The Gastonia ' " 1- -- •' ' - 1 ■ ■ —BBS=M—-Qj—___ Vol. XVII. __ N. a, March 19, 1896. ^_ A WIFB’SJOCIAL DOTIES. BAS B BUEV El ¥0X111 FI18T . DUTY IB TO EBB HTT8BAJTD. ^ deaoriptioo of the tragic death of a well-know a men, who had goae away from fata bone beeeoae be waa 111, thorn occurs thii line— which nay te tree nr untrue—“Hie wife woald hare been with him, bat her “•tf, b*r ” Har •octal duties 1 Whet la the world oomlng to T Are the aortal dottee of a woman to rtee superior to her duty aad her devotloa to W faaafaaad f Shall your aortal dattaa, or my eootal dattaa, ■*» ae the taee taring, the leas quick 10"JEP*?**wWehto or the* which o women eboeld do V Of How Bach worth lc society when pot lo the betaoee again* tractors? There Ml aa the no wrpaper ei I read thta a little valentine seat me by a ehUd lovar, dnd below the flaming heart end tU smtltag Cupid wara the words. “ ‘Tie lore tut maker tU world go round.” Is IkT Or ta It ooe*r aortal dattaa 7 Did the wonder fu! women of the pert, who gave thrtr Item, not by merrily drtag, &* Hying flwm day to day la onob • way that lUo wee daily death—did these women con sider thrtr aocial dattee aa bo* |b poitaat or did they bellera that It waa tare tut made tU world go round y Think of all the grant women in btato ry—think of all the women of tradi tion— think of aD the women ofBlhh eal kxa, endU eure It wee lave of Ood or own that ruled theca, end not thrtr eootal dutlaa BA« UPHOLDS IOTUIU-1H-UW. Do TOO suppose that when Bath «*»«« to bar mother-in-law, claiming £•***£»* *h^1 *» toy people* thy God, asy (tod,” It tu bsosaas sbs tbsugtoi it a social doty: or waslts rsAwtlos of tha loss tha burs har baad, of Um doty sbs fait sbs owed hi si, sod which mads bar help tbs woman who bore his naan and naadad bsr help t The oonlo papers and tbs vulgar (wools laagb sad Jest shoot mothers-in-law—it always see tea to me ■ dreadful thing. A woman wins Uw love at your aoa—tha pride of your bsart tbs oh lid that baa bean sated for hr yam through long illnesses, pos sibly nursed back by you when oiose to death, and to whom yoo taught every thing that was beautiful nod oohia. Bteaona of tbk new love, MU be love yoo nay the laser AndebsUnot the woman lowborn he bon glvoo tha ■trnngnet love of b!i Ufa, end who foals honored by btartag his oacss, shall not this woman give to yon who bom him nod oarad so much far him a great loro, sasodortag levs, a love not governed by Um Uw, bet by Um bsart and Its roles ? Think It nil over. Haven’t yoo knows awtbsrs-ia-law who were veritable ref ages In distress f 1 sometimes wander If a woman aver thinks of bsr son whan she U dUagme ahto to tbs mother of husband. My (Hand, seen In ihM world, tbs Uw of —psnsntluo IMds good, and as yoo tmattbs mother of your husband, so yoar daugktsr-ln-lsw will toast you. If you find your aortal datim am too pant to allow too to consldar tbs woman who U lbs motaei of year husband, you can look Into tbs fotnra and you will see that son arlll noMinp such treatment bom Uie con who wins Um heart of that son who to-day Is nothing bat a baby boy. 1 despise thane eo-oaOed motbnr-in-Uw Jokes, and Z cannot Imagine bow a women with either bsart nr brain can amlU at them. DUTT AND MCmrY. Bat that wasot tbs text of my ser mon-tor Z am moved to sermonise a bit to-day. Bnppues the social da ties of tbs two Marys bad kept them from arising