The ■ - s m - ■ -<-■ -_-==a»e=^==23^MHi Vol. XVI. U&.TJWgMfaJ BAB, THE EPICURE. WE IOW CATCH EES AT SALADS AID TABLE D’HOTE. *•» ■m»il KraM H» mytlMMiKd 1■wUMSrny.rt., gaaegr »*■*— Bay Im and o«. law-Mare AU (a l Walla Tall W. Inal* KapuUJe. It IbmM that a gourmet will Irani from Dan to Beenlmba to tnale a naw ■alad. I can sympathise witli Uio tak iag of a long journey that tmthl* light at the end of It. Then la nothing quit* ao floe lo the eating line aa good •aiad, and the Frenchman who no nouneed tUnt he oould rat lilt adored one In that form If she ware iorred •p willi the proper dressing, it a man after my own heart. I might possibly take B tenon la painting oblne. but! doubt lt;»till there le ao eaylogto what baaa naan we may come (tint. How em, I would tumble over ’lie bonce of my forefathera lo team something new In tbe oooklug lint. Aprvpos of oook. Ing (learned people nay apropoa “•to" Booking, but I like my way beat,)some body nays that when u cook m skua a “iMnkw you tfiould lUnd off In a very high and mighty way and remark, "Of cuurae, Bridget, this la your buklucaa. and yon know your bualuee*, much better than I do, ooneequently you reallis that the mutton eraa chippy to night, but you underatand three thing* much better than I and hereafter I n pact to tee It eexred properly.’' DO SOT AITKAL TO QEll SUtUUIM. TIES. Now, tbll U all hokey-pokey non sense—this talk about Bridget's vsa lty being flattered aud her determina tion to mako a success ot it next time. Bridget has probably lived hi aabsbeen (a dugout;) tbe ohanoee are Hull alw didn’t know what shoe* were uatll she oama lo lbls ooaniry, and limited ufr dint to bread sod butter and tea, with neat ooeoa week. Appealing to her vanity In tbs oooklng line la ridiculous. What tbe mlstreas wants to say Is this' "Bridget, even the dogs wouldn’t eat tbe mutton tint you served to-olght, and although you ought to koow bow to oook, as I sm paying you Oret-clnta wages, I wiU for onoo explain to you how this Oftaat ought to bo treated, and then I shall expact you to do It proper ly.” And a good housekeeper ought to know bow. Personally, I hare not much bellaf In oook books. They have a charming way of saying: "Takes quart of champagne, five Bermuda on ions, a gallon of rod pepper, und a cop of cream, toes them lightly and an airy desert will result.” Why, one which hid a national reputation says that If yon want mutton to be proper, you should allow SO mioolee’ boiling fur each pound. Fancy the result. I am Inclined to pride myself on knowing about meats, snd If a small piece of mutton stays In tbe water 43 miaul** after it begin* to boil, then it will be served In a fit way, and when tbe kulfe; Is slunk In It tbs blood will spurt out, sod tbe fat will be dune to n turn. A MlCirx THAT IHtLIOUTS. But to return to the salads—which people who like good things to oat do every day—thebewest one I* absolutely as pretty as s picture. On the dainti set of platters la a fringe of lender green lettuce Inaras, and then there la a red paper, a large pink tomalo-tbs kind they call bt ©Steak tomato— and aa apple. Of oouree, If you have maov people, joe double or triple tbe number. Tbe pepper le cot so that the top Is Ilka s lid. then It Is carefully scraped out and Ailed with the winced pepper, minced ohteken and mlnccd celery* with a mayonnaise carefully dis tributed through It all. After tlie fill log, tbooorrr ts put on again. The ■sum treatment lo given lo Um tomato, which la however, Oiled with lottuoa snd tomato. Mended with a plain Preoeh dressing, while the apple has for itu filling tongue paste well mixed with osiery and mayonnaise. This la s salad 0t not only for a king but for au srtlat In oolor as well as In food. By the by, where you are do they sell Bermuda onions oo the fruit stands? That n the latest tad hers, and the gay own about town bev them lata