The Gastonia t [ ||| _to u» ProtooUou ol Horn* and th> Vol. XVII. \ no.xA„. .. 1 _ _ _J*uimu*y 23, 1896. A WOMAN TRAPS^ TALMAGE. BEOUING FOR HELP AID 80LA01, SHE WA8 SNAPPED OFF COLD LY AND TURNED AWAY. A Shrewd Wmmm Wnorlss- Works m Wtrkod how m the twllljr-u thr U«kMl>hn»MH bltkaSM by TnlwtfWMblUMiMsr Mm bw M<* I.OM UnlbDollor-ttr. IvMarkM CeeMnt Help Anlordoy Slabs bal WooM Walts thr RSbrt Wwaday. "How cold 1 I wonder bow the poor ere faring this bitter wwltwr." This was tbs exclamation of Miss rtlbyl Wilbnr, e woman reporter for the Washington Knar, as sbo dropped In to her work one morning during the recent severe cold weather. "Suppose jou Bod out,” suggested ooe of the ed itor!. Carrying ont tbe idea, she dis guised herself as a beggar named Jennie Elliot and visited tbe homos of the poor nod the rich alike. The story of her experiences rims through several numbers of the IWi Below we have oopied a chapter from these experi ences. Dr. Talmage and Dr. Sunder land am co-pastors of one of tbe big fashionable churches In Washington city, perhaps it Is regarded as (As church of the quality. Dr. Talmage recently went them on an engagement to preach once a day on Sunday, that la, in tbe evening. Tbe morning services were to M provided by eo-paator Allen or otlwrwlee. Tbe church to now In n fer cnent of disetwloa over • movement to b»ve both services conducted by Dr. Thlcn»f«. Ai to Dr. Sunderland, lie to, wo believe, the seme ploae duck who to reported to liars got nervous daring tbe war about the One! lavra of the contest, ead in bto pulptt no# Sunday morning prayed to the Lord that If he waao't' going to put down slavery to resign hie throne In favor of aUod who would put it down. But wltb all tine, the veuerable author of tba violent prayer appears to much better advantage in a teat of ktudnem than does your uncle Teedywit. Here Is a section or two from the reporter’s story: I next went over to the Arlington Hotel and treat In the ladies’ outmnoe of Ibe annex. A colored bellboy sprang to the door to open it for me, and liieo almost let U. alueniikJBgJtoam aa be took In cay dlarepataUe appear “I want to tee Dr. Talmage. Will you fled out If be will ire me?” t* Will yon aond up your card?” in quired the servant, facetiously. "No, sir; anil I won’t send up my name. Just ask blur if lie will see e tody who (a very anxious to speak to him.” “Hit down In the parlor,” said the fsilow, end then as I did so Ira lingered a minute to consider either bis errand or me I’ve no doubt both were un usual. But be sent tbe message, and presently returned with the reply that Dr. Talmage rqpuld be right down, I was rather surprised and pleased. I had met tbe great preacher before, rath or formally, nod now I waa to meet him face to face end to feel the warm kindliness of hte nature. I recalled certain paaaigm In hia famous lecture, "Tbe Suouy Side of Life.” Here was tlm opportunity to Qnd out by what method tbe great preoeher helped life to be suouy. And ao ( waited patient ly bto coming oat to me. It wan S o’clock whe.i last down, and It waa 4:15 when l>r. Talmage came out to me Ladles and gentle men passed through the parlors fre quently, and stared at my strands appearanne, sitting there. It quite annoyed tba new servant who came oo duty Wbilo I waited. Being unable to stead It longer, be at length amt again to Dr. Talmage to Say a woman bad been waiting over aa hour. COULD WOT UW BOTHERED. I heard a door opan and abut, and •ODD* one same to Inquire If Dr. Tal maget carriage had beeo brought around. Then la a min at# I heard the •errant my. "Dr. Talmaga, hrra to a woman waiting to apeak to tow.” -Kr—well, leant be bothered,” waa the rather I oi patient reply, and than be eama Into the parlor and atood at a dleUnoe from me, palling on hla gloats. I bad no Mea be waa ao tall before, nor that be was n aalf-conUloed and frowning aad frigid. Hla look of In quiry wan one of aero tiny that only ondurad for a moment. 