I Tilw; UliU ooppCT c*uU w«rt g»5d JKijruSs: .rjrfS eoi^iraU-iUiHtttit the free aod unlimited colaa* of allvtr would tta*bwtli Srrar oily "oftbi fra* aetaMtartta Aaaartoaa nod net of «n£1’ tto im vitiaMe plat tor wiasi&saiw^i atoljr amaa Mobotbm to Ua Miter attaaoe<U» Watt. Ha kaowa Utat It Mathannreoeld ha pat la to practtot that ta 60 dajra a eradicate of cold awayiwa.’K'S! szsszjasrjLfz ggjaa'feggv.ga »!S.SS’mSSS,l?^£ r hoe ridiculed Cnaailrar eoaof Ma ttgoroot pen. ha lataada to rot* for i I to ft I •’Ltoaay. yoa oetfhfto "bTwTth' tbe wawato Jfatw dawtfctatlrcr *0 tbla Llnney rtpilod: “Didn’t *°*J0?*..1** ”«***■?1 *° T*rt a«or’ “***•’! you know be waa tora goW I*-*"** —* -- * ' -TV m ft i ft t Sr« flirty thus admitted'that be WMwato* U do tbo rcry Iking be ap *"*■1 tMMM tor doted, aad tbaa teMkte laduaaot toeback free cola Badidaot lotted to make toeh a Maite. hat ha did. aad alt Ma W-MatoWbUnotetba koto. Mr. Llonarla. candidate foe a grant EfJESTJfSLJ?*“• arsrasrsrssTs afJSSJjg^irLffla afttayaoyte to aapiiaa that they eo aaar ^s8* &-* IWIhww •• Lm * toTortto hymn w _ -Jriadonaot «4)uItUtb«r*it faro of tbe nmtjvt tamo.enei bo trend hMHK bO |||04|leee>» lam Ci)|l|MrtkH) wttbbb* Ute e(U» iedlyiduaL .*»} mother hat tom) toee which rteetaoe tebn tab*. Toward, the «*5Mrftay whj« tbo little ot.it won SJ&^StairJKs; a».K»rsre!j<“«: {*■*• rntfen, fretful end wants’to be tatta^to*tag arm of mother—to mt Tta mother eajt bo wwj, Imr Hmta ■Myaeh- the mm oodaoxMn of boentaM detlae may ccm bawd oo tar tat deWM tbotata, tod at aha tlowW inta beck and forth, the ting* aeofUaliabr. aeoag which tbe loro*, eaoog witbont weed* a iweet, tender fofnta. toothing the beta, until it* tynolen H aieepa. Tbe child lam tta tone, bea.ua. tanod while reetlog oo mother >a taMta. Other eongtare learned later In life, but thie eoag Urea, tbe tweet •at end rteetm. becaete it to o -eeluilo Uc bioding taut of mother nod child —a memory ef tbe peat. InU* racket In the old bom, atefc •f*?° y*cn« woman flashed wttb the pride of young motherhood, ate the lullaby which etarmed the tabe to sleep bow rats and refrahm the iced woman—ahe elms. At the elaee of the great cavalry at Braid, eutlool. AuJ2 ldU maxching details erere sent oat to h»»* tho woeoded. The fight begin •*•“** ■2™te« o*» south elds of Bepldaa river end eoaUaaad Sotfl after dark, when the laat squad ron of Federal boraamaa waa driven i??ood tbo Bappabaanock. A detail ft**8 .*te Fifth; Vhyflnla eavalry. Bweer'e rvgimaot. found a yoaag roMter lying oa tha field, torn tbroagh JfJ* **•••*** • pl«c« of tbeU and his ebbing away. Ho wore tte Wee, nut this only made the •mime of the gray more anxious to fiT*^!***4; *** nnM him to a pksitf voodiDMr^ where the ref! •••t bad gone Into ostap, tomad a btanketaod made him aa oomfortabie ***• Wa stimulants but kitely told him that he would hardly lira until morning. liumaef the Confederate Soldiers re instate with him giving such a ilea tt<m as rough soldiers eould. Jest beforo the light of early moru la in *•** be oallte ana of tha soldiers who was lying on the Frowte Bear him and asked him t» »“*• Several of the troopers gathered •round the dying man sad at hie ie qaaat they aaag the hymn, “Jeeui laser of my anal.” Al