DMcsnouMM a nmm, *. JUotter b iduKriWi _ ..."jyWT*»i«»HtT{ »te writes SSTri'Sl^atS 1ft so Uin Ute* ^V*W waawwf aw tte otter rife •wnttek ti| uitUla wtertttey Agw’t balm*. utuait •wit ft rrJnnin Mr. Inrtac writer i sartors oM StSUffUSS rJR? •tete tte w*T bis eloites At Din. Xn- V—tel writes » ckwr. niter ^tef !•»»«■ tert ftwwv Ot IWMlWC O* Itet I lLjlll ihs dw» «MMJtaditMaalHr ao Ite part ot tte nxrr urmnn un. ywyfawmnt write* a elaar. Mg 2iX5Si£t£2‘3 £ wm, Wtleoa Butte write* a mall bat a vary distinct »—■< YrtetSurtte wlt«,« tiny earfe that bam bar wi attrsettee faea lo Md "SuS'V*"* *?■ oh; M*teJ*tyV^S3^Gii^i*wrtui ta eoaray with tt t—MifemtaL Jm£J tot in* »bow ana tha little efclt are glad to reati** a nh. ba ty ***y taw ialeltleel* haw "Btemd axa tha poreta heart" What vmbetha raaaUaU over the eoealry of the lacreaaa la rartlaal writing!-1 do Dot know, ftwl* wba do aot llkr MW Uwt f wrltaaboaiUably; tho*. Jto ». ■** ye* "to »tah to he truth faLthow who toye me awl don’t oar* to twit m mqmm of vtao tp iod ■to* loflnaitlea, caU It eharao tortetla. Hearing Ufa. thorn of my awn hea* ahold bint with tcodorncae aad kindliness. aad with aU lore aad Marteoe, that to matt have beea • 'of^mwMoa avaft sua-t SotaMMudtha yooag womaa who Mojtehm Ufa ta swallowing plea. *■**»■*—•»tote*pae were found eaperal rnUMoce of them. ButtbHtoal ■*— the way—yoa can’t gat real arttl alamaftam among yoarown poopta. I m, accord >ag to another arwa paper, that a iraah Ism km sprung up Ldmautha mt,Ha tendency la toward the breaking s»of the borne, aad. at ••iw, tt suggests what la yalmtrly known ae free lore. Of Ule partieaUi J* "tad that ooe of the bmd UghU baa become aa peitdad aad U tow# ta each a state of setwttlflo Christianity that she oac wtil, without the kaawlndgr of bur sattfect. that* ■aides mt become a mother. Tbh Id a oombioatkm of profanity add ladeeeney. Lora has no right ta br turn. As enoo aa Cup<d made erery hedy oodoswaad that ba fared may body etao chains ware pat upon tb* tm. Ciranakloo ba. ortUUtel that tha waddteg ring taka tbs plaea «f tbr oteias. Brery aov aU thao my heart aobee far bum unhappy woman wfc.i talk* about lew baiag He owa taw. tha deelrabltlty of doing away with tte ■Mtag* to aadtea beautiful aoul u.itoaa^that|would result. My baart feuuwswtel aha la UttfaTtewt tM a satire of the Baadwteb bland* doe* about the flavor of terrapin. Heart* may ao oat to meet bearta jest aa fang *— ■"—« heart la young aad charming, as fang as she eao entertain ted amaaa tha maa heart, aa faeg a. bar wee* aad ashes are only temporary te— ta* teteo grew* alder, aa she e< bar eharme, aa paiae eod ,_ha mare eeeeee aad J ta—. tea tea* nil Ion heart, youn JS* gait* trie, will aaak a —i"wOl sac bOThtei. womma'a Tha wlfa has Urn lota of a young M»- Sha may, oooa or twtoe. baiter* that far aa hour or two name other wemau.haa aoomod a thing or beauty to bur bwdbaod. but if aba 1a wise aha knows that tf aha watte qntatly he wilt •tour* to her. aad Oodles bar tha real Jo? fa—r, ba satisfied with far. be aaoao —e uademaade bite, aad beet of all. k ways. Thao married led Co each ether. i they bare la the-other!" bet tears Is a j —tbe ittof _ too IbVV to MO stall the warld—tha It |smt bath— they haw _ am thrtr eHHdiwa’a abUdrea. U may ba teat all Urn lore fora —lid to burled to owe little gnsa. but tt to there. Tfaae ares tow mt the laeaeaa why. pattia# -Ufa —ary otter, tee merai aad tea aeetal obitoatleae, tha wife al SSLlZfiZ —ATv jttopdijfai when womaa taka up tfaw* Mitt feme that simply bring uokap plaaae la thsir teals. »w WMMM BVWJB. Bat »• «UI that about aoaMUtlngof tmm Ifartaae*. What mtnU *U 3£5gg&2ft3£ u. «u.»trji~ s»“Ais?