THE <v \ZETI'E. , :r«n«TUv. junk *. i'.«i. 3 irJiXESs~rjyt~A:J. Va-c*i^noat» )»ac*i«l m iV«i iv' r.i IftvuLf n Hut tor tiim iuwn k»u bum i©.*yu ■ Mow to* odoh tn'uriKin luwrvwiwsc OLD PAFKU8 for sale at True Ua ajtvrit ufltce. ROOMS u> routTo t>nu*l TiotT]" Apply to Won. H. Lewis, A,wot. M'OKTOAGE DtKDS, Warrainy Deed*, aud Chattel Mortgage* at the Uaaktts oflica. A TEACHES, hold a State certl it cnus, wUltra a summer acliool. For further Information, apply at tbla aflw*. LOCAL AFFAIHS. —Democratic oounty convention Saturday week. —Tbe Democratic primaiis* at the several precinct* next Saturday. —Tbe closing exeroises of the Gaa tou Inatitute will be held to-morrow olgbt la tbe Opera House. —Last Monday wai Iba drat day of Juo6. Ragmenter how much manor and other stuff you bad on band then » Tbe tax-llatar la coming. Give It all in right. —Tboae of ua who delight to tbiuk 111 of tbe duetore will dud an Interest ing defense of tbla profeaalon on our fourth page this week that la well worth too time It will take to reed It. —.Speaking of local history, we wish somebody would write out tbe otory of the “Old Gum Tree" at the cross roads near Mr. Jobu Khyne's. We bear that It, too. baa been out riowa and de stroyed. —The liaptist church baa not yet railed a pastor. Bev. u. H. Durham, of Asheville, lately from tbe Tiwolugi oal Seminary at Louisville, will occu py the pulpit of tbla church next Sun day morning nod night. —The long dry spelt was broken by u light allower late Sunday uft-ruo-m aud by liberal rains Monday aud Tuna day tuid vcaividiiy. Tbe weather bu reau bonds out reports of clearing ami warmer weather to-day. —There will la? no services at Pisgair next sabbath, liev. J. O. Galloway will lw ut Statesville jubilating pastor Hresaly io commuuluu servicr*. Di IJoyre wilt preach at the Oates school house at 4 o’clock next Saboath afttu - ■rooti. —There ought lo lie a fuli mitiont the pi loaarlcs Saturday. T.itre 1» much talk lo til# effect thul the couvcuti.m on Juue 25 will decide t«; i.omlbwle a State ticket. Lit ad Ik-mocrnU go to Ills primaries next Sit inlay. — We did not know b tore that we had a blackberry connoisseur In town, but we learned this week that Mr. S. K. Stewart baa blackberry vinos In h:6 garden that came from Sonltle. Waabiugton. lie tolls us that ho lias already had a pie of tbeir fruit. —From tbe Itr/ormry we learn that I’rof. Langston will Dot have charge of the King’s Mouutalu High School next year. lie returns to Georgia ou account of the poor health of Mrs Langston. The commencement exer cises last week were said to have boon the most interesting and best attended for yesrs. —And if there ever was an nntldy looking tiling in all tbs world It is tbs shirt waist. Women drift to the sblrl waist habit as they do lo drink, or gambling, or alaog, or bicycles, or any other vice. That’s what Bob lays this week, and wbat do you think of It T We verily fear loans of onr read era will have to out her acquaintance. —Tbs Epworth Leaguers all re turned from Statesville Monday, great ly pleased with tbeir stay among the hospitable people of that city. The Landmark man says of tbs delegates }**r. w«ro "a handsome lot of folks," and w*»U wagor he had bis eye full on tbo Gestonla delegation when Le jotted that note down. There wars 810 delegate! present. —Tbe many friend* be mid* when In the county two years ago will be glad to hear again of Her. W. L. Ido Jle. who was In town Haturday and uuday and preached In the Tresby tsria* church Sunday morning. Iln baa completed hla theological course and is now at work In Howan county. Mr Lingle haa grown some In suture and now weighs but little lets than 800 pounds. —The local history of tQy placets oue of its