The Gastonia _ ___ 0*V0t*4 to Bit Pro tootion oi Homo n—* tb« Vol. XVII. _ OaHtonla, N, C„ September 24, 1800. ■ ¥\ TV I Iff V I \1 l\ AV V I fNA It! a ■ _ 1^ _, _ . . — . A DRAMA IN DOLLARS. THE RISE AID FAIL OF THB STEWART MILLIOH8. She VWMf Irhkwu (line to Thu CMMlrjr. Bold Lho. Mod* Moor *U Umi Mt MM-Tkn 110. Wraith 1M «•» to Brat tor HO. Mj Woo Ota Ira OX Itrov* WuMaora nod M*td tor Maw .nn-Tk. Widow Utnl n Vnldwt Ure-ltattnior na that all. Id tbo history and mystery of gem* there are stooea illooanad, jawels that bare In them a curse, brilliants that bread for thotr possessor dismay. What la tine of game may bo true of gold. On that which Stewart got waa s ban*. "Buslnem," raid Sardoo, ’‘la other people** money. ” To SUwart hut lores wna other people'* rain. The gold lie poald not rpjoy in hi* HfaUma turned eoTroatv# at bis dratii. lu the closets of another It Is brutal to rummage, but to display Iba skele ton* you Olid there Is vile. With the msaterslilp of millions disfavor enron. There wore stain* that appeared In that household, scandals that do not need to he retold. There was disin tegration, dissolution, U rosy bo disil lusion, too. Hspploeas consists In what are Uriah It Is; It la tha thing we hare not got. Oa tha reins of wealth the fingers of Hu ten must hare loosened, or elaa It waa too glgaatia for ble bolj, It may be that It frightened him. as It had frightened hta friend’s widow; that to blnr, too. Id shwpiese nigl.u dread came abd eat at hie aide. Presently the hillock of bonds dimin ished, .The elmrobce beenme the hautrls of echoes. The hotels declined. The city depopulated. From a street a (trefoil of property oooroluied Into a slum. Dome date ago Uie firm which Stewart founded closed III doors. Bat Use panes of eoneelenee at rest Is ualmpelrrd. tub aravi novnaay, A. T. HUwert died April 10th, 1878; on the dark night Of Nor. MU, 1878. tare then I wo pears after, the re mains ware stolen from Urn vault by grare robber*. The neat morning the PitHna laspector isaeod the following order to ssll the force r ’•To All: The remains of A. T. litawart wore last night stolen fr0m lit* family renlt, Rt. Mark's church yard. Tha esakst was bread I robot. and the body romoved. The daeompo aitlon of Uis remain* 1* so offensive Ibat tbey cannot tie concealed. This ia apparent from standing at the npon isg of the vault this morning; conse quently the body cannot be taken aeroaa the ftrrtts or placed anywhere above ground without discovery. Cause diligent search to be mode of Jour pi eel not as Ibo remain* were evi dently stolen iu hope of reward.” But notwithstanding all tho police l and detective work which the city and boundless wealth could obtain, aud | the offered reward, by Judge nilton, i iff *25,000 for the arrest of tho mb I hen, they were not caplurod, nor was any clue whatsoever obtained. The crime had born done without leaving a trace, aod to this day tho criminals are unknown aud uninspected. After a time the robbers communi cated to Judge Hilton through the medlnin of the newspapers but In suoh a way that they would give no clue at to their whereabout*. They stated tliat the body was bnrtrd In (lanadu, and tbey would return It for **00,000. .This Judge Hilton sternly refuted, though Mrs. Siowart was anxious to make any term* the robbers required fui the take or getting the remain* latck. After two years of negotiations, aod when the robbers had almost do spalred of getting nnything, an agree ment was entered Into whoroby tbny were to return the body, properly Identified for 00,000. XIIt conamoas or tin delivery war* made quite a* severe as those which accompanied tbe negotiation* for tbe