Vol. XVIII. U&gvMBttau} Gastonia. N. C- March 25, 1897. IN VENEZUELAN V1LDS. XX. &ILE8 WILSON WBITEB FBOX THE JUHGLS8 OF SOUTH 1MEBIOA. •I'M rival Iks WMMIbiT (IHr-l *Mrti»Ml rMMllM-]lMkto(-IM Ualoijr la Ik* Im*-Tm4-AU Ik* WmM la a ckrlauaiia IManr «U* I ad tea (ArlMau Mim-IU larU me Mb la Otrsalalloa. To lh* Bdltur of Tki OuKtli Iii a South American Wlldernaae, Hatch 4th, 1887. I was In Trinidad nearly all of Octo ber and Norember and, under date of January 98th, gave yon my first im pressions aod opinion* of that, In many respects, moat charming Inland. For the last three months I hare been, most of the time la Veneansla, end will now describe tome of my sur roaodioge on tbe "Spanish Main” and tell you a few of toe more peoulter South American customs, aa practised In tbla locality. During toe entire voyage hen, aoroea the Golf of Faria end up and down three or four riven, a dlstnnoe of some two hundred ml la, than la not tbe •lightest sign of civilisation or human habitation. On both banks of the riven, as far as the eyo can reach, then la noth lag but on* todleaa, un broken wilderness, and all tbe land for ■astir miles on either hand Is so flat and level that it Is trot flowed by every tide—and the riven rise and fall four teen feat twloe a day, with each tide. This then probably aeoounta for tbe lack of eetUemect sod Improvement, The settlement, when I am at present located, was founded some eight yean ago sad and is owned exclusively by tbe company with which I am con nected. It occupies a small clearing on the edge of some bluffs and little mountains, overlooking tbe river, and oor residence, office, store, machine •hops, ear sheds and laborer* laaebes or barracks are surrounded on all side* by almost oouoUam miles of origin si sod well nigh lapasssbta forests. To penetrate thee* Jungles on* most be preceded by s native with cutlass or machete to cot away the vinos and underbrush, and even then cannot go more than three or four miles par day and frequently only one two. lo other words, travel by laud Is fraught with such difficulty and danger that it Is seldom attempted. Our great high way is tbe river and all communication is by boat. We an oomplstely abut out from tbe world. Don’t even know the result rf tbs lsat election In the States or wbsthsr tbs war is over, and no means of fiudlog out for a month or so at a time. We haye a fully equipped narrow gauge railroad, about six miles long, over which aebsut our product to tbe wharf, where It Is loaded into tog ships for export, but have no con nection with tbe outside world; no telegraph, no cable, no telephone, no expram, no railroad, no regular ship lioa, no po*» office, no bank, no chnreh, no school, no bona, no males, no roads, no paths— In fact, “no oaw 0110.” exoept our own dear Little fcwotr, which cdaxes irregular trip* to TrloVdad. the tour or Are white people oompeelng oar official staff and •one two hand red Laborers of all oolora raoea, creeds, sixes and condition*. Gams Is vary plentiful, hot rather hard to come at beeeuee of tbs dense brush. Occasionally t take an boor or so off to bunt the festive deer, the prowling tiger, the wary ducks and turkeys, the conning In pea mud agootles (spelling of last two □ scorn not guaranteed) and the thousand and one other kinds of game, and also to •ogle for the moat dtlidooa end tooth eome Ash that ever swallowed n book. Herd worked as I have bean I have found time to kill ons doer, several tar keys and docks, sad ho catch flab weighing from to ty lbs snob. I am “laying” for a tiger and if 1 auc eetd Id killing him have promised his skin to the fairest of Carol lot’s daugh ters 1 with an my readers no old see a tret in onr back yard. It Is literally cov ered with birds* naau. About tbs middle of January n dock of "Vonexu