tor ttmy hud no other MttMklkk had pr*i*-e l ot rtapact and admiration. X am tcnpied to (Hawaii Inference from ** otoerruiKati (tail. nuitrtltoUudt^ tka uiwtarleaof katmir. torn CfcrUUan ktoriwrmaultattoa, Md ttrt. w, ltoymu atfcwnta wank. 'Let roar light ao ahtna btoore meo that ibey may eta yoor wocka aad Ihrhtr J«ar Father which ie to bear tkto wall adamtrd aadktokbr fatter •aduR yx»uR Chiaontaa wUlaotbe llto ly to rarara to Uhtaa aalaaa mm dr *ka )£b*S5!ta^£>* 2£T 1 ay kk uaral career and enter the reta kes) «y field. Thera la abo aprutobtUty that ho muy event rally go to tka IJattad Stole* and endeavor to gala a krakkood ky tracking aad writing. At yraaaat to wraa to ha twrfoo* to bar* tka world farjtct kin—that portiua at lamt dealg natod an tba map aa China.—John A. Chakaiill is Yokohama Latter to Mew York Herald. “SOLID SOOTH" NO MORE. i . Mr Ml 1M Ohmi. * Now that thoesoltcineut Incidental to ducofcr coni n««l abet Km has eobeided potlticiuu* ua abb lo r.iln.-ly riovr iba •Haul ton aa it la roreatail in tba rartooa •tale*. Tba nnll hi ITnatnukj it con ceded by than politician. to ba MMak significant, cepaaially is tta banriug an * be pmKbutinl content. taaawab aa it obUtPT tea ibr lino of dcaiarkatioa be tween lbo aonk and tba "aoHd oentb** and triuga Ooknol Bradley to tbs franc -c^bb candidate fca tba Ties 7ubn G. Kew af IndbaapoUs, baring XMda a nurk an etaction day eo Iba aSnst tbot It Ouloml Bradley wan abat ed it rronld make Ua tba bay till, an Candidate for rice pcabdent, rraa praard «ht otbar On for aa alaaUntlan of tab tMd.ndMaMi “Tba election of Oolonrl Brad by an g.1^ *flS?HirSib "ifnrzi w. lit MUMT. M MlkMl UqM no InrjMf. m Km «wmm north irt tooth, divide the peo ple npoa 1— that — cf aatfaMlte “TheBapahUaao party, following the it—»ii of a—i1 a— ■» tax. in dMitana uf haring n Bolted tomatrj for the benefit cf the whole — Men. * *- -1—‘r~i 11 rVHrtrati cinHnn al linaa. It will now recognise, 1 be liaee, W> the eleetto of Oolowel Bradley aa goetrnor of the atate of Boy Clay, tha gwt wpoaent of proteathaa, that Bepnblicaa prindplea are perrediag the whole eoaatry. "It eoaH be aa exceedingly dttisg than for tha neat SembUean ata—Mion tea—inate for vice ptvwldeat the Ant eoateettagTi'mT"** **'"'’a*** Srabucir^tertpto ***** “ "it la alao mrecillaalj Attfeog. tharw fon, that tha Aapitf— perty ia Ha neat maapatga aboald taka op aooh a man aa W. <X Bradley, who hae the con h a ByncnJoJaT^Taritod^T—ly —a af tha tcaoh—thought it woald be • good idea to — how tha a hnhna ttood^ngatgng topreaat poMtlaal wrtta tat a atlp af paper tha ammo «f tha —wdtdate for awyoc he an aha thought woald win the ahetfcn. A MUle boy abont T yoan old nieed bie and when permitted to apeak aaid, kwliu, nqr father’a one of danjt knew what Z —I" CURRENCY REFORM. ttlUMTMK KEYNOTE OP CARU8ir» ANNUM. REPORT. too— to— —b, to* Um mm—Mb) tots— wtn to to* ■*— ▲ 0—1—cy to—A span Ito (tick — ■— of to* b—to t—tog to— epoo evt toneteef pebUo MU «* apaago—. ——t —i<U Will to tto tie portae! abenga of —Wag law which vrtU to quia no. taa—irtol. Tto—ast radical depacta— will ba la regard to growlwoto. Secre tary CaaUalc toe aever bad bat a— apia baicf Um green took legal tender car Mnqy, aad be wrwid gladly to— favor ed it* atoolata ratinunent hat year. Boaad—M w—than fab in mdaUahtxa Uea eiiel— wtottor peblto opinion would—rain a plan tar lwxrfng boa to and converting a noulacercal bearing in la — fatoraNb-riag debt. Tbe lean of tbe gold Mala of hat wlufar, however, with tto arid*— cd tbe espa—tap—ed apaa Um coauh7 to aMiotala Um gold iceme. aad tto — Mraa—» which have to— received from emtaeto atadeata of inuaoo, sow lad— tto belief In tto cecretary't atiud