i i ; i ' j ikiytmKtlM»W* —- -niHi li H«l Hilly FHwptlvo ot Um h04w «Nmu WkokMnr . . raport which U nnlifi*JSnt ***•****■•* HI iHrortiof out of .*■* Um ■MtochJ loncufu* *»*■ Hi ban ccwir* * HI | ; «'■ .■ ;• ■ v I - <* 1 I 1 i i I *s* I 1 £ UMDHa»4uponlomcthlog worthAgio <mh«ti uk« ■t IMhMc Hirtomi «u tw ARE DEMOCRATS CATTLE? ■dm «T 8ILTEB NUBOUXt TO HAM lOOnOABOUXA pwwiin to mnuB ' AVI MOR, «<■«<»» IT*. Jcbmf *»»*•■-* £C “a!o!5SU SreT3Ss=:l'“-“ B"““ «2£~te^5-“as£j Sg3ls«?,«LSK h*W» do tt, or totem hoM hta .The lotareeUyt rooor —to dorotope that It emot Bottom toettattoe that gM— ——«■■ hora. Bet tar bar tag eat town radtaall; from ■* I? ■••vaB* Mett aabhtoat able *•**»■» tb# BepobUeaoa, the oM tattoo w*h too goto bag* noaad to to *•**■■*•• abapo of ar lnpeatbUft;. at that nan thlnr bad to to too*. Ihaa Mr. Bettor ptokod oat Mr. Salto ssiiitarffiiis"" Otob jhkht.w tad the atnoet bar enap prevailed ettto.iaaotiag. bet •Bi aawtUlag to tall the datalta of the pwtt cupfxd oate fnxi ■nnthf trtu S«i,to^Mm2ar’i55nd,taTi! tfeotMthafr (embed mthe eoa tor s'—» ■» orate era to tore toe Oranar.tta 8amtoiyef HUUeod Attatpey Oenenn the Bogetoto beep **■ Wkkth n Troeauer, ead getting the eert Senator; ton T ogtatalero l» to dletdod out to too Donoerato mat fttaltati^ta praperttao to their reprce AwUtor* % immmi** how tte Aadttar* to tte Foyateul^tel aflmrari half way corrected bkmsaif HteUlA Joat ten Major OaUrte W> and laa Informed he to ktaking mala bite agamsttkm new «Jtetojad deal nr Uomroor. Major RattetoMWDad Hgniiltodeoy that k« waa kitting, but he did not aaam vapsmphatlc la hto denial, aad wy Infaraiaal eonternrd him to to not aaUNMbatie ateot tte m deal. •^••ttetgoMtet DamoonUmldlterc a» many good Democrat* who would taa« no dote la the aaw mow, and Ukatobase fotbaK For Qwveraor, iadga Walter Clark; beeratary of ftato, Ctertoa M. Cooke, Attorney Cheaters Smith; Trane mar, W. H. Wertb; Surname Court Jwttoa. Oak. B. A. Ambiee; kii Hwuter, J. J. Mott. Soma ante ue lalterd plan aa this my tafarmaal •h“pe J!'**** aanuaman arrived tan. Re mid, aonawr, Untitim Mac Bee. Mr. Spier Wbttteer. and Major OdlbrW wan to ba dda-tratted for Sovemor and this was tte reason why he thought tberr would bn Ike dwell to ^k tba otter tend, emitter strung Da woe rat. nh<» to entire!* dhdmenun d. -- movement wlU meet with a —i from a large portion of To my the loam, Uia baa masted anumwbat smoeg tte little North -colony bait, aa wall aa among ‘ky *Wtotog tte city. - ^y.***—i wben naked bis views mid that ha was "Ttewtoa woreraent on foot S»toa»Wte, IfawdSTto?aoooe«h fh) tarmloation, will mlghtly affect tte political del I In lee oUtet Btsts and camptotejv rsvoiatieabe existing fdlllmdt. Tte plan, hi brief, to to k««hk and damtny the prvcmt allianoe tetewa the Urpnbtieaaa and FnpaltoU that teak away hi 18M the political •teremeey white tte DsmoamU had tejoyadIftar nearly a quarter of a een Jaiy. The plan projected now to to •wing hate tte P'poilnta into tte D**"****? temp, and to reed vw them, net neatly on tte bade of a returned bat on an equality, aa after a period af brief *** aallwltel odfmge ^2k*kaf«ftr^^KJd^tta gws.'ssaitra Obtojrt *H) to aeotptebte to <>ar pro “U mm to Infer** from tto too ■"**. ttongk Kt to.ua did o-twy * * *> “*»y wnrfe. tint ttodHrc* '•■J b"*1 »*tlt Ounlnn to OhlMu ■* W ***** dli row id iht-ir UMnKtKNn 5*mKtto oniwnltoi should a «■ Jd [ I**1** *> <id»t>*«d Mhi ttr M|»n ■hrn dU* MathuMl party, a* in tb* | toW<l|dl"*>lKii(lh> IhdlOl' SlWfT Idtkte party, a* bit utter i ara aatttted to tto falteat . Day toaota sdmmaa, dot to pad maah faith la tto pratofea * tto tsrapsud onaMinaUon Si **•***•*“feahi alwoat aayaao rtfeaater tto rtoaocrath forty, and tosonowfUly admits that tto fraa •Way feoa ara vastly in tto asa^Ttiy *•*»?«» OaroUaa Ha doaaa? to tters that tto road to victory lias along tto route saga.itsi by Mr. Balth, and to woatd aotar to a bolter from a na Uaaal DsaMaratla ooasaDttoo. Mould topdhraartsdUaonhtte only tnoorUry staodald. Mr. Itohlra oo "totoa a aort of stkUlr ground to *• oaJhragaa^ sod. white not to ■*» ooabluaUtm with tto-Powfltet* teat otear aa to tow tto *» ***** abort. Hit toteatolor tto whits aML Ttoro wtU to a atranaoaa Mat to MM Utte •ntadaialn!5 W*° lu,9omt“ l* **x* *■ ■•darstood that Mraars. Palik and Psrbtea wiU ooofer witli Saunter Marten Batter aad Dr. Matt, aaaagor •f tto Mm campaign, ta try to effect ao-n|ii ratten nt the rrtnrc of tto (or awr to ttotr hoaa" 8"**l> »*tl t« w Dr. Mott threw ”*2*, r**f*./- tod white to and WbNMd tor* batten holism tto Dwto ia tto Cotftiraa ivuikw. Jtoa tottte oatao ap with Dr. (toady U* teugbmaly racial mad that tto doetur nwrvr tod impacted to aw ttodooaa Mast Ion. MoU aarawd tararasanuas ^^rSZ.StSS,^,Z M-Pta-Sw"rf ffl?* m2 ■ n tmunwnklii M U. -Tbe a* “•“A t« Mr. Glad Mow* writliwe «f® b**^*gg*** ***°»*»ta* r£ &s2wAXhasSf: ^AJBSWSSiK Uofa fro*n ott_U> tan thou •■Sworda talew*th. Hie i—*7 waa: O-rgtr-WMk tea -rybeoeible g^aa la wbleb you ■""re—nd in. I have to ragrat tU» *7 •—k la bead leofeadha oatare—entirely So ditable m» tnm undertaking a new tfinmnL Yonr faithful and obedient. . Jf- *• GutnenuiB, BUrrita, Jan, ft, 1M6 I iJorrtotfmiHarv .1 7itw ii.ti.-r. HAaotBr. Feb M.-illee Ida Ban ,k,n ■ oeb«ol at Bulled fe ecbuol t~.tr nloaed teat Saioniay a week aru. At “Old n» Bar^tta aobooi UMttly MrJ H Balled- do^S <»«jut»7. Sa Uaghl a good aobooi. ■ TWu Ijbee wwi waa — "dul«n ba*toiu. We bear of big dane— —err oaoe la a while. n si??urS3T.tLussssrs'i mat faith. Be waa a naaabor of the Baixlat ohnreb at Link* o.ITi Hie burial Sunday at the bunllj arm— sssrTssrttttsriii aad —eumonla aad another aou In iba •Maojtamiiy ia wy low with tba aaaa Tk* •* In mill un M nuaii * Ula*»' Fi* 17 —Mr*. LMlla latwa, tba •ih of ltd I»*e, dM>tbtemnUa«atbalfpaat9t»>etaek Mba m ta U» Mono of wvmubood hMiiir 17 jam mad 8 Meat be old. 81m 2J5* «rmi4a*ftiter «f the lata Jean* Wltom, Who aaa klllrtf an the 8aa buaed tie Lina while dlaobanting bto -*lt1)T"iMfr***" ^ttSurwiiu rrt>» ».!*M«ktar at Mn. H. j. SHUT * *• ■**«* mofab. 8b* lama a baabaud ut iara abOdiaa ta man bar (hath. Arrest disease .’> the tbnely use of Tutt's L - ir Kills, an old and • **• * 4 • • .' •*>' of increasing poo Always cures 'HEADACHE, -1:. -aaLru* indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS •u rrmwAc* atmnm ■wtr Afc—rt M«fU w*a cam a— gw •atari* TWf Mm* * Itrt a ■at ta Old Fdkkaob, Fate M-ifre. J. L. Thornburg baa the measles Mtae Vbila Turraoo* baa oioerd bar aobooJ at Bt-Batbat, ia CWrelaod coun ty. and returned boat* much to the delight of bar mser (Heads. M. L. Plonk. eTKIeg* Mtn., B. M. Orsaaud, of Urn Boatbeni, Mri. J. A. Ware, and daughter! of El- Bethel, and others from a distance wlrw* nuiie wa do sot Mw recall, worshipped with Long Creek euegregntlon last Situdiy. Miaaes 11m. BIU and Etta Jenkins, of agar Dallas, »petit test Suvurd-y nlilit WlUi W. V. Baaitaer awd family, wiio g»ye what proerd to be a most delight ful singing m tbalr hooar. TT>e ••boya” aaT they bad a nice time