The Gastonia __ _to tteo PwtMttot ot Rob* «mi tki Vol. XVII. _Gastonia. N. C„ April 2, 1896. . , ^___ SOME SOUTHER! MEMORIES. BAB AID TO OOLOFEL RECALL TO DATS OT QHIVAL1T. 8U UruW KepobUo. lie wu an aldtrtr gentleman, and when be greeted you ha stooped am my low and klserd your bead, not with any intensity, but to that light tort of a war as If a butterfly bad druppad upon it and meant to abow re ap** to lu wbltaoaaa and Ite abapa. He belonged to tba generatioo that baa paaaed. If you Invited Dim to dinner, be appeared In dreesoloUm that might hays made a fool lab boy laugh, but which demanded rat pact from maa who knew anything of tba world. Tba tails of bla evening ooat were extra long, aad bla wulstooat waa of claret colored Tel rat, dosed with buttons made of garnets, sat about with small diamonds. It la oot the mode nowa days. bat It wee tbs fsshloa to wear waistcoats of velvet or brocade when gaoUenen kissed ladles' bands, whan duals were in fashion aad when a lady’s naa* was always spokss with rarer as wall as adnolratloo. Soma times I fas) an If I did not mrret the day of duals. Of ooucaa. In n dual, there was a cbaeea of a gentlemen or a blackguard being killed, but if nine gentlemen bad to die to nansa owe bleak guard to disappear, they had not lira In vain. Ha U an old frleod of mine, la tbla elderly gentleman, and whan ha comas 1 light tha alcohol leap under lbs kettle and watch It until It ranches tbe boiling point. And tbeo I take a tail glaaa and pvt In It two lamps of augur the jalee of half a lemon, tnaatlooof orange, a brink!led cherry; then, wall a spicy liquor that comes oat of a de canter, and, last of all, a long-handled silver apooo. What for T tub sroox’s can. Oh. lo keep tbe glam from breaking, wbati tbe boiling water la poured id My gentleman of tha olden Lima doesn't earn f»r tee. He la great on root pea for dlabua anab as bus mats love; be can tall how Mr*. Omar of CartarevQla, aha that waa Hally Culvert uaad to maka plum padding, and how she would oarer tell tha ascret of her wonderful turoeaa In this moat de lightful but mast Indigent!bis of dishes. When I praaaot young Mr. Millionaire to him ha In polite, excessively polite, bat after the young Ban H gone ha raya to me; “My dear girl, you know I always feel very sear to you, be aaam la ITU ona of your eoealaa eloped with e aeoood eooatn of mine, undone eannot forget family ties. So I oaa tall you what I think. Tteao young man moat ha ee sou raged to keep up the fame of the day. I remem ber whan the father of this apodal one uaad lo oo me to tha kite ban door of our country boos* to bay the atlas of tbs oo wi from tbe dart lea. It waa tbs privilege of a darky who killed aa old cow to sail 111 aba. aod tbla old Dutchman, an hooaat hat vulgar aid man, uaad to trade with them. I wa ooly a child than, and Uka other ohlld rso, waa carious about what didn’t oooonm me. Tha old aaa who bought tha bide* mada mousy and ran one of those piece*, well one wouldn’t men tion them in the prmouao of ladles, baeenae tbe odor la to unplceaeet, hat 1 believe bo died a vary rich Baa. Now bit eon la eager to be a per llama* That la a doolie to be announced; bat do you think, ay deer madam, that ha Is privileged to talk about the valae of blood nntll be baa, by behaving like a brave man aod an booatt owe, waahad from our minds tha remembrance of hia