the sweet song floated through ft* •JFre ft d?lof trooper raised andooeof the Oonfteeratm bald him up. The first soft light of day crept through Urn trees, birds oUrped tha advent of a now day. and this hymn sounded sweet aod clear. The dying man naked them to slag again. -I tie my mother's hymn.” ha mid. lam or tar B»ul. wail* raa tarapart sdU a Mgh.' The light of sun flashed through the }?vm «rverhWM,i aoog floated an the atUl air, tha traeper. Car away from boms, from tha mother who taught turn the aoog, fell back in the anas of tha soldier in gray—ha was wWp. Uymns and songs come down to us mellowed and sweetened by age. made Meredby bellowed association* aod we lore them and sing ibeno. "if r titdMry nao, Owof the high tat complimenti wa heard paid Vj Wataoo for hU great epeeet bare Monday night came from a lady who paid doer attention to wbat bandd. Thlalady is not a Democrat, bar the way, but aha expnrawd maeh taaaam with the apeecb. She aaid that the moat takprraalve tbloe abont Mr. Wateon waa bla axnraaelan and hie great earueetnem. Hta dwarannr wan that of a ibaa who waa perfeetly lk)neat and elncere and who betlarrd rmr word that ha aaid. Ilia worda were apekeo from earncet eoneietion and atody awl net merely to pieaaa. Thla la not the exeat Damage, bat theaatatanoeef the criticism It lea One eomphmeat te the Democratic Maadard bearer. Oy Wateon laeara "t, bonnet and atnawe. Than la no deceit about Urn. war. Tta mwi from the eighth eoogree ■looal dtariot la sooooraglng to Dwe erete and all friend* of that gallant natla—n, Llont. Gov. Gough ton, tha waa—ratio candidate far Caagrraa. KotwitbsUadiag Mr. Closer haa P >V«Iiat rad owe went this la aa ales looarw him tha Puyaliet vote, and Umtc Is good reaaoa for serlug that. If ItaiUne of tha tlo— era ta ralird ayna, Mr. JDoaghton trill haat him by •• - It I* hot aaueaal for draggleta ta laoommenJ Ubaa—rtalnls Can** He—dr ta their cast cm am. Maay of thou hare aaad It ttaaaulma, or la Ihalr families Mid know fix?® person*! aapirteaao lug—t value In the treat a—| af aaagba. eoMa and array. Tbay know too that tbotr susU—ra ara their tub friends sad nstarany •Kb U gHra them tha aaag rellablo and ictus thay beta for lhaaa atloMou. Meaer*. Ibeajrfcaetr Bm., yrsaeiosat dtoggUte af Indiana, Pa., aay, “Wa salt man of Clauabertaia’a Cough ■auody U—of aar other oadgh array, and always lafca pleasure la — utadlaa ft ta aar raate—ra.» Mr. IX. M. rrer. tha popatar draaglat at f ladenU, I’e wtmhaaaald Chamher Ma’a Coagh lUaudp far aaaml —re, •ays: M1 out trafy aey that it la Um beat saagh otedlelM In tb* mortal.” Mr. 41 atagatst, the wafl-hoown drat iM at PrShak, P». earn: ‘Cat af fbariaty daaaa Chaatherlale'e Caagb Me—y I haea taught la tha laat taro •Utara I bam Mty tu ertT* half daamlaft. Ugtrva— ■* that aataf the What* I barn ifot had a a mmj did not ale* all il«* i b Par sale at Miami an aaau par batbtf J. M- Carry A lb., draggtou. &wstft£aasrjsi1 aHHfort. to Indent bento become «d theer eaaben kne MUMuUI feu few of them rami*. I» fee*, tbwowe few non Indiana Im Mebnaka now than to Kew Tack aad Intern. A few days age awe of Um o» Otoe tribe visited Bestrtee lad beetmi mo* latiraatad would:SslenwTto W*r*tS> ouTftdlw have a wheel e€ hie own, ud wte having way money ha traded toWT^powleafer oaa. Re rede I* to tha nm^raUnn awd nest day half edosaa wars? sss.