that pabUe opinion la ripening toward tto abealate retirri—at ef tbo government fnaa tto ton king Intel mcm. aad tto ico enamidarioa wiU now to bmM with tot 1—KOrariia that tto given backs ba retired. Sacretary Carual* will Dot Clack from rmnmrmcdag» bend mm for thia par pna U amy b* advttabl* to prartd* for tba larimaant of •portion of tba aiaooat oatatanding from tba nrpha rrtacaa, and tba rath matt, in any earn, will b* naty grade*!. tba traaamy akaady cam tafam *M,4U,MS in tba old ttgal ten der*, tortdm MB. BM. Mg hi the no*m to •nad andar tba ihru law. ltoaa ■right ba aanealad tomorrow «d de dootad frota tbaaaab balanoaIf aothar ity weregtreo hyoongrom Tba tarena* may not ba adaqaat* ia tba imaadlata fataia to tadaam many notaa from tba aarplaa, bnt tt ia liktly to ineroaaa aa ttm* pamai, even tt Iboro ia no change la «x taring ravaaae lawn Ho ratira mant of a taw million* a month aright ba tnaily arranged without hug* lama <* wton nanrplaa again bagma to w—bb ia tba traaeaxy. n ia aawpaiaad that tba xatfcamant at *• gxaanhaeba mat b* gmdaal li*«— *f tba atotartty of patting —is tbeir place. It ia ao part of tba plan of Baerafany Oxrttri* to mafc* anch a vio knt connection of tba eanaoey aa woald •aear If tba greenback! ware xatlxad and aa etbar eenency aobat itoted. Ba will Itorafora renew tba xaeeanaoandntb— of laat yarn that aoogxam aathorim tha to na of bank notaa npon (be genaari amata of the banka ap to a flxad paaoaataga of thair capital atook amd tacnxad farthar by a aadaty food made ap by amall atm tottmtlctia from all the banka Thaaaarataay baa not yet togas tba aotanl Writing of big report, and am datrik fa* tto plan of lari year may to mhjootad tomadMaatfon. Tbaataodoa mantof tto paopoaal tto* gxaantaeto aboald ecnrtitat* M pm cant of tto aa oaxity for bank aotaa woald ia ltaaK, tt tt aaaertod at the toaaanry, miannmi much of the borillity thro ilttplajnl to the ftercury'a pion. Per ha pa tto atxea gmtoppoaittan from the Knr York baak aa waa taaad npon tto eulimltad hn biUg tapoaad npoe all tba banka fa tto aafartanawm of Uao aafaty fend. It waa objected that many nnall banka might to formed ia oartnln aaatlatta whttk wooJc^ quickly oollapaa. withont ralonbla ameta. and Impose a attain op en tba aafaty fond, which would to • heavy tax upon tto tteoc«or banka, arm U tt did not Imperil ttoir credit. Ska fciatory of nearly every tanking njiti ia tto work! audar modora oendttiena to* demonstrated decretory Oaxlial*’* claim that tto aaxats of tailed tonka have nearly always been adequate la pay ttoir notaa. even wbara tbarawaa no mfriy fend, ao (hat tto dai*ar tt re garded by him aa peraiy atari mantal. bnt eaara modMcatlcn which will limit th* par oaot cf liability of tto aolvant bank will probably sot to objaoUoaabi* to him. That* t* not araeb hope ia iflmlnta trattan ciroler that a ariWhrtmy cer atocy bill willtonunod by the Begat Mean ctatgroaa There ia no daalxa ta mato tto staflto a party Imea, and many pronihirnl Jtepoblicnoaere kntiwa to favor a baakiug cetnwy, That* baa toan move of a dttporitlon in (hair ttogMaatadbaTal Boniathing of tto t prevail*] toward tto« and kaa loti toaCerieto tt kt a taodiflad form by baa I caunui iMuma. to R«M Bssai I M HM ri H>| -1— — - — toMta mw» Warm in*. Leal tkmdar^jnralng Dr. Kllgo ivSlft«S|iihiS«3i!i th lanky. la spits of ralo the ballolag vaa Wed with peopla. Tta attar vaa dace rated wRh beautiful ohmeoUmmuma, and tta masio taa rxce&aat. The voluntary ‘■Sava Ua, O Father,'* vaa rendered most noesmfuUy by tbs abelr.and the offertory, ‘Jart aa I Ala." by Mrs. Heart t, vaa baud vtth tta gnata* aueotloD. Tta eatke arrsagrmaat* were la heaping with th* oharatag taata of tta naabytacian eoognguttoa. Dr. KUfa took for Mataxt, “For otbar fannoalloo tan no man lay tbaa that la tad, whjnhfcJaeaa Christ.” (L Car. I, U) Hla ibeam vat tta aoprame potties of Chrlat (n oar na tional development aad aaoorttj. By a notion la MM more than gov*n» aaaat or pollUm. It raaaaa all of oar delta, civil sad social. Tta mistake mad* by aoodeni moiety tsaotlnoot tlag off the efauak from th* 8UW, b«t i in nulling offtbadtetefrom the oh arch. Tan State should be viewed aa a port of God's plan far regelating tta vorld. Any InsllteUoo U measured by IU fundamental Utoaght. You oaaaot get oat or moiety a greater product tbaa the thought that taa bam* pot in to it. Tta life of a flower la measured by the oondtlkm of It roota. Tba •cteeUat snost always go down to the bottom till ha fled* something ultimata and from that be must begin hla In recent tl nee ire aeera to bare cecM to a place at which tbe fundamental force* are nearly out of Joint. I am not an alanoht, yat eon ennnot be deaf to the wmlem matter lagt of eo eiety. There amt he n caoee far thin. We have n «atmu>g in oar baaal Idtaa and the ultheate aaaae lit oU hr greater Ideal and neater me. We hare outllral ear peat Hier Oar political leader* ham nofreeh Inko* U “d lh* P*Hda arerepudla we hear of a chunk from which tha people are all taming we my he earn it meeoe that they here exhausted the idaaa of th* pulpit. We Mint pot a aew lorn lata thla aid world. Be foraeauone often tail becaaae we try to reform on a nailer Waa than tha peo ple. 1 look I a to tbe tweetleta oentary. It call* to motor Hfc. I look at tay own eqalaoent, thedoetrlaae of tha paet la rrfigtoue aad pollUoal Ulaaa. Do they need mwtagr I tarn tu Um young man. Lit him eoweMor tha pro blew ot capital and labor. tMtah politic lam bare tried to aolee It, hat they hare faded. 8oiacwhere in the twentieth cautery there wtU oomea great mao with a gnat heart aad he will eelre It. Sou will be with the problem* of what to do with wealth. Wo *all lean bow to nee it for tbe grrateat good to humanity. We eball farm, too, how to mule the gaceUooi of aaarehy, epdelUm, the greater life and a hundred other*. W* hare another and a greater problem atlll to aolre. We wmt make a man wbu ean aope with tha proktom of liberty, a man who know* now to mb freedom. U take ■ a big man to be free. What Mm cm control Utia world! Sclroca answers paternalism. eoeUUam. If w» attempt Mill wa shell cow oor society. There le bat one foundation and that la Christ. Ho only has Ufa. Ha is the ooly peraoa who baa aver measured the pnatlbillUea of humanity U> all IU hope and all IU thought. He only has measured all the problems of homes existence. The politician, whose Ideal are not correlated to tba Mesa or Chrtot, Is worthless. Let os apply this to edneaUoo. Out ride of the Mrs it putt Into Ufa educa tion U nothing, Wo are to measure It by what we get oot of It. Germany ia controlled by her ualrereitW What wa we teaching young meat Too any patriot lam. if it t» aeeuiar, yon Imre diescter ahead. Teaching the Ten Comeiandmeet* myed Israel. The teachings of Knox made Scotland. That Scotland I* to-day one of the •afmt eons trier In Urn world la duo to Knox. Yoa bad better hays no edoea tlon than a ChrtaUsaa education. I would rather trnet this Stats to an taught believers in Chrtot than leave U lit the hands of educated l»«deb. Ttto may not be lo keeptof with what yoa have beta accustomed to hmr In rata, ‘too to modern tdueaUou but I am not reedy to eoarprumtoa my Ideas at Christ to be hr company with aay modem theorists. It la not (ufietent for educatloa to be moral. Tula Istbeeompmmtae the elrnreh la asked to make with Urn world It U not Christian