1 rote In my feet and atood, with my ban da elaaped before tat. "DM you want to apeak to met” ha demanded. "Tea, air. If you pleaee. I am In •ore need and trouble, and 1 hare i.rard ao muok of your—«r—kindaaea, I rto tured to eoma to you. air. for kelp.” "Wall, I haven't a thing to giro to any on*. My aieaci are all *pok*n for." H* bad turned away from me aod waa fastening hi* *k>m with a (harp •nap. Hi* mind wa* engroaard with otbsr Uiiaga and ha deotdsdlv did not want to ba bothered null roe "Dr. Talmage, If yon two Id help ms a very little I would be deeply grate ful. It Is Haturday night, and I haveu't a place to go aod no mens* to boy food. I-" "I haven't ant money to give you, not a earn. ( tall you." and ha moved toward the door with a preooenptvd !o< dr. -la a lie t csrrlaga there?" "If you ooald give me any advies whore togs," laatd. following blm; "11 you could only ds that for me." HI* enrriaga rolled up at that mo ment, and bo ataitad away and mM, gait* Impatiently thla timer *'f bnvan't anything to give you, I tell yon. f don’t know anything about where yea aee gn." Thee he went oo with aum* order to Ills HMD sud |«n me. At I walked out of the bis hotel lit# porter looked aCWr me as though b* bud half a mind to five me Ilia has fee himself. As I turned away from the liotel law a big, sleek man, who looked Ilka a gambler, lighting a cigar, and oo the impulse ufihe moment I west up to him aad naked him If be couldn't give me some money, that ( whs hungry. He pul his bead in bis pocket and drewouL a shining half dollar aod toesad It to me. “Oo and get yourself a square maeL girl, aad look happy,” be aald. Thro turning u> a cabman that was standing there, aald: "Xever mlad; t’U walk; I Just coughed up my last coin.” . k,,'’w wb*t 10 110 h» If-dollar, but I suppose Hat It will do its work If ( pass It on to tbs next person 1 meet In trouble, or batter still, turn It over to Urn Central Union Mission that goes on day and night ahmlnletering care where ills most lii-odcd. 1 determined to wind up ray Invest! gatta* that night, ao after dinner I •allied forth Once more and want down to C street to call again on tba Bov Byron Suaderlaod. That gentleman react red me In his back parlor. 1 sat duwn near the door. ae«» be earns and stood In front of me. When l told him my story ba aald. "Well, well. This Is a bad Uses fur y»u to be oomlitg after charily—Hater day night. Can't you manage to gut Hong natal Monday morning? I haven’t a cent to oSer yoa.” "But I don’t know bow l am going to aat to-morrow; I hay* ho money or anything la my room.” "Why. get the people to trust you where ton are. They’ll keep you, won’t they?” ’■They are eery poor people where I live, ovor In Gordon* ooart. It Is very hard to aak charity of tbaas.” nr* A IIAAD WOIU.H. ‘Oh. well, they can stand It to give yuu a Mai or two. Tell them you have a proapeot of something oo Moo. day. and come back ben tbeo If you don't get anything etas I'll try to do something for you. But I don't promise, mind you, to aaeare you any thing. I'll mate tbe effort, though, dome of our people may be able to Bad you aomllung." I rose to go, end add: “If* a very •lord world." “Ob. yea; ifa a hard world for every one. Good night." and tha mlnlUer