•r 8 1 2 Tba naaidoal says whan tbaea notes wewdwsl, nmltbsm. if re-issued Ibsy are pm—fid again, and again draw gold from tba teaaaury. As long as this paparczadit cuntnoy is par uUM Co go on in Its cndlsss chain —a— of drawing gold frota the trsasdhr, lust so long nwt tba me of borrow ley gold continue tat •hr tw keep tba raaanri up to s * keadthy mark. There is ao cad to tba baadsd Indebtedness which by this pmoaaa easy ha fattened spa the —•a Mr. Clsrelaod’s request of eeagraas wan la oubatenoe that tba Saaretary of tha Treasury bo authorized l * la— “gold” bonds hewing a low caU Of Interest Instead of tha 4 pm «it **ooia” bends Which witlioat such aatberity would have to bo leaned to r eplenish the reserve. With the gold bjwdo that authorized a fund was to bo pro stead for the redempttoo and ratlraaeont of thaas notsa. Further —■adalttaa wort Made looking te tbo petrrtoeoa of a paper currency to tabs tbo plaae of tbo mired uouo. Tbo Maphlilban Rente Mid: If tbo n—Ml won audetest tba guM re wwan Wowld ba all right. Vail pass a MM raising tha lari*. Tha H»uss fartbae said: We will not authorise gdd hoods, we will not rotlro lho • gridwhacki, but an will glra tha Dew tary of tbo Traaaury authority to sell I par tent, instead of 4 jwr oool, “note” hands tor tha ndftwptl»o of thplggsl tandar notes (which May bo reissued) and for no otter purpose. 1Mb a—ion was designed to protect tea raaarra Tba asoond aaatloa an* Ikarhwi tba Secretary of the Tivwoary teprwstds for teoeporary doflolanoioo la rwaaaao by booing duo bills or oer Udoatoo of ladobtodaon of tbo United Steteo pnyaMo after throo yoara In boMtewy. ^Tbo tariff Ml) was paoaod by tbo tea tariff on wad and oroalewa and tanbar te aO par onat of tea MeKiolay rate and mass te 15 per —t tba tariff OwahUMtenla, eortboa wart and gtass ware, —Is. attsofnc lores of woods, teteeco, Cas, baaip and Jute, aUka. tad I At this particular Um the paper we Mi eat tWe week ought Vo bs an Ntontolng b amber. Whether people win take time to nek it or ao* to ao atherftaasttaa. buv that docent affect the fact that we hare wanted te win a pook number uf It and betteea we bare fairly nwnilll. On the fleet page* there among m beted matter h Ymmaato—lou note than1 the geographies tell about 11; ■too ‘the YcAtWMiaa Dtopnie-what H to ell about.” well tald by the York ellls itoge»wr. The Briton’o etow of war versus meoey to ktoenmed In a "Matton of Hbopkvepsre” aad the American* view la "Principle Above W»," One the Couth page under “Floating Furuaoca” arx aocna appal' hag Experienosa of atodera moral warfare. A feature o( the inalda pages to a totter (net a gifted daughter of Uae ton aow tealdeat la Hartford. Conn., engaging In atyto. charming In diet low. •Had with now a gienm of humor now a Shadow of Toieekm feeling—and with all so daftly wrought together. It eras auavoidable that It had to ap pear ■ week later tkan the writer in tended It. Ifaay win read “A land at Pteaty,” a letter from Aabe oouuty by Rev. J. 3. C. Anders wall known to our eoanty. Tbs usual amoent of editorial and aeara matter, with some oounly correspondence and new year advv film mats. erlM he fuuod not be low the average la interest. We treat all who eee it will appreciate it eaoegh te eabecribe or touew before ■ext toss*. Thera are still U nambers to com after this one. ms tries Sana. It te bora. It eama la yesterday. It began oa a Wednesday aad will go ant aa a Thursday, which gives sa Wednesdays and the aame camber of Thursdays. U win have M6 days In all, and will be the toat leap year ontU 1901. It to the year for another prmidautlal election. Flneaelal and aeoaumte matters, the elections. International aSslra, wars and reason of wars, and who knows what else? will arako it a year of latsnas latecaat. If you haven’t subscribed fbr yoar county paper do ao now. Yoa can mill get « papers before the aad of the year. It U volume XVII, Mo. 1, this week. Wears sot yet reedy to giro