return of Cbarlte Boss. Tbe crlmlanU declined to take any chance*. Thoy did not demand that Ike money be dong from a flying train in a leathern bag, witivout any guaranteo. but tbe mau with tbe money bad to surrender himself absolutely into tbe bands of (be robbers, trusting to tbeir “honor.” Ue gas to leave New York City at 10 o’clock at nlgbt alone in a one horse wagon, sod drive into West cheater county along a lonely road, which lbs robbers indicated on a map which they sent marked. “Sometime before morning.” If tha man was act ing in good faith, and was not accom panied or followed by detectives, be would bo met and given further direc tions. A young relative of Mrs. Stewart uodsrtnok the hazardous errand, and drove out ioto the oountry. Two or tbree times during the night he be came certain that be was closely watched, but It was 4 o’clock when a masked horseman rode up. gave tbe signal agreed on, and be turned lb* buggy «p a lonlely lane. The strange visitor here left him, directing him to drive on. At tbe end o! another mile ho became aware that anoUier wagon was blocking the way. Ha paused. A masked man promptly appeared aud brought forward a bag to bis bugry, saying: “Here ’Us; where's tha money?” •‘Where is the proof of identity T” asked the mesaenger. as tbs bag con taining tho mortal remains of A. T. Stewart wa* lifted Into the baggy. ••Here,” Mid the other, holding up an irregular bit of velvet and opening a bull’s eye tsuiern upon It with a click. The piece was compared with a place of paper of tbe same shape which tbe New Yorker bad brought with him to this lonely spot. “Come, harry up,” was the com mand. The mesMnger obeyed by producing the money, and tlie robber retired a few feet and counted It by tho light of tbe lantern. Then they moved oil with their vehtole, and the meaaengor of Mrs. Stewart rod* beck the way be had come, glad to eecapt from such com pany. The next night a freight cur went out to (Hardon Idly, containing nothing except a trank, sod no It eat the mar. who had spent tbe Dight pre vious In the loacliost part of West cliestar county. An empty coffin had already been deposited in the cathedral and at tha dead of night two men transferred the bonne to it rrom the trnnk. They then placed tire coffin lu an maooaasibla vault beneath tbe dome. And now, they ear. tf any friend should ever again toncli, nobid den, the vault whtoh holds the bones of the merchant millionaire, tho toaeb will release a hidden spring, which would sbaka the oblnse of closured bell* in tbe tower and eend aa {aslant alarm throughout the sleeping village. SeKIXLKY IMHUI.Y'T ■•HwantlmiMt I«kwIpierhie •e PmmpU was visit Mias. Oaktok, Ohio, Sept. 9a -Major MeKlnlsy shook bands last aruek with more than 00,000 persons, and had. In the aggregate, about 100.000 Tailors. He »0: reeel»a detonations every day tbla week, alter Monday, and will have to aaake as many formal speeches as he did last week. The speeches which Mujor McKinley made In August, together with tome aooount of the oireamatancaa which celled (beat foYtli, have baen prilled nnd bound, and will be ready tot dis tribution tbla wtek. Tim demand tor his speeches mads between the day of hit nomination and the 1st of August, ta unabated. The published eneeehm now number algty, but the additions for September will bring Urn total np to more tbaa 140. BRYAN AT CHARLOTTE. HE IS INTRODUCED BT GOVERNOR PARE. ■>k«>UtUwri|i«t or rMrb rmtui-TM citr'i r:tnuur. •** »*—>»»— - !