at night sod eat them exactly as If they were apolsn, hoping to kill norvonsaosa and drive away insomnia. Whether they are Imitating the Beks of Bd In burgh or not I am unable to say but be took onions, not for slse>lsnsn«s*. but to ‘ cure him of some akin disease, wluoh.l believe. they did. It la a great thing to bo catltultc loone’s eppotito. And, by the, way Urn word catholic suggurti to res that I never know ■ Cathode fond at eggs or ttsli; thoy ^invariably have Protestant Dianne or local fa von. *Tba bm wbo to daaorlbad by rtoulb a, that gentle Mr. Dova, waa wHe. f Mb it wa« Mid. “Ha would bay* win sauaaga* for brrakfaat at Jfor wteb. Bally Laaaa at Bath, awaat batter In 0 amber land, orange marmal , ade In Bdtabcrgta, Annan haddock* at Aberdeen, aad draak ponoli with be*f ttaek to oblige the French, if (hay in alatad open giving him thalr Idea af a dejeuner a PAagfclse. Ha weald hay# eeteoaeaabplala Dereaebim aad a ■gaak pla which le anoabbar tbnu *quab laOorawall ;£#*■'* bead with Uie hair OM Id BooUand, and potato*# rnaa ted on the hearth la Irrtaod; frogjwith lha Ffonoh, plohled barring with Urn Dutch; seaerhraut with Um Herman* moecaronl with the lUllaua, aulwwj with the Spaniard*: gar lie with any body ; how* Aerti wltli the Tartar*, *** Ian with the Par*Un»; dam* with tta Sfortbweytern Aanerican Indian*; car ry with the Atatla Boat Indian*; Mrd*' n«nU with th* Chine*#; Button rooeted wltli hotwy with the Turk*, aad tortW and yvnlaon with the Lord Mayer; aad the turtle aad veotaon h* would Wra prafarrod Lo all the other Atthee, beaaoaa Ma taata, though eutho lie, was *ot tndlaerlmlnitiim.” lao'l that Bo*7 But of tbl» remarkable mao ; It wee alto add tlwt he "could Carouse i wltli AtoiHudar; abatalu with Romir luv eat with l 1m epicure, fast with lha i atolo sleep with Endymion, watch with I Uhryaippaa,” Aod tbta la the (aerator happiness la life. The ability' to be all things to all men, and alwaya to s«joy eiw’s dinner. Speaking or dinners, thorn la a queer little table d’hote here In Raw York about which not vary many people know. Of the journalliu aba go there, there are aaaiir. Ml It hea al ways been understood that nous of 1 them will write it up ao accurately j that the man at faablon can reoogntse, I tnek out, aod ruin it aa he did one uthor enjoyable place. Row t troiLiao tub 1‘HorniwTon. By overtipping tbs aerrants, by pay ing to have table* saved, and by giving to Uio proprietor such an enormous opinion or hlmaeK that be ioureaaed all bU price* and grew rich; though grad ually the artlau and tbs writer*, whom Ilia ewella eame to aaa. drifted away, aa they did not propoar P> be ax hlhitod tike monkeys on a stick. Tbe ideal plaoe la quiet, tha dinner la good aod tbe price U reasonable. Baal fcielgn wiuaa cao ba rotten, but aa muoh attention l« paid to tha artlat who takee vln ordinaire and who la a bit bard up to-night, aa to that other man who, a Oroeeui lo-nlght, la order ing champagne. I hadn’t bean there for a long time, but I went tha other maht, only to find thodtciag-room had been eularged, and that where I aaw •b wo a year ago, Blanche waa the queen to-day although tha proprietor w*t still la tbe kllobeu oooklng the dinner. A year ago there used to oome there » beautiful woman, aad when I call a woman beautiful aha la more then merely pretty. Thla on* looked Ilka adatoaak rote; her hair waa black aa ebony, bar «yea wars aofl aod brown, her akin wua a dear olive with that pink cumlog through It which makaa and dive akin perfection. She waa al waye with a party of men, aud they woold drink bar health and aha woald laugh in Ural marry way that aeema peculiar to a ohild. Alwaya wall dreaaed, alwaya looking happy, I waa only into many woman wlio con cluded that her life must ba a joyoua IHIU, When lbe dinner party would break op. elm ueed to go oat with a h aod - toree man who waa an an 