s)sn mocking birds" took posootlon and oommteotd building. Thaos birds are a trifle larger than onr own mocking bird and Lavs black bod Isa, with heads tells and wlngnbeautifully marked with vary bright yallow. Tbsy build greet hanging oette, like orioles, and from tbs great number of them the tree-praotate more the appoaeanoo of a bay stack than a Ires I have Just returned from ooanting them and And that there are at least seventy Ovs oette on the oeo tree I Imagine, If you oaa. one bandied nod sixty, or more, mock ing birds nU day loog to a tree almost hangtog over your boose, and ail siog iag at once, nod you will have bat a faint idem of the wild, sweet, mod, weird music that I have beta listening to every day for men than a month. I am told that then birds have built in thl* tree each year for the pant tfx or sevon, nod that when tbolr youag ore large snoogb to fly they cut loose all their neats and throw loom on tba ground, ft la suoh a novelty to mo that I have taken a kodak picture of It sod will bring eno with me when next I visit Gaston Is In addition to tbemoeklng bird*, we bara a bouaa full of peti of all deeartp tlooa, aoah aa do*, cats, parrot* aaookaya, elotha, • booohla-cooehlaa,” eobwaba or ' fly catobers,” aod many other anloaaU, not to apeak of birds of brilliant boo aad ploroagSL My own parttenlar pad la a Hula ring-tail moo* k»y called that I am going to take hones with aa for ay two little nlooe*—th-U la If they want Mm. He affords me no aod of-iTimn* and I f ^rjneatly spend a planennt half Itoar with him. I spend ray Christmas near hare la "the wIMUroaas" and only wish that each of yon bad aa merry and aa an jeyebia a one aa I did. Tba manager aod his oharmtaa wife aad myself were lhe onl? white people bare, or within n bandied mllee of ibis location so far aa 1 keow. We bad n fanan nagrees who reaaolaad with ns,—nil the other laborer* and our staff of em ployee* went to Trlnldsd. We had a deugbtfol time, however, and never flit lonesome tor a moment. For our Christmas breakfast (we observe the Opaolah cartons and eat that meal at eleven o’clock) we bad olives, radishes, •artloss, data, turkey with cranberry sano*. docks, ham, all sorts sod kinds of delicious vegetables, most tooth some and delicate fruits, nuts, pre serves, English plum podding, eoroast ing coffee, etc, etc. not to speak of the finest white and red eriuee, sparkling, lee cold ohampagi)*, good old mellow whiskies and brandies, etc., ell In their proper course end order. We bed snob n breakfast—or dinner you would call It, aa oop Id not be ex celled anywhere and duplicated only In New York City Itself. Our dinner at six o'clock wee on the same magnificent aoala, end we faaeted on similar lexnrMe all through the weak end on New Tear's day. These appetising vlauds and delectable Held* earns from nil quartan of the globe end we fa end It fats resting sad Instructive deciding from what eonu trles they originated. I am rare each of the oon tinea la erne represented and many of tbs separate countries or na tionalities on those continents' And all this trouble, labor and expense for us three people here In n bowling wil derness 1 Wonderful, tat It ? Nearly era>7 day daring the holidays — shloh oonUnue unabated In this country from about Dee. 10th to far Into January—we were visited by stroll ing bands of Indians sad half breeds, numbering ill to a doaan In east) party. They usually wore the brightest oolorr and many were dt^uteed with all sorts of rid In aloes masks, some as bulls. In cluding head, boras, tall and all, and gave ca Imitation Spanish boll Ighta. Others were tbe gayest of trouba dours and eereoadad na with all kind* of wild, weird music on violins, banjos, cuatroe, cymbals, tom-toms, ate., to which the net of tbe oompaaykspt perfect time