j ft 'I g! coaoa hack bona ato—"go tto saw* at Mag tto Mar jdaak to ttoaaatleoal oaaaatokn tUaonaafara tto atacttao ban la IM Than la to baa non or laaa IMy to M ot books was to n tto ‘board atedneattoa •to toft with tto aowtj boards, ao ot connls say sow ism bra to. It ta too tartsrn i tore agritla at woe* i ta prooars as far aa lad ka boohs tor % Tto aatsaa - to wWoh Stats to gtaa plasa to arO ba oarrtad la to lotto Mato, ato it la a rlhara la goad aaoagti ta oasapaoaata Car tto aad rovlag whiob ato lasted. ■ _ | (or pohUa__ B. F. iimbardt toaa la MraVa oOce orar tbrca yaara tor J. T. Whin 8 80 W. r. Marabou pobtahla* MUM Of UMBdMlt Dollu JW* »oo W. tLGrtno bnrtalcxonww Me. Mi riamUlmiMfir 000 O. H. Darla. 0. & cTeounty UaUOtiM tor aprlng tana „ooart MOW MStt SLC^Cu^t.r •arrio* twa 5-J?,S?“^h,*Urte,W*d|W* *8o S&SSJSgBS" *8 MBTaylQOjaao. Torrasaa to A. K. LofUa, She'S ttoraa ter ** * Jan aad mi efcein 87 M _ 400 *■ ) (m la - Mmmr 8 48 A.P. XL Bhyaa | tea la aaaa _ of 8tata w. Oao. Taman 108 Jao. J. Ornaaod, aarriera aa «Me aad rariatar. 18 81 Oattaatoa«a«aw ta daeiarad aa "s£,'SSicacs va*. G. A. Patrick ta appaiatad ta marirtaod bonding bridge onrar Du kait'aOaaak. J. T.Carpantar la ap i P«*atad ta bora Indian Craak hridga lapalrad. Tlaaa for aadUoataal with tha Sbar 1* la anrtaudad antU 8nt Monday la April. . A. K. LofUa, akartt, la ordered to saaaa.feB -of the Tom --State Cooventioo of the Tong Moo*! Qtartht i— Of North Carolina to ho hold atChar. lotto, Hatch 1MB, baa haw hmaed. Tba pastors, the Toeng Maa>s Cbrle Uas Asaoeiation and clUasus at that •oorlsbiag eity aalta In sztsodlaf a hamrty Invitation to aB AsoocUtloa SMS JET JS*S&£ ■aot will ha providad for all aeondiu *W»1« Bwj yoaag ail, wtatbar an Asaoolatt.m nssmher or Mlfci loritod; also botiooM men, prndeeeloaal mo, peotora, taaohaa, oenofo stadsnu, railroad dan, and all oth«a interested in the welfare of y,00"* Rapmentatloe U not livltM, and tnwm imriofr no \\ aaocli Ua»' ereowdli'Iy incited to send did* fatso. Oar-Mie will prepare to *□• larato Urn- huadrod delegates. The programme promises to b» es '"‘•"■"Sr, MUW sthsra tha £?*•"»« will dsHver sddrsassa; Bar. i Dr. P*U», of Asheville; Bee. Dr. Byal ik B. Laments. of NaabnOs, Teas.; Messrs. P. 8. Broskmao. Collage SaerHsry. and H. O. Williams. luri n'* Swcvtary nf tha InteraaUoaal Commit tarj and Hr. L. A. Cnalter. fanwMy of North Caroline bat now •wwKSJrh.’swc SisST*- •* ^pnfnmti whh toattoed ■jMdMwrgoatonoe to W. P. Tamar, ■*** SjJjMMTjdt WiarlaMa terra and farthd’pStSS^ Vl*tnmm**’ BOOTH. A CLEAR f’i: good digestion ; sou.u. fine appetite and a lipo A y areso*ncofthere3uiut{t>. of Tutt’a Liver Pills. A r jr dose will convince ycuc''.!/ ' wonderful effects and \'... . A Known Faci. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sou; stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, pika, torpid liver and aB kindred diseases. | Tutt’s Liver Pills toon, aa the aaUtow of tha pap* matoa a r«y pood wan tor getting into tha plana. Why aail Tha Wax Cby? bm woe Id aak. Shook! it not ha giwo away to thaaa people? Ho; wo haw laamei* that to la* then pay tha I oma for H aaakaa thaaa *atae aad read it, wbaren • paper or toned gtwa away la aa aftaw n aot throws aeide Wbeo it i* ternem hand that Tha War ttye la tha n tooaa an all eoJd, aad that wa haw a wry large