The Gastonia ^_p*Tot,<1 *° ttw PmMUoa ot Homo «nd th« ; V»l. XV 111. Gantonla, N. CM January 28. 1897. , ~ WOMAN’S DAINTY FANCIES. BAS TALKS OF TEE OREM OF THE OEMTLER BEX. Tk« r«r Mler aa* laK mm* Wlal raw Mmmm ia a <—« Wt*— Blkboaa. Jahwta mm* Hill nw radMr iimui Akw ih SC Lou* BaaIXto. How pretty the women look nowa days I A oouple of yean aoo a for collar or a fur muff meant that and nothing elee. Bet now I How tho for of beauty enhanced by loops of ribboa, jabot* of I toe, or moat magrl floent jeweled or enameled clasp*; while tba maC—atll, no brown ribbon la used upon It by which to swing It about Ibo neck uf beaoty. hot, Instead, tboro It a gold obatn fur tfato pun—, end uftaoer It la a gold ohaln threaded With pearl* or emeralds, or tapohlr**, or beat of all, diamond*. Thau tha muff Itself Is lined, not with a dull, dark eatlu, that means dretruetiou to dainty white glove*, but In pise* of . that there is alining uf a noli, light brocade, while aboet the aide* era fall frill* of floe laoei on ten la a assay looped bow of ribbon, and, sometimes, the head of a silver fox, sometimes* mink's bead, *MMttme* a few sable tails, or whatever la In harmony with tba fut Itself, and form* the greatest oootraat to the other fere Hurra- Peo ple Ulk about the low® cm a ixe vox mows And for the half a hundred other thing* for which they may be used— the watch, the purse, tha vinaigrette or tha lorgnette—es being now, but If aaybod* will take tho troabia to look at tome of tba photograph* of Titian's ladles, It will b* stem that about their naoka are those very loon chain*. Then, too, the Italian ladles bare worn them for oentories, it being oountefl a great virtu* to have on*1* chain made after some famous de sign fanood by a Venetian branly of long ago. Dressing was never news beautiful then bow, and there never waa a time when greater thought was gives to tba small belong togs that really go to males or mar a toilet. Brooches are utiliied la every way. A rich enameled on* fastens a knot of ribbon no a textual, two, art with sap phire*. are arranged like button* ou tha front of a bodice: while another, a turquoise framed In diamonds, fast— I be feat her aigrette, that, AFTSK THX VXXXCH VASHTON, I* placed pertly at the bank of the head. Next to the greet ad rootage of po* areele* beautiful Jewels comes the •Willy to oUiiae them with orfgloalUv. Nobody wear* anyifiiag as it wee one Ioally lataodsd U should be worn. OoBarqueotly, 1 was not surprised tbe other day at erning, clasped an>uod tbe simple knot of hair that U Yvnte QnUbtrl’* favorite oolffure, e heavy chain of gold, set about with Ur qatXse hearts. I knew It to be e brace let, bat the clever French women bad found an orhrinal way to dispoea of her ornament, and one that was a thous and times more effective than tbe mere wearing of It on tbe wrist. Ifeyer before were there •» many tur quoises won. ( th}ok It It because all womaok loo is Indulging In her love for color, and these gents are so letoees In tbe beentlful tints. However, wbee you go to bay a turquoise, be careful, for tbe Inferior quality, which looks well at Bret and would deceive anybody bat tbo expert seller tad some equally expert buyer, will In time Bode and grew to have a dirty look, a look that Is absolutely greasy, wbUe lie color will be spotty, oaxx or ts> tctujuou*. By the tar. the turquoise, Hka the pearl, requires great ears. Be oerefal that oo perfume Balls upoa It. lie oerefol that uo oasmetle touches it. Be oerefal that no oily subetauee Is near It, sod never attempt to olesa It with water. It is rather tntsrvetlng to know that while some of tha best nf tha beautiful Mas gome are found lo Persia, quite a number of those it gold mock* that Invariably cover toe MM of those mummies who were «f royal blood. JVarls ore, of course, the stones of perfect purity end, ef In nocence, but ohm I good pearls were never more expensive then they am now, and eouscqneatly It may be sow eluded that move than teree-qaarters pf those worn are Imitation. Still, they are so wall Imitated that one Bade an wceuee for tbelr existence, tod that le a wise womda who wear* Um pearls given tier with bsppiocee sod without question. Kwrytblog lotenaea ior lamroin* wear or to hold feminine belonging* li not only dainty, but rich. Wbao Mademoiselle DeboUnt want to lb* opera for lb* drat time tbla aeaao* aba earrttd o» bar arm a long poaehUb* bag, aoung by w wtd* ml In rlbbaa, tied la a Ug boar. Tbla bag waa mad* of tba mam magnldaant broead* a* that need for bar Optra alnak. It wa* Hoad throaglrout with aatla of a ala ala tint that harmOelatd with lb* brocade, but it waa not atlfftoad, aa tba bropada Itadf eras rlph ea«egb, at It |p Bnrrrrbwlly m|d, to aUad Aon*. The top Of tba bag W»* gabbed with a wlda frin of laoe. WIU> the rlob eUak tba lowly gown, tbla bag waa lb* dainty tooch needed, and oaa did Mt need to poaaraa aeeead tight to raUlw that In It waa A Tiar rAV or obbat mui, Artlatloally, a bee boon lew aat with )ewrta aad barlag apoo tto IM th* minister*of tow*Laaaty aflaagaga a rUalgretta with a atar aapphfr* framed In dtamoad* In lu urn; a Uny law baadberablaf, tad id tba prnuy in#** that womaa aoaat W tannery. Ttga* bag*, wabaw, anggaada men than anything ala* that la warn tba b*ga that war* oarrlad by oargraat irTeet-gninom'Xhara, aad aebody tea doabt that, paabed away la aaay aa atd abate, are qaaiat oM bag* that bald Juat aoab prauy trtfta* aad to* BIG REDUCTION H At The Dry Goods Emporium. J $26,000 Worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Etc. We have just taken an inventory and find we have too much stock for this season of the year. ^TO MAKE TIMES LIVELY, EVERYTHING MUST HOVE RIGHT NOWr*> . bUJ,?C^/°r !896 *“• con,# up U «Pect*tk>ns, and we are well pleased; but we have hoisted another sail rn : . hand* Jeteed •«*» With a LONa PULL, a STRONO PULL and A PULL ALL TOGETHER we will land our boat on the shores of success. - 50 SUITS ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS—Big values at *10.00—go tor $6.50. We (ot them at a forced sale. Boy’s Knee Pants, Too many for this market, Mrs. Hopkin'» Make, doable •ett ana knee, heavy duck waistband. Only 50 cents. All-Wool Cheviot Pants For boya from 4 to 14 years old. We have too many of them. Usual price 50c. We tarn them loose at a5c. Big Line of Overcoats and mackintoshes. Come and look at them. They tell their own story when yon hear the price. 