14re at ranger tome, t beard wbo be waaoeeday, and l al*o heard that be waa of on hie yacht with some gay man and pretty womeu. It waa evidently jaat attar tblicrulaa when they all eame In one night very late. Tbe beauty, wbo waa called Felleite—and tbe waa knowing felicity ut that time—looked younger tbao ever la a yachting “get-ap." At I pawed tne table on my way out, tbe waa betog laughed at, becauM the men were teaching her to drink ahaintbe and alio did not like the latte. She laid the woulu rather Imre milk. That wta a year ago. Aa wa want la to nlglit I taw a woman standing aear Uie door, bat I Lever gave a thought toiler. ( timply auppowd the waa wuoebody waiting to Join somebody tbe, or powlhly a bagger. Daring the •veulng a woman friend earns to apeak to me, aud asked me If I knew wbo that wet outside tbe door. I said no, and alie told me that tbs bad beao asked as the came In It she knew whether a certain gentleman was there. The name waa strange to her, and aha didn't toll U to me. Aa we went out, this slander Qgura came toward me She aaked me If I would tall her If Mr. Millionaire was there, and then I recognised her. Worn, Uiln and oldtooklog. Felleite had become Dolorosa. It waa the old ilory. To Felleite had come the hope of befug a mother, and that which aba greeted aa a Joy, Mr. Millionaire re garded as a blunder, aod he did not wish to be bothered: 80 he took his yacht and sailed ofi to aeek man fa Ida and pastures new, aod FelieHe waa lakao e*re or by the gooJ slaters. Now, the waa all aloae, baeaaaa bar baby had died. Doe or two of tbe men wbo knew her in the days of frlieily lied gives bar a little moeey to keep her from starving, but tbe bad heard tbe naan tbe loved wa In town and she thooght possibly he might be at tbe old assort. T begged her to go hoaie. I slipped a tittle money Into her hands, which the refuted, pushing It back lata my own. 8be aid the would alt in tbs park aod look np at Ma apartments, which ware brilliantly hghtod. I asked her to eotaa home with me, bet eke wa determined to try and find imr lover. two ncTcxa. All night long I dreamed about bar, aod wbeo 1 picked op the morning paper nay Mood eurdlod aa I rand thin: “Mr. MHUonalra guru a dinner to bia Intimate met* frmodt at bis apartment* laat night, aod d arias thla dinner. Which wai like n feast of ImoaUua, bn announced hi* engagement to Mlaa Blue blood. Mlaa Bio* Blood I* Jute IS. and hn* not aa yet made bar debut. Mr. Millionaire la wan known about town, not only no n wealthy but a very generous and good follow.” °a}****' PH* e*M: “Fulloo man bUGtaty found on ooa of tho benntmo In tho pork thla morning a young woman, whom at Scat bn thought was asleep, but after attempt lag to nwaka bar, ha dlaaovaiud that •bo was dead. la bar pocket wut a bottle Umt bad erideatfy ooutalnod laudanum, nod a note that raad: *My Dear ITeltelte—How can yon sear doubt mat My lore for you la ono that wUt last until the atari grew aM. Tbe noaeaeusoof mere ordinary people who Insist upon a formal marring* (a recognised aa folly by psopt* like you aad aao, who know that lore la ail Umt My darttug, ba mhm, aa 1 »!]* beyobrn Koravw, M.' '-The body of thla womes baa bean tokan to tho Morgue to await IdsatlA •etiow, bat It la net probable that aay one will oUlm It, and aha wlR ba bartod bythe city.’* fno» VeHetto ! Happy Detsroaa I I wonder whut will happen to tbla Iwtm Of tba Judgment Book unfold J WbM wlU bo marked against bli OMMI U mm me to mo that It will ba Something dreadful—tliat it ought to ba aumatlilog dreadful. Aodaa there U a God wku la Just, aa wall m Uarolful. T am Ml* bo will suffer aa bo made tba girl suffer and die- Tula la Just • atory apropos of tba table d’hote. tub ixtTBccrroa's bakpo looobp. Tba otiwr night there waa a woman who waa quean at one of tba Ulrica with nine men far bar aubJecU. She waa not particularly young, aha waa not particularly Laautlfol, out alto bad n certain (aacliuUkxi, which la IimU scilbable. So met Imre ahe spoke Prnncli, sometime* German, sometluMs Bngtlah. Bar wit wne as brtgfat as an elootric light In good order, and as quick a* a thoroughbred net being pu"*,.