adnenUon. Ing> raoll would endow It. I an not randy to subatHnte molality fhr a positive idea of Cbriet. Cbrtotala education does not mean reading of the Bible and tba oflhrlag of prayer every day. On tbla ground a pmitautiary might claim in be a Christian Institution. To be Christian an institution mart set Itself te leech Urn doctrines of Okriat; It aunt aaturate every «OQna of tort ruc tion with Hto alms *ud Hla apt tit. It moat enlarge Christianity Into a vast system of life How thall we train uur boyn f The* mam ere long toava their sport* and ■tep down to take thetr ptaom to the world. Wee unto lb# world If they «*•»• wHh nothing hot eeMek purposes to tbetr btnrin Bat M they come with Uw Christ Men of tow, of todns Uy, or eoodoet. of. gmml social raUtimi, the worid will follow •hem aad they abuB land U eufily through many * prtoto. Tba world w 'no men CbrtoUeaa boyn. They there aaw lytog, obaatteg, and averywttoro looking out mash they can make far _ If tba colleges oaunat out better boys iknnthenu, (ban we want no mom noltegsa. Rut ir asa&SftiSss fiagpfcaaa ib«z<*Tw«rMi its iMie. TVs rnepeiaae of Um national gov ernment ter October wore about 000,000 la wtaaar of receipts. Tite now tariff tot has fallen abort of tbo aad baring thu* out off ibta aoures of aeppllee. It la anooaaeed from Waal* Ingtoo Uiat neither the President la hie mease ge ear Um Secretary of the Treasury To bis report will rsonrnmcnd to Congrem any Increase U taxation, thaw both believing that tbe saw tariff will yet produce all tbe now; tbe go ram meet will need. It May or nay not. It may require ao*a rilght amendments to oeaee It to do Ibis. It would bo strange if It wars nut marked by crudities; It would bare beau strange If it bad, In Ha original state, yielded Just as musk reranue ea waa needed sad no mors. Any new rereoue bin le largely an experimental measure; it eannot be told to a nicety at It will do until it is lasted. If President Cleveland sod Secretary Carllale are right In their claims that tbe WUeoa-Gormau bill will yet prove Itself a sufficient revenue producer, tt will have justified itself. Indeed, it bee already dooe that, even though amendment of it may be found necessary. It baa given the people cheaper goods than they aver bed before. It baa dona everything lor them that tbe Democrats said It woim a a. Tbs tariff was isvtsed. as tbo nation al Democratic platform declared It oboold be, "In e spirit of fstrnoas to all Interest*," aad white tbe eost of tbo things they bay bat boon cheapened to tba mamas of tbs people, no legitimate rasnafeotaring Interest baa beau la in red. The prophecy of tbs HrpuMt cans that it tbs Democrat* were al lowed lo "tinker with the tariff" they won Id close manufactories, turn work ingman Into tbe streets aad disturb •very bosinoas interest*, has failed. So far from Ita having been fulfilled, tba man afbctu ring tat*rant baa rarsly. If sear, been in a more flourishing con dition than it la to-day; there baa been do Umewbeo It baa employed mors workiagmoa or at bsttar wages; gen eral be states bat rarely, if aver, bad a period of greater baalthfnlaess. The facta have given tbe negative to awry Republican prediction as to the effect* of tbo Democratic tariff upon factories, labor and trade. Wbat of it H in tbe first year It baa not brought Into tba Treaanry all Um mosey that baa bean needed? If this I* a permaneot fault it oan be easily isaufled; if It is one wbloh will right itself, so much the better. The tariff te yet too high on many attieies and. on tba other hand, there are, perhaps, some on tba free list which should be made dattable; bat, taken a* a whole, tbo Wlieoo-Gorman aet bat proved a