I 1 ARP SUSTAIN RBBD, THE BARTOW MAH WHITER OT fit. THOMAS HOLLT OUTIU AOAIV UU«r rm> Mr. J. P. turn TMlwa Ibw in csmw nu Mn, »-— n* Wrau “in *-- —urn an Ar» la Adeem omimigs. If ay good Meed Hilm M ted not com forward m Poo’s defaodar. I should bars retrained from faitter menUoo of Dr. Tboaai llollej Chip, ere. It Mart to me ttet oaouwfa ted beee wrltua by oetsMa pentae to pro roka a clearer azpaaa froa hie k tad red or aore intimate friends. There li (till a shadow orer his rate tloaa to Edgar A. Poe. Ttet they were peBoaaTfrleade le proven. hot as to who preceded la ttet pee ml lor style of lyric poetry la act proven. lhavsae loWreetiog letter froa a cultured old gentleman of Co line Perb, Mr. James P. Graves, fatter of John Temple Graves, wbo eeya ttet while a oo 11 age boy on bis return boaaa to Washington, Wilkes coenty, he vMtrt Dr. Chiracs end bad a ecavaran tlnn with bla. He says: “This oodvenation awakened 1o as tbe live Heat Interest. He spoke of an «eay or erttlelsm he bad JaB written for tbe Southern Literary Maseeaaar. of Blobaond. instituting a oomparuoa of the literary aarlta of tba peats By ron and Shelley. Tba Impression Bade oo a# was that It was a mailiifnl pro duction. He spote of Me ’Lest na iads’ aed other poeaa; amid be ted Just received a letter from Doe, sad I think be reed It to me, end be aso tlrmed eerreapoodeoce with othm dis tinguished bso of the north. ‘‘The plot are given of bla ta tbe Constitution Is moat aeon rata. His oomplsxloo was dark, —p—H on "Tba 14m that Dr. Chlma landed ‘The Bine' or la any way aided Us Ua production wm not In that day enter tained by aoyoue m far m I knew. “Dr. Cbteera’ atria of talking waa aery ornate, mod ha appeared familiar with tha arta aad aolaooaa aad te ba a my erudite aebolar. I need to wuo dw why he wm Dot more raoognlaed by the learned of both aaxaa, but tup paaa It waa beoauaa ba waa aomethtag of a recline, aad prafanad to rend la hi* own dreamy aad poet teal thought*. Than waa no dow of wealth aboat him, nor did ha man to oara tor any. Dong aftar that ha raaoead to Deca tur, where ba died aad waa baited. Mia. Obi rata waa a cultured aad (goat eaUmable lady. For Tqrther inform*. UooJ refer you to Dr. F. T. Wltta, of Btebmood, Va., who wm a half broth er to tbe lata Samuel Barnett, of Waah lagton, Ga., aad aleo to Judge William Bmm and Bee. F. T. Himpaon, of Waablngtoa." So it MW that U Dr. ChWera did not himself bring ohargas of plagiarism •fnloat Poe, bat remained hla friend •nd con—pan dent, the trill tboald be “nal pro—od." Mote (specially is Uiii •o aio— Mr. Grams, hi merit tboo a joong moo of elanloal eoltaro and a eon temporary, aovor beard of oaeb S charge, and P—*■ biographer in Apple* ton make* mention of a Ufa of Poe yet to be published that area written by Dr. Uhtvera. When I Mat wrote on tbM subject it w— my lanprs—km that Dr. ChlTsrs w— Mr. P—1 a—olr not only la yean: bat la poetunl wort, nod — they were bosom friends in Hew York, that Poe drew hie inspiration from toe doctor) bat mote matare red—ttoa seUsiMs me that WsDe— Bead M right. My wife saye he M. Khe has bat llt tMpetMa— with people who seak to rob the deed, or who destroy the idols of bar youth. Brer aln— aba used to raolto ••William TsU," the hero of the lakes, ea her Friday evening speech at Mbool ehe ban beeo mad with the man who first d Moore red that there was no such hero, or if there eras ha never snot an apple from of bis boy’s hand. ^a w— osrUloly a gifted f—loa, for hl» pro— Isas marvelous — bis poetry. Both are —Untie, lagaaMaa, dreamy end of the borders of fairy Mad. Bat they lire lo the admltetloe more than to the heart. For postal that charm — r baman nature end lin ker in the son) of memory 1 would rath— read Goldsmith, Gray. Cowper, Coleridge, Dome ead Tom Hood than any others. Byion’i ere grand and stalely in their beauty, bat do not melt down within us sad make at better, kind— end mom loving. The mo— b—Ufa) lyric poem ever written la, 1 think, Ootnridge** “Gene ris—.” When 1 was e yooag man I read It with supreme delight ead It h—not —t lo- Its oh— m. My gym poeby for lo— sad lo—rs |e still eU— »»« 0owi»« «*<J my sool la thrilled 3 wk*? * read how be woo bM “bright end beeataoos bride.” That poem sad Goldsmith’s “Her—it” I committed to memory more than btaf a ossrtury ego bad I dearly lo— to reeall those. For Hum, serious laadtutroa on tbs rmnlty of serthhr tbio#i there hi do poem rt)oal to Gray*■ "SkofJ." For Aoom and beert Boras leads ail la t«n<3«T*OM. For nmlslts pathos that appeals to nor obarlty and oar stty thtTO to noth in* In tbs English Imposts so offset last as Hood's "Hoog of tbs 8blrV” On this rids of tbs water ws bats poate wboat works ban stood sad will sootlnos ts stead lbs test of Ums. Karoo Bosurts la eaMlaity >*, than *o bars beta Wellington at •oasehow I ham no UsU (or poetry that baa to strata lor language or that baa to baot tbs dlotloesry for muses! or soaorasMa words, raab as aidsa, satri0Si.t astads iss S( tbs fresh asm *■ ink effort: *su» nunu. All kf oar teak bywea hare base towjm to M &OB (BM lir Button Witt bad a towarn? g.a.AXZft ysfa^-teayis; *rttaa a bran mow r But arao aoaa gSpasKs=c ^toM, ttoa I*oaat a< ovary Mania a” SOT.*SS W« wan Bada at Ira, tor tha ^y^i^s^rsssrs-, KjtoJ&kSt to .“potato wd adda aottlBf to tba attnoUraoaaa I laaboo Job. bypanrtttoal about nobttlBWt tot 1 aaat balp 1L Whoa ! to*«*»UB la varaa ara aaaatanl ttay ftfe* —•_ Aa raaiab aal adalia *toa aorar baaa raooo etladto tba llaaa: -teMMnnasr > *»b*M Uka tba falling of darkaaaalp tbat to on It la a atnte of thought: aigbt aa wall bora Bid: g£te'^aa' « tna ?*W?Vnff lJtS ttlao-too UtUa tor a ooaparlooo. Bat I laaboo It la Baaa to dad fault with a poat vbo wrote aa many baaaU OnuaTlmi i w*- 0-17 brta*a aa down aoddnly fro® SbaaoV Una to tba ridloateua. Wabotartolaat worda wara wbHparad: “latil lira,” bat a fowg aaaa I kaaw aodartook to Nnatttaaaaad aatd- ' Boy*,l’n not daadyaJ/» aod all ttaaoiaaolty dla In. mm ' ** 1L Quad la It Hotting In parttealar allad Mr. Bowier tte otter awanlag wten te attrtte tew from tte oOaa, bot if Um irarage baatete dow’t wtenklak nw ao often ha la act an good Um with hlmaalf. Tte Uw bad eow te Mr# Boom to Mik io4 bo loot no Um oftor BOtU&f iato tbo bott. Mn. Bowvr waa tteca to waleoma biro, but te bang ap hia hat ate Urate on bar with: *&x*nuKOg:sfzB ate tete la tte tew and bang item on ttla tell tiaa and arnica a regular Maypole of Ilf Thor* wa* only ooa axtrahat on th* Md b* aeofltd along attar bar, ovary foot-aUp ebo wing that bawaaoutof aorta and meant to rate * raw. Ba ton aUilag dowa to tbo tabU b* looted around, aod bla era tagate to ootia* * oraek la to* giaaa ovar ooa of th* ptoturaa, and ho axdalmad: ■*Boao at work with too ax again, bar* yon t Why didn’t 700 iwiai th* wbol* of tea whtta 70a ware aboat Itt" Mr. Bowaer bad araefcad too giaaa bbaaalf a month bafara, bat why any ■o end baar him daoy It? Ha Ml Into bla ohalr at to* hood of too tahl* with a growl, aod aa tfr*. Bqwear bad oot avao began, boworar. “Wbat bava yoa got hai-u old bootr*ba damaadod, aaba ataitod to oarr* to* ohleksa and atoypad with kiHa and tort bald aloft. "If* a young aad taodar eblokao— on* of tha oloaat I oooM bay,” aba humbly raolltd. "ChfakaS, *b T Wall, I aoyor aboalfl —* “Wo will oall tham eo, but I took town far knot* from: to* waodplla. DM our bakaty bora dowa deling toa day »” “Wo, daar.” . "I thought it might m I aa* yoa ter. eoma ootbtetooaa ban ta ybrna of mil*. Wle* dlnoar for a baagry ■aa to Mt dowa to I I’m a* eo glad I didn’t dtao at to* elab I” n wee a dinner It for nay mi to alt down to, bet Mm. Bowser reamed that she would only make tbe ■attar worne by artoaent, aad therefore baM bar pease, or rather sought to obaaas the oonveraatioo by teOlod blsaofa street oar aootdont she had wltasesed been rating oaa oI year ■hide, aad that's tbe rsseoa he boaped late tbs wsgoo I Tba wonder Is tbet be did not run over baif a doneo pas pis.” Mm Bowser bad Intended te nek hla to taka bar la U* theater that eveotag, but saelaghow "ott" bn wee me nave It op, and os returning In tbs sitting-room eat dowa to a hook, ffivuiartrjssrt xjsgzzis&r&a, “Mrs. Bowasr, Is tMa a bonaa er a wigwam ?" "Why, what do yoa ssaao I” “Just what I said, If lt*s a konaa, then ws aaad a bounskaspar. If It's a mm It bad gone dowa to the eook to ba uasd as a an, er, perhaps, yen had das* It oat of tbe window far tbe ahttdfsn to ylay bores wttb. An Xs qglnto er a Digger ledtaa cslgbt pet ap wttb enekthtnga, hat I eaat g«t used to 'em Ota yen mis lbs Urns to tad ae when that sight am went to f» “It waa rolled e» aad plaasd seder Big: Bargains In Bill Heads. Here are some odd lota of Statements and Bill »««<<» to be turned into cash daring the month of March. There is a-bargain In every lot named, bat cash must accompany order. We will not set a type or turn a wheel on any job mentioned below no til the money is in our hand. ^-BIII HeoHa - NUMBER 3—Stsa, B*-a Inch** Wide by 91-4 |npfcs* Lon*. One Lot 300 for fi.jo.-One Lot 300 for 81.15. Neatly printed at above prieet, but eatk mutt tome witk copy. NUMBER 4-SIs*. t i-S litahaa Wide by 7 IncHaa long. ONE LOT OP 6,000— PRICES: 500 for $1.05. i.ooo for 1.85. Neatly printed at above prieet, but eatk mutt come eritk copy. NUMBER 6—Sin, S mi In. Wide by 4§S In. I on* R Una*. One lot i.ooo for $1.33; or 500 for 80 cent*. One lot 1,000 for 1.30; or 500 for 80 cents. One lot i.ooo for 1.30; or 300 for 90 cents. Neatly printed at above prieet, but remember eatk matt tome witk copy. nmm Statements — SIZE—s .-4 Inches WMe by • Inches Long—so to •) Limn. Ob* lot 300 for 8s cents. One lot 500 for 93 cents. One lot .too, 4X wide by 8* long, ,3 Hats, for *,.«>. inchm wide by 8 inches long, 16 lines, blank space top and bottom, for $1.13. * ' Send cash with copy. Prices like these for job printing are too low to book, to bill, to go after, or to tak» My other -f—on. If yon don't want to plank down cash with copy in cider to get them bargains, just stand aside for the other man wh0 *10. Them bargains are going to go. Get them while you may— aod get them before April 1, We don’t expect a one of them to be left at that date. OAZBTTC JOB OFFICE, Gastonia, N. C. Wi» M tan, Mr. Boeear. There H la, ud job eaa ate fuajeenalt ” . him oe that, and be rmUaad “Me. Bom. IdMtaSnd to vend -‘jUil'toSS ■Ld'dtomiMdto tooIl K1 Win roost aad HUB three or roirr boen at tba elab. Jut go to bed wbeaarer joe with aad doe’t utod ma. Wb®n a hflibisd bM do boM> tm know—whoa bla wift Uet win tor to ■Mka UUesa pfcaaeat tor W«-art2e” And be pat on bla weu> aad bet sssssJsuatartfcs Mod hfutotf that be had Uukf Mn. Bowtar a taaaoe the woeld net aoon f^toand^epbeM bla aetborltj u lord ■ & Imp 8 s' 7w£ •Vv, ft 1 i

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