'.‘-.v 'aiKsr t*tijlag about Jobbaqr tof-roU taW. Of Ula. (08,000,000 would haeo addod la tha obligations of tbo ooaotrj Just aa osrtalolr as If it were toalogdiaaMfor to osoeb. S: tote * and ad mi aa u r it toa qumt iso to* iBlmattjr iflrti)»l In tom. you aaad not m Uto daipato* arllel• rafamd to. It la ■anaalrii and writtoa la moot auat laaa^arttaad taaipar, aod IiUnM toaavaaltotoaaaaaoa and thoughtful to^di oT tata rather than to ttarti to* at •«* i •to at toa kaadi aC oar madam a uir tal paraaai aT tola addaaaa aod toa tooagtoful oooeldaratioo •t too a»t taw tomato praam ted. It will not to ate lea for oar Damo ■■•h laadora to rafcr agate to toa P**» ad organisation aa pobliafced la tola papar. It la alwaya beat to tom totagadoooto ordar, aodlatoteptoi tootorto erpremtun aad rail flea - ataariyaat forth. *"**”""" ** nacixcr, ths wit. 11 h» ooooooory hen to odd o now or two. Tho pralMt U now tho a<|«Nno»lidl«». Tnvrwbtp ooc **0BOtloolliHi oC ooMUUnaad aoglrtmaa. Thooo mod sot bo sou UaOod oow; Um night bnt bo dooo . Istor sa Is tho ooonty eonpolgn. - * " >• rsBOESCTO. i Doliaa sad Qoo booo •uhdteidod. pas tothopropor to* thorotios •*«»« ttetw% nHt—I of North OuoliM who Uror Ux> proem staad wA«rvalM(Uitta, Um tfoM tttaad m«) tew tew ofcw witfsU* wltnp. rracatod SBd ttel tw opinio a » have tew nriasawatood or sot property •Mdo knows in tte nl ww «f Wtew, wn take thla method of autinp w» poWton to tte Afrteoituwl, 14»o afaetnctaf nod Commercial Unmet of Th* GoM Standard wiog yields not a hair's breadth ha patriotism aad Is an sntfcaateatic an aod mo** deadly In •matt to Mean aoeh a But* Govern ■Mnt. as all may ha proud of, than any othor atoaacnt to tha Democratic party. Thapria* necveaUy of the tamer, Ut* laborar aod tha baataeae mao Isa MAMKKS for crops, handiwork aid manufactured artietaa. Whatever de suoja each an outlet for prodwsta euU off Income and Uribe* at the Up root of pro spirit*; it take* away tha ability to ednaato ohUdrea. to start them In nr* at the petal when their fathers Jefk off and to prorlda for old ago The agitation far firm silver tends to etoeaoytba tamer's market, ta cut off the laborer*! Income and to slop th* hosiaeea man's profit; because ail change* disturb trade and ao violent a ooeaewoaW occur la Ua currency (which U the life-blood of trade) by the free coinage of ailvar would bring oomtnaree to e stand-etui fur a number ofeaent, Duriansman would refuse to buy bees see of the lsortalnty of heu« abia lo eeU again; factorie* would shut down and wagm slop be eaaaa merchants would ant dare order goods which might h* worth bws than they seat in a taw arnethi; laborers m»d aeariianka. the chief cosumer* of food and clot law, without mooey to hv would eaaaa th* demaod for three artidre, the raw malarial* for which the farmer* supply, to dwindle to al ■MM nothing. Sorely with business at a at aod-still, factorlea eloaad and operatives out of work, th* proapaet tor tha tiller of the soil would not be a flippy OM, *0 eea more felly raalixea than the advoMta of tha gold atandard howaa «*o an ahoodant supply of mou sy nod tow rat* at Interest to tb* do *®top«k*o* of Southern resource*. It eaaaet be denied that labor aud capi ta) meat go band to head, as neither can stead atone, eae being briptoe* without the other; therefore, a fair re turn oa ae inyeatmant of capital must aeeompony good wagas. Ta* mor* anraeaafttl the eatatyrise. th* gTealer ability ta par higher wage* and tbo Creator a amber to be employed. To Mwoetag* thla state of thtogs la tb* tamer's ehtef totereat, broaaas he le the producer of th* ceoaemliaa of