«r. iB.fti, Qalnwn. r. iM of aw oatriet -to Met wttbta M aaydMa frier to tha “Jional eoavenUoo, ttaytaearpon of aaat S - ■ 1 U a thoeghtbeet to bare of eaiMMatea. the caa wait | cooven t to Beaieti at the tine of of the State eenveotloa, ■aatioa eea eteet Megatea. ta followed tha aotberiaed their > ta the Mata jaMagataato --Thta was the a the fearth gietriet that the executive —a’sssrvjsjs Ksrsssrjfc** * H*?"* «a»tet ooaveo a» • firing notioe la the Of hoUUoK ta tha way avoid of the ptaee of ‘ altar their very truly yean, Janae m. Pot. nixiuT. Atnnmtort meeting there ataU, baton M«dM to Um taws ship MM oMnlj coovanUnus oro e tented. bo twt^tobiBfta tbo dltareot oandt snoootod, aad tto dsteattmitaU vote la tto townablp aad county conm. Utoa Itotr eoppoottre precincts ia ae toega— wltk this vote; that la to aey. SMboaodldute stoil rsosiso la Um Uswwsilpacil county aoavsntieae that pmpc rtMa at tto you to which tto P—loot aaty to eatitted which bo re •fttod to tb* preelect meeting. Tto toali—aad as artery of tto ptacnsot aesetlag stall osrUfy to tb* township •od aaaaty ooovention* tto Yoto re ••tYod |p oaob eaadldata at tto preotast msstlra 7. Saab pswaet stall to sattUod to esat la tbo eonaty eaaYYnttoo om veto toe every twnoty-dve Democratic votes, and oos vote for fraction* of tbirtsoo Democratic votao esat bp tto precinct at tbo bMt prsosdlrf guber ■atoriel slootlea: Provided, That every voting proeloot shall be entitled toeastattsaetoMvoto. aad seeh pre « 8. Tto chain—of precinct ooa» ss liters aban preside at all preoiaot a—tings. In their absence soy other member otaald eoamtttesMay pro* oockty ASLD DtaraiuT convex no xs. . 1. Tto aararal eonaty oonveotlona atoll to saUUed to elect to their— a torial, jedieial aad CTDgrsesInwsl eoa —tiotM on delegate ata one altareoto tor every ftfty Dsmooratlo rotes, and owe defrgate tor fractions at ovor twvoty-Bv* Dsmoorstlo votes. eset at the lest orassdlag gubernatorial eieo tioa la their respostlvs ooo rules, aad now* bat dais gates or «Ue mates so •tooted abaU to entitled to seats la said oocvsatioa: Provided, That every ooaaty shall havs at least one rota ia oaob of said conventions. At SYOty prsotact Mating tofote datogatss to tto township coo recti on aad at ovary eonaty ooemotion, be for* dr legates to Utsto. Congression al, JodtetaL, Senatorial or other ooo renttoas are cboeso, there shall boa re*e taken tor Um dtOsrsot candidates for ottoe, whose naaeo may bo pre sented, sad tb* delegates stall vote tbalr respective prec loots aod eonatMe to aeoordaneo with this vote: that la to say, oaob candidate stall roeslve in tbo State, Congressional, Judicial, Senatorial, or other conventions, tto yaoportlon of tto vote to wbteb tbo Ibnto assy to satitled which to re ared to tto coaatjoomcatl.ro. and in township ooo vsnt ions to shall torn bis proportion of tbo pneioot vote. Tto ohalrmen and sootoUty of tto preeiect or county ooovsntloo stall osrtlfy to aoeh cooren lion the vote roosivsd by snob ceodidate at tto precinct or euoaty suovoeUon. and no other in atrwcUee Stoll to given: Provided that where only doe candidate is presented it atoll bo lawful to Instinct tor him. At all Sethi aad district, county and township conventions tbs delegate* from tto didtereat oountiss and voting preolneta may disregard tto vote of tteir respective eouoUse or voting pro dneu so to any oaodMate, provided two third* majority of ail his votes from Um oounty or voting pisoiocte ooo—to thereto. 1 The chairman, or, Inbisatoeooe, •ny Motor of tto eoanty, Sanatoria!, JadMal andOongrossionai committee!, stall call to order ttair raspecUvs oon motions, and bold chairmanship there ofuntil tto eoamsiUon atoll elect iu 8. The executive oommtUess of Ui* senatorial, eongrewtonal and judicial 4 lot lists, respectively, stall, st tbo call of ttatr rospeotl vo chair sen, meet at so— time aad pi— la their respective districts designated la (old tell. And It aball ta tbalr doly to appoint the Uaae aod pb— for toMlag eonvootloos to tbalr rsapeoUva district*; and tto etMUmso of said rasp I stive commit tees stall immediately notify the chair man of the different oenoty eseeulive oommiltees of tto said appointment, aad tto said eoanty executive com mittees Shall forthwith call cooverv | tons at their respective counties In cootormlty to oM notice, to send dete nte* to sold respective district ooo statu wrvnrno*. Tbs 8Uts oosvosUoa shall to oob ponod Of delegates appointed bjr the seesral county eoswetio**. Kadi onsnty atoll to entitled to aleot oos delegate aad oaa altercate for every oos hundred aad fifty Democratic votes, aad oos delegate for fractions SCOT seventy-five DwsoeraUa votes, sack ttorda at tto last preceding gubernatorial eteotlen, and nose bat rtltsgctis ac altercates so decked shall to entitled ts seats la add eonvsatlr a: Provided. That every sosaty shall have at least one vats Id said weraa. eniML apt as. L At all dsnsilou tbs dslagates shall to selected, ss aaar as stay to, frees tbs friends and mppecten of tto of fc at _, (1* ts oast the wtolovotstocrbtcti their ^wseiaet or eouaty BMg to a. fe«n «m«wUom imiMfwi bn* 4MM la fotlif precincts tod MimmllWia bam bn elected tor warn tesetoets; tba aararnl County 5"*w committees are hereby re fueated to appalnl, aa soon as prmcubi*. asmmtOaM ter sash new precinct, supnlsilat sbnsrrr practicable the la era tors of tbaoM township commll tostdoat in the new precinct*. Tbs eeoMnittera tbas appointed wilt •mm aattl their saaoeseon shall be daotad. which should be at the lint gmetnet meet tog hereafter bdd. ^ jAmrns IL Poc. Cbalrasan State Deux. Si. Com * Time hr tanrtixMlu. MaauOKhuan- Ucoord. An undercurrent of IndusUial »c tlvltv prevails la the tjouUi today Wbwi Is »ot percept!Me to tho general oobtie. To tboae ouuvereant with Southern condition!, however, this activity makes Kielf known in molt. If hot all of the Southern tJutua, The water-power aita* aud other localities wham textile mill* might he operated to adv ml age era being quietly but thoroughly examined by Northern prospectors or experts In their employ. The many towns and villages wbkb are, to uaa a eoamen expression, "looking op” in the South are weekly eMtad be alreogera, who are inquiring about the prtorn of property, the traai portatloa facilities, Mid uaioalatiog epon the oppoitualtlee afforded for esfaldlehlng business enterpriser ktneh of tbe available tend eultablo ter eeloalee ie being Inspected by in dividuals or delegations representing woald be aettlm. Naturally, tho political distractiou ha* caused uncertainly U the oom aeteial world, aad a large amount of capital which would undoubtedly be Invested in Uila section Immediately to withheld until tbe country roaches a decision on the political question. It •• * Hat* of examination amt iuveattgn Uoo la this particular Held, and the cfeanoca are that when the aspect uf politics elves place to business marten, thare will b* a remarkably large num ber or antarpriaea aUrted as the resait of the visits of the Norther n prospec tor* who have recently gone south of the Potocoaa and Ohio rivers in such numbers. YVbUa tire report* to the Jhauftdnwv' Brco. il from us corro spoadenta iudreate that there to com paratively Unto falling off in tb* aver age camber of new projects, wo feel that a very deoidad Increase can cat air be predicted during 1307, and the best of it to that all inch Investment! will be made after tbe most careful consid eration. Too often money is placed been and there without calculating tbe proper outlay which must be made be fore the