a pink tea or chrysanthemum show. The mood to oalahtave doesn't come and go at wUl during those times of ao much war talk. Ik* Mmmy Tktaa Mk WwM I1*t« to PuloirtalU* Time*. Tbe good wife Is always good. Noth ing pots her eat. She may bare neu ralgia, a tipsy oook and twle* who always cry at the earn* lime, bat aba never looks cross or ■ peaks tisjllly. and •»•*• always sees that dinner Is ready at ihn proper moment. The children may naye mumps. eliickrn pox sod measles, and llte plumbers may have slapped the Croton water because they are Bring tbe main pipe; the baker, butcher aod milkman may present tbrir Hula bills •I k rxaaperating frequency and with reproachful remark* appended, and Um teaman may have “sirnek,” bat when hue band cornea ska always smiles bean lifally aod has soaetning nice aod cool all ready in the refrigerator. dbe never mentions dte*«rer*bie hill* u> tha partner of bar soal aod never aaks for money, bat she itelweyanioely dressed In cool, Rated muslins, or. Rood rie* eashltaors. or aoesetblag like that. No dowdy calico wrappers on her. She makes everything herself— out of nothing—elegantly. She is eliarming. All the men envy him, bat eh# neper flirts. Bhe Is al ways ea glad to have Ills os live with them, and to take bar aflvioe In every thing. But, most of all. when be eoraee home at 4 o’clock la the morning, walking very feebly aod with esased Ingly weak knees, she saver oasts a doubt opoa blasts lessen t that “they're been tab I eg mock down st oar place,” whatever may be tbe season of tha year, sad aba always pities him for earing to work as band. Kaally great aeea am Uka tha oom man people, la that they never make a fetich of tha parts of speech; never laws glue that dictionaries or grammars getlla anything, and never make tha mistake of eoafooadlof a live tongue iHon Wa Mlm time la But at present a ooltoo aafll la U» oouotry which an Hava aagro labor. Aa otporlnaut which U to bo mmC* at Aaolrtaa trill therefor* attract wool) attanUon. A otaapaay baa bam orgsailed la that «Mv to MUM a cotton mill la artilab only aoara labor trill ha employed. ■Sarythlng la to ho tfaaa by aagraaa fnm tba aeflaa raora to tha top Boor. I# it ••omrwoth” that baa tilled thla sra-*j:jrars.wra; Haatty ftaai that/ M-od. aad atM aiSHparHH ^raWBadyta an art! (Mat ly dtgaitad faM audio* Uw Maker IHgraitva Oor ntara. b M tta Mta rational f f\a fiiAl If raklflrlf vvawto* w v** »»irartiv laaaardlattly. It atom* r I tired to daaMa aa Ha mhta. Alton* uial TMVUn H> UKTfMm. u MW Map. Work to iMk at tbt To taa BJltor of Tka I Mini Christman'. Christmas I.. averywhsrs ovarywhrre I la tbe very air «« breathe —la our bands, our hearts, our homes, aad, to complete tha allit eration, in Hum. Of eoaraa It In Christmas there. And to maoy of is, who bars loot dear oaaa wltila tbs last twelvemonth, tb* ooa that* claims our teodersst thought*. But, then, wr of this work) must baa praottoel people. And wo can be adaptive. Bo, onion CHrialrnas come* aad Ingenious lislug man stocks oar atoms with dainty and faacifal creation* that ap peal to our artistic sense and oar pocket-hooki, we buy »ud revel in the delight of oer parehesea. And nemo of nor ocaolt-studoat friends might contend that the spirits ot tb* luTad (anmdths creator* of these <11* traotiagly pretty things aaa madiom through whom to send to us some attestation of their coollnuad wish for L-ur enjoyment. Hartford always makes much of holiday*—In fact, Hartford, old rath er Hartford, is youthful In many re rita. Whni a circus coatee to towo. big manufactories a* wall an lb* small shot down for the day. that the workman may aaa It; aad on* ot tb* most prominent minister* bora, pastor of an old, rich, powerful aad strictly or'.ltodox church, has been known to omit the usual Toankagivtag Day service—in this land of Puritan*, pon der over It!