father’s butcher shop T” what max did, I mixed another glaaa of the liquid that ha liked, and answered him by mylng: “AH things change with time and you and I have to ohaage with them. Wa bars to raepeet the hooaat trader, and wa have to overtook the folly of the generation that, new to boom, now to coototy, endeavors by fonllah talk to make the world forget the beginning of Its fortune. My dear Colonel,’’ I addad, “1 oould show yon a young man whom father made bit fortune by running a stage before •treat can were known, and who now ™ one* «o DOW u) anjooaj, WOO BMC'l « brougham attached to his aaUbUsh meat. I could polos out to yoa a yooag woman whoa* grandfather road* » fortune In ba^r and who my* la * languid way that toe oaan imagine anybody drinking anything bat my dry champagne. I CO old araa Intro dnoa yon, my drar Colon*), to a eo callrd gsatlaaanu whoa* father made a fortune during ih« Cirtl War In wtmt araa known aa ready-umda olothm, and thle gentleman aaya that be ens't oo deraiand bow anyno-ly who turn brain* eon hny bl* clothe* fa Maw York or w**r aaytblag that hasn't tb* itamp nf the London tailor on it, Aad. my dear friend, the shop Mill goes on. itot ibia so-called grwUaman haa taken hla mother's name, and on fate yacht, or cn bis four-1 n-hand, or anytblog that could an mat It, than Isn’t even ■ f?**!*100 0,4 •‘W "W1"* •Ooto ron sen grt a *alt of oluthaa worth ISO far fio I X>o tola day onhr.’ Ob', (Monel, It la a eaae of other times, and other manaera.” Thu Colonel swore. Aad the Colonel mattered asm*thing that sound ad vary mwah as If it bwan with a d aad ended with an a. hates hostam with aay teat am hears every thing that la mid. We wore sitting than la the draught—Umak goodnmal one oaa always bar*an open Ira-tbn Cotooal stppiDg out sf hla gtaaa, aad I fating my law aad admiring the Suab le* on my dippers, wham ho eoaonaead: • ■ n N to hatha bOM of uw beauty. There waa Mley Monte, who looked like a dream, aad who eoald have bteo any ooa of T*c orwm* fair eoam. Wky, mao la fttltlmora almost wept wbea aba mar ried Hobart Culling aod came to New Yert. After aba had gone to eoliet •wnelf am«a« the matron a, there arose Jo*ely Hatty Carey. 1 remember are log • plot ora of her that wee on exhi bition In n Jeweler* abop. All Balti more crowded around It, There waa •jweooal pride in her beaoty. It waa Mt as If Urn rite lteair owned bar, aad •bo was everywhere oaJM tha bails of Baltimore. 8ha set the mafic to ‘My Maryland » delighted all tha romaaea lorare In haltlmora by eloping wttb General Fagrsm of the Confederate Army (aad whan tha Co too#] said his name, ha stood up aod bowed bU bead thea swing down again, added) langbt the Confederate aoMlart ‘My Mary teod,’ and earns book to Baltimore •tIU a great baaoty, who had been a bride, who we* a widow, and who bad neter been a wife. KicnxojTD omu. . loT^? glrla oBtebmo^d. Why. my dear Madam. U» Hew York men used to race dowa 40 *"• toe™. When I ant raoa, l mean 2" »»«lMttee, tor In them Aw* train* ware alow aad earn were mberabie. Bat to gel 4 glimpse of bmstifal Mottle Oald., of lovely Mary Triplett aad of dainty Llnla Cabell waa worth an aU-rHgbt* travel In ea aoeemfortable oar. They were bean Urn and they were wttn Mary Trlp tett waa a tinted Venae; her hair waa of ike gold like eoto God Almtgbty* auoablna; her akin we* Ilk* tbi rip* aMte of a peeob; her aye* were aa blue aa tko heavens and Mr lip* aa red aa the GuarTMB. out ana m menu*. rben there wee Mias Cabail; brown hair, brown eyas, Uoy of alas, a pocket Veooi m asml-brown itate Bat M*tO* Oald- I cannot remember tba Mtor of bar hair; I think It waa fair. Hor can 1 dcaortbe bar eyre; they looked eo tar Into my km) that 1 dropped my oyallda to rereratl*] ad miration and never saw wliat shade they ware. Rut them waa that br*u ilfal Score, aad, beet of all. these wae that wonderful wit. Do you re member when the three baantlee were at the Old White, and 10 of their adoren gave them a wonderful supper) First on* and thru another of the In dite wae naked w» give a toast. Each deotlned. Only Mattie OuM waa rqual to tbo onoaotoa. Quickly graaplog the Unv while all- par of Llnia Cabell, and flllmg It to the brim with ebamoagne, and toning to Mary Triplett, ahe **ld. ‘Here's to youth, boaoty nod wit— they make a triplet ’ At another time •baa 1 waa dlolng with bar father, aba waa being wooed by Hat School "ran aad a young lawyer named CkapbeU. Wa wore quite o large party, aad noma suggested that kks Mattie give a toast. 8be held up ber alaaa la wbioh glittered the Imprisoned laughter of tbe peasants or France, and ahe aatd, •Here1* to tbs woman who strain* at a gnat and swallows a eaaaat.’ MATH HO OOriCTIU. “Then I remember her marriage to Hat Sebooteraft; her going abroad and bar eomibg home. Mr. Seboolereft bad wonderfnlly beautiful baehrler apartmaote over bia (table, nod while tbev were weiring Ibr tbedr boat* to be rarolahed, be and bis wife occupied there rooms. The child they bad hoped H*oam*. and came unexpectedly, bet. with bar baby on bar arm and with death staring bee In the teoa. the beauty and the wit asked her doctor, ■who la my baby like, ilnoe ha lr born lo a stabler Death respected neither beauty nor wit. All Rtshmond was at bar funeral, aad tbe grave In which this beauilfol woman waa laid waa lined with tba dowers she bad loved— the daises. At bar grave that day no hy»u was bawd, bet Tour men whose voices ebe bad appreciated stood there and aang 'Under tea Delates.’ Every year when t go booae on Memorial Day, I walk over to Mauls On Id's grave. And ills covered with booaoate of dairies. Hothlng alas. It seems to nan Boa, my Baer, when a city aan take o pride no. this erne not just a elty, it was the whole South-in oo* wom an beaknea of ber beauty aod ber wit. Tbe other two ) They did as ail good 8oiOh«raflr)§ do U*y named, ibd wtr® goor-for yoaiaar baeera that than waa mosb gnnrtp-eald that the mother of tha rioted ana to* Mm that If ha anted tod ao owe aka to eany hla atoUaoga Jo Mr. Mordecai. aha would, flat there wai no trouble about a miMln Ei £,£A£‘£sraijj,'*: bJo1!? ZJT^aVumTeeeoeSt (tint both MO (Ml, tba reacted owe with a bell In hu ’hip, eadMrTMoiv daoal with a ball la bia «»■«*—yeb, They wore taken to thalr hotsea, and a faw ayguK* *s.» jet's af a trial aad tba rejected oaa waa flotda email mb of moo ay aad al lowed to go dan 1 think thiaietbe laat eeaa of dn*l balag fought tot a baaaty, but, aa I Ull von* m? dear, we hare as treatise nowadays. AMD THB COtOISL tlOHKD. , ‘y baauMtal women and (aaotaatloM women, bat eo women who ere ea/Seiently mtrreloua to ataad oat from all others, and to ba the toaatof tba pride of tba onnntiy. Otfiar times ! other marrows I" Tba afieuATi.rus ms# -.rr.vsjs woabW Amt p« ud wflM Now, Colonel, tell bo all yoa knew •*5“ JJi! ta°fcy ntnatba*” Aod be •aid: “My ole men; always laid “• U,t*■ **~rrwoald be a prudent boneewtfk, gtrea to mel •oeboly, bat cood-tem pared. ftbe who appeared la February weald baa •‘•■■a* aad aSacUonate wife aad a J“****i!2l_ She of Marab, a Wre looi obauarbox, somewhat given to That tba lady bora to April would ba Ineotmteot. eo* very lataUlgoat. bat llkaly to ba goed would be baadaaow, amiable, aad ear iuo to •enure bapptDeaa. The My S*i!X*.*°uW *" Hapetoooa, frivolous bat likely to marry early. The My of August, amiable, praotleal aod certain to marry rteb. Of Septeetber, dtooraet aflUUa aod moth KIM. The tody of Ootobar-le that your blltbmootb f— * Pwtty. ooquauiah, auflar rooeh oohapplnsas In her aarly youth, bot possess much glory. Hovsm bar's Indy would bo liberal, kind bat lodto erem, wbito the December day* would bring a My well proportioned, fond of novelty nod extravagant." “Thauk you. ColocH," aaid I; "1 was born la September." Then we both lnagted, and I Mded, “Well. I know som things; fkoow that ir the palm of yoar bead lichee, you are going to get mou« If It li U* jtfl. aod going to sink* hands with a stream If it to the right. U your now Itches you era going to mart a fool, ot ktma nranger. If you walk aodor a ladder, the gentleman la black .so mm Duly knows os Sates, win he watting on the other aide fur you. If you dream or a white bone then to gulag to be a death lo the family. If T®® ■••I» yellow dug, yon are goleg to bnvo « blood husband/ If yoc aae a hnlrplo on the floor, you ore going to |vli toltff.*9 “But ” sold the Colonel, “yno don’t believe in them things, do you I” I nodded like a Cbicsae mandarin, “WeU “Bet. sun,” said the Colonel, ”1 curry n bone cbeatnat lo my pocket to cue me of the rheum at Is atT" “And If” Won, I carry a foar-taef clover In my pane and la my poofcet the oars of a Jack-rabbit, kilted la a country ebnrahyerd aa be wea totting on tha grave of a murderer, la Novnot bar. aodar Urn new moon, by a croae ared, red beaded darkey, bnl not for mytelf—only to bring good look to Bam iUrMIansatoa is M aaSHw aMtoMDramoM. WaaMsatoa OWeaSeh. Tha aommlatkxter of peteeta reaeat ly granted a potent to Jamas 0. Boyle, an eeoaatcte tot (sen of Spokane, Wash, for what bo colled “a saluting devloe. ” When attached to the ordinary hood It relieves the wearer of the maoaol1 labor of lift!ag bta hot whan he meets on acquaintance and bla bands ora otherwise engaged. All balmawde lo oeoompitoh this la to slightly aod. The motion startn the meeMsary, wkleh to ie the Interior of the tile. The hat to enddenly bototed about one foot above the heed. on no apparatus like that studied to a eel Mum pier eon] cart. Then, after remaining at recta moment. It doeorlbee a eeml torcla and eetttoe heck open the •ranlum. 0U«*O« Dtnxwrti II tt pretty generally given ont by Urn BannklIrer. that BanteMirtog Butter lua aa am than a tall hold at Mart upon tha Fopallst patty la Mm matter of foatoo L» sixty eoontlaa theta are fateon oooaty oreesre aad there are not likely to umader their eltaaoaa of re-eUetton to baasor a po Iitloal wl.lm nf tha FopuUn Senator wboaa own aare li feathered far ala {"S »»»• ojalmad that our huokleherry la feat toeing bla grin Hie Orer like method* are dteplreilaa to the auaaea and ludepeeuaat aotlon npea the part af the eaan who hare obeyed hire la the past without aekleg wny qeeetKxi la beginning to ha taken. The haator baa aa axe to grind la oppoarog fualoa Joet now. but It loafea like be wHl Hava both to bate tha use and tarn tha grind atone btenatf. wbleb It a very poor way to grind aa axe. At a remedy Ibr all forma of Road aobo Eteetrte Bitten baa prated to be the eery beat It effect* a airiaaaaai ear* aad the neat dreaded habitual •tek headwakea yMd to Ito Inflaeaea. Wa urge al wba an atftetod to n*. onra a notUa. aad glee tola remedy a fair trial. la ream of MMtaal we etlpatloa Rteotrlo Ritter* eoree by girl eg Uw needed tom to the bowete, aad few aaaaa la»g reatet tha an of tote ■aitlla*. Try K mm Fifty rente and 9100 at Ccaav A Kmm xxxnr'a Drag Store. BILL AHP 01 mS. TALU ABOUT TUB BOOTS KX rasiaroBB or tsb uxtihl * ■MAlpW OmptoMut aornlng wo wato Ulk tot about war—war with England, *¥_?*!* Spain-aod. aa hhI with pi* aoldWra, oar —ororwttoo drtfwd £5* °*T Ut# «t*U war. Wa call it ■aw, I (MkoaL haaaaaa tt la Um laat b^bot tali act ao rary law. AtaMat avarybodp down aootli who **• ofOdpd la It la daad. A aaaarw ttoedkM oat la SOjpaan, tad It liaa ST?.?* P»*a ataaa tha war t— ss&giiMi ■»«■* night and thataaabar got nadj to whip na aaxt aadlriwwad tom Ui* nd SKoW&x.' taaaklac tha ttahhath dap. WaU. the wap or ft waa. I had got ap on lha hah p^awmUnaaloa wgta w look at tha taSSPttaf frait and tha aoaatrr hop pw— — low off »• as to get ay ptsee aad I bowsed l*MMnitGv s^sstasysrrsn Mttto went of It, aad mp Hitodap eto*^TJ*w* *■ "toed M4 * bar •mtotort aad I had no Mm* aad H ptorod at tea month that I had Smo impoaad oo aad whipped he •taea. I watched Cor tlmt hop to ooma to t*wn, and at ksl ba did ooma I •ptod him os iha other rt* of tbs “d I got tioorga Lector to «>•. and I nmUatlagtg licked Mm SWS’I.SVSJWSJf had licked Tea Fountain. and —• h“***d ■» had klamd mo aad mid ma ‘tot It waa wroag to Ight. but am howorfUmnh—wobs omglad tlmt ' tod whtppad Mm. I remember pel how Urn blgieaie oamo la mp mother's rpm when abe palled up mp pasta aad tow the marks an mp km that mp father bad made, aad 1 kid or head In lier lap aad cried. Wall, poo am tbat wee a war—* big ger war tbaa I arer found afterwards, •ad baa left a deeper impremloc But about the hue war 1 mid that urn moat rivM *sd ketlag impromto* oo mp mtod woe the midaight aoeaa of our army eromtng the dbenanduab bp torchlight, *bee we were going from Winchester to Bght the 6m battle ad Mau—t 1 etood oa the task asd mw 17,000 mrsterd that river. Tbe water waa abort breast deep to moot of the soldier* aad thee held their gum •ad cartrMgm op high aad it atmtrnd tba little Mfatwa Ilka MoOsksr and Jim dmitb and Zaek Hargrove powerfully to keep their footle* asd the water out cftbrfr moftlbt sod not wot their ► I -. They bad had a rood wet ting. If not s good washing. Tto army left Wiacbmtor jam at twilight. If ot a drum war heard -sot s earns dro pat out—sot as alarm of asp curt. "They folded their teats like the Aram aad auentip state swap.” The enemy .Wtoarto* for to morrows battle aad they never koow where we worn aatil after tbs MM— *• fought sad i old Joe Johnston's Ink i at a i i crossing tbs BUM, 'it was VwtML weld aighk aad 1 had sever asm to maap^mmat o«m lnelhmp Ufa. It whip all *?—>—, aad Tba? wsremgsr WJ OO I* ▲■Other one of Um party Mid: “Wall, I wm la that mm blUKud aawCia kilted aad woardad a root* tea, but U waa aa* till east day that I euM U aryealf aad had to eeoaiad they wan agai UM groend. Th*y wan draandUka Tarfitmed bad oa taitaaa aad wide loose paaU add pitara They ware large an to alart oa, aad dariac Uw eight had ewotlea up aad their Ibeae tamed aleeoet bleak, aad It took abaatfoer of m to roll aaa l“to the dtteb. Their (mm wen die “wtod, ^ and I aem real Hod Um bam at war aaUl than. Wa didst flea than a fell length apian, bat pat tba band of on* Mean the Met of aaetbsr aad corned than about IS loahaaduap.*' ' “Tba neat berrtd eight I am at,11 said another eoawode, “wee the bottle [ - I up oti Um * nl ahail fTew tba ganboet* Tba next aiornlag after Um Sght I walked over the SrM. aad then w« hardly a srussssa sas that aara mm Mdttdnd tw all ktoda af Mutilated shapH aad firagnomta. I mw aaa heodlen aaldlar Juing ay a^svstsjSrj± on^tho ^nuad^aod iwt a jrljn of a tan It away aad Ml a Una fiat, nt the Mood MaMa aaab veMa and ar tarm wm MSI aoaUg daws oa kia •lotto. IltUm that tha battla of Mai arm HU waa tha wont taaar buys of may that oacamd darfon te £*• Jt«fapHfttat m foams it, tot MaCteflaa waa aJtaadybadb wblpiad, and wa ooaMoH da sat “Uwaanat loan altar that.”Hid aaoter. “wtaaTiw te amt ate «**“* *Mbt that ay m «itm 'drrlaatta war. Taa raaaaahar that uTua!^ naaTir'arfatt* **“ • ba Taahaaa oaUadl* 1T««,Sated wart bariad yarj haattly. aad la (to l°T? mntei tea I aaar aaw. Is bad mm lalaloc Cor mm Mom mJ te watar rasa la te --‘■r*%tti_ wa oould cat tea two (aat datpaad wa bad to tawWa te boji la aartaw. Ahaot a math altar that oar warn trains had to arnas that laid, aotla ataiaad, bat la a dam. aad a*arp> wbara wa araaaad tboaa ttaaaataa tha prsasara of te whaala would foroa up aby araa uawi ted, aad yoi am aaa aaw at tnaas auablaa oat -Itemtad Paaaad. lt.aaw.awte ^•VaU, I don't know wtutt watte WK^jSS^SSi'wS'i orataahflNafattam aboat Ohrttu •aaa ttam tea aailbiM aha. 1 wautad Mb aat adf armaad tea aad Plata Car tabs uadi 1 waa ate aad IhofUOf —-- MW Mm WUMm. Ou tto MMMag at (to aboil IgM to* *M» tohanM l Mi that city about daylight with mom oAetal toaMt Tto"adS. tot ££ to bm baton i had Ua> to dlaMoaat. ▲aha raad tto papanl MW a aiaa lylaf dawa oc tto auaw In tto laat and aoa and of tto toanktat oaatp uble wMowhlahMdaad Obouldan . **■ ■» WM nib Wt aide, hta rtgbt band waa aa hta award wad bU autform waa faded aad aotlad. A •loaebad had waa •var'hla free aad •rtdaotly to wm aataan, whliT Oao lea aad bta au7 wara toatlly tab let ttolr aorolag aaol. W * , *&'0^rTtiT •»*•« ■»« laudato tto adjutant: ‘‘Who la that ‘‘Htonawaa Jaakaoo,'* ha npltoi. “Ha oama la about daylight and pnuy Man tumbled down aad Ml aatoap Halt way araeb axbaaatod aad Oaa. Lm would not tat hlM to dlataitod aad had tto UUaaat ovor Mm. Won't yoo alight f" I aold neaad ttontod blw Aa I root away I looked took at tto (felon, l would (to tanking Cora photograph oraaEoteh of that aaaaa. It waa tto uuly tuaa tom aw tto bio* light aider wbuaa aatM aad decdaar* bitown all orar tto world. Mu woofer tha pool, Falaarr. waa laapind to wrliauf him at tto bailie of A*fJ—; bet *.■* -party UXd of ao mom at OtatarrMa to Um, wton two Kaw Orlaoee Tlgaca of \Ttoat>a tottal ton walaulaa odtoar who waa trying to kiom than far tooTiag aaaaa oao scsajsrrjBssifet ajjtsffiaaggjraaa UrtMOf ftrtiaUto batfry, ad Uat I BrfM. MdtUt ftOJow"hoImm. who kUtad W a doaaa wmtaMd lehMcw, maim Mr mm Mi off Ifor miUm u4 mwi tod pariwpa aaaapa at hat. Aad that ta wtatia *•2* »*l**«Bi why aa May of M tyaablna taka plan all Pthaaowairy. tbara la taaky bo or otaipoaotlaa —n~ tot tba ^•f^MMia hawrar* Martial law b«lttmoUar'la MMbitoatol*^ W$m£a ***.y»T*—« bifaaaa ha L f _ - •** tobaMTa aauaaiwt U kta, mad Mr. TbaaMt, at tha MaMt *BK OMManonga * Ut. LoaU ratt raad. pwidowa (KK That* thakiad of a mu haw. VarUjr, it la aa Italaa Tn Boot hai.vS*2m"*,T*’ Oatt, , hsUrsnoMyaruotr vT^hteksoT Tawtaw m adisa hoard to aay \ than m ao abposa tor teudltkM -• io jhy. Whaa a young fallow aaMoaoa words a* tbaaa Il ia arstty ayttobstrpatbattharsls »o ahaaoa far bin. Bat ha wrongly piaeaa tha H^MwWUty apoa thaworCTto to st.srxrs rsarfiE tharaioarwy "haaaa for thaot# who k— dgfd Hlwnalf for wwathlsg. Tha ??STh*_kaa orayurad blaaalr to do wall tha wark of aay particular Bald ean alwaya Bod work la do. Dots aay ooa knows good Ihrmr who issot tuttingalong wall? Dots aiqr aaa kaowafa Brat-sUas naohaow wfca caaoot Bad work to do* Boat aay ooa know at a Qraf-oUaa — whoaaauot Bad aaidataant t Bom aay ooa know «f a guod workaon la toy particular Bald whs ansa Haoy terms hand* to dof that tbata an hondiwda of m boat oot laoroad aay *ydr or mw ^»ras5vsrissrs3 c^t&rt&'srrw Tbo trout*. M that too naay oot *00 U* Caiaa theory that tbs world •anHootllrlH. Tha world owta no aaah drbt. Iflt data H has imud' SgffiEfiS-!!I ■*■•* tkdawtjt dag for, Baranun.h. C.. Wtaa"* ~ "Hi - It it natural that thars ataoaMhata aBUaaa hatwssa tha fits aUrar aad I ssrsvssjfrafa:1 I&ISSSa j bjt, aalbM* wmcotrldoObebccH sssi-x.ers«j,5s!3 •cdntp aad liberal Heimblieu corero neat; tbe fraedon of tar people ie •"^J§5rJs?£\isi ittahuraraii eke taa o aratcn oC poff hr tdMUlor, riM hw many neat public aorta; end ahetac red need tke rmm at tke places •blob ««. lorrlfieeuder *waUkT*: m they yraon ia Cube uoder that nk ViviMBaa ***** t£S3n^rt5sr»£ R2J tta%ltae of trade tta world ever. Tke report u ttae Benia la ataat to replace tta face nuoe at tta paper, aad that tta tel Watered direr «mbe United tataeaa prirato penoaa to fifty robin, TiSSSt^SSt fw dom7 “** aaaUtatataa ouT**^GoreirMueat IWttkn lo prrperltlonMto •^“■TSe'id"^ tamn tta Trreaary, aad acted aer •oold beyond doubt con pel a new yam doariderattoa at a plan for pat vinf tfce etrnpoei on i urantn lack yild be a proof that Kp;«r Vtow to pat tta paper correoey ea a way, would da nook to dranttao JdjjlidfteaMatoOtty to all *—m *• _ Prltetard doe* m» tt'Zi’zrrursssz* “Wor* i"ta lilllii sfgg^gsn Sap *• ta tMMwg atant "SnuMta" —* otaBrSnL a,**> prmotwn Dart otto float «M*. taMklki foNt,M <* thU Iwwim BwHIi, rihikiil h •m tasta Bettati,* Mte-S •f ttalotm-tnp fabric of * fallen &X. E£l»K2L*t2 «*r i.r snsstst Umr.MJreita MtatIMt talk ««. fit tMHtkiMit nice, new. UtaereMtat tare to tta ottar eta aan It a -MrwMlt taw?” Bean a jJBtatatar* ktaataalta h Maori* Xitiwtn alt tflto nrltfciiMfl far what tta> prUt. tat If It war* known tawtttah credit ttay Merit forwtat ttap tat prin*. ar for tta t>a*aaaa> ttay wheat out tawtadttap da pHst, Btay wawM ceccataait a am wan Tkta Manual Uwr Bcritclir to prwaiot maaaaftwai tta MHatta a mtti lantitt Lkat 2tai||ihiflk taw a*d partita tta Mata. A* Mart* •prtw. "IkmtMiSf wtala n5w»&fls3fl« 'in i