^LLU **•"*• 8t* quoan lo Bohemia, nod aha la—well, it is faouy to know who sho is. All day long aba is Mademoiselle Prim, who gtrea teeaoaa lo French to the children of the arast aedaia people of tba city. Bat wbeo dinner time comao alio far* gate all about tba children, all about their atupMIty, all aboat what a bore la teaching. and beeomoa haroelt And aba looks more Ilka Freite Gullbert (ban anybody I hare ever area, for tba baa that qaaar trick of saying what •ba oaghtatto with the innooaat air of a child who kaowa no better. I was forced to wonder If abo mightn't orer teaoh a glri or IB; still, It lao*t mine or my neighbor's little ones who are ua dar bar Instruction, and so 1 did not bare lo bother about It. look naxsATn rna •ntt'ACR. k to strange bo* litUs people know of Uw men sad women to whom tlmy intrust thslr children. They niter Uwm beautiful. white young souls to ks pal unltr tbs gaidaoos of somebody wIiom only virtue In Uielr ayes u that •be wss recoin mended by Mm. Four Millions, u> wboae daughters the gave s perfect Franch eeeeot. Tne books •he may ues to teaeh this acosnt. or Uw phrases she may employ, make no dlffnrsnoeto you. It to the aeoent you •mat, and when yon beer that your daughter U devoted t> Iter French boohs you am delighted, and you give en order to the beet book shop so that Uademolmlto ana get whatever site wests, aad that aba mav want a mod ern and very undesirable novel docent eater your bead. Yse have to muob to think sboet. Tbsrs Is "The Society for Teaching Oroehet to Uw Otoel bala,” and that other one "To Intro duce Vegetable Food Among Uw Man Batere.” These am such swell affairs, sod as you am on the committees you must thick about them, end you pay for your daughter to be looked after. But money won’t buy the rigid kind of training for your children. It m ty purchase good tsaohvm, but that tsaehti* bis got to bs guided by mother-love elm all Uw bourn spent in •tody will nmoust to nothing. Times stories am not imaginary ones; they am trus, as true as that wlisrs punishment la dus It will bs given, and that ewDioally all will be righted, and the weak wlU be strength ened, and the ltrong made to aeo how weak they have been. A long time off ¥ You don’t kiww. It may be->000rraw, or Um day after, nobody knows, not even— Baa «lurt » WnM»fc»n» Vinw Km Dm. NauMNrW Haasrd. The suoceas of Ills* aduId Dennis, of TslboUou, G a., thews wbst a bright •ad thrift* women odd do In Uw South. At tbo Atlanta Exposition site Iks one eorur of tbo Georgia Stale Boildlnr occupied with food produote of her pre paration, and it Is ods of tha most In UreatiaR sights on tbo grounds. Mist Ueocle sad her brother own a farm of KQO sores They plant vary little oot too. They have a few teosuts who plant cotton. They make a specialty of bogs, and she saporiataodi all Uw ■hlllleg, lard sad meat making. She * 4alry of forty eowa, and. alto geUer there la a creamery In the town of Talbot ton, she Soda ready sale for bar milk, asd sella all the hotter aha nan make, She rale** celery, and plant* from Oflaeu to twenty acres In tomatoes She has no ngolsr esnsery, hot s large boose with boiler sod evap orator is which the vegttable and fruit aaaaiag la doss. She cans la glaas and tin. Hh* ships fruit la 111 net oral Mala to Bor ton. Now Tort and oths. bluest, sod when Uw shipping wasou la over Uw owning oommenoes. A* yet ah* aelH bar oaaaad nods, aueh sa corn, tomatoes okra, la Qaorgta. Iter wIum and jellies mod so comment. Tbo premiums epmk rot them. She raiem sogaroaoe. and lads ready ml* far the beat Geor gia sytrap. As to the fhrm