—that 1m might wltaees a foot-ball |sat between tiro oollege teams. Ixow, these era only two In •tatHSee that argue Hartford youthful. I might enumerate a hundred, bat two will lufflcs. Uo today, It Is In motive attire, sod w* go aad go, to all tbtaeoM Hear England weather, at that, and took aud look, In onr heavy fur* and daisty aettea not feeling win ter’* sting, the rush ot the marry, laughing, hippy, hurrying people gen erating an electric current that transmits Itself to all and tingles and thrills and eaaphailass the occasion and Intensifies our enjoyment of IA After living in a city, on* can't b* quite happy avtr again away from It, and, iu my modest opinion, otic it U>* charms of Heaven will be its crowd. Hartford le a famously lataUrctual place. Everybody lead* and* nsnlti tud* writes, end one oonfroata every where n stimulus to mental activity and culture. And as for the manner and tb* huapltallty of the Hartford meu and woosen—aud coo And* tbelr prototype In all Hew England. 1 eras kepi busy will)* on my war Soath to tbe early autumn urcuiog with a con tingent of Xerth Carolinians, Geor gian* aud Tcnnrtmsps as to their right to a favorable comparison wish the vary best Southern element. two of oar city courebes tm pas tor* wbo are Southerners, sad these pastors are tenderly lovsd by tbelr respective people. They are Freak Dixon, brother of Tom, In tbs South Baptist—so celled because of Its loca tion on Main street mud Mr. Breckin ridge, of lira distinguished family of that name, in the First Presbyterian. They are the youngest men in Halt fordV big galaxy of ministers, neith er having yet reached the ago of thirty and they are two of the most brilliant. Anyway, Hu u theme is transplanted to Northern soil Invariably succeed, aod these young men are a success Though 1 am la the flock of oas, 1 sometime* go to hear tire other, bat Frack Dixon, as a central thing, is too Intense for lbs Intense. It Isn’t always so much what ha soya as bis impatient. Impetuous way of saying It. But lbs Presbyterian minister is more tli* typical .Southerner. He Isa't go ing to hurt Ills soft voice shooting, nor disturb bis graceful evolutions, likened by a Dsinuteaa to “poetry in motion,” by ranting. And when the North says through lta prominaut press, as It Inn upon several occasions to my kanwlsdce, that the average Southern man 1s of small stature, these two sig-frwt-till Southerners can stand. In i1tia ImamdUte locality at Isaac, as one refutation of that state ment. Speaking of Hartford being an io tellnt nul and progressive place, I might say that the only School of Sociology ir. existence ia located right here. Lest it might not bn under, stood by the reader wboos dictionary in nut convenient the aim and motive ofaueb a school, t appeod apart of the definition as gtveo by nr Oefitary Dictionary, tlw accepted standard, “The science which treats of the gen eral structnre of society, tha laws of Its davelopaMnt. the progress of civili sation. sad all that relates to society. ’’ Locking five months, f bavs spent a cycle of my life (seven years) In the North, end .a cycle means n whole rarolallon. Going South, I asked the conductor of tbe palace esr to U>1 me the moment w» creased Into North Carolina, which bt did, taking Infin ite pains In the eflort, but the thrill of dellglit 1 had expected to exosrtoaee was wanting. 1 bad Stayed away too long—the love of another land bad become a part of my very being and, Instead of daHgbUng, I want to com paring the two, tbe Connect lent valley I had left with tbe outlook before me, comparing them In the meet cold blooded fashion, aod dleappetattag myself by my v«ry uneeaUanvnUl pro ceeding Aod at tbe end of my loar aoy Dallas Bat-how much el Its soul .erected gone I Dear little old town, deer little oM loam I I bugged whole armfuls of its sweat and linger ing memories to my heart ae I waited Its streets, which seem oousecreted groaod, nod I isjcnd meeting the lew remaining old friends (Hilt, there was that feeling within, rags* and half-defined, ttsl tbe tows I bad known woe gone, goat forever, and would never aatot far me again. Meal of my oM friends mama* where “tha houses aw thatched with grass and flowers.” 