Ufa; tomes, the more wagr-aaraers tha mo**to>f*t* toe wider tb* market aad tha looder tb* eall tor what tor ha* to sal). ▲ ft** coinag* measure would inevitably drive away capital, alarm Invasion and be followed by such bard tlaam that the panic of TO would mm onto the shadow of* reality. Thoa# who favor tb* gold ttaadard wish to see aamoeh aUvSTemptoyed as caa be need without producing two standards of value; they dealt* In no n» to enftoU th* praaeat eOcciivanaaa afallear aa a madia* of exahange; they ar* devoid of aenUtnoot regarding the coiraacf, being •‘rusotp" aeliher of gold, ail tit or paper, wishing to nae each In tha w«y and ta tha ex teal found meet available. The eoaotmmt of n bill for the Iren coinage of tilvar would not make money plenty, aa la often asserted but on the ooatrary would ovate drat a stringency of several year*' duratte •»* Uto* gradual Inflation; aior-iaattw of the tamer* aod tao-taatbs of tbo*e of small meant would (ted ibrmw-lve* financially proalrated brfora ImUtUm bagaa; they would be teducvdl* clt eoautaace* ta tb* eoodluon of day laboran aadday laborer* would become Ohfrcu of charity. This I* not an ex travagant atetemeet aa is mad* dear through tt>*** reasons. Approaching tegiriatioa toohtog ta troe ooiesg* of silvev would b* first disoovared by owners of capital, probably iu season ta them ta protect thuaialvm and twr hags even ta make a prudt r opportunity fur atlror would saw la, U «*y b* aeon now faille ud wpty a el*lea tt la, wlm it to found that U* coca saw rulal traoauc tloua aim* of tba Unltad Mtatas L2S* -Hum dollars (•100.000,000) par day. To supply* atfrar aurnwy of ■uBctout ndaras to Oil all fiatih would oocapy u« •lata working day and night a nutn ber of ye*r»; daring all of whfeb tlm* tkm would ba gnat walliag aad gaaahlag of tooth, with akuodaot c*uw ibscefor HuppeWny than omM ha laauatly Mfflrtowd wwi toa ItmitWa* laagnt (nadtha baa wo«M ha l rut .if KMT ■Mtallte eurranay, Ml. ailaar, aapprr or whatnot), it »oW „<* ba oaad, It la aat waatad; It la not baoaoaaiha airtllMlaa at Ua Oaatury haa (owad. pirtaaai, a ball it way at ___ J tha traaafar at aradit by yapar Tba OHrofeani aiodtu T with what bo Inlbpa |»; tad aharyaa bl« ft* tba ha luppiiaa la ratera. it* ’•“••ff'Sf&tSJ tba aaaia adaa f«r tba dliliiy tba Bhtaa ra ryloy tba ahaafca, ate. at. an aryaotonioa and datay "aiiaiw way m iba _ '"arc Ida* parteila wniwnt tba da preach a contrary doctrine bate the farmer’* Interest loss at (mart than a desire to be supported out ot the public crib at the experee of lbe turner and other taxpayer*. LegtaU tloo that makee It possible to settle w*U by paying o3 esnu on a dollar eao nnw Icing prnapetlly to the South, for bard-headed botlueee oeen and manufacturers, who must agora down to the fraction of a emit ia tbe cunt *t a yard of cloth to Bake a profit, will ehan a sect mu (ns though It wse stricken with tb* plague) tliat sends drlecntr* to Congress to make such statute*. Finally, we ask the co-operation of all to whom tbis address uuy cotuo, in the spreading abroad of the truth, hmrtlly believing tbo rlfflit will pre vail when the facts are brought out and that the Government ot tlvo Commonwealth wUl again be phtoed in charge vf Its beat citizens. Loot* da Lacroix, C. E. Burden, Bdw«nl ttuieit, JvHio D. Cvuper. J. C. Cnoper, Jr., Joel G. Kit g. B. O. tins-a; W. B. Ashley, J. M. Homer, Win. T. "oodley. J. M. Curtin, Fb-ldiu* P. V. llunter, VT. K. Barbate! A A Ihsvts, M. A Gregory, J. A. Taytur, Joho W. Utahans, G. T. Pat mojH.C. Mdjneeeii, 4. H. Dmvia, Ggdeo E. Edwards, J. A Brown, J. A Ball, a M. Collins. John