Ttirmw, BtpL U-A k* Hcm* dnek this city at midnight. Homaaa van iniMCad, vina proa »**»ad. wtadowa trashed and sign board* blow* frm _ their fastening*. atrial wharf broke front their id an netta* la the aakddU 8 wad the eaUui at _ are doodad. The atom was ■ r note parked by a heavy downpour of n* ■Wte> inO. "Ills not generally known," ob •erred a prominent blank smith, "that nearly all of tha anvils used by blacksmiths In this wintry are made by one Urm in Brooklyn. All kinds of snbstitatat bavs bass h. ranted and pat on tha market, hot after taring them the blacksmith generally goes beck to the wrought iron anvil, nhioh la liandmada, There are plenty of oast inn and stoat anvils (or sale, hot they rind hot little favor from blacksmiths, who prater aa anvil that sings. The cant iron anvil has no mmioaboot it and does not ghrsany more imp—a to tha hammer than if ana was ham mering on a stomp It is saoaic, or singing, as smithy calls it, that la wanted. A blacksmith doss asarly all hie talking to bis helper by the sands mads on the anvil by his hammar. Aa far aa the village black smith la concerned, «*"g*»g by the anvil la Us constant advarthmmant. Ordinarily an anvil wffl last from 10 to *> ysars-thrt la. if It is bandlsd anvils that era j which wsre used by tbs fathers dar ing their antes lifetime. ”-Wasb tngteo tear. a* nst Ikei rencr of hie roUriag from •"tat to make way for a yialoent, a mm koMar, a wthail »«< protaaUoaM* tlka Mr. fiswslL* . ■Mi a wsan». ' Tba thmlly of Mr. M. 8. CkrroH, af tka Carp neighborhood, turn madalhe record for oottoa ptaktag thta tenon. A wea oa tka lTih laataat. aad than wsn tight oa tka fena-Mr. Carroll, tsar daughters and tinea eoae. Thar ■tarted eat to aaa bow aoneb they ooald Ptek to eddy, aad tka total tooted up lJttpoeada. The biggest day's work was doae hy Mr. W.A. OarroiL Ms Md off with 577 poonde and wee tol lawad elosa after by Mr. C. M. Carroll with 570. MPWW——» An yea teamed ? if net, now la tba tine to provide tekrertf aad family with a battle e{ Chamhartala'a Cough Bewdy aa aa laaaraaoa agalaat eoagba. aoMaaad snap. Mother* will dodthia remedy especially adapted to otoapaad whooping eoagh. It will glee alnoet immediate relief and is safe aad pMaeant. Vo hare warranted it and It baa nerer failed to sire tba most partook eatMfaetina. G. W. Rjc* uue. Manager Aegis Drag Stan, DuaaeaM, Pa.—Tba aboTe oard to the pekoe was not oat by Uiti grta to tbslr enatomera. Tiny knew thiato ha a medietas if greet worth aad merit, sod did not hnltata to recommend It. For eeia by J. X Carry A On., dreg fVtS. _ “Wtma, The DmoenUa party bad lu birth In Jeflaraon’a gnat oon teet agalnat tbe central iiation of the powan of tba Tad oral govern moot aad ia bebaU of tba atrial coaatraettoa of tba Federal eaaetitaUoo, embodied la tba tenth amendment thereto. la nhlab all powvra not jjagd to it wan txpaeaaly raaarycd to tba Htatn ranee tieojy. or to tba paapli, aad. “Whereas, Tba Republican patty haa aper ban a patty of ooatnllntloa, “Boatload, That wa appeal to Uio peopia to obaana thla fuodaiaootal dlf r>—TPn>tt° aad Ita traditional eonay la tanaat to tha^poweraof^tlio^oantral goveroe>ent; aad aUatrae the primary or redemption money of than thatao aad la tba wcwda of Urn Pemoantla nktPam «wa ballon In bon eat money. tba gold aad allnr coinage of taa cooatitatloa sad a dr enlauog modi am eonvnrtlbla la to aaab money without lam.’ “We rarer, independently of otter eationa, tte free ud unlimited coin age of ailrer tod gold wttboot discrim ination agaiaat titter, at tte (meat tagal ratio ef M to 1, aad wa aondama tte ayatem which In tlma of pane* with mUliooaof tilror bullion lying Idla le tte Trmoary tea forced tte govern ment within two yaara to laana nearly mxooojooo In bond*. Wo aondama tha action af tte Booratmy of tte Treaauty ta fcQowtag tba Repuhliomi precedent of peyiag tte obligations of the gorenaant in gold, which were specifically made payable la coin. Wa booty taitraet oar delegate! to tte •attaaal coweaotlon both aa to plat form and candidate*. to ad meat* and ▼oteaaa unit, an mockingly, at all hazards for tte raolo ration of silver aod otherwise in otedJaooe to tb* tat ter and tha spirit of tte principle* herein re aorta Lad. We tether in struct oar delegates. State and diet riot, to ua* *11 their effort! to abrogate tte two-tk ‘td# rtria If srnrnasry to secure tte ikmv'nation of a eaudidata In oom ptata, in hearty and in known accord with tha principle* herein eoanatatad by na. “Wa ware tte p*opt* against tte thieatanad eombtatd evils of tte gold atandacd aad tte HcXinlay Urlff. Thane twin measure go band in tend la thair miss too of daotrecttao, draw ing Use vory sostaoanoo tern tte bote of tte pooole and ooocantraung *0 wealth aad power ia tba hand* of the few. “We denounce tba McKinley tariff aad an ether forme of a protective tariff legislation and favor a oocstitu tiooal tariff for revenna only. We are for tte repeal ef the enoonatUnUenal tea of Mpor cant off State banka of tasaa. W* declare oar eoaBdotio* la a graduated laaoma tax. In order that wealth may bear tie doe proportion of the burdee *f supporting the goeera meat. aad wn favor aa immediate aaaaadaeataf the oooatltatio* of tte United (Mates eothortxing its lavy and sKW-wsJssjr** “Wa are eaalurmhty oppeaad to all lsgiatatkm by wbtafa monopolies and £3* ^Srttte1tiX£sl ^SZSliaorf aatatlag lave agalnat tte aam* aod mann. Offer their profeaeiooBl srrrloee to eltleena of Gaetonia and eurronodlng country. COUa left at Torcenoa** Drag Store will wcdT» prompt attention night or dar. L L. UK1MC Toxsorial Parlor -W>WLT IRT1D CT la Canter Room T. If. U. A. Building. Fhat-clom Wort men employed and lTlietelaea wort Qaaraateed. SoHoe to BefcndulA mmotott *" .Hotter Bradley A Happerfleld, -FiorwixoM or— i The fiaatoala Steam Marble aad Granite Works. —AM niPARJCD TO— Fill promptly your orders for Marble or Granite work of any kind, and be lieve they can save you money on work In their line. W Cell on them at Uxtr marble yard on Mein itreet end get prior*. UC BR1DLBT ) mil 1APPERP1ELD S Settee to Defeadaits. •HMIt. '•SOTICd. noui X. XaLoro and otkera. J Ta Jim A. Melon, ll—y Oauk and J. T. ssw«aa£.raa?aia?z:^: —mmmmt la Umi Mm pari or Oourt of Oao on Mm V> WU tkc XoaT’^aSiooodloiUic liiXUiia (akiakXoalMln «atd Ooart) ae aaata zsrxszx: mSkTiiysas sz &^S5sss«sf»s,rr«2^ X. C_oo Iks Utk IT or Oat a baa. im. T*.m5£k££&r^sstu Settee