_ The Gastonia Vol. x\ II. Gaatonla, y. C„ January 16, 1896. ANNUAL EXHIBIT -OF COUNTY REVENUES AND CHARGES. NORTH OABOLIN A, 1 Ila/ore the Board, Gaston Oountt. J Dallas, N. O. Vrtafnd' Clerk of the Board of CommlMioDert, do Lareby eartU f that the following la a true and correct report of the County Hereout* and c*J5r*®* ** **}*£*)l>#t' 7rom ttlB Treasurer’* annual report and the Minute* of aajd Board of Com mission ore, as required to be posted sod published br Motion 783 of tbe North Carolina Code, to wit: k 7 Mcuon COUNT? FUND RECEIPTS. P*0, ?’ }*?*• •mt- bB,BnCB OO hand, from S, E. For. former Treat > 1448 93 Jan.S, ISAS, To amount rooelved from M. H. Sbuford Shff part . . Payment, county fund. ' 408 00 Jan. 6. ISM, To amount received from M. H. Shuford, Shff. one ex hibition show. a qq Jan. 8, lflCo, To amount received from M. H. Sbuford. Shff. nart _ , payment, oounty fund 860 00 Fab. 3, 1883, Tu amount reoelved from M. H. Shuford, Shff mrt payment, county fund. " 9198 99 Jan. 15, 1895, To amount received from G. H. I>avU, c. S. C fm In oOle* over 3 years. 97 m Fob. 36, 1806, To amount received from M. If. Sbuford 8hC. nut IMyment nouuty fund 1884. 1800 nn Mar. 30. 1885. To amount received from M. 11. 8hufonl Shff. oart . .payment, ouunty fond 1804. ' * 1889 G2 Apr. 1, 1883. To amt. reed from Dr. IV. J. Torrenoe, hire of convict 33 30 Apr. 11. 1805, To amount received from «. H. Davla, C. 8. ttJare Tax Ska to va. Bah ms. ^ mrj . qq .STi TS&Jr r- "• D”k'“• , M .I&.’rs. iCT" *■ • H D""' »C-. r-v *» .8 “" sCsirsuKr *- ° °8 «• ** *■ .To amount receivedJrom G II Davla, C 8 C, Jnry Tax J l i3cown it, onoronL o fix June 9, 1805, To amount racslvvd from if U Shuford, Sbfl nart payment, cosoty fond 1804. ^ 1090 m " To •iboooI reoelved from Caleb Paaour, tala of cow at County Home. 10 “ *>, •• To amoont received from G H Davla. CSC, Jure Tax Hrndenoo v*. Mount Holly Alliance et. al. ' To amount received from O H Davla, Clerk Superior Court, Jury Tax Hayc* vs. Forbce. « 05 “ To amount reoelved from Q H Davl*. Clerk Suparlor . .. S^urt’ Jttr7 T** J M Careon ve. Southern R R Co. 2 85 Aug. 27. T. amount recalved frjtn Q H Davla, Clerk Suparlor a .. CSurt’ Jnr7 81-118 « W Glover. r 90 Sept. 8. To amount received from M H Shuford, Shff. In full _ payment county fund. 1803. u 28, M To amount received from G H Davis, Clark Suparlor „ .. „ ^ourt. Jury Tax State ve. W Glow. ^ 1 W - To amount reeelved from G H Davie, Clerk Superior Court, J ary Tax Kennedy vs. Feather* tone. 2 85 .. .. «i>e amount received from G H Davl*. Clerk Superior • „ t«urt- Jury Tax State vs. Gu* Elmore. 1 80 Nov. 3 “ To amouut received from G H Davl*. Clark Superior Court, Jury Tax State n. EL Tucker. 180 “ To amount reoelved from C H Davl*. Clerk Suparlor Court. J ury Tax State v». Alice and L C Smith. 3 85 To amount received from G H Davis. Clerk Surer tor Court, Jury Tax State va. Ball va. J 8 Turner. 9 as ‘ ' “ To amount reoelved from G H Davla, Clark Superior .. . .. <7ut7 Tax ooovlrt bond to coto rates loner*. 80 To amount reoelvad from O II Dana. Clark Superior Court, Jury Tax Baker vs. Kiser, administrator. 