i _ r. tea rwfij la this: Yea wouldn't tom etas weaaknd joe, and m« U*a too lata for either of as to deliver the goods; »f yon want be defeat Baasatt teha dawn Wataoa and rota for Gate el*" That's tea dish of aad gall teat waa ssrsad to tha Tb* Fopulleta la Forsyth coon ty *%** *taf A Back or two ago at ,/ *jfe -.flMtea fair grounds ia tha at a Mi owes nil people, a >• hpsW ia Baking an said teat be voted far i ago, bat this year be -a for Doagbtoe, and added wanting ao la •■a, bat It ia set the port - - -— i la stead oo that Maad binder nation now. it Ian tfangpapor aad rtogielaar aad bold biooitjfeeeaad aantenao. dead it. Aad bead tea oabarUUoa an wall got lb three words: "iVeesgU, dag, ward.’ Astaogrdrn ilsaiaadagrreatf Olsgob Word* tel) oce’a lad ignatioo at •nod cowardly loaoiaaoe. Mo, w* bin *o pi**M*t word* far Mr. IfeKlnlry. II* !* lot laaugnrated jet, not likely to be. bob If la to* dtayeMaUoe ef a eheetactrg PTgrldtao* each a calaatlty ■baald befe* tola aaUea. we ahoeld derive to be leweabarad by hlai oely m lang thee* of hi* neriu whe he** eeltber ached aec given bice quarter. WhU* panonaXy ha may he "fcil. KelUaley ae a man appears to aa to bee wartgagid weakling, a eoaa Mrial eonamodlty Ilk* a basket *f P®t«to**, riayleg with bit owner, like Ptriece, to to seed as ha wWa aad with the earn* paariva i nimlinna to get awgy. MeXioleytoa aad Heaaalao^ protection aad detonchety, greed aad oUgereby, robbery aad all at a klad. Aad any iti-fttny of thalr caaaa, ww varily toUato. is wick riawi before high beavea so loag aa •Thou shell act atari" ataadc io Uw OM Teatawect and ‘Ti can eat serve Gon aad waaaoo" ataada in tto Xew. Show bla that I Tlx** wbo know tb* way of politi cian* 1*4 Ui* power uf aoim ootn "4U**s win lad nothing to be sur prised at in lb* fusion rwwaUy effected la this ooooty between the Bepc hit cans and Populist*. but anybody will bavua right to be so rprised If tb* Wade I* ratified et tbe polls. Tbs trail of HepubUeaaism U over U aiL Strap wee otgeettoeabls to tbo UepnbUtsss oo two ooaets: (1) be had a prohibition record. (3) be was for Doughtoe. Tb* Bepablicau fuetooiet* could eut deliver tbe goods to Swoop. They know elan that tb* Pupollat oom mMlee ooeM not deliver tb* goods te tb* BepubUeao candidate, Mr. A. A. WUeon. What scheme then could tb* Republican* work * Ob. they lotted a sofaeB* t We’ll take down Wllaoo, we’ll Bek* tbo Popoilsta take down Stroup, asd pro mote While from tbe candidacy for Sheriff to that for the Hooea. And tbe thleg was dooe. See ? Tb* Re. publican bosee* in Gaston ere acbssates from away back. Theaebeeser wbo gate ahead of tbeB oa eebsBO It a sooner. Lei tbe bey* talk ea mildly and ooo eoiingly as they please about Stroup **eeaetBgH dew* aad Wilson "coming” down, bet tb* peblle will etUI bare an Idea of it* owe that they ware taken down, set down, pot dawn by the com mittees, by tb* eats* committees that agreed to pot White op. Stroup •ouldo't ooBamad tbo gold-bag vote ■ad is dowa to Bake room for a mao who may stand a better ehaoea of get ting It. Wilson lays aside a laudable tbs bit too for making a straight party Igbt la order to make a little sleervr ■ailing ter others no more dinning tbaa he. Traeto Heold UaebUadaaas to principle end Us lost for oOee the KepahUeeo machine give* 1U young s' aspiring member* to uodtrataad that It Is n greeter, far greater tb log for a lew to gel elected tbaa Tor all to de wrv* else tie*. Odtee, xfflee le the A lag with tb* machine. Ado IMn la aomthlag rattan la tbk asw uaal Mo* H than tan’t. ttronp was for DoacMoo; be ooalda’t mteh