( s rwaflja ^htatphla (X»(M wpaw I (M Um dma Wg SS^JgfcW* ' I ! ! Tha tety-ettth mmI meeting at the Onto* Oou«y Bible Society Za hold £» Mow Hop* Pieebyterian churob Thw^ai, Aa«. 1I.1M VtooAoa Bofua W. Qnot la Urn Mm*. B. F. fihoa, SeerMary proton. ■moJoo mom with eiogfog Mot ISO goepel Hyoma, Prayer by John H. J" U* «* Pm. Bobioaon Mr. Tbe* M. Haaaa doiirorod Um ln uodaetery addieee. Two earn at MGoqml Hynwa waraaaac. Mtootoo oflaot nootlagnMaadaMrovod. Mr. J. J. Lnrte nl Dr, C. X. Adaaaawonappointed a oocamittN to rs^sat-JS'aas ^L. McXao. B. W. Ohieon, P. A. Owvwtar, John O. Gtwtoa, U. H. MtntMo, N. L Han do J. 4 Hall, Mia. J. D. Hall, J. B. HMd, Dr.Bobin. go, Dr.C. B. Adeem, B. T. Glean, ftof. Break HaH, J. t(. Raaoa, J. M. HaiMa, B. I. A boo*. Jokn J. LowU, T. U. Raaoa, K. A. Hartoon. Oaah I4.5Q, . After oln glog STi Prof. Hon ad deemed tha Bociotr oa tha lahUrt ‘•The (Art* of tha Old Trateawt No. tt wet oaog. Whgtha oaxt eubject The Bible maa Maeator” waaaaooaaead tha Brother to whom thla autyeot waa mlgaod, Mr. J. W. Canon aot being orooMt, a latter of ragntfrom him, sa.*. 1 “tJj **■ L^M■ HoNttaa to wbMpttt neat eub the •'OartUottaSAMvtetyhT1faa£ DMboooriog of HI. Holy Word.” Sa 137 Goepel Hymtm, GMng to tbo Bible, woo oaog. (object“Sotf-erMeut Foe »•* t Troth,"—Oe which Prat.]. J.Gaorgawao taepaak waa fme the epmktr waa hot goaaot. Ka M wee ouog followed Uy Tboni M. Hanna who wee allowed to oataet owe oobfact. He apoka oa the "Orgaalratloo of Bible Socletlae, gtr T~~*'~“laT< °* lll*t0n, foot or moon urn, ••**■■■*••»• bmbree, Miller m2 H5$?l3** ■**Primal. Oo owUob eftor tiaging ITS uDwrntd for dloaer. Tbe afternoon ewakra warn «f—e* by staging Ho. 151 Goeprl Hrawa and •reyar by Prof. Hall. T. If. Haopa reported tbe —andattoo of tbe 'Jrawdec'a Mta. aad Oeateala To he rb Ip Society. The imnrt of tha committee oo naaMrtal baa bm mislaid. tha 8nc»y. aaa aatbortaad to incorporate U la th* wiaete* (8. M. Aabory. 8*0*7 headed lathe oialaid report which follows:) ^Wayoar committee appointed oa iwrarieliat the so coal meeting of tb,,&!**B Society held A. RP. eh Utah, A eg. 15, beg Were to report tha following: We lad tbat Brother J. M. Car wawM Bed* Prretdeat at different 7TL.‘**P°rt^,r ,E UHl. ;•»?. 875 families and was a faltbfnl officer, aad died la Jaa. IMA “Bo J. Froocbcrnr VBB ft ym faithful officer earring tor ten yaarere ^grtary free* 1878 to 1808. Died la » Ww-!°d-th*t J- D. Hall. A. H. WeBa. Metre*. Hathan Mendenhall, Jamre Bald, J. M Haaaa aad a num ber of other* were awoog th* charter mewhwe at tbe otgaalmloe la 1850, wboee labor* are doae. Wa year eommltte* respectfully recommend that eae boar be wt apart for a memorial aerrtoe at Uw next annual metier. B. W. Carson, ) Vwl O. <• Adam, l Cot* Thomas H Hamit a. j Saturday, May 80, 18M. Dr. O, E. 8 dim, Tree* made bt* aaaoal report, oa wbleb the following 3TKu^WhS? •”°'nt«d TRMASlTRMm’a RRJTORT. SfsSsSSSh^ji . png bfaaWtoA.