«■■«>> mf Uu «|WKk. Willis® Jenniogj Uryso. oandidst* mmiusted fur President by three par epoke In Charlotte lest Thursday aornlng to a crowd variously e«tlmo led at from 8,000 tn W.000. The fleet •ellmate It tlie more neorljr correct. Mr. Hrynn spoke from a stand in Vauee park, occupy mg about half an bout with his address. Those wbo attended the demoastra- 1 tloos Jii Clinrlotto four years ego, ] when Hum spoke in the auditorium | mod again when Jlr, Stereo son visited ] the city, oould not fall to note i the lack of enthatlases and mist which attended the Bryan reception. TbS distinguished guest had every I proper attention paid him, of coarse Im j did. and the poopla were eager to see ’ sod hear and touch him, but the dash and spirit and contagions enthusiasm which p nonuse a tbs people liar years ago and rushed along Ilka a lorreot gathsrlag strength as It wont, were not found In lbs demonstration last week, tbs people are heel UUug this year, tblnkleg. making np their minds; four years ago their minds were mode up, they were deter mined, they saw the enemy nod with •houu sod cheer* of vie lory rushed upon hint and overthrew him. Hot Mr. Bryan’s reception was neverthnleat ao elaborate one, worthy of the city of Charlotte, tier street* were Oiled with people aad her bosses and residence* becomingly decorated, Tbe Presidential candidate’s drive ttirough lbo street* of the city waa al most a continual ovation, aad his aiTlval at the Park waa a signal for about* aod dteerlag. There *u* a de lay of something like half an hour in Mr. Jlryau’s arrival at the stand hut tbe oroard waited patiently. After be took hie seat on tbe stand, only a min ute or two elapsed before Governor Carr introduced Mr. Ilrytn as tbe next Democratic President of the United Slates. Home one called oat " the next President," "Wall I’ll say the next Fratidoot,’’ quickly put io the Gover nor, ’’for men of all purlin will vote for blm.” BUTAVl SrfckCM. Tbe following report of Mr. Bryan’s speech Is oo replied from th* reports which appeared lo the Charlotte If (tot, the Charlotte OUerrer, and the Raleigh Jfncs ond Observer: Mr. Chairman and fellow oltixeea —I think I can maka myself beard aa tha advocate of a Qoanolal pulley, wbteb U Independent of aay foreign poorer, I stand ou a platform which la a second Declaration of Independence, and I reel that here In till* county It will bo re oogaUud because of your having made a Declaration of year own. t may Bud In otiwr places those who waut to accept a Bnanclal policy made by foreign power*: bot the people of Mecklenburg county believe Ural the United Slates oan makes financial pulley of He own. (Oncers.) Point ing to tbe Imrnet’s nnit, which wo* tuaptmled near bin), bn said: Here the eoeeay will Aad a veritable bora*!a* neat I am not spanking against any e>l*a. I would detplae any Englishman, Gar man, or any other foreigner, who woold aabmll to the United Sattm dictating a polity governing tbam la tbelr do mestic relations. Tha Republican platform seta forth a policy never openly act forth before. They do sot advocate the gold stand ard, but bar* pledged Lb*metre* for a double standard aa anon a* the foreign power* will help tbac*. If they came oat boMly for a aloglc standard we coaid meet them but they do not do to. Tbe gold standard advocate* never made aa open fight In Ibalr lives, bnt do I hair work aflat night. (Clmera.) There h a great deal of talk about tbe two yard stick*. I do aot mean that it la mao turned In the R« nab) loan platform but it I* being used In tho campaign. A yard stick measure* length aad can not obaugw, but a dol lar measure* value aud may obange. You all know that apteocef Iron it ibarter when It Is at sero tbac when It le red hot. 80. If you had a yard stick that would Im twice as long when It was red bot aa It was whan at faro, yon would go to the