most delightful berlugsu. w# trt nil fit relict in dity to onretlvts our suoeetors, and our proslenly If we fall to liouor Uils history by preserving It. It Is an pleasure to us. therefore, to be able to print a scrap of such history this week from tlie rich fund of ih, B K. Boyce and to hsvn his promise of further rcto'nfsoem-e next week. This paper Is ready ut all times to lend n helping ham) hi the preservation of such local history. " "-1_!» Am <rsl Wnmanm lalM i nn EarlU. Mra. Barbara Hbrum, 70 or 90 years of age. very, wall known In all the Rliynesvilio section, died last week *■ the liouse or her son-iu law Jacob Ilu/Iatetler and ws* buried Prhlay at. tlio Clonlnger graveyard. Bba wan tbe routlvir of Mrs. J. W. Long, of C i< tonla. Airs. Rhrnoi Spent all her life In the Immediate neighborhood where Bis died Hhe was u member of the Philadelphia Lutheran church, was esteemed ns s mother In Israel, and died without au enemy. »«'« lh«rtii«*f, Juih l«. A number of our readers are rslvrixs. Interfiled ln the eomm«n«toenU nt Jour* Hetainnry, for thorn wbo nUen-l them never fall Of being Ample rcrxttd for doing «o. Kro® Mr. Harry Hamm too, wbo waa la town Turwlay, wo I rare thul the sdihni next Wadneadar will be delivered by Ool. Hamilton C. Jrnie*. of Charlotte. Scholarly, ripe of tboaght, flavnt and strung of aueeeh Col. Joae* t* ear* to antartala sad In struct all who bear him. Hw other eaeretav*, beginning at 10 o’chrV Wedaeaday raomlng. will noontet of vtoars by Uta nine member* of tin graduating elan and appropriate mu etc. Tbv institution extends a oordlal Invitel Imi to its friend* aad all friends of rd station to be praseat neat Wadaaeday. I V.Jii- I ’•■..ns*: r. I V«* Will• * in;.! lit-Ilea* ■iJlif i-’.-cUii' i::UCW •.{:!icu< ‘hnj iej a: -I, cj i'.l n'. iv :ry, l;alr • i-1 l i.lis-rt, An i:, v-.v-i. .ni.i plua t 1! i'. in-. ..I, J |u e.j'oi i-U. i.»: :c.\ l V.'.llk Kii,u init.'-eil or no p-iy. \y ililu.m and H>)l» umn at tl»i" J.:ekK»!i Hoax. e.v- ■ »■■■.- - f*nuil!<i»e»s' .lit-ian ir.-liisnu Aliuininuempiiii of i'»Miid«t<'S fur cauntj nlFlccis nil! lm published In Oils IMpcr tins year Kv il.n reJucnl ouil TPiyJr.n r.tti-of b'2.011 cacu, paid m n .TM-.ici-. Tin old |>rico *m» W.Oi). 2io objection lo writing Uicto au :ill|IUCCIU-lllt« Will'll lOq'K'itl'd to d» AO, but remittance must accompany unltr. Writotoo busy trying to publish a good piper to Bud time U> males out aid collect bills. Uaataii iMUInlr (VMimuifinm. The cameowicement of this school will l>» hold In tin Opera House to morrow (Friday) night. There will bo a competitive contest for the gold medal for best recitation, In which fire of tha students will participate. There will be a musical piny and oilier Interesting exrrelans, through all of which music will be rend wed by l*rof. Wolff's class. The medal for best recitation will also be awarded and presented Friday night. ■sew Must Pm|Us T Ilow many people in CUstouia uow Y Last year when the census was Ukeu on tbe first day of June the town showed up 2,315. Tbe town iaiw Iras not far from 3,000 people. During the period of '90-’05. the Increase of population averaged abonl 900 a year wltli 1.000 to begin with. During the lest year with 9,300 to stmi with tbe Increase must Inve been about 000 This added to 2.813 makes 2.91J. Ho when you are asked what Is the popu latinn of Gastonia suy that ire have 3,000 p-oplo here, fur including the brickyard minutes that D just about the Mxe of the town. T<.irtim‘ X-ixrifbljr. Thu rioutborn Railway has published ri riiiAud rale* oil account of Um Tench* rrs' Asrvwlily to meet in Asheville June 1(1—30 It >ou I Inn tickets (emi racing m i nlt-rslup vnunon of Te ichors' Assembly, vain- PJ.iX); i»"l bn wild fr»:n Ju *, 13 to 27, until July V0. To liid'catu eouir cr the ruU'.J trip jifici’n we 'inokc rates li nn y«: roy 35, I, ,vrrII ff'J 13, Gust-h;,;, 3 - iniv i ’Itv% tA HO. King's M nuil f {Jii). Xuartutl 5.0b.' Hick ms -i.7i. T te le-ulni muinie, oxcuni-u I’ck-I i to t- s'.i:i3 "umia-r leair.t> food liii.1 Oj.. II :;iv *i»w **;i «.,!