ARP ON HIS HAIL HE TELLS OF WHEJ POSTAGE WAS TWO BITS OH A LETTER. Me I* Avkxl Riwf MiMlaat-Ruias NwSkon Me nouuraTlim la a OrrwiMDliM WiM Oil reloads. nin Arp in AUania UooMiluUuo. There is porhapi no invention or oontrlvance that hss brought more oomforl to mankind than that of let ters aud tbelr raey traaomlsaiuo by modern postal service. How wonder folly cheap thvy are, and how iwiltly they come aud go! Ooly two ceuts to the almost limit of the Untied 8 us tea, soy 4,000 mile*, end only five cent* to bo carried aeroei the ooeau. It takes only two cents to curry a let ter to the Oily of Mexioo, but It takes flve oeots to bring one back. My wife mays that It Is bard on Carl, for besides his weakly letter to no. he bae many friends, aud the girl he left behind him, and bis onstage It qnlto a tax. She thinks I ought to write to President Ulni sod Mr. McKinley and demand reciprocity, just for Carl's •eke, but I compromised with her by promising to Inclose n dime lu every letter I wrote to the boy. In almost every mail that come* she U on Hr e lookout for a letter trim some of the absent ones, and when she gets one ebe reads It twn or three times and flies It nway on her eld* of the room, The morning and the evening mail baa become a» important an event in the routine of onr daily lives so our dally meals. It la an event that has grown On ue and become Indispensable. Tltno was when neither she nor l received a letter a month, for ehe had no lover but me. and L bad none but her, and oar postal system was a darky boy. It was like that of Zeb Vauce, who re ceived a note from some fasblonrble woman In Washington with tbe mys terious letter * “B. 8. V. P.” endorsed on It. and when be answered It he put on one corner '*6. B. a. N.,” just to keep up with society, be atld. When site afterwards asked for so explana tion, he smiled and arid; “Ob, they stood for: 'Beut by a nigger. ” I remember when the postage bed to bo paid at tbe leu end e( tbe line by tbe person who received It, and It waa 25 cent# If it came 500 mile*. If laee thin that, but from out Of.tbe State, it waa 1HJ caota, and If within the state It waa 12; cento. We had no decimal currency then, but we had the aaven peuoo (12| oenta) aud tbe thrtp (Oj cent*) and they were woru to the quick from constant oae. Nothing told their value except their site. Wc received the great United State* raeil twice a week and the tooting of too stage driver's horn us he rose to the brow of the distant hill aroused all the poopto of the little village, and moat of them gathered at the post offioa to hear the oew*. Peibaps there were as many ss 20 weekly papers taken In the ’own, but none of them made mention of murders or snioidet, or lynching* or elopemeDta, or bnseball or football, ut bicycle races or the fastiioos or re wards for gueaslug or advertise menu of celery compound, or photographs Of men ur women or babies, or the arrival of anybody less than a president or a governor. But la our slate paper* there were gome littlu pictures or outs of hakty departures runaways—and all were uniformly udyertlsod.- "XUa away fgom the subscriber, my hoy Dick, efb . sod I will give ten dollar* reward for bis apprehension.” Bat now tbe letters—ah. the ItUers that coma every day 1 Besides the family letter* from kith and kin, there arc snore* from good people who are working for church or charity, nr waut Information about Florida or Mexico. Vary oftan *n> I comforted With compliment* which I lovs to rs oelve, and very oftsu 1 get a good, long letter from some old-time Georgi an who fur half a century has been living iu Texas or Arkansas, or some where Id tlm great west. It phases me to reply to nil sod make the beat answer tbs'. I osu. But perhaps I had belter say Jast here that 1 have long since oeusod In write composition* for the schoolgirls or to assist the buys In their debating societies. I wish sin oerely that 1 had time to hslp them, but I have not. 1 know bow it is, for f need to get help cnystlf. liul some or ihete lettert arc. amus ing. One received afnw days ago Is Very argent to lists my opinion upon tbe propriety or Impropriety of k Christina man digging n storm pit aud getting in It wlien the eyeVone gives its warning. Is It sinful or not to show »uch lack ut fulth lu Ood? lie says' they ure making a church question of It In bl* community, I liava litd sev eral letters asking for Mtlatancs in guesting the muting word that the otter* $1,005 for. These letters, of courts, arc o lufids.itlal, and eome beg me not to mention It *v*n to Mr*. Aip. Uut the delicious Immor In one of them Is the otter to give me half Uio reward If I will disclose to her the word. That t* very like th* generous fellow wlio told the boy that if ho would furnish hit own hookt ami line* ard bait he would give him half I the flth be oaugit. Since my lest letter about how to tales children wee publlahed I liav« had teveral Tory comforting eplatlea from friend* end noon from (Imogen. Her. William II. Ktrtokland make* montlou of aoveral fen.Illee from old Gwinnett whoee child ran era nil grown and aro eateemrd by all who know them a* good people—honrtt, law abiding and temperate. Ife uanua the three none aud Bee daughter* of my old Irlend Jim Ilmilau. Alio tho eight children of Kae. I) H Monerlef, one of whom now lire* In Atlanta and h*l Dee aona and Are daughter*, all grown np and all good men and wom en. Jotm and Mary B Sammona, hie wife, bad IS to grow to maturity, and they were all good llow rich Ihoee parent* were I—richer Hun Vender MU or Aetne. And on were the child ren of D. W. Kpeooo aod Wa«h Allen. One had atgtitand the oOrer ten. Well, nnw, ono of Die main* t* that all of thoon fainllle* cam* from old Gwinnett, and moat of tba children wan from that old Hammons stock that lived on Aleovjr orvek when I was a boy. Tbo Brat couple I ever taw married outside of my father’s house was Jim Dunlap and Rebecca Sam mons, and Jim ootmarried himself when he got her. Thai was an old taahlooed, country wedding, and it was a big ooe. They bad turkeys aod roast pigs and pound cake enuring, sod they had thousand dollar candle sticks all about, fur every likely negro boy bad a torch. Out my wife and li left tbera 40 yeara ago, and did not know that these good people had had so uiauy children. May all aocli be perpetuated. And I bare a good letter from Bnena Vista, telling of old Dr. Rseee, who has railed isvou boys and two girls, and they ero all good, aubsr, Industrious, Christian children, and bad a gentle, kind, loving. Christian mother, who la now among the angels. Tnat la It, after all—lb* mother—the mother—the gentle, kind, loving, Christian mother. So I am enoouragrtl to recall ray ap Srebenslon conoernlog the black sheep elng In all large Balds of childrao. TaCan llUlwary. Wilmington Mcaaragar. Our friood, Uapt. Samuel A. Ashe, of EUleigh, published so article we did cot see at tbe time. Some of our ex change* have dia cussed tbe beat way to cure illiteracy In oar State- a moat important matter to our people, whites and black*. Tliero la a* much neglect ••non* the wbitea as to educating tlielr children os among the blacks we apprelteed. (apt. Aohs thinks Uie thief fault Is at home, lie says: '•Tbe children remain Illiterate be came there U no influence In their homes to make them attend school aud learn. It is becanse there is no ombitlou at home for the future of llie oblidreo; no hope of improriog tbeir condition in life; do locsulive to equip them for rising to a higher level.” This sort of neglect and Indifference is net peculiar to North Carolina or tbo south. Tbe statistics or New York stale show a very large Doa-aUandauce aud, uf course, a consequent illiterccy oa the part of those wbo am not taught, it Is to srror, au offense, a wrong that nerds to be corrected. Illiterate par ents canuot well appreciate the advan tage of odneation, sod hence they ore rendered Indifferent sod would ratber work their children than havo them at •chool. We favor education, low and high, primary and tbe beat, bnt we have not been able to direct ourselves of tbe old democratic opposition to paternal government. We can nut say that we think "compulsory” schooling either wien or decirable. it has loo much of Uie Blue Laws flavor, and is too much of home Invasion by auto cratic power or government. The peo ple are snrreuding too muoh'of primal right to arbitrary power. Tbe ten dency la far too much to centralisation to a personal government, to paternal discipline. It will grow until a revolu tion comm aa a whirlwind. We would not support a mad for office who favored compulsory education. We wonld he ofiald of him. Capt. Ashe’a plot), good or bad, effoctive or otborwise, is this: "Suppoes there should be a consti tutional amendment that no peraon coming of age after January 1, 1901 shall be allowed to rote unless h» can read aod write; wuuld not that supply the iuoeotive V Would any boy be come of age after that date without knowing bow to lead and write! I think not. There would b* on end of illiteracy among tbe new growth; for If tbo boy* went to school, the girls would, too.” A man to vote In a free rvpubllo ought to know what he is doing. Will he be well Informed If be can uot read and does not read ? He will be a victim of domagogure wbo will hood wink and decetvo film. AnvUitr ■IniMlH’. fcaivurjlln Uudaifit. Another erldenco of the incapacity of the last Legislature is found in the fact that the Supreme Court h is de clared unconstitutional aod void sec tions 3 and 3 of the reveoua act, upon the ground that they do not preserve the proper equation between the poll and property taxes. The facts at staled are that “the act of 18D7 fixed the property lax at 4oi cent* on the hundred dollars valuation and 11.23 oo the poll, while that of 1805 is 43 oeuta on property and $l.SUon the poll.” To ODaloUIn tbo harmony provided for by the constitution, the poll Ux of the set of 1U07 shou'd have been 81.38. In oonsequeuee of this decision ths set of 1805 ss to poll and property taxes will ho in effect. This will mean a toes to His 8tats or 850,000 to 375.000, and this, too. In the face of the fact that the Treoaurer's estimate that men the increased Ux rate—43 to 4*1 cents— would not yield revenues sufficient to meet the appropriations msds by the Legislature. The records of the two Legislatures past ft a succession of blunder* and crimes. This is another blander added to the llet. The lesson Is that when Urn people tome to elect another I/egla latorc they should choose for It men who are Capable or Uaneaetlog Intelll eeutly the public buJiuMS. NMNIthiR lm Kl««. U m*y bo worth lorMtblng to know Uat l he very last mad loins for ra storing the tired out nerron* antsro to n healthy vigor U Elestrte Dinar*. This madirlno la purely vegetable, not* by glvlug ton* to m rre onotres ln tlta stomach, gonlly stimulates Uia Direr and Kidneys, and aid* tbsse organa In throwing off Imparltla* In tbr blood. Electric Blttera ImproVM tbs appetite, aids digestion, and la nrouoimcad by those who huvo tried It aa the vary beat blood inirlUer nod nerv* loale. Try It. Stold for 60c or f 1.00 par Iwtlle at J. E. Carry A Co’* Drug tv ore. Don’t foil to iry Bice’s Coo** Oieaae. It eorr» tVu sell and gas ran lor It. J. K. Carry A Co. “It Pays to Trade with Gray and Love;” For the last year or so it has been the sentiment expressed by hundreds upon hundreds of people In Gaston county. Among the Crystalized Chunks of common sense handed out to the people of the surrounding county is the oft-repeated truth, “It Pays to Trade with Gray and Love.” ’Tis a Fact Known Far and