1 43 4, “ To amount received from A K Coftin, Sheriff, part .. .... . Wmaot county fund for 1803. 1800 00 J«, •' To amount received from A K Loftln, Sheriff, part .. - . P*/*0*01 county fund for 18Ax 1000 00 ij, To amount reoelved from C H Davla, Clerk 8uparlor Court Jury Tax Pegram vs. Hargett. 886 Total RucKircs, tUj830.W COUNT? FUND DISBURSEMENTS. December 3, ISM, Paid James Craig, panpet, $ 3.001 Andrew Fulaawidar. paupr 3 00 Jolla Lioeberger, pauper, 3 00 I Sophia Wentz, pauper, 3 00 ! Mary Wants, pauper 5 (X)! Elizabeth Brlmer, pauper 0 00 ' BuU> Brlmer, pauper 3 u0 I Elizabeth MoAllUler, paupr 5 OO Adam Bhyoa, pauper 3 00 Jun ia Farrar, pauper 1 00 Tioaoa Bum frit, pauper O 00 Tillman Can 111, pauper 1 00 Jaa. A Aonlt Broom, paupra 0 00 Mary A, Teugue, pauper 3 00 Tolly Welle, pauper 0 00 Amanda Ford, peeper 3 00 ' Julia Couibeat, pauper 13 00 Kaaoy Haneell, pauper A 00 Eliza bath Haoeell, pauper 8 OO Hiram Roldsclaw, pauper 5 OO Polly Proctor, pauper 6 00 ; Lawton Mauls, pauper 0 00 Bplrajr Oub A wile, paupr* 9 00 J- R. Lewie A Co., supplies tor poor 22 61 Elizabeth Rumfrlt, pauper to death. 3 40 EL L. Rhyne, keeper or the nr, 2183 f. Blackwood, coffin for ruper, claimed 89 66 7 00 M. Skidmore coffin for pauper, 7 40 C. L. Oattla, regtiterlug 66 names, 174 K. L. Wileon C. H. C. certi fying election return* 3 50 J. B. Connell aervlna* as eomr etc. 19 80 Thumaa Wileon tervioea a* registrar 4 (A M. M. Hall attending can visaing board 9 60 C. Dicing attending ran 7anting board '2 00 A. J.. Uuy attending nan weeing board 3 20 J. T. CarpanUr attend I as eanveeetng board 100 8. M. Kabtnaou attending can vaaaina board 1 00 i. I* Wallace attending can visaing board 3 20 W. B. Rut ledge registrar at Mt. Holly 9 26 A. R- Auden registrar at Ixiwvll 3 20 K. L. Wilson stationary for office 90 26 K. L. Wileon regfetertrg nereee of Juror* end J. P’a. 9 93 J. B. White 1 day on 00m'. to esata. treat, book* 2 00 Ova H. Craft part pa) meat «■ bridge 1000 00 J. M. Melnloah. Inmher for l*egram bridge A 60 J. k. Cline abrff a/rratmg We. Cor-p- r s so M.B.tkmfordehrtr Jail free 42 40 W A. Falls 400 ft of loo ter for bridge 490 M. H. Hhuford abrff making •Material rvtuiaa 0 26 F. C. IMpe 9 .lay* oe flnanoa coast. 4 00 b A. Klaor registrar ate I 3 81 " "*'*w eto 9 M ■J- j“- MeJnicmJ* ra«. etc., 3 79 , J- £ 0«*«* wgiM«r ate 3 80 4 8. M. Hobcn, paapar 9 00 Catherine Ramsey, paapar 0 00 Grace Wilson pauper 3 00 Grace W Ilian paapar 3 00 Oraee Wtleoo paapar S 00 8. U. Rohm paapar a 00 A. P. 11. Rhyne attending eau vaselng board 1 00 J. M UuffataUer bridge oomt. and attending can , 4 90 J. M. Blackwood amt. doe E. Blackwood at dauth 1 00 J. P. Thomas aarrleaa aa eumr. and mileage 7 90 John O. Rankin aorrleea as olertt and raw. at deeds ate. 13 7* 6 I)r. 3. H. Jenkiea aarylets as county physician 80 00 7 Betty Whetetine, pauper 8 00 Pinkmey Block. paapar 8 00 „ B"*®®**. paapar 3 00 8 Wallace Pegram. paapar 0 00 Jon. 7, 1805, J. M. Penning ton lumber ate. for bridge 1 96 Jon. 11, 1805, John J. Or mand hooka for or. J. H. Jenkins county physician 1 month \ 11 gg )f. H. 8bufo«d abrff. Jst) • fare 1 month Mgjn kf. L. Biroup J, p. exam ining lunatic 1 00 W. P. Marshall pobllahtn, '•Port* 8180 D. A. Lowe A Moo amount due Ads in Itbyn* at death 1 44 II. L Rhyne keeper of poor 16 88 D. A. Lowe & son ehroud for paapar 9 40 If. A. McIntosh 00flto far pHoper 9 73 Bplvay Cash and wife bal anoa doe aa pauper 8 00 John Crawford, pauper 4 00 Keb. 4. 