-a? s:r *»■*.* they BBT, and whan tha htoyaia maeufeotaiare lean of thia new laid improbable that they will wap a harvest, mad the IadUaa wQl javaekto their primitive easterns aad )“» tha L. A. W. la a body." TUeea of party diatom bring good men to th. froat. b 187* there ™ aaeUled corpora oo the part of the UnMocftti lo elect Vadm mod om? tteSttto. Tb thia end every engirt praalhla waa brought to bear la behalf of tte ticket and om of Um reenlta waa Um strangest Legislature that baa mat at RaMgb si bos the war. TIm Demacmm part* litoUwlowgroaoda thia year and tk la actable that many of tbs coanUae are triaging aut their wy strongest dm for the legislative oonea—meo who, under ordinary cir cumManeee, would oot think of run ning for the Legislature. “Whereas, Tba Demoocaiie party bad it* With la Jafltcaoa’s great ooo Wat again* Ua eaatcallaattoa ofth* powers*tbaFadaraigovernment and to babalf of Ua strict conatraatioo * tba Federal ocnutttaUoo, am bod tad (a tbs taath amendment tharata, la which all powers tot delegated to U were ixpraealy raaerytd to the States reap* lively, or to the people, and. “ Whoreaa, The Bepablionn party baa over bat* a party * centralisation, “Hasolved, Thai w* appeal to Ua people to observe Ula fundamental dif ference between tbs Democratic party and Ua traditional eoemj in raepact to the powers* tba oeatral govern aaent; that tba ooaatttottoa reeogalaw gold •ad aUvar a* U* primary or redemption money * tboae States aad la Ua words * tba Democratic platform ‘wa baiters tnbooeat money. tba gold aad silver aalaage of Ua eooatlteUoa aod a cir culating median convertible Into saofa moDey without leas.’ “Wa fovor, tndapaodantly * otliar cations, tba fra* and unlimited cola age * aUrar aod gold without discrim ination against debar, at tbs prases! legal ratio of 16 to L, and wa aondemn the system which la lima of peace with millions of silver ball loo lytng idle In the Treasury baa fore* tba govern maot within taro years to lasaa nearly 9618.000000 to bonds. W* ooodamo the action * the Secretary of the Treasury In following tha Be publican preeadant * paying Ua obligations * the government in gold, which wen •pecideally mads payabta in cola. Wa hereby Inatract onr delegates to the uatinoal ooovaatioa both * to plat form aad oaadldatea. to advneata and vote aa a nail, unflinchingly, at all haxard* for tha restoration of til ear sad otherwise to obadtaoea to tha lat ter mad tba spirit of tha principles herein enuoeiated. Wa farther In struct oar delegate*. State aad district, to uaa all their efforts to abrogate tha two-te 'ids rnta If nieemary to aware the nom'uattoo of a candidate la com plete, in hearty and la known eooord with tha principles berate euundated by as. • •We ware tha people again* tba threaten*aombtnsd evilsoftba mid standard and tha MeKialcy tariff. Three twin luooatara go hand in band In their mleaian * destruction, draw lag Ua vary auateoaoea from the body of tba people aad concentrating all wealth sail power in tba bands * tba few. "Wa denounce tha McKinley tariff and all other forma of a protective uri> legislation end