1 stood and Ihoegfct rerety kz&Srzrjx&.t!* ▲Ml Jnata lltlte white ago Ihty wore aa botjr—aooniag aad sighing In dreaau SMMtlMW, loo,—living and iwpKg Nudplanning. What a chongg I how InooeeeJrabte 1 Vom all that llTlna and loving and hoping and ptenalag dia wHhlfia body f ■ttartfeward bound, t wrrowwd that t nnaldnt arrow awro la turning ay back on my old host*. I trted to too flMijMMl I «M wd aatll I roaMid Yaw Turk and ant MM* a# ay Uart ffi I_*m n—r*7, * the limited polled eot of tbe Grand Centra) Dapit. nod nwj Inch of the •ay between Sew Tort aad Hartford la aa familiar to me a waa tba ooort ho oaa Uwn at Dallas. Tba shades nf sight were falling wbsn we reached Hartford, l«t tbe eity waa abbas with eleotrtoily, aad aa me draw Into tbe eUUoa tba glad taaia Jumped Into my area, a genuine (brill of delight shot ihraeek and through me, aad I knew that I area Borne aad that I toyed It. 1 was la tba Sooth tha letter part of September. The fruit waa watte and vegetation dried up. I os me baa* to And fruit mod vwsUhles la their bu ■rewe glory.- Of ooum our seasons bare are late, aad tha things thsn la market ware tba native supply. Rat •ns now, sod during Us whole year round, wa have every vegetable grown, except sweat ooru. One day wa can have a real Spring dtoner, with lamb sud peas, spiaaob, dandelion, saw po tatoes, rare ripes, eto., scatter, and the oaa following, It wa choose, string beaus, summer squash, okra, cucum bers, big red tematow fresh from tba vines, era. And one Beds many more varieties at Mgitahtss In market than tbs average Southern farmers rale*. Okra gaw bagging in Hartford. Peo ple don’t knew bow delicious It la. The vary few who know of It know It as gumbo. Tba big markets order It dubloaely aad low on each aider. Bat it coals to live bate. With eggs at forty and forty-five cents a dot an— and we aw 10 many I—chicken twenty five cants a pound, turkey Itkrwiw. sad other (blags oarraspoadlng in price, one’s market Mb runs up Ilka a mushroom. Mushroom itself comw high, bat It Is tba moat delkkoa thing that grows. Cheeks win never low their roses if their possessor bat fre quently a joky Porter boose steak with m nth room woes. Bom* oo* aakad mo whoa I came bom* if tbat www not Um land of mOk and honey down there, I told them that Um part I ricilek flowed with honey, but the milk didn't flow. Up bare, we boy lb* richest tod purest Jersey and Alderney mOk for cur mo is a quart. It is flee owtu a quart there for milk that would net, in some In stances, perhaps, stand tb* Hartford Milk Inspector’s examination. I must hurry this off. It la not a literary effort, bet only an open letter to my old friends. I hare an engage ment this afternoon tc sew fer the Indiana sod help drees a Christas* Tree. I affiliate with four denomina tions, and to affiliate with a city church means boatasm. Even tb* social aid* of a elty etureh makes enormous Inroads upon one’s time. Rat It is all vary delightful, the fre quent receptions, tstlsV aod suppers la the church parlors, tbs working and ptanclag, and bright brains sin all tbs time formulating new ideas for snter UJaments, etc., by which money may be raised fur work to he dona When I say l affiliate, I mean I help theta, but ay Interest la a oonoeatrstad In terest as far sa church tenets am oon earasd. However, sty Sopers, when it corns* to sewing sad working for the poor, know no creed. I help my Unitarian listen, to whom I often any that If I had lest as mach of my faith as they have of theirs I'd throw the rest away and go on, and I help tbo orthodox. Bat, truth to teU. my forts doesn't Ho In making aprons Ice eqoawa. I would rather writ* a eer □nn, I told a certain young minister not many month* ago. Broiling bis rare, sweet smile, be said to me if I would writs tb* sermon, b* would make the apron; but s little later be remembered that be waa not only a man bet a mi a later, and that minis ter* moat writs tbsir own sermons, not beg, steal or borrow then*. And, psrbapa, after all. the squaw* might critic!