1808, rf. L. Rhyne heaver of poor 14 03 -J' H. Lawk A Co. supplies j! lc°Iwwia A Co. aogpllaa to pear tggg Gee. H. Crafts pait pay maul or* Irou bridge 1800 00 MJL siroap lumber for wT Cautler lumber for j bridge > M I Jubu 1* Smith lumbar tor ' bridge $ 13 04 Bobt A. Batchford lumbar for bridge 19 Ur. J. 3. Jack toe ooauty physician 1 month 10 95 M. H. Sbufordabrff jail fees U 90 A K. LoUi„ ahrff./all fees MU G. U. Davis C. 8. C. ser Vfoea sod stationery 10 91 John J. Ormand serrloaa as elartt and register of deeds 91 75 Joseph Coatoac ngt Ztmri Hobioaon pauper 19 R) J. F. Thomas commissioner 7 90 J. B. UonoeU commlstionar 0 90 Jaa. 5. 1805, Fraacaa Neill Pbuper g 00 Jacob Hohm pauper 6 00 Isabella Finlay, peeper 5 00 Jan. ft, 1895, 0. MoD. Tala, expanses of 9 capita to deaf and blind Institution 00 00 Mar, 4,1806, Paid Polly Pro© tor, Pauper, 0 00 Christie Hmvner, pauper, 100 lloaea Rumfelt. pauper, 0 00 Cash A wife, pauper, 19 00 Esufastfiw- sss A mauds Ford, pauper 6 00 Jaa. Fulesiwtlder, pauper 8 00 Julla Combeat, pauper 18 00 ■f. ’XWue. paupac 8 00 John Crawford, pauper 8 S3 Jaa la Farror, pauper 8 00 oleuwUder, paupr 9 00 Albert Warren, tamper 9 00 James Cral|, pauper I 00 Catherine Ramsey, pauper 6 00 Jaaob Bob a, pauper 0 00 8. M. lobm, pauper 0 00 Elizabeth McAlister, paupr 8 00 Torn Chamber*, pauper 1 00 L*7*°n Baynolda. pauper 3 00 Polly Walla, pauper • 00 Hiram Hotdaolaw, pauper until death. 4 17 Plnkoar Milanese, Dr. bill and expenses kaepiug Cbrls tie Heavner, claimed 935 00 15 75 Julia Ltoebergar, 9 moa. al lowance 8 00 M. M. Carpenter, Burial el peases Jaa Futeowllder 4 06 Geo. H. Crafts payment on Iron bridge 006 00 Tiros. J. Waite, mad I cine for pour and jail 4 76 H. L. Bbyus keeper of uuor 15 98 M. L. Sfroup J. P. sxam'g luuatio 100 B. E. Llaabergsr lumber for publie road 18 00 Dr. J. n. Jeukias Co. phya 1 mouth 17 00 F<*rsat Floyd earring three road orders 1 90 A. K. Loft In, Stiff, jail fees 147 65 Gao. D. Jenkias lumbar for hridfB 1 m J. R. Lewi* A Co. suppUa* for Door . it o« J. JlDixoo lumber foe pu£ lie road 10 ig J- H. J. lie user Beglaterlng 81 voter* gjj 8.0. Carpenter serving 0 road order* 8 40 G. A. Patrick Mrvtee* a* oomr. etc. is oo C. Paaour Mrvlces a* cocnr. ate. 8 70 J. T. Carpenter services a* coznr. etc. 0 60 John J. Ormand services a* Clerk A Register of Deed* 0 80 B. K. Pall* work and lum ber oo bridge. 14 34 BetUe Whilst lac, pauper 6 00 Plokaay Black, pauper 5 00 Pinkney Black, took for mending shoe* 2 00 Mar. 5 18SB, O. H. Dark O. 8. C. stationery for o(8oo 8 43 Mar. 13.1803, Wallace Peg-. nun, pauper 6 00 Mar. 18,1806, Elisabeth Bri mer. pauper 6 00 Roth Brlmer, pauper 8 00 Sopbia Wants, pauper 5 00 Mary Went*, pauper 3 00 Mar. 31, 1806, S. R Finley, proper 3 00 Isabella Flul*y, pauper 3 00 Mar. 18, 1805. H. C. Balk, Grand Juror Fall Term 1868 3 80 Mar. 33. 