atom and want the merchant to measure your good* with your red Hot yardstick, for It would be longer, but tbe merchant woold aay ‘•Ho," and woold atop to bit refrigerator sod taka out hi* taro yardstick to mmeurn tour goods (Cheer* and laughter, and arias from Uw multitude o* the south aide. ‘ Coma over this era»"). Mr. Uryan si once granted the friendly Imperative, and walked to tha extrema edge of the platform, facing fourth street. THie aoMaUari tho south rod, to Im con tinued. I uw this by Illustration, sold He, ba nana* our oppooonta era atw*ya talking about yard etlebt. Sew If go had a yard attek that expended or ea*U«el«4, Uw first Legislator* that meets would Bi It at a certain temperature. A Bai lor altoold ant b* larger o*e Horn aud suMlIer at another tloer. Aey lagitl*. llaa o»uld fig the value of the doOai. The trouble la, eppnweata muke Ibe dollar dear, and deny that legislation make* Uw dollar. I want to me art aa a pmpoalUuu that the money , if a aouo > try Must keep puss With the papula Won . railing prlean are a great thing for the nan who baa tba money to buy Uilnga as tUay fall. Sr oar or Sherman, whole tba reoognhud lander of the Ho publloan pirtpdn this ouuolrr, aut of Hint portion of the Democratic party whlohl* trying to alaot a Rape b I leau (8hoer») lu Jane. ISO©, that If oar present currency li ration* tad at ooa billion Star hundred mllUoa and Ua Increase of population 8 per ««t. per annum, tbaro la need of an annual Uareaaa of currency of *64,000, 000; but so far from tba country bating had Uila, there ha» been a daereaaa Ih tlio clrcolatlon. until, Ui* aanant of this dscreaM added to tho 604.000.000 HZ^' ” b*To "°w * deficit or *M0r 000.000. Senator Sherman has now tiKmrd round and joined with Um opponents of free coinage. liar# tba speaker read statistic* thawing the daereaaa of the amount of «»oo*y In dreaUtloo. Tbaro la as aotaal daAait, aatd ha, lu tbs elroula tlao, a fall at nlnety-dve million* of dollars In a sing)* roar. TbeaentaUa* ties ar* not the raporlngs of lunatics and crank*. They an glean by our opponents, so abort a Hose ago that •wen they tbamaafra* bars forgotten ttat tba troths lbay aUtwl ara mill alia*. (Applauaa.) “What pro vision dors the flepubll can party make for tba supply of the money that you need f Koae wbat erer. 1 am not surprised that even men who here been Republicans all their liyea are now in fawt of the free ooloage of silver. (Great uppluuea.) I am not surprised when I Bod that Republicans who recognize the prlnct Plen of llaanoe and apply them to the mcaey question, [ so not surprised that they desert the BcpnbUoan party this year when it omnes out and at tempt* to defend the Democratic ad ministration which was repudiated by tbo Democratic party itself. (Gnat •PPlhuto) You remember beie to North Cardin* the Bepubltcaas hare made mote ospltsl by deoounclug this administration then to aay other way What do you think now when ths Republican* of North Carolina brooms the sponsor* tor the Democratic ad ministration f (Wild applause 1 I ata not surprised that torosst and sincere Republicans prefer to stand with the Democratic party to demand ing bimetallism which even tbs Bepnb Uoan party of four years ago said was dear to American people through trn-1 dlllon. 1 sin not surprised that Re-1 publicans who Sight years ago stood upon a platform that denounced tbs Democratic party for Its attempt to demonetize silver. I am am uot sur prised that those Republicans Join with os Co-day in demanding bimetallism which had been the historic policy of tha United (Rales until 1873 and re vived the support of all ths statesmen. Republican, Dcroocratlo, Wbto and everything waster had In this country., (I-on* and continoon applause ) Ldt ms briefly, because I have but a mu meet more, call your attention to what Henry Clay Said In regard to tlitw country. 