_The Gastonia ~ ii;s® - - ... - P»v°t^ t. tt. frofctlon ot Hnn,. ^ **• )ntnr..t. ml th* Cot,. Vol^XV IL }_ Gastonia, N. C.. November 26, 189«7 l 11 — -i-—i—■Tgw—— _ . . iff l iit i \in t fivnnn ' __ ^ nrtni anv LUAum. SAM JOSES DISSERTATES ON THE TWO STATES Or MANKIND. Neither tmdiHna la Uapplarra or niMD-Urud and Avarice Itaapall Character— I adlgcnar and I* rod he oil • r *aa»lly Mar—ful-Tlir «iale as selfish as a mUlluunire, or both can be generous and ginid. All llui poor would Ilk* to be riub. Many of thn rich envy the pour lire happiness, llie appetite aud the power to sleep which Is the heritage uf tba poor man. If a man la going U> raise a family of chlktrau I don’t know of anything bet ter tbao poverty to raise them on. The lap of luxury and wealth lias cradled but few grand loan into existence from Adam dinru Ui this present hour. The b'lrnea of want and poverty Uayn produond a large majority of the kroutine aud tha beat or both men aod wumeu. Kvery buy in America b"tween tbe egea of 10 aud 15 needs a very p mr father, a a father who cannot help him at all, but a father whom bn must help. Torn ynu pal Uiw pressure on the buy and develop hlui Into a grand man. It la Uie ualuro of man lo lie down and Lake it easy when yon pension him. Very few aneu have enjoyed their weaUli. A Very areatlhy man unoe replied to a neighbor who told him that Ida sou would speed his money fastrr than be had made It; “Wall,” said the wealthy man, “1/ my too enjoys spending it as much aa I oejoy making it he wilt liave a good time while it lasts." But very few men can really say that they enjoyed tbe drudgery, the toll and tbe aupiica llon which produoe a fortune. Making money, saving money and giving man ey are three due arts. The two firat are of earth earthy. Tbe third, giving money, is of Heaven, Heavenly. The poor would give much If they oould. The rich do not understand the con tinued poverty of lbs poor. The poor do not see how Uie rich could have gathered what they havu without tbe hog In their nature predominating. I hare been aa poor si a dog and scarce ly had anything I wauled. 1 have been where If I had a want that money could buy l did not kuow what It waa. J waa aa trappy Wautiuu everything as I have beeu having all I wauled. Wbat a man lias or has not has about aa little to do with bis bappineat, as the deg star baa to ao with tba tide. I know many vary poor people who aro very happy. I kuow some rich people woo am happy. I know some of both classes who are everlastingly misera ble. Anybody can be rich If they w'll □sort tbe conditions on which riches are gathered. Pal said that begot rich by dolux without the things be waa just obliged lo have. Anybody esu be poor if they will meet the con ditions af poverty. If you want to get rloh pay aa yoa go aud save as you go. If you want to be poor go in debt aod stay In debt until you gM to whera it M against your internet lo pay the pnotpal, and Busily get to where It la against your principle to pay tbe In terest. Then move out to Uia poor house aod die. Greed and avarioe will dee poll any character and ruin toy soul. Indi gence and prodigality are equally aa harmfol. Industry, frugality and lib erality are three twin brothers, which, when born unto a human Ufa, aye the very foundation spun whloh human happiness la beUt, aod without them no man pan be beppy leog. A negro or poor white man enjoys hie cum breed aod fat meat on i|ts old plae table with tin ula tee aod tin oupa aa much aa any millionaire ever enjoyed the luxuries of his Trench cook aod silver service. A poor white mae will m soundly oa ble shuck mattress mtliloefre ever slept upon his downy bed. If a man baa nothing, aobody bothers him. It Is harder lor a rich man to keep wbat be turn then It waa for him to make It. A million aire oould give array bie fortune In a day. If epp**1 »“ liberally re sponded to. If tbe poor bad to parry ihe burden* of the fleh they won Id throw dowi. their rlebee with their burdens »"d **7! "«!