Vul. XVII1 (ijutonla, M. C„ January 7, 1897. ffiscrass} No l. THE HEW TEAR'S PROMISES. MIGHT BAB PBEAOHE8 A GEHTLE 8EBM0I 01 LOOXIBG BAOBWABU. TM n Uw Dnjr •* i •nMI«a am4 « tk« intbaun »r <>•<■•» taalk. St. Loam BoruMu. Yon »od I m»y be tlmupliUrei ell the /ear throtjfh, hut there come* n fine when. w*ftlo|r for the belle in lug lit lhr New Year, we ere forced *4 think. Nut to dream about lb* eaeure of to-morrow, not to rUmi ,er the delicate feaala, not to remem ber the faacioatlon of Urn game, of the beautiful woman, nf the dainty diiiioe, or i lw Sue wioae; but to free diet In ward monitor, tha oooreience, and wonder ei»ut the future. Somewhere, my friend, there n a Lire Bonk that Ima, wiitti-n ai«ti tlm Aral pugr, your name. Tlw preface ti ||* of alllhat la youra by Imindllj; nf your enrirxin tui'iiU. and the tcmptatlooi that, be o*u»e lb- fl-*h l« weak, will omel an re ly e- in- to you. A pri nter belov than you put down the iiinii and wrote the preface, but you liare been tilling tha lea Tea with your own writing, wwoe tiro re clear, •ometliue* hlurrnd; Slurred, perheya, with a wine •tllii. faded out wlih a tear drop, of made crimaon by your heart *e hlta'd. And when liuit bunk i» read, liter* will be •tiolher bO’k opened, and your fate will be told In you aa tlm leave! of the great Judvoeut Ih-.k unfold. THOconn or tijk oli> r**n. To-ulght, late an hour to vursel!— derot* su hour, only sixty minutes, to thinking of tin year gone by. Judge you res II by tbe law* written 01. the Mona tahieu so fanny thousand years ago, and Hr wbst Uw record wunid he In yonr me book If It were lead by a stranger. Xmer mind whether yon era argiMlntrg With Lb ae taw* In the •xrder lu wbiok tbay warn written or o«>t—you know the differ an re between Tlrtu* sod siw, between right and wrong, wjthent absolute exactness Take np the took and look at it. 7ou are fortunate lay friend. Tour life book la dalntly bound, lie ornari ere rich in ailrer gilt and your name la wrought upon it In gem* ot »r*Mi pries. T oor urtgttoor’a book Is or com mun paper, with a poor binding Rut the great Judge does not decide oy ap pearances, serf your neighbor has the same chance that you hare, although, indeed, bee a or of the flneoeau of ibe binding, becaoae of the «u« In which yonr life baa beau spent, more good deeds should be written in your book, a>«ne you' borer needed to steal lor bread, or to to dtshooaet for tho aake of a few dolkts. Thus* Uwa are old fasbtoned—aid that which comes after —It is not a lew fashion. Look at Ue first law; hive you had one God or b*ny T Wat It of more Importance t> you that you slept easily tbit you ats rich food, that you adored beaiitful women, aod. perhaps, made an Idnlol one « ho seemed to you a little more loeely than all the rent 1 Or did you tow down tu meaner gods T Did you bent tbe knee to TUB COP OP OUlDmEM, of wraith, of lust, or did yon worship yourself? Vhal s mean gnd la ■■)(! Poor, weak,tod utterly onataole r iu tbs boor of Rouble could you tarn u> •ay one of ties*, your choocn guds. fur help ? l'srbips you fleeced to have for your guts those children ofihs brain, those^ueer. gtraaga beliefs that lead you—there ? Then, taruiog over snothsrieuf, do you have to write yourself do»o a blasphemer ? Hays you soiled ymr lips with Jsita against One w* mo«b gi eater than yourself that you Oialit scarcely to enroll"" Ills name res willi referential bow ¥ Hoar would rou like to hear these jests and Uwre wbkrd words corns fruui Uir III* of the eiild llutt tienra yuur ,mCM ? How would fuu like to havo them said by the fiHl n whom you 1"V« b«,t jn all tbs W«rlt ¥ You UOirh h little un easily. Yo» mutter something ahum nones*i.»t; lut It lan’t Doneastite, my friend; then 1» very much of good sente in It. Close yow eyes aod Imagine you were a boy (gain, and t-m yourself hap py to your -tinday suit, dressed to gu to church, aod dinging, like the shy boy you wev. to the baud of your mother. Tier you sang hymns aod raised