1 have been told that Henry Clay was the only presidential candidate who bad evir come hern during a canvass prior to my coming Del mo tell yon wimt he said, in regard to tlie contraction of currency. This speech was mads la the United State* Mie 30Ui day of January, NW: ‘Of all the conditions of society, that Is moat adverse lo wbiob there la a constant and rapid diminution in tbs •mount of the circulating medium. Debtors become unable to p»y tlwir dehu.< And have you had each a condition dor lug your lifetime my friends? (UrUe of “Tee, yes.’') •Property fail*. ’ We have had that condition also. ‘The market la glut *•£’ Aud P* * great party with a glutted market before thorn demand tl»« opening of the factories wbeu there is nothing far ths factories t# do after y*“ op<» them, my friends. (Applause.) •The market Is glutted, butlnoar de stines and labor Is thrown oat of em ployment. Sellers beoome enormous from the production of their property which Is now falling to price and par eliseers become eesree from an uowll llofoem to make Investments with the prospeou of almost etrtoin loss.' “Whsn money Is rlslog people want to tarn everything Into dollau and during that tints we mast hay* stag nation of husiueaa. Falling prices make hard Umra and you cannot stop hard times until you stop the general Call of prlese. “«v* g’wiuMDeu nOMtM upon Urn eonemarwoc «f the «r«c® of dept*. tlooT* That a oration, i«y friends Wight be pat to the Hepi|blle*» party. Mr. Olay adds; I hare already Hated that tlm oountry (agoing down by the weight of debt, ff the currency be groally diminished aa beyond all ex ample that baa bran. I tow la tbla debt to be astlagalsbud t Property, the resource ou wkloh the debtor relied for hie pay meat, win decline la value and It may happen that a man who honuat ly contracted a debt In the fee* ef groparty which had a vain* at tlw ttaoe anineloot to warrant the debt will Bod bta)*el( dripped at bn property aad hi* debt realties uurxtlagutehed.' "Mr. Olay simply describee the vary condition* willed eoofruat the Amen le»* people to-day, aod yet the lUpub llean party not only refutes to reeng ntwthst condition, bat tho IlapabiT can party pledgee itself to a policy Which increases the (liwndsl d(street nf this country, web as deUa harder to pay end aawwoae the sheriff to tabs aharge of Um property of Um cltlanu and Uvea laavaa tlw debt uoexiiagulMi od to hung over bias still, (arena ap* ptftMC.) *'My friend*, t nsust leave (Crtatuf **0h don’t Mop.") lu the gute of North Carolina, where the people sen •till hales to the eehc of the words of their great sUleeesee Venae, (arret apptneee.) It la not necessary ter one to ceae how abroad to call year at* tenth'll to U* peril* which surround run. You re were bar that one of tlw last siieeolaM that be ever uurvod was upon title question, la whteb be shewed to the Americas people Uiat the great eoairat between the cumey newer and Um cowmen people was at hand. It Uwre Is owe (e tM* audience whoau eyrepaUUre la Uda cuaUwt are wUh Um SSKfeSt SSt“;Pb?tbi“ dS u* the jpmpto add who katteve that ***f*™T •<*» dnt mi u> uxn. WUo toll before any general prosperity oan caad. the* ifiTllM ??StK JjJJjJ* coon try." (ttwt ep Wheu Ilia rpeeefc warn concluded, Mr. Mryan waa harried through the crowd to tba (ad, while and Mae chariot aad driven rapidly to the Southern depot. There ha atoed on thenar platform at lb* magnificent apreUl on wtilcli be Journey*. Paoplc flocked abuwt tba