■ THE GIRL'S SATURDAY. BAB TELLS HOW SWELL TOUTS LADIES SPETD THE DAT. OarafaNy «aaaH mm* Mlaalar tkaatTMy Uaakaaa f>» Blalw •r Caiawaalw "Ok, Martaj, Wa «ilrla Alway* Oa Oat ewahif'-H Um Mall rare Mr Mawty BJtk. Ika iiwiai I wear. ft. LooM lUtmbUw. Id tha Now York oouot Urate oomaa blue Monday, black Friday and rail oua other dlaograeable day*, but Sat urday M lb* apaoial day of all the weak dedicated to tba girl. No baetcaa la ao •tupld u to flea a lea on Saturday; aha know*, that low glrla would be ptweeol ana tboea wbo appealed would be there not by court ray, but by ooeo pulaloD. Tba New York girl alwaya baa bar Saturday* arranged for oo lexer than the Toaeday before. Thla la tba day of *11 other* that abe dedi oatea to brr kind, and abe certainly dor# proea the fallacy of the etato ■aent that glrla can’t enjoy ibemaelrei nplntt dbu are aloag. what doe* aba do ? Well, beret a deaerlptloo of bow one apodal New York girl, and there are bundiede like bar, epent her Saturday. how iai dh—»■*. a ft-wf ber more lug bath, her coffee and ber roll, ebe gowned he reelf In a well-made, tmxrt-liuklng cloth frock that Deeded oo wrap over It, not t». canee the waa eonrtlng pneumonia, but becaoee under ibe glove-Ottlng bodice, waa worn a mueli closer Oiling oh amok Jacket. About ber neck weet bar table oo liar, elaborate with many mbit taili, while oo ber heed waa a email doth bquu. with a table lived id tout and two cable la)la ataadiug up in pomp-in fashion «galu«t a fan of white lace. Her mult la trimmed with table talk and it big enough to bold ber pretty card-eate, a tiny pair of opera gUaaea. and a daluty handker chief At her walet la a quaint look ing chatelaine Watch, for the timet hermit today, aud beelde it bated a pane of netted gold intended to hold tmell coin. Uiwuelly, eba .assets tba other girl* at tha boors that la moat ooo van lent t» all, bat today they are to be found sill o'clock abarv at Ibe glove store. Hark that. Med at the glove counter of one of the big shop*, bat. at a tmall store kept by a little Fn-nebmeD, where a specialty la made of glow*, Telia and bandkerctilefa Hare tha Maw York girl knowa aha oan get gl-vee suited to bar hand; here glove* are »ild »c curd lug to tbslr fit and out according to uombera, and the clever French girl behind tba eoDoter tbloka nothing of trying oa JO or J3 pair* until Madmpowelja la nerfeotiy gloved. *Ybe three girl* who Join thk Hew York gin areewoh aa waUgowoedaa Their aklrta bang eo perfeotly that oo* know* they ware out ool bjui •rtiat lo aklrta; tbelr bodioe* are exact la tbelr At, and erarr part of tba ooa tnmeof each boo beeo onaalderwd, ao that, while ft la rteb and amert-looh lpg. It m perfectly adapted to aap Hour of the day op to » o’clock and to walk* log The gfoeaa are bought, a trlalt la paid to a photograph shop, and an e®-. gogagmntla maddfor lha coming weak. A atop 1* made at a bookatora and aome hooka are aant boon bp on* of the girl., who any*i*b« alwaf* imda when her hair la balng bniabad. A bait la lo order at a ohamlm’a, aod an other girl order* aome floe ooap aod *Mie perfume that i* aa axquialte a* It la faint. By thl* time, will cmII bar Angela, annoonoae Inal lt»a 13;SO and time tor Inoobeon. Angela will be • jop tob.rbpab^ foe ebe appreciate*. of an old gourmet, a good dleh. Bo .k. -,, ■•Gtrta, wa are not lunching folTahow; an* are not lunching almrfy to beaeen, but ww era going wbme there la a restful room, beaullfallp for nuhad a table, eet eo It pfcmoeoonr Jj^aod where wa can get the beet ZS.». in *.« Tor..’' £* Anuria lead* the wap Into the Hoiiaoa ncm Although tble outlog h J258H““s!l*%!££ SisssBSwysa laaauesem. Tbladaaa away witheuy d oSZSiif aJd^uSuiha-d waltyltotm.ju5.tc her order with impact, Agg* apeak* SSiHSi SETJfi&stfl leet aoroe largo ■»»«». "g? and aerre the** whole With a P*«n buttarVaooc; after that fuurpWr, roaated a Ht»le uirderdooe, ao«l fetch with tire aa aeatc thin BUeaeof bacuo mth. axokad In fact, done anft; no, no is:: aSuiW^-a* isr££: tjsi Tta£»«h2fr4 and laughadaetn t£epi*t4rl« the «mpc of tb* ~ S5 ZjT bJSThp cppytfST wd * nn-*ur.ion. Brarythwg waa good and gXp* ZTwiiy £*33* •Mint plfOtT <4 WW#i 1®^ UWJ Z5Tf«Swd r« it “•Jprw^ I00 well herd to drink eham h«« ef tl>e 5fSZ? tZk alarrt m««J 10 cote *• water, aod the otbw two dwok • gg light win*. Ae tk«r llnfoof their aeffiw, end detlgbted Ta tne gr^ fume which to it at the HoUa®4^Hnoaa. •aid: ‘•Lore may be lb# bmt *M*«£ earth, hot who aaa l«*® wau wno eom not eet wall f And how ea® petijag N« a woman who ohooeae ***** mmi#4 t*g oNia m4 tm tm wm w®« Krerpbody laogbod; tha glHaj^eef that Aagma waa a eatarcr.uia Mil waa paid, the waiter tipped, and •ZZZAarfflfCwwd them atertad tor Urn theater. Bid REDUCTION At The Dry Goods Emporium. $25,000 Worth of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ete. We have Just taken an Inventory and find we have too much stock for this season of the year. <^TO MAKE TIMES LIVELY, EVERYTHING MUST HOVE RIGHT NOWr"» . 10.'^bu,l"“*'or ,S96 h,‘ ““ »P *« “pectatjon., and we are well phased; but we have hoisted another "'ll ^‘ hend. have soiled the oars, and with a LONG PULL, a STRONO PULL and A PULL ALL TOGETHER we will land our boat on the shores of success. ^ r^ ALL WINTER CLOTHING CUT 25 PER CENT — SO SUITS ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS—Big values at $10.00-go for $6^0. We got them at a forced sale. Boy’s Knee Pants, Too many for this market. Mm. Hopkia’s Make, doable •e«t ind knee, heavy dock waistband. Only 50 cents. All-Wool Cheviot Pants For boy* from 4 to 14 years old. We have too many of them. Usual price 50c. We tarn them loose at ajc. Big Line of Overcoats and /lacklntoahes. Come and look at them. They tell their own story when you hear the price. Wen’s All-Wool Undershirts. We have sold them all the season for fi.oo. Cut to 69c. Ladles’ All-Wool Undervests, Good sellers at >1.00. Only small quantity left. Rather than carry them over, they go at 58c at long at they last. One Case Good Ginghams, a by a, 4 by 4, 8 by 8, checked in blue, brown and green All we could get at the price—3 cents. They go like hot cakes, too. G R A Y AND L O V E. Big Lot of Standard Calicoes. Figured, red end dark colon. Only jc. They won’t Ustloug. 500 Yards Heavy Brown Drilling to go during this aele for 5c. Worth Sc xarylv... $150.00 of Stamped Linen. Something beautiful in tray coven, centre pieces, b—rten •cerft, laundry bogs, slipper pockets. etc., at coot until they ere ell gone. Ladies, you can’t afford to lain tha opportunity. Big Lot of R. & Q. Corsets, 50c to $1.25. 78 Pairs Ladles’ Dongola Buttoned Boot*, Patent tip. We bought them tinder the hammer. They are the fi.ej grade. To clean them out quick, 6S cents and they go. Do You Wear Shoes? After going through our Shoe Deportment, we hove token out all email lots, odds tod ends, end put them ca the bargain counter. Big values for somebody. We Invite Every*: *y to visit the Dry Goods Emporium and see the BIG VALfcJES we are Giving •__CHAT and LOVE. TH»I UTiDI TO! THUTB. It I* a pretty Utile theater, aod car wall-head gins emUe at the women wbo here worn bty beta, end who bare to take them of end abow, too altaa, a seamed head of hair or alas retain them and make themselves ob ject* of darUloa and hatred. Tbs quartet wee wearing, two of them, man toques, and the other two those little bonnets that delight the son] of that moat beautiful woman, the Prin ce* of Wales. So they kept them on and were oomfortabte. The play made them laugh, a* only young, happy glrle oan laugh, and In between this acta Bret owe and then another of their aoqaalnlanoee came to talk with them. Mr. Newly Rich, who, although be baa no ancestry, has been well educa ted and Is received to-day among the beet people, chatted with Augola. The other glrle know very well that he baa deolded wee knees for brr, and they are bvgtaalng to wonder wbat she will expect her Url deem eld i to wear. Ha aaks ban “How did you happen to come here this afternoon Tn And she answer*: “Oh, Saturday we glrle al ways go net together. To-day 1 am ■Mtreee of ceremonies, and I elected that we should oowta and see May Irwin and I will tall you why. She's so perfeeUy whoUaxna and Jolly .the play in whips aba appear* besot a word In It that ooqld ha objected to, end her •saga—wall, bar darky auog* are alto ply del lot ooa, Ton nay (Tommy, by the by. being a olekaame given t» the younweet of the girls, wbo wea chris tened UornelU) aaya Mm’s going to leant t» slog them to the banjo-, bat wbo will aver sing them Ilka May Irwin r «**- WnWLT MOB’S COWKMTS Mr Newly Blob looked at A neats wllbinm eased admiration bacauM <he vntoad bia opinion, and bn told beri "Yooaaa, Mlm Angela, May Irwin tn really a eomedlaune In the best mum of tha word, 1 remem tort. whan you were a I It tit girt at Mhool (and bate ba looked very Important), sating bar and her stater do a little set at Tony four year* she waa with him, al though aha didn’t play vary mnolr bat ■ba Maned an awful la* from him; and a man that I know wbo knows bar aayo that she's determined to gat bat ter and batter arary year. Then, too, 1 llkd bar plays.’’ Hero Mr. kawly Bleb, wbo I ted evidently forgotta •ooMdblng. looked at bia programme. Than ba oonUnoed: “Xow, taka tbooa Hoyt ptaye; ok, yea. they are fanny In a way, bat tbay are ao fall of horn play, and thaw an saah a lot ol chaat nnta la them; white (bit man-what's hi* name?—«ad bare be looked at bia programme agate—MaXelly assma to kaow jaat bow to make a thing pleas ant aad fuaay without Its hateg rpagb tad bow td tetpb (a all tha player ooage that wo Hka> ini wbaabo Mld*‘wa,” Aagate Washed; and after that be rwefaed bneh to bis aset-tba curtain was pot eg up. Wbaa H dropped ba aamp araoad agata to dllato oa tha pronto— af the aoag that May frwtp aaag. aad Tommy staled to tell bite, aorem tha other I two clrla, that aba koaw m old darky down Sooth wbo waa jnat like "Crap py Dan.” Stualy Hay Irwin oughtio V lrottD* ®r,wlf Blab aatd: Yoa alwaya aoe a neb a tot of nloe glrla at bar matlusaa.” tukb ourmtuAaLY esooht. At tba third wait Naarty Elob didn’t •Pfaari bnt when tba matlnea was oy«r bs waa beaida Tommy, btlplnc bar with her far collar and begging to bo aUowsd to Join to qaartat- After moob talking they per mtthlm tobe ooma one of them. Informing him. bowayac, that It Is agslust tba rutei and tbat It oan oarer bappon again a long aidswrest, oear,to fifth arsons to gat tba ooatot tea which custom baa mod# tdeaaant to therp at tbit boos. With it (bay }** ‘J*.1 Jr* 2"** “tloga '“‘t* Hoa—hot gtagetbraad; aad Umy shot tor and laugh and young Newly Bleb ftala pro ad of bis coot pan lone, aad ha is mora amaaad than arar wbeo they Instat upon paying for bla taa aad gingerbread, aamrtlqg tbat it would bo against tbe rules tor him to par a panoy for auy thing. Than they all walk homo But somehow, although aba doesn't lire tbe farthest uptown. Angela U the Uat to gpl bom* and Nawly ttcb, aa ba boars bla good after aaoo to bar at Urn door, am I lea, for be Utlaks that there wUI ba a day-and be hopes sms- wbeo be sbeVt hereto ■ay good-by to bar, ova* daring dinner lima. Each One of tbe quartet Soda a waiting bar a box of beautiful sweets, and as aba reeds the sard with It, aeeb m.^ayatbemmetbloi1 "Thal-s where be went daring U>e last wait I Aad, oh. bow krreiy title box will be for my nicest glurra." Bat Angela's bug la a little different from the otbart-tbelraara pink soil a wit* rooaa paiatad upm them. Bara la ef pale woe, aod ua M are thoos aug gaoUre dowm-the forget aae-oota, and uad to U la atiny baoeh of tbe 1 pretty bias Unmama, latter iB tbe erenlng, when Aagela la dreaalag far tba Clnjen^a datMaTiTlUMiagb time fa f®,a®y d >w*re aa bar bndloa, abe al’pe tba lltue posy la bar Wt, aad .somehow, small aa it waa, t tba girl's Salurday. im’t it wood to n a oibl, And )roan* nod yrrttt, ud oapoW* ct *njoytag ons'a sail f Isn't it good to tw • ohm gtrl-IUsd by 000’S frisods, sod olodMsg to soon I Thorol ■ groat dssl of ptoosoro In tho world for o ntoo girl. Bnt iln’i got to bs thoroughly oloo Aod 0 really oloo gill Is osssMsti; shs trim to mote otbsr psogto hors o good Urns. Aod 0 raally nlos girl to otaao-orlMsi; sho 52* j® odooghtorof hors wo AM o nohT wtoo girt to oohotdaratst *Sgt<r«s syorr othor gM bor whs*ft to hows * food Usm. Bot IDaro yoo kMtawhodo rtoXy otss girl to os woO so I do; shoto tbs girl yoo no to Mwry-rss. goo 4o-oM shoto Umgfel sr»fv^rm mszr LIFE IS WORTH UYIlfi. ARP HORRIFIED AT THE APPAR ENT n creaks n buiotdei Ivaa ruminating about tbrae aei ■Um that mm la ba oa tba laersuee an orar tba land, and ata not oonOond to any olaaa or condition. Sevarnl bare oecurad daring tba Uwt few days In Georgia god tba adjoining aUtaa. Two wmu jouog nan. two peat middle age and on# wa« a girl in ber teens. «om bad good oaoM far tba raM daad, and H Mama llkathU geoaraUoo baa boots nerre nod laai fear of tba hare aftar than tbair fathers. I eaaaot Imagine any ooodlUoa or peril that ra galraa an meoti aoaraga and will aawsr ■* tha deliberate taking of oooVllfa. I would rather taka ay ehaooaa In bat tle or shipwreck or pastlianoe. Tn ba waary of llfa la. oonimon misfortune, and thousands there an who oao ok °wa» with David: -Ob, that I bad tba SKfttafrusenss «m fejMytJuSJb I a paradise to whet we fear af death.” It ana* be a rearful leap to ooiaatt i esloide—“to die and go wa know act where,’’ and ret It kaa b-oa-e almost “ summon ao murder- aurdar that baa Iba exeat* of gratifying tome oae ■ton aa bato, revenge, ovarian, daalra or ambition. The auloMe lem no blnog bo und him aave kit own- noth ing bat ptty and domestic grtaf. Tbarw la no abniiff to pttraas, uo court In try, and In this country no attainder or eonlawaton »r burial without benefit of okwgy. troabl* la driak, aad thU bring* a 4 apron ion that ante la artf-nt order. Bat It don aot wka a gnat mlafor tuoa to mum auioido bow. Out/ last weak a dwrr young aaa killed hla ■rlf oo hearing that hla atlw waa daad, and a r»oag girt hangart bonaif became aba did not Ilka bar afwpmnth rr. How man/ trawling mm have boon found daod lx the Atlanta bowl daring Ike pnot (aw yoara with an eg' traordloary cauao for aoH drairatUo* —Jaat tlrad of Ufa—onaldn’i aqaur* Ikatr aoooauta with thatr aattaw. or torn* auoh raaaon. Job miOkivd gnat trlUuatioaa. t»gt dfdqt data to doawar himaelf. la tba gmataat ao gahfchaaoU: “My auofit w*erj .4 my Ufa; nb, that It wunld ptromChd V> daatroy me, that Ha w*>qM luow Hla hand* *ud aot to* oC " What W the canae of thia growing ■total malady la thia happy land ? Art tboaa auioida* all akaptio*. or btt dhk, or aalvwrmllata, that Uwy aboum haw aofaar nf daatb, ao draad of •onwthiug aftar <Wtb f Maybe than ta a baamBar and a ]od««Mt tq onae. ttJilg I wwrd-tor ha* a better ebaaee thaa a wield*, ter be aw time to irpwt and ho forciwa, w David waa. Than, a*.la. it la auoh a amduh not, fur It twinge grief to km IrH *.«) katwa athadaw aver Iba huMefaitd that qtwr prow away. A f«w r~nr« ago 1 met 4 young man whoa I bad not area alnoa bo waa a had. lie ww doing wrtl la a -llvtaat state. eber* Ma aKAharaad aba* a iwd. hat I Mill ate the lino* nf a iwm rurgMm narrow it bin (««. flu Utie-r bang bihwlf lo a ham, aad tho heart- .r Am fnarMr m v*d far away. A tew atnntha e-.a f amt a>i old frhmd *no kwl alwuya granted wa ehawrfoUy nt 1 hardly kanw him Ha waa p.-m, tundy gray,nod trmlino*nf am..** were |n rvary Imeameat nf i»a tin-1 loetaal feature*. lb had taw d w awn 14. HI* uwly am, on wli >ia Ma Udr# aid hi* 1wge* waa emt*r-i1. im-i kBurt himvlf — net p*aa»l tie* fa< *1 pistol to hla *«fue« aad Bred ft. W i >1 ■aakeveor yoaog m* i daa> t If u oo^aafirqw iwfa waa, la It qat abwtpor •rid anter fo qrpoat aod raform ) JXfil iKt MvJ mareiilng .tn and the raaaoaaa go** with It Bat ov«w hu body la atari'd. and h» baa oo right to raotOaU or da aUoy It ••4 pvwvr Rvuvfvn w dnl «ba ten Iten. tkM I. M Mter U bnr teajfca attanikMit pte*f» te»§■* «*4m* Hmti*. (tat *»—4 «n «•«. Urn imww »«rsrj£arvT 'mat ton**at* >t>4«n traa»a« yo« Ota a»M*«a an «Mac-««* ter tom If »m cm* do tetter. tM* captaycnt «M_j too cao* nt work, aotokba wooda Md teteffeMida atag, aod Me tte Dad wattr flowingInttetaUekroa ek 'd- Lite ia wecth Hrtag and tb» fkltJh tul wag of your d-«* tod to wurlb lln >g fur—wiuto aura to tte ter- of Mattel and frtmdc. 1 tetter* that Jdlanraa out oaly thadarU* work ■bop .md tte okiaf otw of irtn. hot It ptodaero Uuu BOTUId watewtety teat* of mlod Uiat bagtaa wtAdiM Md *wd» to aolotdo. Who aror board »■ an angina—, or Oouduet-r. ur a gardaoKi, or a hard-worklog termor ou «ailti tor ruiold- 1 Ttwy term* g't liter ui Mink about it. If diiiw'ii Uo tnnibm or dlamcd baantayoo. w-ak it-0 twite wanted X latiiNm. tte te at agrramUo* wontaa te< wiaKf a -d, and te laya na did M for wtf-dlaafnUoa a-d batailUil-n Soa— w-oom marry •avr tr-Htng OW. tall act f-w tte Ilka rw««m, hot * hm rater rnctt aat att« Tte,* prefer to -raffnr and to lira f-wili-n .-hitira-«. Dm'i uurwyutir wra<>i t't kmp It wang Xun ora lboor i»ds wo > arponf Ttoa-Uniy wurw "■ Him in* air daf-raudteeUwng, lor l-«i*i will Ou*aa after awtiUa and ra lirr- y.Mi I tea . eml-aUng On tte -Idter i-a-a i*>i wawa now *od tkm— i**w*ou tte urn "itemaad tte Drw. Tiara a i •ulonlaa than. A i-raor Wa atai'i-aw teiwdf l-iina wall, audit •raat -d a groat o-oaail at W- Drard Ilf Ml-,) oaaw |a Para, aod Wr aan •*-«' I II w-kad |Mtr. bui | mu* rw aalt i-.v in Owrrglt X-IW tun duly v*r» baa- 10 teap a Mate -uao IW Ih- n On oliMp-'i "I* utel atai ••* -In* At w- -a* T-wy d m‘> lur t W'lkor matter nr to r-ad wal ii •*-Vnu ah arch. T-yw^nttu fy •'n «r i • iff (a|.p| . pm ■of* i« f nano, flngpuoa w* ink >-w anaon ia in >ip-l land tenia an lrraa lUote ti-odraoda and aw u <**aai*te*u Jhla teif dtetcoaMna that la an fenrfeflj lautraalng la .gr meteor* Uod. £■■“»*• InMIUMt tav-rtM«« IT*** *»» •*"*»** _>f ttt ttaS i« u &•* T*" Ota*** «Mi iiW^ tlwl At tat tK m* at rtatilln «Mra Um attar. If *t •'* *** Art* tNt ta Uf4htMt*M| Trtrtlf M a n„va4, qmMh£ — gg i ! fk I f >;li | m »■ s • i v it . . • * * *. * ■i \ - i u . ■ f i > F* 1

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