te Defendants. lenCiimiu. I Supmor Court. Oaatoa COanty. ( Baton tka Oar*. •CM.Had.atatakuatar ottocaa-. tan o* Jacob liTta. &*T\ VOTl teuWbfd lo mid nil tw teqomtsdto oaU immediate KttJrnrai. Nut Naovit. KioootHi. tu am nr <* September. Mi ro-o» BILLS! BILLS! BIG BARGAINS IN BILLS. Hm in mw odd lot* of State moti and Bill Hands to b* torood loto caab before October 1. Tbara la a bargain in every lot named, bat onah moat aooompany order. Positively, n will not sot a type or torn a wheel on any Job raantVooed below until lb* money lo la our band. Bill Heads. *o. s—m, 8# ntcnaa widb bt Bj INCHES LOXO. One lot 800 for 81.80. Oao lot BOO for 1.16. Ono lot 800 for .66. Neatly printed at above price*, bat oeah must oooa with copy. vo. 4—am, 84 mens wros by T ivchvb LOVO. One lot of 0,000 Prieas: 600 for 81.06. 1,000 for I K. Neatly printed Bt above price*, hot oeah mat era with copy. vo. 6-nv. 84 inchae widb bt 44 rvovva lobo—8 LIVBS. One lot 1,000 for ILS6 or 600 tor 80 omU. Oao lot 1.000 fnr 89 86; or 1/JOOtor 81.80, of 500 tor 80 cent* On lat 1,600 tor 89.90; or 1,000 for 8LB0; or 600 for 90 oanta. dll neatly printed at above price*, bat remember *Beh must acme with oopy. Statements. am. 64 mens widb by 8 imciibs MM—80 to 88 UTO. One tot 8.600 for 8816; or 1,000 fnr 8160; or 6m far 86 oanta. One lot 9000 for 88.00; or 1,000 tor it .00, or 100 for 99 oeote. .uSr.KW' On lot 600, <1 la ah— wMa by 8 ioahaa^laag, 10 lUna^blaak tpaaa top (Shipping Tags. OaaaM MKOaary analloooarar M^ttata^ wr^ tojallar qoaaUly at a ■aaJTaaah aMh aayy. Man Ilka than for tab yrtattog »ra too low ta book, ta Vm, to go afur, or to taka any otkor ahaanaa aa. U too laa’t want to ptaal^du wa—akwttli aoyy in aaMa aaf*ante room hr to athar, nan who toll. Tbaaa borgalao ara gal ay. Oat than whO* fom au-an gat than baton Oat that l Wa laa't aayaat a aaa af than la ha toft at that lata. Gazette Job Office, naatuili, y. c. R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GASTONIA, N. O. • awing retired fromactlre oouoeotloa with the B*al Manufacturing Coca P“T. I bow offer my httIow to the public for nil kind* of BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Careful Attention won to Breotton oI Cottago* and Fin* Fmldono** Ootton Mill Work a Bpoolalty. Myaolfand «*j workmen hawing bid from 10 to 90 wean’ ttptrkaeo. and J},1 py*aMl eacli contract, I am prepared tomcat* Ctor^Sd^oo^ll^Ud0001^ 40d 10 lM4r4 4nl,rB “«2S«Uo“ U*reoe! Jounce, PrendnU. R S. faajuLg, CWUer. First National Bank, OK GASTONIA, N. C. State aud County Depository. OOKKEVdED BUSINESS AUGUST 2,1890. "*r*r • *«Hf <*» m» my mime ft M* mt gmmimmlltu. (hplul (took.150,000.00 8«P*«t.8,000.00 Dividend* paid siaoe organisation, SiflOOOO DI&EOTOBfl. L. L. Jtokiu, T. a Pipu, J. D. Hoar*, T.