1805, M. F. Fraley Graad Juror 8 20 Then. H. Wblk, graad jam 8 00 A. B. Lewie, grand Jeror 8 00 A. P. Froneberger, grand Juror 8 00 J. II. Waestaff, grand juror 8 00 Jamea A. Kelly, grand juror 0 10 J. L. Llneberger, grand juror 8 00 Wm. Harmon, grand Juror 8 30 John J. Carped lac, grand Juror 0 00 J. A. Trltt, grand Juror 8 80 J. H. McArver, grand Joror 0 80 W. N. Craig, grand Juror 0 00 M. C. HuflateUkf, graad Juror 8. 80 A. G. Tbaapeou, graad Joror 670 Mike Bert, grand junr 8 80 R. A. Lewie, grind Juror H 00 W. C. Witeon, fraud loror 8 60 Wro. M. Paeoor, fraud Juror 7 70 J. A. Jesktoi, oBloer of court 7 00 John J. Hot!*, petit Juror 8 30 «i.& i!irro*?s» "" MsrZh&Te. b™.. ■* petit Joror JO 70 J. T. Morris, petit Juror 9 90 I V. Berry, petit Joror 10 13 Merest Carpenter petit Joror 1010 Joint T. fatU, petit juror 10 10 M. J. Miooey, petit juror 0 70 J. A. Da two port, petit Juror 10 00 J. R. Hander aon, petit jeror 10 00 W. B. Hlpp, petit Juror 1036 X. w. Oenoo, petit Juror 10 00 T. L. Rhyne, petit Jeror 0 00 J. A. UU, petit juror 000 H J. Durham, officer of eourl 010 Mar. 10, 1806, J. B. Ilooeer, tola* furor 1 oo X. U Wlleoo. UMajaror 100 M. A. LioeWfer. tele* Jeror 100 J. L. Hatlth, utet Juror 100 Mar. 81 1006, U. ft HU)**, tale* Jaror 1 no Mar. *8. 1006, w. ft Raman, telei jnne 100 L. L. Joaklee. ui*a Jeror 1 do R A. Part**, tab* Jeror 100 > M«r. *3. lflBl A. P. H. Juror • 160 “• *• Parham, UIm jam 1 60 i w UU* jaeor 160 S' ¥■***»•. WMjSwr • 160 »*»“•. take Inror 100 J. J. Wnrreo, UUa Juror 1 00 »MU UIm Juror 1 00 ivtasar*. 1“ Jerwr. 1 ao J. R. C stood, Ules Juror 100 uf: t5*e* J"» 1 80 1906, T. D. Leofeerdt, Detlt Juror 2nd wsak 8 00 G. L. Baum, petit Juror tod weak S10 P. SMJurpanUr, pstlt Juror Hud week 940 Mar. S3. 1800 J. L. Jsuklos Juror SudwMk 210 U. L, Klnosld pant juror Sod week I go l\ E. OurpenUr petit Juror 2nd week 9 70 April 1st. 1806. W. A. Howell o/Baer of eoart 6 20 r * Jr Tt'2}"v"?L p-» ie 63 c- r- Unokerfsr ooflte Tor ps“P»r 9 76 Dr. J. H. Jenkins eoaatjr phTSieUa 1 month 42 23 J. E. Lewis ft Go. supplies to poor go 40 M- . W. Wull lumber sed ‘ warti on bridge 1864 J< W. Abertistlit qq rimer hoMInt Inquest of Brinson IT 40 A. K. LofUo shrtt Jail ISM ate. 1 month log 90 , G. H. Darla G. B. C. nUlloo* •ryate. U (0 C. S, tloffitatlar atnylng luiutle to MyluB) 9 W 1L 8. Adams earring 1 read order 40 4. B. White ooaat. 1 day 100 Patrick Oaten* earryiM boy* to trial 3 Q0 M. L. F1U damages of land at iron bridge SO 00 4(*o 4. Ormand atrrioaa M Clark aed register of deed* 10 80 4. B. (Jon oeli 3 day* oeou. and mileage 0 40 J. H. Con nail lumber and work on bridge 9 43 8. P. Clcmmer fceapteg rafu off Veatal'a Perd bridge 16 00 4 P. 6 jo ropy board* for Hoy la** bridge 91 00 T. L. Bbyna board* far Hojrla’a bridge MOO F. W. Leeper carrying leu** tic to aarinoD claimed816 30 13 SO April 9. 18115. K. 4. Kennedy tala* Juror I eo Bay 0, 1803, D. H. McKeown board* for Hoyle’s bridge 9 00 Dr. J. U Jraklna county physician 1 month 98 00 M. A. Moor* mad tain* far poor and JalL 4 60 B. H. Garrett, racialarlng 44 Totan 1 39 Dr. 4. B. Alexander, ezamg lunatic, claimed 36-00. 