•• at Lhe ■ "V—I'.,I -.I iI,*>,f il,' H ill-UejIl. All tho nfTir.t about them. Wr.lfli I.j-ii, Mu» oolite. tV.-.rd c iu»r *mt fn»:n On-TiuUe i n the noon tr-du ycaicril.i/ *bd ti Uuileil going to PUusxut i{i>ljg • on Hie Narrow Gauge freight. J nst itf tie li lunlnl liio Narrow Unite abu mlawHi her vratun fiom She liilt hud II. t-r.a aide of I/; well. Tl;o AwHnc ci!:nliir.or vr -.a tv'ivd lint re p-n HtiJ from i>M."lv*lrjrg tlu»t hn l:,id not la-no able to find it. It la thunifht to have been lost nbjiit the depot. Alia# Beard did not go lo Plfaiiaot Itldge on tbe Narrow Osage butre mninrd to nearcb for her lost watch. Mr. Joe Vella came up for her in hla buggy And authorized tbo offer of a liberal inward for return or the loot property to Mr. C. M. Noleu. Latxk—The watch was recovered by Mr. J. ).. Kali*yesta/day attornoon. One of tbe little McCleeuegroeahad it. He said be found it at tbe waiting room door. The little darkey who gave tbe clue got a quarter and the boy who had the watch got a dollar. When found he was cleaning out a hog pen with the watch in hia pocket. <~wBawactiatan cumin*. Clifford Seminary, Union, 8. C.. acodi out a bountiful embossed Invitnl lion. The oomtanneemeot will be held Jane 14-17. Miseca 8ue Gallant mid Umbel Smith bare our alucere thanks tor remembrance on their invitation lift. The most Sumptuous invitation we have noticed la that of Dayideon Col lege, executed by Wright. Engravings of the society balls Illustrate the title page, and Inside pages show the pro gram of commencement and claat-day exercises. June 7—11 is commence went date. We have to thank Misses Glare and Uetato HoIIajk) Nunoto Crawford for an invitation to tbe commence ment of J)ise West Vo mala College— the daintiest we have seen. The pro gram is tied Inside embossed card cover* with a sort of narrow crinkled chiffon rtbbau, while « dainty little lx>w of white satin fastens to front Oliver tiio ellp, folded faii-llko, which inntatns nanj'» of the ifnvdu sting c 1 as*. Among the IZ graduales ia iiarno of Mt*« NmuiI* Gtawfonl of Gaston omnty. The commencement dale is June 14—17. HIM?.* «*j-ii timber. The Due Wrrt fi-fghaterh- of laat wrote contained ..olio-. of ihe dentil of Mrs, Martha H;.«»er Utiiuwiiy, which occnrrcrl nt tint pluco Friday morning t' e 22ru! ultimo. Sira wa* lira m .11,rr »f ltev. i. (!. of thi* pier* imiiI Mr. It. fl. finlhiwey, lbs n. i V*rinjh ,v'/i»i. •ui'.l of yet ntinllier w n l iU:»l il>iil4liUi;( J4i|if |;h«| i» (til 8lck niH.nt two wiraU. Ml. foil,.way Iml ww *’•*!»• <1 to ber bedaiite onee, but boding Irar ..pparently latter returned lionw-. Tl.nrwloy »|,„ wat ,^1*^,, will, pnr.tly*1« and Friday inomlug. irnrtt ln her KM y-nv, »he depuite.l i*ii* lilo. . iium h well leyun.l lira ill lot Leri 1***U of il'mt nc«»r r» nnU (ci; •dm yet umint.ii.ird |mw*»lt*n of her health mill of her active >..» ••raCul U*"'* Jlc.' ik.H writing of her lu bin |n|wr i.cyn: “Iftr life wn a Ira.mlifu, irnrlio .ii) to llie gr.o» mid neoein -n. of Mucnre. tinmUe piety. Mb* left her iiupires on ibl* by li*r holy living. Her motonry Is bleited. After a long life of mraiuliraaa, being In the 82nd year of ber age, atm bn* entered Into nut.” Tlra funeral «w. vhM* at tlra cloud. 8 tturday morning wme pnrtteliwird |u by liev. O. T. n<>«»*r. I»r. VT. 1.. tVoaalry, amt Dr. w®. Urlcr. and bar body waa laid to rtiit la t(M fmolly bur I* I plot. d9fS33&g&ri£& I*.