A Mc Dowell. F. B. Wloabiib, James (V. While, W. K. Gary, Henry Builock, 'Andtewt: Jr-, B*. D. OufTtn, Lai dec Bros., A P. Shell, L. W. Mc Mullen, T. W. Stovall, G. Wilson. Wtlktaa Stovall, Melvin Doney, J. P. Caldwell, \V. D. Rogers, John L. Cisrl, Jnbe Webb. J. F. Edward*, K G A. B. Cayen, Hertwrt Alston, r. W. Jackson, ft. Broughton, J. C. McGaw, Jr., C. 11. Lewis, John O. Ttptoa, George Qouutree. G. H. Fau orkte, U. B. Lanier, J. A llickev, James Lalgbl, C. B. Parham, H. A Hmvllc, D. A Owen, Sol. R. Williams R.P.Taylor. U. A. Jamdon, G. D. Pittard, Murchison A Co., C. H. Lau rie. B. C. Hilliard, W. A Huudley, W. R. Taylor, 8. V. McNair. J. J. Linglv llu, A 8. nines, C. N. Hants, John W. Stovall, F. R. Gregors, J. W. Hall chock. L. E. Wright, L Wader, a T. Smith, J. B. Flu toy, II. Crowley, Jrn J. A Amis, T. a Ford, R. S. Lunin, J. C, Homer. J. £. Doner, J. Draper, S. U. Alien J. O. Tar water, W, A Rice, Herbert Gregory, J. W. Knott, J. J, Fiaher, W H. Hunt Samuel Harper, «. S. Uary, J. I. £M**r, w- «. Gregory, 8. J. Currio, W. H. Aycock. PraaMvnt CUrriwS', Vcaa. OrwavUla, ft. G. Hews, *u. So far as we can «e* uud know tb* president did the right tiling in veto, lottha rive* sod harbor bUl. flu »wp *» cleat and explicit, giving sound and safe reasons for the vetu. It is well known that the rivor And harbor bill baa always hern th* special legislative act Into which all Jobs, •asps, combinations and juggling hare been concentrated. It is iho jourcw and mmsus of more corruption and qoetlionable praotlcts than all other committee work fa congress. This hill ti used by members to secure jobs for heeler* sod strikers »t borne, in many eases to pay >»oliUcal debts, and » open to crilieUm not by the prcai dret alone, but by every rltiten. Millions of doilara are «inandnrvd by each oougrese through this bill and these things are well known to tint puttie, ft'rely la uny protest rnidv. for lbs reason that the money cornea from the national treasury, and it *"■* to be uowrUUu law that Um government Is a good uud projwr sub jact for public plunder. Another reason la that the provision.* of the bill look to falore payment*, a sort of buy ing on credit, which means unlimited buying, jost as it tain private tran sactions. Tba president hue been Jiarply criti cised by ‘.be press for vetoing the bill. There ate gmst reasons for this, alUaat ooe good reason-, If the hill fails, many localities will suffer. Many of Urn srctlnna of tl»a bill are for legitimate Improvements and much needed dc fence* a ad the work should bo prnse anlsd at auv expsuss. It may ho that the questionable rldara should be oar ned la the Interests of needed Improve taeots to rivers, harbors aud coast defence*. Wc have always believed that the exeeotlve should liavv ttw power to reto any part of a hill which did not meet his approval. With this powvr, he coaid withhold his approval and put himself on record; and ui Um terns lime, eongresa would have tho rlglil to override tba veto. Many Utils passed by dns house of congrre# have beeo killed In the other «j ‘riders'’ tacked on. Under the mmara of party whip aud spur, too portaat matters of legislation havo brea subjected to compromise and the P*MIc service hampered by the rider. With tba law so smeoded as to give the rxeeutlvw an opportunity to strike dow* riders, joitlarty and all other qUttlosabie enactments, we would hare cleaner legislation by th* nation al congress. . Wv have not read Um rlrer and law kor MU Id its complete form, aud it »mld k# Interestiog to know bow maayeflboee who have eondemsed the president on account of tlie