**... Vtljn onoarroMY. SBSJaSsassac:™ Iss Total.... WbMWwMaartawywr."fAR* vSoi'bwhiimw,;::.::::::: „5 T9B4*’.—.«55 auditor's aaronr. Mr. Cbalrmac: We year committee ea tbe Trere. ■hdMwmererejr1"** b>*lMO>,a ^ 4. U- HALL. J. ML Rita. OowiMo* of T. It Hanna U>- tin* ortWmd tlmt UM pUMnooSn 4*po«knri«n” patlurlnlba««d Ia .*g» tba wnr4 Ballet bo n *cl,nt>"d..ff0* MgJ«yaW«Uon-loal. iTm! iHil **"*** m P**°» of 3» •pU^fT- It Hanna a rota of ifcJT/CoaJtwIt^r44- U *** H*p* fcc gfSHsiSisrTaj _2S «'•#••<**• bwlliin. c£S£«:£sr-“ JSWSpatf,-,: ■ M /, _• ‘J*1!*0** T***-P»na. »• ». Otnan, Many »w. ’stjArzss mzssr&Z Mar, Uattana an— an tWahftT b£ !S.'5irtiaS2S?7S,2s SlstcSS?^ *"• * “Whaaces ^•"pcamoretla party had tea birth la Jefferson** great oon taatagaioat tha oantosliaatloa of tha power* af tha Federal goverameot and to behalf af the atrtot loeatraetteo of tha Federal ooneUtottoo, aim bod lad la the teath samataeat thereto, la which all powara net delegated to it wees expressly reaaryed to Uta Statsi respec tively. or to tha people, aad, “Wboreea, 1W Bagnhlteiia party baa eyarhaaa a party ad centralisation, “Resolved, That wa appeal to the people to ohaarea tbu fundamental dW tanmoa hat wan tha Democratic party aad tea trwdtUcoal enemy in rtapact to the powara of the aaatrel government; that tha ooaatRntloe reoogulaee gold aad eHrer aa the primary or redemption money of tboaa tfiatee aad In tbc word* of tha Democratic platform ‘wa belter* la haaeet money. Urn gold and ailrar oolnege of tha COaaiI tattoo aad a elr aalaUag madtam oonvertlble into aaoh moany without teas’ “Wa favor, tadapaodeotly of other cations tha ns* and unlimited eola aga of allvar aad geld without diaorlas Ination again* either, * the peveeot legal ratio of M to 1, aad wa coodomo tha system wbleb la time of peaoa with aetlttoaa of eUvar bullion tying idle lu tha Treaeory haa (bread tbc govern amat within two year* to lnuc nearly 9411,000/100 in beads Wa ocadema tha action of tha Secretory of ibo Treaeory In following Urn Republican precedent of paying the cNliptteoi of tha ■avaramsst In gold, which were ■pcdleally made payable In coin. Wa hereby lastreot oar delegate* to the national eooveaUoa both aa to plat form aad cindldaUe, to advnoato and voteaea unit, unflinchingly, at all baaaida tor Um natoratloa of allvar aad othurwlm la obadteooa to the tet ter and tha spirit ot the principles herein sounds'**. Wa fart bar In struct oar delegates State aad district, to aa* aU tbelr effort) to abrogate tha lwo-t> ‘ids rate If met aery to aaeor* the nom'tiatloa of a candidate in oom Pteta, la hoarty aad In known accord with the principle# berate enunciated by us "we warn uw people against tha threatened combined evils of the gold standard and the McKlnlev tariff. There twin nowtet go hand In hand hi their mien ton of deatruotloo. draw ing the vary «ata*a*iioo from the body oftbo people and ooooaotraUng ail wealth aad power In the hands of the “Wa denounce the McKinley Ur Iff aad all other forma of a protective tariff laghriatlca aad favor a oouati lu