I to F^t^tlon o, Horn, a,. c :;ag ho b». ANNUAL EXHIBIT • or - COUNTY REYENUES AND CHARGES. NORTII CAROLINA. > cm**, Bm. of Deed*. Gawton Cuitmtv. { DalU?, N.tl’ I, John J. Ormand, Clerk of the Board of County Gommlfelooer*. do hereby certify that the following la a true and correct report of the County Revenuee and Qiaiyra, ai obtained from Treaaorer'e annual report and tha ml note* of said Board, aa required by Section 739 of the Coda of North Carolina, to wit: OOCNT1T FUND RECEIPTS. P*°- JP*1??60 00 h*Bt* from but year, a S70.91 J*1}- lf*®’ R*ert »■*■>« Oourt, .WdlJomG. H. Darla, Cleek Superior Coart, 1 ®° Jury Tax, Hacne, et. ai. ^ am ..p0”^vl., Cu*k Bo parlor Oourt. 2°° Nay 91. ” R<^d from A. X Loftlnr'iifff'o^oouoty fund, 1000 83 “28, “ Rac’d from A X Lai tin, Sbfl. tax Blg-ox exhibit’, ft 00 •• •• * ftKiaa.*-*•“*•■»»* u.t.^aa •“ Aug 3, “ Ree’d from A. K. Loftin, Sheriff, cwuoty fubd in ^ full for 1580, 175A 54 Sept A “ R«c’d amount refunded on Toucher M8 (Geo. F. Johnson, pauper) ' * ** 90, * Reo’d from John J. Ormand, hire of oouTiot—Z. Leeper. 19a7 Oct. 12, “ RecM from Jno. J. Ormand. hire of convict— Porter onn Nov. 2, “ Rac’d from A. X Loftin, Sheriff, on oonaty fund (Tax 1890,) Knn 00 .Reo’d from A. K. Loftin. Shff. Ur. Main* Show 88on i. u •> Hco’d amount borrowed of McAdens Mill, on Coo a It Note. 300000 .Rac'd from A. X LofUn, Sheriff, 00 county fund (Tax 1890), 000 00 Total K*ceht», 112, SSL* COUNTY FUND DISBURSEMENTS. D*c. -J. 1885. Paid Ollle A bar- $ natby, pauper 6 00 Junta Farrar, pauper 8 00 Joel Morris, pauper 6 00 Wesley Baadlemao, pauper G 00 Julia Oombeei, pauper 18 00 Amanda Ford, pauper 5 OO Tom Ctambara, paupar 5 00 Jaa. Craw, J °° Julia Llnebergor, pm|W 5 00 Catherine Ramsay, pauper 0 00 Elisabeth Me A) tsier, pauper rt 00 Betty Whets Hoe, pauper G 00 Margaret Heafner, paupar G 00 lAwaon Reynolds, pauper 3 00 Plok Black, pauper 0 00 Ida M. Roberta, pauper 4 SO Gao. F. Johnaoo, pauper 3 33 f. V. Gaston, pauper 6 U0 Polly Well* pauper 0 00 Mary A. Teague, psuper 3 00 Jude Rrnyre, pauper 5 W John Crawford, pauper 0 00 Elisabeth Haoall, pauper 4 80 Mary Haostfi pauper Q 00 Spiray Cash A wife, paupers 13 00 Butte Ferguson, pauper 3 00 Polly Procter, peuper 3 00 Kob’t Dareoport, codlu for pauper, (claimed 88 00) 0 00 Dr. J. H. Jenkins, county STaS-,. »" G. H.D*Tli.C. a C. station ary and service* 1® 87 M A Moore, medicine to poor and jail 9 6° WA Howell, ssrrlng 3 Road Orders „ , 80 J E Rewla A Oo. supplies fur ^ ^ n*L Rhyne, keeper of poor 37 45 A K Dortln, BUT. Jail f»es ao M0 00 W H Humesly, oonrerlDgE. Bridge* to Asylum, etc M SO W H Crawford, for lumber 4 SO John J Ormand, Beerloeilaa Clark and Register of Deeds 9 66 J R White, I day on oom. 3 00 J M Melntoab. lumber and repair* on bridge 11 W Dec. 8, J F Thom*., commtt tloner end mileage II 80 G A Patrick, oommlsriooer and mileage *0 80 J T Okrpeuter, commissioner 11 80 C Paaour, eoanr snd mJlssge II 06 Bltlie Gooden, paupar « W Deo. A Jas »nd Aonl# Broom, ^ ^Umn Cahill, pauper * « Deo. A E J Bridge*, paapet 9 00 Frmaoes Kelli, pauper Deo. II, Jacob Blmro, paupee 8 00 Pro. IS, Wallan* peg"®, q ^ JaST.'s’lW w G Morris, eon reying lunatic to Aaylocs 6 16 Dr J H Jenkins, sxamlulng lunatla . 