tKvkU’iilMir* count), W. t?., I»» Duck TS hap is*. l>iui h-'Jiu' kk*l bull of that lot Hi lha i*l 4.5'iti I cr< ftt tut* uirocr of (Wliiv and Art rtrwria, ^ V4*. unnvcytd toJ. h. ttoflaikd uifeJT. II. lb*filter U) Ouhrrme W4ittOK.br *.'(««) 4ul .*: £< or omber *L 1*17. anti rtwlalcnra iu MtekimiHiry nnouty.la Boot TT. Pa#t kM iliiii—All tfi.iwu irartanf huid m tbecuuaty uMi wi'H;,tii.i»U(l nu iIk tooth Fort ofOw mnloi s-li.r, ct.uuitilax ill* acre*. more or lew m.u /nowma 1 Ik* Hit t r H4o D ilry firm of J. li. U*.:Uin1. ri\fi—4.1 ih.» rjillr*. buma mulct, boa*, *w*utn. m«oLs dairy listuroa, rural Iimv ti-id mI' «elt*r p*iMtaal property of retry kirul wiuttaoMt'f on IIm* afuruaaiU farm, and •i->i i*v iiir ftil>l ll.Otudln IHo ce ID ration of tail litnu .trui ofitr.tUua dairy, wkirb irttUn un *•»•» i:u>£vtihi« ««» manikin, A nimfiibof *> lucfc *> ill l«r •noun by the trameo to uuy uoo wIm; t*a>ky «rul) tr> fuirvnaoc. Ala) two hariaa. twtj duribw. t'UO | lun-Uat, one bu*w>', seddhn. Bdfllr »i * i». AU <>i tin- iibn'c w -nttv will bo tiffwrol al t.riiau* *’«lr oi.ni tti«< fine day of riiiiuelmr ur.(j If hcI fcni-J piinurly, wttf thee ba i.wkmvt J»t i#itiM> iu»«*4!.m. The Gacujn oocnty pru,r*i1y at tko court brntm* in (laJIaa, oa Tut'«Ui>(i.M* ic»»: .!<•> . *.*? IU* 41*. 1ia\ iSttuMt* utaiibix loptnehaM Ibo property or i»»i> pun llunoi w.lUonfir with Uk> under* ^1114 ri. pnvn ami utmt of rxla. IfaeM .•1 |i«*i»iiu wta^lcu toty uf 4mii«% J. H. Me ADEN, Trustee. OiurkKta, N. Jul> ilk,hi. Hole of Beal Estate. Iir virtue of a ikvirc u( Iki Rnpritof Coort of tSaMoncu.mly, In ll»4l pi^vtol prnreortln*; KhittN T. tr, I'l'^wm, A dm I'iterator of Wia. J*’ .lst'i(cU. Jvuua' •’. la rUiniicr, ami Jon# IUrj.1t *.nJ utlsciv, rkbMMauts, l rrUI on the icili iho ofMrplemhsr, HAS. tH dir knar nf is o'ctooK noon, sctfl at the lVari-Huu«.i«Umr. ai I bo County of OlMOa.ll tjub'U* ni:clj<«i. u lUc Utstuor bidder, all the (oiarsart.ii? diAJiiUsl v»kwWc roai aatate. to wi»: Ilia:: i»;m- Inurl oi land adjoining the lands or iti'i hUr llr. J. l>. McLean. ti. C. Uaurfiford & illbvi-4, :.ioituf‘. <«n the South bank (A^'mxXmw r«i ertv «. MCilal'iiny iVWi kniiiUrol tun tour twa ‘III: not ttenn: Aifitticr irttet a>lJoiains Ihc abrtsn, uiuJnlidiitf iHliir-whw CM acre* ixu-Uomarty *.«.*onl**J *n a from EHssbetfi Wilke* lo \vti. V. 1L*»:*ill. recorded m the oHooof tbo UicirJiT of ikd-.ir or tiBMOtt County, In book -i. taum'tf. 