** his sewing. That would be too bad—It would be loading them In to lbs temptation of taolt-flodlng. I was deeply pained to bear of the death of lflm Lou Morris of Dallas. What a peculiarly sweet and flower like personality hers was t I remarked when I saw bar three mouths ago, that time stood still with Miss Lou. And wby sot? Did she not hav* an abid ing bpnog within bernelf T Always PWtty sad dainty and gentle, she came Into tbs rwom where 1 was tbat day Ilka a ray of sunlight. Bet even then, with tb* soft, bright pink glow of life In her cheeks aod a happy brilliance In her blue eyas, one keenly Intuitive Celt that a something re flected from elsewhere enveloped her and marked her for Its own. We can’t nndemaad much tbat befalls u* in this Ufa W* cent understand wby a good, good daughter end lovable woman should not be left to earth a Httle longer to be a pleasure and ample. And wa can't understand why onr God works In such mysteries often times that baarfes moat break in sim ply woadsr over merely lili willingness to woood us. W* can’t andentaod. A. W. B j Hartford. Ceun. Dec. «i, 1886. W«rj «r MMoS* *•**■ »>■!■ — ’—r fit fiomim Mr. Moody baa a popular aad my teHIng w«y of “hilUng” the errors which era to rite la the theological thick log of many persona to-day. Speaking of Miration by greet, be mya. "It Is well that a men oao’a save him self', for if a man could only work his own wey to hmvca. yon nem would (Mar Ihe Met of K. Why, down here in Uita world, If a mao Happens to get a little ahead of his Mtowe, end sermpee ■ few theoesod dollars together, you'll Hear him bragging about bla being *a self-made mn7 und teHlng how ha be gan sea poor boy and worked hie way up la the world. I’ve beard so much or tbta sort of thing that I'm etch and Undo! the wbetn boeloeee. aod I’m Jtjed we ibaa’t have men bragging »»e*k all eternity how they worked Mwfr way into heevsa." Oreeu ita»(MMo Clevelaed Is right, end the Drmtert find* especial ptoaenrn lo being able to oonwleniiuus^ylcdoim blaeonrmfor •••a* Great firltela, iu Its avaritfone eS'M%vK3.jrhS7i' ayarallan It ft marl-r— soB H Is right that the greatest of Amsrieaa Rnpab HMAailNm to the rescue efita ■••hrr eiater. _ TbageaU nates wRhjuet arid# the rgrnmsai’s woefnltloo ef Her in dustrial awfiU. Tee Newport News (Ve.) Shipbuilding end Dry Desk Gompaay has lust been awarded the eontraea lor building two maiem bat TO NATM TIC I FAMILY 1AMK. A Marsh OmsM— Csavkl KaAnaa Sa AeeapS a CwSIMissI nu«aa-MBl Mas Miml Mia ISlaUI/. Saw Yoe« Ihm. Halubb, M.C., ltec. lit*.—A white IBM calling blmaeir W. K. Harris four Tear* af »•* convicted hi Wllmtngtoa N. O., of tlie Isroeoy of 1800 In tnonajr “by triok and derloa.” Ao alleged confederate named Darlington waa 10 Uctad with Harris, bat escaped cou vWUon. Harris waa aentonced to five years in tbe penitentiary, and for tome time waa on tbo State farm, to 1 Halifax Oounty. Ill a difficulty be to&ieted serious Injury ou one of tbe guard a, and In re* urn waa shot In tba Unmet, uaar tbe heart. This wound, It waa thought at tbe time, would Srov* fatal, but after several months e recovered sufficiently to walk aronod, but he waa forevwt disabled from anything Ilka work, and will b* an Invalid the remainder of bla life. Hla heart waa injured by tba ball, ao that it boats all tbo time like a trip hammer, and tbe phyaloUns say that bo may die any moment. Hants evidently la from a food family, lie la well educated, ana bis manners sad address show that he baa beeo reared io culture and leisure, H* laexwendinaiy Intelligent, la well In formed, and appears to bare seen muoh of tbo world. Harris, after being shot, waa re moved to Halelgli, where be has been ever