Massing to the country and is u monu ment to tha wiadom and benrfieeoee of a Democratic Congress. raps a she DM) ArwuSlatw ChariuUoOlimrver. Uth. . "Here lo Borth Carolina," anji Uapc -dabs's paper, tbe Slals. "it It tbs plain duty of all who call themselves Democrats and who propose to stand together wtth their neighbors for white supremacy aad good borne government to ignore everything except their Slate platform and take oare that tbe State reooive no harm from themselves." It may be recalled by soma that well iu advance of tbe State convention test year tha Observer, thinking that It seen ted danger In tba air, urged that the Xorth Carolina Democracy Lay aside every weight; urged that, in that strictly Mate campaign, we pot Cleve land and all controverted national questions aside and need every energy toward raving the State to the party of “white supremacy and good home gov ernment." Bat bo, sir. We were sat down upon with prompts*** and great heaviness. Free silver and a let of other national teeaes wets lagged into tba platform aad tba campaign. To tha tall of the platform was tasked a' little paragraph about State affairs, and they received tbe ***** proportion of aUsotion la Um campaign that they did te tks ptetfana. It was Cleveland aad free silver sod the Sherman law, and tba Sherman tew and free rllvsr aad Cleveland, from on* end of tbe State to tbe ether, and the Democratic party "inarched through a siaaghter house to an open grave." Wears not professing to b* wise saougfa to bo able to assort that under any other circumstance* tba result would hays bean different. Qod for bid I Bat ws hop* it will be no offense to oar good friend. Copt. Ashe, to re mind Um that what ha aow suggests is wbat tb* the Observer urged eighteen UOOtlM mo. Bow that tbe figbUng b*» been famed la lssrth Osrunsa <m national lea one, by ear Deanoeratle colleagues, ws era urged to keep alienee, ou our pert, while they do all tba talking— urged in the Interest of “harmony” lo be still. U Is only tba story of crying Pease, Peace, when there is no peace. ft* T»Mt UiHl M*»<ihi«. p».hm»iii. gotno rtlokbto advice to tern era U gtven by Q. M. D. Lift*, ft bo la a gnat eblcfcso-rnlser and egg producer in Lower hisses. Hit Man In brief la to aaaka his baaa work Car a living. Ifr. Line aajrn: “ft la oeoraaory to aaka bone sera i«li fof a ihrioc. "I aooomplxh tbU bp feadlu a oorn oa tha oob Instead of nbstliag It. t taka «bat I consider a aookooary noia bar of tan, split tboa op Uto Mt>aU parte and throw ttaa to las obtsksoa, leaving tha grata* of oorn on tbs oob. ThU antes tana work la ordar u> ar ea re a asst, aad work of tba kind la abaolotefy rrgaUtte to tho production 'TTin aboarad this principle of fosdlag for ooao joara and hors boo* aothdod ftttb tba rooalto* baeaaaa ay hominy In tho tall and wlater, wbon rgga aiohjfhliiiftloo/^^^ Kteotrte Btttora to a aadleloo isltod Ur nay aaaqa, hat ptrhapa mom gen SSiXI&nAfX? £ liver to lorpM and aloggiih and tha seeded a too to aad alterative la ML A proapt naa of this aadtetaa baa oftea everted tea* and pvrhapa fatal bUlofta flapan. Wo asdk>i»o will act aoaa suraly la eoaateraeUog and flee ing tea system room uto aaUrUi MMMA. IwJhmadiaa IW stipe Uca. Dual asm yteStoXteotra Biftatv. 40 and Itfc par bottle at OvuraXaiaBvh Drag Mart. NOT LIKE OTHERS There is a difference between medb elnee end medicines. Tfcoto of rule, differ from thoeo of the past in ~mj rreannli Tally as groat hi the dlfforoaoo be tween Dr. Knag's ROYAL REMETUER ud the ordinary medicine* of today. It la unlike them in THESE FIVE THINCS: 1. It doca not taste like a medi cine. It to u pleasant to taka as 1 Mannarle ud makca a monk roJrtahhag drink. S. It mover uamasiet the moat dclloalo ntumsch. 