Wide. The statement grows In force every day of our business life, because each day brings new evidences that “It Pays to Trade with Gray and Love,” and new people to be convinced of It. Our Last Full-page Ad, so tastefully displayed by THE GAZETTE, brought throngs of anxious buyers to our store, who soon swooped up the many bargains offered. Replenished Fourfold. But alas 1 Too true, we have replenished our stock fourfold, and here we come again:— *5 Dozen Ladies' Lauudried Shirt Waists, beautiful styles and patterns, softly pats *w*yfor. a*c. 50 Dozen Ladies’ Hose, lu colors only,_ 3c. 50 Dozen Good Spool Cotton, only__ *c. 500 Yards Lawns. Dimities, and Satteens, worth ioc to i2 V>c. Come and get ’em (£-. .sc. ZOO Pain Ladies' Slippers, all toea in tana and blacks, good goers at $1.25, <1.35. Soon they’ll leave us at the price...... 89c. Come in and watch us. No trouble to show goods. Yours, etc., ^^QRAY AND LOVE^' HK immilUD TIIE iniu. Tk«Ho*i<la»ETM Ew Him. DMrolt Vna Prats. /'Talk abuul your (hark hunter* la tbe South PaelHn Islands,” rsmarked the old traveler, "bat I remember seeing an encounter with one of those long-loolhed gentry that for oool nerve beat anything T ever read about. ‘‘I era* loafing arouod Caloulla on* day. late lu the autumn, waiting for the evening train up lu the City of Hugll, when I hoard* tremendous shouting coming from the direction of the Hirer Hugh, which is practically uos of the months of the Qaogse. Trotting over to the shore as fast as a white man ever travels lu India, I saw a huge commotion. Natives were hur rying away from the bank as if to ter ror and then running back as if their curiosity bad overuoms their greatest fears. The river was full of boats. The occupants of Lbs Isrgev ones were screaming with excitement, while tbosu in tbe small ones were shrieking aud jabberlug with a considerable amount of fear. ‘‘I soon discovered that the fuss bad been created by a large shark which had cams up witli the tide and had ventured a little further tbsn It was customary for sharks to do. Hla dor sal Gu was suiting lbs water horo and there, and Wbsa occasionally he turned on Ilia b»ck and ssnt his doss and grin ning teeth above tbe water groans and •creams of horror went np In all di rections. His tharkthlp waa cvldeotly out for snppsr, and was casting long 'Ing glances st tbe succulent Hindoo babies, of whlnii a considerable num ber were In eight. "In the midst of all tbe hubbub a tall, lank Hindoo stepped out upon t'us roof of n kind of houseboat. an-J lu a short speech anunuucsd that lie would catch the shark. ‘ Instantly a dead hush fell upon the multitude. The Hindoo stood erect. He wnus perfectly naked save for a Ilt Ua garment at the lotus, which our Texas cowboys call a 'gas string.’ He was armed only with n long rops Ilka a lariat, which re held behind his back with bis left hand. •Presently Mr. Shark came to the surfaoe about 9 yards from Um boat and Immediately the Hindooo plunged overboard. "A chorus of groana and exclama tions w«nt up. In the midst of whleli the Hindoo rcappearod.swimming with bis right bond. Man aud shark Need rush oilier, and I fancied that I snw n pleased expression In tbs monster's eye, as much ss to My: "Well, this la civil, to say tbe least! ■'The sharkevldeutly thought tin had a elnoh oa Use situation, fur lie swam leisurely towards tlie Hindoo, turning slowly upon Ids back and opened Ids mouth, Tho mooUi closed with a map nod the people screamed, bnt the Hin doo had dived, and presently be ap peared again oa the offside of tits shark, smiling and still aarrylng Ills rops. “The big fiih looked surprised and ill on made mother gentle deb at tire HinJoo. The result was the tame, and Mr. Rlodoo name up fresh for the third round. Theu the (bark began to grow angry and made a violent run at lit* Hindoo, and again be missed Tho people oil (hors and lit tha boats began to fact eonlMeoce lo the human champion, tied their groan* were etiaugad lo sp pUu*»*. Keery Urn* the man made a pnlnt against tli* Nth those lisethewa would **nd up a routing cheer. “Well, by Uilt time the thing wtt fatting exciting. I never taw tutlt awlmuilog before, usd 1 never will again Tha man wi» * regular water snake, lie dodged, twisted, dived and Jumped llku un eel. The flab mad* uharge after obarge. Onoe hit Qq grated Hit Hindoo'* *rm and the water was colored with blond. The man’s stock went d >wo t point, hut It town rose again, whaa the Crowd began Ur •eetbat tbe tab simply wasn't In It. The man was basting him at bis own gam*. Tot tee tbe flab aonld only go to one direction-straight ahead Ilka an arrow—while the mao tamed and doubled Ilka a fox. “Well, by and bye tbe exertion aod oxollaaMot told on the monitor. Ha got rattled, churned tbe water Into foam and then beosma quiet again. It woe tha last roaud. “Tha shark ofaargad languidly. Tbo man waited, lying la the water until the great mouth wee opened to ealxe him. Then, with a eonrulelre back ward leap, he straightened hie body aod sank feet downward, like a plum-1 met of lead. • b. i “The shark settled down over him, lashing tbo water Into a Lather of foam. They seemed to be grappling with each other. Tbe crowd groaned and , Screamed, and then became silent. "For tbe tpaoe of what seemed an hour the people watched the eurfeoe of tbe water, until oven tbe bubbles hod disappeared aod all waa qulat. " ‘Lost 1 Loat! screamed a priest, and tbe mob re-echoed tbe cry nod be gan to beat their breaeta like a lot of madmen. Then euddonly. In tbe mid dle of It all, tbe Hindoo reappeared, 30 yards up the stream. Both hands were above hie head aod ho was sc ream Ins, “Tan, tan, lag uB hod slipped the noose of bla lariat aruuud tha shirk’s tail and drawn It taut; aod he held tbe free end In bit band. “In on instant it woe ashore and a score of Hindoos were drawing at it. It look them bait an boor to get Ur. 8harx ashore, for ha pulled Ilka a looo motlve, but they Dually managed It. He proved to be nioo feet long and •old Tor e turn whloh enabled bit cap tor to live lu comfort for nearly half a few ■Is rnrtano, la Panna. Oksrtous Ohmrvar. Tj be called a cotton king In tbs Heath, that U, a kin* of cotton grow er*. the planter most here at hi* com-. maud fertile aorea by the score and astUsmsaU of laborers such as wsre seldom known even l.i the ante heiluco day*. Just now the distinction of b» ing‘•Georgia’* ootlon king" is sooord ed to Hon. Jama* M. Smith of Oglo therpe, who one day this week sold 2,000 balsa ia one lot to a Macon boy er. All IbU wae raised ou a single plsnUtloo, sod from this sale Mr. aufUi pocketed *70,000. ft I* further stated that Mr. Smith grow* similarly largo crop* of grain and bay, sod that on Won Is ht* surplus money orop. after producing all the proflsiou orop* he used*. With that faot In mlod, one oao graap some Idea of the scale on which Col. Smith farm*. All this may read straugely to the peoplo of tills section, who supposed that *11 such glories had pamed away with the war, yet Mr. Smith Is only one among many oottou kings. Is Georgia, LonUlana and Alabama, there are sums planters whose up* rat lone arc conducted upon siren a larger *0*1* than in the instance cited. If w* mistake nut lbs eastern section of this State can produce one or two, or possibly three, matobe* r«r Mr. Smith. The days of bl* farming operation* tu the South livr* by no mean* passed awsy. ▲ prooInMl •nttrn nevsspepei rar eaiMmli If01 wed tea mu excellent remedy for whooping oougb. It may he good but it la hot to be compared wltli Oham'wrUlrj’e Gnugb Hewed*. This preparation will allay the violent flta of eoegblng and make 11tern lew M*are. ft alao liquodua the tough mueua metleg it eaaUr to ex(-x-tor*te. Complete feoorery Is muoh quicker toe whan Uili r»medy U girts. Thera M D« danger la glrea It to small children M It la a piaaaaat syrup and oonWJtM nothing injurious. Kor sale et *8 and 80 oaola par bottle by J. B. Curry * Ca.. drug*lata THE OBJOIE OP A fITWE. "ItMtktllwTiMkM ■lads’* VuteMi a iiinyirt raiisn. CSaiioUe ObsgrTsr. Apathetic *ad yet ohsrcnlog story la told of the origin of tbo well-known by mo, “Bleat Bs the Tie That Binds.” It WHS written by Her. John FawosU, an English Baptist, who died ia 1617. having meet nearly 00 yean la the ministry, la 1776, after a few years speet la pastoral work, lte waa called to Loudon to succeed the Bov. Dr. Gill. His fsrawell sermon baa bean presetted near MolnagsU, In York shire, ala or seven wagon* stood loaded wltb bio furniture and book#, and all waa ready for departure. Bat bto loving people were heart broken; men, women end children gathered aad dung about him and bis family with aad end leerful fsoee. Finally, over whelmed with the sorrow uf those they were leaving. Dr. Fawcett and bii wlfa 1st down on one of the pool ing eeaaa and gave era) to griff. “Oh, John.” 1 cannot bear tble; I Know not now to go." “Nor I, eilbar,” returned her hus band, “sod we will not go. The wagons shall be an loaded, and every thing put In Its old place." HU peopU wore Ailed with Id tens* Joy and gratitude at IhU determina tion. Dr. Kaweslta at unee sent a letter to London explaining tlte oasa, and Utan rcsolutaly returned to hit work on a salary or less than WOO a year. This by mo waa written to com mstnorate the event. When Mr. ooffiog, a missionary at Alntab, In Armenia, set out In 1800 to explore tbs Taurus Mountains, he was to pen strata an entirely uew and dangerous Said. This fact waa fully reallisd by the Inhabitants of Ainlab, and they gathered to lb* number of 1,500 at th* roadalds and bad* farewell to ibe mlaataaary and bU family in tbe Armenian words of thU hymn, written nearly a century before by the devoted York shirs preacher. - •akr Ml” ■latosvfh# Land mark. , State Treasurer Worth declared him •elf In favor of celling la the outstand ing Bute bonds ss early as poealble end replacing them with "beOy bonds” —$4 and $10 bonds Those, he says, “are the poor mao's bonds: the pres ent once am the rich men's bonds.” Treasurer Worth la qla oorreet. The Hut* bonds should be of imall denom tnatloaa, no that poor people and peo ple of moderate mean* osn bate a ehance at them. There are a good many people in North Carolina who eao Isy their hande on $IU0, 8*00. $000. who would like to Invest the amount In State bonds el d or svsu t per cent. —e eeeerlty which la readily converti ble Into oeah—Imt who caanot reach e bond of a large denomination. It would nee re that a $$ or $10 bond is rather too small to talk stool; ISO would perhaps be small enough; bat the Treasurer's get1 era] Idea it oorreet. After Urn war or 1870 betweaa Ger many and Trance when France was defeated end found libit uot only were Uie e> pease* of the war to be amt bet she had a tremendous Indemnity to pny to Germany, cite United bond* of small deuoun oat loru which bar owe people saetched eagerly, and tbaa aka raised at ooee all the money needed and had created a debt which was held all at home. Tha Interest went to Ibe | French people aai tlir principal has been loeg ago discharged To scatter the obligatloua of a gov ernment aa generally as poealble among I the iwopte la to give them the feeling I that they are stock bold era to It. It makes them mere ceevarratlve and I bet Ur eltlaeee,_ A ourrMvmdmt of t(»o Uk*rk>Ua OUrrixr In CnUubn OOmtT any* Un pro*pn« lK«tn fur n food crup of , wfcwl U lira IimmI In 00 jmn, nud “>•»»"-" *» *»•*»•*, ■ «>>»•. fWprv j nod Marktorrlo* In quanllUo*. LKYY OF '17 18 YOID. THB OOmnOtUMULl EQUATIOI MUST BB OMEB7ED. wwwiaaM. or fjhJWrifcin •*- ■ *~ifiin Umih MMah Oar. witaoactoa Manwaar. lUiaroii, April PS-A darialoo of WjWM OMrtM Uia avaaing stfisrirsyaSdrS oan of tli# pawner urinal tba au dltof in whiek tba fanaar aaopbito ILBiifitu correct tba Tanliaaa wa of tba bgieUlora which to tbaravaone Mi Bide Vhf ffflfflj lim H nmla aad tba mil tax aalr M.90. Than*, ferity artha oonrt daaida that aac UaoalaodS of tba ravaaoa aotara •Doooatltatloaal aad arid, lane too tba • ssssatt:* . T^*°Jlitjl03 UlMftbr aad ta writ tea by jottlea Moctaoinarr- It ow- 1 rulaatha dec Man of Taiga Adana aud tuataina tba danarrar of Aadltor Ayar ' kriwaw property ! aadpoUUx ta not pcaaamd: that tba •Maraor baa Mt dona bla duty for tba ] baat la taraata of tba atatari iaaUtut tbia proceeding ud that tba 4a cikea will oo doubt ba a gnat nliaf to tba aadltor; Unt aaettoa a of tba renaaoaetltxaatte capitation tax at . 8L», without condition* and without trfataaoa to any other of Ma aaotlaoa ( or provUona, aad tbera la. IharaCora. no non (or aoqulry lata tba lnUntloa « of tba law naknra. It aaaooc In arid 1 wmi they wrote HH they meant *1.38. It Boat be presumed thM they kmw wfaat they were doing ead that they reseat to do what they did. Tire sot wa» perfectly regular oo Ua fern, I had reared iU several readings and waa duly ratified aad ao proof u to relatake or error aaa now be heard In thll ooart 80 the auditor's duty la to eaod oat torme with UrepoU tax teed at Cl.39. the contention of the plaintiff means tfreplytblK That though WclegteU Urt. io laagaafe entirely fire (tore dopbt, has vloUtedthe provisions *f the ooaetltuUon by distorting the equation of taxation, yet the auditor can be oom pelted to glee force to x law onooaatitaUooal oo Ua fare beeaare the ooostltuUon lire laedthe eqaetioo. Tits eeoetltuUoa does not levy a tax o* anything, but elayiy provides Uiat the public revenue may be raised by tuetloa and Axes the equation to be observed by the leg Mature between poll and property taxes. If the teqis leture shoe Id at any session levy a tax on property, bet fell to levy a poll tax It could not be coo tended that the pro visions of the constitution regarding equation of taxation could supply the omlrelnn aad bring Into e defective law a oa pi tel loo tax equal to property Ux levied oo 8900 worth of properly. The constitution is x chart which Bust be followed aad conaaltcd. If tbs legislature fall* to du IU duty tbare U no help. If le it* action it disturb* lb* equal tea of luxation Ure sections or pail* of stations eon tala Ing tlm violation are void and the coart* can land no aid by jndleUl de clsion, bat Beet declare thf offending provision of law void. Io view of the greet public interests concerned, the majority of the court agy that while parts of section a aad 9 alose referred to are void, yot the re minder of the act Is valid, end though tbs act of 1807 oontalu* a clause re pealing all ecu and parte of sots con trary to it, yet pane of eeotiucs 2 and 3 of the act of 1897 being uooonstltu tlooal nod void. It follow* that these parte of the act of 1683 which levy a poll wed property lex. are uorepealed and are In full form and effect. Have nses which the treasurer will reeel re from burs oo property levied In 18H5 of course will be lose thee tliey would bsvt bean under tlm levy of K»7 and the treasurer will of oouree disburse the same for Urn various purpose* set out la section 6 of to* act of 1887 pro ruts »ud aoeordiug to tow, regular ex peases, for eondeetWg the state guv moment Brat to be considered. •HmwWry M«k (MnfM By rlf*. —r— ** mmn The statement that • strawberry patch waa destroyed by Bra would ■oand queer, bet kr. U. F. Herring, who has a farm two mike from OHo toe, bed tw,» acne of strawberries horned on Wad need ay. Fire broke oat to tbe wood* near hie at raw berry patch, and comauaioetcd u> the straw which ha weed to outer hie berries to protect (ban from fro*. The Mraw and tbe berries were awrpt off tbe