*«A»3U «• KaM »*.( pi tx*.' s$tJMrlUtnOfcm-i *y u*r .l. .. »» the ;Tt.v;xiiiiknt. J'i :•*. : .•<• „•.« h.nf hx dni I Pbf ".it. ; ‘u-a* imJjl:..:; imaiiH.:. - i.(tlw C fmXue.cU^di h & n-rj tutor. ‘ Mb*own tunt U ji *‘.r V«»* ti«er* W»l*WUrel!.* v aUkdliv* 03 Ut« ' ■Ut^VCt. vr r.-ur-X- >L* <.-,5*1 Yttir*! ■rMOytaPM .W»-xv fwti Cut lam- i «tfeac, to4 «y** u»;;»u. th* %.;»* .stuto1 u* aaa*-mi i* w*.**tlw:ho->i lUo -uWoNiU* —«>Mjbtx g^itkxj ..v Ku-. tiijr. Tbe aaaMsOrr A •;«>;*rtiuj imafftbe «o*l of ox.ton vimlaetSuu, ■bnartattarr uni i'.» nnr-uaant oftim aaa**torguii*K la rtrue ifo* as tint Uaa action«;» jUav ru;*nt In » %WWUnj|t M*U:. j umiu# la ^ InImHoM vorJ jiKi-i'ij s »ti*oaini out* UAt-pUnUrr*. l>-u UBTti.iuc wutinj 'WaORMt I.e b (ini cbjiiri. autborltr. llfo toy tiftifanr. »«i*ikibii) caoli, *bn t**nut *>.l iu four mi . aa. of tn. Smc iwa.7," fjjwbj»»«*Sorn =1 Inwi ll-.« rrparl W. t» i-xr—Hi- cuurimlxid u> r‘. Ji* Ir‘>H’ 'be i uurm^t.wi rcorinni. b *b* of tlic .U’ti UYtjti u.iuHiUied tMUaa Mfcn U Ciruot bo «u!4 Unit n* kh* U*‘. t« •Tv*.-* ;h iu-ko of tlx ifrMC •tuplu o. ir.'N.xuta lix.r btea rs ••unetaUv*, Or. C«ee.;utniry, taking . ?r*rIb’<> *r ?<>*'•*• i rKutar. A v«Urt*> in .ifoor - CV.r tijie »* !n . i£i»Ster; j,“ '; ,u "*« bcr uy iwrft# an f.utfj^rky U* nvtrjfo vV ef mttoo in gr_r t yaw the tottert J*"* W r>,\ a -t:tcB. vnw if “ Xr w :srx.'.n tv * e-Vrvrt iwee w«*t« m. rn; - i'-il r?»r or t e*n» jM*ett» tho £.->, .,r t'-martion *. oi ti* •gNf ***?■■ ' - *< i 4.9 n*rru* “Jw Wen^n ;h \.nt Y.irk Wta 7oJT. wMfr, i-wta' rroJue mL « e-ialu :.o». ro til ne-.U. UK 13 nor 1st ik.-.' >, i -r If of our T«li r*^T4^rj!'‘ Nvvc «>wn iviuli ^*£5: L£,'fSM'n'* 4 Wte-tbax I* ZiELJv* w >,VT«*» that on ■lV*”y Jg«* «x •» 'd-of.c of a cent *syrretx in >ii, m. oinv'ii ~*"r y1*4*? 10 lv't>e^r tad i,«hhi It* |*t "9K® pint‘‘ i;:„r n;./. .eiSV** «*•*<■ eusjrfckUou that tOMWHW«eentry no- .».»-.>«< t^ci. *]. Sigprwi Mi*!'.-.- ‘if* Irtittf of T; wilt t* **. «»wra w*t ace rU.-j/ If.jtur u».» jJl|J1»lwaiL"->vi.; ; «ir U t n*t Vo* I ,hl» r ‘ '• >i-» -T-.-eu ti . Mt f.c yp*nf Mn-A, 5»tB bfeh Jn WUl^- -if, *4; j|- U 7 -i .here *m mo new 3 ir. | M«»*r etut—f.-r ij>- ..• ( «„ 7,-73 1! --vl-h Traii -k: '***. !l<*r yy* * **• r <«*’.« k w.v. hid.. U,* cantor MAgeiS oti ovy.-jUity l,t».l *'■ * t'tdnb w2£f!2l,J^ «•'. a!'-—. II \n- ‘^.rh '-ltural IKrr V v* '.*'--r-f<-i"ii*. Tii« . ■*J* *?* t‘*’ k*®* -,y >«hrte ««fi U vsrvms, .laiive. an.1 11 ^ n ** c^c/oool ii&fKivrr f>wret*y frj. v* er.ll (Vet 1, y*~ ,****^'1 2*J W(. » »h>j to irrUuti Uh»it i u M o%f«r. I# m sm^Wai*, . , 4jCT|B«S,£s2iiSs . '•«• Ul»: i —— CWw-wm r.!oo i*r* I* |*.rj. .iJ223l ;* '•it *. »**' If. •*, jr rtrt wvwkMtA .aJ2J*2*N£¥*» :»:»«*'. jia mu "iSStfc^ 'Mr# «*i.. * * — i ■» . -fo** ***? tt.^,7.',;. *»f>> ■* L-. I.iidnr .ss/c,-w,r;rvfis.v:, * feu* " **££ “•y* ” *4** * •* •*. **1> Wtvo U^n/. "2* ySt^NK ’• “Wcrrvd urtiii . .. 1 ■■Wf »*. •»* **■ ■ *•> ,r/ Hiartw :•* wy KM'nla.-.^r «,l Wto. cu,-w». » $&•?!**:£'* “*• n,i'i,u,i • CMrv tSfvrMYSk ttVCb. A.I-VW . Ttm BMtntiutf h du trw* "l V.» *uul ghr.tt •here tha ww milit-wt. Tiun u u ti e air Uto dulkn.m- frtMtoirae atii \ graitoaoftl« n»w Ur at*! a Wilts ist stid* *i Ut* tUri.f'.utf y.nj r,t v r»3’». #msIS. *■•.«** ii^nt b* ci aUtt tdjt Kail i\uC ‘j^nii lb* »«kj W tin fivnlotn mk! 'iitaxnTi oaishk*. The avvflliitf Watdona «<* U.e taweiii !»•«* Kid bU*il «*1ills! C*yiM tnwaplcd Ur man* ft-W. Uwa-iikM'u In tUo limit if tin- m*~ l-rttfK wltk all Ui«iiU>i>onti« trnhi iu t'ta 'wrrntt.r dried away iv.it sot*. n*-r.- Rn ?;• world there i* it* of it» •at tliun mid th.* i/r.ty Herat,!* of Hi. eeouaa night Vain ft* » a'.sl fl.-« vvtc.' i J >■!«** its am*' i>ye to Min Mllmj*. m W*H tbit tea !n go! ^ a«d or1*.«..n m*l optJ atoey. A cllM, iu*d rjisl aulUd. •tatida at the out**!*' of the gale try in* 1 wltb smell; moik tVnjera in Ilf; Uw !>U Uteii. Tim lama ef the -well ot tHo lioitia bajroi-il Uni yuvt! Iiwr white; i!.o vines climbing t«. tfce it mi' UtA wad. Tim KUla lisaui h weory r.ial tr. i t* »iud juat walcluyam; Oueicd wltii s>'. many dhUdiati tltia-t* u:tj Uaiitgiib ast.i :>hn»trea an>l Ujis, ihcr.- am v.Wv» OfftKM u as.'t ho-jM itlw.r,: kwectoA «V»|i that ooy Hio may 5.av. Ix-tfias, of S&rr»iiu4 iln.-.i-ri :.ud, soo'.i. lo( entdl* nougt an.! the q.iiik. luxuy *•'«» faUiuu Into altinibrr tUti nab ' CliUdltOol U1I0W3. AH.tO g.itcv—'. 'to cvertirtiilS ; which arc iifld ui, uutt IVv Hu* of! glorr may coart in :ii the MuJvitv III* VtCfnal power ai:U M- u^x^son. hie ft.ory—at Uie evil'-, w'.i-r* ti e cea-v ty of IH kucrfcw ghrurvi CIXIX UU* Voisi j mel trim*m and ««*> it »j-V.nuljr ot • a .-•a:i*rl abide ee:itniu:ii:y. tile Munir,, weak, white ting* mof the Hula aVhi jiope for hot tuali-.-al ami the f d.-i ; roll wkfc tnurt teu.ui* *,r :c„ been add Sfaithfni. * jvu>* IttN. Uur :>t.W .. duo .*• world and its *sn .in.; d.ist ;.:«i 4:. .. white the sb-ituiv.' :>f vies u-out; oc beautiful nctun. the »;;avkllu,j ^ioa behind to. yield ?**ny u< «:cr tow:1. 4U-.1 wo go forth. Uettirning, aa no all cuut .in. wuicr or lab*, wiiei. our heart* tired ami tso longing for rest »■:•! ivacc d'fc them, when w* crwtvoru with iwtt'.iua, Mil Ceiled witti nil Hut pletairrca IPc big outride worU e..n glva. with Stine wtJ du.it of u all. tii* 1,'1111.1 I-mih ;ger beforj to that tl:«y dht wl.i-i on vr^rb UU)o ami cj j)4 tu»f cliaib ;%t U.w or reach tin- .'uu-li. it U land Ci.r ua lo got beck. Ike iwt and perer, Iho nulck faUi‘ia' iuio slumber nrs very for away white w liugry outride wr gates through nr-rScir we came an hopefully aud r'.rnn^ly and gi-cly. 'They recede *n>i hrevcv- ver mure dis tant while the a.i kt t sW.iui and grow hiugcr -no the tiuu rd i.ljji l begin to gather ben.at! the l-av*. ami •» tlur valley* l^tisr*- n tk-j lillir f,;r «E. Harder yet, Idw and j.i.hc ‘orbiil dlitg, tiaetltevverrviiiai; gtfar* to- ;>i* ter* whereof a.r* planted j,. 4;: i,.? kUeegth of tlv. universe. ti e port '-s •lew the sunriK go-ry K:iy*r* tlrs -'i, where tlio bemstj ur.il eplend-r of the «HKMt *ufcvr ins-lug :iU t U there stfur.tiie rha-H-ivs :u.;l npM •»: Uu mo'riu'i^, »VUt tv.c oa’-iwu at ii the Iwood-.iu; glxnr. an^ yerce >.{ tin eveoiog. afirr Mie toll a'-..! AtriTc ,t-rl dun and *o>lii s tl.a k.i {• day. r’t it wen bo I aUtiil ,ti,-'; Vi." w:i ta-s-t wa.t for the infctii-t- r.i ti.-.- i»»rml — ntnat wait ami hoiv wtl’i tin inur nt moursoabfiqr-.h-j n:u-rui ' lew JWM cur knsv.Viige trel i\;-'ri*:ice. fcir the bounty ami «:.• An- and .,k *j4cndM wliidi wir iRW'jHii'.llDi’i Mn not oonoeivc. Vi,- s.rM a* lw*v; u.iS uv'dii i:» M ur IcMijX t•!*■»;-lJ :v*riV rmw tntfiii thf/r mart uc Utu wwof toowiLg Unit U.< lUlie ct> > wlio lingered ok tin.- gujoa |*!>nr nerd Uut Qagavtlim—Mmt imdr m-.il feet J*"11 *u? r-o«*-. thrit t>« Bud i(ie t«nuiy riutfiely Z.y? in tlm ehiidnh heart nrv mdlnjy (,* theoi, that «v<-:i eofur Moth-.vf tn« waih-.l iHsyocd the white piflnr* amt cl's*.‘lug. iw'ninrr wnylsg vines 0/ Uta porch or Mnrv ,ir>; tlwlw far alway*. f.i.i-vtr. JW U'i L1 Bu.-iiir i*t ViitiUIk. M Uu t'ur.af ilir rm'i low - tor. Vour tom-*i»7ii:l|-i;t lisajwAWanivad wwwurfj mcalu w.-ar Tmea.la. Mr. rude Murphy -I'.d IbVi liu'-r-o., Jr., ;M*ocipj,iht{ by .it*s-udo Logntr, wi-.il ni; a^«'Ju* brealiu V' rngasm in « picku y-jau- of roiol.. ; ‘hi Ui» fi.ilmrlr.t w j^; Mr. >ln• 'Aline boinc aud mid :.v wai^ti* aiunu o»e to *en' op » -as)j which was rat ■» Ins Jtrwi wttiiout h-.: her ruoitc. know it. fhi tvnal'-.tUoi' tin' sidi was rovtol u> \n * * f*rr' r.- ti-.rt it tou?il 'nrtbe drvrard Wltl.-'r-.t t> nhi of:. l»l>7«laisn. i»n the tt\ irnJ «r ll.« •iiitii tho ciit pr*?v«»! co r^* tlion was thought T!nj 'iotlor u.ekrii out tlmce y!<*v* 0f *fc..si. Htol null) 'Ve.lMol ,y, II- iveuhi st:«. t-llwlio hurt i.lui leu Up* tlnlwm war .iiWMted on ausjOc -Hi. tv In-, ur rmtnl Ins ahitlu-s wvrr cut 11 'f *o,uo ow» hstf Iiouti mrftut* J im who it UiuCs. H i» I'nicglit- they aot ini. a mein »u d Uiir.ihy was tr>-! i< fi vut Ifoteou when lie. I nter .Wi-ud *1 hfa •w hv firfag hint u Ucr? im vim Muiidiy nml Kobwiii nro ea'd it* cv •tnif-bi other*. . th-rtmtoti, •«r 3 •* ipMif *. r. . T/ « Tim i.-.* ««■. IVuiAp dou-i like u> at'- *Ji.. »m i .,i «*f it. lit not etitfy ••Wi Hk ttlnp.i'fioirtt HI nltn (tr I'-mriMfi, >«t l** |« mik' '? '.?'** n?w V R in«Tii nntrr.-.*t« -ftMii srrth . I|ml j*< hvt 4 *•*.■.■ Z-j-j ir..i.i.i, f,jr inrtMy jnjtfl., vH» m.,. v I,, hit lawk «««. **» lit •tvoj pw'i :>„r.;,i, wft-imVi hi. tftt I ? t ft'ffi^ ns i>ms » t W tkM M nfrt, .,'»/►« ; l4r^rtfiMivii too o j.ilmrv. li t act wan opjiily propo*!:!. openly u.-t-atrsliMul omul* p*a»<*L Moivovur, .In- sffuct of lira Ml. fur ast’i* silver •InO-sf rmi eonctrf.tcJ. vr.m thoroughly yirodwead. Ows »pr*ln.r iifisr pnUitlof I - if t.KUr the blit *Hr-wrl> .p-tUad the 'MLtr a* tin- tmU of r-iliR-.’ Micl: ‘ T-tU win probably tits lutnntlrn tud ptriisi-s ll.o of tin oct of ,-n---sh 4. iDID, but it ito.thc tin* tn In' :.T-’ t« lufur.i.-o at Im. dilation. Gold ! .i ph’gsinl'y tin- itl.unb.nl of viilus 1 »ihd».g all cirUiawd Million*, and Utc | Hus lias come :,i Uth. country when I lit* -g.’-ld dolk-i «!>ouW be dbtliui’.l/ dr I t!an<1 to be Um oiu reprtw.iit-.itivo «.f tlui uioi.oy unit.*’ it Itoc* oa to quote at follow* from s Sp.-tvli delivered in the House in tPTi by Itan. tt".IX KelK-jr. of i'-eiuttykwuuv. e.!,o was luliloMtipg I Smstlr to **tUe Y-O lull that 'km-.oolo-.eJ silver-.'’ “It. i* impossible to return Uk- double ! tUaikutl. "1*110 values of gold mwl til I-r-.-r iwwiliituiiUy Ibict.mte. You oan | uot d*t*riuln* this yi-nr vriml will be ' Ulna K-Wlivo value* of gyhi uud *il»*r nvja year. Tliey wen? 13 to 1 a Uiort t.a*: agv>: they are l«: to 1 uow. Hence , all experience has shown that you | *JiU-»UU.-.rv ! -.oloajo of silver which should clronUli ; It u-l parlt of your country us lejptl I te-.Mter for a limited amount nml I*. ! rd-rinnWe at its C-isn r.ilau l.y your j -on.rameiit. Hut. s'r, 1 ngntu nail ihit I itotion of the House lo Uiu fuel that j loo -uttlemen orlo> oj^mho this bill iu -irl tijvst BUtinU-uieji: u silver dollar, trwr'l. :»j cent* unae ti.aii the p. Id dol S.r, .*>mI worlii 7<*:.tu cmin- llavu two -talf-rioliaia,: no Unit an |«ua a» tliosn ottolooa remain. yn« nann>>t keep silver coin u,e couuUf.” Tl.tj bill was delotoii in Ik.iI. Iioum-a fur more than a year, and uu its Uu:d l .svduns<\ a numlwr ol UemovruU vntrd j ftn it. notably In Uw.-ietmie Hon. Allen . ti riiurOKtu, of Ohio. Tue CiSii H adit* ! Hint “to speak of ttio p.iss»gt. of Use sot , ng an error of tin? g.-cub-st mngultude i-ooid b«: wltliiu tbs lu.ui.ds of sccuu* ft- bat tout there *-x» mo U.ing soi rvptitious io its ties linen t of cilvet Is an miywtlou that tlsj record dUvoves if dc riuitely.” TS-lj bit of free coinage candor U al t-y't lot irfivsiug. ----- -. VhIhc «n»mlki »-« Trelr. tatilmn.ii |(•aii'il. 1'tial tl»et Atlahtn if to bo • ■hieHUimaHn UioIii^.'Kiit Ncnm is nl fi'n-iv a fare cone cxiclu.-tirm. It is lo 'eSuc ttc the X'ltll: tvtpir.lltijt tiir value •?t Southern trade. uint it Is to impo-si ni«*!i tt* .-'outI. .1 good runny kanumi rtjf irilina lodivitiy. thrill nu.j tin' iiltillties o£ RMn’iiae.'iuv. Wo r.*d •••! ready that lies Citiwzo Ujaid ul iraie is to vdy; "hat;>uio uiul Hit* oily Ciutiiioill have V'»k«i more tl■»>r sp-u-.> iiue. any uI.’hi. Slate: «in! city in t*ks etriiutiy. m.d I I'.it Northern leuiuesi moo urn entiling to Atliuitn to spy o il the lnnd a i;( lo report upon the i.ruspeti'.a. »f nil this lint lieu; outlined wltile • .'iVlm'iincies w-ire zoiuz on. w'mit is * lo Um uff. tl of tile cxtosl j i»• itself OJ-eii til.) thoughtful inert, >dSi Kurtli a ml Huulh? If the tna*io hiii'iriM oi Ohio hum biso-tvered llcii tin- S sat hurt! jiUttu present r. pron.iv int! th»M fur ttn'trpr.i.tacts, oll.tr ioiu-j f'r-tjrii'S cotnmiioitlc* will di- i out U •; now truth Inter. If the UlsIliW men of i'liieaito Iht- become impiviMcd vita I'm* f.iol Unit SMiitin.ru trade Is worth n speeda! effort lo khcuiv il, Lite j.i/Wrs, stripers and shAttsur ueuivrs r{ Hahiiuvro xix IlStriy to l>e I *u pressed tr-th llie snnur Indh. In short, the Atlanta Kxp-sili.n Is nbrml tod lie lose liw .South ui;d its material iKvi-lon roviil us never before. flat wen of Urn 3T0 lull* of coni. 'Hm* Is u I Joed *r day dag ont A dm gmuud ! wnirt* It on»i* mont.i got it oat I .i**i It Buy he Dial a vary -mail par i ivoiggl of Uif* amount b proflt, bnt i the ■!•>»! uf coonn- imyo fur Itself «l mVled u< the i^rpinii wealth ovary day in tiin wr.i’k. K aj.iomist* tell ns dm* Unov nm indy iJinse iirigiiiHl aonroK* cf wmifUi; the mrlh, the forest ami tlic orator*. In ml tlirv* ol tbsso our HUte (* Ubrsiml. | wills grow s gru*t rerWty of pro doc.t* -wd Mir mile* pr-elum prealuo* gold ami Oii-ti. whP.U II lias beau d.moostoited that die* am aapwiifc- of yielding copper sr.«i liu»} on* foreste •os «wt siinmyrnd and our nuteru wat er* furnish 0*li aliaixlanUv. The opyirs of sCqn'rlng wealth are all nmifiiil a* mid msed only to lie iippilcd. hi n.riter deur.ssi, IhiUi bv our own p Mdo aiwl by foreign Invnstara, ;tml l- due* «v* Jfst apw.ir glut ora are to | 1#’. Mi in St-* )l one of the mn*t | .rrxieeon* Inn-; '-uwerfiil Kites in tlm l isnur. I Sir. -IP; ha* laaifci till# (*M«iM|i and iimii I will wort out dm ilcv. liipaieiit. Vela r» (.» rr.mm'r. 1 *'(*■>l-ilie «-wliiei> i< no 1.1 •, .e , *■; - 4M K ." o . *''**"• <*#u| i* lift *f, rg ,’*si Urr %•./. |/MHM •rtfv fcVwCT. . r *.. (ivcu^, i %2s5Kr«ffigfflfe t'u-Ofr-mtlto Wl»» StW Cniy inlr« TU* orgaalnUou of a gaoojjoo oot ten-wIU ciua|*ey, baaed gu tba nw optative ayatom, l» coattract n mill at Nrwj'Ort Newt, at recently detailed In the JfiuV.tcftne.*' tfiwrd. U oant in puling tcry pwcnU attention. Till* ].«tho largest enterprtaa on Um co nperatiT* »y»UW yet planned In the ■*wutli. The Bontou Jottryttrf nf (>m% «*e», In repuMMUiig a lull account of U toyn. “»o with till* new company the beat angeca, and *h*U watch Ita pro gram with tow* internal. A will or* gftnlted and b«Ut under tui* plan KheuUI recelrutluieccguraKcmcBt of the lending Undoes* toon and (luaMQlaJ ins:I’.utlJT* to Ha owa motion. If wine plana of this kind wore adopted II would be a great enoouramment to imr hiUuintf alaaaes toward tlie anting of tliolr incaue, and would be a splen did thlug for tliem aa well an tor the commuuity at Urge. TIi.j form of bulldlug cotton mill* can bo utllitol to grant advantage at many point* of other coiapanle* beiug formed on the aaius latala, for It tbey are irall mannaed tlwy are oq aa Brin a basis as by nlwoat any Other plan.” Vhn 1.11«rlvstou ff(Mt>Ui Csroim* *« iu nieli puMid or Newport Kaws, and 1* none flic less pertinent and forcible for being familiar. The truths mi forth la the pm*pectus omiuot be presented too often to our juopln until they bnve too many mills for tbalr Comfort, of im many ns they need to otnploy their rite hands and capital, and work up the cotton crop of the fc'tste Into lU most profitable form. • « Chariest or, no think, bus made * serlons mistake in not movluff ths tamo direction. It I is favorably nil anted to opernle one or ! two duaeu mills to good advantage--lo ; better advantogo than some of the I towns In tbn iuterior Hist bare several I mills. It bus the money to buihl two or three at occe by Uie co-operative plan without missing it. it needs uillli moic than anything else to make work tor its peopiv, business lor its business moo, to keep it* young wen at It Drue, nud to Induce mon people to coin* Imre tuid work with us." * »> iMt rtolwSOiM WTiU he TrlaS. Uaaciiei Maiehie*. This is an uflmhougbl; tho f union ists iu Um last DougUaito Iwigidnture always bad a reason for everytlilng. Tlie reason for not providing for the irial of criminal eases in Stanly is doe to l lie fact that Stanly has no Jail to keep criminal* in and therefore expects u»no until the county gets out or the railioad tax loug eaougti to aoconui tile sndlclent fends to build a jail— liieu th« criminally inclined Day be gin operations. As to t.’aitou county, the effort to naive the court house and Jail to Om toeia may be ravlved and 10 tlint event it a* anncctasary to have enough with out weigUtRif it down with hummilty. Tho fusliouUts era *-> considerate nnd will always he so when the music hands or Governor fliicoisn and the Senatori al grimier control the clues tu* SnrnsSjakrn. Ciautautliia AMmaUy Hsrml*. Dr. Uenmiu, of Chiaaifo. who lee* Innalo-mnriow, isnu old Ciiantauquan and several ago Jlishop—then Dr.— Vioeut. bitroduced him os ho was about lo deliver o lecture m» “Fools.’• The chuncclnr said: “Von ate to lis ten to a lecture on •Fools.’ by one”—a paow Id which the not lin ve * dollar; fall to do so, uimI willi millloM they will bo pour indent. , ■; .. . i ui11 Xlca* af SSraaalae. '**- la«>ia RvywMie. Com t* King and a royal brurfacMir. Through its gr.irtoiis beneficence Starvation |» n phenomenon In A. men cs nml staph- variety of food the poasie »hw of the poorest i the huiocr In debt or tlio tenant without capita] got* the ipitckert ml um for hbi Uhor, anybody with a few acres of land cun keep fat bugs, cuttle and poultry it nr vesting is cheap and whew prices urc low the flohl docs very well as « granary. 1 Coni I* not dainty and amuilMvw. It Alnxirt l ike* cure of Itself and Is not particular about soil in’ cllm.it*. Wlien tlie fnruier* of the United -States produce ±MO.0M,iiOb buehels of •orn, oveiyhody la belter off, no motlor wlmt the Market price terns oet to be. n nlcli the till nO-ihla for hilduciu «». t;w«t«a Hint lino* of cradlt. ■MO ' Ortww* Kl.h-Urrt. Cwi U rouBtnf utimd In ihe cot* l‘«« minurarlurliiff Inrnmwe. 8U« e««s* under tUi wireftlway* more lima a ium» ahen l. Oar nr.ll* or it nalnc it; or AO IwlM uBd If Ilia rallnuvl alvm the dealt ml enenortgo rwwl t(*i* lo’iinfieed new mill* will In. wmwIliMnmiMiBIH l«M» tn 75 or Hd Tlirti.’* one njmllirr noli town •Mlktumml under M«o l»e»TW)« 1 •*Sn >* Dll A pnnuuT nf JdO IUeeliblirn,aef.M!«li •* will |H> nne n rfitflit W-» of wlmt »i.(Mt h««e wflerwl while Ire m eldlj,«| U keep liWHi IB. fm-nf111»‘" ""!**» •'Ctwr. *winiiV,rUMi »i»n m ■ k« tenet O IIT.M MWI WtMkr K2sfs£s* ■FffWW1 1 I ■-I'f-fH ■■ THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and fanlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. Yoa can overcome their troubles with Dr. King’s Royal Gennstuer. They all like to take it because it doe* not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it D the greatest in the world. UP Hold by Dvu^jtais. new pncVoge, l»m« botttw, loti TVns, Oho Dollar. Manufactured only by Tin Atlanta Chemical Ce., Atlanta, Cj. Wh At >0 He* &Mk* Salkhl I cm. • For sale by Fruot Tori me* (V>. It U Muted tluit tin l'lrckwell Dur ham Tobacco Comp UIT leouivm some d*J» »• tnwny aa l.fluO lellet*. /1010 400 to 600 tellers bums the averse of tbelr dally mwlpu. The Jury last Thursday morning brought in it vurdiut of guilty uguiual aerruleen of the Winston rioter*. They warn aen t to the county road a. some for twolse, sonic for four, amt some for tiiree month*. The SUtniriUc /nuNm.ol;'* Yadkin correspondent **y» that Yudklu now lug upwards nr 02 brandy distilleries (mining a"d IS wdiinkey. Ona f-rnooi there lias on hand uuw i,UJ|,et* of Dew corn. e?x—- —_ i.SMT Of aCROUM. •raws by Ike IVuwMwrn r.r Kali tsi'eior itMiri. iMri. KIM* l' U’ilKK. I. A <1 rower. X J. I*. Wowc. !ilr. a D. r. KrMay, 4. H. J*. Jo-ual... v w. w. aviv.i... X L. r. < A. C. Kullr. X Jonv HofTm.iu. t. Jultuv AJoxmU-r. in. JL Hciamcr. H. C. i. Artwtlruaif, IX 1) . IX X«'Q. IX J. K. Aji« V>e»>. ftjrjwscsr IX w. a. OwiniJr. t». it, MfiHi A*knuv a». It. u. Horrm-tii. -1. «*. A. Ki**r. 3L*. U. T.tfl-lO*. -4. Y. A. \V»»rkjnnit. 2J. 4». i*. r?r»vur, H. II. V. I A. it IhrrK •f.. ma. J. «!. dviSi. S*. J. f». i*n» . -v j. I*. otrr^iUY. Aj. t K P.rti ir. •4*. It. I . tiatrhii.nl. 14*. JtM>. V. IVliluivr. M. J. ftl. Muons ,.r. I) UuIxiin, *130)NT. W Ctffc. 1. B. (). Dav'U, XKW. Utono. 1. Juwifln Afnirt-.itu, 4. R. B. in to*. y r. C Fmuti. IT.J. McGill. AMJ ictorA. Hr. 1 J. N. KAom. K 4. F. 6tvw*r U K J. L. ILiv.-.c. U. H* Mr. KKr, !i. J* K. IX J. W. Mw*rvu4>. II. J. r. Ituc*, iS. 1). X. Ilirrp^i.. |-a. tt.lt. wit*m. •I*. J. J. WI* ««. IS YOUR NAME ON THE LIST i u> (Ik* UAfrroYi vc.ubTrc. ir.i i fei ito4. 4un*» r^i think it *’■**: Ul bcir Suf«1y >f>«i viltii h' kr*;|i 1 IwvtcO cm IIh> tmMiity nw U will ewk yt*i.* . Only *1.50 a year, 75 cents for 6 not. 50 ceuta 4 for mot. /cm than 3 tin. a wvek! ntfTKi1>ln*« n?i etf fkirt Otctae* la a certain cam for Cb:oa:c Ecre Even. Qreonln.4 itfe Ud\ Svo VipphM. bile', Ecanna, Tetter, Edit K bourn uni ScaM Hoe4, W rente per bare. For sale by dngglia. to xomsBnwHEPa. Par ontUiur a Komu in a ftno beiltliy ooo. Ikba try [Sr. Cady'* Ualtke PowJtrs. Hey tone nn the r /slco, * 4 41 petti <**, iut ioea of anpoute. tr'We - aorUi-ilina, ounvot kidney oieorUm. mri 7 »nrm«, »r:np err life tn an old or-iter wo;tcd Ko?*e. V mat* mat per’a^t. tf< * or.'c by tlraggirtr Execution Hale. My vinco «>? rm ctiiiMKm k>i:ri1 f* »*• it** mnor Court of mii*4 Xdlk’ WWkiT.on M«wl0|r H«« Qn*J .lay I Will Pull to Cbc hijfUtOt HiltVc l(K Cefcrit <|L lln OmiH biiHMHV'’v k Ihilti*. If, O., knnmi.lt uwu JHt»f block wijlo: M.v/frm.*1 n( liwirv-i 3* 4»l v of UuipuiJ kwu by W. K. (Ookmbnn (fur a fr.Vr «MriH|itkm or i)u* 1 MHli Mrenttam fine li WA fls pw *10 of fho MpcrU of Omton ojunn • A X. 1/Mrp|)r. khcrtff. j Sale of Heal Estate. . Hyrbtjwof .viunWrt tan Knni.tnr «}*.*, ^ —atey ISstmUs, efW»t*- Inna. llMttrto«UtMr«rr. 00 MORE Elf EG LASSES. W«k Rjm! MITOHSLL’8 E7E-8 AXVE tewwii Walter SORE, WEAK #F!.AKFD ETtt, tWfflra; ^wM^vK&aaFa' «'lM,<>|iNHy 0 M^it aoWIWi i, f«.u. i\ CC i Mint; oVfcJ* Kfrat Nut lou ul 1Uuk. TFuZ If. LEWIS, — \ TTOUNVY-AT-LATV— (iattouiO' X. C. I'ftict ice* wherever hi* service* ore rcqnlr<-«l. &. a M&NGUM. —A TV HUNK Y-AT-LA W— r.A-rroVfA, *. c. ■ Will |«vU<«ln tij« oourt* ot G niton 1 aud adjoining oouulie* aud intl’.e Federal Court*. r a. r. /Fisox, -A TTOJtXJiY'-A T- T.A tF— Ku. v* 1.-4W btilkiinjr. ciiAUurm:, N. c. Will |).^clicc 111 ■II *3kt »«*<• mwt TlnUcal ' ‘iiru. .K»il vilV M«xt olknu nt nur laiiiii mi tli.1 r.UlftM*:-*. if U»ai/>n, I Imiiiu, «»i illVFUIIi'. COlF.lll'.N A. L HRKKDUX, TlWSOlUAL ]> Alt LOU - -NKWI.Y VITTilD UP in Corner llnoin Y. M. C. A. lluiMli.g Firsts hiss Workmen Employed j and flirt id»*s work . liiuuanleetl. W. U. WILSON. J. M. *TX»A* l)r*H Wilson t‘v Sloan Oil VSlttANA AXtl SUllOEON*. Oilers their pi-nfeeolonol wrvlc** to citizens of Gastonia and surronmllng country Call* loft at Torrence’s J>rog Store will receive prompt attention night or '.lav. Notice! Ut vM<.«nr«Nmfwa*> IHrd nroentad l»y I.iimjii Tiedmiin *«ml \m»»u lloltcmn. ht# w|tc. to J. V. Unc/. on the Ilrh #Jn> of AmekH IMk, tin t urunVItniiN.' iuVc** of U«vi5ter ol II («i)inly, ft. 111 ilooS No. C in- -irUnunilxr;. I'ltilunOgiM*. t>i Jr.A«'i»h |]n*. !r»;i»)^....;iiv~l>J()ay„t Jtuttmrr. i/rfA, nod •n itil/fy 44H nti'n/iurnl Ihc (‘-min ({• 'tiM* ucn* In lt.it!**. <4n»t0ft nionty N. ('„ no riff a Ilk «iwX »r Imii, ul i fl'olwv, p in., to 144I1M0 nalo to tt» UtptX-i* I’.'Mct, fur Ws I'i** twn Ol M or u»? l »t» hriiii Town*tilji, Uniini 1% fnrjxirljr 4 main, thoooc do# w, l< RoV*;o. 4isk»- «m* |K4tir«n*4, f«*morly 4 L'nm, K W> W. to r '!o* to a n**i. nt tkr iV '.ifc/"Hr X. It W, || 104 o*d, Un*n©P ti. V« »I *1 i«* fl«v 'p«inalntr. cotdntolug jn* tmliMnitloK 1*31 auixiiiiHl Vf |it>kA, t/V>i*OM J. V. Loan. M<«ijpw. Ki Ji'ilHi llofr:uHM, |*r^ A#i*i*vf). J;*i l.«». If,I*., AnuiiM. t, **©. PORTER'S f.HTISEPTIC HEALING Oil « “Jr For Barb Wire Cats, Scratches, Raddle nod Collar (sails, Credited Heal Durnn, 01(1 Sara*. Cats, Bolls, Braises, Pile* and al* Uada ol Inflummalion on •>.aa or banal. Caret Itch sad Ktn|o I • itfMT.il* V PA it it-: MEDICINE CO,, ft.Fot &ds by Frost ToctmTeOs!" SOUTHERN RAILWAY OQ OUIIRJIN mTEK.) PIEDMONT AIR UNL mnuo Mnomj or ruiwota nunp ■ I i’w. 1*10*1 I ' 2Corthl«mi4 Nd llNa.lt tprMIUl. 1BIA DellT DaOf Dally_ L* AlUutft Otir^ UAJmi OX* p TJb* i«.MMk “ AlWnta*.\Um L«u p :ao p s» a... . • Horen** J.lo.40 p uJ* .. • Dwionl...1 -1L1* plOAV ».... - t-ainmUW • IIS c HA* p MAS a ... .... • tula .* .. .."it.C* alO-M • • ron'lla. .. i? k3 a n J3 • - . • W Airy .{ .i*-*+ % 114ft a ....... • Tpiofla . .....• ...M I-,’i a 11D a .. ... • wmioa»iw 1 mj 14* • 12-2* • Scatso.- 548 •'!*« p -. “ Oa*rtl. AftO p a. 1-fli p •...-•* • CrwPviUt.... M7 v 133 a II* P ....... ■* SparUAbacg.. t.lt p UJ a At* p •...«•* •• GaJooyv . . .-| A** a lift p .. •• H)a to.' YJ* P OJ.’ a 4M p ...... • K'xj xMount u .-| 0 4i a. CM p “ f.n’.ono .. . .1 *« a' CM p ...... Ar. CnarK'Ua. »A» p CJbn a A»> p.* Ar. DaorlUa .. 13**> a,IM0 PjUJft f Ar. Uiclxmot.il ..j loo a' 4 40 p* Aflt a .«•••** Ar. W»4lr4r*r* . I «.* ■ a. pi... “ ■Mttnror.enl V. tiui M.- .. : VSHSirJSS 3 i3 5. .-.:.: 1 ' ' f*. ITVhpI i loalkWjuA Xu.47 NaM Xall Duiiy DaTly Dally I.t ^tnr TurV r> m.m *.f* p l?.W a.. ** Ptu*4*tp&la. • * r t-W a.. „MM. - MaltHnorc. ... 9.J9 P *41 *.... •* WaadObton. . 1141 p 31.10 a...— "" HtduawaA~ £« a IXt p 1XS « ....... M Uaavilla.. 043 a lift p 0.44 a... • o*arlottc-. . tJJ a UAft p UJ« a ...— ** (iM'.OOlf. - II-** P 1*40 p -. • K”»4 nJtoaarp .. LA • lUaOotUdrj. - WAT a.lft.1* a MT p._ • Cwlrv^ra.-1241 4 ft A. p....... ■ .HnarrtB'.'vrtf.. U4t a 100 a 121 p ■....*• • Crcf-vISH.1JA* W JAf a AW p -. “ Oanfra:. 114 p ft « a AD p.. *• 5mctv. .. 14 a AAl p n.aM • Wmniuixmcx.. •- Ut p -••.h " TouMi. A44 a* 14* r < .•*••• " Mount A*IT.- ... —! TAP t> • CkrrurHJn...... . . -i TJ1 v • LnK.44t r 1J0 p. “ OakamHIM.... AM p U* a »/< P »..-•■ " iratonl. . . ._I»» p....~ Xr Attan-.n niT.i 4.M p «Jt altbJJ pi... Ar Atlanta Cllatrl »a pi Ml a &J3 pi. ..... “A" a m. p m. • 11." now •■».'• HckL Mo. 51 anapi-vvu'atn-’noar.dSomh-rcatata Ta.tlfc.Md UmiwM.Ttir', <*.i Kaiiotka MrapaM tvt.Mn Me. r.n and xi» OrMona. n. Wa*k> MftC. Alton la kail M.mteomcfy, Ud MM M* Itoi Nav York »UI Mnti.jfcl.. «U Waakta*. to., At'.a-.M nod Blnatlnpfcwn. Dtotap Can. lfoa, M okA M ITnlud Sintra TV*! Man. PMB ■ms MMopirt Obra tatrm AUanU, 1MV IWHCT7 Md ffcrw York. Noa. II and I*. Pullman Stnrj.iaf Oar Mt.wa Blnkmoad. Dan.tlt* and OranabM. W. A. TURK, • S. n. nARDWIdt o«ri p.v«« Art. Au t omrai p«< Art WAMiniw. D a Arum, ax. W. B BYDEB, fiuptrtiuuxii, CT»aMU«io mvi'Vni.*. ««la >•; • Inf m Man- iJwUninn..II nam 7Mom tawrOnniin... luiia'lltia firArrllntrr.... i^bni >Spa !<*»Twrtnu.4-.: :«••■»! vo( am liar* ili.tl..**>i t.- I a *i a mi la am Iran* M«( tain. il.riil,.I |M|ii', rilpa InmlaapaTi'. j w i-1" Anj«.-n>,^.r....i \mi>Z Vitim Tn*ni* 7ir.l trtrr Mna.iban, anO na •Talljr*-»«»i ►•n»i-i|. Train* Una. • ana ai w»r» i'j-*«iir>i»,'ialnnrait* ( xvafana ilair, Tt)** h n«l • onw