* .7M! vs* -.h ic* c:*» *>*. .xu. "i#.*- Vr<^ U'hd l:-'? • *• 7 ^xJv I*v dt'll silt* . V.~|)C with ilio lhtiv folks in Mu* Liz/. e A>!* ii*'sajooli riitijr hud the opera ho uo nil fur their own ami a good Kudn neo full of appreciation for tint children's perforuMiiceu. Atl.*r an opening sou# by tbu school ITng’i <Juery, a bright eyed, manly liUI follow delivered mi ud diom i.f wo)tome which was resjmndwl to by the andlrce with liberal applause. t:i the dialogue "Before jfcliool” there was an interesting concert recl lulioii ef tho mulUyllcalion table*, iu which Mias I haste Baber with ease aud much ijuiet grace acted at teacher. A catchy little recitation by Mtsi Susie Curroll, who liaan't yet laid aside the enteness of childish pronunciation, greatly pleased tho audience, while a speech on MA Boy's Opinion” by Mas ter Walter Bliyne was 1 intoned to aUeutlvely both because of its merit and tlis diniinutirnness of the speaker. Tho tableau "Mfiehief in School" was an smasiog represent stiou of the different tricks aud pranks that are often played in school "onbekoowutt” to the teacher. Two recitations by Mtaaes Eva Mo Paddeo and BeulaJLi White wore ex ceedingly well done. TUe mirtli-prnvokiug tableau of the old womau who liyed iu a shoo was encored. "Out In Hie Cold,” was admirably sung by Miss Cora Coetntr, who dlJn’t seem one bit excited. Tho ynreee came to her ouo attar another as readily as if site bad rend thtua from tlie printed page. i wn mors swert ilttln girls. Misses Mary l.lnotwrger un*l C'ounie Baber, •loud np together to keep eaeli other company, and each reolted her piece will) much rate aiul composure while ths ollrer ''lingered near.” Tli* lublrnn ‘‘Igonraoco Is llllse,” and the Omnia of "Pour Celebrated Clusr.iclme” wen) well (rrevnteJ. Miss Connie Itsber and Master Ar «dil« Jenkins In quaint attire sequittort themselves tump. orodlubty and nroi,?lii lire 'mnur down in tlielr ronrll linn .«f tlie snug about •‘Hilly Tiny.” M Isa lle-isio Rsher with olear voice and distinct. miiinfilatlnn recited an "I'lCiilent of War" in an itnrnorrmiye manner. She nxliilillisl qualities . a ruolM wliteli give much promts* >•* the futuiv. *• 'Vashday'* to ihv« tune of Yankee lh. >d!r brought the lionsc down twice. A “l.ittlo llov’s Troubles” were piictruyed In .in efleotivo recitation by 'Iaeier Arcliio Jmikiua.uul tlie valcdlc* t n> wia rloqurntly spoken by Master «»r.''r LoV'*. r«*U<‘clwl *»ri .»• credit n^.v.i l’m ji)unj[ ;nipib urn) »*t! l»m*4fof that car* am) pitlttict !:i imViicium which are char*ict4ir* Miics %»f their Cacitlifnl Lcuclitr. —ktSkkWlS*- ! ms. « flic WIMI a * Dr.ATU. • * W Wllil foiTjKj % !n|rj»«y t^oit istt*b. A .I.Tlk.w- T.M nmli> Drn'« rrilU a«;<* njita lb - Orml ( iiy ami a* a-«>>» B.ic'2 an ) <»**»••. The il7*. Ii iU> o' May will lung he •cc led tvliU mv»r:i.ii|i in ’.ho fjreot city .if :>t,. ..outs. Atiout (um o’clock In lit* afternoon of tbat day. last VVc.lueeil iy, a tornado, morw violent Mtil dmlrnctive tbau uuy ever before known lu tbe Mississippi Valley, beat down uiiuu tbe oily with murderous nige. Ileuses, and bridges, and great ohurohra were demolished in a twtnk Hug as if they had been playthings of tlie children. The street* were filled with flying timbers, and dost and debris and terrified humanity and the howling noise of tbts terrific wind of death. It passed eastward through Ibe eity, across tlie river, and tors its murder ous way through East tit. Louis. Tbe Cllls* were purely »*rt with terror, and til traffic was stopped. When tbe work of re sene began It was found that the broken and tangled eloctrlo wires had set fire to the debris and terror wa* added to terror. At first tlie news was sent ont that 1000 peupie