THE (3AZETTE. Tin uaiiAY, rhbku \ky~ ri, iseaT" it U8IXE88 LOCALS. ASTcrUwmevta InjcetwJ m Mila ommuuTu lO ernla a Una tor Om InacitMo *ad Swats » Hnu lor csob iusuition Ifcoroaftw. MY RESIDEKOB and lot on Halo Street U tor eale. Leroy Morrow. SATE— Good fire-proof safe for sale. Apply at Curry A Kennedy's. "C^Olt RENT—One Uireeroom bouse. A Apply u> J, Robbkt Chaib. *TUMBEBBD LAXDS—About 88 A acres for sale on tha Jacob Rhyne place near Gaatonla. Apply to J-a,oy Morrow. PJXVEIXIPBS, Letterheads, NoUs •O beads, Billhead*, Cards. Hand *U». folders, Pam^lets-Coo* to Tax Qaxxttx odea whan you want anything In thsae Unas. We do print ing and we do It right. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —TmU'i ChnpeJ will dedicated the second Satvtlay la March. — We shall always he glad to send •uople oopios of Tuw Qaxkttb to those who want to we It with • riew to aataacrlblag or advertlalog. —A tew cords of pine or oak Wood will be taken on subscription at this office If brought at once. The cold auap out our wood calculations and woodpile both abort. —Tbe railway oath system which has bean In oas a week or two at Gray and Lore'* world like a charm. To aocau people H La at big a eight as tbe aoaolc railway or (booting tba aobatea. —w* want to increase largely our subscription Hat within tbe next tew weeks. If yoa ate able to apeak a good word for tbe paper to your non tubacritdog frlaad, your doing so would certainly be appreotated. —It is reported that tba Swift Creak Cotton If ilia, near fVitorsborg. V*., In which Mr. J. Smith of Beaarmer city waa a large stockholder were dsotruyed by Urn lent week. Mr. Smith it ptasi deul of tbs company end left on Saturday altcrnoou’s train to visit tlie mills. —To those of our friends who ware disappointed In seeing u* conn week let us say that we almll be glad to ace them wMn In town or to have them drop us someth!iig by ruail. We still have plenty of reoelpw and want to QU them out for nil who are anxious to bays thrm. — Tba cases of aloksea* In the rdl to*’* family bav* improved. Ttwre was a obarge for tb* batter in Mrs. Marshall’s condition last Saturday or 8ui»day. She la now abta to alt up a little at the lime and by tbe and of tb* weak, It Is hoped, she will be able to go about the room. —A photograph of the burglar*, borae-tbleves, and two common thieve* in charge ot Sheriff Loftln and Dopaty McLougbeu waa made Wednmday morning by Mr. J. B. Beard. He got a good hkebaas of the crowd In chains, (bowing four of tbe men who assaulted Sheriff Loftln. Tbs picture* win be In considerable demand. —Qaatoci* acquire* a good atttnu in Mr. J. D. llagan, who Bored to this place yesterday from Lowull. Hal* a brother of Ur. a. W. Bagsu. Mr. Kagan J. D. has bought the Vfm. White place beyond Ur. Leroy Uor row’s which he baa greatly remodeled sad will oocupy as ble home. We welooue him to citisaaablp la our thrifty town. / —YeaUrdari an unusual accident happened to tba flra-montba-old infant of Ur. and Mrs. Eugene Anders. The carriage containing the child wae on tho porch. Tba mother turned away for a moment or two, when a gust or wind tailed the carriage off the porch and threw the baby on the jagged eoda of a pile of firewood. A bad gash was cot in the little ooa’a cheek. —The bUoutd reached it* climax laat Thursday night when the mercury dropped to ooly four degree* a bo re aero, and one of the curious things about the too* at or in preceding Is that Wilmington sod the eeaooet had the heaviest snowfall. The j£um>,otr says the anew at Wilmington waa IS inches deep oa a lerat—something tba oldest inhabitant oarer saw there before. —The Leonir Thpie ia In eommunl cation with an aril prophet. It aays: ‘•A weather prognosticator, on Monday taorntug whll* Urn mow was falling rapidly, who baa studied the moon and etarm twenty years, aars: Twelre or thirteen annwi will fall batons spring open*, that wa will bare acme pretty days bat considerable cold weather will be experienced before the flfteenth of April.'" —The drew-making department of Meeera. Gray 4 Lore will after the ftretof Marob ba in charge of Mr*. 8 H. Griffith, of Torkrllle. She wax recently with Baruch of Charlotte and cornea well reeommondod no; only as ho (Xpert terhlouable drcia-maker but aa a moat CitimnMe woman a* well. Tliote who know her beat are larieli In their Congratulation* of the firm ou encoring her atrrloea. •—The terrleee of Mia* CyutUla Rnddook, nf Charlotte, Itaye l-eeu en gaged by Mr. A. U. Wllllameon fur hla millinery department. 4be will go north aext Monday to make eprlDg purchases and will lake charge of tha depart meet Immediately upon her re turn. Mia J. 11. Gallant, Mr. Wil liamson's former efficient end energetic milliner, does not bud her health such as to warrant bar In undsrtatlag to meet the demaodu of tha spring tnuls. -Tha Methodist prayar-maatlag has been changed from Tuesday to Wednesday night. There appears to be a quWt won of gracw going eu in this eoogregHtlon. At tbs different sera lees recently eeeeral have knelt foe prayer, asd at the prayar-meeting last . night firs or six conversions ware re pot lad Tha pastor, Rev. W. U. Hag by, la a aaaloat nod eonaacratH wort, er. While mlnletorlaff to the spiritual interests of fcts oongrefiUen generally be has hath particularly active In vtilt tsg and comforting the eiek and •nlleted. Tbeaa will mlau him now that he Is anllad upon ta five attention lo a ease ef stehaaee In hla own family, that at Mias fva, bis Mooed daughter, who la suffering with seme farm uf - fever that la more or lam prevalent thte changeable weather —Next 8uovlay la the 0rot day of March. Sixty days of >06 will then bo behind ua. —Tbo Harden Manufacturing Co., took advantage of the ooM Map to Oil up lit Ice houaca. Tbit ooolriete •tored for rammer uae was all taken from the Sooth Fork. —The Sou ale on yottorday ooofinnod the Domination of W. F. Marshall M pottmaater at Uottonln. Having boon appeiutad by tbo President between Kttloat of eoogrem. hit noca in alloc had not before oon>o before the senate. piimiai aunoi. -Mb Ida Adam* of Bowling Qraau la rial ling Mias Hope Adam —Mia 8 halt on Wall* susnt Sunday and Monday with relatives in Liosoiis too, , —Mr. 8am Barn wall to * ponding * few day* with relaUvss In Burlington this. —Mr. C. M. Nobn to attending the hlg flab, oyster, and runs fair at Maw bern. —Mr. C. M. Glen* operator at Blacksburg. spent Sunday with bb mother. -MJaeea Sallte sad Saule Armstrong of Belmont spent a few days In town Ibis weak. —Mr.O. H. Daria Clark <* the Court, wee In town a ibort while Tues day on boalnasa. —Miss Annie Williamson bu re turned from a two months’ visit among relatives in Blebmood and Danville. V*. —J- C. Galloway la to oeoupy th* pulpit of th* Associate Reformed Proshyterlau church Sunday.-Char lotte (Nwemr, iSth. „ —Her. J. W. Roberta, of Bessemer Olty, waa In town e abort wblb Toee day and was a welcome caller at Tub GaMCTTB 0/13OB. -Mm. Wiley T. Johuaan of Wil mington b vlsiUog bar daughter, Mrs. I* L Jaoktoa. Little Mlaa Floy ac coinpauy’s bar mother. —Dr. W. H. tV 11 eon arrived on yesterday's nooe train looking ra makahly wall and want Immediately to work answering calls from his patients. —Mr. I'. M. Rhyne, or BtyeotvlIW, wai In town Tuesday to bare com feed ground for his (took sod Inciden tally te talk politics with some of the local Republican magnates. —Miss Janie Moor*, of Gastonia, vbited Mis* Mlanle Hud bill of Uito clly tlib week. Miss Janie la a charm mg young lady sad succeeded In cap tivating several of our young kids.— 1’rogTeasive Reformer, 13tb. —Mr. K. C. Menzies. caalilar of the First NaUooal Bank of Hickory spent ll»e morning to Gastonia, returning home on the Narrow Gauge. WbUe here be waa In chug* of President Jaoklna of th* Flmt National —Mr. F. K Clinton, the hustling notary puUb of Bethel, B. C.. wee In town Tuesday smiling end happy. He had lust tied another ooapt* ot Gaston people across the Uat. The onlv •htdow on bb mind now b the fear that be b going to have the mnmp*. —Rev. R. F. Smith returned yester day afternoon from e week’s journey ovu the mono talcs to the interest of the Home Mission work of thbPreahy tary. That lolly sold Thursday night be waa to Hendersonville wham the thermometer registered flve degress below aero. The amount of cover needed to keep one warm was barden aome, and even with a lie to the room tb* water froze lo the vessels end one’s moist breath would fmase stiff on tha bed oovecs. Xwt ImIM. Bar. J. C. Galloway will ba abase t next Sabbath lb* first of Match, to preach la Charlotte, This makes it oioMiy to raoail bU appointment at Plagah for that day._ WMBPIb*—«— Mr. Martin Lynn, from near King’s Mountain, aed Mlaa Kale Coatoer from near Bowling Green stopped across the line on the 18th and ware married by Mr. F. B. Clinton, a notary public of South Carolina. The happy couple are staying at the groom’s mother’s. The next session ot the Presbyterian Minister*' Association will be held Wednesday eight, March 4, at 8 o’clock In the GnetooU I'rrebywteu oho rob. Than wUl be nddremm by Bara. B. Z. Joiinatou. J. K. Mcllwatn, and B. A. Miller. The public oordlatly Invited to attend. On the (Uh of Mareb, which will be the seoond Sunday lo the month, Tala's Chapel will ba dad tented at eleven o’clock in the morning. The dedica tory wraoa will be presetted by Bar. T. T. Salyer. There will be preaching both morning and night and to all of these eervloes the public Is cordially Invited. Tw* WNkV —TtytIf Subaenptloua nod renewals for the rl two weeks bsve been ae folio we: W. MoOeady. Gastonia; 19. II. Uaokln, Mt. Holly; Rev. Jno. J.: George, J. H. Woolley, Cherry villa; Ellen Crawford, CHd Furoaos: F. A. Bridges. Gaston It; W. M. Jenkins. Dallas; Mrs. M. K. Parsley, Gastonia, «or. It. j Moll wain, King’s Mtn.; Robert J. Craig, Gastonia. FWc Th* »prloi tnni oortbwarJ will •ooa «Ud. Mr. J. 9. Tkowm ioi MIm Maaalo Hum axpopt to loan to, morrow for noitbarn markata to maka ■prlng poreiiaaaa for Gray and Lon. Mr. Lon will probably go latar. Mr. ▲. a Wlllhuaaon axpocta to atari naxt Monday for tba north to maka porohaaaa for lila aprlag trnda. Wmmw akwMara. Tka JdaameUr. of Haw York, ra, aaotly poMtahad tba atataaoaot that ao (hr aa known Uio caabirr at tho Pint National Bank of UanttagUm, lad., ana tka aoty waaaaa bank oaahtor la tboUuHHdUlaa Latar. thta tear aal waa oallad dawn by tka Pint Vatlaaal Bank af Urban*. UL, whlah baa a bandanna, young ladr na tta aubteT. North C-SmU oao anil th» Mannebr dwwa anala Ut aottlnn In ortdnoo. tho Pint Nau2.MIb.ak of API -lib Him M. uSwiui nAWf, Who li npartod to ho aa aonltTatotoMtMnbrttto"11, DMt wn wmxm-a mitb mu, TWb griai mounter ban brought tor* m Into mu> boBM ud bearte, la our tow^ ^rthfa toe loot few <u!m. H* hae nhown oo reaped far age; to* Infant In ton oetbrre um, the ntroog .0UBgmM)»Bd um aged ham nllkn iailno tlotion to bln ralnnUaan hand. ■*ky raotBYBB xoiuua. On Fab. *5, M6«l b, olelmed DUIn Mary Klulkaor MorrU, daughter of iaafta-wsfa ssassaWBJJvSJi? Wotofbt to ba rnoornr lng that Boot to ba dnadnd dlanaan ■oaihnuoan ernap began Ito deadly *0^- Dtopltn all toot eoold be done by Dr. Adam, who labored faithfully and pamtatently to atbJ the program of tba dlanaan, nod In ton prilluon of nnxloua aodMopatoiatag neighbor*. d“ltl, robbed Uiln boon of that prn eloat Jewel The moat aftnotlag town •rar witnnaand by bo wan tola affoo ttooato dying child, altooogb etrag yUng aad gatyiog for hraetb, with bar "*• .tfWk’f about Ibn waeplag rnotbor* nock. Early lu ton Doming bttf dimobodM spirit m tornt to tba Hoja. of to. sETwhm tonjoiri two ton and two brotonn In tba pralnn# of a Triune Sod, The funeral wan aoodooted la the boB. by too pantor. aanUtod by Dr. Doyoo and Bar. J. C. Galloway. Her body waa quietly MM *7*7 ln »Mlto oaontery ay the •Ida of toe alnapiog duet of brotben and • Intern, there to await ton drat neu motion. MBS. IALUB AUtXAJTDBB. Mrs. Ball Is Alexander named from labor to nat on Fab. Bi, 1808. 8ha waa bora Dae. Ml 1M7. BIkvmom wtad la early ltta, joined tba A. R. F, obarob, sad lived a eoneleteni aaenbar of tba asm*, until tea years aao, wbeu abe trausfrred bar MM«ab*r •hlp to tba M. B. Church Booth. Bit# remained a faithful member of tbla church until her death. Her biwbaod dtad several yearn ago. sad tbay leave behind aavan fatbartav and mother lea. ohildrau. The funeral was ooudueted by bar pastor aaalstad by Bav. J. C. ?*kr7Vl a«d bar mortal remains sleep In tba Uastoola oametery await lag tbc resurrection of tba Just. JACOB LBOXAXD IA3MO. On tba stand of Pabruary, the liUle li-ovnib^olil sou of Mr. Mrs, Jteob A. IXing died of mtaalcs fol lowed by pneumonia. In ibe tbaeuoe of ttrelr puator, Hey. E. F. Jenm. the funeral was conducted by Qav. W. M. BMbv, pastar of the Mutbodlst church. Tba llttlu body wua takso to Dallas sod Interred In the old family grave yard where Mr. Long’s father and other departed kindred are buried. JAMBS WILLIAM MCARVER. Jmmr Will lam McArver pawed away, at hla bona oa Pah. M. 1890. He wae bora July 13,1871. Jamce wee the youngest too of the late Har vey P. McArver, who (oar month* ago Joined the ransomed throng of blond bought epIrUs around the throne of God. He laavaa a mother, brother*, and ettera, a wife and two little children, aad a beet of friend* to mourn hla loot. Ue wae alek one weak of that much to be feared dlaraea poeumonla. Noted for hie wit aad genial humor, be wea a favorite In the community and waa muob beloved. He wae amoral aod kind hearted young man. He waa not a member of tbe church, but had expressed ht* In tent lento join. The writer vlsltod him, aod prayed with him repeatedly aad knew him to be grirltuaUy lnUr wUA. He told brother Jones, tbe putor of tbe Baptist ebureh, that lie loved tbe lord aad bad oommiUed ad hla laureate into Hla hands Hla funeral waa conducted In tbe A. R. P. church, by tbe pastor of the Methodist church, assisted by Bovs J. C. Gallo way and X. P. Jones, la the