early Uwt murolag—woetd they have mat tbs angel at tbs tsmbT ggasygasSh soeJJ^ What wooJd bays happened to My msoa, Old you Mr tor to thlak rat what yaw aaetal da tin wan t Mainly rat, ttoy ara Haply what yoa owa to tba aootaty la whleb yoa in. Bat aomtlHM. I Ulak tbay go for tB«r tbra^te aad tba eooietrla atWimmpna that towhtob Iota ratma aad so otter aoolaty tan tiatand a duty tnm aa. Wnam wonderfully traa to tba iliaiaaili nf tba baartTbat eouethoee than eoraaa a eurtooa, a naan aaiMtlra. It to to be at tba teat ad a roeelptn*, fritter tap, aUIy aat wbo .ua Meade tear ladfijareal and who ara that Barrow to dtapad la tba wool as pwain orepe aad U red doom aaaord (ap to tba ratoa ed etiquette, to bunt rat at tba proper time la a great gtad mmm aad to orerwbelming Merriment. The to traa, to aaada ud Mae tearto, bat Marta eo'waU anwal with •natal dnpartaa that, exaept t a a pby •toal wo. tbay aaanair feaow how to Met. rdont knew whether It to ter pood er tor Ul that la toe aeelal world yoaaad land oar aalgbber wear tba mnational ted-wa taaah rar wdna to eaeito wbaa oar tearto aabo; wa taaah aaraelna to ovartoah atptoat • wbaa wa ara la traotda, teaaaat It to wtoata to oa pood tartoa wttb tba Meta) retore; we throw ewrattwa dowa baton tba aoatol ear ad Jagporaebt, aad an rebad out, eraabad, wow ted, bait, aad wa rtoa ap wttb a eaeito. day before It «u • woman Men com }"f °«i «* » pawnshop—ibe lookar-oa haUJ tba story, and society aaada up Ms catad that aba had pawned bar Jewett ta pay bar dressmaker's Mil, wbareaa Id (rath they bad baaa put there to let the mosey to bury tba dead. Tha sartr&sfirisrs aflaotad rellgloo-shs knelt so many howra la ^airdi-aad tba trnU waa that the eboreb waa want, aad bar Uay room ta tba faahtawaWa boarding bonne waa oold aad tihaarhaa And *alud not tba ooaraga to go where Ufa waa simpler sod more comfortable, baeaaaa at» feared society, and be eaaaeilieMtored ska meat lire up to bar aoetal doltoa. Another day- It la a man. aad somebody laughs because bs always asems ao baagty at dinner oral euppar-be wUl net work, and tba Ptuaaoe that aomaata him month ly barely pays tor hit fashionable etotbes and e room ta a welt-known apartment boost. Do you woodarthat be Is hungry r Aad he Isn’t just ona; than are hundred* Ilka him. And there Is another. Howard Is too vile tor what ha la now. and ret there waa a day whan ha waa truthful, honorable aad a gentlemen. Bat ha felt the de amnda of society. Ha thought bis aoolal dittos of moat importune*, sod act having moouy eooogta ta lire aa ha wlabad. ha managed to gat, nobody known how, tolUis that compromised first this woman, tbeo that woman, ud then another woasaa. so always there was' somebody to pay Uw to keep from making thorn totters public. . And ho It a prominent guest at aawrt dinners, and be to a favorite ou yatch log partita, aad ha la spokaa of as be ing •-no Ukad by all lbs woman.” Ho wdy thinks to any, ao feared. And yut lt waa haewusa ha felt ha must pay what be owed to aeatoty by apt earing wall draaaad, aad living Ilka a Illy of tha field, that, Cram being a gentlemen b^ birth and aducatlou, be baoam* a ANOTHER TROUBLE. Awd there le another, a womb, bright, ptquauve, perhaps a bit aaroas Ua; but than maa laugh, and aay (Eat probably tba woold bara softened If •ba bad married; aad the maa who Ukaa bar oat ta din oar, doeaa’t dream that bar beautiful (an la paid (or by a aearrlloai atory written against (be boetam; that bar gown was presented to bar by s woman to whom aba wrote this note: "ily Dsar Dully: I have loot board the atory of your visit to Xioe. It la aaaat Interesting. I aw sure you woald beta to bars It get In to print. Woold yon kladly M me ham by baarer a ooopie of hundred dollam ? I will pay yen when rents oome la next month.