bad been kilted. It laa marvel bow so many escaped the orutlied walls, falling buildings, and dying timbers. Carefully collected de tails pUo* tbe number of killed at not lees than 4i«, while It Is estimated that 1,800 have been injured. Tbe property inw of tlie two citiee baa boen placed at 615,000.000. Bt. Louis proper, through her mayor, lias sent a message to tbe country in which be aseerts bar ability and will ingness to take cam of her set r in her groat calamity, without leaving to nccbpt outside help. East Mt. Louis, which is tm tlie Illinois side of tbe river and a sepanite eity, is not an fortunate. She is asking fur help. Tim city council of St. Louis uas ap propriated ilOOjOOO for the relief of sufferers, and the clttxans have raised an equal amount. Tiiq big buildiug in which I Ins Itcpubtycati Kati cou vnntlon is to lie held was damaged, and on nocouiil of this sud widespread mourning |u i’„. city, tbn Id a »f poat poning (*i*eon volition wanetitart.Oneri. XU* dt. I mall p.-ofi'c, however, s.iy 111.I the oonrcvithm hnilding can Iw r*|*th'i<l in .iHipic time, and lUut lln-rt! la no rsusaii for postponing tbs con vention. KMwDTHor rrauAM. srmi.Atinnnl rievlion l.-wl gmd., .MxHl -lnfK»»l«« lunrni la the The riml-numml Mention of Mllocr* wilt held nt C.mlln If nit l>y the Knight* of I'fthlit* last, Motidny night. Tim remit w»a lira cliole* of tbe following olUoart: Chancellor Commander, II. |i. Moore, (re-rlec.tlnti) Vieo t,'Ua»Oflli>f. it IJ. Carroll. I'ri-late, J. r\ ('iihaoUM. Matin of Arms, A. * Wllkinaou, fr.'-rtccilnf*.) lls«t*r ot Work, J. A. drove*. Ail other ofllei ra «n> elected an nuel). The Olimiecllur Commander loa-hs the following autndnlmeoU: loiter duard, I>r. V. d. 'Vllaoo. Ont-r ttnard, d. \V. SeslMi. Tbe km-n Interest in tho prosperity of lira order U unabated among It* nrambeu. Tlra anrollaoant show* flA I knights The meetings on Monday itldht of *«eh week ara wall attended. ! Tlranr boa boao degree work nearly every night for three months and two ! itpplleathern are now on lUe. Tim otl rial work Is dmm entirely without tlra iment ritual* The etidowrueet nod : sick benefit feature* oolramee tlra peon I larity M tiw order, sad plana am now ' maturing te add to lira nUraetlvatiMa 1 of lira social fast ores -t-t.ow cas iiut wuow HtrwBca.” rx-«lh \v»m fclalUthle KMakOomat •'na :u# Mauw„ •( Wrik-Oriri la ’’"'•j IIkiuwi_i(,i, Little CMMrvoare (•liJiUinj ’r«F»r ii a* kibi> d"“ “1 ll<«t«n. 4!**#*_ ^ ou,f daughter of Mr. and Un. T. L. oilotoo. died M their home on Mill street leal Thai*, day aftorn-jon after a brief illoew of • natnre that atteoted hSTbrSTshe *,** just U mrtiih* old. Funetal *»r fwvsnttlie boioo Friday morning el WdIO wen* conducted by Hev. J7 0. Gallowny aod worn attended hy many i«eUvea and eurnretly sympathising friend* of tho bereaved parent*. The little body in its white oaeket wan “Wl** ■"*/*° Iho cemetery and con signed to the grave. The iuCaul .on of Mr. and Mm. WUl Lloebarger died last Tbonday. Tim “the wae only about tour day* old. At their home nenr Olney Mr. and M- Fairet were called upon ■* FUatedey aUeronon to glvo up Uioir little »on ltelph—oeerir two The little child wae bar led at the church at a o'clock Friday after ■®°°- **•"■ A. Sparrow oooduotiug I be funeral eerri** Tbellttlo orplianed Infant of Mr. Morrow, oolv a few week* old, *•* Friday and wae burled at Li*?? ^Ibrday afternoon. The "ho wh a daughter of Mr Bojrmi Weir, died the week before. Tt»e Un-muathe old daughter of Mr. end Mn. J. W. Byere died Monday morning at seven o’clock. The f.ioer al was conducts* by Bev. W. M. Uogby. sad the for* of Urn little one "••JfMlorly burled la the cemetery Tuesday morning. Little Frank, seven months old child of