projector* can succeed. Funds are exhausted; creditors take# tiie as sets, and the news Is apread that an other "boo them boom project baa MOiurd." But with oapitul conserv atively Invested, there U no reason why It should not be snooemfnl, and In the eed the Mouth may have reason to feel that the present time of waiting will be a benefit rather than an injury, aa it will as us* investors to makebaste slowly sod to take advantage of Its opportunities lu a business-like man ner. ■terefs fwMrin MmM. Xacu(tctufm' Secure. Someone bu bean Aguring out Ure extent of lb* bicycle boelocM, and white it la poaxiblo that tike sla'.lstics given are rattier nigh, It cau Ua readily shown that at leant some of theta arc not much overdrawn. This authority •etimsus that tbe bicycles now In use have coat their owners i300.WXJ.OOf*. and that there are A3U fnotoriw. with *n aggregate uipital of SGO.CWO.OUO. but tola Is pcnbably incorrect. It is ■aid that, taking the coat of tbe wheels In use. the capital Invested In their manufacture, end the capital in tho retail trade, npwsrds of <400,000.000 is represented, and that ovoi 130,000 heads are employed. Granting that these statistics may be overdrawn, they are near enough correct, to emphasise the magnitude of this Industry, sad to show tbe impor tance of the South giving more atten tion to It. Tbe bioycte is here to stay. Tho present eraxa may not Inst, bat tbe number of wheels lu uee will hard ly deeruase. The bicycle Is tbe fore runner of good road*, and the build ing of good roans will open up a held for tbe use of horseless vehicles, to be operated by electricity, oil or utlisr motors. Tbe bt cycle and wuguu fac tories will Io a few yoors be adding the manufacture of horseless vehicles to tbslr output, and tbe South should hava Its share of these great industries. This vast business Is probably In its infancy as to magnitude, though tire proflu may not eoatlnur as extrava gantly large aa heretofore. Tire growth of this Industry soil what a bteycte factory may become' are Illus trated hi the history of a factory lu Usgarutuwa. This factory was tho outcome of tbe much abused land com pany. It arts started no a small scale, •ad. srs Pullers, was Induced to umre to Hagerstown by a boons offered by s land empsny. That was ..bout four Of nee years ago. This factory bow ••ploys shout 1TOO nwu. and Is pre paring to open a branch In Eornpe. A rseaat visit to Atlanta seemed to show more bicycles, lu proportion to population, than even Washington, end yet tbe entire central booth luss never yet ssade a bioycte. Atlanta is preparing bow, aa recently slated Io the Jfa’iuf’aelin'irf' Btm.il, to establish tea flret wheal factory, Uit Charlotte, Nashville, Knoxville. Hlrmtogbam, Nsw Oris*as, Chattanooga and other ptacea ooght to Rady the possibilities of establish! a| factories ... A Wichita. Kansas, man has had a girl arrested for throwing ktests at Him. Thh girl wa* ugly and tha wsa's wM» happeaad to be wKh him at the time. T»« UmtanC Urn. Kw*i Tbowu, of JmucMom Oltr. 11L wm told by iwr doctor *ho bad Omwumptlon mod tbst Uwre wm ■a linpe for Mr, hat two UtuIm, Ur. XHm* Mew dtaearory muiplttHy eared h«r and aba aacM her lib. Mr. Thea. Kg»era, MU Klathht rtl ax* Kranciaoo, eofcrod from a dreadfal it la ntooralljr tliaekfal. It raaalte, of whhdi tbeen ar» ___ Ibat prom Uro wonderfnl of. SSaSfifE&i: .?