THE GAZETTE. . ctctwoat. ivut The KaeablicJu nominee for Coa rlo tl>»* district If > aaoorrdly an 1 character. The Int h»p t«f U» BruaMcs made after ft? otter day was to tett Ue tariff aad tt!o *Stoi •;-v • It Mad not bo wooed ten that tte rood ted !a CUB to Boo ooadltion •«* tteft tha tariff aad annoy got*. V ttaawateni whirling atoag with tte r%tea«war. Ling to seared. Ha «MU|tMMg noor; to know some pbo by which be ootid toot Uii purple Woyaraehodla to ■to. I Jte.w<4 woo amg tho S aad oggrosoNa of . . n* la oaoootuoa to tree ooloogoofaDtar at tbo ratio Of Wtol. After Um Chicago ooevoo Moalt wont to twnptog around aad l tote oontortad. Last Twee tewerer, it pnbltohed l la sptaadtd spdrlt dedarioy l while after rarefol deliberation it tali of tbo ptattona, it . > t> giro aa saraost t to tin Democratic no taint**. Otter editorial matter ea tte same nm todtoelee that It tea ahead? tegaa to note good He word. The Journal taker trouble B little hard, ba* once to tte ffcbt It eo " Itself Unt lie toes may well tad I to have, for Ltolr ... , Um they eould lad Uao to eany o«t rally. Tta A* aoafatlva did tta tadnai thing for itaaUln tta election to tta pmhtency at Mr. B. B. Clark, of tta Stalesvlllr Landmark, who fey gealaa aad train log la a thorough nuwspaper mac, oce who atoms both to tta quality of bio ■ Wo rial aad saws columns nod In tta •vary gaga ttat ho has a blgh'aLd worthy ideal of tta dignity of tbs oatltog. Wo eoagrataisto upon tta howor; wo coo tta tasoclatloo upon its d rare good fartime. -i of Caldwell. as wall _-1 to tta Cosgissaloaal --praottoully unanimous in favor of W. M. Bower tor Congress, aad ta wffl bo pnsentcd as a candidate VItt QOtttdttOtftod enthusiasm Ottanof dUttaotioo are aspirants, g«95^ajgc,as Wauaga. tta Bsosociatio unwilmaa tor Judge of this district to IttM; n. K. Usokstt, the talented young Demo crat of WlBws; 4. K. LewoJlya. of Sony. Democratic eloctor In Wiaad STSUSSE^SS tom vritt tba oocalaatlcm. AO of ttaaa are worthy sms. aad Use and t™ 7'11 •* Bovwrtbekai wa saying that tta i ” • ■■ ®w CwolHlTIal|| DJ mailable oaadMata la Mr. lalftoastta Decoocratio nominee tajtodo a splendid flgbt aad was floated tg a plurality that under tta eimasasteneea was phsnomasat Ills nasvd while a arntw of tbs Urd W was aoand aad toralnsrsbls. aB tta great questions, that ted In that Congress Ms .and his votas wars In fell ac wtthtta plsdgss of tta Demo party sad tta orathaaato of •tool tta people. Bo loto aud withal tta raoat it of tta stiver aeatl NMue «rmm at tbs ntru. gry'hrrt electoral college win ooo W» 447 *04ox. -The on wbo goto as 894 cf than will be elated pmnrtsnt Canyoa count spas scan? as 291 for yasu MB? At any rateIt la httarost iogtoouaaMer mao of tho asttaatos now is lit* piper* Tto Philadelphia Tbmtt, a bolting fold-standard paper, Ogaies on the malt about aa tol leer*;— CXATAIS sex 31CXUTLSV. (taBMtsaul, a New York. X Delaware, 9 l’eunsjlvanU, 39 MaLat, • Abode Island 4 JjMTMii 8 VeraoBt, 4 lfaott ah usetu 13 wuoonaln, 19 Minnesota, 8 _ Jse Ifanspehlre 1 Total, 148 Now Jersey. 18 la the erent that Dsoocnta aad Populists unite 00 a National ticket the following tie accounted an cxirrux won ax yaw: AJaherau, H Ntreda, 3 Arkausoa, 3 North Carolina 11 jMljxya, 8 North Dakota, 3 Oflwado, 4 South Carolina 0 Florida, 4 Texas, 13 fjWCKta. is i'tah, 3 iSXU,. I J ssss?1' ; ™- “• docbthl. *•»•> 18 Oregon. 