i COWED AID SILENT 1AH. fit I __ Sam Tou.Ooi 17—Mm Mary B. lam d rum “Motim of iv*« «■*.” km rttfad Urn MeSWoy rtrlao HOwwaM Rnyalttibud that pmakaM Uwmfim mi - ■ ; Dootcthtat tboadmatoro ta a aa Maataatioau iMYnr Tort World, s5&K,.t,J!5^5S ISflllil aadM addod; ■Mrtoadwort>|hmawho ooartottr I Mgafrod, with aa alt of iataam sg&.^’s.a.ryjgg: h* and I raeatra fna than hat JiXh inoptnrttoe. Dai the Hill— who CNNltMM wtthao r.1—mu- £ of idea*/ tfeaa ta«tt| Boaaavrt^jdMaw Ycak, Dingle? and ^ar.Kgtr;i“*« ti» Waada oyer yon and aptohaac loudly I onnaotbaar what **m' Hionaaokaaara taadfroa. ■mhanlfd. Bin eeevy puhlio attar 5KSe*vw^ss*52 Bogle Call to De mocrats. Hon. Clement Manly, Chairman Detn. State Ex. Com. From this day, work! Let no private demands ; prevent this public duty. ONE CAUSE OF REJOICINO. w. J. »rn, w ITnw» nltl, la. It k one of the things that we rejoice at in this contest, that we do not have the support of the trusts, or combinations, or syndicates of thk country. A CAUSE IS KNOWN BY ITS COMPANY. w.j.a»w.■rninMuun.ow.a If you will look at the company which the cause of our oppo nents keeps you will get some idea of the true character of the cause. Every man who has profited by special legislation, every trust that seeks to impose upon the people, every syndi cate that fattens on public adversity and every corporation that thinks it k greater than the law which created it—all these are apposed to us and give us a certificate that we are doing good work far the people. THE PEOPLE VS. THE SYNDICATES. W. V», Oat. t. We have to meet the combined influence of money in all the money center* of the world. But, my friends, this campaign will demonstrate whether the people are to have a Government of the people, by the people and for the people, or whether it ia going to be a Government of syndicates, by syndicates and for syndicates. BRYAN'S WORTHY AMBITION. W.J. krmak> DnoonUo data. SH. Taota. Sat. Ktest, Oct. a. I read you briefly from the teachings of Thomas Jeflersoo to show you, my friends, that it ought to be the ambition of every member of these clnbs to carry our Government back and place it again securely on the foundation which was established by the founder* of this Government If yon should ask me what is my highest ambition, I would say that above say office that human hands can give, above any honors that human confidence and human esteem can bestow, if I could choose a name by which I could be known I would have it this: That I have dooe my best to make this Government what Jefferson desired that it should be. Commenting on this eloquent passage the St. Louis Republic says: The greatest applause during the coarse of the speech was when Mr. Bryan declared earnestly that his highest ambition in public life was to do his best to make this Government what Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democratic party, would have wished it to be. “Ybaa1cM>*o rate war, sad tt M raid that tbs lw» eow saatas are an tbs asrgkofspn Sght. Ug far lbs nosmmtea of Uw Cttstm) Railroad of danegta. whtoh tt aprrstad ■mdar s Joist lease by Um tam roads, bat from whisk tho lawlriilr * Saab Tin* IS trying tamwt the tfcwUwr... »t* to* »«. Lost. BapwMto!"**" "***■ In *11 the oondietlDS statements of political oooditlooa la III loot* one Caat •tend* out prominently, and teat iattaa aoltd popularity of Governor Altgeld with Um mama* of tbe State. ThU popularity mane votes for tbe DamaevaUe party, because it la ool founded oooo a facer vhleli mi Tanltb to a tear, but Apoo a Arm found*? tloa of proved wisdom aad honesty la Um administration of State govmn aMat. Tha adarlnIteration of Gover nor AHgeW, in markad oootrate with BatwMieaa rate, la tbe guarantee to the people of Illinois of Um efficiency and tha Integrity or Democratic gor eramsot. H baa given to the IBIoela pCQfte a tAAlA of Um MODOHIV anH •onad administrative jodgmsot'which baa CKsMiahed and maintained tea faith of tha people of If laaonrl la tbe Deiaoeratie party of tola Stow. Our no) (beers aerom toe river dad at Um etoae of tbe Democratic ad minis tmloe every luituutioo fa toe Stela end every depamneat of -public beat Mao In better condition than when toe Demooraey want Into power. Xot only have they seen tbe Demoor atte administration attempting great to forma aSeetiag the welfare of to* pso ple, aoeb aa tba oqaaiitatloa of Uxa Uon aad tor prevent ioe at Ux-dodgiog, but tory see practloal and beaeAeent reforme aooompllebrd. TMe record la a tower of teieegth In tbe Democratic campaign, it adda tbe evldanea of ezpariaoee to tbe force ofoeavtathm. It eoovteeae tbe people wbo favor toe mevemeat e( Ue Deao onteie party that performance folio era Daaaocratle prom lam mod that toe mao at Um hand of It le Illinois can ba In trusted wKh Urn Interests af tha paepls. The demonatraUoaa attending tha re of Mr. Bryaw and *f Governor AltgaM, tokan with tbe anialetakefeiv ateM of tbe aentimant of the people, give emphasis to the remark of too Oovwtuw that nothing bat Use ns boodletennda le toownyof DamoermUa eaeeea* la Illluole. Thrre la geod reaaun to believe tost the majority of bohart eiUmen* auppmrtlag tboDemo araey thia y*ar la too gnat to be over oomebpibo vote which Hanaa one •owtrel with boodle._ IMMOMIm. -- living near Atlanta, noalird btn “nit African mplover." twa «r Uiriw yaara ago mom Mf ml a kind which, the ra a.^raarSBa'sr. ^SSaSHsla ftp fare. waa tocraanad omt iwwdaMlM and Mil hwf imm if the new Variety aoawc | ~M1-TlhT Mtr ■wiwili HilSra. “ffhtWM, Tie Democratic party had IU hlrth In Jtdtrenn'e grant »'«■ leal againtt the eeutralUL-itien of the powvra wf the Pederal gwvruaxcat and Iu U-baH of tba strict i ouelrocitou of tha federal eoaeUtotUo, am bod led in the teath a mend maat tbarau, la which all powers not delegated twit wara erpceaaly reaeryed to the (Hate* reapeo tivaly, or to tha people, aad, “WWeea, Tha Xepcbttona party baa srer been a party of oaoUatiaallon, '‘Resolved, That w* appeal to tha people to observe this fuadamental dif fer* uo* batwaaa tba Demooratto party aod ita traditional oaamy la respect to tho powers of tho ooottal government; that tho ooealitutloe recngnlane gold and silver as the priaiary or radamyUoa money of thoaa State* aod la tha words of tba Deamoratio platform -wo bolters la honest money, the gold and aileor coinage of tba constitution and a dr eatotiog medium ooaeortlhlo Into such money without toes.’ “We flavor. independently cf other nattoaa, the free aod unlimited coin age of ailvar and gold without dlacrim laatioa against either, it the preaaat legal ratio of 10 to 1, and w* condemn tha system which la Uma of paaeo with mill tool of ailvar bullion lying Id la in the Treasury bar forced the govern ment within two year* to Issue nearly M14.000JD0U iu boeda. Wo condemn tho action of the Secretary of the Treasury la following tho Bepebltoau precedent of paying the obligations of tha gov moment In gold, which were spoclBcaUy made payable in coin. We hereby Instruct our delegates to the nalteael convention both aa to plat fora) and candidates, to advocate cud rate aa a an it, nnlbachingly, at ell hcsarde for the restoration of silver cad otbcrwtoe in obedience to the tet ter and the aedrit of the principles herein enunciated. We farther In struct oar delegates, tfeate aad district, to oae all their effuct* to abrogate the two-to *nto rule If necessary to secure the fxxa'natloa of a candidate in oom ptoto, iu hearty aad la koown accord with the prlooipfce hereto au undated , by aa. "TVS win wo propts inmu trie threatened aombloed evil* o7 tbe gold standard and the McKinley tariff, j These twio mosiUJ* go hand io band in their tniseloti of destruction. draw log Um very sustenance from tbe body of the people and oocoen Waling all wealth aod power lathe hands or the “We denounce the McKtaUy tariff ead all other forms of a protective tariff IvgMalloo aod favor * coostltu tkxial tariff for reran as only. We are for the repeal of the uitconstltuttooal tax of 10 per cent an State bank* of iseee. We declare oar eoafidsooe In a gradnatrd loooros tax, in order that wealth may beer lu due proportion of tbe burden of supporting lbs govern ment. aad ere meor an Immediate amendment of the OBsatileliun of the United Males authorizing Its levy nod ooUretion in exprne term, leaving notnlng fbr Judicial oonstructloo. “We an unalterably oppisad to all legislation by which monopolies and trusta ate created and fostered. We Insist upon the faithful execution of existing laws against the same and up on such farther legislation aa may be nr peatery for their •pppresetou." The pert of tbe platform relative to 8 tats offices Is at follows : “We poiot with pride to the econo mic aod stainless administration of Mate government wherever Democracy has been in power. We favor the an aotaoeot of such to tlection law aa will secure the parity of tbe ballot. “We fever tbe oontloneaee of tbe ■retool of edneatiuo established by tbe Democratic party aad pkdgs ourselves to Its Increased uOekncy as the condi tion of the people mod public revenues cay Justify. “We favor tbe prompt, Jnit aad im partial admin 1st rat Ion of the criminal law of the State aod we point with pride to tbe feet that a Democratic Legislature drat eoaotad a law against lynching aad that tbe faithful execu tion of tbe same baa virtually sup pressed that crime. “We cordially invite all men, re gardless of former political aaaoclattont, to naita with ut In a fight to tbe finish far free Oliver, for lower taxes, for higher prloee for agricultural products and labor, for the economical adminis tration of government aod for the freedom aad Individual sovereignty of the American citizen. We declare our belief that the pesos, prosperity and happiness of af the people of North Geroilaa depends on the defeat of the Repnblloan State tkket in the oomlng election._ Cbsrknts Otssmi. Tour Uoote Hassell U a rosn of ffreat expectations. In claiming his own election, however, by 40.000. and thst McKinley wlU carry the State by 8,000 to 10,000, be is talking through hk steamed hai. Ia. 1808 Cleveland had a plurality of 53,000 le North Carolina,and Weaver received 44,000 votes. Mr. Bussell can Judge some what from these figures aa to what Major McKinley boa to overcome this yeer. _._ Ootuato Ob«w»w.>ttfc. That «m a tolaated mo up la Now Jrraay. loM of la yaatrrday'a pa par, who atartad hU ana oil on a blayeta trip hatara daylight and tbao followed Mb la tha aarkoaaa, barktag Ilka a dog. Tha bay, It will ba raawwbarad. whipped aat Ma go», Brad at tba aup uoaad dog, and killad hla old ouui. It la • aoouano Bylag aod a traa ooa that all tba fo«ta art aat pH daad. Hat thara la ooa laaa of ibw abota ground than thara waa batata thla old clllaao barkart __ It la aarprMi.g to Baa* that foot ball pUvart aad other athln-aa ragard a apraia nr bralaa of an Ultla aoo arqaaaaa. Oaa rwuwn of thla la, Uwy hmm haw to trwa inch tnjariaa aa aa to rcanaar from them la a Caw dapa, white athrra would ha laid a* tor twa •r thraa wwdu, If aat longrr. Writing fr»B Central Btata PorBal Hah aat, Lnah (barn. Ft, Mr. W. H. I/web. captain of tha bam kail eluh and cpatnaalam aapa: taka phtaan la •toting, that awwbora of our baaa ball alab aad araH bora iwod Chaahar •ato’a Pain Bala with laoat rxaallaat raaaha. 1 aaliiallwilagtj nnnaBaad it aa tha boat rowdy tor gnlM, •waMa». aau and bralaaa. af hay that I know " Par aato by J. *. Garry * Oa. Drngghga. I i f 'iatisku MMectAnc tic*.nr. RrlHHW. WILLIAM j. IIHYAN, oIWimM. Kr Vlr< IVmMmI, AST HUM dUVALL. of Mrtti. DEM oca ATI C STATS TICKET. Far Oonrtwt. crrauB h. satmun, ' Of Fortjrth. Far Unmmi nomwr. THOMAS W. MASON, of MorUtarastea. For SromtsiT of Mima CHARLES m. oooks, of Fwllii, IMUmmiw. BSXJAXIH F. ATCOCK. of Warm*. For AuAMor. ROBERT a. TV MM AN. For AHorrwy OaoaraL itakk l Gsnm, of Macbianbanr. For dupcrtntctidrat of FtabHs Manttioo. JOHN C SCARBOROUGH, of Jobastoa. Far Jaatlcra Fupniao Court. OK.LLMoWs.'jr?^ Baaufort. For Boctora. Stare at laipa vw&KfJiss?*' oeiainaiaiAL ticiiit. For Lbofna, ROFCM A. UOUGRTUV, of AUaabaar. LTOIOLATITl TICKET. For Btaaato Knl DMbrtot. Hotter of Krercecot attne, d. M. WIL-HKf. •UTM CMETT TICKET. BSMKL. Bradley & Happerfleld, —rtontoroM or— . The Gastonia Steam Marble aai Granite Works. —ABB r&KTABLBO TO— FOl promptly your orders for Marble or Granite work of any kind, and be lieve they can save you money on work In their line. IT 0*11 on tbsm at tbalr marble yard on Main street nod get prioaa. lie B1ADLBI ) FlilK HAPPESFIRLD S 1T0Pn,l*p» L. F. ENGLESBY, —Attorney ud Couullor at Lai — GASTONIA, if. C. ROB’T. L. DURHAM, —LAWYER,— DALLAS, R. C. —A TTORNMT-A T-LA W oastoxia, a. a Will practice in tb« court* of Gaaloo and ad lot nine oounU*a aod lauta Padacal Court*. W. H. HOFFMAN, —DMNTIB1— sastoxia, - • • • i, a tf OOa* ot«c Flrat Rational Bank. V. H. -WUAOM. *. K. ftLOAB. Dr’s Wilson & Sloan THYUCIABa AMD SUBS BOY*. Off*r tbalr protaelonal aarrloM to oHlaans of Gastonia and nmoandlng osantcy. Calls left at Tnmnoa’a Drag Star# win resolve prompt attention nigbt or dev. A. L HBlffBQlV, TONBOBIAL, PAKLOK -wamt rrrrmo xrt Oornar Hoorn Y. 1L 0. A. BulWI««. Plrat-slaM Workman Rm^njad and Kliatolam work OmihImI. uu a» ura m kmmu wiMwr. R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and builder, G AHTONI A, N. a Having rallied from active connection with the Heal Mnourncturing Com pany, I oow otter my service* to the public foe all kind* of c-r.ro, J2G2I'DI*’G.and CONTRACTING. Careful Attention given to traction of Cottages and fine Residence*. Cotton Mill Work a Specialty. MyaeM and my workmen having bid from 10 to SO years' oxperlenea. ind m* personal rupervlalou being given to each contract, C *m prepared to axaeota ml clime of building oontraoU and to I near* entire eatit/actioo thereon. Correspoodanoe eoHalted. UU Jnrilll, iVeeident. K. 6. l‘mni«, l\t+ier. First National Bank, Oh' GASTONIA, N. O. State and County Depository, OOIOCEHOED lUBIFEBS AUGUST 2,1880. Mas arear lae* a Mlw to «**g tee* eTOee <»» nwmImHm. Capital iteek, .... $50,00000 8«*pl»*.. 6,00000 Drrideadj pud lixo* organisation. DIREOTOBfl. L. L. Jookiu, t. a Pogrom, J. D. Moon, T. W. Wilooo, F. Dilling. Solicits aooounts of Individuals, Firms, and Corporations. Intsrsat paid on tlm, d*po^t»- OutnnUn to patron* *vory accommodation oonala t**tt with oon*«rvmtlv* banking. l*T?i|a ln«M« RtMtlr nrti qq:«i y, pcnnsaiUy a KVvitUI ©tayXav*. WUi >!•« N..r •. l.» ■ « ©f Bruia ft*v**e. k-oat U Ultv. XiatHlT lal* MUI. ftivfs *vil in4 -a ownw4 b* VM4*4l«frwn »f OuMMwiiouiiatil. W»v*>«l hwlUer. IM kPH^uL 9 1 >» rh »m « f*»*l P«»V«4;»« wn«mf »!/»»>• >riwn/v MArU fer%« M'««f44T8Jwrf Mvu. K«lfw»MMfiUwMtl»ia<,U, THE NEW-YORKTIMES. TUB TIMES la a naeespapar Tor lotollhrcot nwn and mam who want lo read all tba near* or tba woatd story day. Tba paper bm «* Ua«vl Mny merit* of tta own. II la neither ■ aamlluatloor dull. ltteaat aauivtemperid. ltm ao*. frivolous or rMuatry. LI earn plenty of aood la lb* world and toOe abowt H. It telle or tbo bad wbaa It anmt, tiot not uowhclcaoea* If. It pHata with fnlbum tba rcoueil of human ■antes wor lb many Iddt oulakta of huslnaae. poUttoa. and w»«—la literature, ratbtton. atdanea. art. m>°rm.and bcsmhnbl maUera No paper tn tba aonnby prlnta ao many boob ra vtrwa and ao anna boob nawa. No paper baa aooomptataa t»—nei paca-adafly manual ter favastuta and oiboeea or Bnancaal Inatitu unaa. Ita market rapona—wool, oomcm. bread Mute, term pmduota, ba.-aro the boat la tbs Tba Demooraoy of THK TICKS la of the old faMilnnart act! aa eld aa Ibouaa Jedtemon; majority rule, no bateaao, no maobloa tyran ny. tba dtroroa of potiUaa hum pel rata maoay - naBw. a sound oorranoy. Industrial eamnrt imtiun, and everyday boa eery. To pronesta tba adranaa of tba Drmoeratwi Party atony tbaaa tlaee k laboca wkb bean and aoimtemoa and ail ut aatgha, THE IBf-YOKi THBILY TUBS. Tba asbaarlpttoa petoe of THB NRW-TOHX amL.T TDtBU b ONE DOLLAR a year. TUB WBBKLY TnOBb a capital ocwtpapar. h aoataloa all tba current nawa condenacd team the dispatches and re porta o< Ua dally atetioa, btdta literary man (W, diem ml not up on aprtoultnral topica by practical termors, full anOaaaamae nama up orb of priaaa tar farm produoe, Hra sine*. be, and a caratuay pre pared weekly wool market. UTBBCBIPTION BATHS. oopy, to ail other aouulrtaa. I oents par aopr . par day, payable by tba mbaertbar. THB TntBBwHl be amt to any addrtm in Bareac. poorest included, (or |i.M per month, Tba addrtm or cuhaoftbara will bo obaayed cc erttan at dectred. laurdaciadachanseof *d fcmabotb the otd end the saw add ram MUST hasten. (late In adranea always, Hasalttaaoes at the rite o< III* tebaeribm. uolem mad* by UtwIs land Letter, Otiacb. Money Order, or Bcvruae order, payable lo “Tba New-Tort Times Pob UaMncOnmpany.* Iiblreae all commonteancaa tbua THB Hlw-nial TntRS, rnotlny riouae Square. New.ror* air. n, y. rob MALI ABB BUST HI WLB. Tim Id lark Ibaab Uabara tec Mala —* orwdrtt. To wfci (mo-third ante and bale no* aeon osa and two years erartit. f wltlaSi aMbarail tea body er aminaibim lo auM purchasers. Tiaaselakdaara rateable famine mate, con venient to faotoriet and taarkata and must bo J. L Thorn bars, mar Blab Pboab. M my ■amt to make connects of *alo, swBJest to ratteen non by mo, FI* hat maps at lb* land* and will ebov the Wede jnd ma^aonLew-t* of tnl Trnetm lo sail. April M. MM. Ceuilssloner's Sale. Executrix Notice. CHESTER ft LEIOIR 1. 6. R1ILR01D. •CMKBVLE AID OOlVMTim IS irfWTT iabcic mil i«n. O. V/. F. HARPER, Prraldeot. i ] , I \ j ■ ns m _ m Trains! _ Ears first-cissa, tol run Mfttorati_. Trains Kos. ® and Cl onrry wninwsMd itasnmHuHoiiUiA if. T mm! food an>ad« at ChMUr wttb Ur(3 r.*».uulitoO.C.»A.;«l«i M Cat. tool, with ika A. . C. A. Ld It Uoootftton /?“* *’ Hlokor^ and jiairtoo (Or *. H Ant'S*. frmliUm^ U T. NICHOLS. »op~rU»<«nAco^<*,, ' ^ Colo. A U. I C. E. AD AXE, M. 1». R, X. UES, M. D. Adams & Reid, PRYBICIAKS AMD (JUKOEOK8, Q AS TO V LA, H. C. Office at J. E. Cuetj & Co'i Drugstore. IL CJJ J u u (A tu > 3 u z o RIPANS The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. R. H. CARROLL. -AOENT. Save Money, Save Time, A*D Avoid Risk by banding your newspaper subacrlp ttona to IL II. Carroll at the Poet OOlo*. day SukmripUan PomearAfi at Jffaf mmm Cbsl. Subscription, to leading newspaper* and magasliiM of this and foreign countries forwarded direct to pub. I lab art «a day of receipt. Some Specialties: LAMBS' BOMB JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. NBW YORK WORLD. GflARLOTTK OBHKRVRR, CHRISTIAN ADVOCAIB. N. a PRBAB Y1 BRIAN. A. B. PBB8DY1 BRIAN. BIBLICAL USCORDBR. A Insists Safety toaraaes^ R. H. Ctrroll, Agent NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. *•* W«* > • *r~i