ground. Mr. Herring's lose was sam el hundred dollars. •erUaa Me* ae NHrfci. waielnwaia Menem. A Brooklyn patter reoeoUy declared ■that maay a mao of ability la left right of lo the world baaaasa or hta leek ef eelf-aaeertioo.” The remark l» “at trot aa goepet." There an rarioea feroM «*T arttamortise; but practically »peak log. the only owe that tollt la a bualones way la tbe adver llmracet a aaae ef ability who ad ftrtjara with ability tea make U very heed tor the world to town right ef him. __ YOUNO mil : I ota mot iron Un state to Alexander MoKay, which iMood la gnat b rooocdad la oo old in the rockier of teed*’ of Book “A,” p. MS U la ■WMtiil lodes. It eoaaiat* of 3f Horn yd the onnili—tloo to tan poult hoodtod acre* hereby fronted, JTotboiag Ohio to find tho grant (root tho general index, tbooM •nttraon, MtoeJ.b Oothrto,’aeeotod ntt that it wot on record; that Ithwd teen read loblDt tar the old IQgtotar. «r.U Summer*. 13 year* before that day Mr. Sammen dontod that ho graot. “Don't aim to no," add bo; "I know I atw It and that Mr. Hate ■an rand It to too over IS yearaage. Ihave,” heoontlotted, “a otoar isccl lection ot tha appearance of both tho hook la wbtoh it la registered aad of the recorded deed." Ho than atom* t» a Hack ot old hooka lo thOoEo wl u’SST^r Ull"*Oa oMBtaTto • certain book ho add: • ’There, till !“ iff! WU aod If yoo will tarn over leaf by leaf l wlU know le from its ap pearance over 18 yean ago.** I did to. aad oo reaOhiog the deed at sago 90S ho mil: “There U the yeCV tanln I saw when Suamia rand It.” It proved lobe the mat. I moat Into the coart room with the mat, tried Lbacanoe with tho amtotaaoa alow brother, Major Bingham, aad woolt of cuurfte. 1 have often thought of two thugs (o oouneettoo with tbto law la not only oue of tba eaoot tomark able luataoce of mtmory poatntaod by an illiterate man, hat It taaahro ail Mahon of the legal protoaekm to alwayt he patient and reepettal to cheat, a liowevrr Ignorant, in bis taateondt of thefneu la bitmaps. A * ———T 1*r- TT—Mill Ckarittta (Masrvav. Aiill Ml The Bupretna Court yesterday daoid •d the Insane eeytaca oaaea in favor ef the iuuumbrota thua euetalulng Judge Adame, of IhoBoperler Court It will be remembered that K mm sought by aeta of tba recent Dagtalatam to re-or gulse the hoepitalt at Morgan ton, Oal eigb end Goldsboro, and plans had been made foe changing the-gt meattd each. Tba eaperiatendeina, Dn. Murphy, Kirby ami Miliar, mb op the claim that they route act be dWpoaastsad da ring their term offloa sod want Into the eaerU. Adams, as stated, h«M with mw the Bop re ms Court test , Dr. Murphy ana two or three yean of hie prearnt term yet to earn? w44o aotkaowhowlt IsaetoDam KirVy tad Miller. Tbla la pa party eletery aad am should daaplaa aureatrra if we for oaa moumot so rewarded l*. it la a vtetary for humanity, for the bejnlma --t aod for all tba people of Worth Ctew ilan. it would burn bean Isemiliites to are three inetkuttoae tor the laanua pass Into the heads of awolbmaii—toe tba oflbee eon use ted with them to hare been distributed around as re wards for party aertitei. This de fer two l3 Bute's Intonate as to them hospitals will eoaiUawe to ha conserved, for that length of lima St least. We eoppoao Judges damns no credit for oo mot interpretation of the law, aed yet •eoennot resist the Imputes w then i Jodge Adame eat the Bo ■rwme O art tor the groat aetelop that hav* dene the Auto. Thorn horn been Umm when, a point of low bate* aba te hoteaoed, Judaea bawe ibollad It endor palKIwl tiBeeooe. Vat aa m this earn Theda JsMaee base Ham above partteanehlp sod all the Slate o*m them gratitude rod tba ska. Tk*hMlMk«ilM«aM iMM HUI irorkm UM Uw Mto otto** to Um wife mo at ahmtom nt LU hlfh not M OOMfOffe Witk OUMT M foT Mtak Tferwwth TTaitoO Htataa UhmmI Ommm akXartti Hit iMMt r>«-ja-Ar?'£ra 1 S.SiST’Ai uS ’ ikiMkM, naaaly; boa. Ml aai •loo.