rear of tha ear and began cheering aad extending tbetr band*. Bat tba candi date didn’t shake; be waa aaoceearliy after aavlng hie hand aad arm, and ao he uacd the Hague of both banda and i ••"*7 *«««bed la rapid aaeeaaatoa tba opstratebad banda below him, mueti after the faehieu of a typewriter girt on a lark with the key* of tier machine. Tba tralu presently pulled alowly, vary dowly away, aad the people aaM goed kya to Mr. Pry on and ha to them. Mix a*e m uood run. j ' fTfi l*Wnu r muiteiaa frames to balance up hie books once or twice to aarbiia aod tee Iww the aeoount -j-TlIf 1 fc&ES/^Srb.’SrSKS end afflictions. In dole* this ba should toU fair with blmreif aod bia Creator. He mould not augolfy hi* tree hire nor minify Me Meanings and prlrttegm. If luO is the maxlmem oo either side, then light eabettowe, which era butfoVi “““■V Paal aaw. iboald not ba •etdowaat7S. If lie cook quite aod tbo cow rune away. I wouldn't pat it dowaat alb for both here comeback Jutt a* I expected. Hope caned* e greet raeay troabtee. My turaip aeod her* bare la tb* gronad 18 days, with aot a drop of rain to oprout them. bat 1 an *U)I hoping, aadaal won’t pot tbo turnip* down a* * loot crop—not yet I wont; *ooae dog, with two tag* or four, killed «ny peafowl white the was retting, aod I put that down at ire, for It was a gnat eggraratloe, aod It last# a long time; nothing fioM ore more than enmity to animate, except cruelty to children. I *e* yooog backs driving fa*t bonas peat my bosse. and thoy pro** them to tboir utmost apaod, aod if the horn* break* Umy yerir him and whip him unmercifully, aod think It la (mart. I would Ilka to Me oo* oT tlmm fellows reined up with a Mt la lite mouth and a cheek-rein draws over lit* bead and fastened somewhere, Js»'- to let him fed tho agony for a Um minutes. flood health le the family ought to bo put dowo to day at aot leaa than 50. for that is Urn greatest Messing la life, and Perhaps the least sppracUtad, un Ul we getslok. One of our boy* la atek now from the effects of seasteoka is Chattanooga a month ago, sod hla mol I or *at up with him all sight last sight, and her anxiety la vary great Voo-ree. be toher boy. aad atm knows H. Tbrre in never any doubt about who Is the mother of a child. Bat 1 won’t pot that down at mere than 30 ou tho trouble aide, for tope comas is —Imps that will ba bottor to-morrow. Tbrri, again, wa ate all out of jail, and that is worth something There are lot* of folks iu jell or la the luaatlo asylum or lo the poor bourn, and that Is a great affliction, ead mighty algfa takes ell tbc Of urea to count the tatmry. I met aa old area la Arkaarea who amd: -Mr. Arp. I am 54 years old. Me aod my old ’omaa have been livin’ tugtohar 03 years, aod bare u livlii’ ehUdrau aad lota of grandchil dren. aad oary one hadn’t baas salted to court far anything they’re dose— Suit that down—and yon may any tint “« »od bar hare betaagad to toe same Baptist ehuroh for 50 yean, aad all that Um I hare voted tho democratic ucaot—pat lhaVdowii.” "Hnlo*t never batu celled tn omiv» Wei), Umt'a a Mg tiling—ao laweaiu la the family, na crime* nor boage nor ialto. That to worth too every day OD tha credit tide. Then thereto pea** with tha nabon, and good will all •round to another big thing, Aad having a home and abadatraaa aad ▼iara and flowan and good water aad geatle h reear* and to com and go, nod a faithful dog to want la< trudera. and a Jersey edw—Umar an all Wantage that oouot up. And then— then to the priylfcg* nt living lu a OhtleUaa Had under CbrHtUa towi aa< rulen; and af gotag t* Ohur* aad «vor.uipiB| uod aeoardiug toaaraaa. ►rteuoa. bar forefathare away back oouidat do that, dpaaktog of war ■inpplng dad remind* iae of aa oeeea Ulefrtawd wlto didn't belong to any •huroh. but aumetlmee attended aad paM devout atiaatloa. 