preset! os of a large aad sympathising congrega tion. Hla body sleeps beside that of hla father's awaiting the ten summon* that shall bid the dead arias B. CARROL IIARDY. About nine o’clock this morning Mr. H, Carrol Hardy breathed hie last at tbe home of Mia. J. P. Glenn. Aoount paoied by Ills father, Mr. H. H. Hardy, the young man same U Gastonia a year or mors ago In search of relief froso a disease of the hums. Tbe borne Of the family la Ir Woodford#, Maine, to which place a telegram bearing the rad tiding* of bar ana's death was this morning forwarded to the stricken mother. The death of ibis yoaag man la a sad one Indeed. The father bad watched long and ftllhfaUy and ales tlonately over hla slowly dying eon and to-day faraway from homo aad kindred he is alone with hie dead. May the God of the eorrnwtog comfort Urn I Tbe body of tbe deneeeed will Le buried la tbe town oemsury here to morrow with Maaoolo boners. Tbe Knighu of Pythias also will pnrtlo Ipate U> the burial riles. Mav thli eooarging of the Lord ha •a Denied to tbe good of tbe community and may God oomTort the bleeding lirarU of tlie bereaved. W. M. B. Mil MtW HOT KM. ■ IM MM* I* *1 IM (be Hire* (MU. Judge Bry*n, who __ omit laai week, *ppe«r» to un glvao foaonl tot lafactio* Ik hi* ruling*. Hone of tbo aantenoet Impoard In tbo mot* Important original eaaea on glrau Mow. CborloK UoflMotior aod Hngh Lowlt torboxgUrr won gtvan eight yaar* aooti lit tM poailtentlarg with two non goon added foe aamott on the Marino Grig* and Jla Kona, hnno HitaTos, aorta goon each, with two more added for Manuk on tha Mbortf. Oua Wilton (oof.) and Gita Stavaoa (ool.) toe Mreonv wan given one gear noti In tko ponfteatlarg. Sharif Leflln wont to kaWigti goo t*rday ^o anrry tbo tlx nonrlet* U addition to Um above then an twain or ftftooo wbo an to (o to tbo Maefekaeborg obaiogoo* aod bra to bo bind vat by Dm ooaakalaaaro. Tha Hralth lfillar llbal rail wm ooa ooooty*^eoawil«i*3q*n,for*,nao"poMr cotton of anaaa) exbiptt ana dtaaalaaad fvol In tbo Mae of Mr. J. D. Canon awalnai tbo Souther* Railway tbo pUinv.fl wna awarded WOO. Tbo de I faodaata gave not too af appeal. CHUBYTILU am aw t Ml lhair annual T-~ri~l Fab. 4. Bsstaurvsr« now out of debt, ail thamanhlnar? barlag beta paid for, m» a alee Hula aurplu on band. At tMa ■aatlna an swaps? jafti?ess 5S?B?T39SrSs •®o* Tblitpulii i^l fbrlblMMM> «* **» <A»tTrrtU# Mill, aadtbta good abowlog la due to tba afidant sa«»-«Rsaar sss oailla eara failed. All tba old odkan ~ Me D. ■£££ BEfASWWs ®T3Sif.-,WSA^?S dioldM^Ttr0*0™- T)“ <>toaolon dadoed to enlarge Um faatorr atm ®»d fornlab u wltb a atill larger lice! Sa5irt“aurv5« SrStttssa sTss Mill baa one oft* bmt bnelnil!?7*!* lo oharg# of It.” We ere KIM lO httr IllOtl rarwarVa for M thlob that way u» "®ar*J “r *• tariM<£2£7Tii!' “* bomt '* “*• g?iTAaSK of^SmiffdSUSSS* uSJtTli ®*da abootVldO par aaawQ. Thuei* work of the Anode It la doing good •400or ffriotebo p«t Ga,U9 00“‘F>r ^L°!Kto»yi whan, tbia waa oat ao be ™ “toHrt baa been larga all tbia aaaalon rejardh-ea «f tba wt-*— Tha ’“M*0 enrolled baa been GdSSaX « T.U **• han tnm ““ Uiiueebta, 8. <_J.t and Qaataa and TWi >■ tba third year or the Academy aadar Ha pnant Ha record auod alongside of oay aobcml bAj P^to <»*• bo“®r 11011 °» higher Institutions. Tbe oateaheUcj olaea nf tba Lulb erao church gave nitritalomeut of retlglou. exercttK, 1.