The Gastonia : ■e==s=rsacsai—essr,,.l ; a, Rarotwl to tbo Prot*odon ot Homo and tb* Intoroata of th« Canty. 7oI. XV111.__Gastonia. N. C„ April 8, 1897. The Dry Goods Emporium is Now in Our Mammoth Spring Stock has Landed, is ranged, and is now '.Ready for Inspection. All of the Latest and Ne est Things of the Season, __ _ . We will be- glad to have you call on ub—We will make you welcome—Ours is no ‘‘door-mat-welcome”; we put C3 welcome in our goods, not our door-mat, and every article you buy from ub says “Come Again”—You will be glad you came if you visit us. Dress Goods and Silks——^ We have the largest line of Dress Goods and Silks ever In Gastonia. Dependable Silks at one-half to two-thirds their worth. There’s no questioning the fact that we have the Dress Goods. Come and enjoy the feast of beauty. i Clothing.——sex Last shipment of Clothing Just arrived, and we can fit the smallest boy and the largest man in Gaston county. A Mg lot of Boys’ Blouse Waists. Some daisies, too. Prom 15c to SI.25. Carpet and Matting News. If you have a room or hall to carpet, we have a word for you. Rugs, Mats and Screens. Fire Screens, some beauties, 10c to 65c. Beautiful Line of Baskets. Worth your time to see them. All sizes, ; shapes and kinds. <^JVHLLINERY. Throngs of critical folks have enjoyed the Millinery Show this i wjpk. They noticed two things: 1. HATS and BONNETS prettier than ever—more artistic. 2. PRICES LESS THAN EVER i A New Feature Has Been Added to our nilllnery Department this season. A full line of LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Some beautiful garments, and they J cost so little. We bought direct from the manufacturers In quan tities which enable us to cope In prices with our Mg sister cities. -A FUU, UNB OP Ladies and Misses Corsets —FROM— <^25C to $2.0O.-^> Our 49c Corset is 1 World Beater. WE ARB AGENTS FOR Butterick's Patterns —AND— Delineator. Our Job Department is Full to the Top with Bargains for Everyt:±y. LISTEN 1 25-INCH 4 YARD ALAT1ANCE, pretty styles, at... 3%c. STANDARD CALICOES, short lengths,.-. 3c. 30-INCH CHEVIOT, good and heavy, worth 8c. We close the whole lot at.-----— 4S*c. A GENUINE PEPPEREL DRILL, unbleached,. 8c. 36-INCH BLEACHING, best In Gastonia, for_ 8c. EMBROIDERY, per yard..1_ Ic. FULL PAPER OF PINS,-___ lc. CLARK’S O. N. T. SPOOL COTTON._ 4c. 4-PLY LINEN COLLARS._ 8c. __AND THOUSANDS——. of other little Notion* at "catch-penny” price*. A DOLLAR.^ I never bought more than it does at present. We do not advertise prices which will you that the goods you came to see have all gone. Every price quoted in this see. Mingle with the throngs of people, who prove by their presence that we 1 9 ■ YOTJI^, ...GRAY and LOVE IE3- S:~ BVBIT SCHOOL CHILD who will call at 4 o'clock, Monday evening, April i», will tic presented, free of charge, with one Scholar'* Companion, which couaiata promptly at 4 o'clock. Non* given away bHort that time