Vol. XVII. Qaatonla, N. C„ March 5, 18»0. No 10. UP-TO-DATE BAB. TO BE IA8HI0HABLE WE MUST BB OPTIMISTS, 8ATS SHI Tfca *"la 4a Maala Ctrl la am of Mala laa-Hr. raw UlMa Baal MH»M -T»* WH of laawm Huai Ba Mow XiUmi-Wlwii aa Tnlk> Twtlomu 61. LooJw HpfiuDUo. It you want to be fashionable Just now, you must be as optimist. Erery lUiog that me ooaneot with. Uia word 9a do stacle Is out of form, anybody woo is anybody aays that oca la ▼Iagtlense steals You wouldn’t think the change in words would make ao modi difference, bat It does. Tha Su da slecle girl was clean oyer to many bad habits—cigarette smoking, lolling •boot in tea gowns sod darkarea rooms, mooning over erotic poets or saslytlcnl novels, sad, lo root, balong log to the school of Aubrey Ueaidetay, wtx> Is cleverly enough making money at fooling the world. And up to ita bank Hy the bre, Mr. Beardsley baa Juat added to hu fame—is it-famaor notorlotyf.-by painting a plotnreof tha “Virgin at>d Child," and blaooo eeptioD o? the Holy Mother shows her In a boo pod gnwo of red velvet, looped with Pink rosea And Loudon laughs, but atlll It buys his books. Hs has Just aoDonaoeJ llist the woman who Is most rxquMlely shsprd, ores he pots it, "divinely tall” should measure from the hip to tbs baud of the knee 22 lochre. and from the knee to lbs baal 22 luclira Cariosity led tan to aseas ure u friend who is of medium height, with the result that sbe measured from the hip to the bend of the knee 2J liichM, and fiom the brud of the liurr to the heel 18 liiehee. Mr. llosid sir)’a uu-aenr^nvnts probably asuss him In ls> so Immensely off in bn drawing*. About Ills color. 1 can say nothing, hut I should think he needed to l«e treated as the Howling .Swell ssid his uncle w*s. that is, "You tee. deir hoy, h» did uot know led from hhu-k, hut be went lo a Johnny doctor paid lur fee, ami now 1m can ww as wall as anybody." That Is what It nreded (or tbs Uetndtley school—lo go to n Johnny dowor and get its toe ing apparatus straightened so llist their women will not look like round twllilulw put on dollies poles and lopped with s lea cap and saucer. BACK TO TKB dlELS, Bui to return to llw girl*. The fin dr nicclc girl llkeil u> Ulk about doelli, shout It* joys, about the painful pleas ure* of life, tod she changed her religion quite as often aa itie did bet washer woman, in ber effort* lo get one fitted to ber poor little sooL Boob a miserable little eoal 1 It baa boon haggled over, put out on exhibition, '.la possibilities discussed bp long haired men and short-haired women until, absolutely, I doubt lie being wortn dedicating to anything. All the women who knew nothing talked about the delights of the unknown. Aud all the wise women stood off and won dered If, when Congress wee over, the fool-killer would come around. Bat we hare changed all that. The girl that is TlDgtJeme sice I e moat, first of all be natara). She eats well, she en joys lie reelf heartily, and she finds an Immense pleasure lo telling the truth. Sometimes sbe embarrasses you with ber great truthfoloeas. Sbe Is rioh In opiDvooa aboot bonnets, about hooka abont kabtew about pictures and about men. She U partlcaUrly fond of an nouncing her age. Sbe patronizes toe youth of 30 whose father has allowed him to go out alone In his Arat drees clothes, by laying to hies: “Now, my deer boy, I am agta older then yon— I am quite 38-old enough to be poor mother. Let ms Introduce you to that oloe little blonde, Mlm Giddy, who Is Joat 17, and you two lovely jmuag things can have ■ beautiful time to gether.” That wasn’t what ha earns for. Under ble breath he wishes tint Giddy girl was In heaven, aod he tells Mies Theodora Truth that he would aeoh rather stay with ber. Of oourae sbe expeeud this, but