Mr. aod Mn. W. B. Smith, died yesterday afternoon and will be burled to-day. prolwbly at Shiloh. two n* nnTouzt. TOe IswnilK.lSMn, ttmrt MUM to* Uo*h Hn*itl*n-T«a)«rtiMXRUI*rlM nr* Atfpwa - rti* UU Mot-fcAf* Htarll** AM* CmutmA The agony Is n**r. Tbl sohool-hook UuslBeas lias beon d.wldsd. The com missioners settled It Moods*. They .liBWed from the SuU board's Ideas almnt wliat histories to uta In the pub ll« schools and adopted two seta. Mrs. Lea's History publlabad by B. F. Johnson A Uo., „f Riclirooud. and Cooper's History published by Giun A < o.. wars lbs lucky hooks. WcUlsr a Blue Back Speller was •intoned, and with thla tbo ooaiai* alom-rs Irl upon the book qoesllou. llm test of tlio old list went In with out change. Burke couoty adopted Mra. Lea's History und Wrt.wer’sSpalling-hook. Adviooa aeot to luieidi from 65 other counties ara to the effect that no CDsngvs were made in the old Hat. u *»tok cettua: leasuruim. T».-Mlajr. Jsm a- Sy Be*. *. r. Hint* o( the Pracm*. Next Tuesday is commencement day at Gorton College. Prof. Wolff U to lot congratulated that so cmioeot an educator and eo engaging and practi cal a speaker as U*v. B. P. Smith Is to d-l:ver U-.e comaaocament add row Indore Ills scltool. Tim morning exercises art to begin at 10:30. Vocal and instrumental music, class exercises, and the address form pan* of the program. There will be overtures, galops, marches, waltzes and other classes of In os leal composition Hindered by l'rof. Wolff’s always well-trained pupils, on piano and organ. There are also a number of choruses aud qusrtettea by tbe vocal class. At night there 1* to be a recitation, Tli* Death of Champlain, a hoop drill. bobm musical ■elections, und er, Mi ter Ulning play entitled "Proposing Under Difficulties.” HA1MI ITim. Mm* »«*Hl M CtmiMSMl Massr tlrtnsiM <lw]>l|kMHUM4. OorTMDQodMM Q& Iktt OsMtf^ IIardbn, Jane 1—Tbo lory tent over to Pin# Bark district to toosta ths school houss oocdoomed the lot on which tbs hooaa stands, and a way to the spring. Tbs Jury, I understand, was composed of M. D. Friday, F. W. Thompson, county surveyor Hoffman, aod Deputy Sheriff Howell. We bops their work will be cooflrmed by the commissioner* Farmers are tbaoklol for the floe s]towers which tell yieterday nud to day. There Is considerable sickness through the country at this tin* Mr* Harsh Friday, the aged widow of the late Jno. JR. t rlday has been con fined to bed for some time, bat it Im proving. Mr* Le* Friday, Jr.. I* elan quite lick. Mies LUlle Plonk to seriously 111 with typlrold fever. Mlm Mattie Thompaon aleo Is among the ■l«k one*. Mr. Bpb <lneeu sad a Mist Btiyue of the Long Shoals mills were married lest week hv Bw)., J4. 1>. Friday. Mr. J. H. BuU'dge was appointed nssletaut superintendent of tha new Sunday school, not secretary as you bed it. Malle* »r Vow Kwnlnuna Wm. 11. Lewis, agent, offers rooms for rout in Central Hotel. See bus la me Ioral* H. L Carroll inserts card this weak nulling attention to hla shos-maklug nod repairing and plaoe of basiaaa* A. O. WIHIaOMWa b Co., will sooo make it eluingo of llrm and after to morrow will cat to cost prises overr uling lit tlwli store u> rednoo stock. Sensation ef the season In dry geode, el toe*, and mill lurry. Williams end Itohlneon, sosee colored men. advertise lit business locals their ' 'electric" cleaning and dyeing process. All kiuds of clo»U goods, dress goods, fobrlca. and articles of wood, bare. Ivory, tulr. and fsathers cleaned with <*nt Injury. Work guaranteed or do pay. Here until Jeae li. ■ 1 . a. i • .■ A lluk PwMmi. Mr. W. T. Melom. pmhUrt of Um SrootM flaUOttal flank, of Jaokaou, Toiia., mtoi ’Fbc a ad Ntrrous trouble. I would ratbor (iro apibaaaaoCanyimaody i oror Mod than Kiair'f Itoyml Ovnaataor. Aa a norro tr*«*i«lllwr. aod reatorattro, It it all tftat ton bo dealrod. It la not a narordM In an; aaaar, bat prodoaoa U*«* Impploat rffreU upon I Ha dloor. darod iM*rw«j aptooi. I eoaaMor It an lavMuablo roaady. and hart for yaara boat roooMotulloa It to aty frlanda." flaw poatace, (area botUo, IS? i1, ^ **u by Proat Tomwoo fc Ooiiany. wuwtXAi ■ T.Pr<^' Ulcun. of UtrilujlOD, A C.. «*» In t»*u last week. —Ml* Lena Molxvd U flailing l«r lister, lira A A. L. Jnknaou. —Mr*. J. a. Warren la vliltiag btr aunt, Mr*. 11. J. Clarke, la Votk villa. _ —Ml* VWa Lou. of Knoxville, Tiun., la flatting i dative* In Uaatonla. —Ml* EuU Hoey, of tJbMUy, la vlaKiug h«r niter. Mr* It. C. Warren. Mi* Omo Sliufoni let urn *d tail Friday fruai Uieeutboro FtmaJo Uo> M«* —Matter Jenkiut llrady la flatting hit graad-parenU, Mr. and Mr* J. H. Craig. —Mr*. A. T. Tartu, of Monroe. I* vlslt'-ig bet daughter, Mrs. K. L. Gar. rlsou. —Mr. A. C». Mangnm baa guoe to Flat Elver to spend a two weeks vacation with bf» parruta — Mr*, lid Mellon, of Coarlouc, came over last week to speed a few day* with the homo folk*. • —Mi. MoTyre Audar*. of tlutber Uiid. Is visiting Ibe families of Messrs. I. O. Starnes sud W. L. Gallant. -A. V. iimls, Buj.. of Mt. Holly was In town Tuesday uu Uuhimss. He was a wilcumc caller at Tun Uarerm office. —Mr*. J. C. Galloway ret’irxwd yes terday from Yorkville where site had ben spending a week among, old friend*. —Mr. sad Mis. It. C. RoroSeu. uf Abbeville, are visiting at l>r. Boyce's. Mrs. Derneau will apetid some time with her parvuta —Mr Jubu Craig, of Horner Acbool, aud Miss Mabel, nf Salem Academy, both cauie io last week to spend vacation at borne. -Bev. U. UL Toyloe, of Ktsuly, with bis two bright lltUc so as, was lu lowo Tuesday eod all were callers at this office whom we we>« glsd to lee. —Mis* Boss Ewart ufter having several weeks with bet untie IVliioui Mono* In Yorkville returned to Gastonia I wit Saturday. — Mr. i. St. Alexander, Clover’s efficient chief of police, speut Monday and Tuesday hers with bis family. He la Just ncoveri ng from a spell of sick ness. —Mr. Albert lUukln bu returned from MoAdeuvlile to make Gaiioni* bis borne itmUn. He baa taken oharg* eC Mr. Bob’c Hackin'* (tore near the Jtodeua. . -Mr. £. V. Film, with hla little daughter* Mtnnla and Birdie, called at tbe Gaxetth office last Fnday. la company with Mra. Falrea they were returning to King’s Mountain from the borne of Mr. J. M. Faire* whose little child bad died Tliuieday. - Rot. II. l> 8®IUi returned Satur day from the General Assembly at Memphis, accompanied by Hot. A. Q. Buckner, of Cjnthlaau, Ky. Mr. Huelcuer waa *ki ills way to tVadasboro to rtait o»d frieuda. Hi preached In tbu Presbyterian church Sunday night. —Mr. A. Commit, whoso aged com panion died and waa boned a few nays ago, bade hla Oaston frianda (rood-bya teat Thundaj and left that eight to uiako hla future borne in Chicago. Ha returned with hi* son who bad come for him and with whom lie will sake hU bo cow. -Mr. Jim i'agc, of tbe Yorkvlll# Enquirer force, spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks, lie was sooompanted by hi* friend, Mr. Philip Moure. Mr. Page lias accepted a position with Messrs. Gray and Love and will, after this week, tnaku Gas tonia bis ahidlug |il»oo again. ■a* IW Ik* IhlMrak Yortvill* Ehi)iiirtr, :ti. There was an election in Clovtr last Saturday on tbe question of levyiug a special tax for acliuol purposes, and It Is said that considerable feeling was displayed. The management of the cotton factory was against the tax, while quite a number of (he stock holder* were for lk Tbe tax was voted doww, 37 to 91. .. a*miu niRiun. Mrpar*r* Wttkl; kjr (Wateer. Mm ui C M>«ay. corrrox XABEXT. Strict good middling . 