¥.Wil##n, F. DilUu, •ollotts aooounta of Individuate. Firm*, and Corporation*. In tarot paid ~*ry *Boom,no-*tte" — 1_ I ItetfttabiGMKM.N.C .tjCXHUY * ILtSJUtEUr.DrufSUu. THE HEW-YORKTIMES. TUB TIMES to • amps per for tocaUlyent mo ud woman who want ta road aU the new* Of Um world ovary day. Tha paper haa dla Uoyulehjny merits of Ito on. It to oatumr ownoiiiiiaol nor duD. H to not soar tampered. Itnnot tamtam orvtotanary. itoampteniy of pood In the arorkd aod 00U0 about tt. It lotto of tha had whom It ■ate. bat aot in liiilunu ly- ft petato wtth fnllnoao ttoorooowtoOiomao oadiaror in many Bdda outttde of TmSnooo peseta, mad war-tn literature, rekjrtan. ■•(•■Oh art. tafto, and booeaboldma Kara. No poaar la tho oouatty patois to many book re new* and *o mock book own. Mo paper baa tooompletea Snanctal pas* a tally annual for lnvrnnei aod niton* of Isaocttl looUtu wuSa. Carta prod one*. he.-era tho baal to tha eooatry. Tho Boatooraoy of TUB TIMM to Of Um old taetaonod aort m old aa Thouaa JMCksouo; majority rale, no bnaanii. on otaeMaa tyraa. ay, tho dlrarea of po&Uea rrom prlrata aaaay wakl—. > aoand ourreocy. ladnetrtel anunrt ration, and tmydty bnnotoy. To promote toe advance of too Srnottilk Party atony thaa* Una* K labor* wtth heart and oanactoec* and all lu BtofcL TIB IEI-Y0RI VBB1LY T1IES. The autncvtptiOB prto* of TBE MBW-TOR* WJSKLT TIMES to ONB DOLLAR a year. TUB weekly TIMES ia a mptiai newaoapor. It ormialoo all tho torrent am ooodaoasd (ram tha dtopatchm and repent ol the dellr etotCoo, betodee liter try etUa, dtoeuaaooe op en eyvMultoraJ tontot by preetta Cannera. tun ■tod aeenrats market nonets at prteae for farm reodwon Uve ««*. he, and a carefully prn | pared weakly wool-"n dUlBORJPTTON RATES. Pomapa prepaid to aU potato ui tho Uulcod Skatat, Canada. and Maxim, axeepc la Bew Tork City, where tho poetaao to 1 oent pea oopy. M ad other ooaatrlea, t oenta per oopt par day. payable by the su Inert bar. TBE TTMBSamt ba aent to any oddnae la I ■uroue, poataoe Included, for plJO pur Tho addon of antes ribs to win be otmoyod as oBeo aa Into ad. laordamwa itoaiweof ad drmn both tha otd and the bow addram MUST b* slrei. CheblB odraooo etwxya. Romittances at the rtok of the autnorlbor, uolcaa nude by Besto torad Loan. Cheek. Money Order, nr Rxcram ardor, payable lo “The New-fork Timm Pub Ihbiox Company." Addrea* all eommuolentioo* thue THE SEW-TORE TIMES. Pristina Home Square, Srw-Tork CUT. S. T. Adniilstrator’s Notice. TU.Irta gaallflart aa aOratnlauator of Mar moat L ibtnam, ttwaat. lam of mam Uniat#. M.uTT karabr noOtf aU pcrwma harlattUat atrataac tba oatata otaaldd* soMDftnaxMbil u«n to tko aaliralgaad oo 44fc 4*r of ■, ta*r. or IMa ratio* wit be ptaor to bar ot Uwir rmtrr arr. tuTporwa ladttaa* to aaldoaata win All ftath dar ot Am. UMl roa Mil AM* MBIT Mh MIA. Aprils. MM. CMuntafooer’i tale. —---J CHESTER I LilOIB 1.6. RIILBOID. •CWKBV1.B Amm oomcmn n «mcr much n* mm. U. v/. F. HAEI'KB, President. CUmtrut HUM mrnnmar*. 3 a z o R-M’ANS The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. R. H. CARROLL, -AGENT. Save Money, Save lime, AKO Avoid Risk by handing vour newipaprr Mibacrlp tloo* to R. H. Carroll at tba Port Office. A»V BtfacriyUam. FbruxinUdat MM mam Oort. Subscriptions to leading ne aad magaalnaa of Lbia and fwuntriaa forwanlad direct 1 libera oa day of nealpt. Some Specialties: BABIES HOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, NEW YORK WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. N. O. PRESBYTERIAN. A R. PRESBYTERIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. Assists Safety SaaraoMi 8. 8. enroll, A#nt 10 MORE ETE.GUSSFS I*' [Mm ‘ \*k 9 ■r«: