The Gastonia Vol. XVII. I U&TJfreKBs.J Gastonia, N. C„ December 31, 1896. ■J-LW—Lf I ■ -. .... ___ THE GAZETTE. THUMSDAY. DICIMBEK 31, IM. BU&1XE8S LOCALS. Afivurtttumeata Bmnail In tkw column at lOerale a Hue fur first InarrUrn sad 6 esata • lias fur sack Inaaruun tauraafler. FIBST 14 volumm Encyclopedia Hritanulca uinib edition. sbsap binding, practically near. At a bargain. Apply at thla office. DS.W. H. WAKKFIKLD, the eye, ear. ooaa and throat speciallatpif Charlotte, ll off on bie vastly visit to the hospitals and adxjols of medicine In New York. The doctor will return about Jan. 10th, and during TT7 can be found In bla Charlotte office except on Wednesdays. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Tbs last day of tbs year: — Tills Is tbe 5Sd paper wa’va Issued Ibis year. —Dout go and writo It 1800 soy more after to day. —Leap year goes to day. girls, and returns no mors now for eight yean. —The Shelby Aurora la going to change Itself to an eight page paper. —Rev, B. F. Smith will preach at the King's Mountain Prssbyterlan eburob next Sunday morning. —Tbe scissors grinder and the mon key man wltb bis organ have base en joying the freedom of the town this week. —The tin shop crew of Long Brothers •pent Christmas day 1° tbe Holds hunt ing. They can name at night with 85 rabbits to tbeir credit. —Mr. Lamar Fegraoi lias resigned his position in tbs First National Beuk, sod will leave next week to attend school si Msbans, N. C. —AU tbe Christmas doing* an nounced io list Issue for tbe differ act Sunday schools cams off on aobeduta Urns and were thoroughly enjoyed. —Tbe cold snap thawed itself away In the clouds of Tuesday night, and yesterday, bright ead soft end sunny, war full of bints of Indian summer, —Services St tbe Presbyterian eburob will b« ooudueiad next 8*b both morn log sud night by Rev. Frank K. Sims, of Lowijsvillo, 8. C. -ll will oblige us if thdss of our advertisers wbo wish to mate a change tut wash will bring io copy for sew adveruameut before Wednesday noon. —Up to Tuesday uigni, mo™ o*u beu handled at the platform duriug this iiri— 2,900 balsa of oottoo. nls*flgumeaie tfrao os by Mr. W. M. Adams, weigher. _At King’s Mountain yesterday Mr. B. M. Orta and. of the ooatbani, led to the hymeneal altar Mlaa Lillian Allison the oMset daughter of the editor of the lUfornw. —Unt Monday 1* commissioner*’ day in DhUms. It wUI also be saleeday. The Sheriff's sale of real estate for delinquent taxes of 1893 and other Im portant sales will take ptaee. —Gastonia pasnad a quiet Christmas. Two drunks was all tbt polloe bad to look after. A few eatmou omnkera and boy battle* with Homan candles supplied the principal out-of-door fun. —Ws should not be surprised to hear that ooe of tb* young men of Begonia had Skipped actual the Hue with a pretty girl He was In town recently and bought himself a new buggy. —The Rtfoi-mer says tbs Billing I1IU at Kiup’s Mountain furnished each of Its 107 families with a turkey for their Uhrlitsoaa dlaoer aud that the Eulerprtse banded out 97 la the earn# way. —It Is not too late to make your distant friend or sou or duugliler or other raluUve a present of subscription to tb# Gazktt*. Try It. This would bo 69 preaanta Instead of only one. —There wee a o>g oouwhto ™ » Booth* rn near Clifton 1st Saturday. North-bound freight No. « ,«*• work unto bound for AUaate pluagad together at full speed. Nobody wa* •enoualy hurt. _At tba reatdauo* of Eaqalre J. T. H. Itemeroc. who performed the oeraoKmyThCr. Julio. A. B«* asd Mlro Cora A. Fraley wer* ODked lo the bonde of matrimony ou tba led Inal All were of thl* ooonty. _Muir .ubeerlptlon* expire with thta mao*. A renewal of eaeb and •very one U reapeetf ally »o Hotted thl* week. If the editor doetn't get ■round to ee# you, ha will ba da lighted to bava you drop In to aaa him. —The eorreapondeot of tba Char lotte JTm write, that tba employee of tba Modena couoo mill abowad tba bleb artatic lo which they bald tba Superintendent, Mr. J. O. Ifblta, by praaaatlag him a gold headed can* and a mlrar headed umbrella, a# a Obrletma. token of their regard for bin aad to ibow him that they be lter* In both gold and ailrar. -The grand Jury of Maokteoburg on Wednesday of laat weak returned a true bill of Indictment again* Mr. ArohlbaM Brady for white eaahlec of tba Luna k Barlugi Bank. It «u frarotd oo rrVteooe furotehed by lb# book* of tba hank prodoead before tba grand Jury by Preaidant Jno. B. Oat*. Mr. Brady la not In tba city, ae the New. am, but la traveling a* ealaaman for a CTiloago houaa.. -An Important meeting of the atook bolder, of tba Cbaetar aad Laaelr Narrow Gauge wUl beheld to Newtee oo next Tharad.y, tha 7tb af Jaaoary. Borne of the paper*, fultewlog oapf. bad It tba 17th. Tba OaxaTT* knew lb I# waa wrong, aad raiaelng tba 14tk wro meant, we an printed It. Bata}1 baods ware wroag. It*« tba 7th, neit Thmaday. It la mmerad that akaagaa wUl b* road* la bath tha aaro* aad manage Meat of tba road. —One of Um haaviact fan mi known In tbta acotloo premJltd ban laat night. ■—With only a half sheet this weak, Th» Qunn certainly oan*t be aoooaad of baring “three sheets la tbe wind." —Thr FI ret National Bank la aasd Idr out to Its patrons and correspon dents a Urge and particularly pretty calendar for 1897 done In colors. —From tba Charlotte Nine* we learn that Mr. Boas Blackwood and Mbs Bllle Hirst were united la marriage ' at tbe home of tbe bride’s parents oo West Eighth street, on last Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Hew. H. L. ▲tkias oOclatlDg. The groom lean old Qaitonia boy. nimxai xunos. —Mr. W. A, Grier, or Bboptno,' we* In town yesterday. —Mha Mabel Smith la stoRIng her friend Mia* HMan Brio* to Bhtokaiock, 8. C. —Him Nannie Crawford la mending tba holiday* with bar oonain, Mia* Ida Parsley. - Mr. C. E. Rhyne la at bom* from Wake Forest for th* holiday*. Ha ta •tudying for the ministry. —Mtos Shelton Walls enjoyed a well earned CbrtoUnaa vacation with her relative* lu Lincoln ton end returned Monday night. —Mr. aad Mr*. J. J. Morrow, of Pinevitle, apant C hr tot bom bar* with Mrs. Morrow’s parent*. Capt. aod Mr*. J. D. Moor*. —Mtoa Janl* Jaokaoo, of Crowdar’a Creek, spent the holiday* with Mtoa Hope Adana. Both are now visiting In King’s Mountain. _ —Mint Cynthia Ruddock raturnad from Charlotte Monday on the raetl bala and to again on duty In Mr. Wil llamaoo’i mUllnary department. —Mr. J. W. Gallant, of Columbia, & C., vtolled bto uoeto W. L. Gallant during the holiday*. We were pleased to hav* a call from him Tuesday after noon. —Mr. asA Mia. E. N. LJoabergar and the children ipaet Christmas at Rtebbnrg with relative*. Tbay left Chrtotaaa morning and raturnad Mon day night. —Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Warren and Mtoa Mary Warren want tba holidays In Shelby with Mr*. Warren’* people. Mr. Warren and Mtoa Mary are ex pected home to-day. —Mr. and Mia. 8. N. Boyoa aad the ahlldren, of Me Aden villa, spent Christ mas at Capt. J. Q, Holland’*. Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Curry raturnad with them yaaterday morning. — Mr*. W. f. Marshall and the nbU dreu toft Cbrtotmas morning to spend the holiday* with Mr*. Xarshall** ttoier In Colombia. They will return by or before next Monday. —Mr. J. F. Hoffman and family, of YortTilto, spent Christmas with bto brother, W. T. Hoffman, aad raturnad Monday. Mr. Hoffman mixed th* op portunity to renew hto paper for a year. —Messrs. Jno. W. Carson and J. F. Falla era at bom* from Risk In* tor the holidays. Mr. Carson paid th* Ua xittb a pleasant call yesterday. Ha report* good work and a large attend ance—the beat perbap* since Uis war. Itie new dormitory win toon be ready. Oor Otalon boys will return, probably, In time to be on duty Monday morning. PM at a ttpa OM Apt. Monday morn log at four o’clock, Mr*. Sumo Wilbers, grandmother of Mr. P. A. Cottner, departed thto Ufa at the age of 91 years, one month, and 97 day* 3b* era* burled Tuesday at the old Cottner family graveyard near Puiladelpola Lutheran ohoroh. Tbe funeral waa preached at the borne by Bov. J. R. Peterson. T«itorUf*« PhHm P«»> it Clilef Carroll made two arraata yee terday. Both were calabooee eaaee. Henry Burton, colored, wee on a tear and best bis wife. Por this be had to be nabbed and caged. On a telegram from Central. Gobs Teaaly, a train band oa No. M, was arrested for burglary. Later In the afternoon he wee released, not being the right men. Some of our subscribers whom Ume expiree with the year, have pleased us much by renewing for 1307 before the year geu here. Among tbla number are Mr. 8. V. Stewart, Mrs. Kate Smith, Meesre. J. P. Stowe, C. J. LI no bar gar, J. P. Huffman, T. L. Clleton, land Mr*. Margaret Glenn, who eagle lu Tuesday and paid for four seboerlp tloes, three of wbleh ate saods oat of the State to her children. Tbe kindly fading whroh them friend* have shown for their local paper la helpful In more ways then one and to profoundly ap preciated Vial t gram ta. Wary'* A company of SI jentote end minims from Bt. Mary’s College, Bdmont,paid a visit to Gastonia yeeterday. They were In obarge of Vfciber Bogans. Their object was deeply a day's outing for tbe purpose d eedog Oeetonta end enjoying Urn recreation of the ndo across the ooootry. They ell dloed at the Petto House, and those whom dIn Ur hoar happened to bent Urn tame Ume eould no! tail to note the meet admirable (Vmeaner of these ooltege Tlwy retornedaboot the -irfe of the efternooo. The tows’a your*, boy*, wbenevar you wish to oom*. A Ota** MeagWl ta Maaaaata. Insane, deaf, demb, and Mod watch**, clocks, amd jewd^ «rad In 9 or 8 d*T* with e gnarnotao to giro entire tattofntloe. PnUonte (weufae, of eonree) whld> otbor* worked m id failed to ear* aro aapoetally wanted by Um oaw )»w*tor. Jnuni Wju rrn ■>w wwwei. Arrangement* era oe foot tor the nraorel, ae toon as oocreelect, of tbe •hope of Meet re. J. £. Pipe A Co. to the oew mu raoeaUr pu reheard. Pe tble wart (tvlag the of three tod • half i oo west aide of MerletU itreet hryoad tha Baptist rturab, tbe oak grave being Included in tb* site. Tbe object of removal 1* to get room for entargment aod to dim latch rlrt of Ore. By levitation Hlcbaa below, and that amputation may hoooma neanmary. Tbe arm m badly iwollen. Tbe man gore bb name a* Jemrn Boom aod aald hU borne we* In OainMvIlle, 9a., whither be returned on the belated 1:10 train. Tta holiday* bar* bean • lively asm •an of enjoyment (or tbe young people. There be* ecorotfy bean no treeing without n party of name kind. Moo day night a ten party that delight ad every go eat wo* gtveo by Him Mamie Love. Tuesday night tbe Misses Shu turd entertained their friends moat charmingly at their home on Mill Street. To-night at tbe Tall* House tbe young man will give n • upper oompUmeotery to their fair frteoda. Mra B. P. Smith and Mm. A. C. WllltemaoQ will ba the ehaperoaee. There will be gooes and music for the amusement of the young people, nod the mutagen will exert Ihwneelvn to make the ooeoalon nee at ran pleasure to tbe portlet poet*. Though bis pastoral relation* boro w«re ended three mao Lbs ego, the Praabytarlan oongrqgaMon. or oobm body, did cot fall to raasa caber grace fully with tokens of Christmas good will their former pastor. Rsv. R. p. Smith end hie family. Early Christ mas rooming every member of tbe family rtoeived some special token at loving remembrance, to my notblug of e number of presents for the family as s whole. Every present bed Intrinele worth ecd was moat appropriate. The provoking thing about It waa, that do/ way was presented whereby tbe donord might be Identified, but we are Ink position to know that their grscefdl aindoeee awakens in the heart* of ins recipients* response of happy sod mom grateful appreciation. , swaanmre ■w' SW SarUI SaH M Iwn. Last Friday night at the bomeof hie Boo-ln-law. Mr. Newton, at the Avon min, Mr. Stephen Baker de parted this life at the age of 01 years. Mr*. Newton was hi* only daughter. The fsDerat seas preached at the boose Saturday by Rev. U H. Durham and the Interment took place at Shiloh. Shortly before her death some SM yean ego, Mr*. Baker made bsr husband a salt of clothes of material which she bad span and woven with her own hand*. All lb* time euro*, be kopt this suit, with slmosa sacred ears, that be might ha buried In it. It waa of a gray or ml red color and of a style prevailing In the good old day* before tbe war. Hie long cherished wish to be laid to net la this salt made by hie beloved and long departed eom pouioa was gratified. Ha we* origi nally Dam South Caroline and had livad hot a few weeks la Bastonl*. A UnrllrMI riH|. Mr*. Satan Withers, grandmother of Mr. Frank Coetner, *u to aged ma ter of a family truly remark able for Me longevity. She died Moadey at aa age paet 91 yean. At bar burial were bar oUoee from 30 to 75 yean old aad a daughter of 74 yean old, torn of them leaning upon a eUfT Bra. Wllben ted A alater who lived to be M. A few feet from ter grave waa that of Mae Elizabeth Coetner, a maiden aunt, aad tte Insertptlon on tte Madrtoae zbowt ttetnte wne bora In 17« and dlnd in IWW. at (lie aye of 1 an years, 11 moo the. and 3 days, being bat little abort of 106 yenn old. She waa born and reared, lived dad died wKbln a mile of the Philadelphia ebarob. Tbit family of auob remarkable longevity In of German nr Patch dneeeot, tte nnm being ^MMd Keener originally. An allied branch bora the came of Koefa (ptocouooed Kok), wbleb earn to be mi led and pronounced Cook. Ta tbie family batong tte Cook* of Cabarrus Bounty, iaetadtog Prof. Jaa. P. Cook, of Concord. Mrs. Wither* wan a Huff man, an aont of Dr. W. H. Hoffman aad tte laat of tte tarty of John Hoffman, of RevolaUeaary fume. Tba Koote, Kotaan, and AoflMaui* were related faaaillee aad all tag-lived. ■vary mother ibceM koow that croup eon be promoted bv giving Chamberlain*■ Cough Boaedy aa aooo ea tte cbMd beeomm hoarse, or even after orouny ooogh tan appeared It will pnral tte attack. TIM remedy M alto a certain earn ta eroap, and we bare term yet beard of Itt falling in a single I-stance. For mh by J. B. Cum A On. DrnggUta. 1 cajtbot audit tcanm mTciMiMHM.’1*1' *"M I creekt* ItM beau getting ia It* work tola Gbrtetmaa. It Gm tooUt front window of J. D. Moon * Co’* got o bolo knockod Uirougta It by tba flying plug of ooa of thee* Moekara, and a young'man wbo doaau't wiah u* to gin bla oamo got bla baad and ooa aide of bin faoa damaged. om* by tba Charlotte Obatnwr: Tbara wan a numbbr of minor ooa ualtiaa from flioworha Cbriatma* day, but ooly two aanra ooe*. Mr. Arthor Harria, wba la employed at tba Augua la Brewing Company, rood red a ne ver* lamination of tba right band aad mm alao oat on Me faaa by tha nr Pjntim of g oannoo cracker. Dr*. Mlaaabalmar aad Irwin draaaad bta wonodi. Mr. Bob Union, wbo roan a ablftlog aMiaa for tba goatban road, wm abowlng bla born bow to (boot oraok an. He bad a big out, which failed ^“PMda. Oa picked U up nod Waa bolding It done to hte face, examining to* fuaa.wbeo it exploded. Tha lid or hl* *7* waa apllt open aad tha eye-ball waa badly boned. Tba lid **• tewed ap and tba aye diaaand. It la a aerioua Injury. tMnatmae day Bob Dulln, a 12-year old eon of Mr. Chaidea Dolln, wbo line four mllaa from town, oo tba Uwyar’anad, waa hart by tbeex pluaioo of a oaoooa cracker. The thumb of bla right baad wm torn m tlraly away, and the band waa other wiaa lacerated. £•“<* Mr. B. Boatoo Wallace, la Crab Orchard township, waa hurt In a Mmdar maasar, though not quite to vtctowly And tola bad oaaa la reported by the I Atlanta Journal While oetebratiafc Chriatmaa with a marry party of „ rtrierdar afternoon, Mim MyrUa Harden, of OS Hortoo’a anna* bad bar left baad badly lajured by a large firecracker. aad all bar Began except the unail one tan almoat nu pMtely off. Tb* lady Ilea at to* Gre d7 bo*PlULl suffering Intesae pain from to* wouoded member, aad while U 1* oot thought today that to* baad will bar* to be eapotatod, to* la disfigured for life. ■uflHlaTMn. Three »u . “special opening” at Mr. A. C. Williamson's More laet nlghl—hot it *n at tbe hack door. A burglar erne eked tbe giare out aod wool la. Be was discovered by Mr. J. W. Bryson.tha night pottre.through tbo (root door. Before be ooeld make tbe circuit of tbs block and get to the rear, tbe bandar bad taken alarm end fled toward tbe oalabooao. Mr. Bryson beard tbe sound of bla retreating foot step* In the dense darkness and fired three shots In that direction. It does not appear that tbe tbisf got aay goods or mousy. SnitOuHli Urehm. In etrang* form Indeed does death oome when life gee* ont in laughter, bat in tooti manner, w* ere Informed, death came last Saturday to Mr. Don SMford. lie was at tbe store of Mr/ .WJtt Thompson iu Stanley Creek. Of asocial disposition, be waa enjoying oonvermtloo aod oompaalooeblp with friends aed neighbors who than can to bo there also. He threw hie bead back la laughter at some jest or re mark which saoaed him, when It was noticed that be kept on backward and fell over—dead 1 lie was a good oltlxan and was well known over tbe county., Me need to run a ferry not fir below Moantalp Island. • Tbo widow of tbe late *x-0 ov. Joseph E Brown died In Georgia laet week. She left nn estate valued at about •40,000, which aoe distributed princi pally among bar children nod grand children. Hew Haven reported on Monday the coldest weather of the season, with the memory at 90 dsgreas below asm. Id Hew York at 10 degress below aero tfacremeday. the weather Uaaldte have been the eoktret la 94 yean. A number of wastesu banks have gone down with a crash la tbo last ten dayw Tbe National Bank of HI loots tumbled first aid palled dow* never*) others with It. Two eone-ln-lnw of £b« PrreMent bad got poareaelaw of •1,000,000 of tbo Mnkti money. Thors were other shaky leans also, of wbloh the director* oanfsread themselves to be totally In tbs dark._ Tm But Halts la the world for Out#, Brulaee, Horae, Clean, Belt Hh«u», rarer Hons Tetter, Chapped tlanda, OWINelne,Oorsa, nod all Skin KropUone, aad poeitlTaly ouraa Pilot, or ao pey required. It is guaraatwd to site perfect MtlsfeeUon, or Money rerandil. Price M oanta per boa. Kor toe by J. B. Carry A 0*. aiu Aconeier aaaao. I will sell at Oral* aad Wllaoo’a ateblre Saturday Jan a, 18ST7, rein or •*>lee, e carload Of boraaa and Mulct el eu'tto*. Bought eaetoalyalr ter the Southern market. quick aalre, (mail profile, and all ratiraeastetloaa gaaraa taed. Taka e day off aad coma R. A. Popp. «*e«»ee ar Saw AtTullneme Holland end Robin tan offer boreal si to clothing. Dr. W. H. WekAfleld, ere, ear. a oca, aad throat apeeialitt win be (bead io hie Charlotte cdBee after Jaa. VHh, aonapt oe Wsdandayd Baa beKeaaa loeale. P. T. Heath, the Racket mu, will give a ohance to draw the BIO dell to each peroheaer of a dotter 1 worth of Cade The holiday eycloae bit hard t atUl left soma feed eekwe far you. Tuft's Pills Cure Ail Liver Ills. To those living in malarial districts Tutfs I’il? are indispensable, they lcccpthe system in perfect order and arv an absolute cure for sick headache, indigestion malaria, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. Tutfs Liver Pills a r*m wim Dallas Dm. 90-A CbrlataMa dnuik tu4u sennit an aoaepattiro at Stanley o*uMd Bufos Lay ud ttuaa mu to be pat In Jail a Saw day* "%M Jackins alas «v pat in Ja0 to-day oc aebaris of steadar Win bo another to-Bigbt at Mr. J. SL Lewis', given by Mias Paart. Mr. J. D. Moors, Jr., sad Min Jaaia of year town an repeated la ailaad. lojkla Cleanaar and daughter, Min CUada, of Taowanoa are vWUagraU tivaa to Dallaa. Joo. & White, of Pleasant Rite, baa bought Us Matthews Hotel Tbe trade was elooad to-day. Mia. Mason, tbepraseot manager, wUI mere to bar fan*. U vSdtt?°telte^IiJlHaf<°ba(totU U W. T.°•nxUrsoc*bM moved Into the be us* lately vacated by R. L. Dvr bam. Min MImM Heedsnon, of Bagoala, la vlaltiag bar brother. Latbsr Beat’s oorn a rib, icalodlog •beat 300 bushels of oorn sad seme nteoaOs eras totally dntroyad by In teat night. Orgia naknown. Mr. Beat lived near White aod Jackin's mill. Oaomaa will 5 aeasmtds the 6th of Jsnoary to take up Its gab where It was Interrupted by the holidays. Pritchard la la RaMgb aod baa ac aaged rooms preparatory table cam Book failure* still oocsUtnte a ooo sldermbla portion of tha news pub Uihed by tha daily pepsrs. Two la Minneapolis, oaa la Virgin la, and ooe lo Maine ween reported yesterday Grave robbers bars bean operating In Charlotte. Christos* night tha grava ot the wife of Dr. W. T. Woodley. <■ Elmwood cemetery. Charlotte, waa opened, tbe oaeket broken Into and taro lingers eat from the band of tbaoorpn. The aSalr la a mystery, flier* was no Vewairy on the corpse and no reason baa be assigned fur Urn shocking act. Tbe osmatary keeper* set a guard at *l*bt, but this did not promt tba rubbers torn return!** aod stealing tfs body of a oUM. They left tools by meant of wbleb It la hoped they wUI W Uhmtl—d and oaaght. f Mr. T. F. OUoonell, a well-known druggist of Paraona, Pa . la apaakiag j of Chamberlain's Colls, Cboiara and Diarrhoea Remedy says: -Several time* la tha Mat few yean when suf fering with crump or diarrhoea I ban made a parent)*1 tost of tbe value of this remedy. The effect In oanfa la •taooe waa almost immediate relief.” For suM by J. E. Curry A Oo., Drag* gists. PLEASE SETTLE! ■MM Horn that tbo rm U drawing to a eloaa. It la oar doali* to bavo a aotUa meat of oar ytar’i boalaeaa. If you vwo oe, therefore, altbar on aoto or ooeooat, you are reapeetfolty rw. qooatod to eoraa forward at oaoa, bafora tha tm of January, aad make Mttlaia*ot of tbn mm Tbta la for oaa and all, and by giving prompt attention you will greatly oblige. Toaru truly, VRAta A Wilook. New Grocery Store. lut Nor to Diit»' latt Intel - - *. Having jMt arrlvsd la Gastonia sad wishing to gal aeqimiatrd wUb lbs ysnols, 1 shall ofsr say Iras euatmsw rs rxtrtordlonry bargains Crum Urn brst UMt stock 1 bavs tsar bongbt. I ttlMtm: tbs Most mysaM with grsaUaS Corns to ass ms to lbs asm Itovta building and gat Mm sdvanUms <4 Urns* bargains. Bwrythtag will bs down to ntabn lbs acgsahtUoos main ally profttalata. GOODS DBLIVRRBD-nf no..rsr, daitvrml promptly and by oarvfui Wsiwtf H. D. 8HELTON, HsoswUy at ffswtoa, M. 0. Ten Dollar Doll - To Bo 61m Away At Tie Row York Rickot At tbo begioom* of tOe Ye*r we will gi»« to aadi portbuor ot a dollar's wonb of good* a Chuno* to fat Vbla Ten Dollar DoR FBJUE OF CHASM. CaD Early Before AD tk lukn An