In numerous novel, queer, odd Indian dances. Tbe parties were pretty equally divided es to men aod women, aed after they bad exhausted tbemealvee for our amusement they expected a “treat,"—and wa never disappointed them. It la dlflcolt to say. aooaimtely, tbe number of drinks of ram, bottles of aod*. lemonade and ginger ale, pounds of pilot biscuit ("bard took”), or bunches of cigars we giveaway hi this manner. Tbe wom en, and a van liUle children from six veers and up drink rum and smoke black cigars just the same sc Um men. Had ws refused them their expected treat wa would have incurred their uadylog enmity aod they would possi bly have wreaked revenge by dee troy lug some of our property. The sim plest little trinket or present makes them supremely happy, however, aod causes them to be our feitbtal friends aed all lea for the ensuing year. I un derstand that marriage U hardly. If at ill, known among them and that, when 1-y themselves; they wear no cloth is. We have no roads or paths aod their only means of raeehiug ui Is by wstcr in their little “dog oete" or curl arms, as they call them. They pat their clothes in bundles, and, in a punitive condition of nudity, paddle their curtarai to the Inst bend in tbe rlyer before reaching our abode and then don their gaudy garments for oar bensflt. Some of tbe women are eome ly and present a pleasing appearssee, but tba Urge majority era tba raven*. They cannot oompare, physically or In features, with the haodeome, stalling, attraotlre oreols, mulatto aad ooolla women of Trinidad. So, you see, I gave myself up, for a period of ten day* or more, to case aod enjoyment aad languidly, lmortously, spent my time fit tba land of dark eyed maiden*, where tbs hardest work is tn trying to keep cod, and where siestas la a hammock oonatitut* a great part of the dally programme. It la very aeoeaaary for one who has to handle osah in this ooaotry to keep both eyes open, as the coin of nearly every government to tbs world circu lates beta. A cashier must be as familiar with sovereigns, half erowni and shillings; Napoleons and franos, marka, mllieta, bolivars, pesos, doub loon* and the "forty ’leven" other names of foreign coin aa be Is with dollars sod seats, And be not only must kaow their par or face value In tbs country of their orgtn, but their Tnnidad aad Veoesonla value, for few If any pass for their stamped value, being either more or leas, aooordlog to rate of exchange—eomeat a premium, others at a dlsoonnt. For Instance, a shilling Is worth Mo ia Trlstdad, bat whan brought to Veaeiaeia It pamse tor 25e. An American *8.00 gold pieoe passes in lbs Trinidad stores for 15.00, but at tbs bank for only $4.00 to $4.0$, while the same coin anywhere In Veaesuela la worth $5.90. A peso or bolivar passes at Its (son value In Vaasa oats, but when taken to Trini dad la discounted at from 4% to 10%. And so It goes with all the other money of the wertd, sod we see some of all of It bora. 1 hare seen mors UnUti statm gold tn atmulativn here lka» I *tmr d/dmkomo. Oar silver sod currency win not peas beta, however, aseept at a heavy dlaooant. Another sneer thing la that ww rarely If aver see nay paper money. Trinidad Wanes hills la only two denominations $0.00 and $100.00. I have seen both, bat only a few of each. Vsneanela. I be !»