—Lovingly yours; Manila." ▲ threat ? Ob, no. But tba woman who got that note could rand betwaso tba lines, and aba knsw unlam sba mat that HOO tbit tba sto ry «f escapade, whieb was not really bad. only compromising, would ba published la a so-called society paper, soMtgbUy disguised that everybody would reoagniae tba barotoe, How do women reach this depth? From an overweening dealt* to pay proper at tention to their social duties. To such woaswt It la bard to daolioe an Invitation, because * proper gown it not tiBamaiid, tummc tba money for a, eab la not at hand, and they stain Uiolr oharooter* and btaokan tbetr souls. Had think they are no worm than anybody otaa because they never err from a social standpoint. AT YOUE HTfmXjrO'SdbB. There it suottsar woman, a baantirul woman, a woman food of society, but oaa who baa vowed ta tom aad Loaur a man who line bsooma an Invalid. Hba thinks bar doty It dona whan aha knows that ba baa good doctors and good nones; aba goes In to show him bow aha loons before aba Marta to tba danoe, or tba dinner, or whatever It may ba, and Mm drops a ktm lightly on tala forehand aad tars, “Wood-night; you will be in bad before 1 am imSk.'1 And away she gees. Society counts her n> among p dticratloaa. and da mends bar. Bat what about tba maa IQ and lonely at beam? What are trained nurses ta him? Ik la Use they may know bow to attend ta hie physical wnnta batter than tba wife ba tome, bet ba sere that ba longs lav bar words, and ba longs for what ba baa a right to daamnd tba pwssaoa of hta wife. Woman need not monk ar act to tall of a loving deration, when there are nones aad deetors: It ta Un being than only that Is wanted; K It tba knowledge that ta a am Shady this siak manta marathon aB the world, and that be cornea (afore tba dalles of society. LOTS THAT MDUBrTH. •. He etw le stern In Indfneet win 4 lee over mere* hens nee bo bee loved w«U, sod be WM eew nothin* bet that wbloh wee hit end (loony win (row »tol bnnnei e wonon Mde bln to, btUore In n (awn etoeo ehn sere en|y nek* bln to, beeaino thoro their 1st* wIB be ooannneted la tbe finest way. BeatlneatelT Always. And always when I eay that there eones boefe to no Uw one line ins ylay. “If there wen more women Whose beeite wen foil of national, there woald be (ewer aahappy ea." All tbe amt end aoMs aetlon le this enrtd bare ben prompted by nnllneer Men who have loved wo one, non who bane ban patriots beta ell bsaa mm of netlnaet. Yoe oanntl etU a bno who did not love e i, and there Is oat ooe to Um I at tbe worid In whon life title oo4 the bnt aad tea _ part. It aeens to an that whet we weana at to-day need te lean Is eat oar natal dot las, then e< n wit# «r* an asenlaled with then nay leant thenfren a boob of sUpanu, bat tn love wed, that nans to nrtebetgr To nets all Ufa better. Do yea re nld, a wane a aoOMre thetpeay ewe we nee at to-day. bn » wanes mesa of beert, (feat of breta and enrfiow la* with love lower* bar ewe, te ward all Um world, and toward Sod » Lova uk* iraim oold. Aad th« HUM ratal tin* mya, M 'Tla *?*• ■"*•»th* world go round.” And it manna not Just today, but y»torito, to-day, and &mr. It Btoaas that Boast of torts-to* lore wbkih torgato mil aad wblab la worth, weU, ItJa worth all that tbora la ia to* wo^5.toat lt maaaa all that tharata ia tha world to com*. I do not am hy this tha lor* which find* lla beat •xpraaatori In continual niiMara. In oontlaaal words of tars, bat I asms Um lore that work* always la on* way or Um other. Um lav* that denies Itself aomatblng rot dear lora’s idn, tha lore that can radars aad heap quiet. . *wob of a Vallarar la Um loro that t.4d of Itself mam. Unsally to word*. But UMroars thoas who think tola lor* tha Beat. Tnlak of a woman who knew that daaUi waa only a mattar of* few mootbe, yet wto. doriag that time, amda haraslf lovely ia appearanea, charming In ■anoar. aad aerar eoo* let to* Man taa loved know that that meat dread fal of all thing*, a aanoar, waa aatlaw sway bar lift Bbe died looking P*wUt. Thoa* months when aha £L?*?i2!*£ Jj*ea ■°otha aotof life, bat of death, bat at tha last Mm could eay afala^ lovayoa/'and aba knew tost during that bar Mm tad created a at no* tor* that weald mate all th* worldoottac tor bar purpose. Itdoas, ■y friend. It does. Thar* can ha ao wrsat lore without toi* world gaining from It. Tti* man who lores a woman well will lespaet aad be gaaUe with all woomo for bar aaka. Tha man who form a woman who baa shows to him how baastifoi la aa nnaaldah lava, bow base Ufa] it i* to thick of others Brat, te car* for others moat, and to taaMaatar too** who safer, bee pnashed e sermon ia harlifa omatar Uma aay that ever asm* from £ palplt. Man, as a gaaaral tlilag, are not prom to apeak af their lovaa—wban they era gnat—bat they ara Influaoord hy them, aad b* who la hard of heart win •addaaly ooa day Bad himself growing taodrr for a woman1* aaka. m'T THAT THE IDEAL LOTH F ▲ad Um man MKadlec baud* her. Mid seeing thair love la IIm world to oome framed bj that wondroua wall that bad SSSkxttrysss?" And ao It ataada forever; Um parfeet leva of Um mao aad tha woman, an •elllah, beautiful, greater U)»e all the aoolal dutkoa that mar arlw, It la writ opoaaa aaMUtrst, the aeeiad atooe whichmeant God* lore and man'* Iota In union. A praaoheiF -»Tle love that makes the world go round,” and la lie whirl are draws all baman ‘“‘•M- It renobaa oot end makes sweater tha heart of humanity, aad to rena that heart, that gnat, kindly, nMMlflah. loving Wrt. la needed you and your neighbor, and— Bab.■oiaual M Mmaia A|H»Maiv. ManuCMtorw. Kwwrd. A oonespoodaot of Um Ntw» rmd Oowritr, writing from one of the Inte rior towoa of tha State, referring to their butter says: The town is full of hotter, ao also to tha ooaotry, and the supply baa grown no great that merchants hava bean foroed to quit buying, tor the simple Mawmthat they can’t dispone of It at JThla illustrates tbs whole teaching of the MkiuifaeUr, r*> Record la lu par atotaat efforts to Umw that lndastiial daveioomant of Um South la absolutely aamattal to tbs prosperity of farmers. Any ssetlon which laoka aanataosurm moat nmimarlly look ooaaaaoara of agrioultural producta. Wbara them anno towns aad oltlm-aad these oome almost wholly through Uw growth of mouufaoturaa—there can be no demand for dlveraUUd farm products, la aooh eaara tha fkrmaaa moat nnnflm thrma lives almost wholly to a (aw Maple crops, and tbea loss thnoppor toalty of profit which eomao only through diversified agrleoUnre. la raaltty, the faraMrt of Um South are more Interested laths buUdlngapof manufaatorea than any otber Aw Upon tha growth of a great eonanm law popalatlon. fornlehlng ndamnnd for all Uwdr butter and fruit and vaoata Mat, depends their prosperity. I very factory built, every mlaaapaoad, every MOe of railroad constructed, lu that Motion mveos a possible profitable In oraam la diversified farming. progMaoao ror MM* In tbe de velopment of Um iedaotatal lolereeM of Um Booth, treat, u to hM bnea. to bat a etart, erufa wcill one at that. Peno Vtvania aloaa tame eat freM Me laatertoa More flaUhod prod acta than tba entire Booth, and it to beoaoee of tbla Uiet we toe Um thrift— appear aaoe of Ite ognoaltanU dldriota. tie faraora boya a booae OMrhat for all that tboj mb predaaa. Ivory farmer nodeyerr owner or fora all Um South ohoal* eppreelate what in daatrlol development meet booh for UmIt prooparlty. i ex «weaBfW9 StataevMe peUtloaere bora boon ad* Jurloa the ally aldermen to prohibit the aloof oieond-baad olotblna. In *bta ooaoeetloo to might be neeatitoed that the town of I-ool*bor* had an ordloaoeo prohibiting awah LrdSa. A aaan far v Wat Ion ofUm town law wm appoeted to the Supreme Oeart raaenUy end deeded ngeleet the town. Two Boot Httvi la tbo world for 22?; ntoara, Salt Umlh. tlftMtototWi. tyssK or no pay raqalM?*^U^*ni!weWeak Ufive perfect at! erection. or money lafon tod. men SB eowto par but fp onto by Corny b Btwwady. STMT or LOO MILS. BELLS 07 A KOTTVTAZB VILLA9B, IHS STABBED TO SEATS /.(XL. fMU«MM. tu"ll * Tryoa Oly, Folk eannqr. bum) for Lord Tryoa, wbo M|Md for boom Hw with bli am; Auriog tea ravolattewarr war aa tea aUaofttMtowa, UaamUvma family >9 Uy BMW of PMTia. Ooa of Um * *Mk typical moan tala family wm a baautl/ul daughter about wvMteeu raan old. Bba waa Um balla of tba town, and bar mb drdotooy warn tba lart of aduoaUam &rteuS bad baaa maat la making tea form and Mriochar mothar uite bar km •TOT; Har Pamela bad nmOOdiwd aobootiac a luxury not w ba teoagbt of. and aba aonld baniy rand awl write bar camo. ' About four mdw from Term City iteorarrtafonT U^teaAuwhU^ -bow UM It Loalaa, WOT anted uadi aba wot atxtmw yaaza aid, wham tba ■£?! uT^oa Clt, Uraa a private boarding b .nw for mmmnr pmUooaga, for whieb tela bom tain towa la noted. AdJoUhi* tea Pbrria form waa tea homaatead of a family 19 tba mm of Radaauod. batag aaatr raUUvaa af tea fomad outlaw and ■o°*)»blnBr of South Caroilua. Tba asraKWtitvr; waa at tea Jag Babin wttb Unite. Aa tear baaaaw oMu Uarir laUmaey rip* mad Into a wanawr foaling. and wban tea Puria family oteZ^tbaar mai dmoetoTryou City, OUlpA and Lou w-re aagagad to ba wanted. MD MOT TOLL HIS IWKTUUT. Balph m a aoooshiaar, bat bo hat religiously kept thla Mol from hla awaethsart. la aooa aa the family looh ap their abode la Tiyon City, Imalae Mosoomad lata the acton wl •^••dhrU* of tha leva, aad a young ■ao by lha name of Will lam Johnston bsoMM daeperately emiueo with UU ruatio beauty. Tba at Mat km af the town baa ax waa eomatblog aaw ana novel to Louisa, aad bar woman'a will aooa deeelopad th.wa eaqaattlsh maa oaia which meat womsc puaaaat, aad aba lad tba Tryan CMy boys a marry danee for a fsw aio idn batrnmslaod as true as steal b> Hifph Badmoad. After soma onaths of general m»> olatioa of this kind, the young na or the tawa fare way to Jobnatoa, who pushed bla salt to tha teat, aad was qulstly but firmly rajeoted. This was a dreadful Maw to him. He became faarfally jealous of nay young mao whom Louise permitted to pay bar any attention. But at one after another waa pi>1 Italy refused. It began ta ba anapaatad that Balph Badmoud, who eaiaa now aad than to ton Miss Lni. might br tba beppy mao. Jubaatou know that It waa reported that Redmond was a mooothloar, aod elllUasfort braaght forth positive arid suss that Ralph had barn raining a moouablne distillery for anreral ruars, hat bla “plant" ana ao wall hidden la tba Try on tfouotaloa that tba rarrnue officers had aerer baao able to dstsat him. Tba tmoamary Information was furnlahad Spaetal hgmit Vaodwford. aad thla oOear laid hla plana ao wall that ba caught Ralph Redmond aod several of bis belprre red-banded with tba “stUI running at fall Meat.” They wars ail pot la Um Uulamhaa Jail, bat with Iba amittauoa tram their friends on Um outside they all soon escaped aad took to the mountains. Bad mood’s anforoad abaaoca gata Johnttou a clear Bald, aad ba ranswid hla salt. Mha Loa treated Mm at Utoegb ba bad on* addfUmed bar thsra toforc. In um asaaa time tba Meads of Badmoad had aoc been Mia, aad they had aaitaded tbaaaaalm that Jobaataobad fumlobad the Informs Uca to Vaodarfbcd an wbish Badmoad aad friend* bad boaa arrested aod tba dMlllary aetaed aad broken uc. tflas turrla waa lahxmsd of this fiot, and dba waa faarfnny wrought aw and whan Johnston mada hla oan visit ha WM obargad with Uaaahary to Rad aeaad, and waa shown tba door aad ad* ♦lead net to return unless he Waa aaat Cor. Jolinatao aow baoawa tennU. Ha endaamrad to Wrw lha aWaatar or Ml® Parti* by (load wing hot to tha othar young no* at tha Iowa. Hla declaration* wara aooa mad* kaawa to Ml® Panto, aad tow wot M® a oata •totingthat baoall to a® har. Ha «•• promptly, aod tow ®w kin on tha froat pnnh, aad aftar aaoatoag hi® a( taUlag tha Maa ahoat h®. aba plooged a pookaWa lata hto boao® aad ba dlad at har laat. Ml® Parr® dM not ahow any waocto* whaa aha ®w Johnatoa be®tha hto to®. Bha ax >aa®H no tkgrit tar har ha®y aad (Mai aoL Bha waa aanalUad to mil wtUwat tout, awd wgo goat to Hand® •onrltto lor wta hooping to pranat har rwoo# by Ralph Radwoad hto Wanda. At tha naxt tor* •* tba Baaarlor iKkSSif&aa'vSs: Bba waa imtatoto top tha ba* law rm who aitaadad Mat aaa*. aad by lhair adrtoa aha aliadad gallty af ®ar» dar la tha aaooad dogiaa and waamv toaead to tba prwibaaUary for Bftaaa yarn Tha Maapdaa® at thto ptoa waa an a* of ®aray aw tba part of tba proawatlng aMoraay. ha® a® Uw Biota woaM haaa praaad pmwadlto Uoa aad urryaratba to an®«* nor dcr, sad l( aha had gowa to trial tow waa Id ham haaa oonrtoUd af nardar fra® daatb by tha hangawo. ta Ruoranoratu. Bha waa brooght to tha paaMrwltoiy laaar Uto eUy, aod thorn liiliil. §gg?g£=g * Wponrai'M to wbat km did ”i^*ifTlij cheerruntirfMd ^ kO( MM|| Wbttt |Ka kwd JijM* ihgi kM reputation m a rlrtaoua hp*Abater* toUSa^'bar ^^nSoluiirftSwod ona bid ^kW^aS^S^MMS^I^St Ika Jail hooao tom ‘turret to found*. Won at non" In tiwlr rflntt to ^-— uk. •rated M Wa Um. JgS^^^SvTIwSSSnJft SSS^^srsrS» mT1^frJS U» awaathoart waa infuniia of bla 2S»|»JU*«hi Md through tbo ooWWa"*1 •< tb • fnnod ha bad * p-r •OMl lntarviaw with XUa Loo, with oot lb pn«M nntborHlaa knowing W**4 he wna a •ootaniuar, a fogltlw fraatajuaiia*, and a lover uf tb* India of Try.Ni CHy. ■ ^ **u * U* * th* botalaida cam tfaa Miopia bato «< the alaodnr and the kiltiog of Johaatun nod U» iOMmap of Mlaa Pnrria. At aawssKiss-jeisrs dor the load of Mra. V. Unyna. took I'M* teemt in the fair foaMaaoo ^ot. TMpTMtMdbrr In prtoan and did all they a. mid tonllwrlato bar eon dluoo as a prlaooer. tms Kras'* DAVOHTHA. Mb, young isd ua*>phl*taalad, without odaoaifctn red training, aad yaciea to bare tba waking In itrr Of a gu d tod true woman, aad dralr tog to rwnpre her f r»m tha walk* of Uft to wtiob aha had hma aamiotomrd, aad to aurr iund tor torreftar with Mwmntroawanto. tha Klag'a D«ugh ton at to wort to preaam a aoadkMto •I jwrdoe for M<w Parr* Tory nadUy todaard Mia* Lwi toalg.. ao ■dtaaaMot that aha w-wld roiaatarlly surrender b*rs-H a* aaua aa —1‘-nnJ to tha Ktogft Daugbura, aad ao with HV*toHow** of ttoGtoid Uhtohwd. la Man load, aad then re ■ala antll to* had tore thoroughly nftrard and trained ao that aha eooM go out lato tha world and make an aoaaak llrlaa. She waa pirdnaed <m tbit condition oo the 8th day of IV onitor, IBM. and wao (anted l*»ay d lately to Uw Uoeae of Uw Qnnd Bhaphard. whore aba bar fere ovar a 111 Op. Tima baa adtod to tba abara* and greoaoof Mlaa Uni. She 1* now a well dOTOtoaad »iaw. Her rdaaatien baa been much advanced, aod aha baa eaeu aocMUula.<Uw world. She baa a*, oaptod bar dateotloo la tba Hwtaaef Uw Oood Shephard In good faith and toooma map-Ota a* pmi-mea tor the lib mm took, ah* took* forward to too time when, by tba a-wamit of tto Omnwt of Oil* state. dheOMOne* won breath* Urn air of titodawaad bao-ww tha wib of tto wan wbnoa afootIno far bar looieaaed aa bar parti* aad trial* aad poo lob want nai thtok and feat. Her eroppad hair aad awlp*d etetorn only wade him loro tor tha amre baaaaaa io bla heart ha bad already rathtonrd tor hi* tor battor nr tor won* until tooth toper £|04 IbMI. And what about ttodawod? HU frleod* eueaat-dad lo haring lb* Indlot manU agalnat him la tha Padacol Owrk tattled, and ba Mktwod bla lady lore to Maryland. Hr la now la Baltimore eajtnywl aa aoudueur by own of UwaWoule railway*. V-twaad than ba aaas Mia* tow, aad a bw mile* taxathaotty be knaa aaat Hut* ou tage, a dawor yard aad gardaa, with thaoottag* wall furoiabad. awaiting Uw relax* of hx betrothed. wbra they will bo married and ootawauw lib aoow. "IdM." “I did.** -asrgjsaa&ssa lo*i M 10 I pleated la “What lndaaadyaa to toaoearaM •boot the twoeropala mpoottoprt>~ tta an nddM ana to bath oora and oottoo aadft waany doty to doeeaU l could and “At what _ _ yaa have had' to tod M*ar wiwial" “Aaoot 44 aMt” “At whatyrtopdid yao jwB roar oottoa to naka IM.71 pr*dt»” liuufy* M< t*rw,*0fct* MU Hr “At aitat prior Mr pound ooald you baveieidyowreotta* without haar* nSj&fZtErmSa'Ek mSf & poaoda lint at 3 eeota weald hare toft a prndt or dll&“ *r*t witnaw W. & ikon, Bibb county, 6a. “How aaeh and oottoo did you ntoroooua aero aT load, aad bow naay poundaIn the and'nafeaa one “1 turd T.Omr pud la ad aal tternUa teto^jabarit^oa* to Item pound* of Hal.” “Haring ami Utab far miring and gau wring tha oaatoa, iMTiiar U)«l the cotton wifd would -*w_ frayrd tba gtoulag aad otter wrpoiiiaa, you think ana aotld Imaa had £52 pound* of llut?” “Y*a." “At what prim oouU yaa haw aoid th« cotton m pay tflcjananr1 “About 11 oruta pah anuad.” Vow wa Mriud* from Had* faata Mint. by tba InUaaim rand*. item toa pradt to miring cotton bat (but a* wa oaouUy uuka It that* ia bat llttto pradOfuay. It la a notable tout ihah wwi of thr laada aia ranted far eotdaa •nd at u imap of l aaata par poauc for 800 poaada (far twaaty Mfa») Uw pmdtMwr par* 7 pat WM. pw annum <>a 1686.70 or laterutoo Ua , »«r*< at 8M. Tbuaa am ptala faato aad rot mn.t-ia (and a>ot ngrtouftarml kiMram am of tbla daaa) am told to out down tha ecritoa aamaaa, doat plant much onttoa. at*. It daaa aaaai | tba (aeoordtag to fteto) farm labomm miMiaw. aab tha nt^ardty auatof ey, arraaga to adopt diSrmat aaSSoda an.. a<ate a fair Urtac Rdtof oattea at I aaata par iwaad. maid aot ha ahto to toodi, bat at > aaata tte°»odlnrito an tiitatmtof7pnr**nl oaBMpat am Laat Tiraaday A Laoolr Utln . _ magte a Ina balooftng to Mr. Jaha BOnrlngw oa tte railroad oromtog opinialte tba oottou mill and ton up tte wagon conatderaMy. Mr. B«rrtoto* aad a amall bay warn hauling wood to Iha factory aad warn rut■ ntog a oa* and a two-hota* ran. Tua ana horm team had bam driven Into tte wood yard aad tte vwgoa as htodad aad nr hraaght aat aad httahad our Mr. L. M/lataar'a atom, aad whaa tte train earn dowa tte horn* hmaam frifhtaaad. hmha loom aad atnrtcd aaaoaa tte rallrmd traak. Tte term haaaly got acmm. _ and tte oaglao (track tte wagon ateat tte aartm, thmatom tha had ap la tte air, ■*« *?•«•••]«■• mpltom. Imrtag ttehlad wtealaoa tte aSa af tte traak amt to tte factory. rm norm wan um RnI whmhi no VlathMMrHiamaltHtnMt, •HMMor Urn. A boat tbit tiaa tba train bad |"Um under way again and the hataa mad* a daah tar It, atraak ao porary, howaver, aad tba barta rag to tba raUrand traak Jrwped m la and ■ad* aa huaaat rftirt ta aatah th* tralo. It waa flawlly aaagbt gad br**ght bank to th* faatary. Wbaa tha ancto* atraok tb* wagon them waa la th* wagon * “llwt* brwaa i*g." fall of ana] "*>w paw." Md atraag* to any arbaa th* ailldiat waa mrer tMa uat “Imh brawn jag” waa found wttlag la th* aaraar of th* w*doa ferd,‘‘rtaht atda ap with onto," unWoka*. aaoortad. aaiath. Tbl* waa an«a* kind ofiaaa*litl»a. oft iMdl lA fftlA i...f*mlw.,ita W* baa* yot u» hoar af a atagto Dm» aerat la Catawba wb* la In fbwor ad f>»»i'i| wkh th* Pop* at of boKiag aad opltulag ap the party on oa* atagta ftonU<Mi ■ llt<w “llarrlaoo ad 'vwtht^taa lag., •Uaa,’* wrttaa: “Toa ham a va)a«U* jnaaarlptbw la Marta Hit ^Sj^S^TJUSSSt xx-'ttsssst&tis. ta«i (from Am. Obtgaga, waa all raa dawa^eouWMntw^ aor dVtast tend. Mi thadsnd wear*, bat ahi hauls* a( Simula KUaca raakwad bar baahhaad mat wad bar atm* mb. Won* an mu and IMS OatVSotUa atCvaHY a Jofcn U. Mart*. I. Chart"— taurnr, am. TH“ **■*-*--' *-rllllTI e(U gwtaws'tfSTyat Tba fellow with a tllrar «|m waste crHSiSits^ It mmm that wao. woml aMUfews. tmruvurirga Sy'lTwS4 I Su^mVZH ^-■SS.-Sf^rtS'S; MfeaaM halt a.4a oar l TkaaflortaCi .reavr* * A autam ukm fnHD at a aapor to tu Mi Mto. aad Itia feOa ta MtoMAa - Uataaaa earda al tka aaarak taw • aaargww alaia *a of tta !TJrJ£:2^*u,w ^***^T'*u^** ^*S«* »•tu •awapapat* tfcap an aat oal* katMias opMwti owaboahwaa, MthaMacto "WOrt Uiat wlrtsh ta ataadiijr Wurklas tar tka ft—Ik eltta whateUwt.. mmm SR,T«rS3ri*5t2t.*TK . zszr. nlwmjmu*i ignrfl-U Mtekaaaaa, rta.

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