arnoe. tits attorney prepared a petition for pardon, and It waa signed by all those In authority wboae request and assent are required by tbe Gover nor, and tbe facta, as hsnafter aat forth, ware detailed. It waa thought Got. Gan would grant a pardon Im mediately. But It was aaeartalncd by tbe Governor that Harris waa not tba true name or tbe convict, and tbo attorney was told by the Governor fo set hla dteui and get from him hla tree name and bla history, so that It could be vtrilled, and If Harris was not a noted escaped convict, or a netod criminal who bad oommltted some great crime, be would Issue tbe par don. This waa a year ago. Harris had then a little more then two nut to MTV*. Harris, in reply, declared that ho waa not an escaped coo riot; that ha bad aot committed a crime, and waa Sot a fugitive from justice; but that is family waa one of the best in the land; that they were rich and Influen tial; that be bad two or more sitters who had married men high to office, and before he would disgrace the family by asking publio his identity, be would die in the penitentiary or eerre oat hi* term of two years, aa the ease might be. And all tlw Informa tion that could be obtained from him aa to his family waa that hia father was quits aa old man when he last aaw him, and that ha waa a Post 0«oe Inspector under President Arthur. Harris has written to Gov. Carr two jattaes which prove that he ia a man of education, that he has been raised In polite society, and that be is a very intelligent and smart mar.. The let ten have every appearanne of being written by a person who baa bad long connection with the preee. In each be seta forth the reasons for bis pardon. Got. Oarr is much Impressed with the learning and ability of the eonviet, end becauee of the mystery which sur rounds him, and hia determination to eerre oat hie term rather than make known bn identity, the Governor be lieves that Harris is a noted escaped convict, or that lie baa committed eoaae neat crime, and ie a fugitive from joetlce. For this reason be lias refused to grant the pardon. TWa XaarM DMMa*-Wlut It la 8*. Louto KcputXIo. TIm Monroo doc trios m set forth in President Monroe’s annual meassgn to Congress in 1823. It mi in the following words: We own it to can dor end to Um amicable reia^ont ex isting between the United States sod the allied Powers, to declare that ws abonld consider any attempt on tbeir part to extend their system to any por tion of this hemisphere as daogsroua to our peace and safety. With the ex isting colonise or dependencies of any European Power wc have not inter filed, and shall not Interfere; bat with the Government* which have declared their Independence and maintained it, and whose indepemlenoo we ksvr, on great consideration and Jnst principles acknowledged, we could not view sn Interposition for oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner tbeir destiny, by any European Power, in any other light than aa a msulfaaUtlsn of sn unfriendly disposition towards the United Stares.’’ Thane expressions by President Moo re# srere called forth by tba formation In Europe of what was culled the Hniy AIUscoe, a combination between Basle, France, Austria and Prussia, to aaloUin Um monarchical system of government la Europe. It was sup posed that tbsce great European Paw •rs desired to extend tbeir operations to the Xsw World also, especially with reference to the colonics of Spain, soma of which had declared, and re st! red Bom the United States a recog nition of. tbeir Independence. Eng land sided with us oa this question, ■nd tba Holy Alliance concluded that It bad better not meddle with affairs sn this skis of the water. Wlmi ik« Ffum CM«»o4 CUvtlwC AUMU JoOTTHd. The Haw York World and tbe Ji « fag f’eet got up a Meeting la New York to daoouooe the adMioietratton for loterferlag ia the VenesueUn bound ary boeloaaa. Three fnurilu of the crowd baaed the World oad tbe f*»el end cheered the