still, when he hae acted Nke a goose and proposed to tier, she Is able te say to the woman of family; ”1 never tried to get him; 1 told him that 1 was older than he was: 1 said I could he a mother, but not a sweetheart, to bin, and I offered to Introduce him to no end of pretty girls. But be would bang about me. ’» TUB WAT or |T. of the vlngtleme tlrele may tell tiie truth, but tlie truth, dressed or lu Ita nudity, it a* dangerous to handle sa nitroglycerine. Wlust i* Lira con sequence? You pick up jour morn lug p-rjrar, and e»y: “Grackiqs good liras 1 IV u I Smith, Drat hoy of Kitty's hni inarrted ooe of tlioae yiirneoo girl*. Why, She is at least 10 years older thnn he la.” The answer, s llti In languidly *t>oken la: •‘Oh, my dear, It la getting to he such so old story fur men to marry woven older than tlray are. Tlra son of tlra ilehett van iu the world la desperately lu (ore with a youug lady who, If we used the horrid old term* we used to, would ho called an old Miald, and I don’t think be U 31. Then the famous divorcee married a mau younger Iban herself by some thing like eight yuars, and, personally, I think that the Idea has gotten into the heada of tbs Johnnies that they can aeva themselves tins* and money by ssarrylog the women who has had the experleuee which Is uoknown to them, sad who would id view of Uwtr youth, be leas saltish than a young girl, •ad an would tasks the man’s kaisel naas the first consideration ” I lis tened wills a bit of aorprlM, because I had not credited the Johnnia with so mueb braloa. hut Is ft a rabbi*, oe srhMi apoall begst, that baa almost m moeb bralp aa a ama f Lf tba ghi of the emgtlease ttmte Is writing a kook, and, of ooorsa she mtkss aotaa mle tafcea. It la on tbs sabjeot of " ilowtn Knioy Yourself Twenty three Hoars Oat of the Tweety-foor.” ltd If She baa keen Mantrap and tadeeed to write a yts; that will aaaas the eur taio to go up at least ones you oaa be pretty oertaio that tba story Involved la one of tout lost, aud all tbe people Id It ar« good sod are baring a good tllDO* Tba vUlalo la never anything worse than tba cook; but then a bad oook li a villain, wboss ways ara aacrat sad iateoM. Joat at present the girl of th* Tweo Uath Century U aaytog to herns) f. “Wby aboula I apeod my dollars. gb« despise* thlaf Ob, my dear girl I do hope you ind every other woman in this oountry will say to yourself. "Not a dollar shall that woman get fro® mn.” It is no Insult, you know, to oar brain*, for ao actraas to any *'I da*pis* Amotion." (By the by*, she did oot my It to ma, bat Mm Is quoted h* ^be b«*t newspapers as having a*Id H.) If bar hatred for America |j so lotanm, she bad better aiteod bar die Ilk* to Amarloan dollara and remain lo Italy where she will probably find greater appreelatioo, bat wbare she will certainly make lem money. Hava a Mt of oouraga and tall the troth. Uulam you understand Frecab or Italian vary wall, wbat is tbe urn of peylog IS orgS-SO to Heteu to a wem an talk la a tocgua unknown to yoa f Tske tba earn of Barth Bernhardt. Tbe papers can write all they want a boat bar retaining her good looks. She does look better, bet—It I* because •be Is fat. She objected always to stays, and tbe reaaU Is that when Mia wears a frock that tta bar Ilka a gtova *bs manage* to achieve a serlaa of curve* that may be feminine aud ere Mderiy. bat they era certainly not beautiful We are greatly giveo to talking what 1 call the tommy rot of the day. That Is slang, 1 knew, but some slang U oiamlcul. I would bo willing to bet that three quarter* of the audience who go Lo ere Sarah or Dose do not understand one word either of them say. Mme. Bern hardt speaks beautiful French, but thu speaks very rapidly, and on* has to listen keenly to get each word