«&■» iSarasr “■* ■—1- ■“ Tk«jr an lvw nilMri-A MM dam Wofueogsewkw. "Tto doctors oarer forget to charge, and nlne-teolts of Ihaaa aars beooma rich off of the poor people, and oora or no cars, the pay is sQ tto aama; sad not only so, woi ot them oannot go to •aesuSariog Ml after night. Id them lire or die. People seldom and for s doctor unless they need him and he •booId go. If possible. Our ahystelass expect pay sad they should tore it, and there ought to to a law unacted that doctors should ba required to at tsed calls at si) hoars or their license taken from them and not be allowed to tnde with drar human lift as they often do.” The foregieg ia taken from a cor rvspuadenee to tba Stanley BnUi•prim ot Seat week and Is a portion of aa srtlela, tome pssrU ot whiob are merito rious. but tor downright "tommyrot,” (gooratios aud prejudice we will put that little jingle of words against the world. Did the cortrepoodant weigh hie words 1 DM to tore any Mae of what ha was saying f We don't know what maimer of men to Is, hat tto pursgreob referred to sounds very much like the rattling talk ot one of those fellows wbo had rather talk than listen, though Hhakaapsare wsss the maker aad human nature his theme. We say this advisedly, for tod the gentleman stopped for a moment aad oouaidsred he would tore seen the error of hie statement. No elaaa of men do mure charity work than do pbyatalaas. They under go privations, hardships and annoy ances unknown to them outside the profession. Where la tba ph jaiolan in thia conn try who baa baooma rich off of the poor people r Where is the physician in this section who Is rich off or anybody ? Tba physician dooa more charity work than all other cIsaacs combined. Often he gets out of bed on « cold night sod rides for miles to see s patient wbo be knows la to poor to pay and from whom ba never expects to reeeire a oent. Tbe doctor is blasted with thlugs beyond hit or ho men oontrd, and if tbe patient recovers oftentimes Uw friends and relatives with long faces and ungrateful hearts and In mockary of thanksgiving, nay: “His recovery was a wonderful display of divine power;” bat. If the patient dies, those, uforeaaid relatives are mighty quick to •ay, "Wall, tto doctor might tore done better. It stent to ns." Aad thus uDtbsnked, unpaid, worn out with a hard Ufa of toil the faithful doctor trudges home one day and never goes to see another patient. Ha stretches bit wearied, prematurely worn out form on bis eoooh and ia never called to dreg Ms weary frame ap and away oyer rough roads, through winter's cold or summer's tost, for he make. surrender to that grim power he has fought so long sod goas down in that oblivious gloom where all the prostrate ranks of men crowd without fellowship. Ill* administrator Sods thousands of dollars on bis books uncollected and uncollectabte aad not enough of this world's goods left to kasp the wolf from tbe door of hit larvivtog family. No, aij: you are entirely off whan you my that "nine-tenths of lbs doc tors gst rich off of the poor people.” The average physician's rlotos oooaist not In this world’s goods but are of deed* of mercy he Lias done, sod they shall cot be forgotten. The poor, tha fatherless, the widow, sod tbe outcasts of earth shall rise up and call him blessed, whom you, In your Ignorance or your prnjudtoe, ooodemn aa being grasping and a robber of tbs poor. A Ulg rifhi #f*r a Big »4mwto«rrjr. Ot MTV U . Martha Williams. Mag Koake, Ua 3 Blackmau, Jessie Blackman, Daisy orton and Georg iso ua CarpanUr. all colored, were tried Toeedsy evening before Bquire Overby and field, for fighting Friday morning they were picking strawberries In Mr. w. D. Smith's patch on Haymount, whan the elz at the same moment spied n strawberry, described by cae of the wllnssem to bayo been a Mg as a guinea egg. A almliitnoeous diva was made for the moDHer. Six kinky heeds tramped together at the seme time, bat Daisy Horton happened to lend with her mouth ou the pnas, sad without much troublo caused It to disappear. Mar ti w Williams, the bell-wether of the dock, tried to shake it out of tbs gill's mouth, bat loo Iste; It was out of slgbt. Becoming Infnriated, she slapped tbs girl, whereupon