Vol. XVIII. ■rtSfffr.,} Gastonia, N. C*. February 11,1897. ; ARP ON THR JUDGES. GLAD THEY WBBE ACQUITTED OF TEE GHA1QE8 A3AEVBT THEM. M Trial Will |»* Oce4 II WU1 Malta Ik* Jatmm Mar* (Mag—part la tba rtlari tawya— af Barty May*. MU Arp la AUaala UonaUlatlan. ▲ taw broken remark* by deoator Carter bare ooat the stataabunt $6,000. Tba aaoaior never would bar* mad* them if be bad been a democrat. HU mottra was not so patriotic a* It waa partisan, but maybe the Investigation of tlia obargvs against tbs two Judges will do good lu tbe loaf rno. Ttisj hare been soqultted, at they aboald hare been, but Mill they wlQ no duobt be more prudent and olrv o mepect in tb* future. Their wan auSdrnt evi deooa lo bnmiliatn any wwsttire man. and oo doubt tbsau mm feel It ee. and will liardly claim It as a very triumph ant acquittal. Tbe lodges of our courts here been generally a very high order of man, but after all they are Juat bumsn, and are subject to Ilk* paasKma with lb* rest of us; but. becauee they are In high posi tion and Intrusted with unusual power, the people watch them with e critical and eomallMse with ao envious age. The public requires and axprota more of a Judge (ban from a private eltlssn -more learning, more dimity, more pi tear*, more decision of character and, besides these qualifications, be most be exemplary In bto habits and conversation. The oominanity mast look op to him as n mao of purity and Integrity—the nvmy of crime and the protector of lb* poor end helpless. In recalling tbe many circuit Judge* whom 1 have known in OeoigU during lb* last ball eeniurv, 1 do not remem ber one who failed to fid his poaitioa to Ue satisfaction of a Urge majority of Ms oonststnants. Certainly non* were charged with Ineoapatsoee or oorrapttoo. Party spirit ran high be tween the whig* sod democrat* before tbe war. and eometlmsa one party was In power and sometimes the other, but eo charges were ever broagbt against any Judge. Uli politic* left bim as soon as he got on tbe bsoofa, and be oom mended tbe respect of tba bar and the peopU. Bat wa bed batter materiel to make Judges oat of tbae* old ■ste-bollam time* then we bare now. Then is do doubt about to la, aod cotwdy dm take toy offense at the ataerUoo. Wo bad a higher suadaid of echoUnblp aod literary eUalnmeola. Knowledge waa Dot so diffused to tba many, but was of a higher grade to the faw. Wa have Dover bad a supreme ouiut that equaled Ute Best one—Lumpkin, Warner and NasbIU. Tbev wan alaadcal acbolan. aod ooald toad LaUo aod Greek as well aa Kogltab. do ooald all the old-tltae Jurleta — tttory, Marsh all, Plckoay, Taoey, Wirt, Kant and many others. It required aomothlng morn than poll ties to make a man j udge Id the olden Ume. Jo tba old A then* otrouit we bad Booh great mew aa old Tom Harris, Chart** Dougherty, Aogostloe Ctaytoo and Jualoa 121 lifer a poo the beoah. They were all classic scholar*, aod knew tba dlffereoe* between ••ootoo* volecs" aod '‘boloaoozloa*"—geolaoe Latin and dog Latin. They under stood law as a ertaooa aod had mastered ttafuudamentafprinciples. Nowaday* aaany ofourjudgre who have boon made out of scheming poiltlolaaa are nothing bat ease lawyers. They bare to bo reeducated for every trial Books open books have to be mad to them trn« berth aides, aod at last they go It blind or split tho difference aod am reversed by the supreme court. Judge Underwood, of tba Rome cir cuit, wa* a great lawyer—a lawyer by intuition aa well as education, and nothing Irritated him more than the long ooatlnuod reading of oases and aathomiea. Hu knew the law and ooald have made It, and did not have to be educated. I rem«mber when a ease lawyer bad a trunk full of books brought Into court and began to make an ostentatious army of them on the long table before him. I looked np at the judge end perceived hit disgust. When the oaee wa* opeoad fur argu ment be leaned forward and add: *• Brother Jose*, you oao aaleot from year library a few oases that yoo think am pertinent and road tbagyllabaaof tbs decUloQ, but nothing more. The conn under*lends the law of litis ease sad nothing that you can Bad lo those hooka will change It. The time of the eoovt Is too valuable to bo wasted In promlscaons reeding ” U DVT« BO/WIIHl WIOTU MW book* to Judge Underwood. He Mid It aflaetad hit actono. “How. major," aald he, “ these modern dootoie will toll you that Um spleen haa nothing to do with a mea'a serenity, la fact haa nothing to do with anything, nod had Juat aa watt been toft oat of Um human anatomy, bat tbs anetents knew better. Tba aptaan to tbo seat of aaetoaobolr aad peovtaboeoa, and la oonoaoled with tba brain, Joat aa tba boart t*. If tbo eptoan la oat of order the mao la epleo aUa. Ha la fretfal and moroaa." “What la tba aptoan V" said It “and wbart to It I" “Tha *toao.” Mid be, “to a aoft, spongy organ looatad In tba toft bypo eboodrlam—aod that la where tha word bypoeboodrUo cornea fruaa. It Is joat Mow tbo diaphragm and above the colon, aod Itoa botwooa tba tobor oalty of tba alomoab nod tba aanitogas of too fktoa riba, antortoc to tbo kid "eye. How you nodaretaod It I hove atadtod a goad deal of aaatomy aod aural cal Jurisprudence, and aan Ml an Mother Jim the doctor, a good daal ■ora tbao bo knows. Jo root, a tow. yer boa to stody anatomy with a aaal that tha average doctors know noth IB* aha at.. I have aoafaaad doe tore on tba wttnam stood until I au •any tor tbam.” Undaroood area ampbattoaily a toareed lodge, and litogalek peroap ttooa always groopad tba aaaa la all Ha baOrlaga, Of aoetaa It provoked hire atottfMkf towyar ora aoaoaltad eae aoagkt to taoab him from the koaba or aakad bias to abarga tba Jnry ■OEMthing that wm not the tew. Un derwood wm a good school matter aod eould take the ooooatt out at a man with a soft, dellelout sarcasm that wuMtlaaaa was mistaken for a eompU It la aald that Justice is Wind, or hM a bandage around the bead that bides tbe eves, while she boMaapstr of *e»tes in her right hand. tlhe done wot know tbe parties to Um ease, bat weighs botbstdee with en Impartial bead, but Judge Underwood sstd that wbea there wee a combination at law yers to aoqett a criminal and ebeat the (■Hows or the abate gang a patriotic Judge one id not help ralelng the ban dage a little bit, and ha dldlt dome tlmea when a defendant wm aoquJlced hie lawyer* wooM eay with aggravating Impodboot; -Well, Judge, you lost that naan laK night, rts Jury have oocm down with a verdict of not guilty." “Yea,” aald the Judge, "and yon •earn to glory In having turned lease toother teoundrel upon the commu nity." He eould nut altogether suppress hi* *••1 Cur the state and good murals and hla last speech when charging the Juiy oo a criminal cue waa enuvioalog end oocvtcUne lf be believed the defendant guilty. The UK court be ever held WM at Dallas, end tbe Mil™ week wm •pent In Um Irish of eight defendants who were charged with a must outra geous riot and moot) vloieoee done the good people of the Iowa. Tbe entire community deenaaded their conviction aod patiiahmaov But them fellows had some property, sod they combined end employed eveiy lawyer In the town, aod also Col Winn ant) Judge La-ater, of Marietta, end Judge WHIIam Wright, of Atlanta. These lawyer* combined, end with tbe help of one of the oourt officials, slocked the Jury oo the solicitor, and one by ooa tbs rioter* were acquitted. On Friday the ring, leader was put on trial. The Judge sad tbe ao]tailor felt absolutely sure of convlottag him. It wm candle-light when the Judge closed bis charge to tbe Jury and expressed pity for the people of Itellas, npoo whom seven of tbeM lawless rioter* had already been turned loose. Finally be told the Jury be wm not well, nod If they found a apaedy verdict the foreman oould bring it to bis room at the hotel. Wbee the court adjourned the lawyers got to gether and chuckled. It wm uot the asms jury, bet tbe cards were Kill stocked, end so about nine o’clock the foreman came to the hotel and knocked st tbe judge's door. is »r" mia tns judge. “Foreman of the Jury, air,” «rea tba reply. “Wall, air, what la your ver dict, Mr. Foreman ?” “Well. Judge, under tha law and tha evidaooa wa wai oMoegad to find tba defendant not guilty.” Tba judge earned over In bia bad and groaned. “May tbe Lord belp ua aad lava tba country. Mr. Foraoaan, you can keep that verdlcslo yoar pock et, Ur, until morning. I do not wish toalonp with It intbli room. From all aaoh verdicts may tbe good Lord dellvar ns.” Tba judge waa an aaHy riser, and at tba first sound of tba breakfast bell took bis seat at tba bead of tba table. Ha was alone. Ha ordered bia eggs soft boiled aod wai preparing them when Col. Winn noma to, aad with eoft, sweet Totoe mid: “Good morning. Judge Underwood.” ‘d morning, OoL Winn,” mid tba judge. “Hew did yon rut last eight, Jadge?” “1 did not net wall, air; uot at all well.” Winn took a amt and after a pause ■aid: “Wall, Judge, 1 understand you lost another oaas last night.” Tba Judge looked at him with undli gulled oootsuout. “I arm not aware, •Ir, that I bad any ossa in court. I do not understand nor appreelata roar •®»rt to be witty at my expense, aad— “Oh, Jadgs,” mid Wien, “I didn’t asean to oflwod yon. 1 hmrtlly beg your pardon. Ton know yon bate been against ns la all thorn esses, and—” Jam then, Jadge Lester asms in, end with bis rough, honest vole* sod bit empty sleeve sllngtlng along, said: “Good morning. Judge Underwood. How old you mat turn night 1" “Not well, air: net wvfl at all.” /“Wall jadgs, I understand that you lost soother earn last night.” The Judge laid dawn hie knife aod Turk. “Wall, sir, this saemi to be a combi nation to I am It me. What earn nave I got. air, or am presumed to have, that you aad Uol. Wlon saem to taka so oh an interest In t It U tba state—tha ywy\w9 vi mh*cuuiBiuii|ii/ that has* a mm, and you gnotlemea bass resorted to questionable cneeo* d&4 MdtKdJd to_n JoM then big Bill Wright name lo. Ha we* etc rest etx aad weighed 960 pound*, aid had a roioe like a boas draco. “Good morning, Judge Underwood. ” “Good mofolng, Judge Wright.” “ Well, lodge, T underetena you loot an«tbar oane last light.” This wan the feather that broke th* eamatl back. Jodga Underwood roes from Mo sent end mid; •Gentlemen, I base bene nnenetomnd all my oOetal and professional Ilia to the raapentfal oeniiderellen of the n—there of Um bar. Tbla 1 bare al ways neetvad la my own olronlt. If either of you belong to It. All 1 nan do le to eympelhlm with the Judge* who bam lo coder* yoar Ineoleoo* all tbs year round. Ton baas only atl lo ud me for a week, aad I am pleased to my artn never bar* the opportunity •tala." Bui that wee not the leet of IL Wien and LeeUr nod Wright mw that they bad goo# too far. They all loved Un derwood ead admired him. They harried to the door ead stopped hi* ex it aod begged Me pnrdon ead eyiotoRinrd aad as pietoed end before It waa near lh«y wars all friaoda again, aad th* Jedge wee neoatmnrd to taae Ma sent et the table aod mors noft-boHad egg* warn Ordered, and them waa pause— detigbtfei paces Abu! them gaud man ere nil dead. A FIGHT WITH A WILDCAT. ASTOiruiB 0? JOKY muni DT THB OATBELIA, M.T.JWae. »«>.*. Paosnoe. K. r„ Fob. 3. -John MuL bam of tela place la in bad enltoriDg from lojanaa ha received lo a fight with a wildcat. After a Aetna at ma rie be menagad to kill the baaat, Pot not until bla eMbea bad been torn In •brads and ha bnd boon Lao-rated ter rlbif by tba sharp a law* of tba animal. WHdetU bare baaa more aumaruos la tbe Cetekili Mountains tbls year than la a oomlfer of yaara past; and they bare naao more than usually brave, MUoklng vravelars aad has tar* nt frequent Intervale U waa Last Saturday that Mai bars, Wbo Is a well known gn>do nod hunter of tbaCniaallla, started ont from his boar, u, the little baalat of Calefies tera. about two inllao dteUat from thin vllUga, tor tbo avowed purpose of via Olog bla traps, wblob were as* within amdlu of Aye am mites from bla DOOI4. Trudging ahmg through the denes S3i,“~»Wfe tassa KuM kt Ltx irrM lurtai tka -JST atoras of tbo night bofoaeTbad needs a aaow-wblte oarpot on tbo groond, bo ».m reach ad bis first trmpa. and was disappointed to find oo game eotanglad to the tolls. On be trudged agaunAho eblll wind that whlaUefTthrSugh the tome eenalug him to ablver with tbe sold and to t-utton bis rough old hunt ing jaoket eloarr and thrust hie mit ten*! bands farther Into ble p^netti swbi KKnuo nr. Tbe shadows began to dmn lo tba wood*. 11 wa* nearing twilight. Tbe wood* wen very at 111. No eoaad of animal life ooold be beard. Tbe eon was setting just as Mulhare emerged from U* now almost dark woods Into a little clearing, aad lie lam rays •coded tbe white waste of mountain l»nd*oape with n euddan glory as It graoefalty dlppad from aigbt behind n towering mountain peak. Tbe banter again plunged into tbe •nods. Barter tod darter grew tbe shadow*; the night wae fast opening. Hurriedly making hie way through tbe forest, the hunter On ally came to bis Inst tmpC, nod was 'planned to Sad that bn bad been fortunate enough to se cure three rabbi la. Them hedlMa tancled from tbe trape and tying tbab Uod tag* together artth apieoeof •Ulqtr he strung the rabbit* on a stick which be eat from a true nearby, so that tbsy might the malar ha aarriad home with him. Than, setting the trapsngala.be began to reuses bis step* homeward. In bln haste, be tripped over a toogh root which crooned the path, nod be seaeaartd his fall Uagth on tbe grouud. HU took was caught in tl* root In took n manner whau ba fell, that bU ankle waa badly sprained, and upon trying to Han from ole recumbent posi tion be found, to hla dlamey. he was ounbU to get np. By dint of hard work sod with a deal of pain, be at last managed to orawl from the thlok •t Into a eomewhM open spot In tba woods, whon he leaned up against tba trunk of a fallen oak true that waa near him. Ha waa vary faint. beitiog noma mow in hla bands, he rabtod It on fell Cam Jq tha b«»M th*t the oold sppllostloa would cause hie blood to emulate mcrt fraaly aad rapidly, aad that In that way h* wunld be kept from fainting. Hie aokto pained Dim terribly, aad be thought that hie agony waa naar uacwtreble. dooa be bagao to rally and feel moot better, and ba decided that he would again make so vff.irt to rise. ran cat’s ran scsbax. Joet Urea be heard a noAraa eonaun. a*onie«l cry of a little child. MuUiareUoew It waa tbe ery of » wildcat. Many times he had heart that cry before, bat never at hMb gUmn* tiiiim Molbare shivered with fright. Alone In the forest, several miles from tbe oeareet httnsui hart tattoo, be well anew that hie oriee tor assistance would uat be likely to behenrditmt nevtrtheleee, noeh wae bUpHaht.ee wUh “'f hie boating knife end waa n da hi a to rise to hie feet or escape, that bn shrieked tor L a taounrui, Martian ere wae baud eabotng through tba w»M, the autiaal apparently bavtog advanced naarer to hfea than whan lie ary bad bate haard bafbra. lotb.dret'goomtb* boater aonld MeaetWqg. Be aliraok baek agaloet Um tree la great affright aad atat ooloredl^tSl at hfiVST b£ bled. Tba Uogta anari of rage that tt* be*« euered «H tba baatar to aatravagaat aotartaluaaantr tala wlatar UaUU a load lac topto la Ibla otty. aod tto »iritoi an trying to ooartaoa tto nm nlravagant aoia t a lunaa at aoa are, tbaratom. a I nod to tto poor. TMa i_„ _ __ baa tofora born Mart la Mow York, notably In tto can of tto gran Vao darMU ball, wbiob ra gjvaa nroral fnra ago at a ant of huOMO. Ia loatifleotloa of tor nttcavagaooo. ato jara oat tto followtnf atotnant la Mall, abowlng that tto peoplo wba work won tton who rally profltrt aootlBOO art 6L000 baah, art tto •*rttgaoontwn 6950 neb. Ttoava £M*eon of tto naa* port— am —o^sawssvws SSS.'SSTAJfe"---' Tto flown* tor tto toll rat 611.000, tbo batrtroaadag UfiOO. art *6,0& wan wnl for prlvata oarrtagaa. Tto YaodnbUU apant tto balanoa, wMeb aada tto total anorat auaaflrt tor tto ball *850,000. to tto propoart toll by lira. Bradlay-Martln, ooa of tto Vow York Mwmwan bn Stand oat tbo ooa* to 31 ftl follows; Tto now ball-room at tto Waldorf for altbt. *1.000 Baoolviag roan.. M0 Baeoptlon-room adloUiior •mall ball-room wtoea baht ooypor wlU to am.. M0 Man* Mg oata. whan ragn alar tapper wlU to aarvad C00 BUta ■nsrtfnti. ssoood • >or at WalMf, to to mod n drawing-roome 1.000 BaQot anppor daring oatln oltliu..... 6000 Bagnlar aupoer, from 1»80 a m. aotll S a. ■. 18,000 fifty eervllora* ooatumea, laolrtlag trumpeter*.... Lt00 Three orobeatraa...... l.ooo Ooillion fa von.. 80 000 8op*rt> floral daooniiooa for ball.. 16,000 Xagcavlag of ootn of In vitation. 160 Inning loeltatioao.. g| Tton will ba at Moat 400 nrrtagn blrrt from livory aUMnfay than who do not aan ta Uto oat tftalr own team*—<7 nob. 9800 fan to 400 publlo driven— tl Oaob. 400 81* hundred mao* aoaaamn -*T»aaob_. 46.000 81* bartnd monk an tareea..' 180.00 Jwy dipper* Mr woman a.000 Wlgmaken and balr-draaaen 6.000 Oaawarln.. 60* Grand total.. 6390,096 Tbta la, of nano, largely men work, beta Mir arntraU Boa of tha aoat nay to bad from tton to ana. Tto point la that with tha —SdVm of Ito aun paid tto Waldorf for root, tto balaon of Ito noma ------ will go to tradn people art working wl akall net awtaad to dlaewm tto moral aoeetlon Involved. Than who apart tbalr am* o 14 at'-rag Battar than am aha did btdm; oka la gramd hr tfaooo aoda with apotanaa; and that woaaa la-Umua KwadL A ohwwoaw who know a bar pafaMa. If aba wrw aa BogUU woaaan, or a ftaaah wuaa ■o, aba wool* ba bald by thaaatfcm to whlahahabalaogad aa tfaa mmlmn tlftd waaaao qftfaa dor. aad than, •ooM ba apaatal prldo Ml bp root crs-srs.-^ss. ss Vnoab to-dag bora law aaaatlfot wxiaNO,hadtkagpiafc oat tfaa ooaor two who bora gmtaat olaM to bbaa If and riarato Utow, aad tow pVrtorra at thaaa broadaaat; aad If poo «r I bapgaajjo^adMWooo of tbaaa, a rTTM?)mTrt nhhtrth?B:^ I wnp|lWa