veto J«ve read Ik Hatred of th* man Hruvvr CtawUad, Is mg luatlltoalloa I™ ktUoklag tho c> aisle! set Ion of I’naktakt Grover Uevriand. lows sweet day by* and by* ws tmay Imar Um song which ono* swept aornsa tktlasd from oeean to oenao. “W* love him for th* Knemtea lie ha* mada.” *«*■ yovr Itomaob brgina to troQbU you, H M»>ta h«lp. Thr nMu w *?.6>,,m rjor f**>. •«« ooUl It r«4« It, yrni wuu’t bar* an* I"*C». Htnaaob ImuU* la my MBlabloc, curat Ira U am* ladi Mtoai »m4 rrorwa turnout ami, lir«Ul« Ii d«p* thf* to Mrniifihriilni Uia MjBhwI*. by latMug |l v, 'Herat IiMir f<*<4. UWBrMM yaw. Sbabrr Ulrattfa Cordial m mad* or par* Wit*, plant* »*4 wlaa, to porfrail* Imnalrw and will aarUloly aura all »•*•*•* avar-ab lombt*. it-.I.I by drag* tot a, prtaa IVmrta Ui *1. Inurd. Joseph Brad Icy, tho patriarch who built that heuae. was a splendid S|>eclmec of a man plivslcally, tail. Winare. carrying hiaoself eract. and fiom w. atever aide ton approached him you *aw yoo wens to tha presence of a man. And you were not loug in bit pieeeuoo till you also discovered that there was no shnm. Ttiat solid old house that bad to be sawed to piaocs uud employed weeks ami weeks to got r'd of It wasted away just like the strong oion who hadl it. It bad Ann haid Umbers—it stood solid on tb* ground with a grip that poiuta to tho hist earthquake —even tlie gate posts and “upping block" made or granite and those old whits oaks sssmsd to hnve been planted by Jfooh when bo carat oat of tbe ark. AII—all—ware typical of tli* man who made them Joseph BradKy's memorial-) gat sway hard from tins community; and It Is harder still lo ksep back thoughts of vandalism when sr* sec them passing uway • • * not aader tha baud of the Moors hut of a man whose ancestor* came from tho same part of tha globs, Joe Friday. I will tali more ouxt week of Bradlst ancestors. E. £. g. Gaatonla, Jane 1, 1896 ■os PEAK talks Wrsaa DfMrnlte Kan>n( la »• Prlawln T*a area* Tblaf to to **w *'*" toe Bsamcr-A tosknw* PanSlSa, tor Dm Pml Stosp-k Pvwsasl IskrsM*. To ike IMItor of TKe Oasetts; I can’t writ* much because I know bat little to write. But those Is one thing l know. Oar couuty convention is called for June 13ih and township meet'ugs for the 6th. m these meet Uga great cantlou should pcevstl that pence and harmony may reign and success be ultimately accomplished Let everything bo done pleasantly and io a way lliat will Invite every Demo crat to the polls In November. With toll this to start with we are sure of success. The grand Idea now is to hold the party m line which has bean dona and can be done again. North Carolina is yet Democratic, and not only North Carolina hut the oatlnn, ami can be carried with a handsome Democratic majority. To accomplish tills, we uiuftt have nine engineering and a good geaaral that will press the enemy at every point.; It.Ae admitted that Deuioerscy is like an old cunning raccoon—makes tier best light ou the Oat of her back, a here an unholy com bination has had her for two long ycara. I am honest when 1 say, that while the chances are not at bright as in 1392. they are bright enough to iusurk victory, x am sure that a great mcnyofotir wayward brethren will retorn to their Brat love, after a short stay with a tlranga and false god. . Who la likely to be the first bankrupt candidate for the presidency of the United States f If nominated and elected what can be expected of him 7 If a man can’t mauage his littta home affairs, is It reasonable to axpeet him to successfully manage the gnat intervals of a grand and glorious nation V Watch T I am sorry that X can’t attend the cunnty ounvvctlen, the same day hav ing been sst apart for the Sale of toy doad brother’s property, which I must Attend. H»|>e that I will not be ap pointed a delegate to the State or Uou grwwtmial conventions, bot I will willingly accept the honor to the Sena torial e.or, venliou If desired. I com menced the battle for Democratic principles la 1852, have been In every battle since, except 1372. when It tree Gnuit and Grvaty—no body for me to vote for— sad 1 staid at home et my worL,earned two do dare and got them. I enu’l sacrifice principles—no, never ! Bov Peak. •UpnUimH Talk MS Mlnr kef Veto ter ilreenrOJe New*. The newt from Oregon la Dot en couraging. Tbo only change In the pnldtcal situation to tbo IncreasM strength of the populist*. The stiver •oog of tbo W'rst baa not helped tbo democrat*. Aa wa bavo before Mated, tlie silver democrat* need expect no help from sliver republicans. A re publican Is a rep obi loan East, Went, North and South. Protection to hla platform, protection to hit faith and party fealty (a bla prHctloo. Ilia tongue wiif jiofio with Hirer tons*, but lilt ballot will go for the candi date of Irit party. If the democrat* hop* for anooeaa to the notional eleo tl»n they must close rank* and make tfw fig lit on the time honored prlncl Pto* of lit# party rrwl.uw •rirr *» Waa%a. *»“<’ W«* matrylarOn. Hi* tUlMHOt that IX. Drier bad aonotmoad to the faculty that bo wonld tender bit rr-bntaUon to tbo Don id M 1’matOont of Krehloa Collage, at 'be meeting ut eaM Hoard at Corn mi notowut, to tube effect at the rad of Ibe .'4th aonWeraary of Ida onrnae llott with the ColXf*. J'ma, V?, la eanlllit* conrtd*wWe InlafetW Wr rntl anm title arairment will elalra the Immediate attention of U<« wbolo chard t. I MAM mil RITRN K4TC1A *«• COM Ml TMI Molly HbMIwi V WMIMatAm a* But—Oar (Mil IIIIAraMMiMM Mimm IImw TW M liwi awl IMa Fan* A>au* of lac BajnL lb tbe Mlllor at Tba Oaittta: Hook Hill, June L—Mr. C'latk Starnes, formerly of Oaalooia la having a handsome rvetdenoa built on bla plantation. Mr. R. P. Rankin, of your town, baa Uia eon tract and Hr. Albert Smith la tba foreman In charge of the Job. Tbe brick work and plastering are In charge of Mr. Charley 'fhrro ot Lbe hoys strolled up to Doek Hill Mat Sunday overling taking In tha town. They called on a lady, who took them into tbe parlor and asked them to have seats. Two of tba boya took chairs, but tha other ooe, •raing the organ aod thinking It waa a big red chest, art himself down on It. Tba lady aaked him to have a chair. He said no, I will Just ait uu thle trig red ohest. He mid his ma had a big cheat, too, but It wasn’t aa Ins a ooe aa that. After so long a timo tha lady got tha boy down off of tbe organ and played a few piece*. Aa It wa* getting lata in the evening tbe kadr aaked tba boya to excuse bar. as aba wo old have to go to look after •upper. Then thinking of edme enter taining hooka ebe had on tha table, she aaked ana ot the boya lr he was food of novels. Uo aald ha didn’t know; he hadn’t never eaten any of ’em, hot ha mid ha reckoned they would go pretty wall with limes and batter. CiTlarfW Ixfrili ttuenlt Landmark. A Statesville minister, remarking, a few days ago, on the prevailing cry of hard times, scarcity of money, etc., said that it is not the dcpenalties of life that people are crying for bnt tbe luxuries. This ta true. Hnw many people in this section, for Instaaoe, are actually destitute ? Poor people there are, of course. There always have been poor people and always will be poor people, no matter what sort of condi tions obi*10. On the other hand, numerous people