900 J, A Thornburg, lumbar for DTl^Matwrg, error In Us Dr J*H Jankle*. On Jhy*. M » 5ia»J3S-fiS» 222 w A Whiteside*, repairing ^ ^ w’^Marahall, pub. report* 88 60 J F Uoaharger, work at Couotr Horn* 9 00 John J Oimaod, sarrloe# aa Clark, re*, of deed*. ^* *0 73 09 A M Pearson, error 1804 Us 3 34 U H Darts, Clark Superior Court, ae^lee* a«4 blanks 11 to Jan. 7, A K J/iftla. 8herl«, balanoann Psddhra’T**** 43 00 J T Carpenter, comm Melon er and mileage 9 90 A X Doftls. Hharifl, Jail fee* and repair* on wall 847 89 Jon. A JB Lewi* A Co., *up c&k**** “8 Mery Wmu, peaper $ 6 00 Rulh Brimer, pauper 8 00 Briour. pauper 6 00 MSM-*- p*op8r 6 00 8 B Finlay, pauper 6 oo L, L Jeukici. error In taxes in 06 Jan. 13, W C Sberrlll, ooffln for peeper 4 00 Fab. 3, Wallace Pee ram, paopr 6 00 Damage* to T E Sbuford on Lend by Road B 00 A P H Rhyne, exam, lunatic 1 OO W F Marshall, pub. reports 18 85 G H Davit, Clerk Superior Court, county liabilities, etc 11 21 Dr J 11 Jeuklus, Co. Fbys. 14 00 J U Lewis & Co., supplies to poor 28 61 H L Rbynr, keeper of poor 16 70 M A Moore, and. for poor 11 45 John J Onnand, services hs Clerk end Keg. of Deeds, etc' 22 60 A K Loftln, Stiff. Jail fees 208 86 A K loftln. Stiff. Indigent pupil* In Asylum 70 26 G w McLaugbec, hack hire 3 60 L L Jenkins, error In B G Paaour’s Bank Tax 18 60 J R Connell, commissioner aud mileage IB 00 J F Thomas, commissioner and mileage 7 20 J T Oar pro ter, commissioner and mileage 2 90 Feb. 21, D 8 Wallace, foremen grendjury 816 W 0 Beet, grand juror 8 00 J T Cox, grand Juror 8 10 W A Dauwroo, grand joror 8 40 J T Beaver, grand Juror 8 70 C 8 Carpenter, grand Juror 6 46 S M Ford, grand juror 0 05 H Jj Rhyne, grand juror 8 80 J W M Jenkins, grand Juror 7 00 C n El mu re, grand Juror a 60 J B Bryson, grand Juror 8 40 C F Lloeherger, grand Joror 7 80 Robt Halt man, grand juror 7 80 John O Stroup, grand juror 3 40 A W Batch ford, grand Juror 7 90 M L Black, grand juror 8 90 8 L Tbompeou, grand juror 8 10 H M Jones, grand Juror 0 20 J 8 Rlauk, petit Juror 8 80 B W White, petit Juror ft 00 i J W Riddle, petit juror 8 70 R B Metcalf, petit Jnror 8 <10 A J Rankin, petit joior 0 10 R L Thornburg, petit Juror 8 80 H B Moors, petit Juror 8 00 J G McLean, petit Juror 9 10 L A dtcnmer. petit Juror 8 Of) L B Ormand petit Jaror 8 60 O L Neal, petit juror 10 66 U D Hues, petit juror to 56 H 7 Derr, petit joror 10 10 L C Pasonr, petit Juror 9 50 W E Beatty, petit Jaror 13 90 Feb. 24, John J Lawla, petit Jnror 9 On 8 M Craig, petit joror 3 10 Feb. 17, W S Hanna, taka Juror l QO J X Menl*. take juror / 1 00 W A Armstrong, taka juror 1 00 Feb. 18, A J Baldwin, “ •• 1 00 Fab. 19, J T H Deneron, taka Juror 100 J L Wood, teles Juror 3 10 H G Flowers, tales Juror 1 00 2 V Roper, take Juror 1 00 0 M Dlekeon. taka Joror 1 00 J R Henderson, take Joror 1 M A Baldwin, take Juror 100 ▲ J Baird, taka jaror 1 Q0 W 8 McKee, take Jaror 100 Feb. 19, W. T. Rankin, talas Jaror. 8 1 90 Feb. fO, O. W. Bowman, taka Juror 110 J F Kkrr. take Jaror 3 10 T H Lenherdt. lake Juror 100 W U Wllaon, take Jaror 1 go J B Uaeeer, Ukajumr 100 K L WUeen, take Jaror 100 Feb. 91, W C Wlleoe. uiaa g Ipw 1 G< { ? u*f* Jaror 3 1< r Jr JJ°®“*y. t»le« Juror 8 if J « CarsoD, tain Juror 8 It J F Kiser, UIm Juror 1 « F^^/ B • tahe Juror a it GBIUwnu^ talas Juror 3 it T Bantam, uioa Juror 3 it 73 Leobardt, Ulm Juror 8 10 J M Rhode*, lain Juror 1 U(j Morris, UIm Juror 810 “"Brow®. oOoer of oourt 0 10 _ l! A *?°'"!**' °®°ur of oourt 0 7u Si*' S’ ’L,t8“!th> growl Juror 8 00 rob. 94, B L Clootnger, petit Juror a oo M D DoJMogar, tain Juror 1 60 J R Barrios, petit tutor 2 10 wC***f ***** Juror a 60 Mar. 9. nil mail CabUl, pauper 6 00 Annie Broom, peeper 260 Ellubetb MeAlllater, pauper 0 UO Wreler JUoJlrmac, pauper 6 00 OUtolbMMltMMMr 6 00 Joola Finn, pauper 3 00 Joel Morris, pauper 8 00 Gao. F. Jobuaoo, pauper 6 00 Jaa. Craig, paupar 3 00 C^ttoarloeBeaawy. panper 6 00 Ida II Bobarta, pauper 4 SO BJ Willard, pauper 8 88 Rosea Uumfelt, paupar 0 00 Lawaaa Herootde, pauper 3 U0 M*ro*ro« Heafuer, pauper 6 00 Pink Black, panper 6 00 Betlrr Wbatatlnr, pan per 0 00 Geo F Fwguaoo. pauper 8 00 Polly Walla, paupar 6 00 Suaia Ferguses, pauper 8 00 JoUa Uneberger, pauper 6 00 Fully Proctor, pauper 6 00 M*^ A Teague, pauper 8 00 !*“••• Hu®hit, pauper 0 Ou F V Gaston, pauper 0 00 Naaoy HaaeH, panper 6 00 SpireyOash ft wife, paupers 12 00 A W Tltmae, lumber for rued 0 sa E O Jokcaon, D S convey log luoatie etc. 91 qq G H Darla, O 8 C aerrleM ft blanks, etc 20 78 John J Ormand, aarvloM at Clerk sod Bee of Deeds 13 34 A. K LoniriM. JaU leas 826 Bij A K LoCtln, 8bff. ebaireand atora 67 G H Darla, OSCoountylia bitnias 363 92 W 8 Griaaoaa, burial eapeosM of Pauper 6 00 H L Rhyne keeper of poor 18 00 S C Carpenter Mrrlne 2 road order* gg E D Stroup lumber for bridge 3 00 O <4 Fetty, repair* on bridge 4 00 Bell, repe^oo bridge 100 E N HuffetetUr f fees Bute vs Mason 3 40 A r H Rhyne | fees SUte re Geo. Torrence. 1 02 H 8 Adame, serving 0 road il A Moore medlelue to poor 4 M aod jell . 7 40 B F Leoliardt feu refunded doe J T Warren 3 80 W F Marshall publishing notice 3 00 J H Lewis A Co. supplies to poor 3714 Dr J H Jackins county pfcys 13 00 Mar. 5, Julia Com best, pauper 18 00 Pearl Steele, pauper 4 00 Adeline Neely, pauper 1 83 Amanda Ford, pauper 0 00 Mar. 9. BtUle Gooden, pauper 4 SO Mar. 13, Joda 8myre, paoper S 00 Wm Mltobrm, pauper 5 00 Jobn Crawford, proper 0 00 Mar. 17. 8 8 Finley, pauper 0 00 Isabella Floley, pauper 3 00 Wallace Prgram, proper 0 00 Mar. 91, Frances NI*U, pauper 3 00 Apr. 6, J B Jowls A Co. sup plies to poor 30 97 H L Rhyne, keeper of poor IS 46 M A Moore, med to poor 6 95 Dr J n Jenkins onunty pbys 19 00 A K Loftln, sfafl Jail fees 185 00 Coleman Johnson, error in tax 1 60 i a While, l day exam log treaaum’e book* 8 00 8 D Brown, turning lanatio 1 00 J It Conceit, eniur A mileage 6 40 J >1 Molntoah rtpelra on bridge 7 76 John J Ormand, Book* etc. 34 00 John J Ormand. anrrlerr as Clark and Begteter 90 66 J B Anthony, I amber for bridge 3 94 8 M Hoyle, re pain ou bridge 94 41 H R St more, bn rial txpeoeee 0 Brandon 9 98 G W MoLengben, coo Trying lunatic to aiylom 91 96 A P II Rhyne, ffigam lunatie 1 DO J T Carpenter, oocnr and mHaage 7 80 C Paeour, oomr A mileage 11 40 Anr 96 Sophia Wentg pauper 6 0Q Mary Wentg, pauper 6 00 E lira both Brtmer, pauper 6 00 Roth Brtmer, pauper, 5 do May 4, A P H Rhyne, examine luneUo 100 8 D Brown, egaming lu>etlo 1 00 II L Kb yix*. keeper of poor 90 96 J8 lewte, eapplleo to poor 33 38 t)r J H Jtokins county pbye 16 00 G H Darla, CSC ooonty ItabUitlee 98 94 John J Ormand, eerrleea aa al Clerk and Regtetar ;t» CB M A Moor* media toe to poor 8 78 A k IiOftio, ebff jail free 83 W A Jt I>3flln, alig ooeraying looatloto aaylum 39 80 Hiram Johnaon error In taxon i 00 W 8 Roblneoo, work On jell 13 SO A W Tttman building U Idge 96 00 May 6, M G Rkynutalm Juror 3 10 Jane 1, Polly Pi oetor, pauper S 00 Mary A Teagon, peeper 3 00 El Ira bet h Me Allliter, pauper fl 00 Jaa Craig. pauper 3 00 Oeo F Jnfcaaoa, pauper 6 00 Ida M Roberta, pauper 4 30 Pink Dlack, pauper Q 00 Margaret Ueafner, pauper 6 00 OalMflae Mauoey, pauper 6 00 B~Uy WbeUtloe, paaper 6 00 Leweoe Raynelde. pauper 8 00 Frank Melaan, paaper 8 00 BHIte Gooden, peeper d 60 Jaha Crawford, paaper « oo Wm Mltohem, pauper 6 00 JadaSmyre, paever 8 00 J alU Cloebergor. paaper 6 60 Maney H anal I, pauper 6 00 *Bp*r l soe 1^1 p“upw o oo 8n«k Fcrgueon, dm par 8 00 PW,PW U 00 pauper « 00 OUk Abernatby. pauper a 00 Jual Morrit, pauper 6 00 if weS?1’ ,"Mlpw * 00 n »» -J? J“bw» county pbyi 18 96 ® n i>*Tk, etatlonery nod ballot bona w ls **F**®Jf ■•^telnato poor 1146 a i".* *1*jBtl **• 101 90 A 8 Bar rat, painting fl. H. roof io qq i B Lewi* A Co »upt>1kt to HL Qbyae, keeper of poor 15 00 Jotoa J Ormaad eanrloe m M exaat’n 10 00 % Abernathy eom toqurst 98 05 O W Bowman I faaa “Han acraoo” o qx GeoF Ferguaon, pauper 6 00 Catherine Bameey, pan per 6 oo Mejy Went*, pauper 5 00 sShn J^*01** P-B|»r « 00 Butb Brlmer, pauper 8 00 JuriQ-5, K1 lr»both Bri mar paupr 600 F V 3a*ton, pauper a 00 June, U JullaCombeet,paupr 18 00 Amanda Ford, pauper 5 00 P^n*1. P»oper 6 00 Ad el I no Nealy, pauper 4 00 Jo?*» « Tillman U»hl£ paupr B UO f““** P*npar, 9 no J B White 1 dtjr mniotof treasurer* bonk* 9 no June 30, Frasom NkU, pauper 8 00 July 6, Obrklk IIearner. p*£ R?r. e 00 PuuP**1 • 00 Wrtla Friday, pauper 8 67 V °°“r and mileage 11 90 L B Stowe, J P examining 3 lunatic* g 00 8 D Brown, J P examinlne ■onauo j 00 T L Ilarrslsoo, osar charges on taxss 1 vi W C Lloeberger overcbergea oo taxes g jq A PH Rbyne, exam lunatic 1 (jo W A Falla, list taker aod i»^to5,.ll,4..tok*f »» B P IUnkln, list taker aod W B Rutladge, list takar 8800 and assessor Jj 00 J H Rutledge, list tsicsy end assessor ga qo 'KMer. list taker ft assets'r 30 S3 n L Rhyne, keeper of poor 15 00 j It Lewie ft Co. supolle* iSrmi Jenkins, Co. Phys. 18 John J Ormaad, drrk, Reg. of Deeds, blank*, etc 39 23 A X Lotlin, SlifT. JaU fees 137 00 ■ A