1 mat bl« aoa MAUth arming. walkinr (net la that dlreeUon, and l *eM; "Whan an you gala* la agoh a hurry f" *Tto aathg to dtoargb," aaM he; "go. taf “•***■ 10 •wahlp Ood-oU Che pnaehar." "XeUher poverty oar rtehoa I" That’a oaothar bteariur. lnaofatug poverty wa have oarer kuowo at our hewa, though it loage ilka Utaautriag. •i f.Ikl«Mt III hailing dtotoaaa WMr. Bryan or Mr. Mefcatoy at •Maabody doat do aaartbtag fen eooa 1 doot knew what will beat** •f aa. gaagetoudy to to> Mean ahaal all tfttodii ikjBaii, aad If ! knew who It wua [ would iiea laagaaga ao than. A neublleaa friend t*M me the other day that to waa tha want af prutaetlou to nor ludeatltoa, aad that McKinley wuuld atnughtea it ail -at next year. Ha eaid that Venaoat had darted the toUltojoWa^aad llwuaUroU fraai tea AMaatla to thaPaaife neaaa. Ha toUafae that, and further atcra. Hint Uo Win tall Into ear liula pert OflNttatmr, That** all right Ha • tail. •IMuSS>rS sass«s?ar*B,vff . wssteflwfcsrja^ than to a fittto »ui ee emT tnS: ■04 water-toll wlto gtbboofcs or £."sns the met to heard from, where oats are oow atlHag for U crate ajtetei- •' - aod U» railroad* gam oaotea hjwhal Joe haaUag the® to Market What to prouetiaa going Ude Car A writer la the Her law 3'\ • ft fdid BOdUiIt, aaya he baa Jot on me from then sad yea Wight aa wall tear psalm* to a Sf*SEJMS*•**»*> spinm'mm fro® the diver orea*. Ho say* that eliu® guides literates* tow seed the® totttfowB tote tJteBrcwftoo jumai*g. are al®o*t fighting nad. ^hey Bat whtt traSun some of ae is that we are eoosanui. We don't produce -j; anything, and If freetolvar atdxtam to one make. Prttoagoap, we win he the aeltuera. Reckon 1 wlU berate go back to rarmlng again. Theta ate a good maoy of oa in the same dx that the fallow wa* wheat®haartthat the town hank had broke—raa ell the wav hMM to m how n®ay of UabUU ha had. When ha get boat be found be didn't teve soy MUaea that bank ■or ear ether leak. Wbeo oav bank fallen in GartanvUto late year Tam Lyon took oa aod Unrated non than *"7h°dy. Ha tenant cried. I took bln aside eed ached bln hew mob he bed on deposit la that beak, “Karr sssKito “d 5®****• .-251 !*®p0 Invention—and “Ood tempera tbewlndto the dura lanb,'’ aad “the Lord lovelh whom He chastaoetK" aad “saflleleat aata UNdtpto thaaru thereof.’’ Andao I'n not going to or ms Um bridge be fore lgetto It. 1 dog a little hSksh fat oruiih potatoes out of tha waste and gran the other day, and ate It oa the hack plan* and old ka Cow rant along aud cat then ell ep. hot ate didst know any better. andSlS •nihd. aod said r would get It all be3t SSsneSSS AfthurDlB CftlBer. A cartoon la the Kooky Mountain •yy..?**11*?* Hanna ot halng a hay aetellUt. That expresses tha great ban’s hnanoial ballet asete aocaxSS* as doubt. ■*' Candidate Bryan wool* Waatiiug* rUforldo wiu ifai tor Tillman wat a < t^vnaejyg&gag Uon hower*r to Ua ootaago of altar i»ro tided a dollar*! wortbaf pOverto gat In tba dollar. Catalog gold M •ilver, ba add*, aaaaot loon** tba value ot the ballloa la Iba oola. foot mat'a looue of Up Bothapfoi* ^gsagaaruea agasagsavaaz .ofbtoown mm Otoe la FPaaaylvanla Ua otlier day At a blf lair in Beading be heffTR iaaounea Cleveland, whereat Uearewd tMk eweptloa. and UooUd oad j!S!3 QovanyrCatr til Up retaadid by grtaUwa y ypjjbjMpg ftaat aB tt Sf&sKs&S* ££S Try Electric BUtaa a* a remedy roe Sa aaSjffapit *ftd>ttdEln?baa ua rrllrt and cmTSlMrmSStTtm tdalnu. nutting a inlgtil dhaet latueace la iwm a t o Ua organ*. If yaa twite WtittU* Mitten b MealU aid Xu T'CmirTh' •Aere.