The Gastonia _ *° fotto, oa «tom. ,»« tfc, lmw«f ml I Vol. XVIII. — Gastonia, N. C.. February 18, 1897. LETTER FROM TRINIDAD. MR. GILS8 WIL80H WRITES FROM TEH FAlrOFF nu n TEB TROPIOAX 8KAS. AaphM* Ompsar-OH of Tkm la ▼saaaaala. la VkM Trip, iw. Mad. ai ri«a«n la aha i'paapupv aUMHr-Tk. told ad a *-‘*rnrml Oaaaa PluMIlM-Ta. Wap a Is Ilea Idtftlp «l «aau *a WTbasa Tm But ■ar *aaia.”-l«mM aad CasSaaes Tk* aa aad Malar plain. To llu Mdltor of Th* Ouittl: Poar or-Sp*iw, Trinidad. B. tv. i„ Tuesday, Jan. 2d. 1897. I Have ao many frleuda In and mm Gallon la that It la I (Dp. risible to writ** personal letters to nub of them, how ever mueb I would Ilka to. I am told that a number nf tliem would be pleased to beer from cm and it ba MB lug rested that l addreas them through Tub Gaxwttm, ao thla effusion la s*ot you to puitflab or throw in the wests basket, aa you think bast. A few know me well enough not to be greatly astonished should I writs them from any quarter of the globe, — whether It be from the North Pula or the Bloe Alsatian Mountains. To those not to wall Informeu tbe drat aad moat natural qoration la " Where am I at ?" My rsplr Is that by a mere tarn of tbe wheel of fortune It was "presto, obaage I" aad I wee down to the Weal Indira oa tbe Island of Trio Mad. A more or Isas profane ettianu of this Island ones meda the remark that Trinidad waa asperated from Hades by a thla sheet of brown pager only, and that if La owned both ha would mat Trlotdsd and live In the other ptaaa. Tbla Information la given to 1st you kaow that I am<out down ben for my health or pleasure altogether. Far from It. Some people who are forts* Data eoouttb to live lu lb# States, bet ter keowu aa "God’s Country,” do not voluntarily exile themselves to this part of the world unless "there is something in It.” That 1a my case. I am here la pursuit of the “Almighty Dollar” and am happy to aay that the opportunity for gathering them la la greater than I aver had before. I am the do social representative of a big New York company engaged In tbe asphalt basin res. My headquarters ere la Triotdod, but I have to make frequent trips to Veoetuala In Sooth America, aa I have charge of aa udto* over there also. Tbe voyage to tbe rnau«u ource tun me serose toe Golf of Paria aod up aud down a num ber of riven In Booth America aod require* thlrty-alx bourn to go aod twnqty-fonr hoar* to return. I make on* or two trips a mouth. As then Is no line of boats going to oar ptaoe tk* Company have a beautiful steamer of tbetr own, *n I oome and go at pleas ure,—and 1 assure you times little voyages an a genuine pleasure. It would be jolly good fao to have all of yon along op aome of them trips,— can’t yog frant down and join me » Trinidad Is about seventy miles long by thirty wide and la situated twenty one hundred miles smith by east from New York, about fifty milei. on an average, from the oontloont of Booth America, and only ten flagmen north of tbe equator. Purt-otBgalo Is tbe capital and baa a population of nearly Or quite sixty thousand people, I doobt seriously, however. If there am more than five thousand pore whiles. The remaining fifty five thousand are creolee. East Indians, negroes, etc. Tbe Island belong* to England, tboogli Spanish and Portagm* manner* aud