eropa. grain Is tob M Hated for cotton, aad sped liens of It •mast the exposition show bowsuo «ada] she has beea as a general A »■■■—wr< IWrlM* XIMa* MAwtWmU. Mr. H. 0. Wott, of wort Mill, tbU •w*. pwHOd through tba ally loot Mght wKh hit HUM olorcn roar-old AMgbtor, m Mi was to Bulolgh. •MM tltM ago tho Hub girl wot HI and tba dragvtat la onmpoandlag a praaarlptb* Tor bar atdt a noUukt wMeh *trt bar bar araoigtit. Sba la a gmaylltUa anaUitatdyary tatrttt r- Har taibar la taking bar ©at liMtxtot In bn pa that bar alght ■*J b* partlatty raalorad m aba la uow totally MM. ■m^^NSuSpSbtaSrtir m ut bS'jss'us ss'Wt Max aartacto taka la llqald arpow r»«5Sr^3s~a aMam "IMlSlWZ bhter ayaq^aabjM ralaabta Uxlly. taartola#.—Bar. J. M. RoNM. r*lr Mi, Ya. WU. *W axil TU rillL ■•■ring* u rNkiMea aal truer - ■1" •—j rT.nt—r from the OoifeOero "-f ■ , Tbe worid** fair erne a grand allow. We did not na It, my Wife aad I, but •otf* •» tba tamiiy am. aod Uia tutk •od Ml at It bated aix months. It waa iba grmtaat show that ever arm ou rarth; Bat It waa loo Mg a ahow tor a day ora week. My folk* toy they aavar got through with It ami I owl to !**»*“;•» wU»‘ they did a*s. Tim (Mr at A.tLtnt« la big eoough tor m blg enough for my time imd my oom prabeoaloo. My wife aad I bar. beam and It hat reoewed bar youth and bow Mia baa something elaa to talk about betides tha mission ary man log* aod grandchildren and tha flower* that I haven't pat la thaott. Vea l took bar down but Wadoaaday. It took right amort or of couiee, for aba bad aa a that the people would all aspect her and observe her uatflt. aad aba km groat teapeet 6>r public eeaaaloua aad f°r Jwcseif, too, and ao bar parapbarna - liahadtolw reviaed aad remodeled. She knows bow poor I am and aald It wouM ooat too tom* for bar la go, hat I told bar aba ai.oold go If It broke mo aad all my frtaoda ana inlaUnwa Thcoa matarnal uaaaatora, who, for “•'rty f««»a, har* aarred the Lord aad thalr country la lbs Infantry aarrloa and tolled day and ulgbt In raising children, naralog aad tawing and aarlag tor tha oB^ring-abavea to dMtmy and Urn oarm that waa oat on B re—never withes' » liUls child that waa too young and help low to uka earn of liaaif. amt with a day wo Pee from ooglaty. they should base a geo* time la thalr Imt day* It there (a a good time for auybPdy In thin inWotiary world. They •ra llkelho heroea who sates from tha war. They ate Ilka Paal, who aald, ‘‘f kare fought a good dght.” But Paul would Imre known a Utile more •boat lighting If he bed beta a family man and had to get up In tba night whon lie was almtat dead tor alaep and walk tba floor In Ills ulgbt gown with a teething child la life ana* aad sing log. ‘Huab my 4«f: ba at! 11 and •lumber,” or rkiTeakaU Mae befew*. H«t fnr tins wMry *>t»i.w jay who «*• manat afraid to aoder lab* the exposition—afraid alia would jpg Urad and worn-out trample t around, w Uks *11 mother* aba ku tlie young oblld persuade bar, The older one* hav* scattered aod gone aad some of lliam wa Aar are wesaed. but tW youngeat of nil tba flock 1* liar* and ■lie I* not wnmI. She til twenty ono yesterday and 1* married aad luti n child of ber own but aha la not weaned. Ob, no; alia lsallll our comfort and bring* nt t unahlnc «*ety day. J u*t tltlnk of It. Tin llTtug children mid lit* youoguat has pulsed hvt twenty one. The oldest it olmn out of sight. He la almost n* old ns 1 aa uud lias •on* wbo have graduated nod gone to work. One of them, who baa uiy name and ay birthday, ia an etnctrl - otanat tba exposition. He eeooitrd o* ronod aad when we war* asked to register our tiamaa In ebook I wrote mute In fall nod be taok the pen und Just wrote “ditto,” aad we went oa. We got safety Into the grounds, my wife aod 1 aod our youngest daughter, wbo was celebrating her Wrtliday. and bagao tbe grand round* about 0 o'clock In the morning. We stopped long enough to