Ibt BcyoMtano rota. Wblla, bay any, no oatah tba Republican rata; whom tabs for? Will b* rote tor Prttebard aad Ll»**y? If b* aaya kb won’t, the HsyuMtsana will aUb Mm$ If ba aaya ha will, tba trna Popo llata win rayndlata hint. Waieb win M do f Tba paofbt who arn aakad to taoyart bus at tba p>4U win doabtlasa knot Mr. Whfta to daCsa bia attltod* lawns* thaaa two onndMets*. Bat al tbls oaownnClo* naaaagaoaa ■tttsaa la not anWy banana* of tonal ■Balsa, Uts a last dssparaU «anl«n tarn Llatisy’a aanaa now In IU 4»ath nraatfa In Bantao. -Uanay la laawal,” aal* tba FopoUala aa tbay taebo* MgaUaat Doaahtoato ataodard. hdtfabtilfbblaoo, Uaaay know M«MMb of tbs saoaty ibnatMa tbla Oar KiagH Mom tali neighbor, th* iMfl* X^hbii. baa been bavlag aaamhaypy tmttmtniU boaaahold. Tba proprietor, J. W. Brown, la a nayrtBain; Um editor, H. F. ABhoa. ha Popaliet. LaatMay they faaed to PWftktor takiag aaaoa d^Tta bb BagidiBeanlaaa sad Us editor taking •oaaa proteettoa la kb hyaltta. ( Ul tba tUaa cbm toby aaMehcdtathm and Docghtoa brought matters toa baa*. Tba odltor daebrad ba waae attvar mb and awaat to tupper* Dacgttaa aad oppaaa Liaaoy aot only allta poUa but 1b tba paper. Tba prsprlsler wee a Baaabttaaa aad 4MbH Hba aaeh dal.tga. tba wow mpodally aa tba aditor had aapyortad JUaoey taro ago. Bat editor Ail boo re nsslnedlrm. Aa wrote bb adltoral far DoagbUa aad agdest Lluaey aad paMbtod B bat weak. After pahUah lag a itataaaart ad the tawaa of agree •aaot oo which tba editor aod tba proprietor begaa bat May tba Joint petUaatb* of tba paper, Mr, AHbon I aball Tata far tba eandMatee whom I think moat likely to oarry aay priad pba Into ha aad who wiU aot wlthoat tanting their backs oa tbab pledgee, ■h^dtraatly or lodiractly tba tingle I will advocate tbaabatleaef W li near J. Bryan for praddaol and of Thamaa X. Wntaoa aad St wall electors far via* praddcot, without acrsichiog. For congressman at Uda eighth dis trict! wiU advocate tba election of lb A. Deogbtoa ia prafkraoee lo R. Z. Uosay, because be has pledged hitneelf for; _Qy ^ jprnsc iplea aad Mr. Unaay I advocate the election of Um popu lbt atata ticket aa agreed upon. Far atata ausators I advocate the ataotiaa of thepoyalbt nominee, onbaa ba aladgao far Pritchard for the oaaaia, aad for J. A. Anthony. I win lead do aid to returning Mr. Prttcbsrd to tba » will euypuiv tin eu-opuieuTe oouo ty ticket thro us boat, wotyt for rsoree rtiUUrt aod I M'l be ungrateful •ooegh to veto <plui Dtxoe. 1400*1 espret IbU to suit every body, bat U b oops let act and mite taa end our reform nan, end I therefore moat insist that it b my right to voU eel think beet. I cannot sever my oocsection with the democratic early temmi 1 think It MdemeeraUc to fol low tbe aingto goM eteadard and than allow myenlf to go into tbe republican parky to wonhlp the “golden oeU.” But only a part of tbe merry dis turbance te eat forth lo tbe above. Whew It wae nearly time for tbe paper to gw to press Captain Brown, tbe Proprietor, watted out of the office carrying tbe aide-sticks with him and leaving the editor la bed shape for looking ep the forms containing hie declaration of Independence. Taa (la MTTU got word of this late Thursday afternoon aod had the enviable priv ilege of seeding editor Allison tie side-sticks to get his paper oat with. We would base bt bln have them even it they bad been wroagbt out at gold ball too at standard Unseen, provided he had been wUbngforbie •Over editors! to get inside the came chase with such company. Certain young men of Use town, starling Com ornate, assisted In getting tbe paper