eajoy more luxuries to-day than ever before. We are glad that this is so, but some of them, Be cause they cannot obtain all the luxuries they waot, cry out that they are poverty stricken and oppressed. U is not the necessities of life they cry tor, but the luxuries. Rra Wind •(•«« HIr. Owwnsooro Sxoord. Last fall James F. Pegnun, near Colfax, in this county, found a lot of bees pitched ou a big limb of a willow tree In a meadow some dial an on from his bouse. He eawed off tbe limb, carried It horns and placed It between two house*, is a secluded place, where tbe bees continued business sud now it is estimated there ere tome 20 or 23 pounds of boaey on tbe limb. Tbs little workers seem to be per fectly cm.tented and attend strictly to business. CS«sl»e saS Chaima up T'.iWin* Ur^totm, M. The Chester sod Chernw railroad wai sold at public auction before tbe court house door In Cbeetsr last Mon day by Sheriff Hood. The rusd brought (23,000 sod wns bid io by W. H. Hardin, the receiver, of Ches ter. 8. (!.. and L«Ro> Springs, WUlIsm Canaoo, W. T. Gregory and R. C. Mo Mauua, of Lancaster, 8. C. Tbe maDageBieot of the road will be tbe same. Mr. Hardin acting as president with headquarters at C bee ter. TWx»« A* lMutkR WtMLMkM •> Salisbury llmU, Jftth uli. Clarence, little eon of Bey. J. H. Seroggt, tnnoeeully got oil a good joke on the Kp worth League thle morning. When Mr. Sorogga started from home Clarence a*keil him where be was go ing end reoeired the answer, “To the depot to we tbe delegates." “Are they locked np in the train ?” asked the little fellow; “if not I am afraid.” He did not know that tb* delegate* were not some kind of a daeguroot animal. ■eecr^nwmsrr ■tui or nnwa lion. F. E. Shober died at hie home in Salisbury last Friday morning. He bad aerred bis district several term* In Congress. The next session of General Assem bly of the Southern Presbyterian chorch will be held In the First Presby terian church of Charlotte. The low price of Western meat— lower, it in laid, than ever before- is attracting attention. It la hollared to tw due to tb* fall tmoko-hoaat* of Southern raamara. News la out that Mark Hanna will sueored Tom Carter as Chairman of till Republican National oommlttee and that McKinley'* campaign will b* ooudacted from Clerc land, Ohio. In Oregon Tursday tb* BepnbUcant won by abont 10,(00 plurality, Tbe Pupal 1st* base mad* gains throughout the Stats. Supreme court Judge, two congressmen, and a lagialatura were elected. A farmer toils tbe Charlotte N*e* that honey Is more abundant this season than it baa bean In years. A Cabarrus farmer says that In all tb day* on the farm ha has newer seen the Ilka of it. Senator Marlon Batter’s osti-bond Mil passed tbs Renat* Tuesday. It has tb* merit of brevity and read* a* foi ■ lows: "He it enacted, that the le aaancs of interest-bearing bond* of the United Suits, for any purpose what ever, without further authority of Congress, I* hereby prohibited.” The yea* were 10 Republican*, 17 Demo crats, and A PupalMs—total 99. Tb* nays ware IS Republicans and 9 Dem ocrats -total 96. •m tinn, OM people who require reedtc 1m to regnlai* IM bowel* a*4 klenaya will and Ure iron remedy In Eleetne Hit ler*. Thle rnedletne done net Ulmo l»U end contain* no whlnkey nor other Inins least, tret not* M a tvnio and al torhtlvn. It note wildly on Uw Worn w>h and bowel*, adding atnmgth and givlup touo to Uw argent, thereby eld FREE! AT THE IVew York Racket. A Handsome 3-4 Life Sixe Crajon Portrait Free. A» a compliment to my tinny patron* and tiw puldic griwntlly, for a abort liiue I am goiug to give to