droaUtkn to tbie field alone, hatatanaotwhiob oaa ba made aboat ao religion nwapaper, It ihowi that drat haa ban able to _to thaaa people in a w*y aaally toliraali then, aad that they aptod aa, on Utantaw aU on n thadn. to tha ahn depart ed oar week aton 4M wwtlnp bald to aalom to da taootha, while M.9M *Mta wan paid to ahoai aa dton: *6,080 War Chya wen aold. tha hapnaaito ad than bain eoM to aalaant Thla npnanta tha work at nlybatwaaa M nd 40 wean to erwn ft ahonld be rananband that wa i aea cwt iato thia work womn hwe haw bean Hwd to or degradation. Tbay an |Wi bn pan hanaa; gtrla aa tree and Snd In feeling aa yoa can ;fcr H bn al way* leaned the greater tha aaod, the the thi, tba mote carefully ahnld wa ahoon tha panel toetweanta to go to aa iipnent Chriet aa do hie And what at tha reach? Tomtirt a hearty weJonmc, I* obtain o large cireo tatiao for our papar aujoog nilooa pa trace, to bo kiudly raaaieed by poor oot nata whom aociaty oalU lent taA da gratia,! ia oil my atvjd anil wry clteor tog. but If there «u no'lniig m.vc to do* f>» U the Avtuy w,m!il bo bitterly diauppointril. I can, hmom, Jrduitely Mate that from fact* btt ught under my own obacrvatioc. a* well aa repralafroua huudreda of nr eomratW, treuy clear canaaof eutiTrrvjcn aud rral tnuoformo tiona of life Wo revolted finer this work, and that tboumuirif. r |jo other wi*o aewr w»W hare come io cor maetlrgt, or I bought of go ug to a plica Of wunbip. bu*o eo had iltrir irlareat arouaed flint they hare .U.rtuud ht come failbiul M*RD,'.a*it* ol . or meet lO"». and later true, carml Mldicra of the croea—Uaud Belliugtau Booth In Charch £tan<...iil AFTER PADFREWSKI. CtllMi Dtl—fmtt7 Hit 1 -cm u>> Ifa. rtrifol Mm*' -a. lgnaoa J..u Padcre'..’--’ ia to be tba gnate of barer at ■ trcoa :< n to ba ginm March IS by President liorper of tba Utdvamty of Chicago. Pushiest Hnr par ia arig aaspleiuu of mliat a trap for Iba man of tha Laoulne bead. It ia Mated ha baa design* on the magnetic dlglta of bla gnaat for hlx prapeoti se aonaenratory of music. Effort* bare bars renew ad at tba ani vatalty lately to oanploto th- -t**ali* for • bosteal dtpartmear that (ball colipae anything of tba hind ia this oomntry aad rival al Biter reboots la test ops. It ia to ha on a mala la keeping with all tha other aotarpriata nndertakso by the wonderful "Aladdie of ChloagOi" The plana aa diataswd tbaa far contemplate a arartcal taaopV, to coat #800,000 or Dr. Harper la amid bo haw bit hungry ayaa already on auiarml noted leaden to tha an Btuloal. And act wbatber Pad srrwteJ snepset* tha tn* « wfams to play to tha pnaaaoa of tha masters at acadaado mmlc, ba may taka this aa a qaiet tip that tints la a golden opportu nity to win I lie avar testing loyalty at Cbteago. —CtnotmnaU Comnerclal Oa niii, CLEVELAND ROW—13-30-7. WWUarlM frilg rtmysTm Warn* IBS la Tha aan waa Jaat sinking ia (bo wart whan auaaf Waiblngton’s sporty ool otad aitlaaaa espaaod tha Long bridge aad aatmed a policy rttop in Jackson OKy. That Ha sab hard laak waa ap parent. Bat with a dim# to his hsnd bn agproaobad tha manager of Iba paoaliar pobUig pteott. "I phqra dat on da Otewlmod row," Im Mid. "The Utermland row t Why, 1 don’t know that row. Whnt’n tha uanteerf “Why. everybody knows ’em. Day telS-SO-T." “How do yon make tha* oatr “Why. «a£w.ba>> dawapmteMdg dacha what da parnldt* don* shot on Mb late fma trtyn Maw, late eight I ‘J i I T Ho- ***» E. B. PEQKAM, Oulitx. r. DULISG, Vio*-Pro«ldc*t. M. T. WILBOE, Au’l OwUcr FIRST IT-ATIOIT-AIj BAITK, GASTONIA, NORTH CAROUNA. * -=i£»S TA TB AND COUN*Y DEPOSITOR OOJDtEBffED BCBDrSBB ATOU1T 9,1880. Capital Stock.$50,000.00 Surplus ........ 5,000.00 Dividends paid since organization - 20,000.00 00MPAEATT7I BTATEKEHT 07 DEPOSITS. IftiMfrnlt E..W. Ian. 18, 1896, $ 61,877.68 I 9,30646 Aw. 18, " 834*748 98,986.70 MjM. 7943348 37,997.41 Oot 18, " 86,410.88 88,81446 Jan. 18, 1898, 101493.18 80,88147 DIMCT0BJ8. L. Ik Jmkiaj, T. 0. Pegimm, J. D. Moor*, T. W. Wilton. . F. Hilling. 9oi)oit» aooount* of individuals. Firms, and Corporations. Interest paid on time depos its. Guarantees to patrona every aooommodattoo nonststsnt with conservative ban kin*. UULM n HAST I'AUUK. UtAW MraHiRlt'a AnUM-eilHir 1U— or IM«1 lalmal lilM mA rm OtAWUA-lUa It Row JAM ROM ■atm fkita Rcou Ruynxsvillk, March 3—Thla la the ascood day of March, aud it feel* Uha planting corn time. Toll* Bhyou la preparing to bolld a dniHna house. Mealies bare Ihclr grip on thla place bow eertain. The families of atoms. J. U Thornburg, Jamas IVroa, A. Cloologer, Ur.. A. Clonli.ger. Jr., G. A. Cloulnger, E. S. Costner, Char lie Paacmr. D. A. Garrison, M. A. Rutledge and P. X. Bbyoa, are dosru With them. Rome of the ease* are right severe. Hr. J. H. Jenkins has them la charge. C. C. Costner and ltoacoe Clemroer have ranted the Puett Mills on South Pork. Maine must certainly be plenty over the Hldge, for they continue to pern through unroots to South Carolina, A few droves stop over occasionally. A nod young mule only eoats SOU now. If we hod free and unlimited coinage would they be worth more or las* Y Farmers are taking advantage of thla floe weather and are breaking their lands preparatory fur large cot ten surd corn crops I reed the piece la yonr paper how to raise cheap meat. I was cnee travel leg through Bo wan county and stopped with a Mr. Beaver, who raised bis meet oa just about the same plan, hut Instead of clover he used crab grass. He put rings In hi* pigs’ anonts at about 6 week* Old. He bad two Helds ■ids by aids. He put his bogs in ooe bald and plowod up tlie other. When the grass began to oome op ha would changeover aud plow the other. By ao doing ha both Improved his land and raised cheap meat. Ml M»nM krUlMd. ti. Louie bntte. A correspondent ub ns to explain tbe difference between a MItct certi ficate and a treasury note iuned under tbe Sherman act. A illver certificate la limply a convenient form of circula ting sliver dollan. It la redeemable la silver dollars alone. Under the Sher man sol boll toe was paid (or In iteaaury notes and these notes are redeemable la ools; that la. In either gold or silver at the discretion of the Treasury De partment. These treasury notes are practically similar to greenbacks; the silear oartlfiestas are practically silver dollars. Mss HmOsl—I ■ Meemtgea OaUUt HJotory Pram k Otmtlnlan. We axe glad to soe Mr. Hiutbcock In oar midst again. The (act la generally noted In the State that aa yet no roMoi have mads their appearance.— Asheville (Warn. Senator Pritchards' btD appropriating M5400 for a status of Gen. Nathaniel Greece to be elected on Go Ilford Coon Hoots battleground has been reported favorably. The following report whloh la a little hard to believe baa bate lent out by a Winston correspondent: During an exhibition given at the close of a writ ing school in Allegheny oouaty a row resulted In the killing of three men and wouodiog of IS. Tbe Instructor ■smart Moseley la in jail charged with fixing tbs Shota that killed two of the awn. BUGGIES. Baggies. Baggies. Fertilizers. Fertilizers. Call and see us. We can save you money. GtHlftt, VbltesMes ft Co. Notice. Success Beyond Onr Most Sanguine Expectations. W« came bare about Uta Brat of i be month expectlrg to tell • tow good* the Brat week or tarn In the way of a beginning, but instead of this we bare actually eoM more goods than we had Imagined it powtble for a new tlrm to aelt In 10 short a time. For all of thia liberal patronage we ask a generous public to ac oept our sincere thanks. Ws are bate to please our customers end to guarantee every dollar's worth of goods wu well. AND FARMERS, You would do well to examine onr stock of groceries before buying your snppUue. We carry a superior line of goods aud we know they will give satisfaction. Coma to sea us, THOS. P. REYNOLDS & CO. Next door to Korrla Bros. “it's the Small Gun That Hakes the Host Slaughter." It ni full; demonstrated during the last war that Uis Winchester rifle killed the roost men. AH old soldiers will oertify to ibis. Now we use the small gun loaded with up-to-date goods and low prices, and with unerring aim will plumb the bull's-eye of public favor. TbLi being the eeaaoc of our raguiar CLEARANCE SALES we will throw upon our middle oouuters some rare bargains in Ladies’ and Mon’s Underwear, Gossamers, and many other articles too numerous to mention. See and be convinced. A. C. Williamson & Co. Jus! iteeeRed a Bmtlftii Line of Wall Papers. R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GA8TONIA, N. C. Having retired from active oonoectlon with the Beal Manufacturing Com pany, I now offer my aeivkiea to the public for all kinds of BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Careful Attention given to Erection of Cottages and Pine Residences. Cotton Mill Work a Specialty. Myself and my workmen having bid from 10 to 90 year*’ experience, and my personal supervision being given to seek contract, I am prepared to execute all classes of building contract, and to Insure nolire satisfaction thereon. Correspondence solicited. REPAIR SHOP. My friends and customers are in formed that I have moved my general repair abop to 8qnler’s lo or graolU work end let as use jron nuM&fiinifci I Mortgage Land Sale. By virtue of power* mnleirM on the uate .smi' Mere ottcrj lu the court bouee M Delink, Oetton uounly K. t„ lu Hook II of MortaaeeL lemOMX, t wul. tn Mtu/y ekui nortaue. •til M thu court hotiati tluur In Dellne on lUMMiy, Imk HI, MM, to til* Unkcu bidder for oeeh tke rollowlaf deerrlhed treat of lentil TO wltt A I met «r lei*] koMDdod by A. A Devldeoc. ii.c A. H. Rutledjre'. place W. D. Hankie. Med Bankln eotorat, A. J. urine, colored end Lt»Braeli IO tbn itfid bidder at Ibe Court Mouao dour lu Dajkaa. 9. C., cm tbu IMhdajtfBkftb.IMt, o tram at land mtoaUal ki Boutti Wot roam w‘V*xtk£ n*oo &,"«tu£tJf*#Sf*»nnk a»d known at too dower or knit pal tad at Mtn.IL X. Wiloou, an.l mattalnadbaorta. tha oat Ira purekaan petto la paid. Tkla ika 10th day onSrftf rrtD"1' MMftt. Marviarap