THK GAZETTE. THUUMIAT, UBCCMnEU 10, IBM. iWSiyE^S LOCALS. Ailvrriw»mcnt* Inwrtud iu M*W column at ■ *oM»a a Una for Omi liunrtuta awl i, caaca tuna for uwk Inamina IkcrtafUr. AND POSTERS at the Oazbttm O/rrcB LD NEWSPAPERS for tale at the GAZBriu offloe— 20 oe iU a bundled, good count. W'~ OOP WANTED-A oord or two of dry pine wood will be taken at tbia offloe on mbacrlpUoo If bruuibl at once. OI.IDAT OPENING of Cbriet 01M good) at J. B Curry A Co’* to night from 8 to 11. Cuum and tea. PLEASE TAT. Friend, pleaae ba kind enough to drop In at onoe and pay that llttla account you owe me, and tticn I can pay mine. J. K. Wahbkx, Blacksmith. EN VELOPRS-Plenty of them at Tub Gaxbttb office. Gat price* for printing. Offlceover the Poalofliec. BILL HEADS—Uow do you expect to collect your bill* If you oarer preaent ’em T Let The Oaxbttb prlut tou some neat bill heads. Offloe over tb* Poatoftloe. BEAUTIF CLChrlitma* good* to be eeen at J. E. Curry and Oo'» to night. Hour* 3 to 1L IV* tbdr Holiday Opnlug and you're oordlally lurited. Come. TOU PB1NTING—Letter beads, bill V bead*, envelope*, oardi, hand bill*. circular*, pamphlet*, receipt book*, check book*, end to on printed right and at prior* that are ptgbt at tb* Gazette Oman. Up ttair* over the rott-offlce. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —The CbrUtmn* advertisement* next week. Watch for tbetn. —If you pay aa yon 90 in this world you will bs very likely to avoid the rush.—Orange OJwernrr. —Tb# beat thing that can bo done with an advertisement la to make It sound like a plain straightforward talk. —F<->al«r'* Ink. — Many abo rcoeiye this week’s paper will please taka U as an taaur anoa that tbair aubsorlpUon for a yaar will be greatly appreciated. —Tbc pole* for the phone line to Dallas have bees planted and are ready for wiring. The planting force went Into Dallas Tuesday afternoon. —Toe law office of O. Y. Mason, Eaq., at Dallaa Una beau moved Into the oourt house, loto Treasurer Btowe'a old room opposite the Register’* office. —Have you been intending a long time to take the Gazirrs ? Now la a good time to make good the Inten. lion. From now till ’96 for one dol lar and half. —Mr. Rose Pasour has mo rad from Dallaa to Gastonia and oocuplea ous of the bo twee on the west aide of North Marietta Street beyond the Baptist church. —Have you a son or daughter away from borne at school or elsewhere? Tax Gaj.rttc would be to ineb a one almost H»a a latter from borne every week. Sea us about it. —Tbe season of Mg porker* n at Used. Tbe Aral subscriber we’re heard from ia Mr. Robert Oralg, who report# a ooa year old pit, butchered tbe drat or Deoembor, which weighed 410 pound#. —Half Interest In Mr. Neal Darla's new market baa been bought by Mr. T. It. MeAnrer and the business will now be ooodnoted by the fins of Darla uod McArver. They closed their trad# yaaterday. —Tbe people who have but little time to read advertisements are the very persona whom tbe advertiser strive* most to interest. Consequent ly, every advertisement should be rt>ort aid to the point.—Printer’* Ink. —We want every tnuhieee in Gas ton)* to bare ao advertisement In next week’s Gazxttx. If the adver tisement Isn’t there It will not be oar fault. W# want a large oo* if possi ble, a small one rather then non* at all. —The Dallas Cotton Mills aioot the cold snap have base running on ra il need time oo account of short water. They bad to steam ao heavily to ke>*p the building warm daring the ooltl weather that the wiler supply became short to tli# well*. —The first subnet iber to pay hie sub scription to ’98 It Mr. J. J. Wilson of CiouM. Ill* time is not oat until January, but when in town about two weeka ago It suited blm to drop la and guars up for another year In advance, r. Wilton la a model eubeoriber, —A whole oarload of chickens was brought down from JLwaotr last Mon day by Capt. Hamlin, and ho bellevee It Is the first car load ever healed over tbe Narrow Osage. Thg oh token* war* shipped by a Boon* merchant to an Atlanta produce Arm and were transferred at this point. —Another atw firm In town It that of MoBwaia, Howell A Do., who bar* opened store on tbe Anders owner re ceatly vacated by Mr. I. R. MoFadden who moved Into oua of the store* oppo site the public well. Mr. MeSwaJn is from Shelby. Mr. Ilowell wae travel jlng for so Atlanta drag firm nntll recently whan lie doetdedto return t# Ms old favorite, the grocery but! neon. —There ta n possibility of Gaston oouuiy’e losing one of her boat farmer*. Mr. Robert f«. Abernathy, of 'River Bond." H« was In oar offioo Monday, anJ we picked it oat of blm that bg la figuring no thn superintendancy af a ■iltloualr*'* Mg farm in another State at • salary of *5.000 * jeer. Mr. Abernathy **>* b* has mad# money for blmaelf faming and believe* he aan make money far the millionaire owner. The correspondence grew out of bis pk-nlee end politic*. W* wish him *» good lock. H* la oo* farmer w* know of who he* a bank acoennt and write* a shook to pay bte snbecrip ■ *1 1 I'l —A dolUt and a bait set's Tub g a iXTTafroro now till '08. -1J* Shelby Star says that Mr. ^rouV' *• le»cber In dletrlot No. 11 lu Gaston ooonty end that the P®4*®®? l'PVee» to be much pteseed with bin. ThlilebU third school at tbit place. , —'The Rtformtr aay* the ladle* of Uia King’s MouoUin Presbyterian March have paid for and piaoed In their obarch a beautiful new Mason •°* Hamlla organ, which la Tory cred itable lo their push and energy. The Instrument ooet them *109 cash and Is a good one. —A request lo change Her. J. E. Boyce’s paper from Louisville, Ky., to ■IniiteravlUe, N. C., put us In posses Slou yesterday of tits Information that he I* lo make tha latter piece hit bom*. He lias bees chosen pastor of the A. R. P. church there end will begin work 1° 014®o- H* has already left Louiartlla, but Is visiting with his family among relatives for a few days before coming to North Caroline. We heartily welcome him back. rUMXAL UlTMir. —Mias Emma Page U visiting rela tive* in Barenns, 8. U. -Mr*. J. T. MoDUl left Turaday afternoon for Florida to tpend tbe holidays with her paresis. -Mis* Janie Morris returned on Monday ’• freight from a abort visit to her grandmother lu Dallas. —Mr. George Stubbs came boms I from Georgia to aUtod kit father's 1 burial at Lincoln too Monday. Ha is a machinist in tbe railroad shops at Maeoa sod will return to bu post of I doty to-day. —Mr. I. N. Alexander, Clover’s eleyar chief of polio*, risked bl* | children in Mecklenburg this weak, and will return to Closer to-day. Hi* ■tops in Qaatonia are alway* pleasant to bia numerous friends here. —Mrs. C. M. Cam obeli and the chil dren visited friends In Gastonia several day* tins weak. They were guests of Mr*. O. W. Davis, and rstnrned To** day afternoon to Charlotte, whero Mr. Campbell la now pastor of tbe Uretard 8t. M. E. Churob. ra* IWm> nertsrsn a MdSnS. Tbe Modsna directors held a meet ing Tuesday after noon and declared tbs usual aeml-annaal dividend of four per cent payable the Orst of January. “other row of looms was ordered to b* added ia order to wear* all th* Product of tbe spindle*. Miss Mary C. II off mar., daughter of Mr. D. P. Hoffman, see] Mr. Hoary Clover were married on Wednesday Deosober 3, by Bequlro G. M. Dixon, at tbe resideoce of Mr. Joo. 0. Hoff man. They went to tbe groom’s borne near Rutherfordtou on Ilia noon into. Mar good fortune attend them along life** pathway. maeie-Wriikl. At tbe bom* of th* bride’* brother in-law, Mr. Allison, uaar Begonia. Mia* Uopbla Wright and Mr. Jno. Elmore were married Nov. 18. 1898. by Kev. G. A. Sparrow. After the mar riage, the merry wedding party par took of a sumptuous fsaat spread at the home of tbu groom’s parent* Long llfo and bappineae to these wedded lovers ■ r. galloway Shwat Bev. J. C. Galloway will leave to morrow night for a two weeks trip In Virgtal*- lie will be absent from hie appointments on the Sod end Srd Sabbaths. HU mission U to All soma Important appointments with Vlr Sola church** for the Board of Home la*tooa. Mr. Galloway’s appoint ment at Baker’s for 3 p. m. oo the Srd Sabbath will be Ailed by Bev. J. M. Garrison. HaiaStaarPriUa. Bwteekwa The local lodge of Knlghti of I*y thla* hehl their semi-annual election of oAlcers Monday night. Tb* fol lowing were eboaeu: R II. Carrol), CbanoellurCommander; J. F. Cabanias. ViowCImmwUor; W. M. Bagby Pro IMe; W. H. Pool. Master or fcork; «eo.W. Usstar at Arm*, j! Ja* Boblnsow, Keeper of Records and 8«*U; J.JB. Carry, Master of Ezobe qoer; J.Rnbt. dral*. Master of Fl nanoe, J. C. McElroy, Inner Guard; J. W. Bryson, Outer Guard. Tk»T*t«UI(M. _ **r- C- B. Carter, of Ohio, who had Bdly, tbe Big Ox. here laat March |» haek again with toother attraction for tb* Mg ox alee, ie no more. He died in Ohio the S7tb o< last Joly and bto ahlo li now mounted but not jet dried ®£t e-2ouO *>e put on tbe road again. Tb# Turtle man la tbe preeeat altrao> tloj*. He to a freak which, Mr. Curler tella »*, to» jean old, weighs 16 B“**<• toouly 18 Inohee high. « haa lega like a turtle and baa never wnJtaA Die freak ie a good mueiolan and Joker, and furntobae muetoand fon fa* tb* epeelatore who vtolt bio. Mr. Carter arrived yeeterday morning aod think* he’ll have lito abow ready by °“*°’efack to-dty, and for tbearter Lika Billy, tbs Big Ox, It to ■ tea-oeot (bow. 1-no Wew «iwwr Slen. Tb# (tore-room In Mr. W. N. Davis's new brink building la ooouplad almost before Urn mortar ■ dry. Mr. H. D. Shelton, an experienced grocer of Newton, moved lo thla week and to paeklog tb* (helve* full of bright new package* ef freefa grooeriee, which he hae taken much pride In eeleetmg. For the preeeat be to iMtoted by Ittv. Jf- KIDim. Mr. Shelton etarled bto bocteeboM effect* from Newton last week In wagon* bat wm overtaken by the swow-atorm at Llsooloton and had a rather rough Urn* gMtlug bore. Hi* family e«u* by rail and they will oe oupy <>c» of Dr. Adam*' houMeon Narrow Gauge atreet. We welcome Mr. Shelton and bto family t* oltlaan •bip among as. and are happy to !■ troduoe him to the public through our ad vert lal a g oolumna A IMM rnMortal la MaMMlt. laeaac, deaf, dumb, aod blind wntohea, rloeka nod Jewelry cured In 1 or 8 day* with a guarantee to give entire ealtofatloo. Patient* (watch** uf coerce) wMoh other* worked Mead faltod to «ur* are eapeoially wanted by the new Jeweler, Joaarn Walt***. roxaiMioxnv nar u atuax Tk« *sw oaiMii *nni la mm* fut M W»f*-Tw» mayv B*mtmm mi Um u»m Tlw lint business of tba board of commuatooen In ibalr season aa laat Monday waa Um ■ wearing in of lira O- Pnatt. 0. A. Patrick mod H. A. White. Tha new h»»rd organised by elsetlng Joo. U. Puett, chairman. Tha lint business transaoUd by Um paw board waa U> audit quarterly id lowaaoM for ifl outside paupers, amounting In all to 1230 or there abouts. In U)» matter of election expanses the oommiaaiaiMn allowed tho rvgis tran tba lawful pay of 1 cant far each old uatue tranaorlbod and 9 cent* for •sofa now name registered. This amount doea not go ta eaeli registrar, but la toba divided equally among Um three. Tha judges of election and iboee who returned election boxes and return* to tba clvrk received no com pensation. For servlog lawful nottoa* Ihe proper offleer* ware allowed tba ueoalfsea. W. T. Love Tueeeoted to* official, **•*•» ooonty. aod school bonds for sheriff of Gastou county which war* *c*rPted. approved, aod ordared to bo recorded. Me was then duly sworn into offioe. W. P. Cobb, oou*table la Crowder’s Moootalu township, presented bis Umd Which was approved, after which he was sworn into office. Joo. a Puett Is appoiotad to at Und the necessary repairs on the Harden hrldff* and bridge over Bulls'* Branch. Hoffroac, aurvayor. Underad bisi official bond, which was accepted, ha waa than sworn into office. Ostea, ooroeec, presented bla offielal hood, whiefa the board ac cepted. H, waa then sworn into office, B. O. NantL oonstable, in Delia* township, Undered bis official hood. It was accepted and be was duly sworn loto offioe. W. T. Bender son, county treasorer, tendered bis official bond. It was accepted and ho was then sworn into office. E. L. MeGInnas, constable, gave suffioleet bond and was iworo Into office. Tbs official bond of G. II. Davis, CVwk superior Coart, waa examined accepted and approved. J. J. UrsDsnd, prear tiled Ida bond a* Register of Dead*. It was duly paaard upon aod accepted, whereupon the Chairman administered to him bla oalb of ofloa. Tb# report of A. K. Loftlo. Sheri*, of tax** oolleoled waeacoepted. a boon n DAY’S anslOK, totesdat. G. A. Patrick aod B. A. White an ordered to examine report of Clerk of Superior Court and report that they find same correct. B. M. Huffs tetlcr, constable, gives bood and is sworn into office. The Clerk I* ordered to have the usual annual exhibit of oonuty reve nue* and disburse men ta published in the Gastonia Gazkttk. Other business transacted waa of the usual routine nature. •ld rimnAcR rrttwa. A Uh Wetfdtaw Drin la lb« tom. A***'lto to* CMIaM*r WMitoM kto IpfdiMnL Otu Fuakaci, Dec. 8—Owing lo the inclement weather, Frof. K. K. Cordell'* *iaging school at Concord ehareh did not begin last Friday. Mr. (3>aa. Holly, of Daniel*, Lilt oolu couuty, accompanied by Meear*. Tom Ouoaler and Dolpb Willis and Ml**** Beetle Holly and Della Hear tier, came down to Mr. Wm. Arro wood’* last Wednesday and returned with Mlm Hattie Reamer to Daniel* church where Mr. Hotly and she were married that aftamooo. The roeud trip I* about 8ft mile* and was made la a Bern scow atorm. The party oerer taw any Bra from the time they left Mr. Arm wood’* at 1 p. m. until they reached bom*. Lore not only laugh* at locksmith* but cold weather *• wall. Sheriff Luftlu failed to meet bis tax-ooUeeling appointment* it Horls'* Store last Saturday and tbaraby dis appointed a good many who ware reedy to teka up their receipt*. Death mf Mr. U. W. (Maltha. After a lingering ill nee* of flve month* duration. Mr. Ethridge W. Stubbs departed this life at hi* home In Gaatool* last Sunday morning at 7 o’clock, at Urn aga of N year* H* •ama to Gallon la from Llneolnton about four yaars ago, and with hi* sons was more or lea* Intimately oonneoled with pattern making and other foundry work during this Mm*. Ao comparted by tbe sorrowing family the body we* taken book to Llneolnton on tbe Narrow Gauge Moodty morning. The funeral was oondoeted In the Method lit church there by Bar. R. Z. Job neon and Mm interment took plea* la lb* choroh oemetery et 9 o'clock that afternoon. Ta*«in ikM-. lllllyer’* gift tbow has come and fooe and left two lucky person*—ML* Basw* Holland, whoso number draw th* 58 piece tea eat Tuesday night and Ml**Cora dpenoer whose father'* num ber drew for bet the ladles' gold watch night. Others war* la luek with mealier prims worth from two oeot* to a dollar- The memory teat*, lightning adettUMona, aaoood tight, and mind reading features ware more oc l**e di verting. Moat of Ibo amusement, la r*et about all of It, was afforded by tb# ludicrous iltoatloo* la which some Of th* member* of tbe local committee ooeeelonally found themeelyee, and by the (Igbt of aomn of tbe over joyed darkey* drawing their prime of flour, baeon. aod other thing*. ■maj-ti-gMui—■ n*ory Blount will lectors iu Lin ootaton to-morrow night. Th* Shelby Elor any* that Mr. L. O. Palmer, a lire young Democrat of Potkvllla, baa caught 03 'pomums this mason. Charlotte la on the list of towa* to he visited by Hryao to HI* lactate t**r. The flnt looters will be given In Atlanta tarty la January. J. B. Fortune I* a oaadldet* fur O. S Marshall for tl>* Western district. Hsaayi an is aoard published Toss da* by th* Charlotte Ohmtrc/. “t«i run lAtru." **•» tee TIM. e» icreaVXew Jawed -»w rnkiw. Ukoulw, Ksb., Deo- 0.-The UUe of Wo. J. Bryan's book it to bt %*Tho Fliet Battle.’• le Uw preface lw Mate, hie reasons ferwrlttactfaa work In llw billowing ""g*g W" wees remarkable one, whether we measure U tatbe magnitude of tbe tmeee ln TOlead ur by the depth of Interest btouMi. 1 Imre bt*o led to anderteke tbe present work by a desire felt by mywdf and express* by outers to bare tha more important incidents of tbs campaign put Into permanent form for Um convenience of tknee who bare takenitwrt la Uio contest and for Ui« use of those who ah.U heieeftec desire to review Um struggle. "Tbe amount of work done by tbe advocate, of free coinage la beyond compute Hoc, and the oamber of those wbo took an active pert la tbe contest Um greet fur euumeratfon. These f«!U together with tbe dimoulteof robooMng between eo many meritorious wise have compelled me to limit quotation, to tbe addressee made end papers tmaed by person, (tending In an oAelal or seml-ofltaUl emowelty and to the principal speeches delivered bymyaeir. I have added a brief his tory of the eamwalgn, Including a dke cusslon of th. election returns and the slgnifloauoe thereof. It bas also been thought test to cam Is tbs pari taken by ms lo the silver agitation prior to the convention nod at tbs request of tbe publishers, I have included a biographical sketch written by Mrs Divan." It I. ondtxiiood here that the pob 1 tettersi will Issue tbe book lo tbe early Pert of January. -a t- —■ ■ ■ u. w. Dulluttn. Every Dud-bol« la a highway le a Week mark against the road oomtals etooer. pie wagon repairer wans fat, but tbe wagon owner furniahos Uie meat. Good roods are tbe farmers’ abort eet to market. llwWIi tu. Ikmt rarmar wartM Mi antrv<oA truoL hw Sm WUMn Uv Wad are arucb. Me ooo bat a mnnatcr wtll ihoua'Mlrmly rood Tbaorerwotarrt buna on tbs uadarwwcfced hmA. II or era rarely die of old age and yet all horses dla. .. 1,0,1 r,*llJ produeed until It is hauled to market. We d nor of bad road* bare a mil*. If mao whan borne for a wtui*. Whoeo approvetb not of a amoolb hicbway verily hi* name Is mud. P'«. greeteet extravagaaea la lbs very height of eeonomy— la rued bonding. Use broad tires If you wish to stay on top of forth. T'bs highways of tbit ooo a try need reforming from tbe ground up. Good streets make good cities. Good roads make gaud farms. The tnuado uani lo able a bone Aad tear# km pull tin load dhuull bo dr voted t» tbs wxatt til Sxiaa up the road. Whipping tbe overloaded taam 1* a poor way of trying to overcome lbs faults of a bad rood. A good public rued Is every man’s private Joy. Every man Is looking for a soft thing, but be doesn’t yearn fot It lu tbe shape of a muddy highway. Mia. Island la bsCewqrmlalnle*. Bbelhv (bar. Her. 11. L. Own bey la away on bis new charge at Ml. Island tbts weak. He will move Id a few days. Tbs Shelby elrcuit gtvee up Mr. Ownbey with reluctance. The Star eoograt nMtas the Mtc. Island people upon their good fortune In securing lush an eloquent sod brilliant you Of minister as their pastor. To yckom (I miy concern : Notice U hereby given that it petition it being circulated end will be tent to tbe next General Amiably of North Carolina at king that Lutheran Chapel church of Uaaton ooonty. North Caro lina, bo luoorporatod against tbe manu facture and sale of spirituous liquors within two miles uf said church. Wjt. Uxll, W. u. loumov, W. V. Lnxtuoxa, A. B. Lixx ■anon, F. H. McAnvsa, A. C. armour.—OPoara of said ohnrcb. ---— M-II J. t. Curry A Co have tbolr Holiday opening to-aigfal at 6 o'clock. See boatneaa locals. You’ia Invited. J. J. Orcnsnd. (Hark, pobliahea annual statement of soooant* audited by tbe board Of oomaa Las loot rs to ibe members thereof. A. U. WtlUaasaoa A Co., Hava an attractive side-line of Christmas geoda which they will sell at side-1 MO* j.rioee Tremeudoos cut In price* of Hoe cape* —Me qaotatlona. J. B. Beard, photographer, will for a short while Bake yoa a draco cabinet photo* for only 11.30. Freising and crayon portrait* also at reasonable prloet. H. 1). Shelton, tha new groesr ia Davis building, will offer first out to roars extraordinary bargains from tha beat selected Hook Of groceries ha avar bought. Yon are Invited to call. Good* delivered promptly. HoUend and Bobtuaoa call attention to lb* People's Store. Goodt and treatment give solid satisfaction every lima. Different department* well Hied with bow and up-todale goods. Your Inspection moan* your patronage. Ooa* to tbo People’! Store. Tbe Acme Grocery, K. a McLean, proprietor, will kaap a flrtt-cbtm line of Groceries, confectioner let end dalfwar* at tha old Uallaat-tVhltertdea Hand. Yoar trad* la wanted, will be apprecia ted, and will command for you Lb* lowest prices. Give order* to delivery wagon. r. T. Heath, proprietor of 11m New York Racket, announce# opening of holiday goods seat Tuesday night. A vast quantity and variety of Christmas goods, too nemarous to mention, wifi he then dlepltyvd. Special Induce menu to Christmas tree eommlUaaa. Good* In full display on tbo 10th sad every dty thereafter. Spoon* to giro •way to pure)'Mara of ooa sad two dollar* worth of food*. OMfb UaooJu Iknoonit. Solicitor Jamee l. Webb. of Shelby, •peot Monday nig U In Llaoeiotna eg hta return fi > Hoadenon oonoty a^nraU hnd on* to attend eoart. Mr. Webb aui there nee ne coett, not even n Jury; Impanelled. Jadge Brown endeavored to got op net oaoee b«t felled entirely- The Judge ■aye he never before hod auob ex pariODOo. Xo Mart wbet-Mwenr, the Jndge left on Monday night aleo. I" ▲ typewriter facto*y bee boon te oootly pat Into opentiou at Athena. Tene. Thoagb to operation bnt a few monllie It baa been found aeeaeenry to add mw machinery and workmen. Tbe Democrat aaye the Bank of LUt* oolnton to to pat in a new lira and burglar proof time look eafe. It to Mo i tom mfe guaranteed to ho ebaoliitaly burglar proof pureheoad In tbla Staia and only one other of the kind U now In the State. New Grocery Store. Iut Door to Dwti' tot Intel Having Juat arrived la GaetonU and witatloc to get acquainted with the POOOU, I .ball offer my Brat cuitomrri extreordinaiy bargain* from the pret tlvet stock I have ever bought. 1 ertaeUC tbe atock myself with graauet carat °ome to see m« In the new Davie bonding and gal the advantage of Umb* bargains Everything wilt be done to make tbe acquaintance mutu ally profitable. H. D. SHELTON, BeeeuUy of Newton, N. U THE ACHE GROCERY, K. C. McLean, Proprlciar, tHnan..iUag Qallaat. WUlaMct 4 0*4 Pl«m and Fiocy Groceries, Goi fectioieries, Delf-ttre, etc. At tbe old GaUant-Whlteeldr* atend, I will run a flrat-elaai PLAIN AND FANCY GROCERY bMlneta. I will keep at all time* tha bam line of Country Produce that can be bad. ' Year trade wUl be appreciated and you will cat a* LOWEST FBIOEM. Give Your Orders to Delivery Waffon. Meaar.. J. II. Qallaat mad J. H. Fayaeoux are wttb me and will ba glad to deal with their old cuetomen In the future aa in the peat. Very respectfully, R. C. MoLEAN, Proprietor, The Acme Grocery, Pbuxk - . 48. W. N. Datm. t. R. IfoAirn. Davis & McArver, Market men, IX DAVU’ XXW BX1CX XCTLDOtO, Will be happy to aupply you with your Cbrtttnaa matt*. Special care exoreiaed to aonr* our ouatomon with good fraah meat*, neatly draced and oloelr kept. THY TJ&. Davis & McArver, Phoxx 80. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! Haro y.iu yet bad nay of ibrao »L» a-daaao photo* mud* ? It not, wby not? Three prleaa wilt bold bat a abort time. Haaoenbrr I guarantee my work to be flraOelt**. Mouldings. 1 bars a nlee aaleetlon for I ram**. Bendy to do any framing for you at raoooabU prior*. Call and am a peri man*. Crayon Portraits. I do thla work alao. lain your ordara with ate. Youra to aarro, J. B. BBI1B, PMoinpto. DON’T FAIL TO SEE TORRENCE, -FOR A— FULL LINE OF Watches, C/tains, Rings, Pins, Jcivelry And Musical Goods, Jwt wb*t TOO wui for » nlo* Cbrtet Mft lYMMlt. J. *. TORRRMOR, Jrruft Notice to ftefeadRafe. rtMOM. «rk '* **• ptoploof OMtonUond aurroundlng eountry ore invited to me at that time the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, AID BBS! SELECTED Hoe of Holiday Good* over tbowu lo Gastonia, aad to loepeot oor (took thoroughly before making their rdritlmi Our Line is Complete, OoMinting of Don*. Va*e», Ptueh Oooda, White Motel Goode, Tby Plano*, Holl Carriages. Doll Chain, DoU Hate, Tm Mo, Truo pet*, Bucking Harem, Ea press Wagons, ratii. Cbla* Hugo, Coys and Haoeere, Uoa* Bawls, Photo Fromm, Ail Xtedo Photo Album*, Autograph AND MAXT OTHER PRETTY THINGS TOO NUMKBOCt TO MENTION. - ;‘V. * /.r, *;'•. To Christmas Tree Committees, I Witt give a SPECIAL DUCOCNT for all bill* amounting to 96.00 tod am, nod GUARANTEE Mr PRICES DOWSE than any other iu Gootonla. On Full Display. Bogtanlngoa Wodomday, tbo 10th, our holiday good* will bo o*» tell dltptay day and sight until tbo aaaaoa -‘"nr Don’t hay mill you hove vlrttad the Now York Kaohot. More Spoons Than Carter Had Oats. W* are giving away FOB THU MONTH ONLY to OOCh psr chaonr of one dollar’* worth, s act of Taa tynna*. to oaoh pur chaser of two dollar*’ worth, a sot of Tahte ttpooao to match. And we are giving sway more spoons and aeDing more r—»4v thaa “Oartor had oats." Don’t Forget tlie Date of Opening, Tnesrtay Night, Dec. 15, 7 to lO O’clock. AND DON’T FORGET THE PLACE, New York Racket, P. T. Heath, Proprietor. Down-Pour of Bargains THIS WEEK Is «*cli and tmj deportment of our itor*. I BI« LOT or TUPS JQ8T iBBIYED. No Excuse (or ooida. Wo offer prloee tbat make etook* obeiptr than foaL Blankets ill Confom rot Ewjjbodj. Mm to toitoftot, Ml f«ltn* I. bet tar. Ttmt*. Iha tort we utonogr falaakai. Great Redaction —IX— W« an bob do* 011F.AT SEDUCTION In price* of lMnlag Hew FurnUwro, toot a* SIX3B-BOA.B/IDS TABLESams CHAIRS. It will be Money la rear rook* to got oar prto** Men buying ilinrtmu Not a Byd Article la lbo wtMlo lot and aoi * p*|** m mm b* notobod tin wlioro for fairer**. Choice Quality and Prloea wMeb to bop forahoTb Wo aboil lob* r-^-m t* ebMrblg roa oor good*. «i««tlog prtooo, n| e**»gt*g gOMllaC>< abwifinUen. McELROY and ALLEN. n.lw rmii Ih. *

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