every purchaser of Ten Dollar* worth of goods a Flue \ Life-Size L’ra.von Portrait. There 1* not a family but possesses some picture of t'nthor. Mother, Brother, or Slater which they would like lo have repcoduood In a life like and durable manner. Cali at onoe sod see spkclxkn at my store. What more soluble fur a present V and as my liberal oBer will In sure immediate orders to large numbers, your early visit it desired. To secure on* of these Purtreite, It la‘ nroswiary for you to buy a frame, which 1 will furnish same as sample to tin seen at my store for tt.90 and upwards. iwrsr iPL-A-isr !■ to Issue tickets on roar first purchase ot & cents or over, and every additional purchase, large or amsU, la added thereto and when tba amount reaches #10.00 we deliver, free uf cost a 3-4 Llfe-SIxe Crayon Portrait. Don’t fall to call and aeo our aampla at store. P. T. HEATH, Propr., N«w York Racket, LTIMIXM IX tIMWIU. Two awwa*j for ike r»«al Uimrr XM1« Xertml tk>t all Cnaaa of Ikb ■ M Ik ail ke Treated UkawlM. CoLl'Miu s. G»., June l—A mob of 600 armed mdn broke into tb« Webstar building tbla morning during the trial of Jatae Slayton, charged with ssaanlt ing Mr* Howard Bryan, tool the pris oner from the officer*, tied a rope avonnd hi* ucek, dragged him up Hroad *tr«at aod swung him to a Iran near the ball tower and perforated the bod? with ballot!. Tbe mob then proceeded to the Jail and overpowered tbe JaJInr. look out a negro charged with assaulting Mrs. Albright »nd swans him up Utido SUytoo. Both bodies were placarded: “All cams of bit kind enatl bn treated likewise.”_ Cbarlman Harrily says It is pueilhU: that tbe stiver men will have a majori ty I erg* enough to control the Chicago oonveolioo but that bo doesn’t look for any split. OvmocruU. lie lays, ft* & general tblog. rrcogulae tue right of tbe mujorty to control and tUey are willing to accept lha result. Walk Ism** ArwlmMalv*. Tux ltkST Ssi.YX iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Burra, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Kevor Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Oonis, and an tikia Eruptions, and positively cares Pile*, or no pay required. It is goarantued to give perfect satisfaction, or money refolded. Price W oesta per box. Pur sale by Currry A Kennedy. “wa*« Notice to Creditors. flavin* tiua lifted *u Bxcoutrtx of U»c oMala of Dr.lu. Kollrod, dprfpfd. 1 h*r#hv notify oQ yeroono hartrur chum* u*Ui4l ‘-mu* Vo prewat the «mr tn too duly ■Hiheotlwial oo or btforo itio surb day of May, 1197. or thit ooUer will be pu«. North Carolina, rtw ufkdenlfTujd hrrobr bouiUw aji porwmn harlojr -*— -- -* to eatatu will pkcaea make immMfiUo payauyoc. PrrutKtAL, Oa coai or, «hn Kanrar. > PBAIK HAPPERFIELD ( Pr#pri8tors Notice. Moving quAiift.*! m Ail.nJmonitor of Um (ttitooi l UOnl, t»»L* aaitnGflmral buro* l»> if1v*§ iw1i«u to all prtWMM brtltflritf r ha I mb *ukd v0t t\+ to wnnt thoui to him .toW fu.M.rnrkMt.1 n« .STUtonl^iilh T.r r>f JLiir. !*»•, t»r CM* uotioo will Ni (Hoiol In imr or lUcJr r.^nvorjr. rhAH* AJminltftrAior. TblaTih «U> or Mu* j*n. Bicycle Repairs. TV- nwtonM ft.pair i9inp 1.11m pUuiw to *t* your whorl u.wl uv mol pat In ali«p«. You 0.0 hcri M l in m work «o4 M>«r work Mr rouiiMm*) IMii**i>uTolherthOfiln|lt«ik>atb. Bicycle Sundries. rw n jt ’•"•ehOttiTdtXA (nr intlnnoe^-n aM'r.w"".™ feJeWF®®* -IN SHORT— jt5v4$r csttsijs^ Doa^ Iotvm Uw rhu tb|w»M« «w bOnnP a. n. cvOv, »m>ihw». (l.aoai. itrpttr Mop. Mortgagr**)'* Bale. IkfaiUr. Ika M* Mar at Jaaa. MM. • MW at Ml taa »f W.nartaalaMMt W«-ll»amw milt Pi>MMfmM :?w“££Ssrdbr -* -»sr5BJ “TWIMM. M^i •«