oat, working at night to accomplish it, aod tba paper cams out, a day late, it to true, bat it came. Oar neighbor's only reference to this pert of its tribulations wae tba aodaat ooe found fat these lions: On eeootnt u{ the sbisoce of our prin ter TKt Htfomur to behind time this week. We foal certain oar readers will overlook any error* or misprint we mur send oat ibis week, for from the above you see Its new baods. We an (rallied to see that oar neigh bor got along so well andar tbe ao noylag drawbacks against which It bad ta conteod. It will please foal no Micaey In calling on us agala under similar circumstances. We than at ill times be toned reedy te give Use BepuMiceoe a wback, asd tba more •specially tboao who are blggity •cough to suppose they oaa suppress Use freedom of tbe prom by marebleg e* with the ektoetleki under their eras. Adhory eaM down baoauaa be didn't want to praacb athrar and rota gold. A ItlUo thing Uka that dOMo’t worry WaltoM who haa aoooaodod him. la tor Wtrjmm. rorttMa OaqiWw. AH of tho dnnoaata a ra not for ifo Kloioy. Uwt to aortalo. Tbora woo a mat aalaawao to town toot Mooday who to rad hot for Bryan. Ha bad a crowd of M araood him at tbo (oat udtoo for ahoot id wlnabaa, and with M anoMatty glib longoa, aoovtiwad thaw that hr knrw wtot ho w«a talk £agrBfirssrs rood with a amrab warraot. Ho fait aw win otoo that Bryao la to hatha Bugle Call to Democrats. Hoa. Clement Manly, Chairman Dem. State Ex. Com. From this day, workl Let no private demands prevent this public duty. ONE CAUSE OP RBJOICINO. W. J. ajM, at H—Sum. Tb it is one of the things that we rejoice at in this contest, that we do not have the support of the trusts, or combinations, or syndicates of this country. A CAUSE IS KNOWN BY ITS COMPANY. W.J. Bryao. at InSU—Osi. S If you will look at the company which the cause of our oppo nents keeps you trill get some idea of the true character of the cause. Every man who has profited by special legislation, every trust that seeks to impose upon the people, every syndi cate that fattens on public adversity and every corporation that thinks it is greater than the law which created it—all these are oppoacd to ns and give us a certificate that we arc doing good work for the people. THE PEOPLE VS. THE SYNDICATES. W. J. Brysa, il PsrtmrMxur. W. Va_ Oak L We have to meet the combined influence of money in all the money centers of the world. But, my friends, this campaign will demonstrate whether the people arc to have a Government of the people, by the people and for the people, or whether it is going to be a Government of syndicates, by syndicates and for syndicates. BRYAN’S WORTHY AMBITION. W. J. TVt«« to INaomili Chibs, a. Loots. Sai. Klctat. Oct. S. 1 read you briefly from the teachings of Thomas Jefferson to show you, my friends, that it ought to be the ambition of every member of these clubs to carry our Government back and place it again securely on the foundation which was established by the founders of this Government. If you should ask me what is my highest ambition, I would say that above any office that human hands can give, above any honors that human confidence and human esteem can bestow, if I could choose a name by which I could be known I would have it this: That I have done my best to make this Government whst Jefferson desired that it should be. Commenting cm this eloquent passage the St. Louis Republic says: The greatest applause during the course of the speech was when Mr. Bryan declared earnestly that his highest ambition in public life was to do his best to make this Government what Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic party, would have wished it to be. ‘‘You”ll have the chance I” a man in the audience shouted, and at that a mighty cheer went np, and again the assemblage was on its feet, calling out its certainty that Bryan was to be the sure victor in November Ml rum AMD TU MIAim. A TU payee Pate Seaea lawliwa M iteTMMMwnMa To the Mte ef Hi Uaaette: Would oar Republican friends La so kind as to soever tbe following ques tions for the beoelli of a voter, tax payer sad laboring mo. Dow tbe foreigner pot or leave any money In be treasury except Ameri can mooey Y Or I will put It this way. Suppose that some foreigner brings to this country $1,000 worth of goods When be oomee to onr ports he flnda that there is a duty on ■aid goods of 90 per cent. He pays tbe $800 end then esiU bis goods for $1,900 he takes beck with him $1,000 Just what be woold have taken If there had bean do tariff. Than bow doea a high tariff add any thing to onr Oosooee T Suppoae the tariff were tea timer at high and tbe people would not or eould not boy. Would It pot mousy In tbe treasury f Than If onr people were usable to bay asd pay the tariff, bow woold a high tariff obviate tbe seceeelty of leaning bead# ? •» Mi UPS W* |n WHVIPI llimuWMW pay Myth lag Into tha federal treasury! Suppose tha taitfl wall ware high aooogli to bar all foreign Importation*, No tariff doty would then bo oollooiod Who would pay the federal taxes! Would the manufacturer do it ? 9. la not oar population greater to day than it woa U or 10 yoore ago ? If oo do wo oot aeed more gooda * Aad la aot tha foreign Importation of gooda laaa than It waa 8 yean ago 7 If ao dote that oot abcw that wa are buying laaa! Art notour ncedaaa groat! and bare wa not more peopls to need ! Thru dooo that not prow that the medium of aaebango la Inaafleteot ! If wa are good enough to put a wall around thla country to protect tbe manufacturer, why not proteot every body Inside tha Wall !- Why aot doolie value of money ! double tbo prloo of farm prodoeU f aad doubla tbo prim of Mar > That will double our capacity to per tasen, would k aot T for wo. the laboring people, pay tha gorernmoet tag high tariff or low tariff, do ww not! A Floalty, would II or would It am add to the prim of eUrrr bullion to Clyo It a piaea la our amoutary syatesa! If oot, why not! It has a relo# la tha arts and manefMUrere of about 70 eaata ao oanot. Thao would DC* a moaoy valua he ae much 7 Bgiftnaaa ato Taxfayee. Who Um the atom wm Tata It la wfe ts aay that than la not a ■aa la North Carol Isa who term hla State, who really wirbm the State to aasaasga..— IS town I Um "Bead Sguiia af the Man, owns, c*» the Sew Ttrk lyUlwle Balthsobk, Ocv. 20.-The deal for the transfer of the control ol the Sea board Ate Uae system to the New York syndicate, baa. It la elated, been cl need, and the formal transfer of the property will be made la a few days The syndicate still bu 30 days la which to accept or reject the terms of the present ewaaza, bat it Is under stood that the syndicate will not take advantage of the Ume limit, being satisfied as It is. A rumor waa current to-day that Praetdant Hoffman bad resigned, bat be emphatically denied that be even contemplated snob e step. Tka IUM: TkaHtiat ItaMrUta lairfMrt. There may be, then are, hooest difference* of opinion among Uaoo enata about national question* Ull year, but tbare should be no dtffatanaea between tbem open this proposition; that the natter of eoprezne lnportaao* It to ear* the State and local gorern neata from the gang which already