*• *• estate. The gain la not worth a candle.” (jowl bfaiin, a nooa contoiroca una an apricbt life am worth a thousand Uwrs wore than the wealth (atnod at tita eosrtftee of honor, bjr tbe ruin of bcoltb aud ibetollylu* of ounae>en«t. Wbao I look Uot aver tbe past quar ter of a eaotory I "■* where, ptaebad by poverty end »vt>r*«ead by vast. no luxury wet ea®e to me. Slues then I Have deeu the Una when I bad all tbe money I wanted; and if I were eafced w tilth It tho Hett rtUie, upon my Honor l wenkJ tay I bad a iitnuMod tinea len oatva wtwa I had toast, jwovty !■ like Jutb 1)11 llnst Sdllrtt boot* »«. Hs said Ibey Z!rt a i«-ry; U-r •It about the reel of bit tmubwa. wlwn t w*» •• POOt l*oe all bis imubh* In obs, as a rule. Foorptn bars ti t* off to tba aprfece E.M. ANDREWS, THE LARGEST DEALER IN " FURNITDRE#PIANOS IN THE CAROLINAS. SLL GOODS bought direct from tfct tulceri in larcc quantities aad »old at only on# email profit no more. Tha Complete riifataiilai aad Equipment of New Houaae a Specialty. Small orders receive the ^ , same careful aad prompt attention ae larxc ones. Special Iota of Im. ,iu IT** ■tonkn,»rt Manufacture bain, offered at >M than thalr valge all tha Uim. r*",W ■» ^»-na'» or-mm _____ I ABOUT PIANOS AND ORGANS. How to Make Home Attractive w 4 been the study ot mankind since the trouble in Ads mi household, and it ia now universally conceded that Mane u the most potent factor in the acoompliih ment of this result. Now a Piano or an Organ ia s necwsity if you want i Muni cal Homo, iod I hive been itudyinf W and working for yean to get myself into a position to R* •apply the homes of North and Sooth Carolina with the Best Possible Instruments, At Lowest Possible Prices, X Ussiest Possible Perms. ^ . ,-1 beyond my hopes, and 1 am now prepared vk » *»*• my patroni the benefit Such a line as lean has never been controlled by one dealer. {& UPRIGHT PIANOS, $• oo TO $630. RBSD ORGANS, $»s TO $r7s. jg ISI'wmnw laDrh SatS msiraal OfS,. Of course my low prices and easy terms are goitjg to gf stir up tho small dealers, and when you bear the “yelp” about Andrews, jut remember what Sam Jones says ttt *** "?* ,th*t Trips—he has certainly been hiL Yon Rt will probably buy but one Piano or Organ in a lifetime so you want to get the right one. Let me, or one of my nalesmen, help you make your selection. iiiilliiminrir ii ir inr-rnFFy ■__I m_• 7. 1 ^ * ■* * -A A. I _ABOUT FURNITURE, Fine Furniture Makes Fine Homes. TteMaM ihNNAlMgraUMPM. Namtle % Well Designed. w Well Mode/ w Well Finished. I can furnish yon with all of these, at Iasi monev than & other dealers will offer thwn. A great variety to select from w Bedroom Suits in Oak at $19.50 to $100. Curly Birch, Mahogany, Birdseye Maple and Walnnt w Sq,1» at all prices. Parlor Salta lu Great Variety. si _ w Pioturcs and Kasrla in abundance. Erarvthiiur in w Furniture to make homo comfortable. XV, *A If THIS AND TILES POM NSW HOUSES ^ AU GRADES AND PRICES N# mm mmi Ua4frvdl »a K Bicycles il-ll JI 1 -—--w - - -- - w« want to do ha*..— with von Mal^ .o vo.r'aXrf^* ?” .« hi, and llbar^. call to aec yon if yon wialt. Write lor Catalogue* and • order* are, you will get the loweat price* My traveling aaleaaicn will price*. On* portal card may *.**> you many dollar*. J^TT3 E-jfr S'. H. ANDREWS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture, Piano* aad Organ* C~^Tnt 18 WeSt Trade Strt€t;^ CHARUOTTE, trC. cod health resorts every summer for I their health. Poor people are not [ troubled with tltelr rich kin slatting | them nnd worrying them. Poor peo pie have to move often, out they doo’t have much to move. Poor people are never bargtsrUsd nor mbhad. No body wants wlial they have. They ean go to sleep at night with every door open and every window up. 'tie sun docs not slight them by day nor the moon l»y night. Poor people don’t have nervous troubles sleepless nights and weary duya. Poor people are not troubled with bank aecoants and bills payable and bills reoelvable. Really, they seem to be troubled with only one thing, and that 1* their poverty. St. James was truly wise when he said: "They that will be rich fell Into temp, talion aud suites end pierce them selves through with many sorrows." The nervous strains, tbe watchful enxlety, the rise and rail In values, tlm )e*kaft|e and shrinkage, th# rust and moths and thieves all play upon the rich. Ueooe the Bible says: "Lay not up for yoniselree riches oo earth where motli and rust doth oorrupt and where UUeves break through sod steal.” And there Is not a pisos of property under llie sun Uiat one of these three things is not oooitaotly at work upon. Everything that a man baa hi thla world la subject either to tbe ravages of moth or rust, or ths on slaught of thtsvaa. The rich and the poor ought to be In deeper sympathy with one another. The fellow who e«U too nuob ought to dirlde more liberally with bin who bu lied nothing to tel. Tbe woman of good fortune bad better glee her last winter’s cloak to tbe ehiveriog widow than have tbe moths eat M op. la our debating loetetlee when I was a boy wa uaed to get up the question of which afford* tbe greatest happiness, purault or poeaaaalon. 8otno dove bad rat bee ruq a rabbit than to oat him after they natch him. With tbo gout on the one aide and ■tarestlmi on the other; with luxarlts* for some and wants for others; with wracked health qod ruined perron* systems for tbe rlpb, sod lb* power to shiny all things without poaeemlog lb* thing* yon would aqjoy with the poor t *ay It la a question a philosopher might well liesltate to aaawer, which U the worst, wealth or want T 1 son Id rat bar strike the golden mean and ba loog to the middle darn, not piaohed by want nor sarfalted with wealth, wtwra manhood has its higher play sod character and oooscleoe* bare tit* Hold. Th* campaign ooat Richmond Pe»r ■£*. In the ninth, Thta U |80U more than wu expended by any other candidate io tho dute, uooordlca to the ataiatneola Sled lu the Secretary of Hlute'a office. Mr. Paaraon gave £? f°r. l,M»;.n«’l"P«{x-r» oataa U for •W, W. H. Worth raceirad IlMcco It I button for ItapublieauPopuliit tick et. Mr. Pmreoa's expoaaee Inearred to travel elo., were $400. ■BW. i.. .a i Io tho winter of 1»W. when la grippe wae ao preyaleiit, Mr. d. T. Wltay, a wall known action! teaalier of Ulhboo Clude. Payette Co., I»a., had a my •even* attack. In order to get rid of it at quickly ne poeeible ho purobaaed a bottlo of (Ihaaaberlaln’aOeugh Raraady. It gave him promt* and permanent tv aef. He aaya, "fhnoe thee I have need It whenever attacked by any throat tonobte, and It Km alemya effected a prompt cure. 1 aaq vary matfh ptawaed ta certify to the efficacy of t til* great woody Pot aala by J. K. Ucmar iad Company, Draggtata ucLtiais iaxit okanu. fMk bn «Mur« a (mi Warn Ad ■ nails nm|ti Tkk PMaUar A ■aaey. St LOUIS BepuMle. Wasbikotok, Not. 15.-There are millions upon millions ol dollars tu tbe Treasury paid in from di (Turcot sourer* whicn belong u> eiUmiit of llis United Stale*. To this wealth tbs Post OBce Department, through tbo money order offloe, contributes largely. A few ysara back the I’oitmsster General deposited with the Treasurer nmrly S3.000.000 the money from nocaahrd orders which had accumulated since tbe office was stalled in 1663. At Orst no effort was mads to nature this unclaimed money to its rightful own ers, but the letters of adrice, turned In as unpaid by tbe Postmaslers from all oeer tit* country, were kept, ill case a demand should be made for tbeir pay ment. This money remained to the credit of tbe money order offlee, ehow- i lag a large profit for tbe serrloe. This policy was subsequently changad. and now tbe oBce sudearore to refund Urn money to the remitter* by a draft drawn on the Treasury. This rule ob tains lu oass of money orders less Ilian 10 years old. Letter* of adyloe’older than this are destroyed. J k tOUfc Ol Lim money orders taeusd am not cashed, torlng from 180,000 to UuOjOOO, un claimed, which i* deposited In tbe Treasury. There are many reason• to soooont for thla large Dumber of money orders not being cashed. la some to stances orders are filed away with oth er papers and forgotten. More fre quently the letter containing the order la lust or stolen, and tba order oarer raecbes the addressee. This is true of the orders made out to the large slmpo which do not reeel ye the order or the aocompeoyiog letter containing orders for goods to be shipped, owlog generally to tbe dlebooeety of employes. There are oases, too, where men tiara need the money order office aa a bank and hays made out order* U) them soiree wbloh, owing to sudden death or other osuae, hare oarer been elalmed. U la difficult, however, to explain why such large sum* remain unclaimed, for In eaae an order la lost a duplicate la easily obtained. Application Is mada by either the remitter tbe payee or tbe indorsee at the office of Iseoe or tbe office of payment, and a duplicate l» toned with ooiy the delay necessary to oompty with tbe forma. A year ago tba department made s rpllng that duplicate ipooey orders ooutd not be Imued Is toe than three months from the time when an application was filed, but thla waa found Inonorenleot, and this order waa nmeindad. A Tteankaotrla* Tar* Hroottra Idte. ••Why did Urn Puritan* »*rr Invent Tlmnkoglrtnr, do yon ouppoan IT’ "I bottom broaiwn they waulrd la horn ouo day In tha year upon whloh Iboy could eonoeionltnutly *«t u *qu«r* oral," Nfklart Arataa Haim. Tub Hoot Hai.vi to Uio world r,»r UutA, BruUoo, Homo, Uiooro, Halt Rhawm, Far or Horm, TalUr, Chapped Hand*, CkllbUIno, Currie, and All Kklo Eruption*, and poellieety corn* pii*» or do pay raqnirod. Il la guaranteed tu gtm perfect mMofocUon, or mooey refunded. Prtoo V> oento par bo*. Fj< t*U by J. R. Curry d Go. ARP ON ELECTIONS. SO BET BETA1 WAS DEFEATED AVD VOW DEMAVD8 PA06PERITT la Tins-'rtriilmis nsjsThnj l> aat tfc. p«a»W u4 Irlaf mm Maatal Wsrqr-WMB Ttma Hade LM(tr. WU Arp la Atlanta Oonalltutlun. U l» a food lima u> wrlto some more “meditations among the tombs.” or “an ode to melancholy,” or a few ver aaa like: “Thla world Is all a fleeting abow.” The * loot Ion la over, aud the bad news keeps mining and the burros ara weeping aod everything is going wrong. Very early this morning I waa sweetly dreaming, when theta was a gentle rap at the door, aod I thought that poaaibly some triend or neighbor bad come to tell me that Bryan waa elected, but the voice spike aod Mid: “Maramy say aha can’t coma dla aornin'—aha aiok.” i my poor, bleeding countiy. No oook, and the rain Just pouring down. Mrs. Arp made no sign, so I slipped out of hed and dressed sod tiptoed out to UioeuHoary department. I (red np the store end pot on tlm hominy and ooffee asd fod tits cow and brought la tome wood, and got everything reedy tor reminine bends before 1 awakened them, fa course of tlise they came end made the biscuit and fned tha sausage and acrambted eomo eggs, aod we had a No 1 breakfast and f Ml better. Borrow sad a re lb for a night, hut Joy oometb la tha mornlag after hraakfurt Urn*. I felt calm and serene, and did like Obedish Oldbnck always did when bad lock overlook him, I put on a eleau shirt nod went down town to rejolee with those who were rejoicing and to wasp with those who wept. Several days ago I had prepared my mind for defeat. 1 bad hedged to that the disappointing shock would hot be so shacking whan it coma, but atill I seoretlj indulged in a hops that there migljt b* a landslide, an nynUcohs. an interposition orprovl donee In Bryan's favor. A man mev think be la prepared for tbs wont, but be can’t cheat himself out of bit "•Mies. My oomfort now Is In sympa thising with our boro, In admiring the grandeur of tbs man who can now, like Pool, reclaim: "I hava fought a good Qgbt; I hava kept tbe faith." The earning historian will do him Jmtica. sad be will rank with the great men of the nation. Qne thing 1 relolce at, that |s the elect Ion of n republican onogrvaa to co operate e|lh McKinley. l*t there he no exogm for the winning tide, and If they do not revive the industries and prosperity of turn country within Uia neat tour years then they must step down sad out or they will bo burled from power as Jupiter burled Vulcan from the Olympian Heights, Vulcan was nine dava falling and broke bla leg and is lame yet. olneerotr with that Uo*li«lo)r »ali •tat la often for a Urn of tt»t >rvi *"d ibon Mr* U rottro for good. Tho ptaftdouUol um M too thort. it uket •U «f rtor to grtoto Iho nook 1 Tier r •od got It In runnlag ordor, and than two joaro for work, and Hie UM nor I* dirooud to nondlng ftnooa oad dxlng op for onothor election. U li too no* wo; with oar gorornor't rUcM<>«. ThnUrrn It ton tluirti and It loot* into oono folto want to'aak* It ohonrr ttlB. TUo pwjpl* „r, tired of oloetlo**—we got netted oad got mod with one onotlmr, and by the tin* wo prt ooor u boro oootoo another oto^ Uon, aud »e pi mad again. We man folks could stand U fairly well, bat oar woman folks gat excltrd too, and make soota remark a that become a circala tlr>v medium and sense unhealthy | agUattwu of tbe female plod. **• Simpapr -I la salsa. Durham Suo. Tbe making or a newspaper, In Uteaa progressive days, has became aa much n bualnaaa aa the maaufaeturiog of a watcb nr piano, and la iw-ceesaruy sub ject to the aama practical roles and business methods that control any other business undertaking. Tbs successful newspaper la not n Wind unreasoning "pany organ.” not uoold fogy iasue. moss-grown with timidity, bot a frsat, bright iaawe, that darea to otter the truth, regardless of the outcry its utterances may provoke; that will Its controlled by no outside influents, no secret monopoly, nn mighty corporation to ludoenee Ha judgment and direct Its policy: that will labor with rarneatoeae to maintain tbe away of virtue, sod all that la good over ilia public mind; that alwaya keepa lu columns clear aud frea from anything that oar wives and daughters should not read, and iu tbe midst of all temputlins will always ref use to crook the htoftea ef tbe knee “that thrift may follow fawning." '" P™?00** *“*• War requires the liberal patronage and good will of tbe merchants and nltitsoa in general, but It must la remembered that the b,**'“*" “ ^ moat recipro cal of all lines of trade. It not only expects Ilfs, but gives out life la return Fur Uw patronage which It aniletta and expects. It will carry trade to counters or bqalntes bosses in return. Iu busi ness and tbe pea pie's each affects and la a Heated by the other. In appealing thus to tbs good people of a place for ibelr subscriptions and advertising patronage tbs newspaper is not soliciting bare raven, bet it pro poara and dogs retqra all the patronage It rscalvaa In tpeasqrae wall jliaV prated down, bnped op tod running our. W. M. Brfu is HOMW • *Mk. I-nccoLW, Sob., November 17_ WUItaa J. Bnn t* preparing to pub ]**• ^°lk •»>««■ tbo Brat of sort jrtor wbloh *01 embody an oxbnuo U*e IrootdMot of tbo silver aoeelioa •od bimetallism. emohaslrina It* lap. parUMO u u boo* m IftSi Hr. rklb" bet outboiipod bis pi^bJIshMi to •nnotmef that ago-bglf tbo royalties rooolTofl from tbo oole of the book *111 bo devoted to vlreooing Us soooo of btmoUlhOka durlsg the itejrt four yoerm. Tbo work will also emorsoa Hr . Bry so’i slows ss to the roorat aoapolgo ■ed sbmtloa, bis blocrapby written by Mro. Bryso, together with special eoo trlbutiono from dlstlngolshed polltioel lrndrrs. A description of Hr. Bryan's eenpolge tooro will ho sootbor frotvwo of tbo publleetto*. , , BALLOIIIS II VAHMB. BIOLAJD U SPBSDDfO IU.600 A TEAS Of EXra&IKEVTI. n « Tbrtobool of Military Ballooning at A Merab.a h»a brconig a noteworthy and Important luatltutloo; akhoggfa maiotalnrd by a grant of only BABOO a yaar. it (tanda arcoal to noon In It* M*utlOe aoiiMTcmriiia, aayi tbo Loa 4rM£n«dArA Originally faahdcdby tbo B»yaJ B .alneoia at Woolwlob, aboni niuHaen yoara ago. it waa tub *r*»»*di rrutuvrd to Cbatbatn, and tkruct to AWwobot, under Mg|oi, now Colonrl, IVexpire, wire lint wilb lila Captain dnurt R R. .ad Captain Ward, EE T« Uirta aau bare shown that tube* •uuet U- carefully olvanerd before re oharglog. and vary rifoetlve urn. oaoil.ua are taken to this end. To carry the bellooo charge uf ll.oov cubic fort of gaa In labr* three waaoae am heeded. *11 h lint existing dimensions aud weight* .if Ute tears, hut wbm, tba ■MW pattern tube* aod wsaoa* am delivered two wagon* will suffice. Tba adoption of “geld-better eklua" for U>* subMaooa of tbe ballooa la a *** unequalled in Importance. Tbeee aklna barn tbo property of adberlog ■rmly tugetber, ao that they form a homngeoeoua maUriat mmarboU* for Ite toeghaea*, uwHai befog abac lutely impervious to tbe gaa. So tough “«■«"»* *• V? Urnto closed balloon of lorn slu baa aa oanded higher than 7,000 feet without banting. A bag* balloon of this *nb aUoee, having 3.800 sqnam feet of •"SS* “f5 capable of containing 10 000 cubic foet of gas. weigh* only 170 pound*. ’ i Tbe tap valve of the balloon la now mad* vary light aud strong, of an aluminum alloy, nod to screwed lot* (to bearing by a very Bn* thread. It 01* Perfectly gaa tight. Tba Bilk aod c|oth balloon* of former days were f1*"!* *? w* trouble. The fabric* betof nmiibid, vy rcndtlj eol'iect lo crook. It often hrotrd, s«d beoam# mom or tom charred: It waa fonder aud liabU to bo rent nr torn. Tbo get waa alwayv tasking away, aod Um material waa troublesome to repair alter small botoe and grams. we have next to follow tbo large finished balloon In It* Qnal stvgeaof rfogiDg aod equipment. Tbe oord for Iba netting has to be both very atroag Mid very light That used to of lUllaa hemp, aud weighs oo# pound to tbo bank. A yard of It with a aptlolog. stratabed round two pulleys, will stead f00 ,?