DAlAnAKU AHU PlIKWAKU. THE WOBK AOOOMPLIBHBD DURIHO THE DBPABTIHG TEAB. Tk« T#» OMiauinhin tMriae Iw Saak Car Ike ruklee eeMl LaanrlM of Ttile WarlS kar umi FatUer-a UulSeecr-WIml We *»-— CuNIvala. H€, Lout* K«t>tibuc. The belle are ringing out Lite old and ringing tu the new year. And suddenly, as If during the year it counted for nothing, soom of ot be come conscious of so unpleasant little eenaattou, provoked by eonsdsaor. Ho mellow, it doesn't teem as if la tbs year we had done all we might; as If the Mft answer had not been offered orutu enough, sad as if tbs year itself had been one lu which there wars fsw good works. Tbs book of ths yaor look* blotted aud blurred. Hers a sor row, there a Sin; hem s weakness, there a worry, but only a fsw, a fow of the pages are white and fair, and worthy of being offered to tba King of Kings. Taka a bead glass and look at yourself. You ere Ilka must other people, m yon think: neither batter nor worse, and. shrugging your should •re, you flatter yourself that you haven’t on earn It ted murder, or been guilty of theft, or dons any of those dreadful things that all tba world calls slut. No, you ere not a murderess, nor a thief. Perhaps, though yoo are just as guilty. Perhaps that one who killed his brother saocnmbed to a momentary temptation, and commit ted the one awful act. But there are many ways of killing beside murdering tbo (lash. Have you. by word or omuUi. murdered the faith lu any human sonl? Killed In any young soul its belief, either In God or mao? That ia worse Uan material murder. otra ura i.uruno 1808. Fancy having to live aH of one’s Mfa wlthoat hope and without belief 1 Fanoy baviug to think that no one does a kind act without hoping to gain something from It—that must la awful. A living unbelief seems to mo the worst stats Into which a human •oul can get. Ho wtokedntM la nnm perebt# with It. Look In tba glass again, and watch aa your «/«•* dash, how I hay seem tossy: “We are honest; we have atoleo nothing." Perhaps not. but yon never were hungry,yon never needed the money to buy food and warmth for those you love; hat you have stolen just the same. Pur haps not iu Use material way, but cutely when you are bitterly envious and malicious you are a thousand times worse than tba poor wretob who steals to aelltfy bis hunger. Because you know better, and be Is Ignorant of m mush. Yoo go to church, band your pretty head la a devout way. make your prayer altar each oommend mem and thank God that you are not like other people. That your Mai Is olear aod you haven’t on your day hook the breaking of any one or these commandments. Tun of them. None of them vary long. But all you trouble yourself about is the exact word of each, and though at other times you are clever enough, you will fully blind yourself, and refuse to read between tba link. i-aie un rust one. Say it to your self. You stnlis and tael perfectly certain Ibatyou can live up to It. In an old book I And soma little anguee llons about the eomraandments that may help yon. (t I* a queer little old boo*, with lie sorer worp. wllb ite fly leaves written upon, tboujfo tbe Ink Is pale, and wiUi a bit of blue ribbon, a iock of blonde heir, nod one or two religious pie tars* tor book marks. It seya you may tie agalaat tbla drat ooinmandment by giving your drat waking thought to anybody bat tha good God wbo orated yen, sod giving your last thoogbls to anybody but likn, and fergstting to eoofoaa your slot to Him aud to give lltanka to Him because lie baa oared for you all the long day through. The quaint oln mint who wrote tbe book says that you break the drat commandment whoa you are Impatient of wbat hum bles you; when yon allow mind to dwell on your troublea rather tlian un yoar blessings, and wUec yon depend on yonr own aieverneee or your own ability for encoeae instead of realising tbat ibis as nothing unless the great Father nf all guide* you. When yon went to oh arch last Sond.iy you eom miued. according to my saint, many sine. ftiua against lbs seouad com mandment. Yen were mors I a Unit ed In the dowtra, in ttie preacher, in ttie congregation, than In paying earn eet and devout attention to saying your prayers. You eyre 'Irrutliig more of yonr time to eoqp human he fng, god thinking aeorn of the toys nr goodneee In that person thqp of the great One from whom It all caipe. And you broke the seeoad »>mm»i<l merit. 