and the full value of each word. I consider her a great actress, but—simply be cause Mr*. Millionaire, who belongs to two or thru* Frtuoli classes, and who like* to make you think she la a do* linguist, pays bar money und goaa and taught or cries at the proper points, why should you take your three sad trot to a matinee simply Lector» It It done by liar. Possibly you koow the story beoausa you saw Jraany Davsc port play It. or eiat beoause yon liavo board Calve slug It, and thru you talk about the per Net emotion of Bernhardt or Dure, sod bow one did not need to understand Um word*, their art and their soulfulnea* making tbe story in talligibts I Both I Or, perhaps you have a smattering of tbe language. In that case yoa waep or laagfa whan It is desirable, and yon tell your friends bow aony you feel fur them In tbetr Ignor ance. SOME MORE CURRENT XDHHm This con8*80— about tha art aad tbe tool telling the tt another bit of tommy rot. With n plot ore tt Indifferent. It tell* one episode to a Ufa, not the story of n lifetime. How io tbe miaobtotarc too to know whether the earl on n Frenchman's forehead meson that bn in In tbe depths of despair,or that baia Joyful because be It going to run away with Ms friend's wife that night? When Surah rallies bar peltieoata you Ilsteo to the frou-frou, and any: “Ob, tt la ao Interna, It nsema aa if her aonl wen going from her tod es caping to another aad a better world." Whereas she shakes it so you may real ise that It ia silk.- If sbo raises one arm In the air sad droops her bead you whisper that that ia ecmoaaled lore I And then It she folds bar arms, you bint at It massing a murdsrosi, pas sionate love that wouldn’t hesitate at killing an audlaeee. Oo to nee Marsh an you want If you enjoy her-fortu naUty bar repertoire Is ropposed of plays that are wall known born, Inns muoh as they were presented by kflss Davenport with a batter oompsoy. better clothes and a decidedly batter stage setting than any Pieocb company ever gar*, but don’t bay svno nn ad mission ticket to ass Duse. Give bur a chance to appreciate what America can do whan a woman Insults tt by pronouncing her dislike publicly. A3f ororiox op JUUSS. Perhaps my opiuloa lu regard to Duae an«J bar acting la worthless, bqt I giro my wqgd, dresrtf.il as It seuodt. 11h#d,* I31*08 l^ter time If 1 had s at that afternoon with “Chltaal* Faddeo," and I would hare bemi in a dollar grids half. I am iwrfcotjy willing to acknowledge her grpatneaa If It win pjsase anybody, but she Is dreadfully tiresome, end though tbe arltloa are given to talking ahoqt her concealed emotion and great sorrow, she looks to me ns If tier liver were not quite right, aad I one Id not but wnodcr what eerly spring medloins would be adapted to Tier; and wbatbsr since tl» goes iu ao strongly for rsalltm it would be proper to trod her a bottle o( “Dust or Din bay’s Drivelling Drink," Instead of roam. Flowers fed*, bat tbe liver and Its mod let ore are alwsyt with bar. Bother I tag’s Ha truthful and task In the tbsaur what wo eojoy and what w* nuderstand. I want an crrolitg that makes me fnol, wheal gst I tome, an If I bad bed a good time, end not sue where I have testrain ears end ryes lo eaten a little of the strange language, and grow wean during the loag watts Thorn are plenty people who will nay, “Dab to stupid, we un derstand Frenob." All right; go to Ike French play Umu wbenvvr yon wish to. Bat I am perfectly on rials that sot thrw quartern of tbs avenge American sod femes, eelsids of Mew Ortaaos, understand what these strange goddesses arc eying. „ W Ute b?e. the girl of the Twentieth Osntury to tlKlngber bat down, down. sa.’gx.’g.'gafl K,«5Z’iSiJs;2“JSC aarx-jsswra bn quite an psetty an a pSeUre when ■h* Puts then on. I mb toki