71 Good middling,. 71 Middling, . 7 Tlnma,. _ Stake... — •nooum aki> r no visions. VLOUB— Patent, pw 100.f 2.00 Second, patent, per 100. AEo Straight, per 100. 2.25 TWtC100.*• Bolted, p*r hostel. co Bran, per too.10 00 Hill-feed, per ton. 10 50 liny. Ho. L. 2100 While, per busliel. 45 Yellow, pw Uualiel. 40 PEAS Olay.porbn. 00 Mixed “ 60 BIO COVPBE— Prime, perpoaud. 20 Good, per pound. 10 *SW5C-. » Granulated, per cwt. C50 B sugar per cwt . *.m SdKxC.#wt. 800 llnme, S. O., per ponnd. 121 Shoulder*, 8. <!,, per pound... 10 Side*, 0. It., per 100. C LAUD— Ceceponod, per pound. <u .«*'• Spring Chickens, each.. 13 Grown otiickena, each. 25 VKGTABLK8 BTC Sweet potatoes, per bushel.... 00 Iriali potatoes, per bueliel. 73 Applet dried, per poend. 3 Peaches, dried, per puuod. 3 Btaekberrlea, dried, pw lb.... « Cabbage. ttorhU.. 3 Hooey per pound. Ill Beeswax, pw pound. 30 COCK TUT MIODOC*. X. C. IIam, par pound. li X. 0. *Mduo, pound. ft X. 0. Sbouldrm, pur pound... 0 X. C. Urd, pur pound?.. lo Bailor. per pound. 1ft Bftftn. P« r Aouun. 1m Heats Vro Idr» pork, prr pound. ft DhwiJ, pur pound. Add Burf, on Coot, pur |*u«(l. 3 BnuT, drruoort, pur pound..,.. i MuUoo, onftauCMuS. lM »• uir am* nrir as mm.*. *%• ■*•"!• ta»li |WI> Mr Mol* Rimmim taw a* I* l»rl*r MM IX4M. Oo*4Mt<1 mM rM >o)kik uiooi }**y1.1*"•*» ni^ElT I >Mm2 *ith«r3 tflotw* •» MMMfu to nut **y.*f*t*M MtoNp Mnul >r MMji citrn k^kk«t to Eotixll Mtf Mill HUM bg ^ITTf 11 lilt. WITIWtetonl. I -- j "iiorocmAPHa Aojr Urn r* amt torn aUrn of a pmu«« «uai> «p u VMS Uwfct* rttaukw wartc at ENLARGING ■ ALSO - MN8. > KlIAMING Uoa CUtfMt up. Qrt Mod MMVtMa yon wiifa aay*hloi In ay Moo. J. B. Beakd, ••■':, «Vv& i.MgbtogudNfc . B L CABROLL, MOtlUlM uiimnw, ~c* *"1 r 1 Mu ami l>t lata— aa4 Una --r Alwafa ra IM Oaat Uaa MM —■rr^.r Mortgagee’s Sale of Laid. SELLING AT COSTS On tho diet of September we will make i change in Mr Arm, and M . . FRIDAY. JUNE 5. . . Wc will begin our COST SALK. Tb* great** opportunity to bay DRY HOODS, SHOES and MILLINERY at Absolute Cash Price* erer offer*] in Gnatoula. nakf uo umtlou at.t. mlim± m*. trn ■■■« -rite .bout quality. The public, «£*S£l&weM ** *° 3RIS IS A SPOT CASH SALK. AJ.L GOODS CEAUUUD WILL DJi jxL SECULAR PRICES. WTCome early and get flmt choice. __ A. C. WHAIAXSOK & Co. FlourS Floors Floors Bread Is the Staff of* Do You Eat Bread t W*hare Mm flour that will aak« Mm bra*, and wa wish non -- -■ lo dud it oat. Just Think of It! Wb can tell you a flour that U almoat aa ore# lifter for •3.00. Cunt* and n ua when you want flour. We keao GOOD PI OUR, BETTER. PLUUR. BEST PLOUR , Costner, Pograui, Jones & Co. “HALLOA CENTRAL! HALLOA!" Yes, we are Central to Everybody. Wo connect yoe with all the Northern a* —— by Mowing you their leteet roeuaTbi ' 2p*«Mt pm<loctiatM are waft* hrtnoar a2K£«aent! by each recurring brecro of iatbioa. which in cloeeat touch wlUi the world** beat ** 80 far our buaioea* iu 1A00 bee been ter better then the preorrdlng year*, bat we don't toiler* la the oW • LeMlug well encash It «uc<nd enough for our forefather* but net for na: that’e why *•**• trying to better ycetarday. * Toata, GRAY and LOVE. in m There Baa Been ** dc<5§lufc in prlCM IMOQ2 TTMinnfirtyr#r> nut IaUm We Have Taken Ad vantage I •fthe aituatton aud ara tiling ear atom wttt ttwao -■_ a**r« aooda, and prupeaa to fflra our eaaUiaera Um fall baaaOk Our Superb Line of Clothing to netting wUl. wonderful («**-. « fc . h •t«r tonal; lutftwtd turn ettr aav pwloj*- m. glr. tun.tiee tovbto Aw aider hat Joet Iwe |<twnl »IU oar taiunfteiunna for panther .Me neat of Mwat M;IM U>W.?Hl< KD aalta. ^ I MOEftlS BROTHERS

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