indeed. KotA. Grier. aaJ Mtae Annie Cara.HL of All-Heahog. Bpent Uet Saturday night with 4. M. IViiniagtoo. Her. W. I. WtiMhispent laat Hktur day night with U. V. Hurls, and at tended church at Logg craek on Sun day. Mr. Wdte Is getting along with •destaging claas rery weU at Uub ««tem He will atom about tba Sod Bataiteu la Marob. Brr. |L J. MaQwain preached a goad SSttauS ggjfcgsSLA8str«s We were glad to ikafca the band of our old friend and aehoolmata, Daniel F. MeSUl, of MtvtowoToaUwba oounty.at ehureh laat Sunday. He was hauling mountain produce aad had stopped at bts tether* to apead Sunday, flte sen, Master Ixrre. ao onenpawled him. On th*4lh Soadgy la March. J. T. B. Duaeroa let* be ordalnod elder In Long Craek oh arete There will also he a mw deuaen eieated oa that day te take the piaee roosted by Mr. Dsaoeroo. MWBU.IOCAU. anwmtaM w Tb» Duua Lovxlu Fab. at-liMtlM (till lln «ar; Mr. C. C. Core well’1 family to afflicted now. At tbe present alow rat* of prog rase, it wfQ rake tba dto raae some Um* yat to "do” the town. we toes ob* of oar fareaoet eittseas to-day. Mr. J. D. Bagaa move* to Gee toole. Hr. D. H. Cox will ooeapy tbe house vacated by Mr. Began. Tbare is talk that aererel more reeldenosa will ba built bare this eommer. Bov. Mr. Starts went to Lloeolntoo yesterday to prrflira tbe marriage osremoay at Mla» Lean Cornwall and a Mr. Bamary. Tba eolopid coegregaUonallsts are ftatohlag up their oborob, and wlieo Aaiahad and painted it will ba a vtry MmX hr use of worship. Our Baptist frtoods have just put a naw ovgaa in tbetr ebarab. hub or nf*» The mercury wot reported aa tan irrrrca Mow rsro at Blowing Bock las Friday Morning. It I* eat 1 mat ad mat Ilia hen product of tha United State* in 1806 waa I worth I135 0UU.OOO. A Ore which alerted In a barber ahnp before day on Monday Burning tho I0tb drauoyt-d ball ttia buatnea pot Ik* of GrreanUe, 2*. C. • Hickory la to bar# a notion alii. At a meeting of boalneoa nan loot Friday night Urn aus of $10,000 wpa anhaeribod for tho antacprtae. v~ ^nngiaoaana M- D. Harter of Ohio, aoamtttad awlaido IstSatarday by ahootdm htmwdf through tho band. “I* Bind waa prrcaptihly Impaired far rererai dayi brtera tho tragedy” The Oawnui of Snath Carolina haa “Fared a reward of $100 tot the ariaat and aonnotion at tL B. Hoaaeaod Dan Look ay ehargod wM tho raoaot wor ds of Chao. T. William at Blache hurg. Th*Fagufrcraaya thara waaa out *®" «r* at u*a pkat/orm la Ctorar Tamhr la wMeh fourteen balaa at $bbm*i1 ta tha aaaoant of $t$0. A apart tram a pastog tram •thaad the Ire. Jcfia B. Gantry, North Carol Inal «**■? pacing Man ton waa aold at Haa« Mmpa.a the rioh pewa broker of Bow who be* a uonelderaHe Holt»dJ^rpak|f^0*^ fa**"thto 1 1 ■ m .iMB .. I y PrJ*id,Tit‘ Ho *377- E. 8. PE8RAX, OatUar. T. LILLU&, Yloo-Pmldsat. X. T. W 11*01, An t Ohikkr. KT-A.TXOITA-Xj T=iA Tq"Pr GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA. ITATfS AND COUNTY DEPOSITOR 11m OOXXEIOBD BUBDIE88 AUGUST 9,1890. Capital Stock - - - - T - - $50,000.00 surplus. 5,000.00 Dividends paid since organization - - 20,000.00 • 00KFA&ATT7E STATBXETT 01 DEPOSIT? ' - . UMU. Ink* DIBBOTORS. £“• “W. • 61*77*8 $ 9*06*8 , , , .. _ _ _ Apr. IS, M 68*47*8 98,986.70 L L J«akfa»* T. 0. P*r*», ia> “ 78*83*8 37*8741 J. D. Xeara, T ▼ V1U«, Oot 18, 86,410*6 68*14.46 T W’ WU***' ^ 18, 1886, l£*8U3 gS?