1 ea afraid you have broken the third one eery often You never refrain from a Jest began a* It Isn’t quite refined; you never dropped a book because tha idea* of Urn author were not quite rapectrol to God. aud to save yourseira little (rouble, yon did not make it a point to tell tho until. Aud how much did you do limply that It might be praised liy meo V ROOK VOR IKPKOVKRRjrT. And about Us Mat. Did yoa ob arraw (hat day aa • faatlval, aa a day whan yoa fRta joy at taaat to om tool f Or did yoa bahata aa ir that Aral day of tha weak war# Ilka nil oUwrf, sad aeoded an aprdlal attention paid td It? And liRTlnf one grant lat ent. did you*raojt up and Ki ll apt *>f ■<«**? 4“* *y aalnl larary part If o Ur about tfcia, Old yoo show not only honor and rtspast, bat torn, lo Uiesa who at* bound to you by tlaa of blood, ar who ara in authority Otar you? Dotal you think If wa looked for tha beat, rate among Uta polltleUoa, are mil** And aomwthing lo reap not? Tbouah the aalot doesn’t men Moo lira poltllctaa. Aa to tbs sixth command ment. Ha la very pasture that yoa "•re committed a tin if you do no1 I glv« lb« loro you aboold to yoar hue | baud; brother* or llsUca. Jf you do not beer with their faults and cask* allowances for them, while yoo your self muat not be sullen, nor malicious, nor Impatient, nor Jealous, nor omso ORoufto to eooour«£« m pcnoaa) dli* like. And, by tbe by, he ooneiders It a partionlar (to for yoo not to take good care of your health. Tbla mine la a sensible one. Of Ue aarentb oom maud meat he mya beware of greedi ness, extra vagaooe In drone, of wicked books, wicked talk aud of caring alto gather t»«o much for tlie luxorlea of tbla world and not enough for the world to come. Then lie w*rr« yoo, wtwo be oooaeeto the eighth command mant, to be earefal about your money, toapad It honestly, to be glad ai>4 willing to glye to tboee who need, aud be smphaefxce, aa a mean tin, tba da sireto pry Into other people'a affairs I told yoo he waa a sensible aalot. La with the ninth commaudmaot may ba rand ths order forbidding the tailing mcret, tbe aaylng of malloiooa thlnra, tbe being glad to bear 111 of other* and the giving to a bad servant a good character. Isot my aalot practical? Then, with the tenth commandment, we are warned against being dleoonlooted with what we have ard we are adrlead agalnat being an noyed at the sight of beauty or guld poaeisegd by others, of oooras, ba •aid a grant many other things, but these are the ones that l specially re member. saw amoumoxi. And while tba baits are tolling l am trying to think how best to keep the book of tbe new year Tree from the black marks tbut mean mistakes. Aud thn law and the prophets are summed op la this: Thou shall love thy neighbor aa thyself. Do weY la it love that Induces you to ten ms s witty and malicious story about my neigh bur? la It love that Induce* yon to hart me tu tbe heart aa yoo tel) me of a fault in some ooe that 1 loveY ta it love that Impels me to answer you In so ugly, sarcastic way? And an at tempt to lessen that which seams to you to be very grant? It la miserable, root low. If you call It that, I wonder when all an to be judged whether much will be forgiven because ><f rani love—it aeeme to me it will, Woaeo all the world over make their lore tbvlr life, aud starve themselves. Mae time* meu tally, sometime* ptyatanlly, because of it: deny themselves much for dear love's sake and then are hart by It. It Isn't wise to love too well I-ova a child; someday it strikes you. The Uow doesn’t hart. It Is given with the soft hand of a child, bat too often tbe day cocoas hi Um filters when tbe blow is given In a different wav, and It hurts your heart) hurts It so that the wound makes a braise, and yoo never forest It. some day yoa love a mao. Lora him aa only a woman can love. To him you offer your beat, mentally aod physically, you Joy Id being his slave. And the day comas when be Urea of mao, hare no etrong amotion*. Let all your loves be placid one*, and than yoor heart will never be hurt It la trua that the fullness of life will never come to too, bat you win be so much ptlo, end that meant so much whan you an a woman. Aod the balls awing to and fro, and Itseema Just now aa If they were singing a many sort of tong, but they are not. It la a death soeg. It i* good-by to ninety dva. What hers yon