3. It does uot xwap off one dis eaeo (tor another. It done not setup one form of disease in order to rvliero another as to ao often tho eeae. 4. It contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is Always harmless even when given to a baba oaa day old. 0. It dam not patch simply, ft cures. It readies u nothing else does to the hidden sources of dlssaao iu the blood and removes the cause. It doee thin with an osjs and potrsr that ha vo mover been equaled. For ell naabku of Uw ruond. Aussash, wkSsuta Mnla a peer. Til ATUATA CHEMICAL Cfc, ATURTA, IA. warn m swan* boos. isoub im For sale by Frost Toireoce & Co. FORTER’M ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL For Barb Wire Cota. Scratches. Saddle and Collar Calls, Cracked Heel Boras, Old Sores. Cats, Bolls, Braises, Piles sad sll kinds of inOammotioa on man or beast. Cares Itch and Mango. tta Ins. to m Mrs ell im asm tint O* ill kiitasesihL B< prepared for aertdeatahy karpls* it In your Mere or wakes. SflBrendMssoSnsassssraeUs. So Cora, Bo H«. rtirs IJ els. ssd |wa If ysur DeesSlrMi sol krrp If trad as af ett, St pot. lac* slampt sad WO will toad II to you dry WlQ, farit. Tst..Jiv SMS. use Dui Sll I kart ltd Sttlw*. Mask Mu tt WTKaraattaaS (am t onu. lmltl....l Sttk w l„ Ci • ’.staSiSTSs^:'41 *—u' 4 * - C. D UTOfJ,UwT7KUIWI*UU BA8Y lUtNCDi . Orttiw M f« >hMMl M tmh i twl >w mi win sU> nwrttbr o4l om nr «Mk IliL^ 0*4 « »• Dm tart r—11| I kNmiwd fa»l<,Tyy.. tin.iir 7\ >rti__‘ ■AirrACtita* it PARIS MEDICINE CO., IT- LOUIS, MO *** sod lUArABlttHl by FYn*t Torroooo Ar Co. W. H. HOFFMAN, —DENTIST— OAJTONIA, - • - • K. C ’ ~ / ^Office over FI ml Nations! Btek. Wm. H. LEWIS, —ATTOIUI fc r-Ar-LAW— Gastonia, N. V. Practices wherever hie eervlon an ro«l aired. G MAJVHUM. —ATTORNEY-AT-LA W— - OAVTOMIA, M. C. Will practice In the oonrti of (jatto.i and adjoining counties and In Ilia Federal Court*. G. F. BASOnT - ATTORN BY-AT LATT lfa. IS Low UulMln,. CHARLOTTE, W. C. Will prantlea In all Mr Stuto and United Kaaea orntna and will ant attanta at aar antat on tha riHrnadf, In Uaawn, I Livedo, and ileraiand oovnttaa. McBrayer &'Durham, -LA WYERS— Da) lag,-A. C. Fraeslea la Me cownlira of tnuw, Uoonln, CMnrdaoS. Lbitharford. BuMa, Foil Sad MeDowug. and la Mr Federal Court* A. L. HUKB9.V, Tonsokial Paklok -aawi,Y Ki rt sii or—• In Oocner Room V. a 0. A. Building Firat-clasa Workmen Employed and Fliat olaas work Ghiaiautssd. Corn ■' a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilisers containing not under 7% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. O" «" *■« ■» i ililra drain U». ht aaUbi(ra,k«w pncdS-' lauac rmirdioi «• iW auMtci of fmiUaMn _•« JJ <• wrm mu fa, fa, OCRUAX KAU WORKS, «>*—« R . Nr. V«rk. HO MORE EYE-GLASSES! 5» WMk MITCHELL’S EYE-SALVE tOMH l»N —< BmHh ■»■!«) » SORE,WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, nmiwlM t—MirU'Aww, ms *»Kimi U« tAoelA. Ml LI ■AAvrtSrKVM; «u osoocmn »t an cony / W. B. WTLAOM. 1. M. SLOAM Dr's Wilson & Sloan ruroiriAjra AMD (umioxi. . Otter tbslr professional •ervloes to citlren* of Gaatoola sad surrounding ooustry. Celle left st Torrence *» Drug Store will inoelre prompt sttsotlou night or (1st. «K PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Mm ramui or ruHesss nim -We—m. gg|||^j£g^ ^^laasfflawrsasa .S&'AMffiKSI SH0S” — —'•SiSSU W*J*r»«TtMr, 0 0 iiurv8*. W.0 W. I. CRUX, *mii«mi. 0 a ^ tt : iKjTSgCTgam'gegttg I L. L. Jbkrikm, I'wMmt. ~~ » “ |1i|imi^|5S> First National Bank. , oroAsrojiiA.jf.a , State and County Depository __flBBBLgWJBI A m -1*258852 DIvMoihIh paid «li>«(Torjtiuiluktioi^

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