4 Illinois, 84 South DxkoU, 4 [ Mbw, 14 Tennessee, la Kaaju. 10 Virginia, 13 Kentucky, is Watklegtoe, 4 3Kff !* ^ Total, 178 U will bo noted the* the Times ptacea in the dot *ul list scene states, Kentucky and kmoarl for I eats nee, that bare tarn and arc yet regarded by aaoat calculators an certain to rote tbe stiver ticket. Turning rroae the (Ongoing estl ■»l® of the bolting gold paper, we bare the ruaeate calculations of the •*l*er people In lb# following: CBRTAOt roa RBTAX. Atahsarn, 11 M nutans, ;t ££*2*' * Nebraska, 8 California, 8 North Carolina 11 Colorado, « North Dakota, 3 £2.rWia* °"WI. 3 0«wgta. 13 South Carolina, 0 J***. 3 Tran sang. 12 10 Texas, 15 Keatncky. 13 Utah/ 8 » Virginia, 12 ^*^“9’ 8 Washingtoa, 1 m 2** Virginia ft Si, xi w,ow,B*- _j Missouri. 17 Total. 33S DOl'lIfuu Illinois. 24 South Dakota. 4 Indiana, 15 _ Minnesota, 0 Total, 75 Ohio, 23 Tba Agiiraa Juai given were prepared at Democratic headquarters in Chicago •“d |twn out to tha press. The fol lowing then ts left as ckuxaik rou MUKtsksv: California, 1 New York, 3ft Oonnectieot, ft Orefon, 1 Delaware, 3 Pennsylvania, 32 Iowa. 13 Ithode Island, 4 Massachusetts, 15 Vermont, 4 Nevada, 3 Wisconsin, 13 New Hampshire 4 _ New Jersey, 10 Total. 144 Tbe strange thing abont this culco latioo Is the absence of Nevada from tba silver list, and another equally straoge thing is the pnssnoe of Maine upon It. Were are asking up tha silver estimate we should throw out Mains, Maryland, and Watt Virginia —20 votes—to McKinley and include Illinois and Nevada--77 votes—for ail' ver which would give Bryan 255 votes, to say nothing of what ha might get from the doubtful states. Bnt we tball all know more about It after the elartloc. «ur n a vtkxnuA A M-fmAr (MUM mr Uwtll -k«Una kk«u Smg ■ rew Umj% ni»k ■ k.UthM mm* «Mr Hum 'VrckfAke. mt The Owue UiTOX, July tB.-Uup is k oirn Itold-tiow it that t A torn days ago a little son of Mr. Bob Efltngtoo, who fauna Mr. F. W. Lceoer's ptaoution a faw miles below, caught a fins 15 poend earp out la the bottom among the corn with piteh fork, aad bad to eall far help to get it out. This Uetn shetild hart appealed last week while the water* wme oeerOuwlog. aad ap ta Uw high water mark, b wouldn’t then hart aeesaed so strange. Tbe mills at Me Adeaellto were shut1 down a few days loot week oe amount of high water. Mr. Hauler ttmto lias started up earning fruit and erwat.We* hem. Mtoe Laura McLean is visit!ug at Dr. BoWnaoa’e. Ber. M. T. ^fle goes to Kina'* Moenuln Thursday to attend the DMrlet Conference the remainder of the week. Preparatory eemmoeioa srmoao will ha held le the PieObyterleo ehereh here beginelug next Wrdeeeday a I gat. dome Of the Lowell people are mak ing nedy to attend tti» Honday Mobool Oewrthdoa which meete at Mew Hope tfVfBOf f C> W, ladigMtlrt pel sort are Ibebaaeof the dyapepUe’s life. When sick, tea Hjoor sickaeaa to fused by ladiges Urt potoene. If So, taka Maker Di aeatlye Ordlal. Thtoto the only ear tale way of baiag prrasnaeaUy cured, t* >•«•» «dr **T Ihwt gets fgyt Too knew Out tortesated food la potooooaa. Yve knew that potoan to nnbeahby. Abaft. «r ihgeetlee Cordial etoan the stem ach of far meal lug food, sad purl ••• the bleed aad ryeUm of ludi^toiY. Wlaeaa. It acres ladlmsttoe aad the dlitrtM Umt iu^n •( (I, IImuIimImi dtaamm. naweea. oremosh arfte, weak, arna. conat'peMeg, leas of WMliilWiklHr, tie Them are •&«*••*•*** .» !• SsSoZsfir * *■ I Atdra^.pHrtMlertUUm.oO FOR FEES COINAGE. V1L 1. LBWIB, EBQ„ DECLARES hobble. Urn dnAtl Mn4jr, It* hw* rwu4 U|kt-tVM W—a* II Haver JKajr rmwaUnri Mt t* tlw »•«» C«wng«t Ifx (He Thing fer the rwt meek Tb the Klw ef The Caavtte: I would bo glad through your rale •W« paper to tat my friend* know toy pnmt view* upon the leading issues with which wo aro confronted In thta Important oampalgn. But 1 want It andoretood Uet. la writing them sen timent*. I have no hone tor any oflea aadahaU seek none. There are too —T l*li',l.hl1 “Jkow. nod the people should always torn thorn down, sod “tat tbo otOee seek the man." I aa glad our Democratic Convention* an all taking thta wtaa and timely coum; for I feel an abiding Interest In tbaparty and Its continued suooess. With me, the money question has Itaeu bard to decide. I bar* lead and Itoteood to arguments so both sides of tba east: and In ay hnmbla Judgment, tbo verdict la In favor of Ms tm coin •r ids*. Brer since tba Act of 1873, psmed by a Republican Congress, there he# been a rapid absorption of tho looney of tb* country Into what wo call “tho mousy oen-rve.” The gold asn talk eloquently of “our par oapitO as Chough tb* cum of tba papio already have an abundance of ■»ow«y. The reasoning I* wroug; be cairn* it to baaed upon the Idea that there are no millionaire* to thta coun try. and that tb* money of tho coin toy to diatribe tad per-capita, aed to in circulation, among tb* people. Tho available money is (n tb* bunds of the thousands of mUlumalres of tb* coun try, and, while by the use of U, they are growing immensely richer, the ■aaeoe of tbo people north end south, ee*t and went, are boooaing poorer and poorer all the time for want of any money in their btuiaeaa. It to evident that something to wrong with oar oonntry or Ms lew*. Tt* people know it, beeaaee they see it ***** fed it. It is no longer a question of “rinariord" with tb* people of tho oonatry; but it is m question of iuo»<«. to hat dees w poverty stricken people ear* for tba “p*W ttundard," or the "•river •tanda.-d” ? U we were all millionaires, such questions might late rest as; but we are hardly iieirey beta*. and must therefore conOne our thoughts to those tlilags which com ocn% m, We ail believe in “aoend money", which we should do, and I do not look for any “Ally cent dollar*.” When the Act of *73 to repealed, aa no doubt It win be, nlttr will berm., stated, and worth proportionately a* much as gold, and the Uttar will come down a few point*; and In tbt* way, the moDOT qnestion will gradually ad jiut Itself. Tho mosey sharks and money londora and evou National Hanks will saffer by the restoration. Bet. Why should they not lues (a Uieir tarn f TKf preple have bean (uBaring tor want of any mo-ug, until they are awful tired of ouch a onesided bust Thsy are now aayleg, “Olv* ua baek lb* moony of our diiddlea, re* •core the times we had before tbo Act of *73, and tat u have a turn at umarm-W* and prosperity.” 1'rej-stlver is one itap. nod then a “tariff for revenue only” to the other. Three are the poor man’* principles. If "• know* hi* owu interest, and every one of u* ought to rally around Bryan aod Watson a* the standard bearer* of UMS*,tb* poor mao’* primriptaa. “Let tb* echo fly. ’’ Tour* v*ry truly, „ . , „ Wg n. torn. Gastonia, 31. C„ July IB, 1880. rMK Bmv ■EBMKSU3L ,r --‘Hits—I Bskbxbk. Jcly 21. — Perhipa the Wtnr rradera of Tux Oaxbtti think BmMoter City (tend sine* no items appear la Um paper. Hnch la not the eane. Everybody la so busy that nobody baa bad time to writs. All of the machinery has arrived and been plaead in tbs new foolery except Um spindles. They are to be (hipped within tan days. As soon as these are 1 la place the factory will ha ready for work. The land belonging to the Bessemer Mining Co., will be sold at publio auction September 8th. It it hoped the oourt will confirm this aula. Mis* Pearl Dixoo, of Klog's Mooo Nwmt several with her brother, Mr. 8. J, Durham. Mias Dixoo made many friends, who will be delighted to have bar return. Mseers. Smith sod Pinchbeck are errotlog a new stem room next to Um an they opw oeenpy. Tbie building wlH be used ss a furnltnrs store. or* in onmu. AI moat everything hi on a more in order to maha team fnr the factory operative*. Tba moat lmnortaat oveat tot boom Uom ooetmvd Thareday tba atxtoenth •ban Mr. i. Turner Smith of "mmu City wan married to Mlea Mamie Rbyna of near Shelby. Tan mam age waa.rnry qaUtadair aadaaurprtm to amoy. Mr. Smith and bride, aeeota seated by Mr. Curt Turrtaaa^dMli Myno, *MUr nf tba bride, arrived bare Tburaday evening. Aa JT JW **m« a» Mr. daaitb’a beam. The1 masy friaadaaf the yoong aoupta wiab them a long aad hapVT IlfoMlaa Jannia Rhyne rat Dr and tioam Sunday morning. Mr, J. T.lkaRb la batldiag a band earn# two-atury reeideuoa a* the *n* of Ibaoaa raoaatly barnad. Mamra. Cook aad Heard (peat Sun **{? ,'2S5^21* f^naord. Mr. BM> Hmitii aaovad to (Jharryvllla Mat work- Ha baa aaon there quite 111 with fewer. Tba mem twee of tbeEpworth Leagao wtnin hnvn bad an la* are** «p*-r Malutday night bat lb* ml* pravmtod. WN nuucu IIUA 0»«y KyeWllMH S«I«»1| On M HiMwhw. Ml** Addle Tlllroan, eldest dangli Ur ot Benator TlUman, and Iter. Hubert A. Lae, Rotor of the Church of the Good Shepherd at York villa, war* instantly killed by HgbUiiag near Brevard, N. C., Uat Wednesday after aooo. MU* Tillman’a body waa carried to Columbia: Vyou it* arrival it was (ransteered to tba syeoial train la waiting and aaot to Um home of Sana tar Tillman at Trenton. Oa tba special train war* Governor Evans and family, several state o(Hoars and tba brother and sister uf tha dace—ad, who ware away from home at tha tin*. Accompanying Um body waa Mr. T. C. McNaaly, (nasal agent of tba Ilaa dervojville and Brevard railroad. Mr. McNael y was la tha party when Miss Tillman was killed tad was tha only eyewitnaan. Ha said: “U waa 10 •'•look on Wednesday when we left Hsoderaonv’.lte for 11 re gard. which plane wm rvaobod ot U:30 o'clock. By 12*) tbo party were mounted and oo tbo way to ascend Okli mountain, whiob Is six miles from Brevard. When three quarters of a mile from tha top of the moun tain we warn overtaken by a thunder storm. Tbo Tcaaoott House waa a taw hundred yards away and all hur ried to get out of the rain, “ML* Tillman, Mr. Lee and I •topped, however, in order that Mist Tillman aod mymif might exchange homes, aa bars waa afraid of tha thun der. By the time tha change wm mads the rain began U fall and all three of oa took shelter aader some oheito at bushes. About 40 feet away waa a largo oak tree. Mia* Tillman and Mr. Lee still remained as horseback, tba former With aa upraised umbrella, while L 90 feet away, waa standing oo tba ground. It was while thos wait log that a bolt of lightning struck the tree and continuing Instantly killed Miss Tillman, Mr. Lee and tbelr •Ttie shock waa oo severe that my home waa koecked down, bat I only had my Anger burned slightly. In a few aeeoads I waa by the side of tha two prostrated People Not a muse la of either moved: tbelr death was in stantaneous. Than waa no mark left by lightning to Mow its tearful work. •*A wagon tram Mr. McCreary's, a farmer living near by, was procured aod tbo bodleai moved to the Treeoott House, where Mr. Carroll and Miaaes Pleasants, another horseback party, gave all tbe aid possible. The borne going waa sad Indeed. Two of our party were still iu dmth, and we that remained rode silently along. It was about 11:90 that Bight before Brevard waa reached. From there a telegram waa sent to Senator TlUman.” Xiaa Tillman was a gxiuluate of WlnthropcoUcge aod was j oat 90 years ot age. Bav. B. A Lee wea rector of tbe Rplaoopal ebureb la Yorkvllla, and hie parents Ure at Due West. WILLIAM ft. InULL BIAI). n« BiUIUal Tuai Kx-«w«a«r *( ftRUMbrntta UIM rim Xartb brnnljr. Ex-Gov. William E. Burnell, of Mas mchusetta, waa fouod dead last Thurs day morning lo hia Ashing camp at Adelaida, ntar Grand Psboe. Quebec. He passed through Montreal in the beat of health, and waa then on hia way to the salmon grounds in Gaspe. ft appears that those who accom panied ex-Gov. Bowen were hia brother, Col. H. E BosmII. and Col. Fraade Peabody, Jr, from Bonbon. Their camp was near the little Fabos river, where they had been Ashing all day Wednesday, when the ex-Gorernor weiaed In the very beet of health. The teat In which they slept was divided into two compartments, and as the ex-Governor slept alone, the others never knew that he was dead till late Thursday morning when they thought it wsa time to wake him. They all retired early Wednesday night, the Governor apparently in good health and spirits. Upon his oons panlons trying to arouse him In the morning they discovered that be waa dead. Death must have resulted from heart disease. The position of the body and the expression on tha dead man’s tone showed tnathis death waa painless. After an inquest In the afternoon the remains were taken lit ones to his home tu Boston Hon. W. K. Boaaell was bora in W87 and graduated at Harvard in 1877. Is a state other wise Intensely Hep a hi loan he wsa eleeted Governor by the Democrats in 1880 after two no successful campaigns. lie was twice re sleeted, and at the eod of his third terse resumed the prscUoe of law. Hie mm was mentioned by his admirers lo Hew Kurland aa one which would look weU at the head of the national Democratic ticket. At the JeBerson celebration at MontioeUo, Va, early In thle year, the ex-Govern or made a ■trong declaration In favor of sound money. He was associated With Sena tor Hill and ex-Beorctary Whitney In Uie contest over the platform at the reoeot Chicago convention. At St. Vomit Um PopalMt aod Silver partlaa ara la the throve of deciding “what to do." Tba l*opoltete iuMd Marion Batter u temporary chairman. Heapoka aa boor. Jaa. B. Weaver waa • looted permaaoDt ebalrman. Tba Popoliet platform le about tha IMM aa the Omaha dallveran ja mlaoa tba •obtruaeury pUnka. Tba Stiver party elected far Me permanent ofealr moo, Mr, W. p, St. John. the ex-JTa Uonal baakar of New York, aad ap pointed a committee to oomfer with Um I'opollat commute* la regard to •ndowlad Bryaa aod Sowell. Mr. a P. MoLalo. Ac worth, O*., as lnd%aei jp, ^ amd hot all »Hbo«t pmmaaaot bmmdL Silo oaad |M|| tformetaor aoam yean K. aad l« hae given her mora relief a aU aim, aad aba nwom mania it to Um a/Metad." WrMe to Tha At mataCbamlaal Oo., AUaaU. On., far fS page btok gtvlay Ml latarmatiea, a.ftwic*»!WrKy2 Tuft’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body agai nst disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lutecurc for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly-Wheel of Life” Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt’s Liver Pills I Bradley & Happerfleld, —-PUorULETOIUS or— The tiutonia Steam HarMe aid flrantte Wtrhs. —An* rn*p ailed to— Fill promptly your orders for Marble or Granite work of any kind, and be lieve they can save yon money on work in their line. W Call on Lb«tn At their marble yard on Hatn street and get prices lie BRIDUT ) F11II HIPPRRFIELD \ 1T0‘,n*wre FINE_ ~ BUSINESS OPENING. 1 offer tor aale an old aatmhUabod aaJ Hoc Paying Bwlness lo MiniNcvy, Drum Goods, and Noll no*, to gether with STOCK, STORK, PPBII TORB IIP F1ITDBES, In a thrifty, tw growing town. Baal LacaUon lit Handsomest Sion Billding la urn lawn. Alao two haaMocae brick atarea aitlnlntnr. AiMraaa, aaacxiST. Cara Tan Oainn. I0RTH C1R0L1R1 COLLEGE OP iGUCULTORB and 1IC1UIC ARTS. Tha offer, tlorough oaaroaa la AgrtouMara, NKkuktl, am aod Klectrtoal miglnnertng, aod In Helena*. Oaoaral ar aAaiatoaliMHaB auaplemarit all thcae technical Bounce. axraaaai ni mama, utamiro soabd: row Como Madnu. a an.— Far an Olb.r Itadrau. - • ItlA* Applr for Oatalograa to Alexander Q. Holladay, HAtncH. n. a pimMiwl R L. CARROLL, SH0E-IAIH6 aid SRPAIRH8, ■140. Door T. M. C. A- BollAIn*. Sol* «od Uprar loflMr* aa« Do* Ptodlnn At way* m Mock. Oood [ia. MM Him* laolo Pan* abora. oal-ta MU or ALBION COTTON BILIA «••* tTBDytf A 000*1, IBM. TkOUkaUUc Aar al/aCr. ML I WILL MOVE. ON SEPTEMBER THE FIRST 1 will move into my NEW* STORE ROOM now going up next to First National Bank. It Is a Fact That l will have to MUVB, and la order to make Til 18 MOVE SUCCESSFULLY acd with as little expense ea poe eible, 1 have decided to lat my many RACKET CUSTOMERS move these goods at greatly reduced prices, thaa saving me so much expense. For 30 Days Only. From July 16th I will have a SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALS of Sommer Drees Hoods, Leoea, Embroideries, Straw Bate, Low Out Shoes and Clothing, embracing my sotlrs etook of Hoy*’ Knee Pants sad Knee Pant* Suita. Also •pedal redooad prices all through my Youth’s Salta, Men’s Suit’s, Man's Paste, Odd Costs sod Vesta, sod Man's White aod Colored Skirts. Leather and Straws into Silver. I wlU turn every pair of Low Cut Shoes and Htraw Half into Silver in the next 80 days. During this (pedal sale I wlU close my eotlre etook of Straw Beta, Low Cat Shoes, Rubber Rot tom Shoes at cost. They must be sold. I win booeb all my Straw Hate In price from She to 75c and let you take your choice for 35 cents. AD Straws from 16c to 26o to go at 10 oaots. All Low Cot Shorn at coat. Men’s Southern Tim worth 61A0 to go at 11.16. Men’s Oxford Tim worth 81 .26 to eo at 81.00. Man’s Patent Leathers worth 81.00 to go at 75 cent a Ladles’ Oxford Tim worth 81.25 to 8150 to go at J1.00. Ladles’ Oxford Tim worth 8L00 to go at 76 oeota. Ladle*’ Oxford Tim end Seodale worth 75o to 953 to go at 00 oents. Ladies’ Oxford Ties worth 75c to go at 50 oeota. DO YOU WANT A Knee Pants Suit tor your Boy I If so Here they are; Knee Pauts Suits worth 75c to go for 50c. Knee Pants Suits worth $r.on tr> go for 75c. Knee Pants Suits worth 81.25 to $1.35 to go for 81.00. Knee Pants Soils worth 1.50 to 1.75 to go for 1.35. Knee Pants Suits worth 2.00 to 3.25 to go for t.50. Knee Pants Saits worth 2.50 to 3.00 to go for 3.00. WE HAVE OUT THE PRICE All Through Our Entire Line of Clothing. A few rammer coat and vests at cost. Odd coats at your own price. 83 00 Men’s Pants for $2.25. 2.50 Men's Pants tor 2.00. 2.00 Men's Pants for 1.50. r.50 Men's Pants for 1.25. 1.25 Men’s Pants for j.oo. 1.00 Men’s Pants for 75c. 75c to 85c Men’s Pauts for 60c. Will Have a Clearance Bale all Through My Bhoe Stock. ■*'1 Floe has worth $3.50 to $4.00 lor $1.00. Im'i Flno Shoes worth 1.50 to 3.00 for 1.00. lu’i FIdo Shoos worth 1.00 to go for 1.110. The above are mostly all small sixes. Ladies' and children's shoes accordingly. . All At Cost. A few picture* to close out at cost. A ok* lot of WHITE AND COLORED DOTTED 8WI&S to go at coot. All Se and Os colored muslin |p to eloss for 4e. A Him of 7Je, 8a, and 8js oolortd lawns dimities aod sateens to eloos for Oo. SPECIAL VALUE lOe colored lawns and dlmlUaa for 7(. All remanta of 8e aod 8s calico go for 4o. A Mg bargain In ouliogs worth Oa aod 7o logo while they last at So. All ginghams worth So to close for «e. My entire stock of drees giagtiaass worth Bo to go for So. A real good Se dress ginghams to does for to. A few more largo sire ladle* shirt waists worth 693 to 75c—take yoor choice 80c. A lot or onlaandrted Shirt waists for 80a. IMOS t.trialna, BUREAU COVERS counterpane* end chair tidies te go at special pries*. Don’t You Forget It. Thee* goods Bute go and these prloss good only for 80 day* from July 181b. PooKitdy no ell tot ware ticket* given on anything aeld at these SEDUCED PRICKS. I DO NOT ADVKKTISE EVERYTHING AT COMT hut any thing I toy at oost I mean exact eost to MB AND NOT U. W* offer SPECIAL PRICER aU through nor Hook. This Is the GREATEST CLEARANCE SALE ever known In Gaston ooonty. If yoe wont to buy GOODS CHEAP this Is year I Am Doing Business At the sense OLD STAND, bet will mors Into my NEW STOKE »»w gel eg eg next to Pint National Bank shout Sept. 1. Coll snrty sag get year pto* of all tha good bargains I offer for Um nest thirty days. Town to serve, F. T. HEATH, Proprietor New Tork Backet Store,

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