tioaal tariff for raven as only. We ere for the repeal of the unconstitutional tax of 10 per cent on Stale banks of issue. We declare oar oonOdenoe In a graduated income tax. In order that wealth may bear ita doe proportion of the burden of supporting the govern - ascot, aod we (avnr aa Immediate amendment of tha eonstltatloa of tha United States authorialsg tu levy and collect loo la atpiam terms, leaving nothing for jodtctal coaatnicUoa. “We are unalterably opposed to all Irgialatton by whloh monopolies and trams era created aad fostered. We Insist upoa tbs faithful execution of •xlatlog laws agalaat the same aod up on soeh farther IrgisUtloa as may bo aeeeeaary for their suppression." The part of the platform relative to State otiose is as follows : “Wa point with pride to the econo mic mad stain Isas admialetratlon of State government whereverDemocracy has been to power. We favor tbs an eat moot of eooh aa sled ion law aa will seen re tha parity of the ballot. “Wa favor tha cooUaaaoee of tha system of education established by the Democratic party aad pledge ourselves to IU increased eflcleney aa the condi tion of tha people aad public revenues may Justify. “we flavor lbe prompt, just aod Im partial administration of the criminal law of tha State aod wa point with pride to the feet theta Democratic Legislator* first mart ad a law. agalaat lyaohtag aad that the faithful execu tion of the seme baa virtually sup pressed that oriole. “Wa cordially Invite all men, re faidiereaf former political associations, to oalto with os In a fight to the finish for free stiver, for lower taxes, far higher prices for agricultural products aad labor, far the economical adminis tration Of government aod for the freedom aad laaivUual sovereignty of tha American etttaeo. Wo declare oar ballot that the peace, prosperity aod happiness of at tha people of North Cbrolloa depend* aa the defeat of the Republican state tick at in the coming ■taction. _ ▲ Steteavllle Democrat m aston tobed a tow dan ago to iaealra a latter from BepaWIcan State Chairman Hol loa cocloatog aa order on a pmialnaat SteteBTllla HcpaUteao for $00. Tba lattar waa lataado! for a Bapabllaan candidate la tbtoaount? wheoa initial* are the name a* thorn of tbr Democrat who noatead It hat wbaao poateOoa la aa« BtetooriUo. The latter waa aant bar" br mtoube aad waa forwarded to Ha rightful owner. From tbia It oan bo men that Mark Haattato aaah to baglaolng to float aroqnd. Tba Htetaarilto Republican aa wham tha order waa glraa to aridmitly holding tha bar ■Mtwal We— af AnaiTHU. tBrraiOmia Tha awthorlttoa wbo faal called open tepam jadmoat opaout don’t aaam to agree. Ex-Smator Blair now pared aa to ban ran, EreagalUt Fife aaya are »r» “Sodom aad Qomorrab.’’ aad Branco Hat PWton aaya —’r* tha beat people aa wwti<. Bat It** all tha way wa’ta lacked at__ It <• rarprtatef te maay that fact ball playar* aad otfow athlete* regard a aprala or hratoa of an Htito eoo aaguaaaa. Oaa ranaao nf thto la, they kaaw how to treat aaah Injuria* no aa tn raaoam foam than* In a few day*, while other* «aaM ha told op for two or thraa waoba, If aot longar. Writing foam Oatral State Normal School, Leak Ham, p» Mr. W. If. Loath, •attain of Uia baaa ball club aad gymnaaium aaya: *•! tab# phmaaia la mating. Umt m amber* of oar baaa ball gv’& ‘sss ray srrs'^Tsa: 4mShWfia4 IATMIU BMOOUTK TICKET. AthaHw, william i. Bar am, >i b—. For Tlou-n l«*1nl. AimiuuuwAU, OfMMM •UMkATM RAM TICKET. Fur Smnnr, CYRtn S. TABOR, •f Fonrl*. Fur LAout—nnt Orwruot, THOMAR W. MASON, Mr—; HSU UHAKLM M. OOOKB, of Frmmktta. FUrTreorwr at, DBKJAMTN r. ATCOCK. o< T«rw. Fur Ad—or, KOUBKT U. TUBMAN, Of hlMOAbA Fur Auorner Oooorol. FRANK I. OABOBNR, of XooUoubon. For —cirtol—II of FuMto In— uoMa*. JOHN a SCABBOBOUaB. of Joknrton. FOr JurUuu» Rupraor Quart. 3i£. hTKoVn.'jI^o) Brno tort. Fur Motion, NatuA-Urfr, W&83ti3tfJKS?* MI—nsFAA TICKET. For Confront, rdfob a. noosnroN. MAStd—r. LEGISLATIVE TICKET. none of itrpr—tnitrM, AM. WILtUM. OAJBTEH CM.SYT TICKET. Bradley 4 Happerfleld, —rxontixTOM or— The tatonta Stem Marble and Granite Works. -iu ruriw to— Fill promptly your orders for Marble or Granite work of any kind, and be lieve they can save you money on work in their line. ff Call on them at tb*lr marble yard on Main street and get price*. Mill HAFPSIFIELD \ mp™lon' L. E. ENG EES BY, —Attwiij ud Couullor at Ltv GASTONIA, N. O. ROB*T. L. DURHAM, -I.AWYKU,— DALLAS, N. C. —attobnmy-at-la w— •astowta, a. c. Will praetie* in the courts ol Gaston and adjoining counties aod in the Federal Court*. W. H. HOE EM AN, -MNTJ87 GASTOTSIA, a #FOfflo* or*r First National Bank. W. B. W1LMW. 1. M. SLOAK. Dr’s Wilson dr Sloan nracunimiiuwion. Offer their piulhmlcnsl serrlo** to elUsra* cf Gastonia and larronudlng oouatcy. ChlU left at Torrence** Drug Store will nedw prompt attention night or day. A. L 1KKKMI, Tonsorul Pablob —"MWLt WTTTMD tTP* •— In CnrMr Boon T. U. O. A. Botldlivfr. rirat-claa* Workibm R-aplornd and Kkat-oUaa work Qoaraotaad. R. P. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GASTONIA. N. 0. Having retired from active oounaetlon with the Beal Manufneturlng Corn peoy, I now oflvr my twice* to the pebile for all kinds cf ' „ BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Carefvl Attention given to Brootkm of Cottages and Pins Iteetdenoee. i Cotton Mill Work a Specialty. Mymif and ay workmen having bad from 10 to 80 reals’ experteooe, and my personal ■eeervWoa being glean to each cootraot. I in prepared to execute ml clcmcc of bciMlug oontraet* nod to losere entire Mtisfactlon thereon. Oonscpoadeoce toUeited. ggFW—■—esses—aea—a^MSM L. la Jsvcum, P,*idmU. K. 8. rsoBAB, Om«er. First National Bank, Of GASTONIA, X. 0. State and County Depository. OOKMBXOKD BUBIXX88 AUOUBT 2,1800. Mas never l~i s delfsr fn eng we* einee Itm eresMfasrfen. Otpital itock, .... MOWM» Sarpiw,.WOOOO DlridcuU pud bum offmalmtiw, 23,000.00 DIRECTORS. L. It. XmIIm, T. 0. Ptgr*m, I. D. Moon, T. W. Wilton, r. Duiinf. ooiioita aooounta or individual*. Firm*, and Corporation*. Interact paid on tuna aapoatte. Guarantaaa to patron* ovary aooommodatton oonala tent pith oonaarvattva banking. TBBT THE NEV-TORKTIHES. TUB TIMES* a Mmpapw for lotcUlreot am aad roan who want to read all Ik* no wo at too world retry doy. 1k« paper koa dle tomiublo* amrtta of Ita own. It la ndikor aaoaoMoool aor aulL It a aot area aaanooraJ. It m not rrtaoloua or Motaiy. It aaoe plenty of MMi la toa world and taNo MM a. 1C lotto of too kod wtwn U uniat, bwt not uwwbcUaonce |y. It prtatowtto fall naaa too raoord of ho aeon ' mtdmiut In many Bdto owtalde of hotUtto. polaka, and war—In Ittoraturo, ratUrton, aotoacai art. Mama,pad kouooktadiaotforo. No pa oar la too naaotiy prtnta ao oucoy hook re nt wa aad id canoe hook nowo. No paper koa ao oocapiaae a ftaaneul papa a dotty tuaual ftor iQrtaaoaa ood otooara of haaacml laatttu uooa. Bo omckta roportt wool, onioth kroad daft, fan pcnduota, he.—turn the boa* In tho eauatry. The Dcaaocraay of THN TIN BB M of tka old. fOtotoaod ootl aa cld aa Tboinoa JaMeraorv majority rule, no baoalata, an marhlnw tyran ay. toa dtroreo of potoloo treat pile wa annoy - menace, a aonad rairraony. todootrtol omanrl paMoa, aad army day haamaty. T» pretaoaa tka adraaoo of toe Drraoareuc Party aloop tooor Unco It labor* with boortoad oooaoleooo nn^ |]] rmd THE 1EY-Y0&K WEEKLY TIMES. TWe aubaorlpooa prior or THN KIW-IOM WIHLT TIMMS M ONE DOLLAH a year. THN wknelt TIMMS M a oapttal aairmopar. H aao talna all toa aurroad aawa aoadormad from toa Mpattka aad rap art* Of toa dailr odiUoo, knaklm lUorary matter, atomwhru up on arrloultural topics by ptanUnal fanmora, fail red accurate market raporm of prloea ror fano prnOuoa, Bra are, ben, aad a oaitdidly pea pared weekly wool market. BHBOCMIPTION MATCH fctty.-Ub'tond- ... araraSkffir* if a a Pimtoaa propel* to an aolnta m toa Potted Ptnm.Otaodo.oaid Maxloo, oxoopt ta Now Tort aty, wlcwo too pattern la I oeot per icopy, to oil otoor oounirtoo, S oonto paroopr per toy, payable by Uw aubaertoex. THN TIMES will bo tent to any addnre la Burepe. poourro included, tor tun pm noatK The ad dram of aahwwlhara wHlbonbaokoit aa often m dial rad. In ordorinaa nkreraof ad 4ram bath too old aad too m addraaa M OST bartrea. Quka reroute alwmya. BanclUonora at too Hat of tor aotawrlk tr, onlrm made by Hoota torod Latter, Cheek. Money Order, or Kapreoa order, payetlo to *Tbo Now. York Timm Pob ttatdno Oocapejiy." Addraaa all oommiinliaNono tone THN NBW.TOBH TIMES. PrlntinB Horeo Square, Now-Teak air. N. Y. Coomlufoner’i Bale. Executrix Notice. CHESTER ft LEI01R I. 6. RlILMiD. wanmvi.B aib Miawnm 11 ■rrocr baiot aant iim. (i. W. F. HABI'EB, Preddaot. OMrainMltaMAM. C. B. AJDA-XX, M. Ll. B. M. KBLD, K. D. Adams & Keid, PHYSICIA.N8 AKD SUBGEONS. auroni, x. o. Offlca at J. E. Curry A Co'i Drugator*. b; B) J U u tf) w > o BJ z o RIPA-NS The modem stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common cvcry-day ills of humanity. R. H. CARROLL, -AGRMT. Save Money, Save Time, A,,u Avoid Risk by handing your oewopaprr lubaortp Uooa to U. H. Carroll at ttaPoatOffloa. Any AAeeHfXfcm JbnaunM d MM mam Chat. Hubacrlpttor, to leading oewapapera and magadaoa of Lb la and foreign countriaa forwarded direct to pub I tab ere on day of noalpt. Some Specialties: . LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. NEW TORE: WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE N. 0 PRESBYTERIAN. A. R PRESBYTERIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. Afcstlste tafttr Burueed R, H. Carroll, Agent 10 MORE EYE-GLASSES. I#’ [tun » ■y-l I i

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