imagines itself In poeeeealoo of tbeua. W* any here free Hirer on til man will nut feel it worth while to stop and piok It ap in the road; but It aloof with It we hare e State gorenuneat wltloh nekas Ufa sad liberty nnaeft and which opponent the people by rlekraa laws: which replaces niece with turmoil and robe the oittseo through taxation; If with three we hare county goreramama In which Ighontno* and dUhooeety are predoml naat and which deetrej credit aad cause strip to be hawked about the etreet* end eoid for wfaaterar oau be gotten for It—If tbeee sad kindred erlJa befall, It Is scant benefit that the people will darir* from the gomrnneoot at Washington, bowerer bencdelent It may be. The oouety gorernmsat le, relatlrely, what the family Is; tbs State government represents, we aaar any, the oalgbtswhood. As good out sene tbeee ebooM be our diet ears, aad wa ms trust to other things to follow. It tbaald not be a rale appeal tn oar people, Intelligent aad patriotic ae they ate, aad regard!el as they ere of their own welfare aad that of their fWaUlea, that they giro their retaa and all thaw InOoaoee to tfao Democrat le Mato, con gressional. leglalatlre sad eoaaty can didate*. In tu# eleoUea of these the public inureat wM be beet ooaeorred, and, to repent, without good loot] home fortmment eB alee Is seagirt. HaMak Car. g*m» Okartaate Otaarrar. Chainaaa Manly spake today of Cyra* a Wateea’s eeadltiea as Im prored aad osM; ‘*1 wae with him s*ri day. Tbo dare age he was ap aad *i to walk about Mo mom. The rt era* to* moeb, sad he hod a sxrasstssrtixrti oeadteoa has Improeed aad la new about as It woo the day before the relapse. Ha benae to make tab or two wm ipnil^ Mon m* •alga tads, and them will probably be Cth* metre! part of the fwaU.” -- --- -- HERt IQ SOMETHING TO LOOK AT! Cloaks! Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Wyy mrnjmmI— atpamalOrtvelaOloeha. (Artlan, mm our bo* before malta* Prints! Prints! Prints! oJaUryarT****'1'41'**to,ih* and other buodard Prior, at >X Shoe Sense id’^?^*.0*^.0*7 *"e a« o*. ahoa Dress G oods. »rto~ *° ** .««• *»«•*. ■» *• <»« Clothing: and Hats. , tr*M aanwilcwattoa it our Mnpiu tad torrent turlre to tadafy ervry owo. Vnt dttr It I. Carry « CttDrv ttw*. rhtattt, HOLLAND <Sc ROBINSON*. McDILL, PRESSLY l COMPANY. W« wish to announce that we are now ready lo idrva the public and that we have a store full of Newr and Attractive Goods. laaASSIt S’2££'.,r *• ,W* 10 “»•* r»« -IdtiHe b« rood, for Dry Goods and Notions ia eoiaplria asd the prion are down to aull Ibo lliaot. Shoes! Shoes! <luaSS2Sfti«r0‘*hjr<,,t**" »<• two thoe lloa wo are able to tult any noe both to Our Groceries are all told at aheap at any uoa can atU thorn. Notions. . Wa^lae bare a nice Ha. or laenn. THmmlnt and Volrau to arrirv the lattar part or IbU or dtp tree or neat »MI Otn and examine ouratooe. m aw WM OKL1VBB OOOue ANrWHEAl IN Town. PRE89LV Oc CO. 8L Lout. Bspnbee. The wall of tbe fold Democratic press of the Eut for a word from Mc Kinley against tbe traeU la met with profound alienee at Caatoo. "What do you think of tbe trusts f” aad, "Speak out, McKinley,” shriek* one of the leading New York papers ' which la trying to make Democracy and MeKtawylam go together. Mr. Bryan has spoken out—spoken bravely and plainly. He haa repeat i rdly eald that be will use alt tbe pow er of his office to enforce anti-trust laws and destroy the trust* that prey upon tbe people. But not a whisper comes from Can ton. Mr. McKinley has not even said be would enroroe tbe anti-trust laws on the statute books. H« baa satd nothing. Ha