lost la ninety-five? At some boose than stopped a little while hearse and took »W»7 * dead child, and that mother thought hat grief the greatest. At some bourn no beans waited, but chltdron died to tboaa who loved them, died snob deaths that their names an no longer spoken. To ooe woman ninety-five brought a bridal veil; another It shrouded tn crape—which la the happiest? And what will coma In nlnety-slz? Every yaar wa hope for something batter, and awry year tbe same old story repasts Itself. Aod wo oloaa our eyes sad sea Solomon la all )|l« glory, sod hear him say; “Then la nothing new un der the sou." Man die, now aa than, but not became they love wotoen. Woman suffer because they an woman, and the word woman eqoaU the word font. And tbe days an do longer and no mon full of sunshine than they wan tboonands of yaan ago. And wa talk about our knowledge, and our great in vent loo*, and wa an aa ignor ant as tbe lowest of tbe staves who Hood around aod waited on tbe wiae old Egyptians Wa have a great country—era hear It called that often enough to know end yet It la acouolry badly governed, aod from which not oee-half of the good pomlitla la gained. Wa call our a* I yea, a great P*>pK and yesterday found *)l opr in tenet* lq a iq order trial} to morrow wll| eqnoantrate It on Ilia weak thief, and tbe oegt day on a prafVWiloiial liar. And of the making of books, than la no and. Aod bow many of them are worth reading? How may of as are saints? How many of as are sinner*? And Urn ball toll*, and seems to aay. "Hot many 1 not many t not many 1" «rn.L, WHAT AHH VI TO DO? 1M as do the beat we ean. Stan out oilb the tnuntlon of making some 004 Mttl Happy aach gay in tba year. Pat. away ati tha mean llttlo nnt Those ara tba aiaa wa woman looliaa to. JCovy, gwlioo, hatred and all ue eheritablaneaa. Cultivate etnllaa, not taara. Cult!veto wtllsfaollon. not dla eon tanL Cultivate MM In humanity. Nerve mlad If you ara deceived oaoa, twice or three Uoeea. Keep oo Mley htejRj^asrtV'fc.i^! tHHaagSaf Sid glam sad look •gala. wKlm I whlepar eemetkiag tu waawm. »y friend, la a baaallfai veatn. Halloa main wrinkles around tha Up. and draw* tha oovaera of UM eyee down ao that they awu email. Hatred glrea a Hard kmk to tha fan, while uoalMrltaUatiem aauaee wrlaMoa. Hat If you era maw ry, roar ayaa wlU brighten a ad appni larger, your lip* will laugh uud be ful ler, end uo wrinkles will be visible. Therefore, ll for uo other res sou to be good. Then, too, a woman oegbt to be good because a man ilieuld hays aontc Uilug to look up to. I like men. but I ■ever beard of a mao teaching another aaan to tie loving aud generous, it i* the women wbo make tbeui noble. lUonanml nr bat they should be, oiau ly. Therefore, I want every women wbo. with mo, to llateulng to Ue bells, to be just aa good ae abo oao, uud then aha will ba happy. 1 know she will; I am aura of it. No woman erar did what waa right without enjoying tbe eeuaaUon. It doesn’t make any differ earn whether she was applauded by other people or not, she knew aha bad done light, and there came content. That to u beautiful state to be In. Foor old ninety-five I How eooo you will bo forgotten I The wnea and the jT* *»d the pleuauree, wi be blotted out aad every thought will be given to the future. It* yours, thla beautiful New Tear book. It to bound In white vellum, and has three hundred and slxty-elx snow-white ougea. What am you going to write 00 each oae T A prayer at tbe top. Then et tbe foot of oaob pegs there ought to be a thanksgiving, for no matter how bad oaob day may have bee" it might have been it might have bean worst. Them to a deal of satis faction la thinking thaL Eighteen nlaety-elx to hem. The book to tn your hand. In mine end In nay neighbor*. 1 io foiuf to write lit nine a prartr taken from tbe tervioe of tbe Jewish Hew Year, it to this: -In Um Hmk of Lift may I be remembered end In ■oilbod for bappy life and peace.” U la a good prayer. Write It in your book. And then 1 will say to you and your oelfbbot and Hie people next door. “(Jivl hlnas you and give ynu u Happy New Year, aad In tbe New Year that you may hays yuur heart’* dtelre to tbe wish of Bax. »• Mill* KIWMT rrJMKLn A Vlnlab On—rw baa •Upkalldlu Coal rasas Usnritbi ITAtMM A arm MnntHMi n»r ike MMk. MinulUunm' Mwari. With the oonUaet for the two battle ships received by tbe Newport New* j Shipbuilding A Dry Dock Co., that oompany sow has under contract eight vessels, the aggregate onat of construe Uon of which will be nearly 17,000,000. This la probably try far the largest ag gregate amount of work which any manufacturing concern in tbe South lias ever before bid at one time. This Includes tlie two battleships, three guo boau now nearing enmpUtloo,. two i larva march*nt vessels and s pilot boat 1 to be built for tbe Peuaaoola pilots, the I oortract for tlsw oonetructlun of this 1 , having been just made. The company has is Urge amount of other work In view, which will probably malerallse Id the near future unlsaa financial eon- 1 i dittoes should apeet present plans. The ManufricUcrrrt' Record learnt that 1 •srly Id tbe year the company will 1 have over 9800 men at work, and that 1 this will be Increased during the neat ' six months to over 300o. Tbe Influence of this will materially affect the whole South. Commenting ' on the (acta relating to this contract as glvgp In tbe last Issue of the Manufac turin' Record- the Chicago Inter- 1 Ocean ears. “A saving of $1,000,000 baa been ' efleoted by Uie award of eoo tract for oonAriMtion of two new battleships to the Newport Hew* Shipbuilding A Dry Dock Oo. Tbla goqtbern Ann underbid the famous shipbuilders of San Franc Itoo and Philadelphia by something near to half a mill loo on each yeaeel. It will bn one of tbe cu riosities of hletory that Newport New# near te wblob tbe Ant and almost tbe only great disaster to the Ualoo nary oeeuned, wai eenrartad Into a alia for tha oonatnsetkm of national war ere aala when tha reunited and reoonsoll dated North and Sooth arm preparing for reelrtaooe to foreign aggression. Rat tha moat Interesting feature of the Incident Is that wliloh Indicates tbe growth of manufacturing enter* priee In tbe South. * * * In seme form or other, 71 per sent, of the eoo trust priee will And Its way Into the pockets of mechanic* and laborers. The result ought to be a revival of Southern Interest iu protection to American industries, which are the tonreae of the wage fund, wliloh ia the chief factor of purchasing power in Urn borne Market. This notable Southern victory la the Oald of indus try ought to Inspire tlie poople of that section with iwrw seal.'* **■<> *». tn«M Ulists. UiHwtn Dmmt. Mr. DanM 9hoford Hieaa, who lived on ReaVerdea, Oaatoo county, died on December 9d, lBWt. Ur was born In the yrar RH0. Re was BA years and IS days ofd. He had been in Amble health alnee last October. He was married lo 1AM to Mias Susannah IIovia To them ten children ware bent. Three children ere dead. He leaves IS grandchildren, one brother and one cuter. lie was a consistent member of tlie Lutheran church tines bis tarty manhood. Ha was buried lo tbe family burying mound near hie residence, Bar. J. Y Moser con* dueling the faneral services. Mr. Hines was a good eftlam and tbe old mao In his commantty. ARP ARD^HB ML THS OJTLT OVSS THAT A1B 101 AT THS OLD HOMBTSAD. GRIP W; Wish ■». rmh AkMI__ Bin Arp In AUaitts Ck>oai UuUoe, lUlf a chicken—half a doaen bis. sails, a litlla hominy and belter and a small pot of cotree, n. Las beau about forty yean atom wife aad I aal down 10 lLlU* M U>at. Of onaree ll la ^ and mot* than enough, b«t It looks ao stingy; only two ot ua uow, uoapt wlieu we aead of aod burrow ngrandeblld—our liomadaugh Ura and the little orphan bars gone to Florida for the winter. My wlfo aaya aha hears the rata galloping to their roome opelaira every eight. They have found out that lbs girl, have ,i*y w,r* "“"’I lure that rata made the racket, and ao about mid night, when deep akep falleth upon a mao but not upon a womaa, she aroused mo aad naked what It waa ®"*Pf „W*®»t*w»>y deaf oa rats l eouldaH boar anything, bot toooUafy )*r1I •«* the candle and went up •toirtlo my nootnrnal garmenle and Inutad alt oyer the rooms aad eloaate aad under the bads, and found ooth °°'lr**- * didn't expect to dad anything, tihe b Jnn lonmome and sad, that's all, and aim didn't Ilka to ^**r aoorlog while aha waa ramlna Uog about the mattered eblldrvn. All of the tee have left ua at last, aad by and by old Father Tinao will asperate ua too. Of enurae we could gu aod live with some uf the married cliUbmii. ■ nd they would be glad to have ua; hat I never saw an old eoupla that llkad to give up their own l«me and Hreaida. The baldly of fofty years am hard to be broken. Haifa chloken la suougli, but seen that lo a alga that we are alone-.wa two. I didn't ferl llko saying gram over aarli a stingy 9>aal. "Wliy didn't you oook Rail, Aunt AnnP’ aaid 1. ‘‘Cos It'll M bet lor for supper, air,'- abe aaid. Bat we tend for a grandchild oow every day w two and asrap them around, and ibsy ara always gUd to aomo. ACy rtfa'a gmateat pleasure sow is petting he grandchildren. $ue aaya aha b warly blind, bat l sihar mwlog on tocaetbiog every day — firing up eomn ■blng fur tlielr ChrUtmaa gifts A sliild without a grandmother does not uava lu sham of happlosas. Every pandai other la a Eugene Plaid, hough they can’t make poems of Utair Mings. 1 waa talking about Field .ha Other day to ■* Wen; Farris la 3oargo Adair’s oAos, aod ha aaid lie ia«d to sat type with Field for The k. Louis Ttnua, aod the boys alwaya tad a good lime la lefltog with blm. ■What's that.” mid L “Well,” aaid >e, “wo didn’t throw dice for the iigsri, but we threw em qoil*. ” ‘whet's Unit?” said I. "Well," mid >•. “type-eottlng te eouatad by the mm. It to a qn*d piece, mm] there ere Arte little nick* on the ehauk, and ding wm« played by taking up a tandral at qnsds at random and throw n« tudo down nom (I* tab)*, and tbe me who snowed op the fewest nick* "*t the wager. I remember that Field was generally tbe unlocky boy, ind I lad to pay for tile otgare. rw* were sereo of ui who generally spent xir leisure time together after our light's work was doa*. Tiers was Salop Huff aad Fatty Smith aad Dummy gd wards and the Monk and Betty Heyd aad Oeoe and myself. Betty waa a hoy. Jtoo* of us were >ad or erUd, sod Gen* waa a* amiable is he waa aolooky. fbera waa mom id him than we knew than, and I *1 w»T» toll a prlda la haring liaen ona of it* eompaniooa. Yoa know that Jbarley Law la era* another type-setter ind took hi* pan name of '1C Quad* while on The Detroit frat Prrat. toitlag type to a good aohooi f.w a boy. Ws to oOilgtd to lean literature whether ha want* to or not. and them • many a on* who has aad* UU nark Meldea lien Fraaklia and Koge&e Field." * ^ "Bat what a boot the ‘quad?"' mid "Ob. that to* Latin word aad meant how many. W* were paid not by u* number of etna but by the menaurs of lhe®. It took twee's or three !'« to make an era." • , “Aurdina," mid I (when I fed very hiring I call ray wife Angelina, like IU* hermit did ) “Angelina, my deer, wouldn’t you Ilk* to gn to Atlanta »nd hear Dsmrotdb opera? You laron’t beard aa opera sine* I took Too to hoar tinning and Bteffannat and M»x ICaretsek in New Y'»rk In 1U3. Just think nf it—that w»* forty two years ago. “Oh, it easts too miteh money," Mkl elm, "Vjniy »4.” Mid l- "Two dollar* for a good mat In tlm b«loon». s,,^. poao wa ro uid haar 'dlaffrlrd * >• ’Morale outfit ta §». ” ..id t|la. 'Mraate understands mualo and aavar baa hoard an opera on Um muro.” That oeUlad It- L bad board It hln tad around that my win would Hln t« r>. but wouldn’t nab mo—an l bad to ant bar. Wo hare b*ea, Void, aldt. aodt—and I am aatMM- Poor hour* o» n bard wood amt will satisfy any vttornn -orou If tbo anjjrl* war* mak ing musts. It was all (format! tn mo. 1 board fanny LI ad flag on on and that wna moots. 1 andarmaed that and I waa aburmod. It ilirdM ran aad Oiled ma wltb unutterable ruptRro and all I aonld da ».< ts w-f with owotlon. But UHo (layman bR*Uam tired ma aw fully and 1 nlapt yfclit «»od at thae*. I <ma stoag bolt ortgbt aad ooeer mors. If ban tba mn>1« was toft and tweet I ooHmd It. tout I MMdn’t Ma aaytblaa hardly, dlanfrtad waa maadlog aa old hrokan awiwd and f Bird ttoatTu Uma MoohacatU* altoy, but that* waa a tall woman la (root of am with a Mr bUoh oati (oh feather In her bat Rod sbr bobbed It area ad to 1 didn’t oooo aaa tbo aarH oat la two. It’s aa ootruna Tbo lady bo hi ad mo bad no aeah Ob’ Manta. Tharo at* a* feathers an mi bead. The el Mb of ifc* bans mar ant tbs naroaoh of (ha Do won Rood and *jr*l?h‘Td wlUl Mth delightful. Ijr. Hi*'gfrird la a goial blacksmith and u«iKh( to follow tlt« trad* In my Sign &‘?ftrajrsatfjis bandied of that audience wbs under stood a word that waa rang. Tuay go tlMtre htetos* it la considered the thing to do. It ii fadiloutUe. Of oonrm there was anus sweat music and to there ta in s churoh or la the ptrior or In a mlniewH show and It don't drag alaog tor Ihkih. Siegfried had to feUl a diagou nod It U*rfc l-lco a half aa hour. It whs * drag »■ aura euoogfa l could hay* killed him la a minim with that magle sword. Bat th* bird* did sing n>*i»l sweetly and that lode tout was hidden up <n the team—ah. that whs delicious. I liked that. Tha druaM and buns all hushad far that. SosMtlmes wbcu Ute wuot* orelteet™ was in fill blast Mil lag and blowing sod drum hasting for dmr life and •tapped all *»f a sudden It scared me. IthnugiK something had hurtled or the boiler had eolUtardor the all brake e<*me line**o|ded. Tie* sod'lcarse al ways awaked -a* and oner* l Jamped so mr wife notio-d It and *.k-d what waa Ihe matlor. I told bar 1 had a alight PdpIlaUmt and wai threatened with Mart failure, which I am. At tlmm It leema I to ma tha mualglaaa wan trying to drown the ealae of that wom an that Siegfried found aaleao or dead la tha woods and aang her to life egnta. but they eonWn’t do It. I uerar heard •ne)i a volca la ray llfo. bat 1 waaaor n she was lame, dha couldn’t walk at all hardly. My wife aaya aha waa }<wt tangled np la her shroud or m«vbe sbe bad been dead to loag aba had lost tha am of her exuwouUse. Hi*# wee the star—one of Uo great singers nf the world they My, bat aha ouuldn’t do ImUce to herself with all thorn horns a Mowing. Hiegfii-d had found her asleep In the woods recite tog on a laooay bank, and aa he had nar-T in-fore own a woman be Ihnoghl ***• w»« an aug-d a.id wanted to w*k* her but was afraid. R* a tong tlaw lie til*.t-led and circled and at last ewn tured itt touch iwr and hi* plainly raise aaemed to idsad with her to awake, hoi site didn’t. Uj and by u tt bolder and leaning wrer MtpMrd liU Ilia to oer* nod drew beck aa if iw had committed the un pardonable aln. WolL of murss, that wakmi Iter—of oourselt did; aad after •tie lad oome to hermit she looked lovingly toward him and began t» sing —and oh, each notes. I don’t know what she mid sod {don’t ears, bat tbers was lore la H-iels of low aad h* caught the malady aad saag bask at her Just such melody I neear based. It took him too long to wake her op, though, I think I would have waked h«r in half the time But all operas have an and soma where, sod this one dnelly closed Jest in time for os to lace our train sod as lied to wait nearly three hours foe tbs asst on*. This vru-d mo aad I eoo sldered ayMlf tbs Injured person, but 1 didn't complain- no I nww corn W«ln. Mjr wife and dauchtor* say that It was grand, and as I want thur* to please them U I* all right with ms. It was grand, gloomy and peculiar. They had read the opera brfors and knew what tlw singing was about, and they told ms how Tatisbanier and Lohengrin were compos'd nearly fifty yrara ago and war- tntrodoosd la Perm and Vienna and nobody lined them, and they went dead and slept tor thirty years until Man took bold of them and invited Umm oat of Ins grant regard for Wagner. II* edu cated the moaioil world up to Wag ner’s Standard add now they are played by the weak la BtlrasUi, the greatm matleal or mar In the world. By the weak la meant that It takes a whole week to go through one opera. Air It la oat eat or iiwbtMpd Ilk* it is over berg The oompnny will pUy all the morning and Imse a raoass for dioner and o»Dtlnn« in tlw afternoon and again at night and the neat day KM an oa until Uw whole thing la detailed. Mcroiful father*—what Would become of aw If 1 had to endure Uw ilka of that. President Cleveland on New Y'eer’i day announced the appointment nf the Veikesoeisn aiaomlw It ooaeiru of five mao, aa Us*Id J. Brewer, nf Kaaeaa, associate jostles of the Supreme Court of the Ualied State*; Blohsrd H Alvey, of Mary land, chief Jostle* nf the (toon of Apiwalt nf the District ->f CohiosMa; Andrew D. White, of Now York. «* president of Cornell Uoitersity; Dan iel C. Oilman, of Maryland, praaMeat nf thn John* H sHtlne Unlvently. Tim enionl-sl-m Is a very strong nee. There is not one of the flee Men who lir reaann of eat ursl sblltiy, adaeatJna al and profegiioeat study, and MaaAth ■>f ralad l« not admirably eqolpped far JoM the work ihrt It will ne the daty of Uita OnQtmlsrhm to iWifnrm. • rwataa • rwbwlia. Marta UareMaa OhrMan Mmato. VnTiaerx who read Hscrolary Mot U*o'» annual «v*rt wMI I d «mn hr e-itMlaorMr aid MMMW rapMMn t. T iking VIimd on an Irtnj*, oar tillers of tha anil own pmnerty. Including la ptaMeata, Um vain* of $4,000 nah. A« a debtor elans they arv vaaUy Mi ter off Uina railroad eeeporwUo*a. banger*. nteoufamursr* and ankitti —tha aortgnaa oa farm nlM ac gragstannly Ml par prat. 4a a pra duollve elaaa they «Und at tM Mad. for. any* Uw Oaarataay. “Aaerlaaa KriOuKure. attar feedle* Waalf Uai yaar, mad all tha tnmw, villages aad eltlea af Um United States, baa alas aoM In IM novdda world'* Martaas taora than MOS.lMO jOOO worth of pra Aoeta da the farmers ef Um UaitaO State* have famish'd 0000 per oeM. Of tha amine uf all UM exports dnrtaw 14a year ISOS.*' The Sreretary shows that the raise if farm lead* ft stead tty I serosal no. aad reMlada facetere that awmoeUurn la “awtftly imatwlag a MtantlOa prefawdna." (sWMgpni fa raring Md Mas More and •*•* rw Mansratlva, I yqpy* vmlftrto* liT calBog . ItsaUsctiuu u>UMl*genkUyo HMMilty uf itaasdlita act loo to mein the Cuxuce* of toe OJttatry. XliuTws asy *1 li no dispoaltioa or purpuoe to dU ccoc hio rceueoi___ , brfnr* Conirw, wblata wtu aottoa oo too two > upon after Um o««Mjr diagnosed. U li-eo U cm Will _ j cnwolnlrely umo aaothorhy tbe w iwrtaMs* of lb* poet four years. U is UM Um government, a* It touch-* tbe pceple la mo-wtary aC«t r* In the Cat k-d State* Vnaaary, ia Pimply agree* Wwt •wperatloa, a>id cannot aafrly uudarteco to So anything eomernlog money and SuitMe that It would ba un ad* fur aay moeufladarlag or m-reea tile corporation to do. k has bom concluelraly shewn that the gevera mrat Must ha entirely divurosd from yi rasp, nisi MUty far support tut the haaka or aay other MDoataiy ioetUa tions. and that to saparrles and con trol theta la pollmregulaiJoas lathe lulamata of tho people. aa4 la abealata freedom of all raapnaaibltUy for thorn. Id Um true position for Um nation or for Statoa. Io tho aoodiUoaa of modem drifts*. U®* oo gioat boilaaaa can ha carried on, however lsrga ItoUvoorlto dead capital may ha, without Um amMtvoc a«d anpport d the backs aad baokara of a country. The gororuwsat baa a light to laaa upon aad muat baaappertod by the bnuks. aa la the caaalo ovary other1 oooutry, nr dm the haakt have oo right thn geveramout, la normal ooudltioaa, UlHkHi LiiPBI While the mihn of the memo, west were unusually large, aad the •ow»ai»t m peg tag He debt off by ■ailllose every year, the —hum, and area fortiMotm, ot the mseiit sjelsm wareaM made manifest. It la ow yreetleaUy admitted by nearly petty eiUM who baa had exyertsoes m such wstten, aad wbeee eplaloo le *f ralee, that the goeeromenl mam to lettered from paying ff»V in “current rsdamp tloar,of us $900,000,000 ad grsmbeeks and trsasory notes. Tber* are only three rwamlrsWa wars at doing it: 1.. By towing 1800,000.000, of boadt and using the prnossd* of their sale to retire sod cancel tbs $000,000,000 of each notes. 8. By laeremkg Urn rorsaoee very largely shore expenditures and using the sarvlss to redeem end oaoesl Urn $000,000,000 ef treasury norm and gma bocks ns they or* iwaaeated for 0. Tj mob* It for the Interest of beaks and to coats the banks to as sume all responsibility for the earner redemption of the 0000,000,000 of gmsotooti end trsasory notes, by el lowing them, proport la nally ns they do tills, to Was circulating notes againm ihHr stests. Thus tbs bunks, a* a oumpewaotloa far Chair ohm-tor*and the onntrol iff tbs banking bastosm *f tto sour try, wiutit assuss* tto mslstaia lag uf all forms of wper mown at par with tlw measure of ralne metal, lids matter is prsotoly what Is doss by tto book* ta every Orst-etom nation, and It has torn prated that It la Urn oalr n*ls way Of using paper money as a substitute for coin mousy and at a parity with coin. This Utter Is tto only pnaalbie sola tine of tbe prrsent dldrulty that tto people will permit. There is out a per sou familiar with ths public ceatlmsnt whsa-Usc-s that tto issuing -4 *«». OOO.fW bonds sad thr ratlnmmi id ths legal-taodar and trsasory asms could gm on# rot* Id twsaty la Ops grem wlthto tto ai«t twsuty years. aim hnwiM wt imranauni tha rerane-a to retire eueh mm, la ImpiOrilila of asaeuiloa, erea if wo hod or mold art tha rreeeue. U bao b-nw tried aa two neeailena, sod It was aaah i I ■i 'I _ : thoriaad to wM hood* sod to oaatba proceeds to ret Ira Uulted Mute* htal loader mrtaa, not to axased 810 jjOO.Ouo hi Uw Brat at* woaU*, and aot to ex ceed M,000,000 par Matk thereafter, until they were all retiiecL Under this low aul7PSV.000.000 ware rail rad, bat In January, 1888, the authority ante repealed by a praotleally uaaalmoaa row. For the owood tloa, Jaaouy. 14, 1976. slaMlar oothority woo three the treeaurar, bat whan. Mar 91, 1978. it was found that bot 886.000,000 bad braa thao ret I rad. that oothority wao rip—tod also. Wan Congtasato au oot o aUaltar WU today almost «racy mam bar of Ceoftaw who aho aid vote **»f 1% VHH !••• HI* •Hv QIWN M should ooevaat to Ha repeal vtthia the aextaix MoatbA ft atoms, thartf wr, that wa an abet up to tha Kayla «x pad lent af harlaa tha banka, VoWMd o( tha Dotted Ototn Traawary. mtxmilbto far tha radawp lino of erary font af paper woeer 11 aaeaaa to br the doty af the baoka af the country, aedar the shoe—tenses to entoa Par ward with aoaaa pr-poaiiinn indtoattny Uwlr wimnywan to naans Du IiUh *b4 that rant opoa tha bonbon of scary othareeuotrr to^ntna foMioaMson thaw for n doing. unii-4 ta a-Haa hmi, «t w mu haabm la «*» aMto* »f tba umtrt, aaa va ton* la 4r»w • bin <•** a«*aH U la tba iiihImt aT H» Tiauui.i far bw aprrarat m4 Mtoatoilaa to Oaa Rtwafar MtlN Uiat will aalra tba piriblnM m4 tori Oibiaaa wto panf Tba 4ato «MMto toto a** Dm tssiriraTSssz .. ■ :ri ■ t n ' WM ■ - B . A fi • ■ R| ; GOODFOREVERYBODY •nd everyone need* It at all turn of the ymr. Malaria la afcraye about, and tha only preventive and relief i> to keep tha J£«II!ttiIS?KSiSriSS5 •tom liver rgoulator, ialtuz. Mr. C. Hlmrod. of Lancwhr, Ohio, •tyj “SlRMOm UVER REOuLaTOR broke a caaa of Malarial Pam a# tfcraa ym»» auadiat tor aw. art lew tbaa one bottle did the huriaraa. I afatol wa It whan in aaad, art tacoauMrt k.” Be »ure that you get it Alwaya look for Ma R8D Z ah tha package. Anddeat fort* the word Regulator. Itusua ! *OHS Liver Rboulator, and than la aaly one, art every one who taken It la ; wre ta be benefited. The benefit m ALL in THE REMEDY. Take It alen for Blliouxon* and Sick lleada.-hr: halt ait anead by a abatcrii live-. f. H. KaUin A Co,, t>hiu.l,-.^ rmeaeofthe United Ktaten Aww nndmuwp^te. wyuc tetemj ahaadMtly iUm to I_ •fa Mil that will do tka 1 Hnalaaai tala lira baBa to prove aad dlwate. Tka SawSlMlItoH’; Be* oori will be (lad to heurfro* practical BMnoa tka wtdaet that U now pandtog tn Oaegnaa aod being diaoaated, not only there aad In Ue newepapara. bat bypiaaHeal_ owa te ^aU pajiSjjhh* "W Mad aadaaxtaty of Uw Utobav* Cnogtem adopt a _ aka Uwir mearreno# tmpaaalbto. Wa fcava la the fbrrgoiog abown that tbanan two propaatthras that wUl SBmttzB of oar randan. i m Itetewtf Biadtrafi for tlialaat wvafc of UN ooataloa aowa Uteraatlpg ton* ralaUra to fail area la tka United State* daring Uw rent, te whtoh uw ooaMaantaT atnadtegaf Bm Sooth auktsavary aradlUM* ahowlag. la tlw Uilrtaaa Stataa and tka Dlwriat of OdaaakU tha nanabrr of klH» •ora 9186, white la tho aavan WaWara SUtra of Ohio, Indiana, Illloofa, lfto amri, Mwhtgaa. Xenaaa and Colorado tbv Miteber waa 8041, or 88$ aaoc* item U Uw South. Tb* anaate of fawolraat team In tbi* aaatton aggregated 910. 030.6901*# than Uw lUbUltiaa. wbila In ihr other group lb I* amount wad 919.386.994. In other words, tbaax toaauf liaidltUea over Matte wtMa Wratrm group waa avor 99 pa* ant ••i* than la tha Snath. Another lotmetlng feature abown by tlw Mimawxy to ooatumad latM appended table: No. of tailorw. IMf. UN. Now XufUod. ..1606 1734 96 doo. UtcMU-. SQM 8018 04 loe. VoHont... SMI UN MIN fr-uthom.. UN tU 17 doo. FMMo.1U0 11M i doe. Howl to tho Now Borland stotto tho 8ouU bod U* frmuot doormat io tho ■•owbor of foliar** Tho oooUW Nmwo br lMni«ooTir«M In MW won tl4, joawoboSt MooloS0 T/tbT MmSo dumtbOMwrto of UW won tbxt S7 /O.OOQ Imo Uwn to UN TNm flfirfi •now tiit Uni fiimth sartTtrxrsastna nmdfir, oltbooch tbo MMMiwt* rawwor? **• to Mow »ti ywir Mo rootooi ooabar neoned In tbo Motor? of Ho wtM ooo oaoMUoo-thot of 16M. Tbo HmM*o nbord lof Mo UotMi ftwbiriw IntwoH logm Moyuii bor it fwlanoSSi ?•*». IM,bai ■oonUoM of tho oorlno, oMtft ldW <.«•«*«• n«M). ^*«vted erogp, in wMob Mo ombar for UW it MMMM^rUltHrmS) tRL Mo rn*nt into of totem over »M*d In wi OM Motioo of tho ooiout. to tho Northont tbo MM 5i£2£n38r35gii ttloiho inrfoM, bot ooo. Md la Mo PoNdo lb0000 Mo 1 iqilit. wHh two "Wom» tt oh op. MO oowfOnNn •now In Indlooto Uiot Morn h s stood? OMd bantth? growth Of »ioM»«tb5h .- - -4^ -* I— rfoUWlMtt ~ - — wuHl M wlolOa* plr* l" "■»—«OWl

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