Moors, mad. to poor 10 00 July 7. G A Patrick, oommia •loner and mileage 90 40 July 18, Jans Ms>Held, pauper 9 00 Jane Msyflald, pauper 6 00 Dr M H Wilder, treating Pauper 9 75 Aug. 3, J A Kelly lumber oa road 1 84 A W Tltman lumber on toad 0 95 R A Qacebford, timber on mad 4 90 Jno W Lowery, rock on road 4 00 A B Shelton, repairing brdgn 39 40 J T Crawford, repairs on bridge 97 91 P W Thompson, examining lunette 1 00 J U Lewis k Oo. supplies lo Poor 83 40 M A Moore, med. for poor 6 05 Dr J H Jenkins, O. Pliys. 10 00 W o»« olothe* ««d reclining la earring**, with doll Bnreaa. standing baalde tMa; than m> Mttto girl doll*, gowned lo short f™*** barlnf tennis rwcqoeu to thatr bands; and ware are lad* dolla In loDg-trained drama*. who ^ on easy chairs of (1U upholstered la «Ua. £*!"» ,,uisbr,,ta do11’ *oci w*°» * smirking bridegroom. and U» gride ioaba so modret and tba groom io h«p W Umt l am certain that, loot night, wbUa all Um world slept, tbs/dfc oama to Ufa, sod lbare was a really and trolywed*** forma* la tbs doll rtmp. tbora Is everything to make a dol! happy- A closely eortalned bras* bod of the right otse, io which aba may dream; a ohina bath tub, io which aim may take brr morning bath, and pro •«Trebar complexion, while for this putyoao there is a (pedal soap war *ot to injure lb* mr» yvara ago than 1 like to rememiwr. AlUmngb eeteno* bu progressed. tbs worklDg* of tbs trolly dog are as crude aa ever. Tbe asms string ta pulled, the pink tougoe comra out, and tha “bow-wow” Is J««t a* liollow and artificial aa It should be. N.wb'e Ark 1* s* absolutely artistic aa when >».o and I first eounti-4 tbe animals there in- Tba dog and tbs elephant sra the •aoM height and both are pick. The erooodtla and the mamel each have a ourly tall, and at* a lively purple, and th* only way you osa distinguish 8iifu», Hhmi sad Japbot from their wive* n by their wrering stiff roeud bale, not unlike tboen known aa eno duwne. Shorn Is the Joyous brawn be alwaya was. Ham I* a brilliant orangr. while Japhet Is e pel* blue, sod Noeli le delightfully mouled. The dove, with a leaf In bar mouth, la tbe eaaao color and ala* as the sow, but how lovely they all are. Has anybody ever deoidad whether Uw original family to ui* ark gut in through the roof, as do tbe wooden family? And did limy walk to the ark two by two, aa many a procession of woudao animals baa been arrang'd? I think they did. The ark Is too historical a toy not to he oonvot. To wbat email child are you going to send aa ark? Or was it a fireman’• get-up nr a soldier's toggery that you bad in mind for soar boy? Homehow the toy shop pnssaess* a won derful faaolnaVun fur ns. 1 think it e nod thing that It dose—and I will teU yon why. The little time of da light that oomee to yen or me while looking uver the toys that do pi lost* thus* we loved In dsja goao bf, bring before ua those oW day* and make as remember bow verily we were made heopy. Then, aia skaisl sequence, unless wo bare brooms herd of heart, wltleh Ood forbid 1 we long with greet Intensity to wire Juy te somebody dee who I* a little oh lid. Perbape It |s for toes* l|tU# ohUd who like you «r m* pored oyer a bees, then away we gut oat Into Um freak air, nerare tha street, mingling with th* busUiug, merry orowd. and land at tbe book ahep. Hern there it at a Maroon 4tic nAPmswe* to be foued—there le that daUghVel •east that some* tram wall bound books, sad, seeking earnestly tor Um bonk that will delight eomeehtM. ere |M Um chance to dip tret In this sod then In that new volome, whteh tea delight to her who lares hooka. Here’* a book for the little girl who la a fed masloiau—each a twset hook soma of the loveliest of th* poem* of RogvtM Pled eet to mualo end booed |u n wu*l dellgbtrul way. Think wbat it WIH I mesa la th* u artery le leeru to eieg I about. “Th# Lady frem Baeneby direst,” sad to rales their volet* - thorn reloee that Meenh a Mt put—la prate* of "The Diufcy Bird," while raws one** vole*-* girl's voice, l thiek—a bit awartor then all th* rent, will linger with t suds nun urer the word* aa eh* plays the aaasmpaalmaet to the story of "LIUl* Bey fere.*1 I hay* *)«»y» beeo. aa tom kaow a rao«t •rdeat adoMrar of tub roma or bdbbbb rssu». U* n*ao I a- ear kaiw. but i ihtak k awnt JhTt A ',££. £ chUdtlfa one aat to amtlo by tk> frimda of tba daad naT. ,o..d tom olaaaall of ikaoa, fronTor ■bWtlS’ "h**4"* lt**£brU? bwuttia'oi *> Thu Muttra of to-der, tlw utaya of to. d-ynran Jda. 'a* "ftbr w nr Id —“La Grand Simla.” Up at ,tha tliaatrr M. mkar night fa* •“< XV . X aaw the Uuurt >4 Bra do*, tmt 1 Mlaaad *■* rtaa or raa oaowa loch, «jat na tho Sea Use |B hletory. itsaatsxs* ercffi wEjNowUMriM bopi to either (aye or and SS&S“SSSl WSt£C jS.Lg.'gg «/«».«*■ asj«a*8s*as,M: £r,i^»'Ks:^r.2?a satisar— - ®s Later oa tbrra’a another pletura.lt hr waa dnaaad w taSan yif ■ Dro««rd tc bBaugnMeant (alt o*o be. glittering ™U *•«$ 'iaSTSriS -toRosjS daoocd ao writ that ha gained not only tha applauaa of all tha eonrt, but TUt **A*T or LOCUM DM LA valummm. TbMM la a pleUra of bar aa ' Diana, • ffg°* ^**7. t.h*. ""g*0* <«*edhi *5“?* fteMuaal Thm u«oa ol Ann of AaatrU nod bee ofa Udine, poe af aladr oftba dor aa at* total b« Mb* ubie, eo. or tta faahlMMUe *od of atmar cHncnturaa thuae carlcatarea that floated aroand Parla and wbiab tba uoiloo lotted with Ja,rLanW“L‘nilS b“ek “ “ p**tnr“ °* S*^Mt*i*o«, dlculSrd y** itoo-toMtf. and bntu tba aetiool of g; Cjrr aa bae latckarimod *■*ly bi those days, and wore atlfl wigs, tlmr* waa net n merry life .ad much enjoyment. Timm ia on# Illustration that con vlnert me that those days wars rot aa comfortable as eur awn. The picture la oua of a bedroom-the room ia ab solutely bare save for a few stately ohaln and magnificent ploturvs; the bed ia hnga and funereal look lag, and agoaatloa of wboavever slept lo that room Beat liars been tlmttba 00M. cold toab bad torn oftwl for a night’s rapasa. Wa may be lew dlgolfiad oowadays-we an. Wa may bava worse maonennowadays —we bava. Oar men may dices uglier nowadays- -they do. Oar woaaen may ba law bosaufal—I doubt this. a aumon nrunr. Bat om