administration. Truly, the way of the tnutagreeeor li herd. Mow. Q 0. Oweae, peetor M. R, Cbareb, MreeneSUe, Ga., aays: "I taka ▼ary great pleaaara in rr sow mead I on to tbo pa bite King'a Koynl Garioetuar. I bare teen using It at times far three years foe DyapeyaU and Ntreomaoi with Ilia Moat gratifying raaulu. I think It la dee Ihla wonderful medl atna to any that I hare knoara a num ber of mlalatere and others who bare taken it, oad no far aa I now remem ber may aN (peak of Ita eu retire and at lengthen tog affaeta with aneUntad pralan. Na oaa who baya It and eoea aa dlraatad far the troutine for whlah N la neef aad.il will exchange N Ur aay other mad Mae." New p-cir am», large bottle, log dome, g|. Tor ■Se by fbobt Tamaawca a Oo. To those living in malarial districts 'I'ntt's Pills arc indispensibie, they keep the system in perfect order and are an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion, malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills ■ TWIN «r KKWI Morgauton U to have a 10-ton Ice Plant. . Tba old home of Jefferson Da via In RiohfBood, known as tbo WbUe Bouse of tbe Confederacy, has been converted Into a museum for the preservation of Confederate relies. Capt. 8. A. A site baa bean ap pointed cashier In the office of Collec tor Slmmona of the 4th district, and sntered upon his new dotiva yesterday. Tbe position pays 81.800 a year. Tbe Teachers' Assembly will be held June 17-19; place not yet decided od. It will this year be devoted to real solid work. Those who want recreation onn remain afterward aud ret It. George Vnaderbltt had a big boose warming at bis nittmore palace Christmas. It took a special train of tour ears to bring tbe Vanderbilt clan from New York, and then It didn’t get them alL ▲t the Front Street Theatre in Bellimaro last Friday night an alarm of fire waa gtveo, and sograata panic ensued that twenty-sereu persons, mostly the children of German or Rus sian Jews ware trampled to death or suffocated. Tbe Chroniclt says thirteen loads of whiskey pa seed through Wllkeeboro Friday morning on their way to 9tntes vllle. There were 9,000 gallon ■ In nil and the CAroairb figures that it will pay tbe governsnant a tax of 89,900 at one clatter. The Salisbury UtmU has bean told of the finding la the Uwharria river district of Montgomery county of a nugget of gold weighing thirty-one pounds and savsa ounces. It Is es timated to be worth over nine thous and dollars. The Jlerald notes that Mr. A. G. Corpening has a $1,200 e.mnerv at Cora, 10 milaa from Morgan ton. Bis eapaeity Is 3,000 cans a day. Ha caua different grades of peaches, cherries, black berries aud tomatoes tad guar antee# every can. Tbe Topic says tba transom ol tbs Chester and Lenoir Railroad lias re Cvlved through the mall from an un known passenger 81 eoneoienoe money. Tbs letter had no date or signature and waa addrasead the C. A L. agent at Chatter. S. C. Tbe Linooln Dmuxml learns that the handle factory at Conover, N. C., has received an order for haedlee to be shipped to Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. The order le for 190 dozen handles, one half axe bandies and one half pick handles. The little town of liberty in Ran dolph county, waa wiped ont by fire last Thursday night. Every store In town was baruea and soane of the residences, the firs having full swing as long as it could reach anything that would born. Origin of Are unknown. Tba Wllkeeboro CArotncie eayt that Mr. R. N. Haskett Is stocking the Yadkin and lie tributaries with black base supplied by tbe Fish Commission. This le said to be a fine Ash tor sport, growing to a weight of 8 or 10 pounds, and having a flavor equal to that of ■nountala trout. Would this not be the right thing to consider with refer ence to the streams of Gaston eouuty 7 The Baltimore MaavfarXxrrrt' Jit cord notes that not only Northern far mers, but Southern farmer* an Instat ing tbalr mooey In Southern Mod*, as la abown by the purchase of » tract of 8,000 aeree of laud sear Augusta, 6a., reeeutly by Mr. John K. Smith, a planter residing In that vtelulty. Mr. Smith paid §38,000 eaah for the prop erty, and states that bo will take per sonal charge of It and operate It as a vast farm, running at least 300 plows. Six months ago Fug Brown, an Industrious fanner living on Capt. J. D. Moors'* place near Globe, N. U., died Hi violent apaams altortlr after drinking a glass of older hi* wife bad brought him on a hot day while plow ing la the Arid near the house. A week or so afterwards Brown’s wife married ooe Franklin who bad been aoeueed of some Improprieties with Um woman before her husband’s death. Suspicion was aroused' and solicitor speinhour bad Brown’s body exhumed. 1 be dead man’s stomach was found to be almost pickled With arsenic, aud tho man Franklin aed Brown’s widow are now Hi T-esolr Jail. The chances that they will eaoape the gallows are very, very narrow. On Tuesday of last week George and Ira Weaver, eigbteww and fourteen yean of age, wera warned while bant ing nut to shoot near the powder houaa on ttie outskirts of Salisbury. They straightway put up a target on the powder bouse and wont to shooting at It. The magaaioe contained over two thoneaod pound* of dynamllo and twenty-Are kegs of powder. The walla were penal rated by aoene slugs Uie hoys ooed and a terrific explosion folio wad. The older boy area blown to abrade; the younger, who was behind a tree woe terribly injured but may neovar. ▲ hots was blown In the Round big enough to bury the house • Trass wots uprooted and stripped of leavos, limbs and bark, fiandred* of window glasses wets at tattered In boxers of the tows. Is every direc tion from tbs powder boose the Aside •efSMd to bars boss («spt by a ter rlAe oyel no*. Mortgage Uatf Hate. Christmas is Over ' —UtTT— Your Appetite for Good Thin# -TO EAT STAYS EIGHT ON. ■ We are gUd ot Uiis, eo are you. And we believe you’ll be gladder yet If you buy your groceries for ’06 from GALLANT ind WHITESIDES. Costner, Jones & Co. Onr customer) have oar best wishes —for— A PROSPEROUS REW YEAR. As In tbs past to In tbo future we aliall endeator by fair methods, straight goods, and Isige sales to make it at easy us possible for those to prosper who trade with us. Costner, Jones «fc Co. Remember the Dead. The Gaetonla Steam Marble and Granite Works. Having bought the Interest of J. JJ. Beard in the above named bualneaa. w« take l>lea*aiti in enanunolug that we (ball remain at Iho non stand nnd iuteml to ran a FIRST CLASS MARBLE YARD. We sliall be able to fill ail order*, aad meet *11 demand* of the trade in our line, and at reasonably abort uotiee. See oi before ptaelng your orders for marble or gronllo work and lot u* aare you mooey. ■AC brAdlet ; pP0BPlAfnM FRIIK HIPPERPIELD \ mpr,4tori Laud Hale. Ur virtu, hf u ortov maula At Ph)i Trim MQ or tho Qmaron lupertor Court, in Uw nwo -harem 4. L. Thnnahtirw u rUinuoaoi Oel.b CMtKwtor, *rfooi*nc I —ill nil at public euc «oo lac aa*. to I Im hiyiMM OMdar. M tho court County" '"nn*” taw" ^ n'“u"' On Mutt Monday. Iti. tM day o4 rebrtanry. itat, tl IS. at- Uto (oOu—hur draorlbM ml mtatr, rm«hid bjan* In Oiaeton (»tmtr. CberryvlHa TO-nihlp, AtMhnI North Carolina, houtnv and dA.lym.tri a. lolio-m, vbn -iWuJ^SlTyi'w'ilS *5JSSffTLSS OTS.*sr*![i s^y-t'csum jasr&ras m the In ok uf ttrarcntaai Oiahc thatww op • ha MnODdAnorihrcreektooaLahaorrurnhard fWit-ta »' John W. Mtiilunoa' oorner, IhonM barton tiic creak and -Mh MoUIanaa' Him XMW li tanka to a rtadv at tbn loot of I ho Mil a*Mo. HrCinnaa oorner. tfianuu teniahiallnao ™ 0»11«T thenuo -Hli l IbtaNflttCI point to a rook plla thonan haaid Unehttwttpnlrololtvo bnrlaaUn. oontalnto* by animation eKrtatyllvAnn) arrna ■nor* or l«a». •Mcwrii ‘i a.CT—nrylmaliati on n rook on norlli bank ul urrUh runnina Iheaaar i^ptr p, s%5r»s& mmss™* a W'M dBJjKfo Mh Thnutt dar*c^JtanSSlr ,'i'g“m>mtrr“T Mortgage Rale of Lon