* Ai-day efter J22 °**»claea eooalaud of •ooga. MiUilona. reJIgloua dialogues, wane aaut to friends end oaed by the me IB bare of Uie otoaa. Perauoa were requested to gl*» one cant fof eTerr year tb>y were old, and ^«®,'I«11**®»aai».n. Another to yet to be added to this Mdouat. Tba money la to ba weed U •eoure a UbTaryfor tba oaa of tba Z,““* ,lpBopto °f the community. *«*• •*—w* b«i > bind.*00* KBt W**k* •“* pleotf *f The aotartainaotet gtraa by Unpw tor and catechetical mLm of $c John’s church on the 10th lash for tho bnnsflt of toe bandar School library was qu'ta * aueoean. The exercise oonMated of cooga, dialogue*. and rceitaUona. 6TT Prick of booth Carolina, sad “Jaaaa Brwywhm," by Mias Beetle Adar “The Tsro Oiaates.” br Kin Frick WM especially taking. Miaa Frick is owe Of the boarding students of Cber ryrino Academy. Mbo Zoo Hoffman of Iron Station ■peat a few dare bom lack wank, tho ffuoto of lilac LiUte Rhodes. fWjrillc Academy la atm proa peroua. Bar. J. J. Oeorge la using rliuul0**' 10 *”* to**" tOW* Hr. John M. Bhodaa npcat a few dan to Dallas tola weak. ^Ink the meaalas hare about SJkco, the photograpbar, Is In toe cotton itUMMXn iwan—a. Adams and tUW —Tbs professional wd of lb la now Ora o( physletaos nod J«r*toiia appear* till* W**h, nad attest tlon la 1mrs directed to the uni. Mwrla Brothers put n few tlaaljr U> Uie public. They » •tralgbt to the mark and darnsod a yea ormao. If you eat yea, they can la tar rat you. Charlotte OU and Kertlllaer Oo., will 1*7 all aorta of oattla from tula aide Ibe 111 US Ridge nt any time hrtwiaa bow bad April I. Baa perllnalan la •dvartlaameat. (I aa ton la Repair Hhop-A. 1C Carry Proprietor hits motrd to Bqalor'a brisk ooroor and wtU be glad to do asaissl repair work as act forth la new adver tisement this weak. Holland nad Robloson have made additions to their different lhaee nad Invite Inspection of their handsome »vw atook. Speetsl meation at eaea mnuinja. ruga, aad carpetings. Thoa. i\ Reynold* A Oo.-Have net v ■ th sales fur beyond what they sx peoted and era prvpatad and deter mined to plaaaa tbair trade. Bpsofcj levitation this weak to fane ail who 1*7 giuceriee. Cvataar. Begraa, Jonae A Oo, invtta attention to so larg'd aad replenish* I •took lu their d,**«* doparlmrnU. If they don’t eat! 7»» cnnda, they *e»n tears that the ana who daaa must sell ’puworfat” aheap. Gray and l«va preeeat tbs filming arena of wtater to throwing their oounlera hargnina In w__— —. Kata Aaaounevcavot la ( i employ moot of Mr*. Or tilth, faah hmaWe dressmaker. tUUMTsataa*as«aN. W. Umm Uspakha IUaetdea the above there 1*0 talkk Words wtiioh contain aU the vosraU la Irregular artlar. REPAIR SHOP. tvwi/uSS^I fair? mSmSTm? mmmi rpmu thop to dqatcr'a old*£d«i g^gnaSesuSB 1 r*iir EiAlut tad Mkn, *• PloDHf u< Ptptlttlii, Kmr ill UnAs o( Ply 1H AH# HI UliMCItojdi lapin. —I u)» ft ^Mlfttty of nyftktat— SP»«. PISTOLS, LOOKS KSY8, and BlOYCLBB. SrrtifaeUom OuaranUod *r Monty JlfMaL m* « trial. Your* to aarva, A. M CURRY, Proprietor. __ Ofttolft Bapfttr SSipi. O. ft. ASA3U, ft. i,. ft. ft. ftftn, ft. ft Adams & Heid, PRYBICIAKB Aftli SUBOIONS, atimu, x. c. OSK» »t J. E. Cony M Co'o Pr^pf w. 3. rpmad8. *. BojwTtovtag ttblwiiHaiiMttoMlwitMiMr to «o<>dnet tba gwrai drug lillnii httharto oarrlrd on by Cany dk Kn tody, tobo tbla iwaUmd of aaaoaoolM tbaarax to tb-tr frtroda aad the pub »*o gawrally. Th*> bndnaaa w*l to undartba imumdtata maMwmaaat of tba aenlor Mato of tba Ant. it will to our ala to am oar patwaa aad tba pa bite faithfully. aMaatty, aad pnatoly. aad on Lhia bada aottaM with aonBdarma a eonUaaaooa of tba toaaroaa patronage bitharto aoaordad tba oM Inn. A K. Umr, I. H, Bovca. February litb, 1MB. Tbnbrmof a a Ifaanay A Biotb ara. of Otorryeltta, K. (J, la tbla day dlaolfrd by mutual ooaaanl. W.X Ifaangy * Bn. having raid tbalr la towaf to a 8. Mammy, who la to pay and ooUaet all dabta or tba aid firm. 6. a. Mauoay, J. A MauDV _ ^ W. A. Manuey. Frbcoary Uth, 1306. *£• J* 9*"* «totody bitharto eoadaaUag a drug bvtlnaaa to QaMoola. ». a. ta tbla dm dto ap)T«d by mutual oonaaut. /. B. bOHJaaoftbaotd lira, aad toll aaUato alt aaeounta owing to tbaaama. 3. X Chit, 3. H. bniuv. ROB'T. L DURHAM, —LAWYXB,— DALLAH, K. C. •urmu kamum. ■miwmi Waafcl9 Par u*u ton. oottok Uiknr. 8trtet good Middling. 8i Good Middling,...7!. It Middling, . 7 VX::::::::::::i a*actua am raomioxt. PLOUB— PntMit, par 100.« LIQ Enaoad, patant,par 100. 1H h Buitod. p<tfemHal. 00 ■raa, partaa. . lft 00 Mill fund, oar toa. 19 80 h&hn_F-.”°° WMU. par bartnl. 49 Tgoj^parba'HMl.. 40 ssr ^. s bio oopriri-. Prima, par pound.. 90 Good, pi« pound. M 'Mr*. n GrmnulMtad, par eurt. u Baugarparawt. Aou “sifter*. Haaa. N. o.. par paaod. It* Bhouldnra, 9. C., far poaad... U 114m, 0. K.par 100. 74 LABD- .. _ Purl? par.* ’ 1(9*t ooemr rmaaocm. IJI A Few Timely Questions For All. Bo yom ton* to purcban ■ Xnr Salt t 9» fM ton* to panton « tor «t MMn to a MSI r ®* >" (rt—* *• rssfcan a Shirt or anything la Mb FwakUap? Do TOO latoft* to pMbn DnmQoota, Wtoaa oo*a Lana,Btftm» Bo yon latoft* to panto* ny Ratoy Glru. Onto n nytuat whatrw In NoUooi f IF SO jmitonaotfcoftMta your bnt Utimli tntan you tod car nMHtoat Oftn b • General Department Store Ss ®to ttS«*AaS __MORRIS BROTHERS. Stock Complete—-Soles Increasing. Pry Good*, Press Good*, —Notion*,— Shoe* and Clothing, — >■ —r*-^- ~T~t*t -mitirinln mOmi fun on ■!« SwjsSiKfsHrlaSa .“»**• w« *MT • keMttftri Um m UMMqla nO vvuM tm plMaad to here yoo Me then. Hollaoi) 4k HoBnaoat. Tic Mu Suit il Wilier. ”• OMC ,WPraaP^iraJWtOS_jwiU»gta»mm« a wil pay you to taka advaoUct at Ihta oppactoattr*immmm 5-Cent Outings. Only a tew atan placet of than lty oaf 10c outiaft for ft ooata (thay nUm test.) This Will Interest Yon. ss’ss^, ess-*¥sfst£?st «s*-affiaajs?“" - * Skilled Dressmaker. Wo ban Mean* Um ration af a_ (irifflth of York Title An mom* hlftilj rao oraaatoaor. and tbotoagh knowledge of bar aater apart bar dutln tho fliat of Sarah. In Northern Markets. Manacnr, aad Kim Haaa, oar MOMaar, Kara tMa weak ter Kortbani mrlcta, aad wtU apara no jwlaa la aateetlu aa Sagaat atook for the approaching Sprtof aoaaoa. E TASTE, BEAUTY and STYLE. GRAY and LOVE. A CHANGE OF SOM6. Departments Enlarged and Replenished. . . Tb»«wf«fc w «aH tha attmtlon of oar frtaada and tha trading poblio U tk. CMt Uutaabsva added bn nor different Hare antU we bod baraa mmS •took la aB our departreeata, embracing * *• WBffiffi.HFg' "r OOOM- CJOTa“8 «***• l aSSSBS'.,?#‘Ai¥?HSA^2i^^“,, *“* Yoon t« platan,. Costner, Pegrani, Jones & Co. HERE IT IS! ~ Wa ham Aunt Jamima’a "—rV riant tar nuking lhawtai »*-,v" t—1~* -t rn Tipwltfiw iw runt, tst rr. GARDEN SEEDS. ^jsartiJssBaffirsai-sf-; *?*i- "agL»** ■* » —£ • ByaadgirSSi. A •rtatagaaa to gtm a war Lore and Son. 1 ‘ p ‘a FURNITURE, PIAMOSaii ORGAXS. Bay Judiciously. V»™ £r0Jr.i y.T^pyvr mteb >***■« cjSw» fcimsk» Sssars,:s;8 sts ram 2b.£+s2SszsmS. ® “•snuts* I (ion Have You Money. IhMtfUwtTMMMMeMlwwmrfttoUHft n mm urfmu, w, «.1. ADtttVt* Urged Mm la HhmT _ ***** m ri tw<i, a.uaim r.L aumtu mm tium • apt**. .

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