«*">*•’without breaklag. lu Mils oord Is woven a Boa cram Uimad forth* security of tba liallooa in thnnder-atonna. The ring to of ^blekery. aod tba oar to farmed of exorttost wicker-work. Tbo aeronaut or oAoer aaeaidlag with btm take* up what observing Twetramont h* like* or require*. «*3e of the hWnd moo*d* token la the fne balloon **• oeraiona gr* extremvly pveeto* and fall of servicesbl* details. Tbo pkoU grspba, even tbom of imaUrigs, uMwlly contain dstelis of vale*, °* lwo wltoe SlSfiaW.'S «**> ^ Tha eowlitg trial* of the MmWUUm of btNoooo ter takla* part In aiiUtan eefiawrlng oparatlaaa la warfaia will be fraught wtU Imoroet ml wreo{ty, £?^S3§Lv2: wwajfsgasiSS worhuawppacat awl Ua artillery projeotilaa out into Ua roar of Ua «•"«*» «»d drive Um dofarta to Uo roar of Uo work. Tha olfaet of a halloo* •ttoot, Ihwton, .iSThotolZv • nO-poand ehatao of high **! ploolr* la roar of Um tuoak. oo that •ban *t oaptoded U ahouMldawthe dobrta t*tr it, awarwholalag Uo Mao HtpoUig Ua* to Ualr win. »«»W **£• bee half awll* a rope ettaohad to U, wbloh to sr«s!w?yars5: duet nr; and OOeMOUoaa wtU Uo wagon It noaU/ wad* on aoortw bar. aa that In ohdwtr direction um Nil •f Uo balloon way ho tha wtra raaa will Haver oowo la ooauet awoot Ua draw- Tlw wagaso can ho readily sttsaHErsasss had twlMog an Uo *ad of a ltoo eoadoat fruw It, eoeid ha Ttoalpnlaua by tha arm to MMggg wfch «giwli molar frww Uo oaptloa or atoortWg halhMe, lia Fiji Mill I OhargQI ooaid Uaa ba gat to Ueptaea •< -to* uawrw «Wao fw awi 1* onaw^ |i Thera t» no Word ao Pdl 1 ! 1 Hf“T « **■*»* **rn*nit Om« OmaMrlaOaulMndbnrvar, ink «£sssarsi:-a£.“s““s fourth-rate poatoflQee, but luUUon crumbled in my band like U»o •pplaa of Nodom. I made tba raoe fo? T trtMdl railed to da bver the rotes neoamry to tboi I *as beaten ty un cry of “no chanee.” “X my manMoi aeOfUtuantadeat **!».«? iMBamul Hot I am [oet lliAaJ. aad am aobaad tags towliag iato tba ring wboa tbeottS Mlom has bate •—*—ri tba gate I laairaad at Ilenriatw MlJJa that tba lum'a^MtaS!1 ThaSMtbMdaiaTMl illustrious Journal^? UwcadM nut yak. 1_ Mpusy says that Grata Hill U< ^oajorad tro**, tbs Grsao HHUtas sr^asasyssjur aassR-snarji: •riokat a Uma, aad tbcpenaaatya loac-ycar-oM olab got in aoe» vigor >m mock. Duncan kept up its rsna toUlgmaeta. Both art Bepnblicana. bat made a fair start to radaoafumica HapaWioan majorities. CrtUr* baa a taoa which looks like a akorolir- hlsst ■rkUa vicious oats la othsr'purti ofbte x^y top* yards of coart piaator, aad mats ST sUtcbaa. Water* «* msT rioua wouuda. hat flow It as Ms BxssiSsiwrawafS leemi id la ntar As U*] Utkiilrjf claim to he an °* V^upartty. Henriet ta and CaroSeeo Ma to to UkJrVqW soanrroial aotlrlly. Tin totoaXS. takoe to*«Uisr. form about toe »tetprjto«i< tee klad la ttosSto! tin nl}la are under uBoiunt ———— ■Mut aud bare put In gaud tton2£ tHueu I ton kom out or potittu. sgaWisrasssts ggMagsSSss -Jrouqwuunee ailserr lorne lv# «*•£* to put op a BnocbUton^ orjr at Henrietta, aud I Was Motto ne about, it But HurtS. tort sSti srss jss grsurraauftnar £nS£iFw®£ tall out w*h*SeaboJt Mr*twuua^dot tt* don’t sued uaTtoaS* ^^ja-tot *7tnu^,6tai,h* "tf* to bars a HulM^MMit!^ rSWMrS3l32 us’k-tw«. tswa yurto.uu.paid andataadaid nuoC ttoraoUoeraejrdon't Uka eur ©«»«*£* gSOSSrM SfflPtewJSSS fito4 ** £««■« ■» the that eC Hgrawf gggp&g ■■but We bare aereeal tUaaa atortod kJ bu d e« etoerreton, buttoautSa *• aatttohStactotorJuB Mtk waste to eee ten n uuiSy gjjjjjj bu^“ SB &&I33S3 Kttssr j?siss sits a.!»^j5S srr£5 srjtx .zz^JFtsRt lotoeethtaaerot.