fever a oonetlto ttonal tariff for reveooe only. We an f«r the repeal of the uacoostitatiooal Ul of 10 per cent on (Hate banka of laeoe. We deelara our eonDdcnca In a graduated lueoma tax, In order that wealth may hear lie due proportion of the burden af supporting the govern - •emit, aad wa favor aa Immediate >nf ilnwt of tho ftftooiitiitfito of tho United dtadee aoUtorUleg IU levy aad nellretlna la s ■ i h am term, leaving notnlog for Judicial oooet rant Ian. "We ara enakerabty ippuaed to all lug (station by whlok monopolies e»d treete are created and foeterud. Wa toalet span tha fallhfal exaeuttou af exlattag lews agalaet tha mine and op en euoh farther legletetlOB aa may ha nootMOiy tot fhtlr Mpproovtov.” The part of tha atetform relatire to State oOeae la ae follows : "Wapoint with pride to the eoooo mk aad stele lees adahetamtlou af btata goverameat wherever Daaeoeregy has beau In power. Wa fever tha aa artmaat of suah to elect ion law ea will saner* the parity ef tha bahot. "Wa fever tha oeetlauaocc of tho »jr*t«ai of ed ucat i on^eetaMtohod ^tho lion of the people end public rerun oee "%fctw!r the | re mat, jest sad lee partial admin let ration of tha artmlaal few af the Mato sod wa pride to tt r LagMeturo iHfMMiMf _ tlow af tha aaoeabaa virteaHy aap promad that crime. "Wo cordially bndtaaU mao. » jptrdtaeof of goverameat owd to tho aad IwOtrtdoal aovmrtowto ti the Amarteaa eltiaea. Wa _aw ballaf that tha peace, pcoapertty aad bappMamafaT the penpte af Hortb (Mratlaa depends aw tha defeat af the Mabel la tha eemlag wruujt J.aarAM. ElhtnM. ummut, MMOttK l*m TICKET. own ? Vatbon. <* TorcrtA. *tb*oSaew! SSowT' mranrManrafCut^ CHAEUM K. OOOKV, •TVMMMK. TorTf.ni u, BENJAMtM T. ATOOOK. a* T«r»». HOBBKT E. TOEJtAE. nuSfK?o«2owak of KmUhIwk. or SuBatotM«H« of VMMs iMnotton. JOBE CL BCAEEOEOCOH. f® JoftkMi Ivpnnc Court, Bottfort. <mS555S^ ■I Rodisill, chairman. L. H. J. Ho a—r, J. M. Me Giooaa, VT. O. Haneteoo, S. L. Ho Gtaaaa. Knnl,-R. A. White, chairman, a A. Klaar. J. Klaar, w. V. Ram aaer, R. R. Manner. Uwor,-G. A. Patrick, chairman, W. H. Crate. W. W. WUaaa, J. A. Gallic*, jfTw. Riddle. GarrojnA, 1—M. H. Shuford, chair, aaao. a R. Armatron*, jM It. White, Dr. W. H. Wllaoo, Je®. 7. Thoaaaa. Gaarojoa, 9—A. U. Stroup, chair man. J. H. Crate. A. C. WUUamaoa, W. V. Lioetoergcr, Joo. C. Rankin. Cutua'i. — W. p. Rddlamao chairman; Or. Jaa. R. Alaxacder, X. O. Daria, John D*»eaport tad BL X. llcndaraon. Lowan.—RobU R. Raj, chairman. C. U. Oornwetl, M. L. Stroup, 8. X. Do re*, a J. Gaaaoo Bblkont—J. F.Jawer, Ctalmaa, T. X. tfimford, 0- H. Line hanger, A. Stowe, W. A. Annetroa*. UWOtWMM, AX the regular laocUilj union Mnndiy, A«(. 8, the ooaety oomrnta elooexa aataotaH the toUowtn* Jury mao to aarre at the fall term of the Bounty eoert: mn nn. I d u J D U v> u > o u z o RIPA'NS The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. R EL CARROLL, -agbht. Save Money, Save Time, “» Avoid Risk by haaBtai jmt mm9mm mAmmip Uoaa to R. B. Oorrotl at Amy giitwrfrHia ftnwoM al BM aw, am. Some Specialties: LAD I Rtf HOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA OOMMTtTUTZOir. WMW TORN WOULD. OMAR LOTTE OBEEUTEM OBRISTJaM ADVOCATE. w. a pumbbtiddxair. A. a fUBEBTT BRIAN. E1EUOAL RECORDER