Customs prevail to a large extend. Tbe bouses ere mostly one story and never over two, there are do chimneys and the ft note are usually great high walls of msaoary. which shut oat a view of the brautlful yards and gar dene, but give quiet aod privacy to the owners. Host of tbe streets are nar row and generally without sidewalks. The DeuvM. like the American doc a lists, walk In the middle of Uio runt.” And the people are wall worth study Ihg. Tha entire population of the Island {a lwo bqndred thousand and about seventy thousand of tbasa are tut Indian Ooollra, imparted from India, to work on tba vast sugar and oocoa toUtaa. Their cocdlUoa la lit tle, If any batter than i la vary. Tbay are all Indentured tor from five to tan yaaa and are resigned to tba variuos eatatra Ilka ao many mqlea or cattle. Tbay bate no obotaa or tar ao la tba matter. Three ship loads, or taro thousand of these ooollaa, have bean landed bare sines I arrived. Tbay are quartered an tba estates In Iona rows of “herracks” and have task-masters and overseers over than Jost as we bad In tba Booth before tba war. Tbay receive twanly-dre oaota aod their rood far each full day they work aod oanoct change from one aetata to another natll their term or Indent*re expires. Than tbay are at liberty to go where that pleas* and that la wty ao many are la Ula town. Thna eager sod eoooe planters are the ones who profit stoat from tba coolies, but tba govern meet Imposes a heavy tax on everybody to defray tba expanse of get ting them bare. Tbay are somewhat smaller than tba average A mar Iran, of a bright yallew cr mulatto color, gen erally with straight, gloeay blank or bias buck hair and regular features. Tba woman are 'goad to look a poo.” «***»?, both of ream and haters, and are very towd of bright odors and law airy. I have seen them with from tfieeo to twenty flea heavy altm bracelets an each arm. rings on all Angara and toes, ornameota of varlcae blade In tbdr ears aod noara, rings or heavy silver band* around tbdr ankles and about their bands. Is feat, their drasa constate for the moot part of flogs, bear state, smiles and eAUdlalt The men usually wear turbans around Uaelr brads aad a white oloth. or one that nerd to be white, wound around their ebon Ware and lotos,— I hair seine arms and logs being bam. a Tbte la la town. Ia the country they go, both •exec,—arrayed In far.impkr ooatume,-chiefly • stalk. The enoiee, negro** and carlb* dma moeb after the faction of the Dolled Sutee, though not no heavily clad, a* the ell mate will not permit U. The white people nr* m«eb the earn* here ee at home. The Scotch pre domlnat* and are principally engaged •o mercantile pursuits. They have *o*e flu* atom, too. Oue mlabUth ment alone, that of Wll*oo, Son A Co., employ* over two hundred clerk* and la after tb* fnahlan of the great de pirtaent vtorea of Haw York. Than an many other fine and large (tore* and all we a* to he prosperous. I no Uo« that they advertlee very frvtly nod to ahow yoo bow they get them up X mall, undor eeparate coyer, n oopy of one of our two dally aegapeperu. I »wvd the 0<utU*, tit* other I* called the y*im. After the Scotch come the BpajjUh and Portugese, atao mar afcanti, the EugtUh, who are the odee holding dace, lent out from home to ■tay a