the Itock paired off sod a general bettlr ensued, and raged all day with varying suc cess. When a trace was called there were many ugly scars to be oouated. souvenirs of brisk bats, finger nails, tin bucket* and muscular demonstra tions generally. Tfe* Mala ■•>»*« Mb tpftrftto. Mott rue Journal, It’* wonderful bow • fallow’* *plriU ■ay Im helped up err down by aJreuB ataooea. Mr. laaao Bates Mil* a food etory of a colored naaa wbo line on hi* place, whloh show* that Ui* weath er al*o had a good deal to do wttb It, too. The young man referred to is hardworklag, but like* to dree* well on Suoday. The oilier * ran log, be fore tbe rain, he called oo Mr. Betas to buy a pair of pasta. Mr. Bata* •bowed bin two pair*, ooe for n.75 and ooe for ML00k They were looked over carefully sod ike boyor *ald he’d like mighty well t* here tha bee* pair, bat the weather wae so dry It looked hke there wee going to he a abort arop, ao he’d bare to taka tha cheap no**, which he did. That sight the rain oaoe. Bright and curly the next nrarnlog the purchaser wae oe band at Mr. Betas’ with the pent* he had boeghttheday before. “Well. hoc*, her*’* d*B breeebae, *lac* It* mtaedl goes* I’D lake do 8? pair. “UitiMMr wbU* attartlof Mart kt Uiiloatowa." nn D. B. Mm, a promlnoot drn«giat of F«y«Ma City, fk- ‘tbfM wftotMM war* MBwtoa tmm dUrrhoM. t .n gaM a tan of Cbaabartala** Cofla, Chaim art Dlarrboasttonady «od It far. lam dUu raiw. Os tk* way boat oat of ay Mifkbom waa ukts with a kmra •rawp tn tba ktoraaeb and was tartar laf wUb lalttM niaa. I fata bla a &ya&urtjsris ■tarty laa fatarllt hara. I bsowof ■^TWbo art Mwr wit boat *. I al yy ,uy 1 *.«<** a* rteisstu away — T?i *"•*'** Z Cm> THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our home*. Use ell care to keep the little one* in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. Yon can overcoma their troubles with Dr. King’s Royal Germetoer. They all like to taka it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. IF Sold by Dreggiele, now package, large botUa, 10« Dom, One Dollar. Manufactured only by Tie JUlnti Ctenkal Co., ilkiti, Gl W«Ba to M-tofe M, UU rrm. For eale by Froea Torrence A Co> Executor’s Notice. Tim imlMltol b*rln* qna'IOod M«UUI tor tutor thalaat *UI aod teat laitnt of C* Mata B. (tomato*. docaaaad. NAa of floatnn oomtep. B. Avoid Risk by hooding joor nawapopor suboerip Uona to a H. Carroll at tho I*oat OOca. Any Subscription ftmcurded at Mini mum Cott. Subscriptions to landing newspapers sod magi aloes of this and foreign countries forwarded direct to pop listers on dajr of reoetpt. Some Specialties: LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. N. C. PRESBYTERIAN. A. R PRESBYTERIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. Attaints Safety flaaraiteed R. H. CARROLL, Agnt CH8STIKILKMIR I. 6. RAILROAD. ■ausni a«w casiicnsss ns •met saata sue ties. U. W. y. HAIH'KK, Prank)ant. _•2*£? _I Wo.fl. I R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GASTONIA. N. a H«Tinc retired from tcUre connection with the Beal Manufacturing Com ply. I oow offer my eenrtcea to the public for all kleda of BUILDING arul CONTRACTING. Carwful Attention given to Erection of Cottagoe and Pina Reeidenoea. Cotton Mill Work a Specialty. Myself and ay workmen having tad from 10 u> SO yoers’ experience, and ay personal MPwvtatoa being given to each contract, 1 am prepared to eseouto ui ciaaeee ol bonding eonlrsota and to insure entire Mlkmctlon thereon. Correspondence solicited. L. I> Jiasnras, Pruidtnt. E. 8. 1>»okax, CdsMer. First National Bank, OP GASTONIA, N. C. State and County Depository. OOMMEIOED BTT8TNU88 AD8D8T 3, 1880. «“> uem- Soef • rfWInr *« PaTtrr»r*'~v ouro* f, OtnmaaMitTy ■£ B M«i i ‘fT. Of *^»l« >Vw*S, _ li.