walked awa> from ma without a word of oomfort or a touch of tha band. I waat luto tbe night, and waited slowly down In front of the Young Woman'sChristian Hoase. Ifaarsdto cell there, and had put It off from time U> time. I knew tbe matron slightly, and was afraid of recognition. BoUl ‘*•**••■1. II bsfbve airing up the character, and at last ventured to ring the lull of this Institution. A boarder answered tha door and want off to Bud the matron, leaving me in a vary dimly lighted hall. This was a fortu nate arrasgvtnent of clreumatanoas, and 1 sat down In the shadow uear tbs door. Whan Ute matron cams out to ate I sold: "I am very sorry to disturb yon so Ute. madam, but I have bean working uutll now and I expected to get my wages to-night. The lady told me l*d have to wait till Monday and I bava nothing to buy food with to-morrow. Could I oume bars and get my meals to-morrow?” 8be hesitated a moment aad than said: “Yes; come and gat your maala.” There was a passe— a very cold one— sod than I said: “ Anything that I can do to pay for my meals I will; I’ll help with tbe work.” Tbe matron ooly said, "Wo have breakfast at 8 o'clock,” aad aha moved toward the dOof. “Thank you vary much, madam; I’m really sorry to bava disturbed you," sod I extended my hand. She didn’t notice It, and opened tbs door far aw to go. It was rather discouraging for Jan nle Billot, hot she had to aeoapt It as tbs baet thing under tbs dream itTIOO. I hays told tha story of my ad ren te roe Just as they happened. There are, 1 think, some good lessons to be drawn frost the experteooe. U my story doss this for any nos It aervsa Its purpose, sod I am glad to bava been foe a fuw days s beggar In tha streets of Washington. (Sibyl Wrurua. Mm Hot* ntanllM Atlanta Journal. The b»H bow baton OoBgreae for Urn estebUaboMot of "Tbs UMvarelty of tbo United Mateo*' should ba baatea M. badly that no other propoalttoo of tbo kind will bo loado tor many yaara to 00 QM. Tbo federal department of odoootlon la all right. It eolloota and pobllalta# raioabla atetlatloa oononrnin* tbo prograaiof ad ocattonal work ib tbo United Htatea and loan educational agener which may bo properly sup ported by the gonoral government. But tbo propound national ualvorMty la another and Tory d I Berea t Uitag. It la a aehraw of a art of ImpraotloJ men arho in thatr oral for eduoattou loao alRht of the limitation. of tbo fodsral go rani moot. Wo do not bailers that the cauat of eduoatiou would bo pro onotrd by aueb an InrtUatlon while lu ratebUabuiant would sorry tbo gororB owotaUIl farther along tbo path of rMietnallara and moke the way eMter fur atRl more objectionable adiamaa. Tbo national anlraralty MU aboald ha allied. Wotruat and believe that It win rooMvo tbo rapport of so Demo crat lu Caagrow wbo baa any standing or toguonoaL Tto tort regulator to ragalato a peo pta II SlaiBAi>a Liver Bagalntar. It racvlataa tM liver aa4 IM llvar lagu latoa tka pareoa. If tka liver la taga lar than Malik la good, bat K rturi* or d learned tMn tMra la ooorfinl BUIooaeaH, fadlgaaUoo. HeadatM and all Um dlaordare* ibe rtMaaab tMl aoe Mareaf. Try SIototoo* Urer Bagntataa aad prove ibla. THE BEAR AND HIS MATURE. 00 l. rium talus or m wit. a »•* Yowls Suss. ••I’ve hunted been almost every whan lo Uili oouotry," uhl Col. P»r , A*b.. "and ban studied ’em through and through, so l ,’n rtght when I say that. sl thoatt tiny are of tbe same family. Uw beam vt dtOereat localities have qualities. I Dam the Uaok and the brown bean. For lasts no*, take tbs boars of Maine. Now. all {•••» an e^ort, but tbe bears of Mains that dwell along the New Hampshire border an a tittle the smartest heart 1 **? ■?IP***1. Otie specimen of their ahnwdnees la enough to show thl»- moment they steal a pig or s sheep from a bstekwoods farmer they nafce tracks to get acmes the New Hampshire line. Ones over In that State they know they en cafe. Why? TJtenlsn bounty of 810 oo a bear la M*1** U *• only M in Now Hemp •hire. Ho HihM huuter Uioiuiio knock Mmseif out of $8 by killing n twnr in New Hampshire. and do New Hampshire hunter will kill a bear until he mss drive It oyer Into Maine, when be can knock It over and get 810 "caiP Uetead of S3. XU the Maine twar has to do, then. Is to keep fro®. *>•*"* driven beak across the line late bis native State, and hsls shrewd etiongb to lanoaga Uwt so long as dsn ■sr thrastans htan then. This snurt »®“ *«*• '• bound to got then In lari water, tor their baUta u °P^lk-r qonrten In Nsw Hampshire frequently Ills that State eo toll of bears that they an napless to the people, and tba New Hump win LagtaUtun Is going t» talas ths bounty on boon to fco Tbs Mains bears wUI have to bustle tbea, smart aa tlisy an. “In other parte of Maine, when ths New Hampshire border it sot eoo Jwjwt, the bean an habitually tbe boMeet an4 moot Impudent of any bean I bore found any where They don’t nan a enap for a asao, although “•V®"* ofi5* “** prteethat In on their heeds. They moat know that, being Maine beam When I say they don't care a snap for a nan I don’t mean that they an any more apt to •wkl* n man than my own Peontylva nbt bean are, or the alligator Bftitlog bean of Florida arm, or tbe righting bean of tbe Arkansas swamps, or sny other bean are. I ocean that, these particular Maine bears will go Into t man’s bara-yard after a naif or n sliasp or n pig, Into bis orchard after a?sirs, into hit corn field lo bosk lit* corn. Into hit yard and knock over the bee skips for tbs honey, although tbe men may be standing not three rods away, with i m it that. Those Maine bean osn carry more load, too, than aoy other bean I’m acquainted with, and I know ’em all. 1 killed one, after shooting nine ballets Into him. on Moons river ouoe, that yielded four teen other ballets of .assorted si set. nine buckshot, an old-tlmo rouod mus ket ball, and due shot too numerous to mention. Round Basket belle have been oat of faWton tbeaa thirty years, 1 judge from that this bear matt have bean gelling along In ywan. "Bat when it comas to fun tbs Feno sylvaala beer is foliar of It than any of bis relatives, although all bun have s tonoy streak la them. I often think that ws ougbta’t to toko onr Pcnnsyl vanla bean curiously, even when they an walking off with onr abeep. they do It wltb such n swagger and saeh a dcrll-may-care aort of air. Talking ■boat them and aheap pa la boo In mind of aa Instance of their funlovlnc pro pooalty. I bad a big ram one* that 1 aaod aaa churn aheap, bo waaaoatroug. and bo waa ugllor than a fluid ball. I waa the ooly one that could do any thing with him. and It kept mo ao elooe at borne that I sold off half my ooe* ao *• ahflda't ba obi lead to aaaka ao much batter, and a swaflar aheap could do tha aborning. Than I tamed the aaa taakerooa eld mm Into poetaro by btm »»lf, to bo aa ogty aa ha pleased. It seed to amuse om to aaa him ukaa aotloo, arary ones la a while, to butt the atone walla down, and he’d batter away at them matil you’d think ha’d amoab hla ahull, but It never pbamd Ma, “One day I waa watching him taka a little eaaretaa to Uila way, when I aaw tha bead of a big bear Aaa abort tha wall, Mty or a hundred fast from whom tha ram waa taking hla running ■bote at it. Tlie ram didn’t am tha bear. The bear looked on at tha ram*i performance for a mlnnta, and I could •aa by tha esprtaaioa on hla face ti*t be waa tickled joat about to death over it. Pratty aoan ha turned hla bead, and. looking behind him. book oood with aaa paw. Pratty quick another Ug heart hand came up above tba wall, and thnm the two lean atood aajoylng tba fan. They couldn’t aaa am wham I atood. “ThoroU to nun to thta,” mid 1 to myaoir. 'Tbma toara ain’t going to aland Itora long without taking a toad la it thamoalrm.* “I waa right. Br and ty tha two toara aihatod oaattooaly otor tto wall Into tto Said. Tha ram waa ao hutj with hi* aaaaulta an tha wall that ha attar aaw tham. Thay oama dowly doara toward tha tioloua old eura, atoppad wttlilu aix (oat nf him, »nd raw oa tbair hlad fnt Ttoy atood wti) apart. Am tto ram tiaehod away to taka aaottor ran at Um wall, to laraad bta toad aad aaw tha toara. H* waa aarprtaad hot only for a amend Ha turnad toward Um toara, hrwornd hM toad, aad wHh a Uaot that mad* tto ground {altar to rarbad apoo tto Mato toar aa l( to bad barm karltd from a eatapolt. “M to Mto that toar,’ eOd I to my aalf, ‘toll §o through tt Ilka a rad-hot poktr through u pi no abtagto.' “But Um tour atoppad dafUy aaldo aad tto ram feat pact Mat An to *mt by. oulcker than a 8aab, the baar turned oud grubbed Ua raa by eaoh M*1 *5* •*ar U* hacf aad bad bln iS? b»w * wheelbarrow by at? Al* thao uayba ba dMat tumble that aid r«u! Tba ran aouldnt help UlmaaU, but bad to keep g»l ua ^ on hi* fere (s*i a* Uta bear puibad lilu along by tbo hind fo*t. The other boor Just rolled oo tbr groai^ and kicked a» hia baato aad bowled. I thought I vf split. baoauao I laugh oat load for fear I'd apotl tho fan. A(Wr sting Ida Old ran (or awheel borrow for a minute or two, running him round and ronod in a air do the bear dropped blai and atepprd J5? T *ha'- tbo neat now would bf- Oh. but that old ran wai mad l Un ripped and tors aad made tblnaa aotaally blue. He projected hi merit at Slot ono boar and than Ut otbor awl tbay would lutay aalde and augb at mu. rf, and by thay put him through tha wheelbarrow act ngelD. and whou thay dropped him lhl» time bo never oald a wow, but went *« a «*4 So end lay down. Tbl* tloklud tba boor* a limp. loo. aad after awhile, thinking they bad bad fun enough with the old ek*p. they turned and started (or the wall. M,a baara bad got over the wull. and the other one «a* just notch. Ing up Pj get nvsr. whou tbo old ran) got up, shot that ipape Uko the wind, and eaugtit that bear right where 1U tall wa« (aetened on. Tbs baar me in the dir ten feet l( It rma a (on. and tarned a double aomenautt before it landed tou feeteway, oa the other aide. Igot ap oa the wall aad looked ever. Tba baar that the lam helped over the Peupa «m feeling o( biatmif ail over, aad wiping the iaud oat o( bis ayes, wblla tha other one VM |n * glee St tn kill blwtalf over Uie (risk Urn ram lied playad ua MU oumpaaloo. And al though the latter limped pnrWy bed whau ba got ap and west of Uta tba wood* be ahowed p|gj* tenugh that be ani'ind tha Joka hugely. Tee, air. Tha Pennsylvania bean Sr* hemoritU, and no mistake. “The moot morose bear 1 near oama In oontaet with la tba Ashing tear of tba Arkansas dunk Lac la I don’t •m why this tear • ho aid bs so <inoom monl* melancholy. I know folks who would te happier than larks all tha tlan If ttey bad noth log to ao tet r> flablng. Ilka tte tear of tte Arkansas Sauk Lands. This bear liras on tba Mfasads In tte wildarnam of tte St. Frauds rirar, and whaa te is hungry ha ansa oat Ashing. TV* war ba Asbas la this; Than ars numsroui aoclossd waters thereabout, not very doap and srltb muddy bottoms. When a tear goes Ashing be wades Into one of these poods or lagooM and stirs ap tte bottom with hIs feet for rods around. The wata.-ti tens saou roiled up, and there seeflM to bssometb login tte dlsturbanoe that aOseU Uia Osh »i that they ooma to the top and gasp for air. Then the tear Inks* his cbuteo out of tbs lot until lie gits bis All. Ya* te aint happy, and seems to hare bio chief enjoyment l» Oomlog to tba Wkoroe of his Island and crawling and showing his ugly tenth char to tte gems, snapping his lavs savagely at Asliennao or boo ten as they pans in their boats. “ l never anw any of the bear* they have in Taney county, Hu., and 1 don't know anything about them ex oept what they told me down them. They told tee that tbe Taney dounty beam were thefaitett been ia erection. U tha atory a native told me la trim there oan be no doubt that thv Tansy m»uuty boar la aatUlad ta tha claim Uiay make (or hie. According to tbit ijatleo ha pnt hie dog* an a bear trail do wo then once and tha baer proved to ha ooe that didn’t want to loan It* hide. So It led a pretty long cheat be fore tha banter got a toot at Ik He pat a ball in tha bear and tha boar stopped and leaked at bin, while grease vpjuted (ram tba bullet-hole In a continuous stream until the bear Shrank to almost nothing and (hU dead. Tha bear, tha native laid, was ao mouatrnin fai and tba long nan had bested It ao that tba (at melted, and of course wbeu the bullet Upped the bear the melted fet bad to a purl out. It may be fur thbreasao that they very •eMote bunt their bean In Taney m»«nty. Thar simply go toe bear's dec urban they want hitn,erawl In, foal (hr hi* heart and above s long, been knife into it. Thataetea trouble, tiaaa sad gratae." “•bmoaJ Tien*. It «m In no wlae either nnpnrll*. ■ranter? or Impolite Ira Senator Hill to nay to Butter, of North (JUrolinn. thol lhe moot ridlenteoe thin* In tlm Ddloaloua qonoUoo raked the former far tbo tetter wm tbo M**eetloo that tbo Senator from Ohio would take tlm poU of Um Senator from North Unto llan for any amount. Thle reply eonld bo made without oog tort of offowoe boln* Intended, and wltbont tlm poeelblllty of any offanoo bnloejuetly taken. Mr. Butler eUlme the ntbl to get from tbe Senator from Ohio or any other pec*on one thonaand *otd dollar* aad to pay lb* drkt with omo tkoooand all tor dollar*, even though the tllyor doltem ahontd fall la value to oaly Ofty oaate aaoh. It would bo moat anrwmooa bte therefor* for bla to expoot that tka Senator /ram Oblo. or niyAtm ran* man, weald ho wilHa* to lot hlaa kayo one tboumod *»W dollar* with ouy tueh opinion at that Oatertaload bjr klm. And yet tbo whole out of too free ootnera la tooteded In that epteode between HIM aad Butler. BUTLER ARB PRITCHARD. BOTH HATH HOPEH LOOM XH ALL THHIB TBEDAHOT. Tb* two (feootora frai (forth Car* ll0» tow to bo oootribaUng man thaa taotr *U*re toward prornotlog tho «*J*Cy of tho nation*" In tbo dtnaU. For his atuoh spooking Mr. Bailor hao boon oaUod by a ,c or reap indoat of a wooUia paper "a fountain of fbUy that la uovur at root and noror gooo - dry." Theoaiao writer aloo oayo Bailor t* aoliido you of Denial Vf abater—“bo ho Oi) different-” fo o nowo Item printed l**t week Pritchard was refonad bo bp HoMtor BUI as "too other oodef the oooaHootlou" dawn boro to (forth Carolina ood tho Wilmluglon Mmm 9*r rather Uiloko Prltehard will baaoo forth bo known aa Mis otherfor abort. *«*•*«* *uoem inn Tbe Atlanta Journal a few day* ago grlntad a dispatch from It* Wellington eorrcapondaot In which • meat ladl etoua aoan* to depicted. Batlar had rlaao to apeak. "Xtka a true apostle of the Popw llata.” aaya the aorraapandant, “Beea tor Butler ha* a qoM ot tobaoeo In hi* elaatlo law always. HaaaUeda page I and bade him, with the haughty Eton I of • aawBaaator, to bring mo of the Senate oeapMnn which, atraagaly •coach. It made at the cxtel Batlar was about to drfnad. The page, with a Iteao pmh of the Hnn of thing*, placed tit* cuspidor ta tba caw Baa*, tcc'* bead to nto dismay aad to the •ajoyeaoct of every wltoam of the Incident.’' Tim WM another am net Off incident when Mr. Bailer uk*d Mr. Kill, m hypothetical question, baaed on the theory that be (Better) had five* hie note payable In wheat or ten to the Senator from Ohio. Mr. Hill remarked that the question wee so loaf that be oould sot roaeaeber the beginning ef a "That It the way with tbeae gold buea.” said Mr. Butler, excitedly, '•they excuse their ignorance by plead ing want of memory.’’ Mr. Hilt smilingly suggested that Urn quest ion bad some points involving much thought, and pueeiUy loser mounUtble obtUclM. •‘For instance," aald Mr. Hill, with mock (rarity, "the qoesttou isridioul. "Os la the bype&beeli that Urn Senator from Ohio (Sherman) would take lira note of the Senator from North Caro lina (Butler) for any amount." Under the eaptlou of "Two Bnmarfe able Men," the Atlanta Journal re cently published the following editorial: ’’Probably never la the history of the United Staten truths tue soy state been represent'd in thn>. body by two each Meet! men me the brace who new answer to the name of North Osroliua. "One of them Is named Pritchard, we believe end the other Is call'd Marion Butler end they are a bursty pair. The former Is a Ifopabitean and the latter a Pbpullat. Their eleotlen wan aetxmpllchad by tha funion ef two pnllUea) parties whloh bed nothing la common except a gread for edto*. It has heeu only about six weeks since Prttehard and Butler wore ewers la aa senators and ditriog that time they have onespled the floor end baiaamed the Bawls on at least hell a down “They have, ofuouroe, made them •Hess ridiculous, bat the eweeleee anm of that feet hae never dawned sp oil either ol these fusion let —w. Their erif-ooneelt is impervious end levlaelble. ■'Senator Hill gave them both a Wisssrurssass their anebarawa. Thaw will pop ap •dele today or tomorrow and eoatloue •weir enthm as tow w they rem iln la maybe relied apoo to boro and bother the Senate and la exhibit their donkey tew until the happy day whan North Carolina ahall be relieved of Urn reproach of their presence la the UeUed State* Besets. "If the law ef retribution applies to »ooh matters Urn Old Vorth Stole mart here sinned very deeply." wbJLOB^&atAS: to* bam Mbwrf ta In jaaaa la UamSbmSmmT'"^^' *n*i/*' . Sottfc UaroMaa “-|--fi— U*. pmaabf raaMla* to wMMatfoa Oily Kara owawianl a BMafaHw Aamto Uoa at North Onlw to war* la Ua totaiaal of Ur HayrtMiaai r u>ta (*ata la tha —1-jTirnnlgn cluod*. aaTTa Mtto wtalfV'mum'ro Umt rtfwd 19 km Of inm. rm *m igMlulMMa Mdl wasIn *«5«r NUMW of maim*dear at **•■• L1^®* <M» **k m f»». Mag Into thaw at u i naiag mmi kUteg hundrvdsof Om. wTkSaS 4M Mmm Im knaoRotsotlj (track tor &*=£’££&-*» ProourlD* a lumbar of Rowan pan is^asijsaftsfy: omtUaa H*aitoa logo at (lowaooata «wa» rata Tho mMob laooratioo ■unloo tbo birdo as ootMag bad am doao tafom, aatf thm baoawo rraata ■krMtaak That nigbt law (raoof Toe and sfanlag. haaeaar, Ut hab it of ratarolag to toalr raoat «m ~p»jru2ari2s2e awS^s^ess tbrnt ni• doterototo *—--rlnn <a pngf*. Tbay flat praotpUatalr •ad th* 'third aWatag aatoaflavi* ssar-A'SiSsasrrjK: ^oniusss&as prepwly aadthouaai on lb* HM*Hf of ay aatghbor, artflah g.««rtaa««s Jkay flaw Jar aama te"dlT&te fcfMl* £•**"■*■* "Uahboraa? •MUal Thai* «m bo *-*TwitM*M oaar theca, aafl they bare atayad than imCiw. Tbb m a laag tea ago. bat aarar ■iooaUalaat Boaaa ouSdla «aa flrad Into tea baa oaa ot tboa* bird** at tMoo mj tiaaa. Thay an **taboaaflH Cm Thajpaat MaaS*MMHbmeh 5SBSSB-srs« Aaotbar atraagarBbtebMIaMtwvpa oaaofaa analog ataada la ay lain aafl aabaa a flight aolaa. aa Maoatac hla hand*, thara will ba Uw wuS3 •"■MU*?" teoog tba bird, la the ■••fkbortof uaa*. They become neat Iom *od aXaoat null airlab to If, bowatar. Ibaaama paraoo rmwit ibi faaoa and ataafla dtraetiy naflat th.w |Q^ Ulln tlfifl gg fHOOtl unjaa *|-J.—. pay aoauaaUoa whatever toll.' Ha aaa ana ahoot ap Iota Lbaat arttboat drlTlag them fruca chair parte. dew Te«fc «e*ela. T,Mru* TMpraMtImwUl tx ktw frarth one brought out while Mr. twine, hag haan KeeteUn of the Ttreemy. Tha 8 ret one. la Jeowaiy. 1804, *u «0. •00.000. At. par cent.Umjmt bonds, whloh were aald at 117.S8&, or an a thro* per eeot. beets. Tha eetood loan of 100.000,000, In par east Me year bond, of the mm “•WJSAS? '* »®lwo*er, 1804. •tjtht 117.077, or aw a 0| per oaat. The third lea*, which was mn3m last r**rnanr, wee of 00U1S.400 four per oeot. thirty year beads at IOC496, or (Ml ft tl pCf ftftft^. hfttlft. On toe flrut ioeua the lata rest te m> turtty wiU amreiele OM.000.000. Oe W»e evened, deducting-fine, the •■MO0.00O. Oo tha vhUd thn iiitrnea ft»r thirty yaare wiU let about A74.8U0U0Q, while ea tha prwuai law. 0100.0tie.000 the Intel eat ,,*f* *‘H te total of aboet |MOJQO,*.00 in Interest elewa. whloh the oUlguUooa aceatad 4355 Sacra. Lary (Jnri tala's term of afhsa wUl oaat tlie oauii try. Added to the prtaalpal of thcac fear leeaia. whloh taout hi tha total eUlMtoot-Tit 840V 000 000 u - JR»prs«hl«Mera0 bearing daht ef the United State* te JwjSO.aiO. ***&& * saa» msSC! stfjaiaaga.Tar* WWt » ONMMlMfl triad la Un^ MaM^Mort1 of' SwSSaSS t&ZlSXZS'VS'^. at ihatMaarat AmmUy. HI* trial attraatadaakh atUaMan, ten talk* Ont Ua* la tha htatory at oar oaad old mat* tkfti aav odtoar otaaruST »•••*« triad aad aaaViatJ of MtoMadaat. Aadartataaa^ Maaunlathla ao oar a* *aIM “ro forai" Lfmataral BpODFOREVEBYBODY •5 mdnlief^te Om Umaettvm Ywnfli f ft.Uwr.Ni, HOW*uSHSuSlSj Sjn&Dzl Mr. C. Hlmd, at I anfoala. Ohio, ■*- LIVER REGULATOR MMm a out of Malarial Favor af tone IMS’ standing for me, aad lew than one bottle did the bniaaM. 1 shall uea tt when to need, and nceanad it** ^eMjMMraniiflt Afcrayalookfe toe RED Z oo the packac*- Aad don’t fon« the word ReOULATO^^^aBfe: Mom Liver Regulator, and them* Mlyaae, and ovary om who takas k la «M tn ha benefited. Th« Ibnefit is ALL M The REMEDY. Tales k also for MHatanaas aad Side Headache; both art uiiaed by a atajegish Liver. LKMUaAOmEblMUtM*. i ; i ■ We iltall *oon be able to ilrterwloe theetUudea* well M the power o* wsrarrjsrsfc® laaaagwwn the AUplapof both the intaeUooe a*S' SHIS? ■Ml* will te. to all Intent* ud pur’ pojee, the Otwieat it*o». ^Th» 8t. L»eb jtfyi4Ui aapi ]t bee tefrea in*titation* la Utah footR* •oaraa Tha Vaaea hierarchy are wall aware at the power lodged j* the Federal Opt ere owe t te nmeol their raeagaUlea et Un rights aad Hbertioe, eo wofleo tha teforaati. at the UeotUo pomiatloo. aetf thop oeoeot fed to ■■‘'■"•"‘il that the prelealwehtaHag sssrMSS'sasrH the rtlpdaet provoeatiM ee thehr part. .SsrassSfiSS s^SFisxSE Kayarsi^JMrajas esaa'ttrjs ssssr? agtsma?* — - -

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