9 00 4. B. Connall, eowr A mll’g 3 20 A. K. LofUa, abariff. Jail free, etc.. 1 mouth 66 80 4. T. Carpenter, commle aionar and mllrag*. 6 80 K. Dobson, 00 raring Hoy lea bridge 88 66 H. L. Bbyna, keeper of poor 13 89 O. H.Da^U,OLB.C.county liabilities spring term 1893 906 69 Q. H. Darlr O. 8. C. coun ty liabilities. 610 G. B. Darla, CJ. **• C. aar rrtoeaand euticorr? 10 06 Tillman Cahill, pauper | eg lu. * Annie Broom raupr* g oo W. R. MUleo, ooda tor Paper. oUitW fit. W g 00 U. Lewie * Oo. aoppllea tor poor 89 86 John Millet, pauper until ftVebargar. com. tor 1 ®° pauper and work 3 28 John J Ormaod, hooka nod etatloocrjr 99 48 John J Ormaod, Service* olerk and Ragtatar of Daada 13 <7 June 3. 1806 MUm Clemmer, lumber and work on Veaui Port! bridge 180 04 L H La tt, lumbar tor bridge 0 86 A K Lotlln, 8bC. Jell faaa 04 13 H M Wllaon, Umber for £ldge 18 80 Hoar a Rumfalt, pauper g 00 Tillman OahUI, pauper 6 00 Jaa & Auuie Broom, paupra 6 OO Plakoay Black pauper g 00 Lewaoa Reynold* pnupar 8 DO Betty Whet all ue, pauper g Qg Kllcabath McAlluter. peupr g 00 Catherine Ramaay, pauper g 00 Jacob Rohm, pauper g go 8 M Rohm, pauper g 00 JamaeUraig, peeper. 3 00 Tbomae Chamber*, peeper BOO Ollle AbemHh, pauper 9 00 Junata Farrar, pauper 3 00 Ohrlatle Ileavaer pauper 0 00 Julia I.lnabarger, pauper g 00 Moen Mlncy. pauper 9 60 John Crawford, pauper g 00 Poll; Proe lor, pauper «00 9 V Oaaton, pauper j, .0 Polly Walla, paoper g OO »«o<7 RaomH, pauper g 00 KllaahaUi tlanaail. pauper g Oo Spivey Cash A wife, paupra it 00 SuaU Farfbaon. pae^r g 00 Mary A Teague, peeper 100 ■ It Huflbtatlar, eerrlng 3 r *d nrda* 190 W 1* Bddletnau, J. P. 4* •raining lanatlo 1 00 J T OarpeMrr, oommlealou er and mileage 4 90 J r Thomaa, 1BomroWoaer and mileage and aommlUe* 16 40 l R Oonn.l), eumatalonar and mileageand Pommlttaa 990 Dr J n Jvaklae, county phyaleiaa 1 men* 18 K J U White,commit!** 1 day 9 00 M A Moore, medial a* fur nr and laU 4 90 l Lewie * Oc auppllee tor ptmr 31U Hl.Uhyn*. heaeerofpMe 1498 J R Con aril, carrying la nalt* |a aaylnm _ 40 80 J L Wllaon, eoflto tor Will jJML Jalta (a Mmhm 1a -ririo flte Mat* af WAanmoToir, D C.. Ju. 0—Hee» tor Caflary. of L luWini, ku madt pubtto e letter of the preeideet to him i whleb. had opportunity presented atooa Monday, be would horn laeor pomad la remark* which he Intended *5„ *5 **• «■ the howl bill. It mde.' Executive Mention, Waebln*ton, Jna. f, IBM.—Mr Danr Senator: l hive read today to the CtnyrmetemU Seeorrl the debate In the Senate mi Erldey ooooernlof the Snnoetel atten tion mud bnixi lttoet. I s* assured at tha Intolerance that h*ds area excited partisanship to adopt M % base of aUaek Ibe an fuuodsd MouaeUoM aod assertions of » maUrioosly mendacious sad -rati tlunal newspaper. Wo baakeror finan cier nor any other human being baa **su hi riled to Washington for tba ixirpuse of arranging la soy aray or maoDar tor tha dtipoallioa of bond* to mwt the present or fitun mde of tba gold reserve. Wo mrsngrare-ot of Mty nad haa bran made for tha disposition of sort bonds to may syndicate or through the agency of any