*.l.Vt;,\V»L3fiUfci»t Lml vitality. KtpUr H.OMR. Jlivnv IrapOWM/ tNj NMtMf QIMMN fl»MU try fCutKfuirrr^rt c+tttt+r*. CoiUuimiviilkMi. l*a ImIo sr d fe.'rw* baiy^r. AlaftMth^NOoPltf plusp. c*rr;**11'lTT'Mpr'Swl. •* p*fb««i • f^r Br \rlLk • wr(tun ^rwnwyiMB^nWii t*rlt« ^fW« rs25fevrcuwS>£Ji?. •xzzvusi —Ukl-kiM liwinffar t—■■■ nif n'r«*luh»0««>inta,K.C-«fcFCCuinr * K *X)iXJJY.Dn»tiut». County Convention. By order of the Democratic Execu tive Committee of Gattoa county, a convention la hereby called to meet In Dallaa on Sitirdij, Jue 13, 1191, at 1 M. ■harp, for the purpose of appointing delegatee to represent Uaftou county In tbe State, Congressional and Sena- | torial conventions, and for aucb other and further busineas ae may properly come before aald oonventlco. THE PRECINCT CONVENTIONS are hereby directed to be held on Seturday, June ft, 1896, at 2 o'clock P. M., at all tbe voting precinct* In ■aid oountjr. These meeubn are tor tbe purpoeo of appointing delegatee to tbe said county oouveution and to elect PRE CINCT executive commit tees as laid down in plan of organl zalion Hot out by Stale Executive Committee. John O. Kan kin, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. May 7. 1896. Win. H. LEWIS, —ATTORNEY-AT-LAW— Gastonia, N. C. Practices wherever his terriers are required. G. F. BASON, —X TTOMflf Y A T LA W— No. U l ow KlaUdlng. CHARLOTTE, N. O. Will practice In oil ibu fiUtc and UbM«h1 Stales ouurtu, and will »m eUstnu ai any point cm lbs rnJIruatla. In Gascon. Lincoln, and Qenlind ooivnUaa. dff. & M&MSUM, —A TTOUSH Y-A T-LA W— OASTOHIA, vf. C. Will practice in the court! ot Qitsto.t anti adjoining counties and In Uin Federal Court#. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the power of aale contained In a nortaie dead executed to A. K. Iluniuticy by J. K. BummIU. wbtuh mortgage Owed M duly recorded In Bona M. pa ire 4«, In Ike ottca or the HogtMar ot D—dsTor Baatun County, H. (,•„ and which mortgage ft—1. togethia- who the note wtauh Itacrurof. b—bran aaetenod ami traMfarrwd to inn b> the—Id A. It, HeaoMey, 1 wtll geU to thg btgtMtt tedder tnr oath. at public auction, at the Court lluueo dnnr In Delia*. N. C., at the hour of 1* of clock, M , <>u latafday Ihraetb day af nay, lane, ail thoundlvliJod Intorcat of J. f. Hommlti In tficl»adtofht* deecaard father, flctiry Rnm ■aitr. which Interest conalau of car eeruitb of all tnc •—I i»taiu he rho —U1 SnmnilU neiud .at hit death, to-wit: tlm Irnmn tract on which Amanda MumlaHi now Uvea add In whluh eho ha* her dower, rental nlng about lOI anre*. which trace of land adjoin* the uindt of Drl IlnaarA lArrnuT Uw fumto ot J. f. Mlrwup, dec's, and other* ono ether inaa Known a* the Smith land* oonialnlng about mama, on which Bctderwe now krea a*W tract adjoining tho land• of Widow Ktadrui and otbcni: now other tract of about ePacreo kauwnaa tho fetor Dellinger piauc. w tar eon flak Surataiu now liven and which Joint the landtofMra, Jane MuOInn— and other*; one outer tract mown a* tho Drown tarda, containing about US ■ f, on which Mr*. rand* now llroa, adjoin ing I he Made of Mr*. McGinsn, Mr. Menu and other*,—for coume and dtaianaa* rnfrr cnoo ana be made to the deed* conveying the land* to Henry Munuultt by the different par. Mae who —nreywtf to him four Iowa iota In tho lawn or onerryviUc. M. C.ona know* — tho Hrnpa lguonwlleh Lee Mummttl now Uvea which contains about time aervt, on* other lot known aa tho Unbardt lot on whig# I-ollo Uhdhdtl nww lirut aoutafnlatr one auto atom or ha. o— other town lot tuomn—the jrhi nuuoe lot, ndjntniuw the let ot Jamae Hi nitre and •Shore, our other known a Un lot where Dr. Delve lived, containing one ten* tunic or ■at; and afi other land* which lb* raid J. f. Auiwmttt bwe any tutor**: in M an heir of Bmri Ammwilll dcicaul. Thi* aale wta a made to tattety