I t ( \ igaffgLS&gz um<_,_ "It's acta ahcoUa,’ Md tea got to to obey*?,” was tba reply. l Un j r^° tk< °riu*r ■* win am it MX don't believe yon art baity *nufl!” "Than toy meoai" Tba stranger polled hie na and be gan abatetay la tba air. aad Joe pulled Ssist.sssssiJrtatt qaUbntild>>tba11Kral«btMt<'wrd any ora earn la the Week It waabaagt bang I base I aad then both wars down aad hadn’t 10 mlnutea Ilia. They warn lifted up and laid almost side by •Me, and Tone looked at ihe atraagar (brataag nHnit* ilih apearied a inake on hlalbaaand than said; /Wiraagsr, ws'rajatog ora the dl T Ida ia eomnaay. Whet aassabattl eaUyoa “Bill Hayaea." waa tba raal* “CtewKDraTnSSTbat be waa bUtod at Cheyenne." "ttit waa a mistake, Tam, X am yoor brother Bill. I kaowad yon aa aaowaaioa drewed your can, bat it waa tao lata, Tom, Pm—I'm-” "Tamms taka hie band,” said Tam to tba man about Mm, and. wbae be had bean mnrad nearer aad BIB'S baad hdd ta bto, he greased It nod wMwand: “Billy, old toy, KIM only known who ye waa!” “IPr aU right, Tom," waa the reply. “I heard about tba law aad Urn new City Marshal, and l wasted to try hia nan*. Baa It cons night, ao quick ?" “Aye I It's sight. Her 1 gat poor hand, Billy ? That's It—boMto am tight, aad want walk together, I'm sorry, boy. but—" Aad both win dead, with bands obmpad and tba murderous platnlalylag aronad them, aad whan ton crowd brake up. aaob man want away on tip toe, aa if fearful that bis atopa might arson a sirep which eouidacra bo broken until the trumpet’* call. It Dr. Alfred Booth* Bastoteoeaeeo of Sprtogiill, Mere., ocean the fol k>wln* ecoouot of Deacon Rilchcook: Bore 1733, to the Worth Mala etreat raglaa, be .taml while t jrooag area ■to the mm part of tba town, aow known aa Sooth Wilbrafaem, a err lad la 1748, end waa tba Int deacon of Um aharoh there, oeotkuiinq in otw nreoy nan. Dortog a long Ufa ha waa at woadarfel ttreaetb. agility, and endniraaiw, and had be lived la tba palsy daya of Q recce, be would have bean a worthy oomuctltor la tba pass of three daya. It la wlatHof his that eaoae oecaaUs, a saa rid ing by the Sold when be waa at work, aad boaatleg of tha ipead of Ma boraa. waa ehaUeagrd by tba daaaoe. who sld be could ran treat Spriogdekt quicker on font Urea the bora with hla rider coaid. a mulled la tha trl BBCb of the deacon, distance tan sUaa. tinea not Mated. Ha would lift a cartload of bar by getting hla ■be olden nnder the axle, la a (Loop ing poatare, and throw an asptyoart over with oaa hand by taking hold at tha ead of the axle-tree. Whaa load ing grain to a cart, ha wool* taka a bag by tha teeth, aad with aewtag 3 tea aid af a path from the kre, throw into the cart. He bad double teeth in front, and would bold a tan peony sail by there *ad break It off with Ma Angara. Ha tMed te rey be did net know a saa be oould aot whip or raa away treat. The day ha waa TO yean aid. be re marked to hla wife that when Urey ware Ink sautkd ha waa want to aaaaaa ber by taking down hla bet with Me tore, andodded, “I wonder if I could da It aow I" Thereupon be Jo sped from tba door, took off lit bat with hit toaa. oast down eo hla feet like a cat, bang up tha haloa tfaeaett. tarred to the table, caked a blrreing, and ate of tha repeat than ready. Lmdea Neva. Tba flaab of tba ataphast la aatan to lta oatfratf to aataraS of tba Afriaaa tribaa. In tba maaaa of totabaring. . a pUaMa . JMba aattoaa Thartapbaat ylaMa largo qaaaUUaa aswsansa-sarj alaa la tba praparallaa of aapatallaa. African wfbwn agraa tbatoaapaat of tba rtapbaal*a aarana, wbaa propar ooabai, la a aaaaalaat dlab that «« ragaMibaaoat taUaata taata. Thla la tba Iiatjaiat of baa wbtoh ono la bo tbo taaghaaa To prapara tin |oiat a bate tbna taat 4aop la 4«f la tba oarth, oaf tha attao of It art baba* hard to ■aaaiaf largo lr»a aoata Maataf tboaaofc atatboa Ubooout, aaf Um aMpbaatb toot to Btaatotatbaarada am. Tba wbata lattoa Mia* with tin, tight)* paata4. and a MrtJag Ira la bodt oa tap. wblab la bapt tapb aUtof tat Uma ban. Tba taat la tbaa aoaaljr babrt, an« wbaataaa, laataat af a ttroag, toagh sN$jSrss:.Krffi llUtKff. ^ ; '* load a*> la apotbln* af aara , aad tba Mbmbp ftaganrtfr mad Ja awtagjt, Mr. J. M. toaiaapp 1 wt*f aaMMgfeafgatMag gyrEStHSasrar MS WAMlaw ta fa _| want wHhcat load for forty dayaaod nights. Ha tofbhtcUfe at A»r°n U tn s horsing boiMtai Frl do M.H Tbs Hew York 7wiat e*y laUmaommarof 1880. When Dr. V. H. Hanaeed oHmed Mm liulMe rancher 81,00) It eke would tut thirty due under wet ahem that he weald Mfoetudebe refund. Hr. Teaser who uld he hud once felted for forty-two days wrote to the Hew Toth Thus lei i«wedto dowhntXfee Faaeber kodd^ttMd. Ha ease here sod etUrd Or. Teower than bind Cliroodoa ®*SuiiStiSt fojTSHt «a railed oC la Otnaodaa Hall, aad was s short. Moot wan, aw* weighed 101 pounds, wu stripped, aad hie wwg Md bedding were searched. Mu 004 wee allowed to ahahe band* with Mai at first, or ta oonvena with Mu, sToept la the yceoauns of oae or more of the watahlag physician* ns took s few mouthfuleof water the Bnt day. 11a feat tea aad oaa-halt by the following Fourth of July, sod complained of cold, although bis tsnpsrstsrs was 98*. two days later hto weight had CsBea to 143* poood* sad he nnnaeisnellj rinsed his mouth with water sad applied wet towata lo Me head. He hooame am etotad by July 9, aad the phyetotoaa bkuugkt he was etarvlag to dmtb. Hie pules ran lli Jaly 11. Later be drrak aion water, wsa driven through Ontnl Park, sod took short walks. Jaly S3 be was offered $800 a weak to dutoh hto tost la a theatre, bat hero fused the offer. Toward the end of July be grew ifsadlly weaker, sad oa July 30 hs had an attacked Musas and vomiting. The physfeiaaa wars ■ timed, aad rave Mm aa alcohol bath aad a foot bath, sod he rcwircd. As he kept growing weaker it was isipcotcd that tome ooo had nea petsoatag kU drinking water, sad Dr- HDIer. who draak a rime of water arot from Pennsylvania, fott a languor sad genera] dtoterbsooe n from aatl Oo Aug. fi, the day before the foot •odea, bis tsmpsrstare was 99, hU puhs 83 to the ml a a to, sod hU weight 133 pound* The following day. Jest bsforshe broke bis foet.be weighed 131* pound* lbs doctors adviasdnlm to begin oumUkaad water, but Dr. Tanoer isaiatod on anting a picas of n rips poach nod than drank a glass of milk. He then ato a tons ittce of watermelon. The physldaos feared that gastric loAuaaUan would enaac In ocoaaqoaaoc of bit enfoabtod eoodl tlon, bnt there wee no evil afbet* He kept aa acting, sod by the evening of Aug. U he weighed 147 pooodc, having ffaloed lo weight twenty-five sod one oaM pa 3D da la 103 bourn. rw, imp—.h hi— A nuxibar of —opto from this coun ty attended Wauuga court last weak, aod they brio* teak the ehamef ol Bin that Judge Norwood waa drinking heavily again while toying to carry on the bottom of ton court. Daring Aabe oourt hh wife was with bln and, wn are Informed, be kept “sober at a Judga." Tba latter part of laat week be brought Mrs. Norwood to WQhne born, where the took too Into for their borne at Wayaoavilto,and tba Jndga proceeded to Boooe. The driver who accompanied him, wn are told, ■aid bn wan an nneb under tba in fluanee of whitkay before reaching Boooe that he ooald acareeiy keep bit •ant to ton vehicle, and, if reports an tree, be haa bare nndar the toltaenoa of Ilqnor, more or hr, aver tinea. And, be It imambared, a man hat bean on trial fur hla life at tolt term of the oourt over there. • * •* Etoj newspaper la Urn Stale, worthy of the topport of tba people, should join the Tapia in demanding of the eaadtdatoa new before the people for eaate to the next I ogtelet urt, that they imp—oh Judga Norwood us toon at praotioahla attar the aaeemttiog of Urn Legislature. Tbit to ao party qoartton. it* publicans Populism. a«d Democrato bare stood right square to the 2bpfc to its strictures upon ltdruokeu odtotal, nod nil good peo ple sbonld now dmasd of their can didates that tore dlaohanta tola doty, dimgreaabia an It to. and rid the t of thto dtogmaa. Unto— taka bald of tola matter than to no help for at, and _ more yearn tba oaorta whtah it folia to hit lot to bold wig bo baiptoaa—not OVM tba Governor of too State ami an WMklmaMBUr. Sw Toft Tlttinr They tail 11 goad story to WmMoj to« oo Jo* Btaekbaro. Ho had •• ea aiUag argameet la • eenrlortal dark room at waabtoRteo errant yaara a«a aa U tba ralrUre valoa of brrady and wliisbr u man’s yraataot boos, fa tko mldet of tba argament tba stated otoblMiloa Senator Blair of Haw llrmprfelre entered tba room. Fer netUog tba wall kaown total abaci MOMOmodaoatm of the Haw Kosdaad ar, Senator Week burn appealed to Mmtoeattlo tba dlmiatot ”1 do oat know tba dtlSraoaa faiwaaa wblsbj aad broody." riyksd Sroator Stair. &*Js»si3££jisr bora’s ryaa aotarlly mowtsosd wUb SSI&tHiS Tky BeattieBUton aa n sen * Isssetwtsjsis Drag l Aluminium, tha ala, la readily oomlng Into aw. It «h Awwid by rndarla Wohler, a Uorrusa profamor, bat to tUrClalr Savina, a Kranchman, belongs tba baaar of baUg tba fosadrr of tba aluminium Industry. Tba Ana arliala mods of ibis maul was In compliment to LooU Napoleon, who bod helped DaviUe—a baby rattle Bar tba Infant Vnaoo Imperial. Ia 1866, vLan tba Int aluminium company waa formed, tba ooet of a pound of motel was 6900. In 1808 Charles If. Hall, of Uborha, O., pat ented on electrolytic prnnioa Bo with a low of bio fneedt, then started a small plant outbo banks of the Ai leghany river, 18 mllee shove FlUe hsre. The Ant year tha company produced 75 pounds of aluminium a day. which waa oohl for A4.60 o pound. In UNA a oompaoy ballt s largo plant hi Niagara Tails, and this year It la build lug additional worts Wbau tbam are completed they will bars an ootoot of 11.000 pouada dally. This wflfput tha United States lo front a* tbs lmrgast aluminium producing coun try In tbs word. Alamlalom weight is about a third that or Iron, and only steal of the hlgbnt quality gad the beat alomiol om broom will givo greater strength for a glvsa weight tbau olumlnlnm. It ataads blah lo tba list o! motels, nod ana bo drawn into wire 1-960th of on loch In thickness It la an exoel leat oondoclor of electricity, and would, at 90 cents a pound, tabs tba pioco of copper for all electrical par la shipbuilding. Where llfbloots It demanded, aluminium masts every re quirement. Corrosion sad galvanic action aie easily overcome by proper ly painting tbs part ouhfoet lo the no tion of the water gad by nstog sin mi nium rivets. France god Germany have several torpedo boats made of slumlalBw, sad pleasure yachts every you ora being constructed of this VMUUe Ja«C« **rwwd%Bnakm •»*«& WVtaeSoro Chroalntt. Our friend Judge Harwood, who soared the Topic to for stating some thing eboat Uj* judge being druok »t Caldwell court, “enjoyed” himself • little while going from this place ever to Boone court. Ho end hie driver got their “liver*” to working so freely that thsy thought the rough road over which they going wee is smooth as the easement of paradba, tad they applied the whip so freely that the boggy was broken, and they had to stay over Sac day. Bat they kept their “liver*” working lively all the time. W* do act know when they reached Boon*. Harwood lathe Bepublleaa “reform movement” jndge. end Is a clever fel ■low, bat b not fit for jndge. Philadelphia Item: Whenever a new baton of checks roD le to Mark Hanna ha give* oat the story that another democratic state is cert ala to cam Its eleetocal vote tor the Sag* of Oeatoo. Philadelphia Item: Several papers ere calling upon MoKInley to define hie attitude epos trusts, bat It b hardly fair to aspect the republican nominse to speak harshly of his closest (r lends. GrassvlUs Reflector Let oo Dem ocrat stay away from the polk oo election day, thinking there will be enough votae without bb to elect the ticket. Every man turn out and do hbfoll doty. Too much la at stake for any Democrat to fall to vote. Wilmington Messenger The rede have fused In ell the oo untie* where they thought lb* democrats might win. But what if there ahoold be honest, eel-respecting populists in the coonties, and they refuse to be led to ■laughter like “dumb driven cutUaf” It might make some difference In the calculations of tbe boodlers and liars. Klnstqp Fra* Frees: The Populists have voleed In atroog language their uadylng opposition to goldbuga. Yet. the Populiet committees have endorsed eddbage on their State, oounty sad legislative tickets. It remales to be men If tbe rank and fib of the Popu Itat party will vote for goMbng* at the eoaBlng cleat Ion. We ask booeet Pop nlbu If It b not better to come book among their eld friends and party ensoclattoes, to the Democratic party, every nominee of which ta a straight •Over mao? MM IM> IMt A my fanny man recently mat a my fanny friend, and tba follow ing dialogue aneood: “By tbo way, Bill, if yon wara rani fat, bow old would yoo bat" "Why, Thoraday, of ooorao,” re Spoaded BUL Tbo Joko U In And the Joho. Wo glee it np.—l’blladWiiltiv North American ■ .nog OOlMt Bufferera from bay fever may, ao cording to n German pbyeicien, of. ton tmpar an attaok by robbing tba aarabriakly when there ia thaallgbt aat Indication of folia wain the noan. The rubbing abooM bo thorough and ondl tbo aara grow rad aad hob Tbo unify is simple enough to to. eure a trial, and, if even moderately atonaaloua, will warrant ita wilt paaatng from one victim to another. 3rMOTUto.0LC.1Now*. I No city or town can bo prcrnsroui todsr a system of looal dollar swap ping. A community will only bo proapar >us when it raaebas nut and pull* In Ibmlga dollar*. A continuous ax sbaog* of tb* ana old moo«y make* so om richer. Outatd* money earning ia aot only lucraaaa* lb* T0l«m* of sticalatlon bat ooooaragea loraMmani, Improtomoat and apaotUnUoa. Tb* Andaraon eocramioodoat of tb* Vno*. la a faw words, tails ao latanst lag and ooeouragUg alory. “Basin*** U Uyou. Borne nf oar mciabnct* tell mo that tblo haa been Lb* beat month (or tham during a busi taaa of orar tan yaar*. ” That don't aooBd Ilk* bard Ume* In Anderson. It aoand I like tb* talk of Thor* la no whlaa or grumble 1* it. It lo to different from to* algh* sod groan* which always emaaato from »nlm«tod Indigo bag*, the people who loo* to llagtr orar tb* prosperity and la* time* of other day*. Tb* correspondent add* a seotsneo which Is probably the anerat *od ex planation of tb* lively buslneae In AixSeraoo. Ho any*: "They are sell lag lota of good* la neighboring cnonUaa and across the Savannah la Georgia.” Tha mooey which reaches Anderson from “neighhorlag oountiea and across the Bavaunafa, la Gsorgla,” Is tb* lor pins fund, which is lb* prim* factor ia making baaiuam lively. It la tbl* oat aid* money, eomlng In to await tha home (apply, which relieve* pressure. Aa KtMMtewr Dai Ad extraordinary dnei, whioh at the time created an immense —■ tkm, waa one in wbiob the dedal on waa arrived at, not by swords or pistols, hot by moana of a deadly poison. The men—who, it is hardly necessary to say, had fallen oat over a lady—bad left the arrangement of ds telle to their eeconds, end until they faced oaoh other they did not know by whet method they were to settle thoir differences Ono of the eeooeda wee a doctor, and be bad made op for the oocsaion four black pellets, ell identical In site end shape. “In one of these, “ be said, ‘I havo plaood a sufficient quantity of prusslo add to cense tbt almost instantaneous death of any one who swallows it. We will decide by the toee of a coin which of you la to have first choioe, end you will al ternately drew end swallow a pill until the poison shows itseffaota.” Two of the pallets were then taken ae the toes had decided, but without effect in either oaee. "Thistime,’’ mid tbo doctor, speaking of the two pellets remaining, “yon most both swallow the pill at tbo same in stant. ' ’ Tbo choioe wee again made, end in a few seconds one of the men lay deed on the grata.—Gen Usman's Mm&su* Bradley & HapperOeld, —paoraiETOns or— The flastaaia Stean Mar Me and firaatte Works. —Am* rUKTARKD TO Fill promptly your orders for Marble or Granite work of any kind, and be lieve they can save you money on work in their line. ST Call on them at their marbls yard on kCeln street end get prices. UC BBIDLEY ) Pvo.rf.t,™ FRAII IWggfllLD \ Pro>r“Uffl' L. F. ENQLESBY, —Ittonwy ud Cmnllor it Lai,— UABTONIA, If. C. BOirr. X. DURHAM.i -LAWYBB. DALLAS, • I • 2 • I • t • / • l C, Jffe MMXGUM. -ATTOlUrMY-AT-LAW O ACTOVIA, M. C. Win practice in the courts of Ossto. and adjoining 00unties sod lathe TMerel Ooerts. W. H. HOFFMAN, —DHNT181— OMTTOK7A, ••••*. a ^ Ofln oT«r Tin* Katloaal Bank. A. L BHBE Tovsorial Parlor —-vmT rmaonr— ■ ■ I ■———r — I R. F. RANKIN, Contractor and Builder, GASTONIA, N. C. Having retired from active coo c set loo with the Beal Manufacturing Coen peer, I now ofer my Mrrloee to the pa bite for eU kind* of _ BUILDING and CONTRACTING. Oeroful Attention given to Erection of Cottage* end Fine Reeidenoea. Ootton Mill Work e Specialty. Myaeir and my workmen having hid from 10 to 80 jeers’ experience, aed mr pereooal Mperviskn being given to each con tract, I am prepared to execute weUmm of building cootraeU and to insure entire satlshictloa thereon. Oocreepoodaooe solicited. - ---- " 1 ■- ~ -—Mi* L. L. Jamcnra, PmOmd. B. 8. ftra*am, Chafer. First National Bank, Or GASTONIA, N. C. State and County Depository, oomaarozz btodtebb attoubt a, isso. to «<•» «mv «to*« Ki maalwllwi. Oapitol (took.|«WOO.OO Surpltu,.^OOOjOO Diriikodi paid aiao* orgtalmioa, 23,000.00 DEREOTOM. L. L. Jtnkins, T. 0, Ptgnm, J. D, Moor*, T. ▼. WUioa, f. Dill in*, Solicits oooounts of Individuals, Firms* and Corporations. Interest paid on time deposits, ausrsntsss to patrons ovary aooommodatlon consis tent with oonsorvmttva banking i |T»u VwwKw^r.i’"11 nu^r. Asa/ssa —3EBT i-'CTT CSC ur'l*. OTII UtMM. Utpgww mrn OMM feT ••••M P»mwf ^ ■■■•»* '« iiwi rv^ir f PIMPl THE NBW-YORKTIMES. TUB TIBBS R a newtpapsr far intatHpont taaa aad mara who warn u> road an At naws of tba wart* assay day. Tba paper baa OR ttnsubhlna m.rkj of Its osro. It la neither senmMoaal aor dull. It Knot eocr-tcrspcrod. ItRnot frivolous orrAonary. UasAptrwty at goat to tbo world and Rib ehowt u. It taUa of tba bRf whan It Rind, but oot iaMMA If. ltprARwtth lbllnaaa the record at bomaR ■BaWAf A many BtbR ouRtdo of bnalneaa. paBHa*. and wnt A Utoraturo. rosmon, aoAnoa, arl^orta, aad bonacbold matter* Ho paper In the count! y prAR aa an; book rc rtrsra and aa vauaa book ansa Nn a par baa so complete a aoaatdal pads a daBf manual for Ln* nature nod eRocra of dnaaeial tnadtu lAaa. IR marked rrportn—wool, cotton, brand, ■rufls, tarn ptodaaR, be.—are tbs bent A tbo oonatry. Tba Pinto many of THB TIBBS R of tba old- . faAIrwiail sort—aa dd A Ttoana Jefferson: 1 tbs odrmooe of As PrmaAdMa fattf akms tbarn llnte It labors wttb haartaad oonaotonoo And il ||| TIB IB1-Y0RI VBKILY TIIES. IBs Abaarlptlon pttot of THE NEW.YORK. WBBKLT T1MBS R OSS DOLL AH a fSV. THB WHBHliT THUS R a oapttal nawAapar. It aontalna all tba t meant news aandanaad from tba dispatches aad roporta olUa dally odiUoo, hoatdtn Utotary matter, dRnnmlnea up on atfrtouRnml toptos by praottcal farmer* lull aad aoouratn ntartmt report* of prlOA (Or farm produce. Ira boa*, bo., and a carefully pre pared ready wool marked. SUHBCamOB BATH. TVs s Peatayo prepaid A all potuta m tba United mat** CRnada, and Hasten, adoapt In Nsw Terk ORp, wbara tba poatnao R 1 oaat par copy; A ail other oouolrise. « name per oopr par day, payabM by tba Abaorlbsr. THB Tim Wtk be mmt to any ad 1 roe. A Baron*, poausa I Deluded, for BLM pm month. The nddraA of eubaurlbrta wU be ebensad A oftaa Ad At ad. la or derma a eta nba of ad dram twtb tba old aad the saweddram MUST be strm. QaA In adrmnoc alwkf* Bsmfttanoaa A lb* rRk of An aubnorlbar. ankas mads by Uoata tarad Leatrr, Cheek, Hoery Order, or Btsrom order. payable to "The Krw-Tur*Time* Pob IRh1 on Company.” Adlraaa ail coaumtnloatlona tuns THE MBw.TUKX TIMSB. Prtntio* House Squara, Ben-Tgrk City. X. T. rmm uu aid wit be wild. April 1A. MB. Cenatuloner’s Sale. muunun. w. n. vhjox. i. m. bloak. Dr*» Wilson & Hloan rBnioun ur» iombom. oam IWr wind BBnrtiBB to •Mm* * (MMk 1*4 MHTMadlat Tb*tbb*b*b Drag itor* wD msifi ptMBpi iH**Uo* atgbi wter, CHBSTK1tLEI0111. Q. RJUUOU). mkedti.i tiTcoinnim ■■ nrrmcr march rr km. O. W. F. HARPER, Praaifeal. SfisTOkA 0. w. V. UAllPRJL, PnritaL U T. N1CI101A BopNlolRMjJr^' *•a a E. ADAMS, M. li. O. M. IBS, K. D. Adams & liEin, PHYSICIANS AMD SU HQ EONS, QABTOKIA, V. C. Office »t J. E. Curry A Go's Drugstore. i u yj u > 5 a z o ll-IPANS The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. R R CARROLL, -AGENT. Save Money, Save Time, AMU Avoid Risk by handing roar nrrrepaprr anbaerlp Uona to H. II. OarreU at tb« Feat Oder. Any BAmripthm Jbnaorded at Jf«a< , mam Coat. Sobacriptiooa to loading do and magaiinaa o' (Wa and eountrioa fonrardad dlraet I labor* on day of toooHft^ j/ Some Specialties: LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. ATLANTA CONSTITUTION. NEW TORN WORLD. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. N. a PRESBYTERIAN. A. R. PRESBYTERIAN. BIBLICAL RECORDER. ibMtale Safety fluraseet K. H. enroll, Age>L NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. Iy~l

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