baa not allowed a word loeacapehl* lips Intimating that he would naa the power of hie high office, shoal d babeeleoted, to protect the people from unlawful combines. Major MeKInley dare not speak out against the trusts. He la bound hand and foot to tbe trusts; be la the creat ure of a political syndicate. With trust magoataa on bl* finance committees nod trust millions In bl* campaign fond. Major McKInlay le bound to tbelr eervloe, and It is per haps something to hta credit that be dees not promise ■ public service that be cannot perform. ■m* ■ Jlsw, for Tea : II** ton kstarprtar. Newton can fornleh a variety of every thing that comes or goes; We have la town a man who In few voted tbe Democratic ticket; lo 1892 the Populist ticket; in 18W joined the Democratic Club and signified bis In taotton to vote for every Democrat ou the ticket, but changed bis Intention before election day and voted the fu-1 ■ion ticket; end this year says he la going to vote for W«. McKinley. This man would line up pretty well with Ki Dodger in hie political con tortions wouldn’t be T Since the first of September the Democratic National Committee has received 888,000 to contribution I from min* owners. One contribution of 8871 come from the mine* s employed In a gold mine In tbe far West. EMUS mu MB BSE FOCE." «g3EaaBfl3Eg Hareceived lleecw aa a peae tkitoa physician, I take this method of offering my proteeelooal eervieee to the pahlle. For the prevent my oflce will be at Torrence's drag el or* (Phone So. ID). Celle left there will have prompt attention. Heepoctfollv, FfUVK O. WlLBOK, M. D. taxatmw row muc maim. 7o 7he VoUrtof 0<uloa UtuiUy: er mm aenea «W b* plaM in ha* wmwW. nmmaa aa* •» eM«m4m?SL**“," hmm. MEAT MARKET. W. N. Davis, Propr. Haviog bought the market of Mr. W. 8; Smith, I am do* prepared at the aama old stand to furnish the obaiotst fteib taeats and deliver them any where la towo. I am lo tbe market tusiaem to cell meat and keep on eelllag It Tha way to do Lb la la to please my customer, in wbat they boy. -TRY MB. My meals are selected and dxeaaed with great ear* and are kept freah aad ctsao. I invite a trial order. Mr. John Vogls, an experienced buteber, already well knowu Id Urn toola. Is now with me and will take pleasure la serving tbe public. _W. N, Pavla. TAX NOTICE. Owing to tbe early cotton crop 1 will expeot early tax-paylag. 1 will meet tbe las-payen of Gaston county for tbe purpose of oollasting tbe taxes for the year 1906, including those that have not paid taxes for tbe year 1805, which MUST be paid at oaee. Please meet me at the following places and dates: "s*-»sss? tmiucr. (S<xr,Tbunr. » It aftsroooa. ***2 Four, Mo*. “ 1» tocmuxm. IakAo, MorvSay. - if afUroooa. JfflSSTwSSS&.'fc.S: Tbe Uouoty Caudidatss are expected to be wltb me on this round. All tax-payers that allowed their receipts for the year 1805 logo into the bands of Uie Deputies, ere notified that after this round their receipts (or the year 1800 will be placed to tbe hands of the Deputies, for collection. Respectfully, A. K. Loftin, Sheriff. HALF RATES ON PHOTOGRAPHS! Until farther notion BKARD will make Bret-daft* photo* at aae-hatt regular price. Aft follow*: Cabinets, Per Dot. |l.M Carts, “ ill Other Sues la Prepertlii. But lhe«* am CASH MUCKS. Wring the money with you. And don't forget that I do FRAMING alao. —PLACE.— New Gallery Ophite Flret jn it Iona! I B. BEAD, Photographer. Jtotlee to Befondaato. BKB Torrence, The Jeweler, WATCHES, CHAIRS, , UR6S, ud JEWELRY, Mv*nnr« aunv «■* dunr Btll.

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