take a WrdVeye view of lbs situation—to look at lb# panorama and to loest* tlie particular buildings I waa tba chaperon, for I bad baen there before, and ao I pointed oat everything before we began tbepenual. ‘There la the oouernmant balldlag.” said I. “1 wltb you could speud hair a day there. That Smithsonian exhibit la juat magnificent. There la Ute wo man** trending. Then I* tlie libers] arts. There is the agrtcultaral build in* and there tlie machinery. Over there Is the Midway, la every church, VOQ know, the devil ha* a pulpit at the rear end and the Midway Is bta pulpit tiers. In dae time wa started on tba grand round*. I had two shawls and ( * basket of lunch, aad some other trap* to carry, but that wee all right for a while. I will entry anything N suoh ••WMiooe. I carried thorn parapher aalla until i o'cleok. when wa got to a place where wa could eat up the lunch and leave Lb# ekawl* aad the etcetera. We took it la ny slow degrees. Hom* Uaeea l waa In the lead IHu a pilot; sometime* 1 area behind like a aaephard dog. ( am very dodlo •« such occa *100a Somalia*** X woaM alt down ■one where and wait till they got dona looking. i noa an trouble enywoere exerpi at tl*e dtUerlet. The crowd wu yen Uiick there Mod most of them were “***•«• sod while folk* eud the pnae wm Is aerrow, "Gssllemen ” midi, “ptoeoe don’t crowd thle lady—she la my wife,” bat they paid no more et> taativa to oelku if f wee a oemmon m«« end 1 reckon I *«. If I ooald bare celled back 90 year* I would have knocked one fellow e rod nod taught him soma maeoere. Thom fUh ere Jeet beautiful, bat I beta meriaheep bead dowu m (Soar Water Just like ‘hem. i nave MM them ell around a palmetto poet aoobiec Urn buronelso end they were m thick yea could not through them. They wouldeut •etloe n book with Urn mMt (emptier bait oa It. bat I could lake » grata or eglgpole and strike U dawn amongst Umm nod kill half a 4mm at a stroke. U look m so boor to got through the goeerameat building sad ere did uM toe It aH to our eatbfsetioo. That •kme Is a greet show. Our paternal government hss tweo good to oe and the Smithsonian taetlMUon oarrled out the win V that naWs Snglishmat, who left» mlMou dotoei* far the 4 Hratoms of knowledge smeag M, Thu pre fees to the uMislagve em they would havsmut os meet meteM muhad had ream far It. tines ■■Klmon died »ssy sther pbUaaUroptoU have Ml tommy te Umt groat MtiUtloo. Lott of money In rstioM earns frem ga.oon sp to a q sorter of n mWlaa. day want yuuphmM about Urn Vortu sru people, they ere the gr—iem pep. vtooa earth t» nuke Wf fortune* and Uim dla and leave IbeuTto some obnrl .l£“ howtehmut eawm. Jute tbink i.os tbto Smithsonian institution ha* •I® wu* T**y b*v« now a library al 87,000 ratiuri on mtialldn suhJeoU A museum of 80,000 historical ooilta ^■»*■» A | i ®2,“d b?**IK*«oteo Coate Ulna building, wbare our Florida Moot is “*i*r IMl4 °*w» wagot f’*** and IkH wain** and aproad oar luoch and had a good time. It to tea piaaaaBlast place to rate that to upou the ground* Clara Maar la at roar fleet and Uio rtsw all aroaad you Is charming. There era heard tha « quisiu* music of ailmoro'O band and wondorad If Un-ra could ho any awuaUr music in heavac. From then we Journeyed to the agricultural and msaafactursra sod liberal art* build lag* and by till* time my wife wa* tiisd and surrendered upon the atepa* »h* bad seen enough Tor one day, sad •aid she wisbaJ aha was at boats. Tbs mlod baa to bars time U digest thing* Just like tbs body. Wa utiad her to go up to tlm Midway and shout tha chutes and rids on tlm taenia rail way. but no. His said aba had that enough and aeon enoogh and would wait for aoeu* other tlm* to at* Urn “Wont you take a boat rid* on Clara Merry” Bat no, the etelepto had come. We want buck to Coots RMa and sal down and listened to more music and aaw tha atoetrte light* turned on and ware happy. By halt pate 7 o'clock wa wore back to tha oHy and three hoar* later, at bom*. Bill aju>. taottud Mack llamni H liae been many Mn Woo* Lb* farmer* of North Carolina wet* m In dependent m they an Bov. Several time* Uila eeami tbe oewa hat roue oat (ran* Raleigh aud other ptaoee that •am* farmer* who ware enwilliag to take prior* offered for their cot loo. hauled It beck bom* aud mid they wen not oompellad to aeU U. And again the new* gnee oat from no* of the oottou mill eeetkmeof the 8UU that repreeeo Utl ree of the mill* Imre to go to tli* farmrra and aak them to aeU oottoa to eapply the min*. And even then toe farman tad agar Inffly, bolding the ioo*t of their eoUoo for a bettor price. I%* Democrat rejoice* at title atato of Indapendeeo* among** the farmer* of North Carolina, It la toe nealt of win ulmtlnr md Kualwdi— Ka.m. aupptoorup* during tbe peat few yean, forced upon them by lb* one-ocop eye tern aad tbe gnat Uek of borne »ep **n fargean of tbe Bute ten and twain yean ago. If tbe farmara of the land bad been tone Independent *H the while, ao «ouId haca M than off lato the wild political obaa* wtleh maav of torn entered through the lendlog-etrlog of the AllUaee. Now, that they ere again Independ eat, aad that aot through thole politi cal vagarlee, but la calt* Cf thorn, lit thorn rat or n to the Dmaoorutle party, wtleh boa beau the true rrteod of the people through oil lto btatory. e*“-|wweu*aj«;M» A M AIMiw Tbe then got Tedkln ooeoty paaacd through toot night with two prteonwe tor tbe pvnltoatiari. two white woana. eae aaend Bell* Holdbrookt, about 40 years of age, who waa glree twain mouth* and tin other, Mary Beiea, aged 18, wu al~ ahr mootk T* two were tied together with rape* aad lea bad very aad. The chare* brought agataaO than tree for etvUlag about taa caata wurth of buoou. Bat they broke la a baaag u^jpat It, wtteh ta a pewWantlary We Bodantaad lb* earn won own binary aad lied aaty three aonta wortt Meehan Rina them for their tapper. A gentleman raeHalaf tlntr aeed fan then t food, ogaan maau, whleh toe) aetmad to enjoy. TMo la brutal, ever a eooriet abould be tod peaperty. toimttl_ ■to familiar with Km Nrral Coarto la to* wsatora of Vortlt Carol Laa, that aua *f tba iwltoai sad too* of tba BnaUaaa “ towafttama an, to put It Mildly. nttoraaiMWiituc to u»u*..i fr»t*rni *y- w«U m to t£. tally. Th* atuara wko la IWMltar wHfa tba mada of prn otowa la nr atato courts win dad ■’baa ha gats iatotha FMaral Coart, •• mat to too dUtor see* betwara to* two. Tra*. b* will ■ay or aSttotorf^tot ha wffi aoM***^ sw sjagartBswa? altowadtoaaIfh* MuTray* . wJaryalUMIy by nod won HI* than far to draw It* Hi. Honor fete down off far a little tlma, bat Die sotit dowa? sto^^wtato ha to yao*. ft runs on at n —arvtti.. artu&r.’sELj: .‘ss.'s^ ■»<■>!*&« toad sort at thtoy I Than itUM district aUornay cam a*t wa ■ *; ■“$ •>> *b» ao* ahoUah to* Jadfsjud Jary and am toatowtartM. from Mltebslt ooua ty"wae "oattaT'and failed to answer. Be waa not m to* oaartnaMaria tow*. Bat hto ewe war llsyiasd of; ha waa pronounced galUy ud aaatoaaad. Constating * Man aad aaataaatow hto tohianb saooe.wltboatalsto.hlM a ahanea to **• beard. I# rather storUtoa to a toy. ohm aad It mada eon* of tha tonl frnteralty open thair aytoa Hula wtdsr tban usual. ns son eorprtstug things (otlsst wMklterm sadoos that earned now talk among Uo lawyers, wee he cave It out on eU nows stene. The mils* |« ttito That any mao found at au tlftslt distillery Is pneusMd is bn a ‘a “• Illegal traffic or guilty of aiding aud aiwttlng in it an •see be can show to Urn eontmry. it is nut nummary to And him at work there. TTt rteur*! rrrmiss fs—mmytt to convict bus enlese be eea prove his lanooenee. Ha any have happened there aecMeutally; bs may have stopped to wane hlmealf. to got a ohew of to bunco orto psae Um Umoctdey. Ha may have been called there for come purpose that