THE GAZETTE. THVUMJAT. CWmiB «, M B USIN ESS LOCALS. Unnkiiuwli tnanctaC In lAU ooJumn it *?4.,or *r“ >nawr»0«l ullmib • Hn roc eaeb iMoctton iWaifUr. ThBKDB tad Mortgagee at the ■*-'_Gazette Omen. LAND P0STKR8 at the Gazette Omct GOD WANTED -A cord or two ut dry plot wood will be taken at tbla office on cnbaerlptlon if brought at onoe. POUND-CAKE—Twenty ikted of clean new white paper ae big m the whole Gazette tor ten centa at the Gazette offlec. Juet the thing to uae when baking yoarCtirUtmaa cakea. LOCAL AFFAIRS. --The steeple of llts A. R. V. church Is undergoing repairs that will greatly Ini prose Its appearance. — Mr. I. N. Davit la building a new ten-room bouse on Uis lot adjoining bis old boms on Airline b treat. —Tbe Baptist Ruoday bchoul will have a Christmas tree. The data U not yet fixed but It will probably be given next Thursday night. —Tbs annual exhibit of county revenues sod expenditures will be pub lished next week. The copy came to band too late for us to find room fur It In this Issue. —When baking your Christmas cakes, don’t use printed paper or brown paper. See business locals and gal clean whits paper in nloe large unfolded sheets. —A great reunion of wanderers from North and South Carolina baa bero planned to be bsld at Southsru Pities on lbs 22ud and 23rd of tbs present moo lb. We thank Mr. i. K. Dixon for an Invitation to attend it. —At tha opanlog of J. K. Curry Si Co. laat Thursday night wars to be seen some of tha handsomest holiday spe cialties ever shown in the place. The sight of them created a demand that baa kept them moving ever slow. —One of Oaetonla’a gallant young man says be escorted an area dosen young ladles home Tuesday night and than leaned against tbe gats post and wept. Ilka Alexander, because than ware no more girls to be taken borne. —Tbe sale of the effects of tbe lata N. McCormick by Mr. F. A. Costner, administrator, took place on Craig St Wilson’s platform laat Thursday. Though svsrythlng went at saetton, fairly good prices prevailed throughout. —Naxt Saturday, tbe 19lb, la special card day at tbe Gazette Job Office Leave your orders for vialtlug card* right to-day. Prices: 25 cards tor 1C cents; 30 card* for 36 cents; 100 cards for 40 cent*. There prices hold good for Saturday only. —For tbe appointments missed tbe week of tbe bad weather, ex-Sheriff Loftln publishes new dates this week. Tbe tax-payers will be met either by Mr. Loftln or one of his deputies «g follows: Carpenters, Deo. 21; Cherry villa, Dec. 23; lloyts Store, Dec. 28. —Tbe Gastonia Telephone Compa ny It preparing to iaaua a new phuoe list. They feel imposed upon by non subscribers and there Is talk of levying upon the subscribers an extra rental of & oeote for aach conversation bakl over bla pbooa by persons wbo are not subscribers. —In Dalle* Monday a trad* was closed between Messrs. H. D. Drown and T. G. Rhyne by wblcb the grocery store on the corner near tbe depot passed lute llie latter’s bands. He will conduct tire business at the euuie stand. Tbia la the drat Item of news to ba transmitted to ns over the ’phooe. It was sent last night at aevan o’clock by Mr. B. L. Wilson. —yereral delinquents hern paid tlKlr taxes end bad their names stricken from the Sheriff's advertisement. Karly In January a Hat of delinquauts for use* of lHflO wilt be published, tbe ml estate sales to take pi are In February. Ur. Lofiln asks us to lay tbM If you don’t wish your lands ad vertised yon must pay In December, not wait till January. —Tbe Tima baa re or! red a card nnnounoemeal of tha marriage of Mr. Frank Darla of Mt. Holly aod Miss Alice Jsoklos, of Stanley. Tbo mar riage will be aolemDlxed In tha Luth eran church at 7 p. m. Deo. 90. Mias Jenkins la a slater of Dr. J. H. Janklna, of Dallas, sad the Times adds that she is one of Stanley’s most popular young ladles. Mr. Davis U to be congrat ulated oa bis good fortune. —The Phono oonnaetkma with Bal ls* wore completed last Saturday, and tbs Hot works admirably. The Dal las ados all! be la Moore’s drug abort. At the Gastonia end, any subscriber may talk to Delia* by having central oflua make the proper connections. If oo-eo heart bars will he charged 10 cents for each communication. If they do not pay It, tba owner of the phone they sponge oa will have to pay it for tbsm. -The election last Tuesday for a new ooauty in Sooth Carolina with Gaffney aa tba probable county seat was carried overwhelmingly for tbo new county, It coo Ulna more than 400 square miles mad embraces portions of Spartanburg, Union, and York, tho last named county losing to tha Uw^ornw .boat 4,foo population tha Charokae Uotton Mills, 18 miles of tboO. R.AC.B.IL 8 miles of the Southern Railway, and tbs town Blacksburg. Tba new oounty will pobaMy be called Cherokee. -On next Taeaday says tba Hn««f rrr. YorkvlDe aobool district will bold aa sleatleo to decide whether or not bond* shall be Imaed tor Uw asm of 94,000 with which to coo tract and farekh a MW school building. Had yoa aver thoagbt of It, by-the-wmy, that York eoaaty baa more than twice aa many prop!* In Uaawelwye bare to Gaston f Fact. York In 18M had 98,831; Gaston 17.784. Haw that York baa lost some of her terri tory to tba nrw eoaaty tier population la aboat 36,000 oa tbe basis of last MftMli WHO’S SMUAItMtfl ? ***** ■* * Ik«l»JUIwa*4« Sum* Hir-ri While VnktaR mm Inw rnmm*m, * »»rw«*i by ■ IUIM hat Hurt. That wa. a doe* oall Mr. 0. U. Rhyne bad last Sunday Boning. He tatb* Deouty tad jailer of our new Sheriff lir. W. T. Lon. About four e’clock be went out to arrest Dogna Cllno wboae wife bed (worn oat ■ pnoe warrant agaloat bln for bia ylolojico while oo a Saturday night •pm The dopoty bad two mao sum moned to go with him. On reach Log the place, juet oatatde tbe corporate limit* of Dallas, Qbyaa •■had a aoo of Clin* to go In aod try to pacify bi* father. They tailed to do 10, and tlie officer went to to make tbs amet. As Rhyoa entered -the door CUne, who was on the bed with bk pistol In hand, drew a bend on the officer and fired. Tbe officer did not bava bis waapoos drawn, and did not bare time to draw them. He law the mau oo tbe bad wltb hi. pistol drawn and mad* a rush (or htm. HU ae •iitaula ran In, and tbe violent man wai soon disarmed. After Uio louffi* •a*over. Mr. Uhyue, who thought li* bad been Wounded In Ilia thigh, mad* examination and rocod that hi. life *»• probably eared by a button. The bullet burnt UU overcoat, went through tba ooroer of hi. rest, oo through hU pants, struck tlie top button os bl* drawers, tore out tits button bole, and than glanced downward, striking and lodging on Ilia mode of his tbigb, wljerv It made a bruise but did not break the akin. It setae a rather early Initiation of tbe uew oflloer, bnt he seems to bate nerve and grit and mad* bis peri Ions erTeet without flinoblng, Cline is now In Jail awaiting trial for siaaolt on no officer—something a little more ae rloni than the offenoe for which tba warrant was sworn ont. »••»«*-«M >«MM. At the residence of tbe brMel mother oeer Gestosis. Mr. Robert Howes aod Mile Maggie Dkksoo were united lu tbe bonds of wedlock yester day afternoon. The ceremony «u smoothly and quickly performed at 2:30 o’clock by Uav.G. A. Sparrow, aft«r which tbe wedding party were tendered a reception at tbe bona of the groom’s father. BaUaa rhaHSakMflktn. 'Rie followteg arethe snbecribere to the telephone In Deilaa: Dr. J. H. M. A. Moore, A. J. Cemayel, rf o If*"'1* * Co,, b-rwnum Bros.. O. F Mason. W. T. Lore, 8. A. Wolff •rod J. J. Warren, B. L. Wilson, G. R. Rawlins A Co., and J. 3. Urmand. Them with whom ws have talked over the wire are well pleased with the worklog of tbe line. WwoeytarlM* Call a Pastor. ServtoM at the Preebytertaa church were conducted last Sendey morning aod night by Rev. B. F. tfheon, Pres ident of Converse College in Spartan burg. Immediately after tbe morn ing eervioe he presided as moderator orar a congregational meeting, at which Rev. M. MoG. 8bl«lde, of Bur lington, was unanimously called to the pastoral* of tbe church, having received on Out ballot every vote save ora. Mr. Sbklds la a young man with a small family and has beau In the ministry nboul live years He presetted for the Gastonia aggregation more log and night on the Brit Sunday la the present mouth. Tbe member* were so favorably I to pressed that be was tbe man for their pastor, that they exteoded a call tbe Brat opportunity. The answer of Mr. Shields is u waited with Interest, it la hoped be will ac cept aod begio his Daw work with tbs K#w year. artMa-Maan. A quiet bums wedding at the real deuce of the bride’s father, Mr. W. M. Adams, last Tuesday night made Mr. Robert 0. McLean and Mia* Rosa M. Adam* husband and wife. The cere mony was pronounced by their pastor, Rev. R. 1*. Smith, at MO o’clock, aad with the ring as emblem of wedded love the ceremony was beautifully and Impressively performed. After tbe marriage the bride aod groom ac companied by a few of their intimate friends were tendered a huepilaiila re osptlon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Xdgsr Love, where they will for the present make their home. Bride and groom both are well known In Gastonia. The groom is on* or our most energetic and wldo awake young business men, white the cheerful dis position and lively Individuality of the bride attract in her the warm re train and frtnndsliip of e Urge eo qusintauc*. And there le not one of tlmm all but wfsbas both bride and groom unalloyed happiness together along life’s journey. A w»v»i xwwiani A unique method of advertising an opening wai put Into (Sect Tuesday afternoon by tb« New York Basket. Mr. Hentli, the IUckfit Man, secured an upon wagon and loaded It with toy* and other Christmas goods. Two or three little boys gaudily arrayed in oosturaee and falea-faeee rang bails as the parade moved along, while oU Santa Claus, in eatehy attire and with long flowing beard and genial counte nance. kept up something of a racket himself with some sort uf peculiarly "day toys. He bowed in meet courtly manner to the people ou this side mod that aa the wagon passed along through the principal streets. Tom MoCtee, wearing n white sneo’s false - fees and a lot of pretty sashes, held the ribhoea. A big canvass placard announced the opening to bn at the New York Racket at night. When night came the brilliant stateroom was orowded with old and young. The display was s large one and moat at tractive. The promise In last week's paper was mads good, end the vMters taw the most elaborate display of Christmas goods ever shown la the town. The Racket’i advertlevment In this Issue also Is novel In Its brevity. But oould It be any mors effective t Ooagfeasmaa J.lnney thinks Priteh ard will be sleeted to Ute Senate A Beats SSeapHal la Insane, deaf, dumb, aad blind Witches, clocks, sad Jewelry cared In 3 er II days with a nano tea to give retire eatlefatloe. Patients (welches nf onerse) which others worked oa and failed to oars are especially wanted by the new Jaweler, JtAKru W alt asm Tutt’s PiUs Cure All Liver Ills. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt’s Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They will purely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTTS Liver PILLS rnMMU ■urnel. . — Mr*. J. E. Cnrry and little ton re tained yesterday from a week's visit to Charlotte and Monroe. — yt**M Mild VHIir Caban Is of HHelby, are Timing their brother, Mr. i. T, Caban 1*. —Mr*. W. FL Folen wider is In Sbeiby to spend the boUdaya aod Mr. Poleuwlder belongs again to the bachelor*» club at the Fall* Honar. —Mr. aod Mra. Eugene Harper, of Atlanta, are spending the holiday* here with Mr. Harper's parents. —Misses Nannie and Bulb Brice ware guests of Mias Mabel Smith a abort wbiis last week. They were re tomlng boat* from Oonvara* Collage to spend Christmas. . —Mia* Carrie Haddock, of Char lotte, spent two or three days this week at the Fall* House great of her slater. Miss Cynthia Haddock. She returned home Tuesday. —Mr. Will Martin, an old Gaston boy whole oo w one of the leading to auraooe sol lot tor* of tbs country ar rivnd In Gastonia yesterday from Mew York city and will speed a few day* with bis mother, Mr*. Mary Craig, in the Point Ml nutCl ITEM. •**•* Wirt TjyktM rme-Oaa Blataa TMr-lbaaln Kim*. Emit ■e( nalwlMM r-raart.a alOaaoaa* SMI — EbartSf Am llat Oorreamoaaoe. of ito QtaMta. 0u> Piiejiacb, Ike. 6—James Ashe Torrence la right alok with typhoid H« loTbo voungeet too of Mr. U. A. TOfTfM0, fed Alloa haa moved from R. A. White's mill to Wolfe’s miU la Clev* Uud oouoty. Tie la auooaaded by Lee Hayes, of El Bethel. J. L. Phifer leave* today oo a Dialog expedition near Blacksburg, o. u. JKlur, Esq., has the largest fat hog that we have seen In some time. Wbao he butcher* we will report. Bov. Z. Perl* the new palter Id eharga of Klog’a Mouulaiu circuit wiU preach at Concord w*xl 8a dday. Tbla will be hi* Oral eersloe with thl* con gregation Bbcrtff Ix>ftic baa made eew dates for the appointments mined in tbl* pai t of the county. Following art the Carueutcr** Monday, Dec. *1; CharryviHe, g2ud, Hovia 8tore, 23. •hurt WaaparaSa Cm. Wedneeday last. Pink Goforth, a brother-In law of If. R Heme, drove from Blaokahnrg to Yorkvltlo and S^crd to tw allowed to see the prisoner. The sheriff turned the visitor over to Deputy W. P. Love, who Insisted that Goforth ahuuld be searched before bn. Ing admitted to Reese's cell. A bottle of whlskry, a revolver and a three cornered Ole were found on Goforth *■ person. The last- oamed article erne found, uya the Yorkvllle Enquirer. In the visiter* Intide vest pocket. He wae arable to satisfactorily sooonat for the articles, and Deputy Love not only refuted to admit him to the Jail, but mItIbmI him not to nikt applies tlon again. "Sheriff Crawford and bit deputies are of the opinion that Horse la dei pc rate, aod they have begun to guard tbe jail with more than usual Vigilance. Judge Boykin baa it signed fioa> the umou of Ibr Superior frmrt to raauma the prsoiise of law. We have to agree with the Butosvllto Landmark tint tble Usd event to bsd-piorvd. Judges of hie order of rxcvlkoov ere rot to plentiful in North Caroline atthli tine that on of his cl ass can bs gp*rtd. Kvsrjr mother should k*o« that croup oaa be prevented by glvlug Utambetlalo'e Cough Ilmnrdy aa aoon aa the child becomes hoarae, or even after croupy cough baa acpoartd It will prevent the attack. Thtoiremedy la alao a otrtaln core for croup, and ws have never yet beard of (to falling la a rtogle Instance For aala by J. K. Ourry A On, Droggtota. O. H. Davie, Superior Oourt Clerk, publishes annual sUUamat of funds In his bands. U. P. I» Hoffman, aommiMlonsr, advertises ratals of Uts Mol.urv home pUoa In Orowdsr'a Mountain town ship The New York Racket, p.T. Heath, proprietor ban Christmas goods for all. Bpewlal dlaeoont to Ohrtotaaaa two committees. Oral* A Wltaoa wlsli all who ewe tbaea oa note or account to coma for ward and make aetUement of sbom he fore tbe end of the year. wsttao. To whom tt may concent: Notion to benby given that a petit Ion it being simulated sad win be sent to the aeirt Ovnersl Aaombty of North Carolina ashing that Lutheran Ubapsl ebarch of Hasten oounty. North Caro lina, be luoorporatcd egaloet the aaaa feotnw sod ml. of eplrltoeus Hguors within two miles of aald ohnroh w*. B«.l, W. m. Bonrnoi, W. Y. Lnrnoaoaa, A. U. Ltan nmoaa, F. a McAnvoa, A. Q. 8T»oc r.-Ottawa of said chnrcb. € You Will Find ■■ \■'; ■ /V' — At Tl NEW .. .. O YORK R 19“Special Discount to Christmas Tree Committees. — MaADKN BBIJMtB niUT DOM. tor fbrlefa ■■rHIrgi to SimS WMMae. Ctrmiseamts •< Tki Sam Lowdll, lkc. 16—The new bridge at MeAd«tivl!le is searing completion. U will be ready for crossing aa soon as ibe approaches are Ailed ia. The ap proach oc the Factory aide, about ICO yards long, it being Ailed in with dirt that has to bo hauled about a Quarter > of a mile. Mr. J. L. Blow* is auperin lend log the Alllog and rum B «r 10 I 3-horte wagons. This la the only I double track bridge la tbl* eectlon of ■ country. I The old Ltoabergrr store bourn on lb* eoruar. the Ant store bouse built here was bought by 8. M. Rob into a bae day la* weak. It list been torn down sod will bn converted inton born. Dr. Robin von is building s new drug ■tors on Main Bireel. Prof. Campbell it arranging fora big Cbrtatmaa tree sod aoieriaiament at the aebool boats. My tbs popping of Ora cracker* around, we are reminded that Christ as k nearly bars. Doubtless Basts Clausa will bo around to sen some of tha lulls folks at la»u and gladden their hearts. Wbataplty be doesn’t treat all alike. Still we have call* for booses. Par-1 baps a doam bouse* would be 01 lad by sa many famine* it wa just had them ' vacant. Her. J. W. Robert* sad Rev. M. T. Bteale will exchange palpi la on next Snsday. jim* umi oumiAi. *. r. Wiiliw i* w»e an too no* !■■■■ Of rnaiolnolo. AahenUo CHlarai. for torn* tUM thoae who hart met B«t. M. P. Uithny. tbo boAV/wiliht editor of lb* Batdktm li,ip<4*. harp noOoed tbit hl» eounlm»noe waa Mura radiant Una uwtaL Tim aeeret of It •I) la out oow, ourda having bam iMuad Annuancing tba appruaobtng Marriage of the divine. Tim ladr of bit etioloa Is Mlaa Sue £ Uoblaaoo of BaUiab Grova, Transylvania county. Tbo wadding aatstuny I* to bl •oU-mnlMd on tbo noraiig of Deora bor W, iad tho couple wifi louva at oooa fur a trip to Plertda and other part* of tbo Booth. iOWIIOMI. Having resolved I icenee aa a pno Uotcg pfaysteWn, I taka thta Method of oOwfag bv profeaatoDal eervloee to tbo pobllo. Per tbo rraaaet mv oOoa will be at TarreoaeVdrdc there (Pbowo Mo. 1«). CaBa left then will hitva pruwpt attention. Heapeetfully. PUAKK Q. WlIMOW, it D. AdwiiiMir'i N«dce. Naviae«M> i yiSa rSatm »r n«Maw •na>MTi I*. < oSSUiaTI um anmueeMlir SSSSS**.£SS2 rsif PLEA3E SETTLE1 Wo* that Ui« y**r la drawing to a done. It la our daaira to have a settle taaot of oar year** baaJnese. ir yon °*a ua, therefore, either on note or •oooont. you are respeetfully ra qua*ted to coma forward at once, brfor* tba drat of January, and sake ■uttleawnt of tbn astro. Tbls la tor one and aU, and by giving prompt attention you will greatly oblige. Tours truly, CBAIO * WlLBOtf. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! Beat yatj jet had «ny of three $1.00 ••ihneo photo* made 7 II not, why &at t Three pr'ce* will hold bat a ihorl time. Rownbrt I cun ran tee aiy work to bo Am-olee*. Mouldings. I have a nice selection for franco. Beady to do any (ram In* for you at reasonable price*. Call aad tee epeci Crayon Portraits. I do tkt* work also. Leave yoer order* with me. Yoora to terra, J. I. run. FMiftHn. THE BEST SOFT COAL iwldwgeTbTuco coal. It la aallroiy fro* from rook aad elate and borne Treaty. A Car Load Of thB eoel, for wMoh wo etc eot* accnte la Ueetoato, win ••rive aboet the Mth of December, Lea** ail otden. with K. and S. Atkins. Aemrrv Adalnlftrstsr’i Kstfee. .0. Down Pour of Banians THIS WEEK -] Id each and oerry department of out More. ] 1 BIG LOT OP TUPS IB8T I1UIBD. No Excuse fa «oUl. Wo offer prto«o that a aka ! okiako eb'-aper than fool. Blankets lit Comforts i for EteijWj. SMtaf la battariag, bat fcfUo« U baktaa. That*. tt» - Great Redaction -IN D i Him Rm Finitire. - ■ ■ r-u.4^- ■ , w« uMiMi GREAT REDUCTION to prim of Utatot Tina Furniture mb M 8IDS-BOAE1D8 TABT ■1T1H AND OHAIBfl. It will be Money In yo«r pototo to *to m prim toBm bvtof tomtom. Not a Bad Article pn Choice Quality and Price* tot mMm to mfea Mr tom tor mat AaaWtta ptaat to vhtabtotMy faratVm. Wa thtol takr plmmto toawtoc tm mt «o«to, itctoa prim, rat mrnir, mUan akMt faroiturr, McELROY and Ttw Saw Farattar* Mm. * l - «