Urn note which Um mortgage above rcferrwl to aocuiwa, darault I* the payment at wMch not* ha* horn ”lv M. imutiua Aaatgntn of Mortgage. H. fa Durham, Aftnraay. TU* tho las day of May, MNL A. L HERNDON, Tonhorial Parlor -hmwlt rerrwo ur in Corner Boom Y. M. 0. A. Bonding, Klrmt-claee Workmen Km ployed •Ml Yli it-clem work OiMrnnteed. ul u 1J |S I V) u > o w T o RIPANS The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Citrea the common every-day ills of humanity. I Cotton. With careful rotation o( crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti lizer containing sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. L.'sc fertilizers contain ing not less than 3 to 4% Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against “ Rust.” Our air M .i'wiUhi* circular* Smi a* k»i I nrj% rut rim pen rural wwti. . ntu*n •'* * hr rsvJ'. t */ I • Momt1n.11 mi iku line. h»«l rtm't'f timer *lx«ud i>«r« r. C»fT ITicy mo* fmv far tl*« a«lh(, CIJUIAK KAU Wt »BK\ •| K«Mitu ft. . N«w Y«fi. W. II. HOFFMAN, —D&NTI87— 0AST0N1A, - - - - K. 0. V onion over First National Back. THE NEV YORKTIHES. TMl T1H» is a newspaper for IriLHllamt ifliu and woman who want to read all ih* nrwa of tbs world every day. Tbn paper has dio ttn^wv-hliur merits of Ira own. It la neither aa-tusdionaJ nor dull. It ia not soor-tataparsd. Iluwjt blrolom or visionary. Ii ms pkmty of nnul in tbw world an.l tdia about it, it i«Ua of th« bad when a must, but not un wholesome ly. It prints with ruUnra* the record or human endeavor In many ddds outtlas of biMtnaas. politics, and war—In ) iterator*, rvttsrtnn, •doom, srt, sports, sod Uuuaahokl matter*. Ko paper n tbo oouili y print* so many boo* r« news and an muon boo* unm No paper has sooocaplotea financial paga a daily maauai for investor* and oCheers of financial InsUiti liana. Its rraifcat ropoi-ia— wool, enUon, bread stuOt, form products, *o.-am Uto bo* In tbo country. Tha tXanucraoy of Till. T1*B3 in of the old. fashioned sort—at old as Thomas Jctfsrmia; majority rule, nobnaKtam. no machine lyrtui ny, the divorce of poiukw from private money* ms*ina, a souim) cinrauey, industrial atnanot patluo, and syrry-dsy bonasiy. To promote the advance of the Democratic Party atony thcac Lines It labors with heart, rvud •onooUvma and all ]»• ivbcht, THE IEW-YOBK W8BILY TIMES. Tb«*il»rHpHo» prl of I'UE KMW-YO&X WliBKI.Y T1MUS U DIR DOLLAtt u your. TPK WIEKlit TuiBfttft—piiil DfwttupM, le Ortmoiu. nil tbe tmrrwit now, owiilvnuxi friK* ttio dljipato**, »tul rrpoiu or Uw toll, ditlnu, Ukdtt Utcnu> tnnircr, dkOD—O). up on urbmltaril topic* hy pmctlcBl firovn, full uxl uutk Bum rvpoita ut urtocw for ram yroduae, live .ock, bt. —d a cun?lully prv l—njrt u-By wool OUU1UK. gguBCIUTOOK MATH*. ^Hth 011U0MT. WUi. witlKHil Hnmlay... edition . Hneiaca prepaid in all point* in Um t'olted Max*, Canada, and Mtaloo. nucpl In Saw Tort Clip, whom iho pcatnae * 1 a«nl por 1 n *d otbur cnuntrtaa, I ounta par eopy p*» day. payable by Ibu aafaoorlbar. THU TIM KB will ba lent to any addrrae In Bomba, poatajm Inoladud. lor *1*3 par taeulH. Tba (yMran ol aubarrfbrra nil] ba ohanwod aa often aa drain*) la or>urta*a ehancaotad droa both the old and the now tvVIreai MU)IT ba <1»en. Oubla adranoo alprayi- Konaituooaa at tba ■M of tbr taibaorlbar. unfma a.ado by Harm lervd Latter, Chart, Mouay Ordar,or He prow order. payable) to "Tba Now-Tort Tieiaa Pnb Nebln* Company." Addraae all eoraiuueloetioae tbur THE BBW-TOHK TIMM, FTtotlo* Houee Square, How-Tort Otr. K. Y. NO MORE EYE-GLflSSFS. I lj»«{ MITCH EU/S eye-saave AM* (tA*M4MtrUii *»«1 4f Ijf SORE, WEAK #mJ INFLA«£'j EYES, l»r', „riJ ■Nfcriiif i»« 0l#M •//.' a *IA Cure* Tw f>T^», flnurult! I*n. R|n Tn«»r»,n»4Ejin, HkUr4 UjaI^Immi, A“,R.'WafiH.%tSu*'' i i2~3~ nniMtlMi x Ian, >H«y b mX x M OOT1