'fHiiil. Also tlm undivided erne fourth h !<•»xm of the renl'I Win. I*. Jlnrtfirf). «kooareol, In ilm *4tcj -two oc«r tioctjkbofvr roferrcrl t«k if hufcir.4 Ii«-j»» exuviae*! from YtKi SMI sod Kvonil ivuci-s ktrln before iiawnM: fori «ivvt*kc 4l,’recrij4U>i» vtis'l the atmwmld tracks, \A !ts»l, rcr.weoow la bvrvliy >n*do to tbs rout it'll llllndtti ilu: ofboo nf th# Clerk of tbo rutii.r.or Dxiit ol‘(ln«bn UwMf In th* abov* iinlUc! ino-*. Hum *Uo will tic ted for the ion iremit#} «>Maoi!iw HantiHtopoty thodcMosf iliv urhtit. of tlu* m'4 Win. 1*. flarjrstt, 4r nmi'a.d r*i**l am tw muslo on tba loUowtny UT)M«r e»-«il • >t the |rei«r)Man money oak, In* tr.ey oh a ccwili of otx uMu^a, with « note itial **|»r*ruvc«l femirUy, bwibR laue.M Icm i Uh at lire- rate Of • per OMC 7, (J, piojua, AdbOninmlor k ComadaMonor. Execution Hale. IV virtue oc on .v# notion haoori frets iko dupi-rlor IXfiiTt or Ctoftoa onnnty, on fliMufay (iPlauiay nfbofst. ISM, oi il*» r.HCsi k asac door In [*)!*•, W, 0- I VIM wi: m the bl/;tvM u.adar lor creak the lands bo* l.xttrl'ia t». if. V. Omyro lying *n tore town of C-.i^unct,i»n jlarivlfn mm rmirth stroma, whisk tiilHt* HIV ixirliOill.tri/ dtecvflMxl ltt * deed r*> inirleS In W.k U Mfv fS OHb* records, of feteo* niwsy. A. 1C. Lorrut, fthsriff. Execution Hate. llv vtrton or itootm. of JuoorlTT Court or lji.ounu iit,,u,i >len<1sty Iho l«lk 4»y or kylmk.., tM.lt. I will will r.Mov I.I.lH-U IJ.Myrrur CM. It lb. !■«■■•'. re.** X. c. «w» x— a Unil r» firltl. ChnnmMr, lyla« la Cmsiryvi.lo l*wwih1u In Onitou ex n) «♦ y vt V.H.I.V .ho £X3 6. A. Bu-iiSl hnkit,« ‘ «*K.o< r.i.M-l .ifti«• »bo all Chi> im«i\ luiturtiol by J, •niia-m *'f t%i(,*4» rMnn'mer i rent-1 K»4i>^*ft."i I, run tin tv* Bbo A. tCt II A IA 11 h D-h. Executrix' Notice. llMvtt.tr duly quulMitl « »uwirt< uf tfca fMiann/niu-t rhu crf«tuofaatiDayM KMar r’.w. ti. ..Him aajr .UaiyM, IMS, +*&•&• A:' IMMIm lu4nhM.f M nU iMdf *■*<■ bfcvlry uoiMM 10 make hniawlkila MUIt UH'lf. ktiiAff IX Mtocviw, Baaantfi* _ . „ «f Im.mK Mum*. niaaoma. f„ July «, Im.riiw TrujOfci Sale »f leal Estate. •hr \ a 4hnl»fjcntt MfeMbtfa* turn, Dm r>+ t+>\ fawlair I Nr MU dajr *f H«p*_ Ilf), Ilf thr t*l*;v M ftt fa* at Mm Court lr*i*c ihiwr In N. U, tM irnsrt «I laM UtouiNnl 4f> KwiriNM W i*vi woul» of Cpiar Ml Tflrtf 44m 4m (m fir- I«mih %A 0-MIiniH, I. Ok tk«m frBk V.at otaurf MT W |«iMMiamN* Hwffce II. fC» Ksr> rv.t trta tenor. n**mm Ilf . IHeW'i* *w V»t*» Ml< arito.M-o