7 Men's All-Wool Undershirts. We have sold them all the season for $1.00. Cut to 69c. Ladles’ All-Wool Undervesta. Good sc lien at f 1.00. Only small quantity left. Rather than carry them over, Huy go oi 38c <u long ox Uuy loti. One Case Oood Ginghams, a by 2, 4 by 4, 8 by 8, checked in blue, brown and green. All we could get at the price—3 cents. They go like hot cakes, too. 7 * *-*-*rT-r-lrj-l) u uj >JU mrrw- ~r - We Invite Every': _ ty to visit the Dry Goods Emporium and see the BIG VALUES we are Giving. '___^ GRAY and LOVE. wbteh bad been slipped nanny a time and oft, aa there will ba to-day, per haps, a billet-doux. That the opera ' ba* waea faviwiia gift at Chrlatmaa Until eaally u nd mood, and that It waa nppreemted doero*t need to ha 1 told. ?nwgu faoK ntJHLt. 9aU o< aoetaty want to Bureia laat ; summer. and aoolety’a Jewel boa ■atoad thereby. Hot only dooa om MO Olaatw, brooch** and buttoaaof Bamaa aoamal, bat there are Bar-1 retool umbrella handle*, rtob with ooaarellBg and heavy with uncut seml preclnai Mona* of tbo kind that the Bunina worker in Jswell koowa so wall how to utilise. A favorite trifle la a boa Intended to hold tiny wax maUha*. and tbia may ba offered, area to the Boot ooaveotloual nf young ▼“•fa, »l°oe It M meant not lo fer al**' lignin f»r cigarette*, but tol<e laid on tbe druaetng one* or tbe writ ing dm*, or to bo awnag from tbo abaulalne, wtieo no ouitag la con Umplated, a tobugganlng party In ▼law. aad a met oh might ha required. Apropoo of ebateUtnoo, thoae useful and certainly artlaUo oramoota are Mill lo vogue, but aa tbo atlrer Ohato laluawaampureadafl by the gu|d one. eo tbo gold on# la now ooqntnd as Uiarre. aad tba amber one, mounted la gold, taka* I La pteoa A CLAW oy a man rrcaxp with ! OOt-B. Awl from U owing* gold oliaiqe that tepaloete one. la a para* of amber, •wiled, oa la tank erucie, In gold, •oMkar, a whittle, then a hath, then a mirror, than a glove buUonrr. tbao a paaall, agd then a pn« box. Noth lag gall* eoartleuo aa lb It bat been mn Cor many a leog day. ualaaa la drad, to ah-mid be tba funolvat of Naan belongings for tba break fiat taUa, aad that la a base? ao*. Ills la the (arm of a huge to* *f raby final and be la atounled In Oliver; be atanda •oh* f««e, wuh Ma wlngaop «*«<■ h4V bolding Um hooey, and Um whole afhoi of iSa Hula Mbe lat la to auggaat U»«t It la aa aweet aa 1 wnniar If yoa ara Ilka ma t mUy °¥* *° l**l*r »*"nt beaail bafongloga f If yoa bav* laaraed «*• Mfclllgg to UM being aWatoadmit* that which you aaanot £***•?.*£ “■ tMy you »in took with dtllgbt, aa I did. aa a writing U*k^i £ * •. N***™ b-aknt with *11 wjlU htodjaa. Haed with rad Iratber. ®,!rd, u\rLB«5 x* "^fUcia oa the In tide of Um lid ara vita tiLvaa-oiLT rawMoc-nm, Paaell oaee, dipping aclmora, knlfb aad paper kalfa. Tba took la tltow gilt and tba little kny ao dalaty that It oowld be twang oa a chatelaine bat ao good 1 and by good I mean ttcora. that ooaa tanmd In lie look aad taken oat without raveratag. a van Um moot ex pert ef eartooa maldtervmnia could at* Carte tba leak to open, even wltH that Moat valuable of paU-« eta am balrplo. Taaoy haw naafnl aaah ■ kaoka* wool* be ta a woman who twato away from home afm. and. wha, daring bar tbaiuaa naaltTg lm partaat totters, wtoak aka did aot wtok r5wn*’ °riu **• *2*u".r P*“*««r»P*wr liM baeo 1 wlrtlog far a long Urae that ah* could co«bioa plroiur* and an loorma* to *T*7bod7 waa *llliqg to |et bar lake a pletqra, bqt oob.Klr ■eeoted aagloug to pay for aqeb photo, graph*. Oa» girl baa been aJarer •ooogb to make her (ad pay. Sbada. Toted all bar tlma to I PiiOTOomaratHe iimaou. ,yr mauda are Informed j that Mm will mb* and ahotograoh a d l Blag-room j«* u it loutawMoU la praparadfora dainty luncheon or an nlanorata dinner; that aba will photo* graph a boudoir, a, or a I unraery. end do it at a reaaooable 1 pries. What woman la there, away1 from her in*>tb**r. who doaaa’t long to •#**d horn* a pietnrenf ‘how oar dinner table looked the night wa rntrrtatuod Mm Harquta of Oarnhaa V Or what loving a.ither doaaa’t waat to hara a ptoanm to go to a doting grandmother, ft attnatocata aunt, that ahowa JjM tow the nnrnary la whea noraa ta gomg to gi ve Jack hla hath |’» ^jtd Bndfl'iwVnT that! aTwaya p?tbr “ Properly m — M la Haw York an not wlaa enough to appreciate bar, t nan oaly ■j*5» bar, though 1 do not know Mr ■tall, Um advtae that tM DooMuu l*t* to Alloa In WoudarUn*!: “If you don’t aaoeued In bt, Fatereburg go U Tlmbnctoo,” . 2“? I't" botlon of a bo«iM to loot, hooting it tonmi not .mly . ■attorof Inportauaa, bat lading it woamiaa owrtala rowan). Baaatt fat poreatolo battoaa. with mloioturaa opuo tbam, *-* — ' — ton onea cranio* gow»a. 87 a button. Io«i«Ueih tha Wattaaa toady laoumtlimn It la th* toad of Mart* A •> to I not to or Mm. Rca««la*5 a«vl aotoolltnoa Buphmd’a aharuha look out at 10a from ■ button as If to aay. ‘»Il> all ran tty.'* Bat Xbm aia potty, tbaaa 4*1Ely battoaa, and ao ai# thoaa otiiara of fr-lft wan, framed In aiiyar b«t tbaaa ara mount fora Iran atoborato bodtoa than that ona on which ealatotam battoaa appaar For a ninth fawn, or a far coat there ara tortotoa aball battoaa, fra nod hi a aarrow rim of guld. Tha button bag of Um fatam will bold UMtohrS Krsra.r’swrtssi; thaoo arttotto bauowa a* yoadot Or arlHaha a*U them qaaor aad oat-nf data,and Uo«h at tha Mm of todtoa *•“!"* thaw 7 Who oaa aay what Ua faSm will bald for anything? Aad yat Ma fatara oaly n-wto*th* {■*• Bah I 1 haaaa to tottatowt trldra. aad laa drifting Into raorall* lagtlhot'a tha wag with aaaryihlag— wvbaglt. whhaaang and aad witha »btoh do roa Ilka toot-tha ••aw or tha aaraaaa f f Utah M da pdoaolMW wall you ana itof, nr badly you preach. Well, tlirra la ooa aooaulnUoa, » briber wa hare to lla tantoaoasa or to aarmoat. wa eaa alwara aakr tba boat of ryarythmf *wi or a poor bamia TWtRb I, waara roe I abuindul u>aok anybody for wrlllav “Tbla la a poor banpun” optical to tba naaa of Bab. an amiMB ■rua. —«!■■»# Me. MMNkr ttom tJ. 9. Kew**OMrv«r.ttk. Ml. lUVnCM’l IMK1. “Mr. Pnaldaat: I shall truly detain the Senate for a WMMt. “1 ban 1 la toned wit* ml pleasure to the remark* uf Senator*, wto, with comrunodabte teal, bay* told a* of tba v Irtora aad patrlotlcm of ihdr favorite* nndarfbd the claim* of taetr champ Ion*. “Mr. PrnMent, aa a member el the minority is tbit Senate: 1 arc* to ineak for tba lafniu, wbo bn baeo Wait'd in oomluatlou by tbla aide of tba Chamber. “We are few la comber beta, bat wa rapremn* one baadrod aad forty •eyaa ttoamtadof the boot people of tho State. Too oaad Mato we offer the Senate lea rapnmntatlva of that for ty, *od to tta record ( point with pride. Tba admtnlotreUoa of the affair* of tbla 8ute la wttboat a parallel. Amid Um abiftloff eeeoM of petition! history for twenty fire year*. Urn Democratic odmlelatraUoa eoder Vaoo* nod Jarvia dooloa and F-rwto end H"lt end 0*rr •tanda pi a oumiampoffeoa trur Stale's btatory aad supporting and sustaining tbla lm>g aarice at oprigbt sdmlnlatm ttona Oae. DoofbUru haa boon aa ar dfai fllfiioni “HI* llfo has baaa pore aad nprlgbt. bla ponmnal ebanater la wltbaut Wcmtsh, bat not alone oa aoaouatof tbcaa oherming qeoliUac do wa offer U* name. Wa oommend Mm to tba Sonata un account of Urn principle* ho ^YJVba roarnt campaign A baa beta a straggle between ttostroog oomblee ttena of wealth aad tbqp* >bo kopw wb*» II U to baopprao**d byaraeA A SiM batwsea tba panpia Mi the oaa bead aad monopadw aad towto oa tb* cdbar, Mr. Du ugh toe eta«d for tba people, npd now wa ofer him a* the roproaontaUe* of tba Democratic party —the party of the peapli -aa the plat form which dealer to In f«rmr of tba froa ootooff* of silyar, tba laoomoUs: and oppueltloa to eombtsetlooc of wealth aod truoU which on panUytfoff baamam and destroying the enmmoa rate *d Urn eeouwy. Saab a aiaw It A, Duaghtos. aad It I* bla aomlea urn. A*T»orr « mmamk>. Mr. Amikmj, rftWnkwl, mto “Mr. Ft**4m\: t WrUly tta M n-LMwi^ar. \i£«»«o»S5rta tM* *Mlrr, m4 kav«Uia*vpnrtM«Kr i^raaatKswst a man who la a true friend to tfce plain, oomann p»qdn of oar e-oury aad m atmcx adv oMta of those prlnaU'ia* wblah will farther Mxdr rvarr letvrawt This MBHutai will am^t with thr approval .4 Dm paopla whom 1 rrpra arnt. Every BausUrieowa that U««t> Gov. D oi*hu*o*» name la but a eyanoyaao of baoaety. of falriuma and apriphtnoar, and a ayodoym, ton, aa au anranat opponent to mnnopoUaa. oom Move aad treats, a believer la aa la ooaae tax and a true ailvcr awn of tlx* Wa. JT. Bryao strpn. Than, Mr. Praaldeat, [ taka ftvet pbnaara la aesondlng the ooaaloatlou of vx-Llent Gov. Donah ton. •ar mu; Mr. , FMaddpkU Rmor*.««. Tba re atooUow of Dkout PHiaWI In If Orth Corolla* by om* Majority pm aorrea tin* rqaol dlatrMmtbni <*f b««n •flnolnd bat wren Up* Popalicta and the Brpabllaaoa InthathuU- Wtthooa Sangtor aborning tor Frea Surer and Bapodlatloo. aod (ha othar tor Higher Tnwaaad Pjotaatloc, thaaaeptaoC lb* Old N *rth Htata hare bo BoaaoUl or ladBawtal lacaraaU wblob lhay hare retdoon thati bretto diatarhordo atroy. i pretty pair of wortblaa tbay hareaantu taka the ptaoaa of Yaaea «MH«rea| Wilmington Talk Abant tb« Cana. Wlaiayna Nanoyar, Mb. Thorn la a wry grtareoa report In oireaUtloa rery dautagaata] in tb* lain goremnr ft omitaraa UP* bad Uwat maot Qoreranr Baawll reoalred aad tba onodttaao la wblob tba oxaoattm manainc area tort, par nonrtaayk and daaanoyto aaka it la to ha hopad that tbaralaa daeldad mat aha la tba ra aaor opoa lha alraaU. T) axsanxtaot tba daw'watte party la aaaaaread. Tba Bkgiaaary aa Bnwi. To* n** Wn nynlm of • now tank in Uoneart km ml. It ta aallad tha Ckharma Bartafi Bask. Mr. D. r. Oaaaaa la p nail int ant Mr. Jaa. O. Olhaon aaaMar. JMllor “Marrlarm of Worth^ftM lit, ••Unn,’* orhaa: ny..a totvr a raloaMa » aaortmi.m la BMatrte Ba ton, aatf raan ahcarfatto r nmnnt It for UMMUpathm «rxi s««h HnaAaaha. sr-BTissrsisrArtr ta«a Uroaa Afr.. Ohlaaan. vaaaBnm tana. aaaM not rat nariHmt ft»4, , a»4 a bnahatha whlahnrorr toft hrraat Mi tint ant vaai). bat an bouton of Blaotila BlUan rank art Mr hanltk ani ARP SKIFFS WAR UK. BAXTOVY BABB BVOKUi DOWS TO XAUBBT BXnflBraOBBB. ■ ... ... Tb«» UUw8.ii of Juuty-* to ■■■iwaMeht Uw anaefa at Aawrieeu si'x.^mv'SKjaSi!: Jaehaoa*» gnot battle, wbtra Mb ttuoiw la Um Uun to hoar UM and awjiutod MOO of the fewer at the Bn tab ana* and loat only right killed <uid 18 woeeded Sana fa the blab>ry at Um world baeabeUU Iwaa (urwbt fa whioh Dim waa au great d twenty .•rfaee. FWwiUua. who wwltwlh tfoope, WW the brack et-) n-Uw at Wefltogtoa aad had oaly a •hart Uom b-foce oMetoad a gnat riotury over Maetonra at ftaf—iar». Jaafcaoa bad oojy MW aatwfaad rtje Wo Iwwy raafat Wrt wot to gfabt. ThU UMtU wfafaUhad tha prowawef Jachaoa pwUdaat. Ha waa aertaloly • tore wcedertol mam. Ha tod out * Httta aatoallag fa aa old gfadaatoct life to’oZ »*--"i^-ayaS? wwlv. Whan only Ig ywwa old oa iHlfaheHaar eat tila with a award laWMwe to iWtoad to hfaafe Ma toeto. Hm father dUd early: hfa baottora ww kllird to the ravuiotlonary war aed Me wether died frow kaidakla ■edeeHmeg earache grew tarn with aa fataoai hatred <4 the Britton. The feaail/ wan feetoh-lrlah, aed ny frlaod, O*orge Adrir, would wy W«t eCeeneta fur ■—-■*--*••» lnrta. waaa tump la aril-doer*. Ha gave ttooawawto itaaenaaf Ifaiww, •ad waged a war of y*wra agwlaat the Ihdiaaa. wtow tototogad, WW wdf satsssftSfjBw:*)cas MklhMlinihU Manssrarwrs warpal^M Mja ao^r^irt U>or ffSiu> JTK3? «»*" nuTmu* mi mitta. imiwM tan iked • •tamed Im Ha tattamd aa pre MdeaU aad nada no alliaaaea wHt poaueai tdaiaaa. Ha t« aiwapae*) ittjnrt. ddMrtiad tad drda«t. Jaka famtaa waabM MMa| >* mmla «ad Barria* Ma attarmy anminta, Wat f»>« ttnam He talMI AdaiU aad 1 saLsi-iirsiassf trzs *m» ta. rwaart ha aTvaatwa. Ha lari-ad ItaibaM oat -»*-*—rfm taoura. Mr>. Oalfcaaa ~nttda~l aiaj •Ml. >rtt Ml* |a.m. t* wtfcaTSa sratiaS^susa; ■"•mCpwite mffiM |gpg|j is a vigorous feeder aad ra> ■POOds well to liberal fertilixa poo. On corn feeds the yield Mcreaaea and the soil faaaeovoa tf property treated with fer tilizers containing not ante IX actual Potash. Atrial of this plan coats but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. I | ! ! i ' *

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