hud no connect leu with tbe l Heart traffic and be may have a# sympathy with it. AH these thing* bat U be is foand there by tbseffiasreof timlew tbs ooort bolds blm gsilty uulios be me eotobiith his kwcomca wmwhot«m tM dim mm diatent PMt we hart heard that every omn woo prcaiMMd iaaoomt aatil kia guilt waa •riahiiahad to tba MtMhotioM «T a Jaty Tht. U not ao aow-ont lo tha Federal Court. Tba Itaa band Mtew la UM upon tbeeltftmir ha lo found uodtr ulrcufoaUaaat that giro to tha oareat iiiapieten that ha la guilty of onrna. and the burden te put fo rt°* that ha la not aullty. TMa, to tha lay mtod, la bordering potty olooa to tha Mat whan tha UwfoftTnS —U wholly bad. Tboy only add tu tba tboatead Ilia that tba adata Iteration of tha raraaaa tean haaa alraady 2XhJX.XS.%l&i?tt STiffSttKTRrsns Court," Waters tea tha point wa am ■Mrtag to oteabllM. Thma Imot praotioaa to n oaort at (sMlea land to bring thrtqowt Into diamante. Oaa loam roapaatfsr llnadnnndimoi la It. TlwoMma whohaato da wtuilrn* sau“aKrs'ifc,rs wbamalaa, aa parauMbte nadir tea alraamtenwa. Aad tela ‘ ' 1 athamahoald ha tha KlrasaaM aad ma* ji wa am la hfoai It*__ A reform la la oar tonal aulaaoo appear a* am ooaataf tea killing of two darn la Worth CXtatan teat wart. Wild tar. keys are rtpariad u. ha ttoteut. and oor tereama an arid to be wtoalhm With drt. If wo win loot bo pStml! teoMtea and tha teCMa wfUM hart after a wMla. term. Thom who haaa mod Dr. Kbf Ufa niiaarmj kaowMa eaten, and those who ham not, haaa now the up purtnalty to try It Kras Oa(lan tM jSKSSSHS do. aad ch aaampto ban of Dr. KlngH Waw Uforitofroa,aa wtai earn •f Qnida to Bhalth aad Brntertald In ■My.R|gy to goar ctu, bat wall ln^SS\t aM^aaS[> sBSs&a?^3ts I Kw^MbMibSii ttaiwSt B. »nru fMfrtit n*M| toMohSwMUOtmmw.Sad. la the eoaasrvatinljr alow utd State - of «Mrtb Carolina, tho only State «i3^:y la even sterner to Ita liifWH to,A»r.; voros teas Urn Bttdo. Ivrljeii man won toand to rate tor an-1~irl la ft» Caateltatlmi to gtw women tea electoral fraoeiiltr. pxnminet —tori at the bat, wta tho two ordinarily the slowest to tab* up with BM tangles not—.stated to ofta^ dodotlhe _ __ wan advocating weoaau auffnp They bad toon reading tb« aiBiiwiaH ' la favor of it, and hod mueiytatalto* uaily aaoMlaod to tbo arguments ad Than two instauoasare gtvao to abow that tho oawta of woman suffrage too made headway to aoU-anppTmllto be tlm moat aafroilfol. IdWt OM Merc baa been no agitation. tho uuM ton gtrmmatod, what oaigbtaot bo egpsotot teasetlooo whore tt has to* come a live and lively tame?. Tom Dina H given to uttprMMlMO audkoom. Do la nothing Uaotaona Uonal. and tho average maa oHMt to would tafo the new idea abeoi "Tto New Woman." Tha oldest fogy In North Carolina oeuld not ton towed otaem to ttoltoe of oU fnabloaed ortho tofT. Bul, thoogh atrtcCy orthodox, Mcoedteg to oor "dan" lu sentiment, then was nothing oM-laablooed or trite te tha brllliaAt and logical aegomoS Then wmm?aidattt««o la thoheSn from tool dbIo« to and. It acini (toted with thought and bristled with potat from the opmteg aaatoooe to the eon el adtag words. Then are two argument* igitnte woman nCnum that go ta tbo rootsC Urn qtlcetlaa. sod too eaforeemeat of ttoor two woo tbo suteeot matter of Mr. Dbrno’a lecture. 1. A ballot not bwalrad by a baysoot cauoot enforce It* decrees. 9. Lon la a more powerful fores te oonironing the world than law. Wu shu eontreh oow by levs. Mm emmet rotate both soeptrea. LenlettoUgb eat aad the (Met powerful. She grim “P ito btgbeet Induesaa whoa aba pled* to to “tho equal of maa," bbmooo. Uy lbs urn of her own goou Mar force, she la Mo superior. The whole quest ion about “tho sow rnoie" revolves .round them two prcpeelUoae. Mr. Dtaowte presents lien of tbum wm uiuaterfal, laipMi Dr.Fal tt. Lm* Z&A Utmi •tis: pmii Ummim •'A. mm'' “Oh. i* f»Toh«n £** »w £»p*hj K.IM4 £“i S3; tafUM ** .. . ..i?i&