The Gastonl —-■■■-■■ ■ " — ■■■ 1 te==a^^— Oorotod co (Mo PvotooCtoa ot Homo and •*. Vol, XVHl. UT^^auJ Gastonia, N. C„ January 21. GOTHAM'S PECULIAR IOMAH JAB CHATS ABOUT A OEBTAIB TYPE OPIBW TOBY’S PEHI IOHTT. ruikn That Arc Pat 9m WUh Irew L1iat> awl Hlagn aMTkfpctkr A ■cwwIhriWM Mcr Cewpaalcw ■hip With ihc Wcwly rich PucUaa cf Which Ihc WarM Merer Wears. f». teals UcpefclM. There tt a type of women peculiar to He* York. She alwiya suggests largeness and squareness. And square new la not a rUlbe in a woman. The feiaiuiur fignns t»> bs correct, should tw described by curves. Then, thu woman InTsrtsbly baa a pronounced aquiline oner, extremely thlu, and miliar blae looking. A Mg mvuth. that, when It upeiiS, tls'ws lergv teeth that are sat far apart. Ami bar clothes while decidedly in the fashion, seam t» be put on ber with clamping Irons or hinges, but they oertsluly are not held tegrtber by the ordinary books and eyes. Alta Is topped by a bonnet of the twwrsxdlke order—tbs plamOa of which Wars in a fashion that says: “«u jucx Aits nsi." 1 bate never been able b> understand why this woman Imd. Amiability la oertalnly not bar excuse for exUtenoe, for ahe la InrarUbly posit lee and poet UTa to tbe last degree. Usually, she It spohm of s* haring a small Income and belonging lo an «ld family, '•be is lobe found, Imwrvnr, among tlie nealyricb who bars coma to this Mg City, have plenty o« money lo spend and long to pd lo with and b* eouiiU-d, among the famous “four hundred. •• They bellere tliat this lady can help Uen to get wtiasw they want In be. 8be aooama their Invitation* to dluner; sbe site in their opera boxes; abe bor rows tbelr carriages; and site does not hesitate to blat for and get from them valuable presents; bat sl>* nrrer In trodaoes them to the penpl* tbay wuatd like to meat. 8b* will annouaoa with pride "last night my cousin, Saltl* Bturbioud. dined informally with os and bar buebaad who belongs to the real old Bloahlood family waa ao fall of fan !n bat abe never tries to mix water uud oil by bringing togelfarr the new friend oa whom abe la sponging and the old ooro among whom she is counted bad form but still aa **oo# of aa'1 Sometime*. Madame the newly Hcb la clever enough to rand bar char acter and In a very abort time drops ber, bains certain that ah* can alone more easily obtain bar ohj*ot In life than If sbe were hampered by a In* of undesirable hangers-on. This type of woman la lowlaUy the one wbo will undertake arresting a Christmas trse or a frsural of say sort for acme so ciety; aha agys, with a certain amoant of troth, bat sbe says it lo liereelf alone, that aba baa a right, since aba has worked an hard, to taka a flew special toys that ah* wished to send away for gifts, ** a tort of wage, bat she leal hoc sat enough to meet loo th|* tii the committee, and so she rosy be numbered among the polite thieves. 8he wants to belong to no society un less site ha* charge of Him funds. On. of court*, ber accounts are Invariably correct, but, still she manages to get cither NS a percentage from the people with whom abe spends the money, or lo some roundabout way, what tlie darkle* call, 4 nextxas axd aTKAt-iMOa. Apropos of stealing, there Is a great da*l a: that does aboat which tbe world at Urge doesn’t bear. All Mew York, however, baa baaed of tire latest Uwft—the sitbie cape. At a wry fashionable luncheon not loog ago, tbe told* lu whoa* honor it was first), was tbe last to leave. Hat boa ts** west op lu tbe dremiog room with her, sad to tbsli horror, instead of the superb sable oape which she bad worn, and which was one of ber wedding presents, eke found a tat Kurd mink one. having Intld# of it the name of a Cheap furrier. The hostels, who bad not lost b*r belief In humanity than, suggested that there moat b* a Mis take. ft no's was written to each lady present, asking ber if, by ml stake aba bad taken a cape w bleb bad toll the name of a famooa English furrier. Ao answer came from each on*; In every mass nos the writer Mated the sort uf oape sba wots; and la many cues there bad bean worn caps* of fur, mass of velvet, costs of cloth trimmed with far. or fur ooeu. Tbe a ext afternoon foe pretty bride, wearing a emit of olotl. and owning In bar bund a very simple nut, ui walking down Uis arann* with bar mother. She utddmly oluiobed bar parrot by tbs arm and said Hi n bosky vs lee: "Turn's mj i« THU rDRJXHWKB ACCU«*D. Tte two todte qotekly walked up ta the waerar of tte aabta. tea waa a girl of good standing wfcdted ten pnMit at tte loneteon, bat wboaa prop)* war* pot wrulthy aaoagb to Kht. bought ter aacb a oopeaa lte tea tte waa waariug. Tte mutter aald ta ter with much utl: “MtaaHlghUrd. dM you not. by bIntake, take By daujhter’a caps I* 1^1.. fi Mine Highbred draw hannlt up rury Sotmi roar dsagbttr'a ootr auu I know oothlug whetorar about ^TteHtllo brtdr, loalog all oontroi of ^tvbytrou hare it aa 1" Tte yoong wowao gar# ter ana teortty look, and nauouonadt «Vou ara oraay: tte eape that I am wrartag wa# mat ta aa kg a ooaaln la ^Wtetteo ttey dot Ttera Inao body who aaw ter Uka tte oapr. tea teat a retain with the otter*, and a maid teteed bar anaae whatavorate Stated aToe belonging ta berurlf. fcSBp ta -imbf to «*nr tolteMr1 at aba cams in. though arary vuaan ta onarlnard that tte aatdra wbtah ate wrar* wUh w* rffrootery wrru a dal Iterate »tefv AeurVum aaaa oama _ larmadlataty uadar my ow* tyta A trWrriin who tad baaa breaking my hair fo may jara also bombed tba hair at a friend. Oaa day wbeo aba waa brash ooine Into her bossies’ dramiag-room. Sooo after bar arrival a superb brace let, set wltb dlaaoads and retake, waa shown, a prcaeot from a loving hus band to lita pretty wife Tbs hair draaarr Irtt the room once or twtoe to (at hot water, or fisab towels, but was never alone with U«e braealat. THarr or a bbaublbt. That evening It waa dlaoovw>d that this bracelet, wbtai< had cost over |i.OU), waa missing. A dataetiva waa sent for, and with tha usael stupidity of bis kind, be Insisted that the hair diauasr had taken Ik For two weeks Mia was followed, and during that two weeks Inquiry was nsaik- aa to whether she bad spent mer* money than usual. At tha aod of Uie two wsrku the own <r of tba bracelet board that her friend waa aaiagsd to be married. Tba geo Ur men to whom aba was engaged gave • dlansr to soma of hie m friends, end tbs ant day It waa told that he bad exhibited aa a present from bU dnanoe a superb ring, net with three rubles. My frieod knew that this girl alLbougb the dangbtar of a fashionable clergyman. bad not euoago money to buy snob presents. DU Ml ror IM dHiMUft, mo talk'd oter tba matter with blm. f»Mwr. they went to aaa tbs girl’* rather. Horror lUickro. ba brought tba girl before the®. aod aba ennfaasrd what bar bustaaa had forgotten—that, while lbs bnirdrrwwr waa lu tba bath room gutting bat water, bar frlaad left tba room tu apeak to tba batter aud aha waa akuia (bar*. Than aba took tba brnaalat. owe and all. pat It Id her muff, aod while driving with har frland that whole afternoon earrfolly awrr ana uajtd ow kd booty. 8ba had sold tba braoatet to a Jewel er. taking tba ring, which aba bad glean bar batroth-d aod a oartaln amouBt of muory fur It. Of coarse. It had tu ba gotlaa back, aod equally, of aooraa. tha man tu whom aba was ea rned bad to ba tot* at rhe affair. Hi" eogagemant was broken. Mow, L oarer bear of this girl be log invited any where that I don’t tael as If auoebndy ought to wmm bar bosteae. Whan it was all over tba poor hair dresser waa told Uta troth. She bad bran utterly uooooaetena of tba es pionage near har, and aba wept bitter ly to think that after years of aervtee, bet boucaiy canid bare bean quae llOTWt Bat, my frtecd, all tba ibiavaa do nut Uve on tba aide street*. Who baa not bad flu books disappear f Wbo baa n*<t misted expatiate* trinkets, dainty bits of brio-a-brae aod odda and ends of luce or silk t SrryeuU don’t want these things. When tb*J steal tbsy taka aomatblng that oan anally ba converted into meney, or money itself. Bat the little belongings that am only appreciated by woman of flna lasts, am. when they disappear, usually tekan by those who iwallaa exactly the delights to ba gained by tbam. By tba bye, somebody asked me what bobt or a slab a woman LIMBS. 8b* is usually plumed by a man wbo has that must exquisite of all enamels over the true gold of bis beast—good manners. She likes a man wbo Is con siderate of har. Sha Ilka* a atao wbo drasaaa wall, but aba dues not want him to took aa If what hu did wear waa by order of his tailor. She does not Ilka a man wbo la effeminate. Sha like* a manly band, but It must ba on* whlcb la kept In good order. If a man la fortunate eootign to be abls to slog well. talk wall and dauo* wall, be will be that much mot* pop ular. Dot It la mom Important that be snonld know bow to control a boras row a boat sad pitch a ball, alnae they am apse tally manly aooompliahmeote. A woman likaa a man wbo doesn’t talk about hlaaaolf, but wbo dam talk about bar. 8b* likaa bis respect, bis iwvsraoca, Ms admiration. She likaa to think of him aaa good boainam man, able to win bis own way la tba world, and, therefore, to ri ry redan t. Sha llkre to think that, if th* bourn eatehmflre, he’ll keep oooL mya bar Cr»^ and than do no and of bsrota ALL WOMAN LOT A A HKBO. Nowadays, Ultra la ao flghtlog la tbs riff, rimes ii no obasoe of a eooteet with a bail or Uoh, and ao a non moat win bw tfura In other ways. Bata woman dose adore a men who Would be, aba la tare, under any elreum •taneaa, aa hrayn aad aa gaNaot aa Obevallar Bayard. Bba deeau*t like a fooL A woman h to eoaiUtutrd that aba often adorn a foot to annoy a hero. It smtae to bar aa If he ought to U deviled with pin prlaka. She forget* that ha aright mteCa tiger without a quiver aadhe •mothered to death by a fly. She likes a man who. Itr some peon IInr situation, eannot oaly rise supe rior to It, bat master k Indeed, wbeaehelaa eery real women, she like* a man who oau mm*ter her. She lib* to win a man to bar way of thinking by feminine panne! nr; ok> deeptoee him whew she «• order him about. Sometlwm ebe dose thin end then she Is the mother of children who have only fear far their met bar aad aa laaiesm love, bat no nspeet far their fhlber. She likes a maa who eaa buy her a railroad Uokat without getting Serried over It at the does, rntd who can mark, oa a railroad Umalabta, Joat what Ike Mory of tbe trala means—a something that to bar la like a ramose Greet riddle. Web, I rappees, to aam It ap, eoe esplalae U beat, when eaa mye that ■ woman likes a maa who le trader ei heart end a Mt ashamed of It; lev lug la reality aad a Mt troablsd a boat It; bat with a aetata of the purest gold, with a bed? that le reseat) ally matea Mae. wrarleg elotfcaa that nt well, havleg meaaete that are goad, aad t heart that la lima beseems ban. Tbat^thaaart of man that would gac a medal, beoauaa ha demrted It from Bab* ■*. *■« PMB IIMU. Wmommoo apeotel to BaMlaaia Sun. It will ba uewa far tba people of the country tn learn that not lew than four hundred million* of dollar* hu bwa paid out of the pabtla Trauury to the Indiana for Und* b»ld by them. FurUnnaure, many million* haw been paid on aoeoaot of lodlao otalma of on« cliaraclar and anutbar, and tba (ovrrnnwut hat annually, for Dearly a hundred year*, made Urge xpproprle Lion* for the ra.InW-Oirxw «rf Use Indiana. It baa frequently equipped them with tba eery firearm* which tbay haee eaiwvqnrxitly turned agalaat oor own olUarae. Tba appropriation* owda every year for the Indiana dl i rvetly from tba Traaaury and ouuida uf ihelr owa fund* fort ap about tight ■ llllon dollar*. rrooauiy it would bo quits o motet eotliuto to *07 that snm«Ulag to tbo naUbborbood of a thousand million doilara boa boss drawn from tba Treasury on aooonot of tbo Indiana, tt moat oot bo for go’.too, bowrrrr, that a large percents** of this money hssgooe Into tba poo kata of whlu •barpore and adventurers. Sores of tbs biggest lobUes over known in lbs tba annals of legislature hare thronged tba oarrtdora of tbo Onpltol In ndvueo or of Indian olalma Aa in not ration of tba gtgaotlo Slobtag of throe ahor pm wan Inotaanad a few years book, wbaa, It la reid, the Indians motived aa their share of a claim of 8000,000 about 880.000. Tbo Iodtaoa are likely to ooet this government n groat deal a»n of mousy tor some time to enow for, oltboogn tbolr somber baa bean diminished with fearful rapidity, and In auethar half oontory they will moot probably bo praotloally obliterated aa a distinct rsoo, they still bold In poo »see-on extensive domains, which the cupidity of their whlu brethren will never fall to xreep after while an acre la left. There are a beggarly remnant of Indiana lo Maine and Now York, who are aaml-civilired. who are not In creasing, and. as they hare nothing tbolr white neighbors wtnt aad man age to make tbolr own 11 ring, they are not tnUrfrred with. Then there are the Bre ofvllixad tribes (n called) who hid tho Indian Territory sot apart fur them, add who are mosaurebly self sustaining. Tbo remainder of tbo In dians, aud tho Urges part, are atUl more or lets no-mads and will ooo Ubuc ao. most likely, to tho end. The gureramout Is onoUnually shoving three beak aad hack, aa-tt sail* is one after aootbar of tbo tracts of land oMlgnad to tkom. Tho mil Harr au thorities bare no further apprebeo aioa that Indian hodtUitioa of a serious character eaa again bn possible. The Indiana are both cowed sad enervated, and are now In sued oomparitlrely re stricted boundaries aad under each Claes supervision ns to psvrant any eon errtod uprising that oould be re garded as at all formidable. Since 168V the gwarnaeent baa pur chased or dIHareol tribes of Indians more than thirty-throe million seres at a cost of twenty five million dollars. The land was situated In North nod Sooth Dakota, Idaho, Montana. Wash ington, Minnesota, a small tract In Oregon and newly or qutu coo sixth uf tfie whole amount In the Territory of Oklahoma. In Sotting apart this land for ■ottkmeul tbo gnrernmoot sat amaximata pries of 88 50 per sere and Umg-'.lone pay moots. Sxtrava gant stories had breu told of the won derful Moon and fertility of the land, especially In Oklahoma, aad It will be remembered what a rush of “boomers’’ there were to taka advantage of the Bret opening, bow they camped out for days and weeks, how they fought aad struggled to the extant of murder ***d perjury lo pre-empt favored marts, end how the govern moot had to adopt tho stornast measures to p—- ■■ even tbo aemblenoo of peace and order. Like many other roamaooo of fertile Helds and precious motels to said to here boon the story. up to tow UM MM *0VSnj*Mnt ku •retired Isos than 9000.000 and the proe PMU* tbto to all It will got. U to do* oflrmrd that a llylnc aannot bo made oo tbo Uod, aod antooo tbo guremmont ■equiu than of teotr obUgatiooo tbo poor MtUore will bo oaten op wkb d-btond parish by starvation. Tbo Mil wbteb bos boon before tbo Cnrasrerel days provides for tbo too rift of ibis toad to tbooo who are o« It, ood although It to moating with oppo«Wb« It to atoooot core to pom V sot areas of tbosa lands are also not oeouutod by boon fldo eotUsre, but ore ooolly appropriated by tbo (root ooUto kinfs of tbo tor Wool, wbooo tbooo and* of of eottlo room ovrr lbs as ood ore thus fottoood far tbo mortal at puMlo express. It MOM that It to not destined that thtogorerauwotoboald dartre ooyrore ouo worthy of tbo uon from IU pob llolaudo. As tor boebaollW Ouogrvo* psawd o bo Moot rod tot, uador wbtob, u|l to 1M9, wbrn a treat »»rnprehts ■tvs homretsod not woo posmd, 15.000, 000 OOrts if pubilo Undo bod brea graotad to lodhrtduato. Thaos lands, or Moot of tbooo, bod boon acquired by Kebooo tom Bemooo powers, for loduotry of buying Indian Uadi did out devrlop materially uotll aftw oar ami war. Mete tbreo milltoa oerooof pubile btado bore bore gives tor Military sorvVsoa, 50 000 000 (m odosolloool yoiporeo and More MtH lorn tbao ana bo oouatod for rollrnods. annals, Sta. Homo of tbo colossal private fortuore of tbo oooatiy bovt bore Mttoly boat opoo tbo greorom doostloot of IU toodoby tho go veto ■rent. Wbsn oomptotteg tbreo tool great purebomo from tbo todtooo tin ■ttoopt wm modo to iaoacoreto o aoo policy, to ardor tbo* tbo gpoocomml Might moon o partial ralmbureomoni for its great oatloy. Bat tbo OOHb kings, tbo odsretorera, tbo sooksn sfior mnuto, tbo odreoatm of o pater sol syotem will not bore Boa ASP OR HOLIDAYS. THHU THESE ASS SOT EHOTOH or them dt nn ooitvtst Ml Ar* la ailaal* OoDaauitkja. b®»Oa»a an over now and kt aa an baokk dewa to tba work of a naw year. Tbaaa holiday* uaad to b* Mj daya, but they an not a tty ana rad now. Ttwy eye naoMoery. hnwarrr, for tb* raot aod relaxation of tba arind aa wall aathebndy. Tba matin* and (analno of baataroa cant nan >w broken at kaa* "not a year. tl U Ilka araaein* fb* wa*re» to make U Mitt any It la Uto* nwaaa ai.d Saturday to aaboot children, Tba majority of people ]u tbu onoatry lira too taoab *o a etaaln and do not lake relaxationvaoodh. A man efconld not lira In a tnadMU. Caiop-mratlofa, axeaiatood, ptoolc aod MMoaalonaJaporUog da?allhelptba tiiad mind Jnit ae a gooAllvar madl olna bat pa tba dtamloa.' Tbk raat ard ebanxa raaota opoa th* pbyatoal aalar. and kaapa tba mtadaad bod, la Tba Ataariaan paopk an la too rnaah bum. non an tba* any other peopt*. Tba habit oama from Jew Seafood, obara Uie rigor of dictate end porvrvy of aoli fonad tbarn to ax traacdloery dlllnnea. Down aoatb. *• *b* City of Mexico, than ia a* boat*. Merchant* elan tboir atone ***** unaarc* ie«Ti latir SQOpi M 000 o'clock, and all head* goto their do jo kBd stay for aa boar aad a bair. They taka Uwtr time to sat sad tboo to amoks—tba rasa (Mr stem •ad tba woman tbalr cigarettes. The atona are out opnned until tan o'clock la tba ojornla,. Krerybod, baa Maura and t-ajoya U. Tba BagUab people wort bard, bat u«t all tbouae. Tbay will alt at tba table and dienaw tbalr roaatborf and tba aitslra ef tba aatloa fc* ■*» h0*r ** u the world la rtahtag wttb aa HtUdwkt They bare boll day* all tbroogh lbs year and tbay otMcrre them. TWa are Sevan Mgal holidays that tbaabareb aatab aoob aa Good Friday. Master **°"day, Ash Wednesday. ate. Tb*y bare many more oo tba ctTtl aad tafll tery lists. Wo hare but two la tba United Stauw that nay ba eaUad oattoaal and MO arorrally observed, aamely tba Foortb of July auu Oriauaai day. TbaabrglTiac day la obaarred wtwo It la praefaimcd, but It la not anjoioed by ary law. It is ooly a no (tow. jaat aa l( DaeoraUoo day op north aad Maian rial day down south. VTaablcgton* birthday la abswred by all Jptatree of Matas, sod Maw rTrerVday by If of thaw. Goa. Lao's birthday Is a holiday la streral soatbara atatsa. la LouUlana they bare Mardi Urea aad tba battle of Hi* Orleans aa holidays. iw>d la Texas there IS ledepaodaooa day and the hauls of dea Jacinto. (feorgta observes all Uw days of • national character aad all that show datoUou to liberty aad rsvstauce dor baroUa. I aw proud toaay that Geor gia baa always bean true to tbo princi ples that onr fathers foogbt for. Hat del agates signed tba Declaration of In dapaudtooa witbont oarll or baaita Uou. For days aad weeks tbs fate of that declaration bang la Uw balance— bung by a hair sod was carried by a single rote. Thirteen oo ion lee ware represented. After load and secret discussion and much bitterness six reted fur Mead star reted sgainstlt. Pan osyf reals waa last oo tba roll, ilwtra delegates wore oallcd ■ midst Uw breath less Silases of the eon rent loo Tbs drat, wtn waa Benjamin Franklin, reted yea. tba tut rated nay, the third rated yea, aad the fouth voted nay. John Morton waa tba ifth sod laat, aad a pun his dscieon huo( Uw dsatiny of a aatloa that was yet to ba. Ha was a maa of great ability and ta tsgrity aad a man of prayer. Tbssoo rentlaa trembled with palafal anxiety wbso ho arose and la a sole mu retoa . “I rota ter liberty la foreSembmuthere wasaaaw reapoaetMIky lhay had takaa. Morton'a rote tamed the eeale. It eneentelal the areh they ware laborla* to badd. Hie vote wee wea tba kqs atooa. ead haaaa Paaaaylvaola haa evar etaaa baao oailad tba Kamtaaa etote, John Marten dtud a tew waefea aflat. Had ha llvad ao doubt ha would bava baao a notabia anior la oat ra vulntknary hlatory. AN tba eatonke aooo after ratldad tba wark and tba war bacon. After itaekaa tba^^oonaiituUou oflTO7 waa a aoiirrntlon oailad to oopaSarlv' Tba etaiaa all vatad for it eava Rhode la land, bat onty tour vatad far it a anal ■oualy, and uaorfla waa Qua of theaa. Llttk Hod/ objxoted to aotnotblnc In PaanylvMla ud nttM bAadil wnaootoaeiio the rerolatlooorj w*n yu# Am jade* dMimW aaagnae; ana aaat aa a datnete ta the aeaatltatluaal aeoraolleo <fVW\ wae oaa ofy tmtwe Paired Strtaaaaaa um eoaaad our aUte renitnimoT*!!? bbotad foNhtollj to axpne iba Tauo mat. Lotor oa ha me olaotad aliaua jodte of the eaeood dbtriet. Ha am nd wbau ia ITM ha wared to Haw Torb < Ur ta puotlee hb profeaetna kb greet abultkw ware km dlaaarrrad •ad ha waeafoeiad major of that elty. Ia p-nMtoaaoan arena of tMaah 1 *“ "mmf ta tod that Uw foot joua* fnwtdaottal tarn bad tew ta fan* It ia tha ooaiUtaiWwui oenveetteu. Mj maranaa far tha* lautbular work at mu father* hn&U l»md awn, for It wae Uba tha aaat prmbamdlMuf a petit forj—<t w*» aotMdrbohiitoa. Heraeof tbedebaabe ware for aaaaa jaaraaad other* for MgM aad tea aad tblrtne, aad up u* twaatr, aoan wacw for llfo aa treSTbo turior; aone wuatad tha iriilrtan laakpob fora nooad bra,aad aa arsaur/iaft « Itwaaa put would be __ faur nan b toe abaci a tana. About half the tiao la apant la “taralng the nreb oa»” aad tha atfaar half la VtmunoN, Jan. 14.—Tha tfao tnni Tola bp rtataa. aa tha raaalt of tha ■wi log of tha TaHon* aUta alaatora no Moo day Ur tMtk,.. Ml ITS Mi II Tha official (VclamtUra of tha Tata of tha alaatora will ha uda la a joint •aaajtmofUaaaoataaod baaaaofaap MMHMHMMHHHMHBEI OmvS,. a, O. (m. Tin bank* an foraed to taka Ibis ■tap to eaebls (be ofltom to aioa* ap aaoh day’s boaiaeaa. ItanirtMiy paapla who ara oat swaps at lb* teat that a beak's work Is a ewe day work and that the traae aettaaa at oaok day ara eoapMpltka seal day aad baooaa •attar* at The tool wort la * kook bsgtae after aloaa of bsahtag boor a. Oaatonwra of a baak who yaaa la thalr oaonoy or dUl t ud pMI MhospMmIi of day with tba handsome aad agiaa able yoaog aw who Walt aa wins, thlak that Ik* dab bait* aa easy Una aad whal la batter, hat* the prlvMapa of toaailac th«tr ay« oe aa toU waalth all tba day loaf There I* aa alawaar wfeae the baak doerelaasaL U la addlaa aad aeaat la*, protlag aad halaottog, dahUiag aui{■ eradltlag, aad ad tSat aaid awaoy MasI aa— oat earraat to aaaal Thousands aad thowaeads at fallen bass aaaaw—ttad aad patt eat lad tel 1st a and bnnkkaapata beoooee anra •aehlaaa to prwae tb* balaas* aonact. A alatak* of aao aanl give* tht book k sapor a (aad aasa at baodeeko. Whose error is It T Than tb* mam af wall baa to bo handled, MilUowa hare te ba aada -bat tt sroald tab* lao oaaoh apaaa to UTOSMhMLB. BEAUTIFTHi BOERS AT THE BLACK HILLS SEPABATH9 WOBKB, j ■.«' ' «■.' . * -'j'lk • * < 6iWJR.KZiOv^i •to a Mf bdto ta dram*; Lw4 City to i A*W tartu* ‘ hwattr totow /(„_^ ^ , J lyiu ad w." *?*«"*£ ton* T£j toaw*. lu doriiingn an* to stood on OlnllM Urn op thaajwp ndtooiojo doo, and tlNii vlotm •wrtto> ttor to oil MMMoni tin tNUM oadl the town who haw tons __ ft.-Wan-Ua, inUia^M * I ' ' prtipi KM kmc. tato vWdtti **? prodao* at Ow ftum Sow* rich rti grid *o UK that * pot of K do Mgar Ua ee okj-ftBlooid potato M-U- wmMaetl tor «1M. UtoUur rflp a rtvar of gold—tb* erecteim matal au Ua plainly dMagaMmd aatt oomaa •talking from the faniaao aad atata ta i ta Su«d. Mag heavier than the aetela from which Urn parting oompeey. i5a%‘Kw5s5 Tho or* I* tafthd tato tho faraaoa with ookr, baa ruck aad pyrltae at boo, which are aacd far fidig The tra m urged with eklaat ad wtad that beerS*, while the Ha« wear It; thco the hnbwtttob—. aad the mat of acid aod adyor iadrawa tot# a pat oa troche. Whoa the ■« laaaat k I* baton otth a abdga bate war aad abipped to Omaha to ba mparated. The recta of the tree of aril have many branehaa that pip tbe hiMaroond alSh^ggMttabtha mUUf thoehtar£ aatlom work*, where the gold la kapt In taahe-e fallow ltqeid IMtoU like ■waat older. Han tb* or* la pofear* tad aad thaa fed late big barrel* of Urn, remiTtag toriaaatelly, wtwra It la roaated to got rid of tb* ealpbor to a Mb* that aboota through a Wg hoi* In oee aad of tto barrel. The powdered ere I* than treated wtik Chlorine am. wtonopoa tbe gold dowa oat of It la aoluitoo. Thee It b toaraad ewhHe lo a big. leed ll.wd. tank until the gold come* Ilka batter la a Meeb_ powder that apttloo to tho the] rnlyhlda to tho . Th* m of eletb ta Mono . i ■ TM*I ObMM to Ik* Hr la Uanrti grew to I ■aaaattoi wlout oil TkaHa ifrsH ESS U ao«« ooTT kar?y HW Mlolto gga ttawill jarful 3S : I ■ ' . . 1

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