AMsto IHMr Bssnsteei 11. CUIOLL, Uni GASTON INSTITUTE OPKNKD SBPT. 1, 1808. Tba teacher* will be the mum ae laet year. Tbay an all expartanced and bate ■Bade a apreial atody of the beet and noal meat laethoda of Inatraotiog. Prof. S. A. Wolff will again bare charge of the muaie. TotUon ratea low. For farther tnetrncUocu apply to J. ML DOfOUa, A M., Black - •tuck, A U. GASTON COUNTY GIRLS. vtnw Tbaaamcaortan ctrtaoC mboal ■ee hawk *ntolBoo lutBa coeoljr, to whom the arcratarr or Qmtoo CbUaea een mod euataaec. ran rnnox (or the ant boardioe Mudnt <cU at new) enrolled dun or Aaent from IBM ooontjr. uoarana utuor bee1— atecMWa. For roeeul eeuotf rain am Mr. L. M. But. ■M. Catakwom I re*. Addrmt <bt mnetpal, a. A. WOLrr. Dollar. n. V Davidson College, Davimuk, N. O. SIXTIETH TEAR IBWIS SEPT. IMA. Wiw PaaPtanat* aal I—Inmn. STATB Normal and Industrial School. OapartnKiuta writ equipped. S7 loaehm. 444 rryular atudeata. tmMn praauna aaboot of VT puma Mi matriculate* aiaee It* opaatay In MM. M of tha M eoaatiaa itpnaawind. OampeUtlv* asaoitnarioa at county aaat Auyutt la, ta Ml CrtxstulUon Tacaaclua In dor. attaataa Application mould ha mado bafor* July abb W actor the aaamlnaiton. Ho free teuton exoapt to appUaania arnica a pied** to baaoma tanobca*. Annual expaota* of fran tuthon ttadaom hoard ine m dorm terlre. (Tfe tottlan-pa/lay automata. JIT) Add>«. fnalair cMtlLM ». HalTU. flraaw.bara. V. C. ■ORTH CUOL1I1 COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURE ud IEC1A1IC AITS. Man o(n ikonuih onina la AjrrUxUtvrrr, law ban teat art) and Mactrhal OnptaaIII Ilia, aid In Belanoe. Geaerul ao adeiale Mudlaa wwliaial all chest teehnlaa) nmoi ns unor, nccncormi nCAhSt IW Oaamly SlaSaaitm. . . | II.M vow an «S|| Madralr. • ISLM Apply for Oualopuaa in Alexamfer Q. Hoiladay, ■41.00 H. N. C. PrnHraa SALEM Academy and College. br nearly MO years this Institution for the Mpfcar adoeattoa of yminc woarao baa eoan M lha very front rank, and wan ms more noanrootly attended than now. b la not only prseldad wtth a hiph-prada Colima Osina, bat haa arperta In all of Ha apodal srboola of ■Ml, Aft, Boeaboa, OoiamaroHI and ladaa tftai WsdXo. Wo Wtu be idaaaert to toad oatalooua oa application. Term beolm Out ■ bar 3d. Mil M. CUW1U. Prlatlpal, talecn. North Oared oa. W. H. WILSON. J. X. ibOABf. I>r’s Wilson & Sloan nmioiAxa in msoxoxo. Offer tboir prof000*0nal onrticas Vo eltUsn* of Gittonls sad oorronndlag ooantry. OnJU loft st Torrance’s Drag Store will rocelvs prompt at too lion night or day. A. L. HBI1D01, ToifSOKIAX PABLOK -mtr wmmo ur In Conor Boon T. M. C. A. Bonding. Pint clan Worknoo Employed ud Pilot-olan work OuniUidt J#. A ATTORKMY-AT-LA W OUTOOli, X. O. Will pnetloo la tko court* of Onotoa and adjoining count!** and In U>* Pedant Coart*. CHUTK1A LKI0H I. 6. lilLKOHL o. w. r. hasps b, pmidont. - - | i £ m m m m m m m Si OAKLAND HIQH SCHOOL, GASTONIA, N. C. B. E, ATKINS, A. M., Principal. This Institution will open its first session on Thursday, Sept. t7, i8y6. Thursday and Friday, 17th and 18th, wilt be devoted to organization and classification. A large well-arranged and well ventilated brick build ing is now being erected, and will be fitted np with the , beat modern school furniture. The course of study is thorough, well graded, and extensive for a school of this kind, and is designed to pre pare boys and girls thoroughly for entering the Junior class of our best Male and Female Colleges, such as Wofford, Wake Forest, Trinity. Davidson, Asheville Female College and Greensboro Female College, or any other the pupil may desire to _ attend. It is also designed to give a thorough, practical education to such young men and women as do not expect to attend any College. This school offers special advantages to such young men and women as are now engaged ox may hereafter be engaged in teaching in the public schools of Gaston county. Those having finished our course of study according to requirements, will already have been well educated for ths practical business of life. Rates of tuition will range from $1.00 to *5 .00 per school month. Excellent advantages will be offered in Music at $3 to $5 per month. Pupils can receive from the Principal's wife, instruction on the Gnilar at $3.00 and in Art at $4.00 per mouth. Pupils in the surrounding country, desiring to avail themselves of the excellent advantages ' offered in this school, can olrtaln board in private houses at $10 per month. Those desiring full information in regard to Course of Study, Rates, etc., will please apply for Circular announce ment to the Principal. B. E. ATKINS, Principal. R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GASTONIA, N, a Having retired from active ooooeotkm with the Beal Manufacturing Com paay, 1 now offer my services to the pnhlie for all ktede of BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Careful Attention given to * faction c4 Cottages and Pine ftasldenoes. Cotton Mill Work m Specialty. UyieU and my workmen haviiuThod from 10 to 30 yean* experience, aod my personal vnperrialon being given to aaab contract, I am pnvaiad to execute ajlejaaaea of building contracts aod to insure satire satisfaction thereon. Correepondeoce solicited. J*»Knfa. Prttidtnt. K. 8. Pmiuuh, (Wmt. First National Bank, OF GASTOXIA, X. C. State and (bounty Depository. OOMXESOED BTT8IKE88 AUGUST 2,1890. Unm ***** te m»v sr«tr its +rm*mi*m*Un. n_i. i a____ ifepiialiUck, .... 160,00000 fcujduj,. 900000 Dirktudi paid tiaoa arrantlatios, 29,00000 DIEEOTOEa. L. L. Jsnkims, T. 0. P*gn», J. D. Moon, T. W. WilMO, P. DUl’.njr. Solicltt aocountsof Individuals, Firms, and Corporations. Intarsat paid *P°"U,‘ °0*r»nt»sa to patrons a vary aooommodation oonsla tant with oonaarvatlva ban kina. PHiPMJJJAAI-'IJnnnilTtte Hfwilwa IT<w« hpm»OT«■ isarwEiiEtsi'Wsis£ ias/jss \*yH laidwriM WMVlog 4M«vnd to >v «r «mmi. Oaokuii u> oplitM. k• Mtot ImU toiiHtrTllrtwitotoWtoMiiyn>'WMM4JM». |VMflyMr(l««iiaTrniKNM.Bl y«rbo*: • for A&Jk;b*4Lm^ i ^vs*c^g>^rr7t?t!*.*s!!^7rr<frif<^jraa?£3 »4I tool, BBB 1*1 MBtS WflTfff, wl!n vniDOOIMI W* r'tltUnUuC. rMmtar». «/YbHU»» - - -ftMkf NfMBMrtoMllMif K*>4a( BMIlraB|il«CUii(«. r«rnJslnOMMte.>.O..WCDIllir A KtiflXkUY.Drvcziui. Som« Nlodlclnos b«lor>g to ono Mason and scmt to anothar. DR. KINO'S ROYAL BERMETOER IS IH aeA*OM ALL THf Venn HOUMO. IN THE SPRING U purifies the hlood, removes languor sad depression, invigorate* end exhila rates the whole system. IN THE SumMBR It overcomes the relaxation and debility •ansad by hot weather and oormots bowel troubles that are so prevalent than. Besides. It malms the meat da Ugbtfal and refreshing drink. IN THE FALL When malaria “rider on evory pastin' ]j*****•" }*.*• Ebat preventive end Ui* unfailing ears of Woublaa reeult tagfrcxn that came. IN THE WINTER U lestni needed for curing (Slide, Grip, Catarrh, Sbenmntiem, and the iUa that belong to oold — none It deea these things, ant In a feeble end true main way, bat wttk aeeursd and triumphant power. iMf It la Km ■«••»( Afl TIbm. JTsssrsisic'ssas: «UmCW*CIL C0„ ATUWU.IA. . Writ. swM-iem hem. r~. Pyw tala by Front Torrenoa A Op. O. m. ADAMS, ML II. a. J*. **n>, M. D. Adams & Hum, rHYftlOIANH AMD 8UBOBOV4, •aitomu, m. a. OOeaatJ. M. Carry A Go's Drugstore. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES I By*i; THE' NEW-YORKTIMES. Till HXMt It a nowapaprr for IntelUtaut men end wo nun who want ro read all the news ot Ibo would overt day. Tbo paper haa A‘e UnanHhioa merits of lie owe. It a nett her •metnone! oor dull. It la not trim itmimuf. Itia not rnvnloaa or vbtonary. It son plenty or pood la the world aad tel It about IV It lalM °* **nd whoa It oiuOt, bat aot unwboJceome Ijr. It twlntt with Inlticte tho record or butaaa endeavor In many nride outride 0r —irinraa polltlee. end war-la lucrative. rwhutoc ndtnoc, art, ipofta,aadhtnaaebold lauttece. Mo paper In the oountiy prtnta to many book ro ylrwi and an aw> book newt. Ho paper bat tt> complete a dnaootal paoo-a dally manual for invi.mort and oftri of laannal Inatka Hooa. Ha raaikat rtporls—woaV action, bread Mule. Cuna prodeeta, be.-arc the beat la tbo •oue try. Tbo oamocineyof TUB TTrikS b of the old ratkjoaad tort--a* old ee Tbouat Fannin, majority rule, no boaMlri. no marines tyren ny, the divorce of pot Klee from private mooey ■aoklnr, a toaod currency, Indnririal taawt potion, aad vrery-dey bontaty. To y»—we. Uw adraaoc of tbo Democrat!. Party aloaa then Unee U lahnre with heart aad rnimidtaii and all lie tolytrt. TIC IBV-TOU TEEILY TUBS. Tbe tuheorlprion prion of TUB HBVT-TUUIC WIIXLT 1IMMB la on DOLLAR a year TBH WKUCLT TIMMS la a oapttal nowapaaar. It now tel no aA tbo current newt -hi Inn | Crw tbo dltpolobts aad robcrla of tbo dolly adrtloB, boaidaa literary matter, “-nurimil uy oaayrtonlteral topics by braetlcal bmna, fell aad eeeuiBM rnertet reports of prises Ibr tana mudetw, live riook, bo., and a carefully pre pared wndly wool market. MinsoarpnoN katss i PoBmo pr.pilit to all points m Dm Usual M*i**.Cba*aa, ud Hoitoo. *x**pt In W.w Tors (Mr, altar* tbs pastas* I* 1 Cent p* sopyt Is Ml otbar aouDtrtas, * omhs par oopr par •*/, P*ra***« by lb* aubsarttor. TUB TIM* will b* MB* t* say sddrtoi IS taolnAoS, tar $ijs p*p ■*•#*7 boats. J Ordts, or Krpr«aa srtsr. psyaUa is "Tbo ■sw-YnsHsHsPuh. ■MaaOmpatir.' Adlns all «otai»ontastloas that im ■■ta.TotK mm, PriaMas liooas Bsoors, Kota-ToM aty. H. T. Startling Cttivbt Strings, CATAWBA, X. U (inn JOMjrt, tm. Wall tttad m Md iMproved. Bare! mad teal Mineral water nod Meal MlftlfaOr eoot and planaant place la Itta Stela. Xmt Hleaory on Ute Weaura Honk Caroline Railroad. Ter we Moderate. Write £. O. Elliott A Bov.

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