gradient*. Wo aaaoraaoao of eueb • dtapoaal of bpada baa bean directly or indirectly HTCa to any paraoa. In pointed fart, a decided leaning toward a popular loan aad advertising tor bids ban baaa plainly exhibited on tha part of tbe adatn tors'ion at ull times when tba —Jtoat was under dltoaastea. Tones charged with tba rsapaimlbO Ity of maintaining our gold rsarrTf. so fisraa legieiation readers II acaniMs, bsra anxinnaly confer rod with aacfa mh*r. a-d, sw area Untt it la doomed to failure. Oaly oee-ftfth of die pr»vp.uwj kaaa kaa hero aubaerlbed for by tbo public aod ^.‘.hat ta doubtful. Therefore, tba World la attempting to threw Um blame for failure on tho proaldout and oabioot and aconwa ihnn of dleaonr aging and ahllllug popular ontbaaUaao. Tba truth la, people do net aa bee riba far 4 par cant, bund* from aothuaUam. In mat tort of mnuey eutbuotam very rarely gnoa. brae tbo War loooa ware not ptaead on entiiaaUwm, and woaop peoa Uta eooatry wU) hororba more tiioroughiy atlmd than it waathen. Wada got area otwrree that any of the violent fraa allrar advoaatra oat Worn are ruablog forward vary aval ooaly to taka b»»da or even oMagtu erebangotheir t rectory antreargvW for Umlr favorite metal Thalr pa triotlaw Imlta at lindr peokrta. Meat patriotVm Aooa. When ba*l wot la to aad'anatbSa**** ^VtanV if”* ***** Tbo attoaaa of tbo WorM °M Um aredHood poottioe of tbo eooatry are aooe Um baa abuaaofat and bamunaMa. It la a flaaby and 4taregg|ah»a atwapi Kand laataking to boom Ha atraata aedvaanilw Indeenaa by Baaby and diaregabiMo moiboda. Ttwra I* ft abftttla Mftak fttorf at PUUftofo, rwha oaouty. ftftB UM d my Ito fftWry wa»U BOO aftrBa uf BAftwiwB and patalataaaft U» brr for oaaft. w I I New Yo«,J»n. Io am In Ur to* Brooklyn Afb Muux f3£rrar!^“^r£K: jjjjSanrJUdM^’ Cu£?M.“£"p£i" dent Clordaod, who havo cballengwl Bng]»ad, tbo Mob Mtln (no Ifow Tork boo drdani om IkmUU tk. ootaat tbo wow. oHUumw ooeUI fooetiono raUoa of, tbo omomtrf.' Tho uoaSTbTuiora an too w.y dloaora id too Maefc natal dtodpotton to dhhl ctrokaa at tbo o«»HoL Vo ana an go to than (nb lonabte dlanan night aftor right id olt ap oatll norolag atuodiog to no etol faoattMM ud ha la any ocmdihon to grand* with too knotty probfcw oC IbNtotd *®U'* ***** ,y *t thlo «*Ndi “££.**1 kwMUrifaa orilod a oroaty old baohdor. bat If nag tblok ow what I haw a^’ ■oik'to wtedno ’uMt'V" wlUl nl* niicrithd. ogpUaa*to twabawof oBctoka of tt£ rvd«lol«?fu£. 'l^n^ trlUnto a good way todlah Mnndan nada by thoyabUo ®ea of Utotojaat tbean thing*, tw aaob aoewty aad aoi wjpagk at nation to audy of imblle nMfib19 The program made bp tha ctabr A Lnoir Oompauy in ptotlog It to* bat. tar Q»aoolal and phyaieal eondlttoa daring tba loot year baa barn vary ratifying. Aa readere of tba Jtfiaw fueturm’ Itteonl art aware, tola mad wwa n«t melndrd to tba Southern ay*. sui2rtL5sr&as£ waa made that Ua earning wore not sofltoieat to par tba in latest oo lu todatoedmea. or area Ua operatic g as* tba aeourity-biiMera wrrm teuton abarce of tba properly *t- the boaioaae of Urn yaar, bewarar, baa been aoaeod tout not paly baa tho oompauy earned ua otawatiog