tow yean and return. All other nationallUee an nprreeeted, hot In email numbtw*. I do not think tber* an more than a down Amenoann on the Iilaod. In addltioe to Eogllib offloe hotden there arvako quite a number of negro** ■u prominent position*. Tb* negro ban l* nolle n different creator* from what 1 hare been aeenatomed to. He know* and teak bk Importance end mum not be called a Jfagro. You moat ako sail him ’•Mr." and “ifre." and apeak of him aa a “Crfola.” Than It la ha eondoaoanda to amile upon you and yoe are almuet pereoadad that yon an naarly aa good ash* la,—naariy, but not quit*. The negro pndoailm ates In evmvtblog ascent the mereeaUle pursuit*. Mon than half the lawyer* an eagroc*, mom than half the oie«ka la Ml tb* atone an oecroea.aU the iwibwmaa an DCgroet, black negroea, too, aU the street ear driven aod oon dnetor* an negroes, all the letter ear rien an asgroea. Tb**#, and a tow other profession* or calling!, an nu> oopollaad b» the black man and It U to them that yon must perforce agy “Mr." If yon want prompt, polite, or other kind of attention. The ordinary laborer I* Mae the negro, or the oooik mao. aod he farm no better than hi the State*, if indeed he tana to well, for hi* brother in black. In high poel tiou, la harder on him than would be a white men under similar oireomstan Nearly all itUflout denominations era rep reseated, but the Roman Catho lic* are far In tba lead. Epiaoooallans, Praabytartana. Ualhodtst* orWaslay •aa, aad Baptiste follow la tba order named, so far aa nambera go. Wish ing to attond oborob, i mad# Inquiry my Ant Sunday bora and waa directed to All Salots Eplaaopal church aa about the “wblloat church la town and waa told that tlia Governor attooded that church. 1 didn’t understand what “whitest" meant, but I soon found out. Whoa I reached tba oboreb door I wa» mat by a aleak, ooal blank negro usher, dad In long, flowing robes, aad waa asked If I desired a seat. I replied In tba afflrmatlve and waa shown to tha poorest paw In tka oborob, a 11U1* short one Just big enough for two peo ple, sluing dose. Immediately In front aad behind wars big blank oe gmma, aad colored people war* soet tond all over the church, with barn aad these a white. Tba satin choir was blank and after about three hundred people had assembled, not more than fort} being white, the osbsre asooctod • large, fat, greasy, oolored wuoao to my paw aad aba attempted to “•orouge" in with me, bat l vary gaUantb offered her the entire pew, aad getting my bat hastily departed to my bout. All tba other ohurobaa are the asms aad t haven't bean to prsaeb log tlno*. Reared a* I bar* been 1 hardly think I can be censored for such action. mis is tbe close of the rainy ssssoo sod It rals* each nod ovary at; sod ■onset)met several times s day. Aod It raiai harder to so [ over sew It bo fora. It doesn't come down la drops bat In (hosta and torrents. No nutter bow bright and elssr It may be It Is novsr tails to Uav* the bods* wit bout' so unjwrHls and mseslntosg, Tbs sun may he fairly Imrnlng voq up god ta five amends you me la th* midst of train that ilwsrfstbo biggest ones ever ssao ta tbs DUUs. It stops Inst as suddenly as It bagtas and than everything goes on at asual. RardTy, If ever, do ws bavs tbnndsr aod Iwtit nlag, sod