•▼», leans* paper aWo, but In a limited quantity and only taro or three daooioloatloDa, and althongh 1 bin baud lad large aume of money hare, I have yet to am my drat Venetoelac Mil or note. Headline the oain of all oatloaa wet rather son faring to me at diet and oauaed aaa to make aoma rattier lodlolona mlatakee, but [ have orerooma thoaa dlfBoultlaa and see now count coin aa aooaraUly, UvMieti aarhapa aat ao rapidly aa anybody atm In tMa quarter of the otoba. From tba above at at am aat yea tea that all oola la worth from 9* to 10* mam la VaaaaoeU thaa TrtaMad, bat you mam aat aoaotada that a mao aaa arii mooar or ba fleher by bringing bla aolo to Vaaeaaala, for, while It baa a higher value bora than alaawbara, tbeprtom of all marabaodlm hare are oofraapondlnfly looraamd. To lllae Big Bargains In Bill Heads. Here ere some odd lota of Statements and Bill to be turned into coah during the month of March. There is a bargain in every lot named, but cash must accompany order. We will not set a type or turn s wheel on any job mentioned below until the money is in our hand. Heads.—2, NUMBER j-Sln, inches Wide by t ,-4 inches Long. One Lot 500 for >1.30.-One Lot 300 for fi.ij. Neatly printed at above prices, but cask msut tome with eepy. NUMBER 4—Sics, B i-s Inches Wide by 7 Inches Long. ONE LOT OP 6,000— PRICES : 500 for $1.03. 1,000 for 1.85. Neatly printed at above prices, but cask must tome witk cepy. BUMBER 6 Sice. B m In. Wide by 49-g In. Long-6 Linos. One lot i.ooo for Si.33; or 300 for 80 carta. One lot :,000 for i. Jo; or 500 for 80 cents. One lot t,000 for 1.30; or 300 for 90 cotta. Neatly printed at above prices, but remember cask must tease sei/k copy. Statements S1EE g i>4 Inches Wide by B Inches Long—so ts i) Unss. One lot 300 for 83 cents. One lot 300 for 93 cents. One lot joo, 4* wide by 8* long, a3 line*, for *1.00. One lot yjo, 5^ inches wide by 8 inches long, 16 lines, blank space top and bottom, for $1.15. Send cash with copy. Prices like these for job,printing are too low to book, to bill, to go after, or to take any other |*11|rw on. If yon don't want to plank down cash with copy in order to get theae bargains, just stand aside for the other man who win. These bargains ate going to go. Get them while yon may—• and get them before April 1. We don't expect a one of them to be left at that date. GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Gastonia, N. C. treu 1 will quota the priow of wbat are considered Venaaoala ni nasal! I* Salt baaf, lSea pound;art lab Uca pound i pilot bread or “bard tack” 10b a pocod; oommos obaeaa flOe a pound; rerj low grad* brawn sugar lOo a P«»*!;«?• lOo a pound; tplU paaa lOo a pound; Irish and aweot potato* lOo a pound; flour 10a lb.; keroawa oil 00c fall era; soda water, lemonade or gtagar P*at bo-ttloj btarsEp* plot botUa; re® OOe to 90c par gallon; d*relo*eb, or flOo toflOo par 100. aod to oo throagb tba entire Hat. Tba only eheep article* a* ran aod olgaiw, both produoad lu tbia country. Tba form* la of fair quality and tba Iatt« exMleot for tba price. I hays frequently paid 10a aaob for oigare tn the a tat* that ware not nearly * good aa tbo* I bay bate for 00c par hundred. There are many other itama of la-1 Ureet l might relate, but tbia latter la already long and I am sot tore It sill ba appreciated. If I hare failed to mention anything that soma of veer reader* would particularly Ilka to bear about I bold aywlf In read toe* to aoawar any questions that may ba aafced mo. Hoping that aoeac of my friends win oooaldar this latter aofflslaotly pereonal to anew*, I remain. Very truly youra. Gn.ne L. Wilsox. Permanent Addra*:-51 King St., Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B. w. L 4 wokb mow Tgi rwnrnu, ■» »M«H M»fc M La tun Ite WraaMMtMljr Alteon* IMw. We are the Poalouater of tbla town, and while occupying the exalted por tion wa ptopoaa to keep right oa twU log that wa are more or iaaa the Uot tad Staten Tha day altar wa took poeemloo of tba afBaa wa gave not toe that itwaa beneath tha dignity of a portmaetar to llak etoenpeoa to tottera Oar prodeneeoor had dona It In order to curry tarot with tba pabUo, bat wa bad no each object to rtow. Wa S5"!?l^,SuSJ*J5Si!;l olttaece tor too Urn being, all of tbew eraatoally oacae araaad to oar wag of thinking. It haa bean three moetbe tinae anyone rmoeated aatoltok.bat lMt Toeoday • eWanmr la town nuned Dakar entered toe oftea and bought a ■tamp aad daoaaadod that wa pMte U to hi# letter. Hie wanaar waa rvy oftooatre, aad after a few erorda had btew exchanged he eoaoaaaad that we mart either link tba ataop or be woald Uek oa w« punt out Into tba tom. dor and bo United oa, and It took aa lua flra nlnutaa to taaka hire bolter. Wadld not link bln aa adUor at tba Klokar, Mayor, Baaator or Dapnty Un ited •nmniiTiui. aad to aaiatala tha dignity of tha United gutaa. Attar tSag natorod anology and adnIUad that*wa oSSd bare taboo do otter oomao andar tba otranaataaaaa. Ha waa abU to linn £» ^ gtytetel far Plaa HOI, wbara tbo nra iila not 6aly Meta on all tba tea ana, but baa oarer dared read a Uttar to lha Dred fottof Ofboa far laak at paotagt. If ibara la aayatbre orlttar la Artaaaa wbotblnka wahareot nada np anr ■•■d oa Ulo natter ha will otetya aa by naklag aa tarty aaC. UNCLE SAM’S MTS ABEOND. OU1 DIPLOMAT* WHO AEPEBSHJT US nr OTHER LAJTDB. WktnTkqr Uw. I fwii a. Secretary UbMMO Mia aa that Um apptloaUoB for oonaolahtpa will PwhnWy o mater 5,000. Tbare an non than 10 appBaaaU tor erwy foreign mlaaioo. aad Uw politician a No look opootbe diplomat! e a louaaota aa Um baafc often la Um t )f Um Adatalatratloa. TMe la a a > alataka. I bon at diftotwt ti*aa rUtted every fetation in Xurope aad AaU, aad bars ooan lots oaataet with Bora than 100 > aaarloau aocaola la all parte o< the world. Tha moat of Uioa von ItaMtlaflad with their poet* all oooaplalaad of big rz Than la _ __ _ __ _, |>f (||f mate ifeeartneat which paya oaoogfa to allow (to ooeapaat to live op to bio Motion aad eatanala aa bo aboold. One of the chief roaaoao for Mod lag riah aaa to Um eenrta of London, FaHa, Barilo aad Bt. Patorabaff ia b^ oaaaa by aoaao of their private *"£■■«■ •“ heap up the atyla which tha AmarlOM Minuter aboold ■aaatata la era* to ba of vain* at Tt>** Mtanaw r* u» Miaatt aatartaa paid to aoj «C oar diplomat*. Tory laaatoa |1T,J00 a ssys*».i!5sjsrasss to Paria, and bit -.tortotom^u™ ait hart ooat Mat aa moah mora. Oar pnatat Miatatar to rnnot. Mr. SoMa. put IU.0M a poor for Ma boom, and Ma atowatry aapoottt, aa Mata In ao Itaa^ad ttouan^ not •p.’kj wat oar Miatatar thara. Ha paid mora than twtoa bit talary to http at Ma SgSB'JfttrilT-i sxrsz 252? H* waabalptd by haala* a riebmaral ta»rof tantloa. TWa waa nipiuiii tow at HiU at lib do It, whoamat, 1 h***.**',J?‘f“ " •W.WO.h paar to aatartalatac. tbi uun muon. ▲aotbar eoaUr faral«a piaoa m B#» lia. Ow MlnUtor Ultra ought to taao wm aaoal atylawtUi U* MlotoUr* nwi other coantrt**. Hi otaaot do Tbr BrtUto Mlatotor a> Krila aato j*Jp5E*£» **»ffianat Put taw w^’asKr-.rjss a yaar aad (100,000 mUuEStatZZ tortrialag o«r to» Mtoiator to Bar Ua toTawtoto, north o ka?£ won Cow boons for nut Id tbo ssr&ss'kSiKa'ss: not bis ometato boy ootthe tenant*. Ho oosted tbs storeAs-sc from tbo gnouU floor. Ho bought op tbo louno of tbo fashionable pooplo who wm living ubon. mod tbon baring re teased Ibowboto building, turood u army of carpenter* aad naans Into it andbad It (modeled to suit himself. Hte bom was, parbapo. tha daaat uy iUMrtoaa foreign Mlclster tun star It aatoan other mnim* aigbt largo parlon, which could bo thrown into one. and it wn n lain that Mtntetor Fbolpo could hsvseo twctaiaad tbs whose of tba German oonit bad bo wished to do so. MtiU bio nvvtoM to tbo Uatted States wan Urnrannt oauld ban — to allow Un enough tor wml mob bonasa. Hu ^VS&.'ttJSrjSgi Ho ns popular with both Blnauk aad tba yo«n Knperor, aad wbau ba tried to gatoayth log done for Aaartoa Another odtelant Minister wm Oscar Btmua, who -presented us M Ooestaa Uaopla during Clevoteidte flnt adato tetntteo. Mr. Straus spaat at laaat SaHu and bis court, aad bt wm abte to aattlo toy trouble oo seeming Amer ica to oar advantage la very short OTutf. mow ovm Mutisms urs. Eew people have ear Idea of ibe sxpsnsm of oar Ministers. Those wbo •re seat to the Orient require a Urge aomSer of ■ errant*. Tbe MloiaUr to Jana bos ooaohmeo who are drewed In Jt pea see livery and wbo wear beta Uka butter bowls turned a pride down. The If mister to Fsfclag bee two stee wbo do notMog else but watch at tba gates of tbe location grounds to let tba riattors la tad oat. Hi* coachman ta a swell Chinaman, who wear* bright oolorrd allfc dreawa. Wlwo the Mfds tar gow oat to ride on horse hack a gorgeous groom follows babied. While I wae la Calcutta I mat tba American Consul General. He wae a Plain Origan man, wbo, I realms, had oarer bad snore than two servants at homo la India be bad to keep XX When be want oat to drive there were two roach men with turban* and gowns aa tba front of bis carriage, and two other tnrbaned Hindoos standing oa tba footboard behind. In Oriental oountrim oar Ministers usually have servant* go ahead of tbwa as they walk through tbs cltr to clear tba atraata. In CooaUntiBonle aad Gabo tbs man who prmadsa tba Miolatsr is known na tba kavam. Tba kavam bee a sword, Mormons pistols and oomattmw also n staff with n silver bead. Ha la dressed with much gold braid aod wean a ta nap. Daring my stay ta Egypt 1 bad ao Interview with tba Khedive. At this time a kavam went with theOonsal General sod myself to tbs place. Wb*n I eooompenied the American Consul to sail upon urn patriarch of Jerusalem wo bad two kavamea to front of aa. Each mao oarriad a dob aa tall aa blamalf. epos tba top of which waa a ball of diver M big aa year flat. As we walked through tbs a arrow streets of Jsrasa lsm them swells dropped their heavy sticks oa tba aloes pavement as they walked in front, and cleared tbe way far as. Oar MIeinter to Korea baa a company of soldiers from the King who sst as bis speoial body guard. They are dressed In plum-colored soaav* pantaloons, abort blouse* baited In at tba watat, and hats of Meek barm hair, which are Uad oe by ribbons fastened under the Ohio. Daring my ;st*y In Seoul I bad an latervlew with the King- At ibis time the sold ta fa went la front aad denied tbe way for me. The present American Minister to Kona waa fist promoted to Urn King oa that day, aod wa want to gether. the Klag sending down a num ber of ala own servants to aeoosnpany oi to tbs palaoa. Our Consul* la Ohio* bate eaob a man oaliad tba Tlag-ohl ta go In frost of them wheo they go out la nsaka visits of data Saab a man went in front of me wbM I celled upon U Hong Chang. Ho wm dr*mad In brigbt-oolored sUk sag bad oa a pair ef black doth boats with •dm aa Ieoh tblek. Upon bis head there waa a hat whleb looked Ilka aa Inverted spittoon, and there wsa a big button oa its orowa to show that ha was a cms of reak. couar oaaaa tboubub. Style —am a gat deal la foreign eoarta, aad oar Mini*ten would be ■Mb better at It they eoald wear a ealtona loataed of being raqnired to appear, ae la the rule of the State Oepertmnot. le the ordteety da— of aa A—rlaea. ciUieo. Oar uaaal efaaiof dr— la. yeu know, Joel the earn ae the* at the weltere, aad ear MtaUten heye, to feat, beta taken ter the waM— at ae— gnat dlptomntio reetPUooe. When Lambert Tree waa Minuter to Belgium be attoaded—b a rear*tea He waa ataadlng holding a aap of oaOm la bla haad, waltlag lor tetoeoet, when aa aUaohn of eaa of the other legatloee wearing a boahal of gold tarn aad a pack of hr— battoaa retard tbe eop eat of hie bead aad carried It away before Mr.. Tree knew whet ha waa about. The waa took him for a waiter. The other diplomat* opoa^ aaak ^ ooo—cwa jura elad la aal Tbay wear awerdn aad wadole, nod maay of th— ham aOk batte aad —haa. If aa