by p*o pto Interested In mMonaij wort tba with or* obareb collection wool ■ book on physloal oultaro to tko miseloasry, w> that to gain a convert, after reading “ft***. rtn* “f 4 ^ °* guri whloh had baaa ganiral, ni no loagor In vogue. For tbs l*a tear yean whoa a missionary was shy on souls be pcsasoUd a pair of ooresU to a lady , from tba happy land of Ma-ba-to-ls-r.l, I after aba anooonoad bar willingness to tvprsssotod; she la otanUy rat trod to assamo the stays, whioh tba put on over tbo “altogether,” bot daring tbo ssaamptian abo required two of the strongest warriors lo camp to poll the strings, l base always longed Cor s picture of tbo staple soul, yearning for civilisation aa expressed V stays, when she paraded tba samp with a warrior on each aide of bar. the sUya eontPollDg hoc person, a hymn beok In bsr band and aa apoplectic oolorln bar fan. How, tbs geotls ■laslooary offers powder and rouge. TIm baatbeu lady r sells tbs bookon colturs, et least some of tbo niaaloaary taaslly read it to bar. sod sba duel In as to give her soul for a pslr of stays, re mMktn*. “Ho take stays; uo able to wriggle t” Bot she ssgsrly grasps lbs P°wdvr end rouge, and looks almost ss well as don tbs fashionable girl who oontrlbutod lo tba collection, and wire puts bar faith in nlmfcraalree and maks-upa wo wait’s spbclal nanna. A woman mkIi a lot of thing* be *idee those In the bollix* nod box** on bir dressing earn. At title present period, when the openings are to the fore, xfae I* oertaln that she bead* a new bonnet. She h1 way* needs a bn nob of violets, a box of sweets, and all tti* agreeable things that the brain of man ran In vent and Ibe tongue »f man can apeak. “be need* inforoMtion about the Hoc roc doctrine; she thinks it ha* something to do with baptism by Ira Tsevhion or sprinkling, and she also pfeds to know why, when messenger wwvloe Is cheaper than It used lobe, orris powder is Joel a* exprnei ve. She needs to learn to smile and caress and even to kiss, when tinnl man doesn’t remember that dnts inakers want their bills settled within a month. 8he nerds to be a little bit more ctrr fal about the tilings she says: the lon gue is a divine organ, bat the devil often plays upon It. She Brads to Improve her mauosrs, to lower her voice, to kaogb rather thsn to giggle, aud to laarn to apeak English andrlUed. Sb* needs to do so many things, poor •ml, and she wants so many ll.tnga. But I think she will get them sluox the is a woman, and an American. I UU you that Is something to ha proud of. for even In the Worth Poletlwra Is a society that has for Its lewder aa American woman. And, go w bars you will, she has beso before yon. Borne ttmsa aba Is too rapid a walker—aha arrives too amm. Ths thing to Isani, afto all. Is the value of mediocrity— perbapa yon think tbat baa been achieved by ■a. MmUmmm — Waekla*ton 8««*.»«* CKUtotU ■m. I had quite a that yeatard.y with Dr. llott la bto new apartments la tha Corcoran building. Among other thing*, Dr. MoU baa baan at work on a aampaign aong. Ha oompooad the ohorua bloualf, aad aang It to ma yea tarday. It to aa follow*: I had oo idea tha dootor waa a mualciao. He Bald the air aad word* aam* to him all “»t oooat.” H* »**•«« atroak up with aaotbar moaloal gaolua cased Sykes, who told him ha could book up that ohorua with fitting ataoxaa and male. Sykes oama la yatterday with bla aeon, and aang bla part—tha dootor winding up with tb* ohorua. Sykaa and tha dootor an now boay rutin* the ohorua tan* and Byka’* tuoa, aod when they trot well la haroam together tha doator doing to lend Sykaa down la Hartb Carolina to tlirtll tha Tarbaab alt aver tha But*. Tftraa Hmhla Jell MUM ri» hr Kiniag a Beg. WeSunmeo IMaimt. h, jm. lllaa Xllnbetn if. Plaglar, daaghter of General l». \V. Plaglar. Chief of Qrdnunoe, U. a, A., pleaded guilty to involuntary raauslaugtitsr In tlw Crim inal Court of Ilia District of Columbia ’J"4 w** •"timf to a flne of feoq and throe hours Imprisonment la the diatriol jail. On August *1, Miss Flagler, who was In charge of lirr fetter's saimrtun residence. Qrvd a scull rsrolrrr st a smalt colored boy named Barnett Oiaan, wlm, the thoaght, waa stealfna fruit from ter fetter’s tree*. Mia* Flagler hat always contended that >.