It Mldoan ralaa lathe early parts of the sight. The rainy aaaaoe U usually from May to Deoember, but this year the raise have ooaUaned Into Jaassry. I have been bare tone months and have not seen a tingle day without more or leas rain. Tbe thermometer at this writing registers SS degrees In tbe shade sad the perspiration Is roll la* off me In strums. Please read ms • small swow tall. Tbs vary lowest tempos a tnra ws ever have bare la 78 degrees sod that la exceptional—a “sold day’1 to to speak. The average tempera ture la frees 85 to as degress la the ■had* tbs year found, though It somo thMS rase to dswrsse In the wjn. When It rsaehet that point It Is loo hot even for tbe natives sad nobody attempts to work. The nights ere goners Sly tool and pleasant, lbs thar mngMtOr frequently getting down to TO degress, sad we usually state wall— that la. If tha mosgultos win 1st as slows, bat they seldom do. “Bat that Is another story ” This latter Is wrlttsu la VsoecusU, Booth Aassrlos, sod will start for Hsw York from Trtalded tor Um Steamship Irrawaddy on tbe tri of r-brusry and reach Osatonta on or sbont February 13th. We only have two malls a Ssonth and It will be a long time before I know whether or not you publish this, ay firm attempt at a oeweptu>t letter. If you da, tod wm prist others. I will send one or two more, for I have oe* half flalstmd with tbe gaaar and aowl Ullage la Trinidad and bavat evaa mentioned Vsnasuels, SXCgpt te say I SSI la It, sad s vets me oowVt be written about tba Van soa via do and thalr way of ■pending tbe holidays alone. Trust. lac, Uua. that I nay ban Um pW ura of wntlof to you acala la a month I'wturin tha maaoUdar, devote all my Una and atUotloo to trying to baar tha tight* and aaa tha aouuda and kam up with tha prooeaaioc generally. If any of my Meade wlah to write '2, Wlaed. m* addraea M elwayc “II n ,58rtPS*’ Spain, *loldad. ?• and with tbia parting In form atloa I bag to auhaorlha myaalf “la no wtae otherwIm” than Staoarriy your*. Qiiaa L. Wuaow. raa auLaotn . ‘■Wowwtmt*1' bill (tatro daaad by HarUMta) name up with a favorable report. It glna any etn ploya of a railroad right to eat for and prevent* any waiver of •««“. rtjfht to damage*. Sutton, of Cumberland, epoka In eupport of tU btn; and lUaetratad It by tv -mrltw whloh had ooourred la hie owe ** partenea. Ha told of a boy who la ■tving a train full of paaaaogma loot hie arm, yet ooold not raaone a aaat of damagaa. Ha mid that B. EL Laey, State eommlaaloaer of labor atatlatloe, »fd kTdklrt with tbekoo wledg* that ba wg* blame lUtad and ooutd not. by naaou of bla eoanreeamal, get a piaee an a railway la the South: that thie waa da* to a "Jiway. whloh ba did sot ■mm; that Laoy aald a number of rail way engtnama bod eoao bare to aid In PMMgv of thte aioallant law. bat that ha bad told them to leave that If they warn ooaeanmd la It they would loot thalr plaoaa. Sutton aald thle waa one of the moat remarkable -Hitman ha bad aver beard aad that Imay waa a a'“" uarcnm sauj the bill «u a staple ■* ®* .• f*61* worthy of Uberty loTtof North Ooro Has; not doss tegtstatloa; that Georgia was tba Brat to ooaet this Uw, uKStT. that other States followed; that the Dotted States Supreme eowrt uys these statutM are directed at railway ooo paateejbut an not oooooetitatlooal oo that aaoount; that though tt I* apeelal Urglalatlon ret the Supreme opujt says most legislation la metal, aad that railway* need special teguteUoo. shies >o other eUas of employes an so liable to damages as thaaa employed on nil. ways; that operator* took their lira I? W br0." f<* Pi*Uo beoeflt; ,r m trying to got a calf off a bridge aad be tort bis arms be oould not get a mot of dam *9m2, wl,flA ibe al the lime wosW «rt pay for it. Re spotorof I#oy** statement that the indlrtdoal employes oould not pnbUely oomo out and ask for tuts initiation Cook said bo oonaldond the bill vary oeceasary, that in tbs light of rraoo. Sk?nl?»i *SSbU ***• oourt' to carry out this bill; that this was the test oountry to pam legateUod oo this suhlsct: Kogtend. having adopted this ray prloeiple in tha •fO’s; Germany and other ooootrtes following; that It wao tha Internal of the Isgtafetion to gin -'»»" Dixon, of Clerrlaod, called the pro ▼km* quest too. The mil wao sustained “*}»*• WII passed seoood and third rending without a dieesnUag vote. TnM. Bm-u. nriMilgtatllMorl D"0*l tprlnkla lalt for ealary oo tba oloth or oo your pUU. Dip your ealary lo tba tail oallar lo from of you. If st:a ..^uV-ttSTo^XST'-” JSssrasaasssre ^s^srsterw sESJSr—-■ .^PgV*1 «*H«wii4 yoa, puah “?•*** »"V fro* foa aodaiwa,. taka It from tba alda of tba tpooo. Dao* aak for a aaaoad hatpin of W or anyth lo, at a tonaal dlaoar, it la (a vnerMlt taM. Dao>t aboya aU thla«a naka % sola* 10 £“8*- Notbiof la ao in brad. rjzisLr**** jaS-K’SSwlg"!! e*«u**ariy at oca aide of>onk plataT Bk>WrkV||*t»^a, Button DUpatab, • i B*0 hn aoath Oaorpta pot hla don abet off dnrin, tba war, and tba aur ■iww la reataaf U pat U aa up. •** *>*•■.. «T« <n"M>aM hla nSSEitSBSEss: tloa, Ooatf* aad Cal*, nodatnaadit •od do not permit tba doalar to *11 you boat aabatitaU. Ha wlU net •Wot tbara la anytblaf aottar, but lo ojdar to *aba aara pro* ba My eUi? aoaattlof •<* to ba Jwt u rood y-oo waat Dr. Klof«. Haw SSUKUSmS&M:!: ©tr CTaSJKfLi tbara k both In* * nod M it Ur BILL ARP AS A NURSE. lmHIATtt At OB WATQHHB IKE QHnromr at tedk flat. BUiarvia JI eooatdar mvmlf a« )g|ind pemi>~ **P**to tea wimfeoerr meeting. KX.',ssf5Hrsatsi dren—fot to watot (Mm till torn*body gfy„ V” MB on* at tba •to* tb»tween»t fall ^ mleehter and "“l10- Thaaftt I weald taka a Uttia th«7 played borm aed tea round tba aaaiar tabta. 1 ihnMtit tba uuia JtrJe woald *at tired after erbl la aad Mtlln down to ititr Atfli nod mki n PJM*k»um bat tba boy didst Ilk* that g*_*»»** «®b»t aostlBBad. They »j*n«jdtha ohalra npado down aad •tlddowa tba baadt baad fcwmeat and tolled orar aad turned amneraaulia, •bd tbeo Jamaed off tba table aad tbe town wtdabaob tba Boor and made £?■ mU» llk* •“ nrthgaebo. wriu tappet UrodT thought L Xo, nerar. But by aod by. wbao ay wife hoesa aha muled tbe® down aad Pfeyad slab Bat aad tfUablatet with tbe® aad I bad paaoa. Mjr folkabayagM aakta that It "•*u. «® Mb# aare ef tba ehUdtoe, aad tbaebOdraa haraaa Idaathat tay ante da aa tbey piaaaa wtwo than'* ■toodr about bat me. aadao l mWn ■ny iwyoaad aa aad tat UbaaoU. taradyawoB. I batters I will go to tba toto«toyantety loyaaif salt t(®a. Bat after att, iban la aa oae ia poa “t.a • djaneaHa martyr or a pairur Mat OMbbont about time telega, ter I do ttbo to bayo tba llWIa abey* arowad "to npmWIy mua gMa CbUdroa me a Mmalog to tba botabahl. They take away our ataabaae* aad part* oar taUttga. Their Joy aod dee aad ayoctlr* hagptnaa* earrtm Ik* old poo ta book to their early life, wbea tbe day* ware all moth foe. It tea aad myatby wo lael wbaa wo atthmw bepyy now aad ft)ream tbe troubles await total Boor Tom Hood I How tad bo waa wbaa be pnaad tfeoao teooblug Uoee: fyrnr j«y tern ..Th*re..t*.nobl,PPla«* like a child*. It I oo old 1 would adna iu that I tevereaUaad alooe IWaeM year* oU tor that ted MM Thoaeldymra Me about one-third of tba average Ufe Md tire memorlea of them are non preeiooa than all tte raft, ir * «btld “ wlth kwlo*, ladalgaat pa» eata thoaa yaaraeraao unbroken aaa •Ott o# unalloyed enjoyment. 8.iew * 22 Mdly and dreamily Into tte glowing ember* aad know aba U thinking about bar eh (l diaa or ter ebildbood aod meaning tte luya of ter youth wtea abated a moth rraad could lay bar head upon bar lap aod faa! tba toft eereaoae ofbar gaatlo baadL What a weight of eajaand anxiety praaaaa oontlaoaUy upon tte heart of a mother. How often do ter prayer* aaoand to Haaraa la tte dark watctea of tte atebt-prayera for ttelr tealib, ttelr walhia, ttelr good 000 duot, ttelr aalraUoo. Bat with an tte oaraa, anxletkoa and Joratedla#, ohlldrco are oar great** b*aaal"f nod tte family tba create* bulwark of wood eoototy aad good gov ernment. It to tte tow of our being that man aad woman abonld mute and ■any aad rear obUdraa. aad there la ooaubatitute for tte caarrlaga Mallow. I hardly knew tte value of a oblid a* and olgbM waa vary Bear tte gave of teavM. Mla «ogen>d and wa wateted aadeaftowd with ter Bar Utttolip. aad throat were ewoiton aud laiaate With dlotteretie aorta. Har lnnwa rat UM wit* para to oo la. Bow •hoptoad od with aa for tolp—for roltol—ptoadtd with apre aad baada, and wa ooald do aathiog bwt aacaaa bar and ware. ( would bawpghraaarelllloa dnllare joa, too aiDUoa, BI had tt-torelfcre that ohlld aod tare tor froa* aaftrrlng. Preyara or reddletaa or good a onto* or MMtatotaarwL aad woaro adgrata tol. What la tba raloa ad a ahUd?aay how » U aoa waa op at aaatloo what would tto aretbar fire f Bow Inatooi ammt U proparty or told orailrerwtao ooraprerf with It What ara wo all work lag for bot abUdren, Utoir bappl area aad prooprrtty T Daatol Wttarer. ps&gp&s jag or arao for robWof, I woald trad to know tba htodao retire that proaptad Mai to tba artare. Ifaay a area ataato «r abaau to gat aoreatbUa tarmaahUdrre.aod lhow«ldtooo? ragto aod «aMa bto a thfof aad tbo tow m<H hi* to tha abate aaag. »«* after all. It to tbareottor who ShT*tobS' TZSTS wlfowaa tired aod woald Uto to rest to tor jM aga, bat U» aataraal to aaaMMb aaSSmaT aboaiufoa^gnwS^ ohlld ran a. aba arer did aboat brewwo. Ia faat. At la tore awaattag, aad re ira tadatowt. Tba Httto & wo bare with aa la a yooag ayatoaa aad bam tea borea to aa aproor. w baa I rU aod tbwataa hire with paalahreret a>7 ooOW roaoUf blw toM>taw|fnld aMioft __ op I n tba parlor m. BatiV tf I doaX Ha la nothing bat a bah?, but ha utkee tba dot to tba raw lut and mU bla oo U*02T!'!“d mkm I toil Mm that tba Ihrtrhegitee him rank, beaaya ba don’t want any monaiUk. Ha laU tbaabiokeaenot of tba opop. botba la nothin* bat a f* "I* before tna year i» oat—eae if I m>a*i, IH do Ukn Diak Jobnaon, who ww trying to rateable boy oo low, Bat tba boy got ao bad a^ttayssra1*. Ulamphaat atrida. ”1 toM yea 1 waa going to whip yog. air. Far iplwg yatra I bare pcwmlmd yaw a trhipplo! sir ngasasjsvKi satttssc’Ltas’iisi Ua parlWmaoaa loro weak. Bat to dldaH du tba biyi i; Mating good. Tbe wbipptng anme (wet Sen yean too UtaL 1 Barer did taka maeb rt»ok la bwl UtUo buy*. Tnay an a naMaaaa, Manly at bama, but abroad. Boya (*nu with antoa, aad the UUIanawl* went agonorarme Ore orooken or a dram or a tin bora. It aiwaya i wai tome Inra their boya faot * I revolt In ao l ~ A awMjutttof^Tto atraaoaraia tka rwnolraoMji^tha H MkUMMnAT%«SCS7MkSSS •boat tka koraa. We whtoparoeraajr tortaa lu aad rotaea. Wo walk lightly autfoMoa tbo dour gently aad braoliw oar prayora alkolly. Una diaatbma to aa aobtog raid tka world oau am* Wbat It tba raiue of a oblld f Wtora the railroad traia krlto n maa the Mw Moftirbiaralaa. Uoralbr*1,000 or 910,000 or *80.000 wording to hit tniia nail-no bat that to nothin* OIM °Za2'u*& w»»k tka vnlaaof nltuM •hUd. How riok three mot ban an— rtob lu tbalr obUdrrn I Haw utterly poor whaa they baa them t Om» la a while 1 do wieb 1 wan « aaa I Hut otteu, lor Unit oIoUmm we •o ugly I Bat there la aa doaM about It that a Mas eao lapnai wum a wouaia tan ualy mim. Toon are Ulnae wbeo the ■•re (aot «( taiag a aaao forma auoo»«a; *ud toeee ileau arm. aodoautadtr. wbaa it Ureoaue uiwuryti d id fault with iba iaatb> oda of a corporation. Than are aorta oorooration* of wbieb I highly auyruVe —tba raliroeda. In the uttaott liunry they tuba me dr log aorue U>« oounuy to woerenw 1 wuinri to go, •reining, I tblak tba aments often miroad are pollta. TwbeteHlere here eo uoplaaeant way of ooermerux a woceau that aba le au Idiot; but thou, ae outay woman, wbo taka up tin tlaav of thuaea la the tlekut udtoua ara bUota. Portm an potita, whet iboy bbpa; Irw pollta, purhepe, wim they wcalra, for rxtx-euccy la alwaya a pieaaaot elate if catoa. But against ouu of tba other oorpocUioua -that oaa which ga-uwatrag to tala a peek ago, aed. fur a oertalo ran of moony, dabyar It at year door-1 »«•• * grhrraaoa, and a juat ooa. During Chrtetuma weak tha ex potato) »n ta a Beery Uum tan brd ring* atan r*ae will appear at tha wladowa, k»iU»ii oat to an if to le an ar pleas anm. 1 bave gone through all theta dsUghis; hayeenneoad aey tbeaseto tha bnhg> mufgttta oM uuly ratbaky, bat ma terially. Tat than iauMtA-r aide V> the atary ■ and ntiht la iba eandmg nf ■eat the large latlara. gaaat ohaa, IM with boaboao MM Mwpattj yaoteg bp a obit* pat tar. Aoom doaawUa a yraaaat, I p«MI fur Its umvaL Wltbia a aaaa oawa aaaaa taal tte hoc bag arrival bat-tte eaa waa In • bandrad ptooaat 4 towtto tte oOoa at thla ayatoal ourvmtlao rvaalUg la toy bMog latotaad that 1 oaaM aarar an aaytbtog f * It. Tte am that told iaa tala ana vary atoll bat bit atoil >tr am oo-tonotog- Kt yariaaea X«. L Hayatoaaea Xu. 9 la mow draWaUa, Two daya bafora ObtoMMa liana art* * tateeraw—1 tew* botaiag to mj agalaat tte w-lvgrayh aoaapao; at am ant—ttet road: “OuoTaaiMok daoka Sag^riMa^ AU^dagtoagtbat baatet waa hated tor 4t olgte tte BaMwoia!" AmmST* waa wtoady batalaalgaya waat'by. ugawSte taataag at aanvaateote, rlah. Inula im. and taatiac of tte wild aalan. 1 bag tu art larkay—dry t atalaaa lattog. Tbra tte bm aba bad aUrtad tte bar aag ■atadltet I tamwtlgate Having a fittla bMtoC la thla IMW v*r*>r»tlou. 1 ttartad, dnaad Uaa tte yawbaw od aaag, b ay te rk rt vtottea, wtlteatfcar and ana toab _ . I wa aaat la aa otoao way arte haow aolMtia. PruM tea I waa a a way tote <>** to a fvaag aaa wan know MwyiMw. 'at ate ymyaaad to bap kto kMtbSgi to l Bio, tot If I bad bean • mini I ahuaid km gaw# down Mer*. I tiwald baea aware what to omwooiy known aa a “Waa rtnak ** Tw company would ban paid lor tba dueka, to* imtly,toahittfcat,jag wmiM bare b-*n no Oun. Bat • •*«, 1 imye asdarad I • (mvar, a kind or a tkM, ■1 Mho imp new to •toil* man baa written am a_ wtmt atmlqptle lattar, la which be aa -nakto oaiuralitailoa to dad Mra. «■ ««. *•.*• du«aa\»aj tkaU bat that* what ha aught to eaj. Bow da fa woudar that <>•■*> .ration* to am am aot aCtMOlivo bodimf Ale iboaghr it 1 baldaum* aioek In mat Muywe I ate mid fed dlCrrimll*. bat I d . brlwmr «f 1 did that 1 would Tote n»r tMTiM ci ail men lo amt all o >m Idaluta. If that ou had tom half mrnj writ. ■ymoatlilmd with me. and bed toil am >a bw torrow for tuy hat Itweka I aa -old a>i*t prouatdy have giveo up <lo. K l.uucing and lukan to Mmaora ordlaory permit uf earning •«» dally bread fuatb that AH* mraocnra By Um-tiy. 1 olmuld thick that at aoaw >d the aiming oortama bull* Uiam might ba haodmasa man who mould lepreaant George IV. town ba woa y -ang. Laat night 1 waaoheof mn au'iteime to llatea to Ua play try ton. Uu.nett, railed "Tha FlrttG n lleaaa of Europe.*. Lai or. I waaotrr «f a duet woo dtacumrd It. and I aw «oto« to toll jnm what I told, lhaa: -1 do idea In the value of hi«t-.rn ■•! yiay«; p-ud* do out know hair <m ***••» they ham tha andit with kwiwlng tonaeoaentlr. When an nM4»Mu puy p«< .m it Inrun to Urn ■ 4mni to kwn SrtLTJiS; !£.*££? »« & w« iLn^SJt- r£ 7!^?**?!^? •*»« Oaargn' far ‘tka LlhindTWa Oaorga tka fWerth,’ £5££2± 5-KuS bat jf oar o*q an tattar «a ratlin tt aU tk* men by toukt n la thu Boa ■drtgr at Urn paat. Tba btoortoal Hal fclikatka good kfatoHcal ooral itaaudatha Intrr and nadar. arlaab •r-oa, to tka faouuta kaad for ta fanaauna. How map of aa ktn an* tkoaght of Uaargk tka IWtt aa rysft.csrrtrjrps IMfUtidp agraa aUk Mu Baraatt that I tatak than U aa kaaaa kata* wua bant had kit miamaa arkand —ad tka latmal wkaa tka kaat that Sttswsa ttor~ “it la totd of ttaorga that aaa «kfld *»• *■» aa kiaatp —apC aaad to uoaoa •roaad aka iwpua pargat bio, and taut MUdah ataaaaa koaad' a — rnm aim mi tto top aaa tkmr idol, laaap gona adMtaa at Ttotoarap than la a bna* platan at klaa-a tobp ntarp lu kbiMkab arm-aim •mau.1 iaiaar raiaad aa If aha ouald aani atm natal aaa anaud to fcrau ««**l aad *at datura bar darUm. It “•““‘hn^rt-dikadk Mi ai* ! V* "*" *&*"**"* torn uma of tap oatmr Pitaaa, or. ta S?5r blM»— to*» nar iivhI Ua aaaakoaa anu !•<•*. fair hair, with — adarod hair, who a wi« hatina • pnitad aadWM aa laeklog Ula apy-d^, to an m m.ia«i kik , rikTiSiv tSK yy $ pBaiWgj Adds i»d Kainit*. * yiiS *o^ 1m 11 Thi CUrtotU Of) A FwtflU«r (A, —AJ(*— T*» Dirk. FutfUnr b. NONE BETTER. A. F,P*Whit©8lde«, [ v. Q awoariA.». o. .V;^;

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