Vol. XVIII. } Gaatonla, N. cu February 96, 1897. ARP UYBSHIGH. TAXES FIVE HU I DEED MRL10I D0LLAB8 TO PBOTIDB BIB dotes. Uh« AmUm Barttw •*t* "rtm •TKaovMrt M Mm I* la liqalnl aal Wanalaiui mu Arp in Atlanta Ooaauimma. Thrra la no column to ■ newipaper that la *o attractive and instructive at that devoted to question* aod aoawan. Iodred, If any whole page were set awn to this mod* of disusing knowl edge, It would all be read. There are baoka aooagb. of oouraa, but Ui* mmiai of tba people hara not got them and cannot 007 them. Cyclo pedias are expensive, but almoit army •ueoeaafol uawapaper is wall equipped with loot) works aod esc readily refer to them aod auiwer lb* qaeaUooi cor rectly. I waa ruminating about this beoaoae of tba aageraena with which my owe family paruaa all tba quaatlona In tb* Oon*tltuth>n and tba Home and Farm and than make reararoh to answer them. I 000* bad quit* a valuable library, bat about 38 years ago mo* vandal* wiling tbamaalra* wtdWra did feloniously taka, steal aod earry it away, and I have not been able alnoa to supply its plaoa; nevertheless, wa bar* mors books than tb* average family and Bsd great comfort In tbam. Tb* Evening Constitution promt** Its readers a symposium of Iso bta wncw queaiioos evTIM—ana while the people ere seeking the no ■wera, they unavoidably some soroaa much Interesting aod valuable lufor taeUoo. My folks had to read tbe btograpbiea of all the presidents, rrom Wasting ton to Jaofcaoo, before they found out wbtoh of than was married twins to tbe same lady. Tbit Is a food method of diffusing knowledge, end It is graurylng to cute bow many responses an mads by the young peo ple. It Is s pleasant mods of teaching without constraint or discipline. Tbe reward la smalt, bat tbs acquisition of knowledge 1* profitable and endur ing. Thao there is a dare, a banter, a competition about it that makes it In viting. Nothing datura aa old oso'i vanity more than to be appealed to for Infor mation ooooernlng each things. He la proud to have the young people look ■p to him aa a philosopher, a historian, a scholar. Solomon aaya: “Get wisdom; got understanding.” Lord Bacon aayec "Knowledge is power.” and Shake •peare says: "Knowledge is tbe wiog with wtaleh We fly<to Heaven." Moot of os get oar knowledge from books— from the brain of other people who have gone before; but that obtained from thoughtful observation aod ex perience fa tha batter kind. Long, long ago 1 knew an old mao who bad no books and oould hardly write bit name, yet his knowledge or things around him—of the changes of the noon and tbe forebodings ortho weath er, tba growth of plants; the babUe of fowls aod fishes and tba structure of animals was remarkable. I wee dad to be a pupil under such a matter. The other day I thought to show off a Uttle of olj learning at tbe dinner table. It was nut an extraordinary dinner, aod I asked wbat did it oast. They figured <t out to be ebool 76 coats Thau I remarked that the capital in To«*-a 10 procuring mu unpretending EM] was not lees Own 1600,000,000 sod pro employment to 5,000.000 men for It tekee many eblpe and waoy rail roads. Tbe pepper In this little box wae grown in tbe Beat Indies, 10,000 ~na« away. It grew on a little vine about eight fleet blab and not leea tbau Are yearn old. It wae green wben it ni gathered, and »aa then dried In tbe aan until tt turned black. Tbe white pepper le made by taking tbehlaok ■bell off before It la ground. The vine ta nM to be very beautlfal, and the nutivee uae ibe root for a beverage that Intoxloalea them jaet like tbe Mexl eana use me tnagyar plant or tbe Aw erteaoa their rye and oorn. So, you eee, elnoe tbe day of Noah tbe people of every oatioa have found aometbing to exhilarate or Bake them drunk. Well. It took a Alp and 1,000 alias of rail rood to bring this pepper bare. Then hart is tbe tea that Is brought all tbe way from China and the aaffre from Sooth America and Mex loo. Tbe onddeta wa bad for break feet same off tbe ooast of Salon Tula piece of lolled bass eawe from Kaaeaa City. This bread wae made from floor that wae ground from Dakota wheat. This ■alt name from the Indian reeervatloQ in Hew York rtate. This Woroeatet aauoe oant from London. These canned peaches came bom California. Tbe apiora that are in this ask a, the ctouamoo and mace and nutmeg «m>i from tbe Moiooeaaer Spice Island* In the Indian archipelago. And tbe sloyae that you um same from over there, doves, yon must know, era the little short, black ho bo alls that tbe eobbiera drire la the beele of peasants* •boss aad the aptoe that mwcaotre them so raoob that It took ttwlr name. Oiovaa an oot tbe fruit dot tbe seed of tbe tree, but le tbe bloom plucked aad dried before It bee quite opened. A gnat aatoraliet aaya that tbe olove tne la the most beautlfal, the moat elegant and tbe moat precious Of alt known trass. It to about 40 feat b%b, aad llvta to bo 100 yean old. Wouldn't you Ilka to bare one In tba boot yard T And there la another f wgraat fruit— the oitrbo of commerea that you me la your belt cake. It takes a Mg ehip to briag that here boa lUly, aad Um Baooerool has to come along with tt. How hat* are tM» potato** and rice aad Mger aad ehe*M lb at coma from •beoad. Pimm tell ■* what we Iwro that ta homemade or baaagruwa wlth la the limits of Harlow ooaaty T" "Corn bread aad butter and batter milk.’’ wm Um reply. “Writ, we could lire on that," mid L "Suppose we try It for e year, aad me haw (t work*. It loeki like a "SoppoM w» wait CU1 next waak t" aald my wife. “Wear* going to haw ' to worrow. By tko way, yoa : didn't BMattoc vhle linen lUoaab t* Wee loth that oaiaa frum Belfast, net tbm kniws that Began made laBog toad and tba laory bacdlaa that earn* froia tba Jungle* of India. AD of these dlabes came from aomawben op nortb, and ao did thla axtemloa table and that tkdeboerd. ” uMu," I Btld, “wa neeec bad aay. thing but negro eg and oottoa bafon the war, They took the oagroaa away fn>B ne and have raa tba gotten down to four aad alx oenU, but wo atlll Ilea, poor and proud, thank tba good Lord tor Hit mere la*.’’ “Tea,*’aald ay wife, “better la a lltlla wltb tba fear of tba Lord than great tnaeoree and trouble therewith. Ttwa to what Solomon «*y», bat 1 want a good dinner aa long «a 1 aan get It.” “And (Momon added toolbar pror mb,” aald L “that Jut Sta oar oeee: 'Better u a dinner of bar be where Iota to than a Rail-fad ox and hatred there with.*' _“Well,” aald aba. “then to no oee •eelty for the dinner of barta when than to no belied, but If you wiah to try tba oora bread and buttermfflt, yoa toiall here It retry day. It wlU aoen la Hate for yoo to pleat your ger den and rutoa the harba. The rest of pa will uka boom of tba ox awhile laager.” So you aaa bow It to, I bava loat my lafloaoor, aod me no bom of family reform at the dinner table Mnrm objects*. Ms DMi*i warn way Vm%w Eiitin al Ball Prs a* cm* Tha subjoined totter from the Preel dent-elect to published to the Dm Wm*, 8. C., PrubyUriaa, which hope* that the spirit of U to an lodnz to lb* oomiag admin litratloo Cab tom. O.. Jan. S3. Inamgvral CbrnwitUs, Washington, A 0. Gentleman: It has come to my knowledge that yon propose to expend something Ilka foojSoO far wbatto known as the Inaugural ball to be bald oo the svenlng following my inaugura tion. While I appreciate fully tba apirit that bat promptad you to pmjaot a ceremonial of soeb magnltuda, allow um to my. with the sincere hop* that I will not be misunderstood, that It to uobaarubie for me lo think of mah a ▼ait amosat of money being denoted to oo more substantial porpem Uaa dtoptoy and piaaBur* whan than are mtuioas of our brethren throughout the world actually suffering, (tarring, dying from the took of food, do thing, ■halter and medical attention. 1 bag of you, than, if your desire to to ar range so nbowmanoe of inauguration day that Bin be wall pieaMag to me and fire Impress! veosse to I be event, that your pretantloca plans for tha ball, and with the approval of tha ciltoens who have aubasrlbad tha money, devote 195,000 to the organised alleviation of wiatehedneaa la ttw gnat oltie* of the United 8u.ua, »lo , 000 to provide food and shelter for tha persecuted Armenian* of Turkey, and 515,000 to relieve tba bom** of piagoe and famine to India. Honing that you will (bare ray views of the manner la which tha funds oan ba applied with the moat gratifying roaulta to our peo ple and with Um createet credit to our 1 ta holies aa a Christian Hatloa, I aarioualy and earnestly rolioit yon participation la this act of eacriAo* aud self forgetfulness. I am, gentletaea, your, van oordialty, William IfotpruT. ■a CIWsIsb* is Mappy. Maw York wests. Aa old friend of Groyer Cleveland dropped down to Weshlngtou a day or two ago to m blmou business and •oolally a* wall. H* bay* ha now saw tha Frealdeat to enoh good humor atom to* old days wbea the hoys played poker la Hltobeonk’s beck room semes the way from the Pint Presbyterian ofauroh to Buffalo. “Maje,” mid the Frealdeat, “I'm to* hippiest man to America. Jost look at this little awoMraadum book. I have got tha days marked down to March A aad every day I croas off oo* of the daye remaining. When tba laat oo* go**, popl I wfll be free. Pros [ Ton don't know what that masse to me who have barn a slave for too past four years. “Coma and see ma then, Maje I'm going duck shooting aad Kay aa long M I pteaaa. and it wUl be nobody's bMtoaaa. Do you wooder 1 feel glad?” And the President** radiant face and voice showed that tha meant jost what baaaid. _ hmtllmuiotanr.. Mr. lay mada tha bart potot yat aada yaatarday agnuat tha Batons Bahooli Ha uu li «h alatekan phlt* ■ntbropy ao long aa tha State doaaaot proatdo M anon aa fear aaoiha aabool for tha bosaat boyaof tha BteU. H« thmiaht If tha tblartog boya ware pro rtW with thla adaooUoa is alagaot bolldtoga. It would ha a toaptatloo to poor boya bXUngtatha Mda to ataol lo otdar to got tha adraatag* of tha Ptfarii Botvoo], Tb# foOowtag la a oopy of a olrenlar hootd by B P Uaaogat. a proaloaot dragglat of Bathtew/Ph.: “Than ara aaaaatwwa preparation la tha war kat for oolda, eroop aod wtvooptng ooogb. laoag than wa wUb to aaU your aapaaaal aiteatteo to Cbaabar (ala'a dotagh Raaadjr. II la aaM on Ita atariu. Thla anartlon la war raotad by Ita aaiaa, wtriab nrpaoa any praparatloo of a *1 altar nature. “ Thla reaady la faaoua far Ita enrae of bad tote; thao It la tha ooly reaady that la a oartaia prerantlre and earn fa eroop, aod tho only ooo that prrrtoU nil daoguoaa aaowgatwaa free whoaptag oongh. It |a pteaaat and tt&StB.rfiSha* *> ■am* noses nan*. um wa—-"j— D*a in WuMmtoa (vm. Da yoo arer atop to think at Um queer Mnga and tba queer people la aaary day Ufa t A llttla wMle ago I awl the type of women that I call “tba mural plooubloa.” Everything atnok lo bar, tat, unUka tba hard, oom monpUee ptncuabloo, that ana wbloh '• oo'J ■ rooapUole for pine and noedUa, tbit poor, moral pLonahlon waa hurt by reerr point aad wlaaad aa M°b pin, or oaodlawaa d treated. aa aba thought, at tar. Tta moral phxmto loo eu aloaya to mode to eater by tba peoplo who make little maUotona •penobee. In dooM aa to tta baoom Ingaaaaof tar frock, abo moota tote Tooag tody, who aaya to bar; "Ah. W?*»o f«** oaar town. I thoogMel gntfaig that oolor amalf, botl waa afiaM lo Hak it” Aat ooa apaaab maana entering for tta aaaaaa to tba poor plnowahlon, alneo too moat waar Mr drooa, and ata to now eoarlaead that aba loot* a tbooeaud tlaaaa wuraa in It tbaa ata really doaa. dba rant aerowa aa old friend, wbo aaya to bar: "Hiijr tba yaara bar* gnaa alooa yaa * wa«t to atoool 1 Aad yoo mar riod Brown—wall, wall, I ooold tall y«o aoaethiae abont tor Brown, tat I won't” Nuw, there ooman worry and mtaary. Tta ulnoototoo to ooa* vlnoad tbat ter boataod loved eoae other woman am than to did tar. and that he probably ependa hit days In ragraUlag bto oboloa *P**gh that aba aaa pae •Ibjy take onto baraelf aad oak* bar aalt miserable about aba atom with as aridity that la w remarkable that aaa almost woatea If tow Wt greedy for ttaba rt*» true abo’o IMtoatlai, and bar «raa will an witb two aa you Mi bar of aoaaa tala af woa, while aba U tba drat to betp wham wlala.a la [tally naadad. Bat, from bar abtid hood up tow haa made bscatoftha rt oertacie for all tba aasty apaaebaa at tnrad before bar. 8ba baa aUowad fear iotfrloAtioa to niki tita mato fj erniythtng; until aba ia noaytaoad lbat took tba moat maltreated, aa wall aa tba moat sopsrsrmalUre woman In the world. It oartr aotaa* bar band to protoot baaaelf. She oarer thinks that all tbaaaearalaao apaaobaa mayootoe aaaet for bar: do, aba gom aloof Urooab Ufa barfc by ara7 pto-friok of Uoylilmnm, wounded by arary needle-point of aareaam, aad uananas aarQy unhappy. There ara faw faalllaa la which than la not a moral ptocuhloa; and tba people wbo art forced to Ure wtth blm an tba only anas capable of Ulllag ]uat how aggrayatlag tbaaa uU-awda oaartyn ax*. I Bay ralf-nwd* became tba moral plooothioa i» aeoally a par annaatau up wtth self annanlruawaa If aba ooald eHarinate tba thought of baraelf from bar Ufa she woald ba hap pier; If tow would dvrota wore ttaa sympathising with other people aad Imo with a continual search attar uu happlacM la beraair she woald not only be more agreeable, but batter looking. Tbia type of mown gat* wrinkles around bar ayes, fees bar mouth drawn down at the oonwra, nod fear forehead with heart lines across It, Uw malt of deep mady aa to bow aaah wicked speech could ba maaat for bar. It’s the doty of a mother to tod oat wbtoh 00a at tba Utile people ia the nursery la laoHaad to ba a moral pin cushion aad to eohdao Urn ‘-itllnatlnn by doaaa at oommoo aaoaa, admiala l«ed .no* <*fy dally, hot boorty. Speaking of the nonary, how many women know bow to tnda up a boy la the way ba should go T Tba arerwte only boy, aduaatod among a lot of woman, la, lam sorry to toy, either a mollycoddle or a bypoor Its. At taren yean of ago oaa of them mother's toys erltlolsad tba right of a tumihu to hope ttot all the little EadtoWee wouldn't ba seat to eretlaatlng tor awwt» I don’t know what mad Mine would bare bsaa good for UUa young awn. 8emaua>ea 1 thlak a mixture of ealeawl and oatoor oil, with a limited acquaintance with “tboae bad boys out oa the street," might hare mtda him anmatblBgtoa maa, bat 1 doubt It. Whao anrytoody toos weat boaUagha charmed the ladles ot hU family by profarriog to toady bla catacblsm: wbaa arcyybody atm played taoala of oroauat or baakat ball ba chose to tbaaaaatta that wan to ba gmd to lha Wfotooaariw to leapt young lady oaaalhals bow to arrange chair looks in Hsyohe kooto. Don’tmlaun damtand see. I don’t Ilka a had boy. Bat a had hoy ooald reform, wblla this boy would Barer reform anlem It should be when bo got into the ptaiiao tlary attar nmbemdmg the funds of boom ebaritobla aaaocUtlea. I Mka a polite toy, tot I Ilka a boy w)ojfi wog out Is Um opts sir; tto iftwtesSafffi wfm at aa aarly aga, to Um bow M tot aa a gaotfcmaa ML Haw, I ohM toTto Mng u4 ( at>J*ot te tto htofu.Mtog far tto togay audio ax ▲oTVtora an giaalgoF a tea bma. OaoarallMoc, ttoy an am agraaatoa tbaa nail glrW’tbaagb ttoy araaai doaaaaamart. Tto aad girt laoaar* ffSlSIa hwaMM'(to£rt,<El<?rl to? boat olottoa. tba toot at I »<1 Mttlar all thraugb tto laag abarob aarVtot, ba oaam Mb«al*a aan tto aoagngaUaa «*»Joy» M«g tor. Vata lktla par aaaagat How tbagkl la notbar to tto woman I fba*a prattr la to* upon, and ato la datfrabla to ton wtora toya an aroaad, aa too la tto ntotag to gaaaaa. Tba win ■ataar aarly tnab n tor bay* that Mu am atotaa of tTwjUiina uango to Mater, ttot ttoy mmi atom ttolr flag toga with Mator; that ttoy moot torn ttolr ban nada off ttobnatlfal <Wla that antor 4a Ugh*. Otaatoantlaa for Mater la tto la af aa Anartoaa nonary. It aatka tba aM nlgab jg I boy tho Aoaoriooa bub. who, do —» K.^.'SrSrS?'* pri* did taught to nnnri^ tho hot#. an that lho«M> o2 ^Wlor wiw Utay grow BP^togat gg&SaaFafe'Stt 8»y L5SIK*liiMlSftJPSii: *w»U*PW aaadloat ul«ab hor b^u^Oitaj'id oooahtora^ hat oo»r Thoro*« do do«ht a boat t that wo oU of mm in tho way wo ■ a trmiood. ???*... y —M Mow woo i (not dm) ofpotltoaoM waoiod. bat deal bo Itofothot, if mTwZoo tawhom rw^ro a root la tbo iuoB tar howi't ^(fcooay to Monk jo*, ti to nftbor i bo*youym mKhaow sj^Bra,-4 rest olodlog ta foturo to rotgot roar good or# B.UUto too won mm to botao oomU rod ■—»— M*» of oumTToo BO r of Umb SSKST&Sr f£&VX ssr«s^SssrjsrL:: troth la uu. bTSia six: •▼•ry fn( ltd up oootd<>t|of hMBopnriMhitiua of hto rootouiUoa of E'“*. ihhwwmi OIMlIW UdAt a ■Heroaoap* Uwnoy look dlffannt, but to IN ordlny m all woroo am allka la tbrlr fwrol cWr •aiortottw of —‘imrlhton tsmasnss* IN wonao wbo to UN a bubo* than tb«worn womb. AtlaaTtbawoIa M wbo. it U>« rfiphtoot *4, flour sis.t.Wvi.'; Nr to lotaroat on*. Bo»nmt bo aqra-TOrrsii; know ixMly wtat flow no aador tta Nod erf IN oolnal Ndom. tat I M« thooo Hotaf IM« tint wo onoUy eooedodo wftboatroowla, to ton oo aoolo, Harooa you mb * nu wbo woo •nottyllko a ptotak Uk kal I tarooMaNr wtooNrfem aad Mooth down W dnao no oN ww Rolu out, joat w IN NatNfoo Nr fwtNro aad aorta wNai* toalan lap IW a wofti owr tNawa. TN VMM MNT Vn vA*UM tgayaag.yut :rj,*E-'Tsrs,‘x,Si; w wbo to llta o Uwk-owAo itnta. srisfca.VRfcs! I > gS3?.g MKi5o2lXr*lSr bmn Jcwm t To* wm • —• H — 1 _1.”Tk" wto <Mjw hide Urn W whan m gat kam f” “Wad, •ehJw’aa I got daw da ttOOQutt* ynui {aU »«« urbldadeoottowf)*akwd«a.” “DM yoa raaafalao that «aSaV» _?»•. rnhshall coahoa Haw a aokafroat HanSw." And that*a yoor daknoa, la It T" ^ _taawima> m rra* dia S*J>* l<awd> Jkaada Da Land r tarda' lat’Yo’ty'y^nra^in? r« roS? ^tealiag thataottao.” waata f*"* »wqt. *T«ra jf tataaa, BO ml ha wayTaadaatd'ra him: ^isswws'SKiyia u.u.’zrsijrcy?’”— "iftrir^saL,!!,w‘” H8oIdU1Mh:hnt alteraarrlo’far olMdayadoL*wdthawd mahowla ^ 1 *“• m'*tr won’t git am agta 1” TbateilwaufHtaml ontaldr build lugiiod tan —.Wail— runreUr cwrtM • MOinc taaaoo to toooa North OaruUntaaa who hod noonplT th*T If wo wilt bowl tb* tataoo, UM mq toot tab* wfll not tela vote. Tto taMboMitat North Oarotioapao ptooondf orodt » Is tote patenol*, •oooonM, put paw mamm im taw •otarpriML XiMtsod ofpotaoc tooosp totoobalMloicoodlto« aiioteouwta xsoniiwi, pad H Into ooo In If mb Oosslloo, or lot* n V-oto Oaruttoa wotato book, or • North Ourutioa bOMO For o hondrad port Hart* assl3,siiin2:,5 too ora rM bow. hot oho Is at poor m ovar. Ul* UOMto Mop. loom ooeo. baUMog nod loan, oqtaJda war toonU. Irato, ood toa W_taka wit ltaon aimoaJlp rtpbt oat .if North Unr ailoo nott, and UHMO of it notar BOO too* again. WoboTBphoo frartr to too world u lorna) oowlot to balp 2«T»tfT«o b- hafplnr ooo nootbar. W* tarn tbo bato (to atarp partial«r) S&isgjfstf&rjraa a ■MuwBmniRmm Twaw lUrviioa'oSrmTjmSfm oVtoa SETaSffiS®-** ^^ar&S&ss I tit* mhm. and taotaad of aauiag «ot of >u»a«Miqr«r *mmt»Emmk££ ' 3o4^Slli*^RL *o —- IbrttOO, ! •Mttod ia Stink aaa d^ut^Mkld hayto toaaaad u&r.d to ootuo Uh> gtarsra^rr j! |!M£W.«»8i£ <M|*UtodMaaa km Midi fggjj* •W»wi ih2 aaStoS ttapoHay *.toO olm»« poMMdia g2*3*«* 3*fc3WS* * W» "• *111 bold oar laatoalla. fcowtoar. ~'tTii haarka > wyttta toto gjdjwh <wtou!!?toSto lb! i^S^L52aSSta*hMk tour'SSS tto iuutaUM bU ortho ••dtooUHaoatlaala*It. Ha ItmS laa m«eoy, aad ha o itidlnil. and an **"* ■•■ Mr tbo oaliro ooofl h^ih**7* h*** ®p***fia«aSLt Mo hiwklflf oflioar la Boa Mntoo -~«r1 “Sf «*«•** vsrrx^afaysi.’s •W'fSwSJtMh1- W Wofr bODOnbla, baidWMblut Mbe. ** ® wuov. S»KtfS.‘SS2?a£3S tw’g.tfgf&aarj actwajwaasa •—M ■<*>*"—»«• BarwaaU?‘<at ►>••*•” la lb* wteuc-m u . _ •••KMaa rbaratiaa, aadlaaaaMr brr (do.ilo* Ip ihabaSt lam wmwmn •^tuWd. Wnb a bw Muta Itmm uaa “Sr 'st'* »m££3 a fawa .tab* wwM «b» a— £2 JJJ^^^^to^MVofaatarUlutaa »tH flo!a> bSri^SSSTJ?^ ITn inljuftfiimi DnUha niimnibinh y‘ Mjaar »W »-»Rot» Obtatao aad ssBSatftHfrSa ^X^aj. TbaJ^n^tS S5ii ■55?SbB 2st^S‘^srs5H3 aa "Tba „ a»D-tU*» sg&WKgwja^ svs£2i5M.*B5i ffswSr'Jsns.'W es'isrsitrayrai; A. F. WHITESIDES, Acttit, ttilNU, M. 0. buggies* .SBr— ......sr*jg2*L.. -r 1 a § • * •v I I IT ,-'i' a*. ►v' «* *JL ! f*. I*.' r. ¥*v :•$ t* v* I 5 s»* ■ ,i 5» y /! r‘; :? ■ f 't

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