*? F' WUh*. BojtoHa aooouof pf IndtvMuata. Firm*, and Corporation*. In tar* at paid on dm* dapoa Ita. Quamtaaa to patron* ovary acoomrrodatkm oonatatant with oonaorvattvw ban kin*. Remember tbe Dead. He Gastonia Steam Marble and Gram lie Works. Having bought the Interest at J- B. Beard In the above named buiiaew, we taka pleasure In announcing that we shall remain at tbs same stand sod Intend to rna s FIRST CUSS IARBIE YARD. Wo than be able to dll all orders, end meet el) demands of tbe trade In oar line, and at reasonably abort notloa Bee os before placing yoor orders For marble or granite work end let os mve yon money. IIC SUBLET l o.MriAinrt F1UI 1IPPE1F1BLD \ mprt4l0n R. H. CARROLL, -AGKNT. Save Money, Save Time, "" Avoid Risk by banding your newspaper subscrip tion* to K. H. Carroll at tba Poat Ottos. Aft« SWmripSon Fbrwanitd at MM «itm Goat. Subscription, to leading newspapers and magailnes of this sod foreign countries forwarded direct to pab llabera on day of raealpt. Some Specialties: LADIES' DOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. N. C. PRESBYTERIAN. A. R. PRE3BY1 BRIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. Abaolnte Safety flaaruteei R. H, CARROLL, Agent Commissioner's 8ale. Hy Ttitoe of ii ardor af I bo Buoattor Court id Oaten imity toofly on tbo lot *y of rob. tiara ££ trtot, f, too IliiBltl loir rpootmyad lor tho 8SMstv&£rr5F^“ " Mortgage Lan4 Rale. : I Success Beyond Onr Most Sangnine Expectations. cam* her* aboat (ha flrat of tb* month expecting to Nil a few goods the flrat wash or taro In lha way of a beginning, but Inatead of tble wo have aotuallj told more goods than wo bad Imagined it poaribfe for a new Ann to aell In eo abort a time. For all of thla liberal patronage we ask a generous public to ao cept our ainoere thanks. We are beta to plrase our ouatocaara aad to guarantee every dollar's worth of good* we sail. AND FARMERS, You would do well to examine our stock of groceries before buylug vour supplies. Wa carry a lopartor lloa of gooda and wa know they win give Ntiifection. Come to tea at. THOS. P. REYNOLDS & CO. Next door to Worrit Bros. "It’s the Small Gao That Makes the Most Slaughter." «« “sr jarsrws MpalI gun loaded wilb up-u>-du« goods and low prices. eod with unerring aim will plumb the bull's-eye of public favor. * Tbl* being the mm or oar regular CLEARANCE HALES J* wm throw upon oar middle counters tome rate bargain * in Ladles’ and Men’s Underwear, Gossamers, and many other articles too oumeroua to mention. Bee end be oonrlnood. A. C. Williamson & Co. JH MetelreM a leaitfftii Uie sf Wall rapen. R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, OA8TOHIA, N. C. Having retired from active Conner*loo with the Deal Manufacturing Com pany. I now offer mj aervloee to the public for all kinda of BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Cerafui Attention rrvan to graotion of Cottage* and Fine Raaidanoaa. Cotton MUI Work a Spaolaity. Myself aod my workmen bating hid from 10 to 80 yean1 experience, and my (Hdmil aopervlaloo being given to each contract, 1 am prepared to sxaoete all dames of building contract* and to In aura entire satisfaction thereon. Oorreapondeooe solicited. Fertilizers. Buy your Fertili zers from Gallant, Whitesides & Co., if yon want the BEST Goods at LOWEST prices. Gillint, Whitesides ft Go, Notice. Commissioner’s Sale. or‘auss’^.T&f ^SiirsLfi-a vz£ tho puipoms* ‘-“^tfc^kLfrM'wMrtor*.? Um oourt kouou door In Uolloo H nmm4mr. Ik. M fcgr W ■ptik. I PM, jho foPowinp doocrlM MM at UM to will ™i» o/SkToMliSyiM OP day ot Mo marnu.^JL!S^btma^^M Notice. lira. L. A.O|l«bf,i A.r’W f ,*D“,,0’,•

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