«r Intention waa to Bra in tba air, simply to frighten the boy. The moment aha discovered that he hid been wneeded she bed him brought Into tba bouse, but he died before a phystalaa could be scoured. Tba yoong lady at oooe weal to police headquarters, where aha aurrvndand and was released oa ball. ■nernuMT. “Idoa't believe that ft nan mr WaowtaliiaKniatUM. 1 ham Drad la Mueouri ao year*, and I thick Uiat mo my *oeu>laa wU admit Umt I M*mad oftbia Imperial Common wftaltk and oarer Iota aa opportanlty to mad her prabee. Mararthalam. I eoafem that I never thlak of Urn Kaa tooky bUU without a iluttartng in tha cirdiac ncluo, It lo Mldoa lodoad that the amtm ofonanarty in nay I^ayiaiatura barn **• pr’fllftp °< rotiM tor four oaeli Ualtad Btalao Senator aa John 2' Wattowaa. Jwaph C. M. UtaofcOura aad Jiair niairit MeOeary—all poaammd of national raaown and all voetby of it. Tbapltyottbaaitaatloa la that om Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter etaado aa a boa acrom their pathway to Urn Senate Charabtr. Within the oooBoaa of tha BapobUo It woaM ha dlOoult to dad four mm morn unlike. ft • a a W© matter what 00*’* opinion io on •Ujw. candid bt mat admit that Cadlale lias ou of tba turret bralmla America. Row barrvrob lalaad aaoh a Mil on the Kanlootiaua ka an unsolved aiyturj. wbleh 1 obrwt fnlly command to tt* eoiiekW-iUon *f peycbologieu. Kautueklaae am Um oaoot eiooUuual propta <* tbo onntia white Ctrl*U la would aoerpt tbe aeoator •hip If r looted, and yat sum* mew bars oeretat In voting for him. Ha ia stout to bury liimedf lu Voltairn'v old re treat itOwm, Swltaarland. to is eutMte a biography of Abreltam Lin ooln which will rival Ja interest Boa waUI -Lite of Dr. John**." My feeling towande blm ia ooa of personal attention. Whan a buy hi* paper waa my politloal Mvada meoum,” sod personal aoqaalatanoe has only incraaeed my regard for him. Differ eaoee on the mowey queetlon cannot chill my friendship for’ 'Ma.ee Henry," a* the Kentuckian* lovingly call him. One* I had tha pteaaare of Introduo log Mm to an godisaea at Lootaiaua. Anar the lectors, l went with blm ta bis hotel sad sat up with blm lilt train i lata. Daring tb* evening 1 told him that I beard til* speech ia the great Mer chants Exchange ball at St. Louis In 1878, whan Its waa temporary chairman oftn* Tilden convention, and that I enjoyed It hugely. whereupon be aeld: will tall you a secret eon nested with that apeeeh. I waa une gpeetedly aottfted that I waa te preside and had barely time to writ* my anaaeh and sot enough to wnumil it to memory. loooWn’teee to read it, eo as to mak* K aetiWaetory to my •alt or ptaaaaat to the a ad ion eo; ao l had a man tit Just behind me on thu Mace and read it to me aaotoum by aentenoe as I delivered It” Upon my expressing terprim that ■och a hat eon id be performed, bag* vs mo as explanation. He said; “Tha larger thu audieoos, the longer Urn speaker pause* between amtenoe* to •at hie breath; end la addressing a oruwd as large a* that waa g man naturally and nwxmarily stops long enough at each period for owe te prompt him for tb* paxt'eeatcac*. That evening spent *IUi Wattereon waa one of the B>o*V enjoyable nf ray 111*, and that Incident hah lawn of great ■aa to me lo gauging a written speech eo a* to Bt tbe ties*. My rxpertanoo Is that It requires about as boar to da liver to a large aodleoc* a spaeeti that it take* 80 rail Kite* to read ia au ordin ary tone of votes, to a few persons (goon*no© of this Proportion la f- Tba raaaaa 1 took au bad ta I ki*» baaa (tab for i tbrea «aaU>.” Mia pluck, aMafc (load HI* ta food ataad dartaa tha «ar, data aot fallhla . fb'tatotoetoiof aay wi to rtoat two Halted Staler Senator* by •*•*"*• and yrt. aaounJing to a weg ftohlKrotucblan. Uiafa p roc teal y wfeet Mao*bona did whan to palled the w US- * Cltoodtor of lfew Ha*ptoir*. The Kauieetlaaa n aleet — ?£uV'?,r" *»£ ttoUlns It and the PJtotool Mew Hanptbire metotlad Obaadtor for baring it palled-which «ow far to prora the troth of Ua >4d potindam^10- "I>* ■«» ** •*» a»a»ou baton Ferry of Miebtgaa. Prreitoot pro Ira k>d eparn* oaray, and yat tton to a • hour that ahuald n-n pea_ Jo* to to Friday Upon tool day lb* Marlor of IM World •uft.ixl craalSx- 1 to. uatwran tw.. uriaeae. On tbl* rrtd-ty wuatifiUoMal Oormmit, ' Jwato*. bouraty. fair danMag, van- i ■tof aod liroMaer anflhr tradlxiwi aaM (torn, U wm -m Uiat day that 1 tola prraMaatlal fiaoJ racuimd ito ’ | uoalaaioa at toe bead* of tb* Re- I pabUraap.rty U wa* apon toat day *a it (waned that arum datarlnatm.! nMainal uy tor bUMnnd, p-rJuraJ. ala- ! •mmi* that aonaututa a andarUy of J toe ooawlaatMu baa brae imnlnui i **> tor oounlry ft |« aa toat day that > you propuaa to oohmuaaat# y.iar la ' tdaliyaud fuiatluto a uiaaa tH power I Ida whom tha people of tha toad bam ‘ HMnuM. aeumad aod rrjaoied at lb* pdla.” i If mytkliii man rmtlilag that that •Mover uuarad ia Uoogrroa I bays mr*r as** nor board of It Maebnuru has given t« taudry teea at divrta Umaa many bald kuueka; bat »• baa nmlnd auma itmllaili chars tbmau blauair, which barWad witli parf-ct aang (raid. In hl» list raea few Unigreec, bit ap paornt wad SI Marahail. fully aa iwllllKMt* mu ••hi. mure celebrated brother Tout. Once while making a speech ba atopt»d uu.Ma.ily and la dramatic raattioo, pointing to Blackburn’« aodar JaW, winch la unu. sally wall Ocwclnpml to exclaimed: -My Ood. fellow ciU ■toe] IT Kamaoa had tod cock ai weapon aa that, uotooaof tba blanked Puuiatlrtea o»oM have eaoepad altvo I”, On another eoeaalon lie mid; “ Black euro ic like a ewao. Ha ewtam aUwg nafaatiealiy oc Uw curfacc, utterly ao tonoubau of tita daptiia below, n Bat Maratoll’c wit aad eereaca availed him nothing. Km wac cu dls gomed at hU da fra l that ba Wft tin 8laW and lived to ha AUorouy General of California. . VLiitom to ilia Sonata gallartaa, as wall aa all other Inver* .if vha beautlfal. owttit to tbaok Senator Bluckbun for thing. Ha waa tha Arat man who darod to ipiaar in the Senate la »ny. thing mom olnaaiug to tto oya tbaa the m. ular funeral black. Several of hia auootra on me uaar going off ia a Ai; y «*toro foMowid hia dnrlug turn •to, tin It baa coo*) to paaa that each SenMur rlrraira ha h* — Ooveraor McCreary hi a perfect oua tnat to Blwttcru ia lo»ka, manner*, tomparagpNit and in *tyto of oratory. »la h oauat prounuuerd brunette and blc hair la idaek aa tha ravau’a wing. He la on* ««f tto anavart caeu I avor taw and divided with ioliM Caaror Barrows tto honor of living the Otos l* t fir Id of the Hoaca. A* im atong phrase runa oat her*. ‘In oerrta* • bottle .if oil with hi.a always,” to poor upon troubled water*. Ta pat It another way, ha takn h..kl of things by the onto.**) hand to Bat aa dm defeuds hi* prli.elplns with momototoea. Perhaps hla dlgulknd aad affable way of aooomplUhli.g thing* grows out of i.ts baring bean Ooranmr when uul* S7. and afterward Ohotmoa of the CoaudUm on For* alga A Fairs and (Xnaalaiwwr to the I utemnUorml Monetary Oonfarrnoa at Brussels: for w* ara all n»re or Iras craaturaa <« habit and of aortroaumat. It la aa nld saying that appaaraoera are frtqonuUy daeapUra, ani no stranger looking at Qovpntor Uo Onary> ehoarfol faor v d gramfqi aitta&o,'* liateoing to Mo puUabed itotraato wogbloeor tuapeet that b* had had ana* of the moat thru I lag war ttperleaora of any ana la Aaaeriea. ?*t snob la tbn t.aUi of Utotory. Ho waa tba only man to Ooogreaa who bad •awbora t-otidned too penitentiary. Ordinarily moo ara oa.it to the Hcate'o prison tor totooy. but yooag MoOroary waa looked op for taking part to a onralry raid, Wbleb .a bald world, orunted ooaatemotlnn ta ttooa dtatra and e.ilrtrsal esciumeat lhn>u|hoat tha ooonlry This waa General J.thu II. Morgoa’i wtonrated ride U.r.mgi. Kentaoky, Indiana and Okto Ha was tha IfurkMi of ue Bm-.h aad perhaps did 10 a«uoy tbe Federal omasa, oot their e..tniD.i..|cati|.o Zootaoky roloo tears, both Vgloa aad Ooa federate, wmld ban. **•*>* *•» da*alry am of the onrtoo. da when M»rgnn. who bad to hla yea Ik Ptwd to Uto Meg lean war, drohuod ; ate laloaMen of reoruitloa o oootpaoy of oontry for tbe Orafednmte Amy, the yowng M~.de of the Btoa Grass region •naked to bio standard to sash notohon Una hi* aenpony aw. •walled lata a regtnoM and tboa latn • a brigade of oaob bosoms* a* JoaoMao tajgyy•** U im Manna, orareatlaseti— the ■■dar—aa af aaa aud beast and midmthaau— tha modern taoilitfc* for*»na»f»U.B troupe, m edl M the ■arttol sairituf the stay-at-haaMS la >?* !»«>. ■— da—ar wee brought “*»•«• tmr earn toon, took It toto hto edveatarooa band to carry the war i«to tto enemy’* cmntcy. *o Morgan •tdhiaaaa. non toad oo tha pick ot Kaotauky tWaghhn*, started — xrsjsjssisss^ifa; nde thmagb tbt*w Bute* Ms assn had HUle Uiea t« rest. So thoroughly J^Hraed wera they by their hsnUWiu that iaeay af tbest slept suaudly for sMhwo* u»lr baraa* Oosaner tie Onsia h-ld aa wo* that far away deya ha eever palled Ma elotboe off aaa u **k*e nap, tat did all hla slseptag on hermbeeh. He ■toootelsd the eartmu fart that ao ••ta daw anna ana let— oa them that arj» MS-as tna ta^ta »■" positively aaddy rr'“ '— It doeee't look m if Senator Prltofa Md were In It nay more A. rupture hue eodoahteJIy occurred betwssu him and Senator Rutter. The Utter ■•T*.hU paper and nlhrrwlar, that free oolongs of silver |« the n pruaMUMO in that no one who lenot ptedgrd to It U Worthy of Support and oeithor to any ooe who will support a madtoga who to ooU On the other head Senator Pritchard say* that while htavotea iu the Senate oo the oguan question ran parallel with those «i Senator Boiler, it Is, after ell, luaigoileaat and unimportant, and “•«*•}••» •eurualaewo hours or of Ms]. McKinley for the Repehli oao preet toatial iwtaiaetUn, tine geu UtoTMn being not only not pledged to the five oo lease of Oliver tot Leing in foot a toned money man. It a Bepub liean-Pw point com i>i oat loo should mmUol I be newt Legislature Mr. BM» ler oeunot give hto eoautenanoe to lbs re-elect 10a of bn colleague without eating hto own words. With the popuftat Krvugtb (alien away fram blm Mr. Pritchard oould not. of course, aspect to MOOtod hlmadr hi IbcSeV sw« rer^Lrrc."r,s not nearly as atroog with hto own party be was when sleeted a NtUe over a yuw ago. The Holteie Mettle dreed jne reade great laroada upon hire. Hto ft* rear tutimaey with Metier and Urn Foputtoto hai weahoned hire w.th the >UIwart Irewhllaaae, retd alto. Ml bar It appear* that after a two y*are>taeta of waatorUI life he to le be hft le Madfiaa. Be to a eery haatrt, reaaly aort of ana, ton. With out gnat aUHtp and with real tow Motivation, be hue a weed ragged curt of lot*Heat, to a good parltoea sad a pretty chew dghter. Bel htoaooatotl . el days are eomnerwl. Butler tc Brur Hl^bou on hto now-foopd ellvrefrUiid Uecue to the debate; and Mb lathe feast to whtoh hto Doreoeratie ell lee will be Kittled IT the etiiasee to iarreod Kid MMUdl At Ui «w»Ha we we m g^UPUU^Pe BaMai'a Vaat HtM tMtaf Mai*. <7)MM Dn»m. Mm (tank and Paafaiaa ntunwt wotody ton tlmmlw la arcla«ao«b » U*M m4 Hanator BuUar'i vaat poekatdoaa not naw eoaUIn M tauoh £ Uta papullst party aa It aftaadld. SsagMra yxjt S5SSt,«Lrt ~S ftotoB wawld eattalaly da. r*«* mk ***** ^ H. B. Ikiofeiati Mai win anavloaa paw ad ttotr writ*. Ttoaa pllfc am aaay h» mUbb and aia , uarttoutaHy attaeum la Uw aom af CanwliMtloB and (Mat Rwdaatw. »*.w MaUuiaaad Uv*vtroaMra ttoy Itava daanwlaad u to pvrfaatly fiaa (r« «wh ddnartaaa amwtaaaa aad to to wwaly var-taM* Ttoy 4* la* Wmk*M to tMr»rtloa,tot to tiring tana to ■ wart aad tank anally tnvloarato tto ayataat. ftaantarato»m par toa. Mdl to Ow*y*»«toly Omni*. mkleg WeftIn? i*anibiy van tew praams not manytatraratod*^' iJjMaftha tomaatty oftfavj Twenty-*** aiUlteo* wUI I it. Tel On* mountW _ apto, aod it it fired to aaTakt arsj'--sr3i“?, teotorieethai ton ant Mw, Rut of It Is la the robber lira and tba tectoriea that aita ~TI—*-n rnifl arnraanilie U. W. IMekanaa* laaC the Cyela -Board ol Trade, that iU.000.000 ia the •may termed le tba _ isHi'stss'Jttsstn lores ted to tba Wasters states, ««Hwt M par eaet in tba Hast. Than an IMfhetortas. having aa amnm oapi ui.dK0Q.000, and tba laua nmgi ia andmiUMUy a my ooaaarrettra •toe. Oi*e firm baa a oapkal ataok of $1,000,000, and natty other* an aa in the big thousands, whilst tba meat «3ao'oo? ***** t**m 9100,000 *° Tbe total product of 120 blcycte fac tories la the Called stales for the tea •an of ISM reached tbe aatoandlnw Mura of 497,000 aaoMiise. The fla unt* era lataraetlng. The Xaw Beg Uad Stale* bad U factories and tamed mt 100.000 wheel*, la Xaw deway, Penn«ylv*nl» and Idarrland 16 tecarin nnducrd M.OOO^acSiW. In Xaw Tor It State 26 factories bad ee TsrbsssA^lsea In the West. Ia Ohio, IadtanTlmS Mloblgan U Xaoturkw bull* 00,400 ■uebiuaa, wblla Illlaaia. Ifmouri aad wineonate, with 17 factories, ooa tribute* 144.000 wheels. Tabteg tba 497,000 whaeb that wan turned out ooaplato la ISM m tba grouadwerk for tba baalag of aa atti ■ataafihalSM output many larga •ami facta rent have Murad that tm 000,000 to 1X00.000 MtT bikes wlU leura tbe factor lea tills year. Aloraat •my factory of any irawartame win deubla iu output of ISM. aud the shortage of thaw* win* da net will be ■ore Utau Mia up by tba aaw ooe •erne that cam lata tbe ~ Tbe geearttl talk araottg tba _ taper* leaf rtoobUu* hut pv% I American bootee an now raid in •my oUatt sad arw pedaled ww every Sertarrtts ts-j: bat nasally told la Vaolea, Italy, aud Agrarian Maautectarara bad twaral sent 4tipUy* there. ■KMSBBgaaMnaaam Burttndvr Xm Ud winter when the wM beM i wrwrytblo* froxaa bat la lu tTiitntw. « wrote about U1 lauaiallnii ter our peopkfer rook matterMtet lb« upou a*. Tba article at rack a reaped elm chord, aad tea aaed now af warm, ar Iioumu la ae fatty reulltad aa It ever «*». People gtnerely baUdla tcena weather aad with aa ep u> haeptmf •Mila cummer. aad eueb a ooatae aMl aot work In wtater. If la batldtaa wvea eemal Iterate yea erraacaeeeetw alote ap tight under tbe doer no wind Manet aet under, you Sad it alack abate oomt rtekii. aad faaUar etlQ If yaa «Mh fcava ar la the kealloc of a Ha* at by eon Bn from iha baaaaeeot, eeateap every mom aad ImU lu the hoate oumforte fate and yet dOMknr vary Ituleiraay mma Urea Ute warming of on* room •rttk ew open grata or drridaap. tka yvwr V» weh* up the llvur odd eteu>iu>> ihe wlude eyeteaa of the ate •UHMdoted waete of winter ' Mr wife mmiatt'-d ten Ma)ar1*te Alte ivimn In wet mite diuMamm Um It-paln'er than nil the diasVnalatte Mtekberboed, t^oke Mr temel