expense*, bat baa tapnlrad aad palmed lit an lira peaaeiigar rcuto oiaat daring the peat aamaar. It baa •lao raoaatly added to Ito easlpaeot three damage engine*, two iTm niaaa e<>ncbaa. two combination baggage aa J gaaemgar enre, atotran box ears and Aftaea flat oars. Two now depots base beta erected, aad aevarel mi lea of treat retold with new mill. Tba ooaipaay to oomprlatd ot load railroad Man. with Mr. 0. W. T Uarpar, ot Lenoir, H. a. preetdaot. Tba road b oarrow gsago, a*landing from Oeatar 8- c~ to Imoir, V. C., too aOaa. Tbl» a bow a bow loot! freight aad paaaaogar trwfla pay*. ■uMtvIUe --- last w Rev. J. T. Stovall, of Wesoro Worth Carolina Ooofereooa. H, X. Ctuirofa, Dnu was la charge of Rook Spring circuit, Lincoln euouty. r<". “?• "fi®0 F»pie mn d* aattoded with bio. At the store of the year they paid bis up In fall In tbe hope that the Cuafrreaoo would sod bin ebewberr;but the Melt op promptly re to road his to the aaso circuit, Hie nwple, however, declined to reo.tr* Mr. Stovall awl tbe blahap waooos pelled to sake an exchange. He fcmod a Bother minister wboee wife wee d I sal laded with her hosfaend's appointment, and he Sot him to Rook dprtac and sat Mr. Stovall to the vacant chans What the unable woo brlween Hr. Stovall aad bis people is sot sado poU lie bat tko oocemaee is aa 0000001000 la tfao Methodist Obureb. The Mntbo dl tS feoeraUy sob alt to the Oonforooc* dleot^aoapd eadoro whatever to riven Omniekm Ptohahly the largest nusfaor ofls gk»yu>bat hoe oyer cose lato Wh Coiotlaa la ooe body otaeo tfao days when tfao Ant eruLanemele afatee arrived ah Polar reamtly. Tfao party •so brought la a apeoml train of *f Mv*««'» fros Karth Onroltaa, and consisted eflhdtpuplr. beeldea e mh» tar of children who did not pay far*. Thrj wvrrgathervd la there emetine of Worth Carolina, and oaso direst rros tbs fares, aad wIM part in Uw> oouon sills. DurtnaSon. Tbeeptnt of affrothm le in hunt In Us brpuu of soot aao. to to rapnolaUy Aoally dropped lato hnsatag: ggraggs: C*m«i in, CUM. B. Hoad, Broker ul 1l.oo 2S8S5irfaSf5!r«82J: rA’asttEVjS.TO Vi. Wawuo, lad., tiulkw UM bo *u WNt of a Gooyb of too year* tUod wtw^lW, I hA bm vui to Ml «nM mUwr htn ^TtkJa my OmOm, Weoam k alarm eon*. Mm. IwaM. Mi «M>M.,Ukto •miiomkinaltU (mi and hoe ajyfeNteg&ysg ; GOOD FOR EVERYBODY ' **• •varyoo* needs It at aft time* of tht year. Malaria is always about, and the aoly preventive aad relief Is to keep the Liver active, TauauBdhdpthe Livers Wt, and the best helper 1* the Old Friend, SlM* mohs Liviut Regulator, the red z. Mr. a Hfanrod, ef Lancaetar, Ohio, «r.i "Smmohs Liver regulator $ broke a ease of Malarial Paver ef Hue* yean’ steading far aw, and leas than one bottle did the hastaeaa. | shall uas It when In need, aad nniuanal JL” Be sura that yoepOL Always boh far the MED Z an the package. And dor t fcrpt Bee word REGULATOR. It la StM MOHS Liver regulator, and there Is anly one, and every one who ukea It b Mae to be benctiteJ. The BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REM tor. Taka K aba far Biliousness and Sick Headache i both art lanead by a sluggish Uvor. A M. Z*iiU. 4 Co- rhils