thing I am mm of, and that toilet taMa, Ita nt) ebatra. It* ana •amtb aad U>* buadrad sod no* odd Iblng* that go U make admirable, U far aad away ahead aT the mutely bad ohatatev In which anything MaluJS. «aa*t haya fall frigMaaad oat of Ha wtt*,aod had dream* that wan ghast ly. Do yoa ramrnbar that tb* Brat »'«*>« thf» Mari* Antoinette *Wpt la rnoe* her room w** bau with tan. aatry rapraaantlag the “Mamaora Bt the Innooaatt”? That ahowa how maah thought «m given to the ear. round lag* whan om alant. U waald baa good thlog it we hod tjw wan it era of tha old Urn* wo might with *d ran Ufa aopy Uw vlrtoea of tha P“»*» ** da not U any of aab* brioglag iota fnablon tha frightfully bar* bed room in which an fartaaatr Qimom and aowally unfor taaeta led lea of tl« nobility had to •Wp. If that had baan my fete, ( M»ld haee tta/edap all *Mpt h. a abalr. nothing would bay* HUM Am ft* 1**0 owa tqr T«o*a Awrcb hm. *•«•;"** ,u «•“••** t**«r three aameelae ead ydd eaoagh leokle* u> fierMaa Mima, anhwat bad brwa prow Wed that tha whole court w«eld altarevad me aad ebeer me aa. Tbom bad* Invited murder, 1 Imagine that aaytody ahwpmj la am WMtad to Kill see** •i*?:* r*-** Brely aad troly, there an Inmlnett th'»«* that lavita art a Thera wo* a •wmaa the other ahrht at l*a theater who wore a bet hat that* -Timber atovy. There mo ***** *f Urn meal daMght ral tiule Frvaah eaWedara jeat the rtf* rtae lor Mb para* ar card ami, exbiattad tarn Oarwtaum If yoalM i ! . . ‘ ; - * i » ‘fax.** to Tim matter as to bo* m] Ptid to (rrqutotly oeartoobadl, n Of oar eburoksa Than to aa that the - iSrSl paator ...._ largely upon tbe_, ofcfi^pJwWbaptory. - ThacbnrAbaa MMilb obliga Itooa fully arbra It has paid Uta wtS* amoeut of salary promised, timer m «oed and worthy paster baa ban humiliated and mortified br the Irrofntor. ladUta£T%b3 3 mlmnlvlnt mv (n wfiWA Km |« —»» things la somaofeurXAUS. H& It to all wrung and should by all naans iv flomwstun The canaa of Ibis saay be due to the feet that boom oborabM rmmid tbs preacher as a common blndtawT that he la employed to pedbraTa 3 Ulu ■ mount ef work fee a ■am ef moan. No eburab« wuith and tn tbs Mlslatry He paator •» an amWaador for God, work oaneotka estlma aodeenU. There to no mors _ _ _ ahuraii la called upon to da than tte payment of the pastor's salary. Itia a matter that should net boZimiS IqrUto members of lbs ebon* lotto prmmee of the pastor. aoraboauS ■abject be msatiooad from tbe peUt woept uudar extraordinary <£25 HRUCrf . for the poctir to ask for a d oi.,7jg Of relation* cod qilt th* Bold U U- ““S—fWbty Mo' duty of omry ohurch to •** to It UtM \h2 tor I* not ooiy p*ld MowMoukS oflM. •*l*nrnr*®i**d_V0t forth** 'Ed liio elmreh I.UWtfae *2ry wooklp. monthly at ooartoHt Dm »ai pajaMul (boo Id by .11 mooi bom2a ■y< My.. Mo church Mat keep* lu Doctor waltla* cpon (Mliiqoont member*!. •oU.f bamctly. ItA BUdC £ ?* thrtr •»***£!••• promptly tkojM^ nrely rtould nothottlS - •offer on fcooouat of Mctr failure ia W ike Okcroh oodoMU tedMBMI Braassr* -*‘ COMO.U t_ _ - - - 17 _ 5'/^ ir^un— V: