Voi. xviil \ OfMtonia, N. C„ March 4, 1897. THE PEHIJOSSIPBR. BAB WOULD LSE TO GBU81 HEB OUT. am a* wmm it* am *r a-m •nl W«J •• •*«■ ear I* ta Uia 1» riftnal liai OwawtoUi Wag* W UH toato* imtaw-A IMr> Ufi tor Mm. St. Look Hrputiao. Tbt world. It la laid, la growing non and more cultured. Bat lid you aver happen to think how It la given over to patty goaeip f Whan wi ptek up th* diary of Mr. Papya wa laugh, lo a aaalpttylng way, at tha mlouta deaerlptiooa ba gif a* of tha dally Ufa Of tbo people among whom b# went. Wa forget, however, that those were the daya when the cswapapai waa of llltla worth, leUarv were e long time to going from plaoa to plaoa, few pao pla traveled, a apeda was vary ampbat lcaUy oaJled a apeda, and art, with a capital A, waa not thought of. It la true that la those days there were heroes, sod nowedeye beroce era acaro*. Aa the world grow* larger U grew broader, and man and women counted It an evidence of IU-hreadleg to Indulge In goaatp about IItU# things. Probably human nature didn't ehetwe, bat thara waa a day of dignity whan ladiardld not obattar ao much after tbs faablon of moo key a, sod man fused them las* good comrades, but very maeb mote ealeetlal beings, to whom great reapoot moat ba shown. Possibly tbo woman of to-day la more Intarrating, bat bow aha oan talk l She bat very little fear of any thing, or anybody, and aa gossips and aooldr are no longer dookad. or put in tba pillory, she oan give vent to ell her •mall dlabkca and In tba moat positive ®*»oar. Of oourae, there are many woman wbo Bud no pleasure either la Hataclagtoar indulging la this anall tattling-, hot tha clever gossip wbo la a bit vMuea baa bar piece to-day. and la feared as much aa aba la laughed at Sometlmaa this type of goaatp wear* maaoollna clothaa and claims to be a ■ua, than ba Is that muab more ocn temptibla; far aaonll alas, especially alas of tba tongue, have baan at vert-' oua ttmaa ooooadad to woman when they were oousted too mean and low la way to down Use woman of tbe visions gomip typo ta to llatan to hot with a look of perfeot Indifference upon your too*. This make* ber fu rious. 8ba doesn't mind If. by wreak ing of a frteed, aba makm yon angry, •be doesn't Bind if whan abe rattles tbe bones of your family skeleton. abe harts you; bat aba does long to claim your attention and form your interest. It rsqalm tome oourafe to look at ber Indifferently, and aa If yoa wars airing her op; It Bay make ber bate you, bat It will force ber to oontom that yoa exw beyond bar and ber type since yon do not earn la the least for their soaUeloue type. A woman of tbia kind seems to de light In karting yocag, ds iso ml ess girls. At a recaption tbia winter, to the horror of everybody, Mrs. Hurtful mid to the debutante: "How and where is your mother V' Tbe girl almost fainted, but ebe bad good Mood in ber. and aba bad that wonderful something palled pluck, yblpto stood by bpr, ao ihphaid bereelf op aa wail •* abe oouid, apd said; 'Tnunk yon, •he’s quite weni she's on tbe Conti nent.’’ Tbe troth wee that three years before the mother of thle girl had been the heroine la a dreadful scandal, and It waa a wall-known fact that abe wee living a horrible life In Paris. Someone did have the courage to ask this woman srhj aha said wtiat abe did. And abe anew wed: "Ob. wall, those people are always ao far above everything that’s a little human that I thought I’d give them a bit.” It was true they were above mean seta, but, after all, tbe world le oot so bad, for saaong tbe women wbo were pres ent when this happened, at least live took Mrs. Hurtful's name off their list, end ber enemies were increased, noues ronaa nc oun rrcasanna. now*n«j», nctjr, wiui TB*y iium ebUdreo.yoo no longer ana tbo Fr#nrb •ana. )■ bar ptooe with tba children of tba rlob, la tbo Jtagitob canary gorernaoa, Mho to opt to be ratbar gaunt looking, bat aha la oartato to bo ■ woman of gentlo birth, gentle mao not*, and with auSctost deflation to aoawar aotll tbo ebUdraa ara randy to go nodar a ragntor goranieaa Tbla astoenU of tbo a unary brings with tor, la addltloa to a perfect Bogltoh aooaot, proaoaaaad English Idea* oa tbo addict of children’* partial, awaat meat*, Wha, olotbea, waiting 00 or.e’a aatf, tooM aad apaaklng. la this laat aat abo la a* adapt. Bhe toaebc* tba cblldraa that tbay moat aat tod aat property, and tbay ban, my aarly la tbdr aoqaalataaa* with tor, that abo obaya King Solomon'a order, aod to aot coaoomlcal with tba rad. 8ba la abadote monarob la tba aaraa ry. Of ooaraa, aba ready doaa do rial mental work, bat aba afaaolutaly raga* totaa tba llraa at tba cblldraa, toara Unit aimpla laaaoaa, aad oaltlrataa la Itoai tboa* maoman which, for aae* tortoa, wail h aba ml children baa* taao expected to 0007. She la mob lag tba lawtoB oh Daren of tba rlob aplandldly grooaaad ll!tto antmotoaod tba to teaching thorn, which la a good thing for them to laara; lb* desireNlI ty of waitlag oa IbaaMtltaa. At tba Ubtolhag moot toara to botp than aalraa. A* tbo tabla tbay moat toon to batp tbamadaa* to a proper quao Uty of load tab log aot too aad ud aot loo lltua. A Uay araldoa of my aoqaalataae* to bain* taagbt tbk Mid art la a aad bo* good way. I waa to tba canary wbaa tba abtVhoa war* bayto* too, aad wblto aaoh on waa •0(07%, with a aop of wank too or a gtoa*afiaUk, a ptooe of bot, batata*, pto oak*, tbla Uuto. oaaid of • y ran wu ratio g off a dlanar pUu, aom* odd VMMtobtoa aad aaaaa odd pad ding. Bb* waa looltaod to bo a tot trard*, aad wtow aha Caodod a dtoh, ad pad baraalf 10 a gnat dad of It. Tbo Vagttob gaanoam brooght tha reraadyfcrthto bad baharto* Wbao I to* took too noth foe anythin! bar Plato waa marred for bar aad ate bad for bar taa, tha oaarplaa. Tb* iaadt otaa waa a vary ooalaaaaat one, bat I aa a*a la a vary lUUa while tba on happy ahlld wlUtako a smell portion of tb* dlab that aba Ilka aad aak.tr It to allowed, for a aaeood helping ntoar toan abow tor fraadlaaa aud bar bad manner* by maklag tba aUtakaoot, oofortuoatelr, peculiar to “little pao PJ*." of orarfoatUat bar plate. oi:iu>**k at wininie ritAcaa. ▲ frieed of otia* toM me of tbra child re a whom aba oat at a watering Pto* ona eaaaoa. Tbay ware tba draad of to* aoUia boa*. Tb* next aaaao* they appeared at to* aoa place oadar obarge of oaa of tooa Kcgltab govern aaaaa, who look* aa If abo bad Mapped cat of ona of tba plotora la Poach. Tbaotoage la than waa gaat that It waa etarUiog. Tbay had toalr loaaosa every day aa rrgatorljr aa wba* tbay ware at boa* aad they wafted and slept acoordiag to the dock. They waa broogbt by tha govnnaa to tha Ubla, where tbar had been a parfact horror to* year before, bat now tbay only bad, la tba way of food, whatato approved of. If aoa ware at all la dload to rtUrn to bla orlgiaal Mata of aad rabal) be waa takaa from to* toWaat once aad very qalaUy, aad to* taaatadar of to* groap knew par woofabethe fat* of tba aaaall rebeT My Mead aatd tb* moat beautiful thing of all wpa to a* toaa roaag atooara tarrying to* pltebara of water to toalr room for ttotr totto. normal IIOCU U t>irmurn sr> Aa BcgUsbmea told aa that tha law la bU onraary waa ao great that •ran bla mother saver opposed the governess. And on* year, whan they ware going to tha seaside aod bad to travel eboat 25 mile* in carriages the anttra train, oonatotlag of Urea large doubt* oarrtam for the family, two «*fonetUs for the servant*, and flv* wagooefeUof baggage, waa stopped, wbUa the Duraary governs** got out, eat n • witch from a tree, Uftadhla*, a aoreartng bov of 4 In kilts, out of tha carriage gav* him a thorough whipping and restored bias to hla place, baaauaa be had aotaamed and cried that be didn't like to rids The queerest part of hla description Mas hla memory of hla mother** be bavlor. During Ms axrtUog episode— •uniting to him. at least—aha oavar raised bar ayaa from bor novel and •over seamed to know that anything out of tbs way waa going on. 1 won der aomatimea that American wonaa who an taUuiea aa arttata, a* readers, aa writers, or, indeed. In any -brooch of work whleb can be celled profes sional, do not baooato nonary gover nors He Ilf* Is not a hard one, but It U a Mcaatlty that tbe nonary gov oraoaaba datarmlnad, otherwise aha will be a failure It aha la tha right aort of woman, no matter how Arm aba may be, bar Util* ehargas win grow fond of bar, for chil dren are wonderfully qalek at ood«r ■taodlogand approving abaolatajaa Uos. Bomeooe aald that the good Xpgliab govafaea* bad a pedigree that waa sot equaled by that or any of bar kind, alaae It told tha story of tbo w Eiyal of tha band of pach boumbofd whlph ah* had taught the young ie how to Moot. ynw ropTLAaiTT op bAoas Although oo many Imitation gem* era being worn, tha Canny for roaflaee ia growing evory day, and If a woman can only have a half yard of tboroogb & JP»« wifi. If Me la wlm. taka It » preference to many yards of Imitation. An extremely pretty lao* la made, not only lo this oountry, but ln “*D« Trr7 open, but remarkably aoft. It la obtaining on aU tha daiaty chiffon* aod malarial* of Um crapy kind. Thin m the handsome Honttoe. ummw IBM eoetlmuu in vovos, hot It dost not easily yield Iteeif to twUta and knot*. I bay* always been abla to oodantaod the woaaa who had a paaetou for Ism. Tbentosoae tblog immensely suggestive of gm>tfl| ty to even a aiegb bit of to* old '.Sew, KJWsrtsrxas: VOBM. gooenUigbig, hove not beeo oervful with good bon. They hay* thrown one tea Ut away beoenae an ther earn* Into faehloa, forgsttlag that the hand made Inoa la always fashionable, sod that a pteooof laoa rnininn a prestige similar to a good govt, or a too ruby. Some of the most charming hooka bay* bean written on boa. and at least toe of then wore by womsn. Wo think that wo spend moon nowaday*-* wo f Mary, Queen of BogUnd, wrote la her book of personal expenses. of ooo Item— *00,000 spent la one year for boa 1 And thorn have boon woman who loved bn so dearly that they wanted It sheet them, even when they were dead. The famous beauty, Au rora Koaigsmark, b said to he be r led tn abeolete mann of the richest Sog Hob point. Mallow aad rnlpnr*, wtlb the wttty actress, Mbs OldAdd, deeps heeddreea of'rnT prtnWnd /Xd covered with leaooae of this wooder folboo. Study that night banned Ii*0 a illijiPy motorld weyofoarry lag onr to* late oar grovoo. a umaow aoaisot aaunonrng. Thoogh after aU. what's the *qod «f w^JssS'^a^s Sfe who, oovsrod with Jewata.was serried through the atroat* T Hs w a* ptoeonad by a phUmphw who said to him "Thank yon, ay Lord, for giv ing ma yoorgooM." Tha Mogul* stared that ha had not dona thb. Tho phUaoophor anawerod: "Too. yon bevei tor I have liaksd at then and enjoyed their gllMor and thatr bOBOttful oolof, ifeiU n|, Ulaga, and what other pincers na they give to you* I hate to Joyed them] therefore, they are mine." tho oM philosopher wn wbo in Me geeara tton. The llUb story b a bman to P*1* tao»un at Um ■oat a Halted pteeeure only ooan to* Pnmoftto.i* j but that then to. aftei g»* —* phoaoto to ho gal nod I? touUea oae'a ayw on tbo baftotlfal mg.sag.asj.aggt oo wolbToft ooo If om trtoe om oan fad “oonoooo la etoaoe”—aod If om eea flntob ap the quotation gad And “good la onrythlng." Tbal*o what yoo not do If yea want to bo happy, and unlm wo ail try lo do it, wifil faw wo’ wretohed lira—a aomoUilao Ihftt wooUat bo a plwont aattor to you, aad a (oaetblog that I wiU not allow to ooooo to Bab. WoaatMIMOaa In OMtan Masafkaturan' 1ml Tbo Babruoiy noabarof tho “tooth* orn Stotoo” aftnUm. of BolUaon, omtolM two couple ooMly able aod noteworthy article* from thoaothorl UUfoppn of Dr. Oborin W. Dftboey, Jr, AM it nt Soacotory of Agrlealluig. -<* ■« Tho extoot lo wbleh tho toed night ho and |g noolfoot la tho otatenonl, booodopoa Moatlto oolooloUooo, that, bjopony handled, cbo aaad of tho orop °* 18W QBght to yield In round *u« ummA of wmoo. and fuel la addition to ell pcodfteon and ****taTy>*otoof>f food aod foe! to o fhrtlltoor. Thar* nay not ho at proa “t o onAMeat Booabar of all)* aad of aoUla to tin all tbo aaad Into oath, tat than oboe Id be ao ImpotM to imtor eCorto lu that dlnatloa la a “atoderallon of the potential rolaoof thtleottoaoeod era*. Tala It locfcoocd at «*.»*«. after dodaotlag 10 per o«t. for loot and oondiag. The total Maufis^asfesssat and meal node into lira wolghi of eat* Uo^ftM SU.OB.a7 in nanorUl nine *0 loeraaea or *40,000,000 end non la tbo tote value of tbo cotton crop *■“"■**« alia of that M ooortdortaf Ito importance during tbo next twnty-flvo yean will beooao (niter and greater aa tbo demand for oottoa aatantly expends, Thta will anoont to *>,006wfcj£ by 1990, Hr. Eafaey reckon* And bo show* that tbo Booth ought to bo able to pcodnoe It K Iboforaoof laborers U developed pro !»*«e«aay. Of tbo M0,000 nwi ■UMlatbeoottoa ngioao, betSO per Mottola farms. hot 99 por ooat la J“proSS* only Spot 0Mt in eot toa. Than U room, thereto., far ex. patooato neat tbo demand without ) _ I arlung from a otoady" ad too** in the Improvement! In method* of coltlra Hot!. .;*•* 100 »«" tbo total pro i«^aagrffiusr* yW.rSjSrJMTBte ecudaat of Boetbara ooodltlona The faoto an (tartllng, the euggcstlon* novel, and tbotr publication will aV traot wide attoaUoa. Supplementary to Dr. Dabeey'y at Uclee, and appealing wltb the logic of •ooarata ftgeres to the WeMenfam M °“““t 9boot for a eompeteaoy, la m arttoe oa “OoUeoOrowlog re. Wbeat-Growtax” In It an compared the oosta of raking an acre of wheat ud oao of eottoo. and the reealt* of tb?* <* tb« prodoota in 1894, a min imam year far both whmt and oot too. Tbo eoaelaaloM derived ton offlclal reporta of tbo Deport meet of Agrloalfaite are moat tuggaeU ve. The Thl* particular_ Doetloa with the cheaper « the *** ** the more geotal cll nate ougt* to leave no doebt lathe Weetemer’e mlad about tbo alaao where hi. progt Wotb. * After the Me Hr* la Cripple On*. I eTeryeerery eeld endtrted meay rwM^e without hete, the eokl only tbreTn|el7°fcIttle. * Cte*r1*b Cojfh Remedy, bo* the ooogb end I left me, and in Una Mai att. iwde It tekea e merltertoue tcrnTh rem edy to do an* food.—O. B, Hvn» hf 1.1. Ourry A ft,, Drogglrta. In Gorton ooonty mm month* *» * oogro (shopped ble tell brotharSTbe* o* end farther mutilated the body wUhan aa. Then m MnrterM provoertloa ter the ■ order. U On to* eeart la* we* the brute sub mitted to onuteta tfeoegeoad degree enOgrt of £*Jp mJT lithe penitentiary. Ho wtEbo pardon* la Otetyyoant ARP'S KORSERT SOIfiS. QDBOKBB ni atato Mlljbrtcbt r* ’--j aod toe.” I awl W)p tblaklag of that oM ■on*, for ibavejeat paaaad ■ty-Sret UrtMataad amthere ■matv yean am. ltto Uka the BuMeoo, aad Ilka Ortaar I •‘Tbedlele ■art.” I have .-— the allotted age, aad bow every that tun la agarMaal prfvlbfe— io?he word, far aoriptoto and aootoat ktetoryaaNB to have aadaU algal*, •eat. Than wan aaraaty aldmeC Rgkrt^utd^tha Lotd Mgtoat^wveaty tianatotod tt**OW ^ ""l *ea k "£*• thS. ^ Thi'ouine lived to be UO aad had a tnartad tine, bat I kaow aocao nee aad aan who lived patortghty aad whonfcrt day* wet* UrtArhaatdm. Tbaaa who have lived right or tried to aad toft baae uneel dah aad are Maaaed vttbagood wife era good kaabaad aad itvlag ohlMrea oaa take all the ilakatoat atteohto four ■core yean. La toe aad Borrow do not inn—ii m follow old age. Avdeev 8«Uh aM, vhea he waa MvteVy-toer: “I th at aaaa to ay HmbbHUb8h, to totoiahla health; a totoattag eharob. nan —mash *1t*o to talldeg, »e-g*n,g and aoiaai 1 ton tte«b<JU;T^y <a*a; have found to# world an eater telolaa world aad artthaakfol to Provldeeea f or the ynt alioted no la It.” UYwQ 10 uf *dbio ha t* aavanty b# wrot* bla «rUod ObUdai "U li like climbing Um Alp*) ton raa*b a mow-crowned •nmmftaod aa* bahladyowtba d**p onUay atietahlng mDm aad aulaa away, *•4 baton you other a—iwlN. higher aad whiter, which yoa nay Saws j**«n«tb to aUnb oryoo nay not. Tbao yoa att down aad taadJUta, aud woodar which tt wiUba TbUbtba whole atory.” Dr. Holmaa aaw to awl) fun la ararrtttwf that he ooalda’t help mak In* funny rbymaa aboat41 old nun: 2TC5&"*** Thaw ba wa* aorry Ihaldw wrote It, for b* lay a: tfs&iS'*0 Tb* doctor didn’t expect to lira to be eighty-fle*, for long ago be aaidj "Qor brain* an aowoty-yaar clock*: tb* aagel of Ufa wind*Umm op ono* for *U, tbaa eloaaa tbaaaaaaod «tw tb# baytoth* aagtloftb* reauneo UOOy But an old man U act obliged to hay* a crook In bU book nor a crack la bla laugh. Wa aa* many aged mac who are atraight aa aa Indian aad haw* wot lost tba cooatoal tonaoftbalr vofoa. Habit nod pride of panoa hay* wooh to do with ibis. I know an aged swuj'ffifsstrs.is od* ahalr, and yet aha la not attffor I ■ bear'aU that b' eatd, abaTTnot mah hanaaaad, fordhaaaya what aha laoka SiK^fSSSSKfSXKS tlaa that are alOl Utt bar. I omr S’iunsrA 'tnssrsi I thing disparaging aboat bar neighbor* UatubiM 'JoilMMSuot'tai boT sr-3? ariSiSSsfiM tMg«n ta ebtldbood aad oaottnoad la motbarhood «V Mwta knkwU ttodaaHaa of Ufa. I balkraUMt Um babtuot tbagtrte of tbu imkiUm ■MM JMMMI M tbon Of tba Mat Thapda oot laaa Ilka tbap Mad zsiggsgassasi mU BoiaMi. Tbay bam non oon taMb ante attebool and ara aot aPowad to baa forward to Unix boaka «rateu or vtttlaipad. Tba lira ta niaaoa oonpaaln bar* at teat dla tonrad that warn lira aa loop aa ■a*. U Mt tea par, and poltolaa ara i^ruxvssLs optam. Wan It oat Car tbaaa. tba Sraaaaanaod taa Urn* wool* bom baadvMoad^to Paaryara, and pfrn •» gdtSanSSVS’lo* b*natUd" tba jjjran te an. PrSu 'nrinL"* VafctaC: “Ban poa aot ad tba «kv •*•»<* ara-a not* no. dry baad, ■Wdap teg. wU*wI*a«of teaot >a«r ntoabnhaB. joar wted I daar tba platan. Aa - ri^ilj an taateod of pafclag faaat’ou aa. Tba ababaan ovphtto aana •tea*. Tba barlpUn mm tint aM agate beaiBabte, aagtbatUa mm ■tea atnttitea ap wboa tba old in •ntba balaaaa wbaate afaOtbona. attoaryofgoma—ut. int.wr.uoi Wg£&S»SS .What arawa XI?.. JLW?. >m>« •Aar tha grand tkMmid point a ami aadtal] thaa a tala and toaob «ar«7?£ a stow toa MggStot!"sST^ WSB»flV£gjag bnaanU that tin ahUdiaa wbohara ■* gmd paraala dWl oat bora tbalr •ban of happtaaaa to thla worid. Bat old aaa ban Its ^ iSndaq*.i •option. Ithaa and vala to no mo Uoo. u i_ gran dart aad jMM.... ImM of mali hara agitato?t£aM«atoT*M tor dok aa wo aaa ranamtor. life tha •am old (Bag, hot It dm not dtatarb oar anaolty. Wbao oar old eoafc oaa oladad to qatt, too adTtoad an wHa to >ookroaodaal“Mta aattld woman, to taka bar ptoaa* "Dn Mauato gar* tain’t gat aaaaa aoof to atay any* wtmotoagaaddv wOi to rauio’aC now aod fsaan! aad B«t VI VMt aootpi oar monad gratttoda, aod any ton Lord •Ira as "4*y.«hg dto a.mmtor. 1UUTB—TmMT, Jma. SB. BUI m introdeoad tor Ml. UUey. to prortda (or tha additional aonipl mnt, repetra,and supportot thabal « Baato OawJtoa aad tha Bor* art aad Xadoatrlal School. TUaaar* BtUaaad raaolation* wua dlaaoaad of aa feUowa.* To aw and Ue charter of tha townod For— OUy. to Both artord oounty For preeuriog and dla trlbottog tba bodlae at dead beings for tba aatoaaa. Mr. _ want: “That tola to thoaa who dia to tba Apad aad Inina.’* __ adopted. On third nadtogMr. Bay demanded tha roU call, which waa at tained. Tba Mil paaaad ma SO. sow IS. To provide far tha additional a^ssssflsjsraa: Mr. Atwater waa oppoaad to aparo Prtattag tha addltlooal lB.000. and oo toaawd loading dsmoedod tha roUoaU which waa eoetalned. Tha MU paaaad —aad and third xaadiaga Tba vote on aaooad raadlng waa ayaaSO. aoaa 10. To prarlda for tba additional aqvtp —ft- npalre aad seaport at Ua Nor aul aad ladaatetol BahoaL Thla MU eanrtaa aa BBOtwoctoUoa uanlir ot 111,000odditloeal totbat already ap propriated. Thla wU ha a total ad 6*000, tha span that tba Ualvantty at Barth Caroline gate Tba MU pw—daaaoodaadthlrdnadiaga To Uwrnofatatha aolorad mad Cdga at Kolgnta ad PytWw at Sfortb Oarolt wt. Paaaad aaeoad aad third taadligp. BOOTH—Tucway. BUM warn lateodaaadt Mr. Dixon at OWatoaA—To ntali to tfco poin ter polo n dlapaoaaiy far Ctevalaad aoatty, to balooatod at Ubalby. That aftar Mwah 1 na fatlla on raaolutioaa ba tnlmdooad. Mr. Oman—Tp anh mlt to tba popular rota at tha a«Kt pan aril ataatlan at State aid to hlafaor adaaattoa. Mr. JLdawa—Ts rauSaU wairtapa oC A. G. Baaar and BnaM Blrtha, of BaMgh. Tha calendar waa tahan op. Bniapaaaadr To allow atarfc or Dor haaa Bnpartec Court to appoint Mm. BalUaH. Brown gnarilaa at intent child ran ot J. C. Brown, , mSS without bond. (Bar toahaad'a wtti SS.rtJSi.VSS.8: aot oraatlac tha Waatam Uriwlaai ' »att Oonrt hp prorMlac that whoa b.^at, ■iiiir Pi ail |iii- * 80 afcoteprorMa that tha QomwaSr .. M AaboalBa. Hr. Laak, lta la It maaa anaaftont nap Baaaoaml aoaM •: >i ■ °°«w. M4 «U GHAUT CHOT* inrasasc *tmSrmSmi^m "* ***"“* lj fr*» from aAultenUee. OLD OOniltl 60110 CO., A. 9. WHITHS1DE8, "f-|T. UtfroaOA. W. C. BUGGIES. G»AlSSSSr«,5KS0S wto Mkt apwlal low prloM to too tnto to hold food UU April 1,1897. OlUttOMuOMNI OMOlIll GALL AMT. WHtT«jjEK8 A OO.

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