your rote* .a prstae of God, and after that y«i ceme home aud enjoyed tbeday In scold way, bearing, proba bly terms of (t* Mot 1st of the gre«t aod good rpeo win hove lived. »| well si nf one Man wlp Wan a boy Ilka you. In that be wa» human, and who could sympathise with yoU beoaute of that humanity; and yet because bo knew all of your desjfs and dtaeppoinunenu. because of Ills divinity. He ooula lead you to greater ambition and wmsols you under |resist disappointment*. Then, when nlf"t dropped Its eariain and tbs ttais plowed it op, you went to sleep eas«y, toeaoae you were bsppy sad you »sm u*Trr n>tina you w*»* oooi>. You «pau your eye* and »i»ru* your ahdokJara id lay; ~Tiinr» ha*r cbaa**di Iva dIBaraut *•**'> ous*» » mao." p#»’t you wlah you wer*. |my agamy H'n* ar« your Sunday* ip*nt now > you aleep Is** In tlia |Oora'«i 1*0 awaken wb*« U* nbureb* «r» laUlag out: paat dtaalna ttoni kWM JOJ .^ u for braah^i «a4< ** you would *uy, you drag tbroujk tW day wf*ho» and «lpb l« Monday. | woadar haw the Sunday' *111 aa tboy ar* <W .rTltwd npou y**r r.lfu D°ok * That boo* **■■ *a r**d before all lb* world, and d« you jbln* you wilt bo prood uf tb* a*«o"»t of •*»•* day* f T*o» I bar* °°U)e* lhal oooi round ■want «1Ui pro«|*a. iba only one. How I**! y0a bor orrd U“o*> who** paw* no bo*rJ Too O'10** four faitior aa Mo-f»«Mon*dt a* «n»elhln* id a *•*•• T** tbtp* y«* l**r» douu pout duty ta y#*e a arbor If you aoud ner*n ocomtonal piw.ea% bu* tb. m never comev to you lb* though* of what you really night do. of what lory hoped fov; nfhuw they counted on Vnur being when you wrm a man. not only the dearly beloved tun, but tba "lend Win counaelor; the one to wbom they ooold torn with tbetr aor I Jews and ayapethy; the one to' ^ they oi.uld bring their planawia »T*D^^^ffrATll*TIC OXLIODT. ' 1 do JK»t believe ya\i care to lotk Hi that old-fa*lil<<iit-<] pioture nf ynqr, mother that la In an old album iitwnii some papers that are never disturbed., »li«r» y.-u, aq awkward boy, are. Id ! • he picture, leaning B-side Iter. Yon. had Just gotten ovrr a long llliMM. and thl* picture of you wni Ukan be-! cause both fattier and mother (eared ■ that death might claim you for fit' own. and they loved you to well they wanted to have you always at least in a picture. Death hasn't taken y«q: away from them, but the world has— ■ Hie world wun tie aeMbbucas sad tte greadliwaa owns you so snllralf1 that you have forgotten tee mot her who tvr* you In pain and tbo rather who loved her becatua* sbe was yuur mother more than he did wbra she wpa simply hla wife. You were the tie between two hiving hearts, and wbat have you Ui'iwu as an evidence of your gratitude In them ? My frleud, when that page of your life la nwd you will oover your face w)Ui your hand*. TO HIOB TOOK XUtMB. Y-'U think murder. That, of course, is counted cot of your life—U •l ? How many tlpsas ha ye you struck an luofTeosive animal ? How maqy , rluie bare you hurt with hitter wools ? And whal have you killed In yourself y x our lanoovDOn. your bops mid your l laitb. You bam murdered tbe beat of 1 ynjrself; and you stand a murderer aa * great in the eye* of God e» tbel non | who killed hie fellow man. Ha dJd It la ■ be quiek spasm of auger. You bam1 killed gradually and slowly the good that i •a* lb you and you have burled whalyou killed so deep that I woed-r if, evuo, now. It cau he resurrected. That I seventh lew. Whal about the tax* : you dropped from your hands an hour I ago * Would you like to ofllsr It to ibe pretty girl who made bar debut I this afteruoouf Whal about the pic ture that yon displayed toe group of . your fellows? Wbat about the foul slur? which eaust-d the clubhouse to iluu with laughter aa y.m told it ? And them, wbat about the women wmiae mtiida you bars stained ? You ' pride youraell on never having led aa lunooani woman lut-> coiumtlUng ab sulufe evil. But you, and men Ilka you, mesa her KTKPM TO WICK KPN Baa VIST KAST. You |uy hrrtbedoub ful oomplneeul —you murmur to her the Jaar-sbat' baa dnubhi meaning, aod juu urge bar lo oulttvata an eaay inauurr with muu tbat certainly makvc the draOeul to the devil very teuoli quicker. How dues that page look? Taka up an-kber. Are yuu iunoeeut of stealing ? Where la lbs tltoa you rhould have given to tbe poor T How about the doubtful deal to tbe stock market ? Wbat do you tkiuk you would have hmn if your last tuvwtojeol bad felled and you bad been discovered Tbe polite world would have called yuu an e in i-enter—tbs more crude people would have said you wart a Ullef, but as Uis van lure was a suoocta aod you did Dot disturb Uie tnorvy that be longed to others. you c<,ulJt yonrself free from blame. Are you? lo the greet Judgment Bonk iulent and act are synonymous. You bava au Idee that you leave gos siping to women; there U no fees to I dm koeaip wbo compare with a mao Ilka you. Yuu say things tbat a woman u afraid to bint. Of tha young woman who ta overflowing with happiness, wbo Cau not keep bar joy to berwir. nod wbo believes tbat ail mao are goo lieotsn like her husband end her lath er, you spank with a shrug tbat means uiudi and a sneer that tells ell tint ta In your uwn wicked mtud. Yuu are always BGAumq falob aqaikox UOOU WOMB*. U ia purl of your inrun, belief to d«uy purity to women. It ia part of your dastardly unfalth to claim Unit s» m*n la decent. You arc (are that every kindness aliown lias a hid den motive. On, how • [neared this page la I Soiled and emtrthed Butt I rending it becomes abomlurbie. Iiidad, I diup the book, I, who am human, cannot Ury you lay longer with <h»>e stone tablets as the questioner*. Brit you will be tried, and that book will make or mar your future. But always Uwri> ia given to you a choice U'«l la mure merciful than mss. He rvceyou this cbaooe to read your life-book, to sec. as li' e loo in tig. the (lory of your llfo unfold, and He says; "Hspsnt and do better while there la vet time.'• VFbet ere you go mg to do? Now tile time has eome for you to decide. Tfas new Book le white end clean, aad on It i« written: •*Tiie Story of i&st »• A year’s record What wUl It be ? You are to write it, end It la in y«ur power Ui Bll it with a history of kind ores done, of mercies shown, of good glfu glveo, of an Inoraealng fslth, and of a sweet and pure life Bow oau you long for anything sterf How oen you, orlgnally kind ,>f heart and auung of bretw. be e»tUfl*d to kill yourwag for the benefit or the b~btl worlds For after ell. even the world respects * geod mao. It may he eyi'ilcal, It may •*e bitter; It o»«y h«V» vejry litiie faith; Imt it bub# with tvsnaet before that mail who %««!* the t£«k of bis Lite a olear one, e pWan ooe, sod on« fu|l of faith, hope and parity. Tlte Hew Veer baa ; XHl. my ftleed and •herevar yoo B»J year will *« __i M»e ■ r set eat of o« poiOBaUoo*_a iron knowledge of ooreelepa. Then w* will S? *ere to make a better pf, p**' * o« will forglr* far grsaeh|ug to r™. W>y frlced; I «t«ot iw|p Al *•« tU tint wlw-ltr umT m.rtVd “• ••* day of the ymT, It r«ad| ••Bye hath eotoeee Mrwr heard, nlUter h«v* etitered Into til* baurt of Mn the tblega which U»d held pr» ared for vltem thut dive Him.*' And liuetm-d Idol [ mad remind rotl, be* •re Uw bell* raiit in mother year, aid before tint fread book >u opened, jiftb* wlednin of nwdlng Uie book oarbed‘•lMU." We have dou« it to 'relber; we lu*ve cla»te-d hand* end pmmwed e*eli to lielp rde outer, end I “ *» *>H begin with belief la lion in-1 iltjr, fallb Is God, end * great willing- i u*« to bold op whoever U wa»k. and in lift op that one who fej'e uvl give hl» Miotber cltenor. Then, if we try, own If we do not neoaed lo It alt. we • may rtti amend that on tbe black P<w nf tba Jadamant Book there wlU not be writun your ntmn. or that nf your neighbor, or that whlod be longa to Bab. A MNIMII niP. A Washington diepateh says that Henetnr-elecl Mont; of Mississippi, at pivaant a rwmbar of the foreign re latino* oommlttee of tbe house. left for Culm laat Saturday to Investigate I be •liuatlon on the Island on hta iim acc'innt. Qn wet itrtnrd *rlth the rrcnaaary letteni, iisaaporti. eta., eud It waa bl« Intention, after lamming all hn cold |n Havana, to atk for a Span tali escort to >ake him Into tbe Interior under a flag of Iron*. Id tba rvrnt thv flag and rwoort are denied, bn my* be will proceed on his own raapnnalMI lly and do the tarn he can Vo get all tlie Infm matiou possible. A* the ram eon for hie vltit be e«y» that be can gat bo "(tloial information from President Cleveland or Hnorstary Olney, and be wants to be In a position to vote lote llgently on tbe several Cuban resolutions sow pending. ■ •■■a**, aa (Mb )UL St. tools kwuuio. It to stated with patriotic gusto that tor salt of dot tot Major M. Kinky will war at thr tnaagoi atlea will to ■ ada wholly or Am-ricari material b* American workman. An Bsfteni manufacturer is cw making of wool elippod from the back of Amarlean sluvp a plron of olotb just torgu enough for oar Ctrl. The olotlt will be Sect to Major Mr Kinky's tall or sad will be ina'tu lnv> a ault in wnleli all the malrrul will o-xne from Arnnlcaii alio pa toe refrain from suggesting that undur the system of pr.itrotiou which McKinley area responsible Ur rrpieaenl.itlV'- American ault was made of shoddy; and that hr ought to asleh to bis material to ha inaugural ‘,’1.l4i'_t.D»ni»jcratic reform has made it rosathl* vi gat an sail wool Aatrflcan telt for tlia apostle of protection, al Uiouglt the price Is still high. But to* President eUel airould not •top with mq Atoanonn lull lo taking stags as the rr preset) tell re of Aioeri caniso. HU syndicate manager did not hesitate to appropriate the Ameri can flag and degrade It to the oars of politics. Major MoKinley shuold elab orate the Idee and bars a red whlte aod blua shirt and odtor. wiihahan “khe handkerchief to match. The typical American beadgr*r to the conn tt A ooon-aklu oap. a pair of Uncle assn boots and toe greet smd ot Btets for e watch obersa would com plete e ooitome which would be omlcn toted to Ore the American beert with petrtoUe pride. When a aUtaemsn starts out to be Mm typical Amerloan ha ought to go i*601* ‘TP4®** Major lie Kl°**y taking tbe uetb of office Id U* role of Uncle Bern, clothed Id A marl cao garmacU and drooreted with this American flag, would old a fitting climax to tba petrloilsm-and the old flag oespaigo of the Hanna syndicate »"d ao appropriate iDlroductton to the •Miael when tbe syndicate rules tbe country. Rahtpaa,, Irmt-i l>UM l»r«ia aata# . j MsRb imiwdalpki* Tim®. '* s A and atof j oonei fro* the Faolflc, that the laland of Juan Frrnaudek ban dlupp-amd In tha aea. It wee aBpayial, captain Uat wV) ha had actually M lira laland afnk In an Raitliiuakrj cat flimoMi repeal na am (Iran to manner, **d "i* treated Ilka • to |J»( froM Cub* But now enmaa an American Ulpprr Into bn FraSdledo, wl‘b n confirmatory report. Ha pro to hare known Joan Famnodre •nd to bare expected to are It on Ita way fro® Auatrnlla, tratba Ballad right orar where It ought to bare been and •»*"0 «»«<>» uf It. . Tbp iaWt of tbla dlMpprecaooa itcrd not be pointed out to any fiiand — nod who la not hit friend ?-of It,bin wMi Groaoa. Kxptorere abd gaugmph are hare deeerlbwd Juan Fernaodvx and narked It on urn main, bat ■ It woo Crooeo who made it known to thu world, and it to on bla aoonunt only that It le remembered. If DaFoe bad a anoeraaor what a ebanee there would be for a tuppMretary Tuyaga aiA *» aoeoont of the miraouiooe eaeape frodi tha anbmargad laland I Ooa thing la orruin: It will not do tool wlLh t m4 ooM. No on* caa lull *hat the md •*(! bk. Enaudionil CaUrrb, ohroule Wuoebtlle,Tt Ml oon • owiKtqn, Invariably iX|t •ban on, ia®vqi<ivia h«w ewelJy bed at ssatSSncsujTi wttjt prompt fi4 oovti but a try,, » er 5» paau i« . tnV ownpRrtd »itlT the dleaetreaa affeeta puu«b. I tried ahaoet erorythMig. vdy. »ad owe 60 rent batik* <* It cured rfur enle by J.l. Curry Oo. Dretgleu. ARP ON CHURCHES. QUOTES DEO SWIFT 01 A PAS TOI WITH0U1 A FOLLOWIIO. ■Ill Arw in Atlanta mnaMiiiilnii Thera U an old English rhjcM which •«r» uiMLSjrattrtu Dmo Swift added two 11m, which "A <!«*“*• enrwm ■ pastor Are Ilka a dog stabuui a oaaur.*' This Qu u* batter lug we ban loat oara and are now groping sroqod la ■eareb of soother no*. Calling a praseber la always a perplrxing and rffibarraaeiag thing to do. Wbat la Ue beat mode of prooadoro baa long 6fe“ .* r**T4 *MM the oh are baa. Ttiara are some objrotiooa to every m-tbod Umt baa been triad. It la Ilka tba alaotlon of Jodgaa of oar coartn; olus Liases In mjr reoollaetlon tbe mode of tbair election ban bwo ob*and in Oaorpta and now tba praoa and tba people are bowling far another obaoge. But tha eiiorahet don’t cbaDge. Tliay think U bettor to ta dorn tba otij-otluoa rather than abandim tlm faltb nod formal* of their father* The MaUwdieu gal tbair preaobers from tba bishops end tbe pwipbi have UM 0 ..Ilea |n Um aateetlou If they are disappointed they make on complaint, for thay koow that tba year will soon paaa nod aobanga wilt aoo* Tba rotation must go on. Tbare la on Interregnum. They are tievrr without a preacher. Tbla plan saves Urn people soma embarrassment. It Is hard upon tlm prreealiar*, and esimsislly apon Ibrir wires and children. H i par nanvnt ainKje; t»« lioma attacAiaeaut ao vine and ng tree; no o-lgiibors of Inrtw atandiug who have imam true and triad ■n elokuee* cial h-alih. By tba time ibay begin to kiniw them isl t> love Umo Um y*~r la gone and they maat separate. Dr. Johns*hi. tbe great phihmipbor, saidi “I have always l*«ked apon it aa tbs worn o-nriltluo ■>f mao's diwtlny that persons are ■> often P*r»i aaeuudsr Just as limy become happy in euob other’* aainity " M*-lh odist preacher*' wlv,-. and oinldrvo are - the gyp-lec **f the eosreh. I bivsel ways ay*upauilsrd with Uwia. Another •Mij-r-tioo t*> tba Wraleyan reatt»*i*l la tbe biah.ip'* lack *if Informe Iluii as to thnnawlc of tbe different chiitahaa «ti*l Um qu difloat lout of tba preachers tn b-arelg ed Of coarse ha lias to c attail ym rider* and three h«ve Uwlr favorite*, thalr antlago mates, their likes nixl dislikes, and tbo appoint iseutainmeUmw am disappoint, •oeuta a»d cause heart borntug* that are smothered, but felt. We sea by the papers that Rev. Robert To*>mba Dubose, a grandma of hob Toombs, was given six llttla seaUsred colintry churches for tba coming year, and ha •ays ha cannot take tba burden, fur bis health la very poor and the winter's trarel from church m church would endanger lilt lffa. It looks like some body • sight to have known tbit before. 8ums 40 years ago a Mr. Grerea write a sarcastic, uuklad book afeml Um power of tlm bishops over tbe people, end plot un-d a great tree wheel revolv ing horlt intally and the bishops altUng on It to dIgnited oaaa, wblls tbs wheel retted on tbs bo wad shoulders of tba hombla preacher*. Tbe EptooopeHaaa gat Utalr praaob ars Irons the bishops, too, but they don’t rotato. neither do they get far away from railroads or elvilitstloo. They era tha moat devoted aeatarlana °f all ClirlatlAa denote In itlona-de vntrd to tbair church, Its vaneraMe re nown, Its rlisol* nod traditions—da voted to tbair blsfaopalmost to IdoiaUy. An l-dlffemat preacher 1* all tba same to them as tha moot eloquent dlTiiia, for they perform gs gjuoh of tba ti-rytoe at ha does, and only used blm (br a leader. If bento read Um ritual panting well and poet tbe com reunion ha It alt right with them. It >• an aOm Irakis fre to re la the ritual at this oh arch that tba paepla both yuuag and old taka aa prominent a part tn Um "yvlca. I asked a eritlosl cynical frimd one Juoday morning where be was suing U such a burry. “I’m gnlag op in my obqrcb to worelilp—G *d not sa>« be. I road Um other day ab-ral an old Unharmao who bad Inked a grsot liking to an Bpisoopai praaebar who was Ashing In kit imtghborbo id. and he aodoplau hi* Invitation ta o<iais sad hear him preaob In a neighboring church nont^«hb*th He pat on hie bait oVilh-e oad rode tilt old mare to Um little ob*pal and took a front saal and triad to be devout rnr tha Orel lime lo bis lira. After the w-rviee was aver ha took tha pmaolf-r by tha bond and said.- ’'Well, parson, 1 promised to com*, and t c-nm. I didn’t anAar ■Und m noli of wbat you wan Saying end doing, bat Iris and sot with you Um Iwnt I could.” I have alw*rS thought that there was meat too much nalog’ an' e-nttn' iu that church, and mil enough In thn others. Ws look a IIIUs city boy with 0* to ohurab last Monday, ft wan Ills ftrst adventure of that kind, but ho had b>«n going to S£r»-i~^russL”*M are siylag tbair prayers,” atm replied-1 Bo ba bytfrd his bead and rape*tad: -Twlnkla. tvflnkls. Hula star ” the B »pU*ta hayo 'h* m-m* democrat ic mrih*«l **f palling a jwegoberTjt |S pa|l wlwgt they pmaae and every mere bsr tarn a vote. They keep him aa l-uig as It Is moiaally agreeably and either party om dtmolva Um relationship at pipsatira. U# poogsr, tlnp It always Tire emh*rr*mu*s..t *u.qt getting rid >p powfleagtc P**a*brr, Imi thare M aap way u»al Is ►nerelly-•, They esq starve him eat. Tbla method will move him aa vfrataally as smuklaw s rabbit oat of a Wiew trim. Tbs Presbyterian Mode of sailing a fWwcbeg Has mask M wuqqknudit after gkkapHly dna*\btli (abates with a an bammoMot la the doUgoflt. Tba >11 Js strictly dr one ratio far am* oetabrr hat a v-te. tml altar tba oall laiaada ai-d the preacher .*d«taed aa paatnr the praa*.rw> loefca the door and pula Uw key in Its pwket aa l Sava now that you bar* got him you mat kaep Mas Mil I a«y imx It to Ilk* tte law of murrlaga aort dlmne*. It ta uaay aoojwh to get married, bat It «md to he quite a difleuit lit lug to gat aa married. I mr “U used to he ” It la hut ’each trouble how, uaithar la It aa mooh tmubla aa It oed to ha fur a IKO-chet to gat divorced from hie Chttrcl. If ha feta Urad h- goes. If «“»»‘“vlilaf 0*11 be gone. If ,U <,°te «»t agm with hla health be com. If hi* eatery la not promptly P-U ba goaa, and I m in a law paper that o peaneber aaya the "waou why ha ro-lgaad hit pm«W. mb lug another la that ho hue Aulahad hla mirk la that community. That la what tba paper laid. I m u id Hta tom that chore j. Everybody •••"ted. I raakoa, aad aa outaldem ta bomlatud. gags bo dlda’t aay that., Whan a nmytartea paatar haa atada State mind toatenga htehata tkatwo ted Just aa wall aabmtt aa j }y “ far tba pcaabytary wiu ratify It. No aoegrag-tioa should try tc kssp aa uowUIIh. dte-ktlsAud J pustor, aad that doaO. Preachers are ; jurt hamanud will aaak U» uaitar tludr' condition Tba haat preachers gat Uw teat places, and thia Is right. It la Uw unwritten law of tba Church and of tte I Mate—tha law of bowucsaa aad enm-1 ■area and art and aoolaty. For mlute ter Ini ulenv thane la always room at tha lop. 1 waa romlnailoc about thrae (Man beoN>« w« Have 1«ai our praaatwr and •ra looking emend for another. Ho bad a call la a bigger aod Bayba a UT ter place with a larger salary, aod Its accwptad before wa hardly ku-w ba was sailed. Ha hadn't dntabed up tbla ohureh and he knew It. bat 1 nwb »u waa afraid that It would fl.leh bln up If ha ataid. for tba t lores ware »> bard wa aonMu't pay bla promptly, tboagb wa did tba brat ww cmld Prraabara waut Mali salary lu the beak, a lei It ought to he. t waa pres ent ones Wlwa a prewn-r waa art) at ad. After Me aemamiy. wneg the puapls want up to give hia their bauds aad their benwlleilm.., one old own said; "May tlie Lord keep you tunable; wa will ka»vy.Mj poor." And they did. Pur 40 year* 1 bare been barking far a ; country Chorch that paid tbr prrecher a aeffletenl salary oud paid It pfoaptly. Paying tba preacher la tba ouaolv d problem end lie' been (rear since Mere were preachers. Daoreaia and Onwards oaglit Ui gel la lira rex, fuy Mry have a bard Has beta. Gobi, •aitb tails as of lire village preacher: ‘do grret and *n-td a men o> Jonathan Edwards after 34 years of felUifnl eer Tioe at tforthaiaptOB was voted out nf . bit palpit. end Ilka an old lx Tea turned ' oot to r>«* aod die. Wo Sod a good deal of fault with Dm praentrers sad sometime* with tbeir wire* end ebil dreu, but after *11 they areas a dam tbo beat people wa have got and aet pa tbs bat exam plea. How aaoa woaMi we low our morality wiMont Urea. They have their llkre aad dtalllu*, aad , perh^a their feTorltea lu Mo atiorab, aad so do we. la tbn nld tiaes they Pfsaobed for Miallar aeUrlee. The •■buy wse a secondary «na*nl*nuino. hat now it to tba Brat. Over M yean i agu I waul to school loan Irishmen who suddenly took e uutloh Mat ha ! would cult teach lag and go to preach-, iug. Ha Bodied a year aad the* ap-1 Pl&d to tba praabvta^atUuluaboa forj examination mod lloeaae. Tba ooa miltaa reported favorably and ha vu •boot to PM* aneoetifaHy, when oM Dr. Gonldtnc. tbe moderator, leaned forward nod add: “1 will aak Uia oan dtdaia n aiaaU question. Brother Ur«»t do ywo fool ’in your heart that tbe load baa called yon to preach the Gcapol to u»a people f” •‘Yea." eM aakf be, “If they pay at for tt.” Ho wm not licensed. q* anaQhod too Book Importanoo to Um pay. fhera are bqt few loupaoctluimd teutonics la Uiaoo later yean. Aa no o (tenober gate a reputation bo u onlled to a wealthier ohuroh. and ha *<>•*• U le easy for blm to are that the way la elver aad h. la the Lord* will WIhmi tbe (alary II increavod Tbo paw Ideate In Koaland and Germany era life loaf and there ta no ohanoe tor tba»>llega gradaaiaa aave to wait for their death or .uperaHwaUimi ar fwr eww obarehee to i» eataMisbed. The Presbyterian mod# of eaHl> ( a teutor baa axdxvd rnlaanr nsac* For a Willie the Vacated cl.creh la all at aaa, hot ity and by the amdioaiiana tea. Bln b> eumu lu arid oafarauoea are given A eorreapoDdrnoe I* had and Inquiries are nado aa to the appikuiiVa eitsrae ler ■» • man ai«d n prvnober and a worker. nod a* to hla Wife nod elitldran. U It W praettoable hr la Invited to ooma and pra*eb a trial sermon and mlaglator a day or tww alth the peo ple. Tide la a bard eaparlenO* on any aanaUlya Christian man. f.w be raaliai that ha t« on trial aiMIhat the Jury la composed of perhaps 100 aaan ami woman to whom ha la a at raDear aad who knew i>othln« of Inner life, bla waulUxia, bla itrugalra and mla fonuoaa. The altaallan In egalett klB. ftw penpla wjy aatera^y ^ Why baton not Itoy Where be toIflka 1‘tV rtifta-wtof a man. tf.vte he doaa not wear well awl hla paopta am tired of him Aad ao ha la a anapvot. T>» teat ef a praaabar from a atnala you,a<»d •day’* orB-'alatanae Sa my antolr trial twill t* pr«Mh*r and Pfl* 0 't wSeteUv aaa U* downf moll not OnfreqeatiUy ta i hat mm ar both am disappointed aad awulw-r rturl» WHntedLTba abarab U split ft Thera art majorities *i»4 mto-ww 3" ^telly Ibo wFdprlptiona fall off and the prmmbvf baa'toga or ftarva. Haney la tba atuew* of church pyarlty aa wuM aa of wur. The km* af Boaay la the rant ,4 all -vll and Um l«* of * la nearly a. bed. It will abi)| »y(ritual tiff af any „ TN*W* mamt PMit tat T»r tar* | >« WiwtwwtUw MiaUwIlf mo ?£s2r •"■•■■nu ywr 1MBT W-would make op tha Hit la Uiifl «r»y: 1. t« )»tan itlaail lalitlo—; (a) TM n^»ti*W-a of a tramp aititrattoa famwcrn Grant BHtlaa and tbe Unltad Btaira. (It) Tbo --»,) nTn«f^ir1l of tha Mourn* doatiiaa ia tba baaad «7 dlipnta betwree Grant BrUalu and YaaasoaSa. flew MMrtid by Mr. On» °» *£ XT. XflflOwt earriad Mt doitM tty paw jraar. 8 ft4”®!?"* floWUea. Ittaludlap aB MMirta;: Tbadafmt of Bryan aM Ua platform. * TV‘ f<Ua srs'&sjr p~*~ jj^ViSySiJ^S £t ss^WffiwcsS5 ~”5TW«l»‘'» li—chuTtttt. Daaaba. «ahlo«tkat rltar oatigaWo to oataiaama frata tbe Black 8aa to tha Batalina fmntlar. a. (a >li«un diipanaetloot: («) Tta 5T**' «•* *•" m J«aoo, m Jane ID, *hloh daMroyed 97.000 booan Jiwm andid-raet.t*d 70 aillea at eoaat >*■*• (6) TV tnuaptiag ta death X 1.000 paraoae on Iba Kbndyaaky Plata •laruia tin- aaroaatlna fetal at Moeeov ’SJfAJt^SSWJS: tie. «ai Jana 17. -trewnlw t74 pmooe. 7. In .aapl>fratl.M and 4ieo aery: N»aJour -et near tint Ian ta a pant only tt& milea diataat from tba In t£> relicinua world tneta baa baaa not tuna; In paiatlug and aaalptara noUtiaa; In auaic and tba drama aotb 1o* tbat •» naertape other noblaao »*•»• aataaMkotbo pradtoitoaMfb tbat It will bo mmambarod down tbo J ?*.!?*“'* «Waadlbe tragi* doing* of Tarbay la *—~r1i aid oC Hpal.. to Cuba may olalee at laaet » footoou oa <ha paaa wblab hlatoty de autaa ta Uw yaar 1800. A wi"d of aaatlan nay ba appro priate ** to oar aatlouta af tba pap. anutent rank of Hr. Kipling* poana. It would be anaafe ta brapaat ror tbaae Nil -railed plaoa In tbo wbata bndy of Boglleb Utaraiaia. Wa taal nf ihea aiwpiy tbat Uwy dtaptay awn ehwmnKt baa* than aay otbar book pndjiw^ daring tbo yoar la tba £ng {Mbkagaagi. in Froudb. UUrnu or in Italian. Then will probably bo no AlapoU •boat tlw two tmatte* negotiated and »»*ltln« abraatura aa tba Matt • f Mr CUaaland’a Vanesaatea an •M* end Hr. Otnea* argaaeatn. Ha future bletorlaa will ba likely to over look then. h i i mT-Ul***"" lu the vary taprobabta event of war with SjMin tba cardan of tbaoaoliat w..uM necessarily Ml oa ou naval force. 8a much ridlaale baa beta heaped an oar ahlpa by our own paopto that many of them aow actually bellow we an an lafrrlnr naval pnwor, and, therefore, that 8p«la would giw os o r*Od Ogiit. „ Aa o matter of fact, tha United **»«•• «®w raaka fourth ia tba world. Ingtond. Franoa nod (tor ■any. In tba avdar named. NO deal •>f at ia tba aambar of ariaond and aonroanred ahlp* of tea Terlooa kinds aad nl—av. and Italy crowd* ua alnaely far fourth place. Spain la seventh to rank. But when wa oonaldvr that cor *?S!L?,to*ltobtotoi to »•«. »■ uw Mrloteat aaoaoaf tba term, and that vba ataUKinv on which cbo oosoortaow tt bad worn enlisted two yean ago, the vnat Improve (Boat* and addition# mada nur navy Is that tlOM would priSmbly show. If all tha foata wan at hand fur furUMw cmparlsoa, that wa am very near to tha top of tha Hat of naval onwen In point of *q01 parent *"d uvaiUuiv flaUlag strength. Spate baa only 11 srmorvd ahlpa, tt ucarmnred. use armored gunboat. 99 •"’'toxtU, two dispatch vaowla. to torpedo boots of tba Ant oan sew in l aloes, and a total aambor nf guna nt aB gradst of MM Tba SpooW. ban, .11 told, no], KIM me. on their active Uat, and a population tojpaWeof bearing arms nf only 4.900. 0». Of Oils number. 900 000 A the beat have aimed, lieoa war. in Cuba aad aoout 80.000 to tba far- dl Philip. Ptea I elands, when aa hunm oi loa Wblob proaiiaea to bo aa stobtyw* oa Ump l» tba Weal lotto* to to ov'crsma. Onr uarr la *•>« headed by fiof the •a-wt uerlen aid highly wmatneted tmtfleohira. only two of which, the “•to? ‘to* TVaaa. an of lent than lOOOOteoidlaplaonassitt. We haw 9# armored resorts aad 91 unarm-med. tin •pwd nfnneo -* whlehlaUu* tt J •"•* iv ■#«•«•“ te tW wa ban M tenet ariatton Uwt to* atomt aig koote aa hour, a anad «M>a sou ugh for babor dvtoaaa pur Or inrpadu beau, hallt gad hnlldtog. MiHidil 9V_T>o*o »r» of tba Wow the ipenlah JUvy oa" OfthOMa la aa b-mr should tea opeortaolty preaeni liaslf. tVa we ban nearly 10.000.990 ami riouWA **“ “*M“"***"** dpatoto «n. H •• •"». wa ham tha ahlpa, ww b*w the mva, aad wa baw tha ami too. ! an i>u baton theca. tab Ik m t« aosataatow that Matm. of Stataa earned ay Bm to tt *•« u>* eunbar aantaT taTSxtof t^81. Ruler aod Bfj^a^T^ba^toSStorMto otaaj ei*cu>r*l rate laaeob otttn. Tta Mr-Ktolay f* • naatteat. PMtwaca, iMto. hUlee," V^fiaUi Ito Bqraa Artopaa, Oolowda, Idaho, Ki H»rth OarotToa, douth CtoraSaTSaS s.“s2!a ■ijSSf assar'a tJunattiea ot KeataokywOl oaSZ. £•ataatfia af that Buu UtoMh ThlanafraaaUta takta* (ntom *«*£• fraaa tha UaKlaler Mima “r»“ «»••»» Tl afcetonl ntoto Hnd at «7, aaao riratilaalL JUL-l hor m»* panlaaa ■trrtHn.ii i J.Oaiifonitom h%am ataatoea* 11.47ft totaa km tin tk ImmSjl!! S&s-SSSsSa rKS £*?£?£*. Xta> c*u,o*"Ui <

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