taearloan Ml a later ban ton aa ofltoar of the army be uaaaUy wean a military eoifora, ead If eet he trtee^ejyat over the ngalatleo to In* Mlaiator toCktaa, Mi Wad. Kisstwe rintad Captain at 4 UUla r-r-r tCTanlfSni* wMab'to tM4°ie2ief*r htaartf a* Captain bad beta battona ^«oT*ttoJ£tow& •life-town* nobteaaa naked him »W SSSna A.ataod tor. S£wirt 3«r.Si2r;j^ra,-1!sr gwsaariscarm toaa plaaad to front* that afAaadaa. Tbla ana* to dattobt tha cbiat ■aa. Oanarnl LavWaUaaa won Ma ■Uttar* oolfnra wklto ha waa Ktale tntofrurfeay. it WMbbultea Saltan. iSatatMda^SairQaDnna WaHnna arrived to inpla be •nnt to ton bnUdlM opparfta tto s^jsrysryssfu ■aMTwbotto Baa-look!at aaatotte aattna alnto to. Ha wn told It gw^asKisrgirt Shortly after tola vtan Gaowal'wai 1406 M6 DTiaMtoA tlM ^ISana ffbidl aama Mroaflcrtaada* (feUrol W^lMt fron'rlubarla ana •iysfitrssS . _ .ikkktaklWtt "•■ftf?-* yfcwMd t am wuiu towthak all tha attar (wtka at tha an ta mat. E&BSiSPScS ao iMaoi why noma ata dram might not ha adopted “aa tin ordinary dram at tha ft marl nan cltiamL" It waaaa la tha pant. VtaMiAlraaam pnaastad to Klag Gleam III, be wore aaoat eoabcetdaced wttk lean, hi* tat ealraa woe* olad la aOk ->™'-<-g mta i»*o« oraaaoatad onto tQvor backioa. Uaojaola TnmUla at Ida pnaoatatloa to tha Klag at Fraooe “•«* *“*•* kaaa hraaahm, whlto adk moUaga aad Mack ataaa. Ha tad (otaadad to waara wig. tat whan it antad tha halrtlrraam eoold not ejonwatt up^toakUahMg hand. Franklin Anally told him that Urn wig SytShfiiSwsi ■on DIPLOMATIC ITOKOM. Mortetanr American KioMmfi !!2i *** s*4* *• K—tart dlaainatain, acd kan to oompat* with man who have apect thalr lima in tha aotxwl of dlplomSy. Thay hava no money, and aaa aader tha abadow of probable removal at tha end of four yaani Tha of thair appohttmaat U aoah that It U not Kr«nf toil nu| fntlBflftnt idoii thair way to tha band of oar toratao laiatiooa, ao that every oow aod t5n aaa of tbaaa daw aomathlag wfaioblaa dlamaa to tha TJoitad tt'.ataa. I hava beard of a number of each loaUnoea. aad tha atarlca of tha adventure and mlatakaa of laahn abroad, ooold they ba eoUected. wo old °P»ka a book more ridtonlom than Artacaua Wardl travail. One of the diplomat* whoa Giavaltad mat to llrad, it ia mid, ovar a dairy and appeared at ooazt ia a ooltar aad a aoiUd ahizt. I waa In Cairo baw aaa of out format Consult General used W go to lamai! P««ba aad wbfaa aboat tha poor aalary bn Got—meat gave him. Ha ra ■Hodad tha Xhadtva that hie lfa]eety wmrloh, aad naked him far aid aat at •nd again, oar Government aavar knowing bow mwah it waa beta* die rraoad. It la ao am am (or tala man to add that ba waa uoaaUy drank at tha Uaam ba mada auch raqaeata. UK AJurnioAV rnnuonun. 1 ton hoard otorioo of tto M**r tola of oon« •( our Sooth Anartean Mlolo Unoftto port. Ooo of tto* Und la Boaaoa Anaa Cor yaaia l* a and roomortr ttoabop wbloh to tad no tad now taratloo. Ha M*a m foaetloM wbatonr. Mil at to* tto oototj agaloat bio pa rotator baeatoo aopaat that to ranted atkatlog rink and toot oat printed otreolore Mtlir ““ ’ooftto AMO ; *•“ lrrttata7 (toad tto Aawrtaon nlalaur rtttln* os a pdatdiM with tto Man mad •trlpM liitnMd atom bioa ood a Unar’a akta at hit dat About lata awaH naa - • Uall ookm of tto taSaw'ta rawo roooM taaa at whtob towm atamuM. HOMaa dbortte after to arrteod taapptad too a poolUao for Ma daaghtar M a motor la oaa of tto oatoolt, tot tto wpaito towdoot of odaoauaa Md htattol B.’tXSSmSSSU COTTON, mad aU QUA IN CMF , tba to* of Mi trial for taaar ion. 1/ fra* from aAoKantfoo. DID MHDDoi 'Sum 01., A. T. WHITB81DK8, A«*at. ttatmoA, x. a BUGGIES. GINS, SU»&BYB awi^HAOT^17^ »** *ato (facial to* fcfoaa to tot trade to hoM food UU April 1, WOT. Oall.tcoo.aotf (MtV food. M« Tft wwtoto, GALLANT. WgirtUtot * OO, I V, p 1 1 *k * i i IQ m >; I