THE GAZETTE. •rui'u&DAY. will io. law. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ad* ortUcmuatt Uucrtcd la (Mb column ut lOcBotc a line Tor Ur* InMrfJon and lomu a lino (or rout locnrUoo IhervuXtmr. FOR SALE—Two allot cow* or will exchange lor fat beef oattlo. T. C. PCG HAM. PHOTOS- PliM cl him work at my dudio neat' Trenton mill. J. L. Ruti.kdoi. G~OU) J1AOOK round. Small, wltt initial* “F. L. L." Apply at Qazkttj{ office. BIO VOLE FOR SALE.—Brand new Columbia (or track or road. Ap ply at Gaott* offloc. EhTIUZErtS—Wo still bave a supply on hand. Gat yours be fore It Is too lato— Craig & Wilson. /■'IUMMITIEEMEN wanting teacher « for ,»ucncr>rr mouths, sddreM John >'■ Bradley, Gastonia. State certificate. 10 years experience. LOST—Small silver watch between Love’s store and 2nd mile post on Kmc’s Mtn. road. Suitable reward. Return to Mias Mils Davis, All Healing WANTED—A purchaser for ex cellent cow. Two callous rich milk dsily. Price, $20. boo B. g. Atkins. Marietta St. ‘E'LOL’ U. l)o you use it at your house t If ao tty Liberty Mills brands, tho premier mills of America. Handled by inoat dealers. J. A. Ci-ix.n, A (tot, Gastonia. LOVA-L AFFAIRS. —Don't fail to lift your taxes. —Tins (#a*httii from now till Jan. 1 'Ofi for 75 cents, Subscribe at once. —The storm of Monday morning burned out only one generator lu Cen tral office. The exchange la working well. —Mr. J. L. Kobinson has been con lined to bis room tl the Fall* Mouse for several days witlr a slight stuck of fever. —TUo Juno rains arc ou in earnest just in time to mar tbo happiness of the commencement girl and spoil her dainty hat* and drawee. —Attention II called to Mayor Hagan's uulioe to tax payer*. Don’t fail to llat your property or you may he called upon for a double tax. —Kev. B. P. Smith will preach next Sabbath morning, June 13th, at Oher ryviile at eleven o’clock ard at Waco lu Uie afternoon at half past three o’clock. —Florid* melons have been on the market fur several days. They are unusually fine this season, being ripe and luscious, and more reasonable In price than heretofore. —Mr. IV L. Aheruetliy, proprietor of tue Open View farm near Mtn. Is land. has added two more registered Jersey cowj, says the Mt. Holly Zi'ines, to Ins slrcudy well stocked farm. — Gaston luslituto and Oakland High bchool both closed lost Friday. Ho commencement exercises whatever were observed, and teachers and pupils alike worked to the last minute. —At their meeting in Dallas last Monday the following Board of Edu cation was elected by the county corn tulaaloners, Clerk of the Court, and Ueglsler of I>ccds: V. P. Hall, J. R. Connell and Thomas Wilson, Hr. —Au egg large enough to bare a place and a premium iu a poultry show was brought lu this office one day hat week by Master Edward Pigrum. It was laid by a Plymouth Hock bcu and weighed lour ounces. —Wc coAgnrtuluta our thrifty little sister city, King's Mountain, on her enterprise in building a bicycle track. Gastonia tv a little behind ou this, but ouly give Uor aeltauoe aod wo promise that she cau come out ahead in the races. —Miss Lizzie Adams’ school closes to-morrow (Friday) night with an en tertainment in tbe opera house. The little folks are to give that delightful cantata, Cinderella in Flowerland, and wo are sura that no on* will want to miss 1L Admission ten cento. - -That “new institution,” tho fish commission of the catawha river, held its appointed mooting at Mill. Island, say* tlie Mt. Holly 'liutrt, and went from there to Lowesville where they held a consultation and adjourned to meet Aug. 21 at Mon bo, Catawba county. —The first new peaches wo’ve seen this year were a basketful Mr. Hubert White had Toeaday morning. They were great big rich, luscious looking tallows, which, hs said ware of Ilia Amsden Zune variety, grown by him self. We saw Ihein, that wtu all— “a/id they weie looking woll.” —J. II. Kennedy spent part of last week traveling and establishing ageo ties for uo'’up-to-date” Hteam Laun dry in Gaatouia and he saya after fig uring very elcwely he finds be does uot want U> go Into the business at present as the sim of the town will not justify the investment. Ttot be eaye If tliere are others, "success to theta." —boom fine Osh were caught Satur day morning at Cox’s mill by Mr. Frank Hilling. The slightly swollen water washed them over tho dam, and they wore seen going over. Parties then caught them by hnhrt below the darn. Mr. Hilling enld 37 lu town, earns of lliem weighing as much aa K) pounds, but most of them rauglug from 3 toO poui.da. —The editor Is awny Uila week to attend the meeting of tho Pins As so elation at Mornhead Clly. lie and Ills sou Willie leil Tuesday morning mid will probnldy extend the trip through tho week to his cld home In *ntr.klln county, lie did only the wotk an this week’s paper tlmt could bo done before Tuesday motnioz. Ills belter half, Mr. A. O. Mnogqm, and tha ofilcti force will receive with he coming graoe and tnoekrmsa any con gratalathms upon the unnsttal excel lence of this tmintor. WmUrH While, In tow* slioin-lna ar oil liar return Iioiim*. Ulan I,ill* Darla, All Ilattlliia, loot a small all far watch oua day M wprk. An wlrrrtliwmaut far It aiyanm in htialuraa local* Uil# week. Tlmflndnr fl0.iy lal lira it to tbaownar nt Icav* It ut 'f UK UAxr.r rk afTloa »* may bo Ute oaora conrcolant humUrebTm. _ E. E. Boyce Mltm Hr. Harvey Bradley has the largest apple tree la Uto county. It measures 7 feet and 5 laches In circumference. Ur. Boyce s.kjrs be made the measurement blmmit and tliat Uila Is the largest apide tree he ever sew. Lanrwt MHpateat ef Tinware. I On lest Friday Messrs. Long Broth ers reoeivsri two tremendous ear-loads of tinware—nearly three care of the Narrow Gauge were required to hold it. It ooneieted of almost every con ceivable Tread that la made of tin, with a few kettles and pans of daU ware. The entire lot was billed at 34,440 pounds end wee said by the bouse that furolibed It to have been the largest single lot of tin-ware ever shipped Into the State. Hash or this his been unpacked for the local trade, hut by f*r the larger part will remain P*oked in original oases reedy for ship ment at short notice to the firm's wholesale trade. hr Urtuiiw. l’aaaaugera on Friday’s evening train brought die report from Bukos; that two colored women had baen killed neer there by lightning an boar or two before, lu Gnetonle h particularly urere electric dUehurge waa noted during tbe storm earlier In tbe after noon. From tbe beet Information we hare bean able to get tho women were the wife and daughter of Loola Brooks alto known aa Louis McNair who Uvas near Baker’s Mill. They wars near a tree and, some say, wen taking In noma clothes that were banging oat aboat to get wet. The yonnger woman had a child In her arms. The light ning flashed just as aha put ber band on the line and she fell dead. The child was unhurt. The older woman waa terribly aliocked, bnt has re covered. TO*» Wntsattalaf, Them waa no little excitement in town but Friday when Ur. W. fL Wilaon, returning from a professional trip, reported lliat when crossing Long oreak bridge between here and Delias ha had eeen a line eobool of 15 or 90 flehee going down stream, one of which wu aa big as Mr. Charlie Carts. In a little whllo a detachment led by Meaera. T. M. Fayseoux, Frost Tor renoa, and Kd. Long was organ I tad to Mine tbe stream and oaptura tbe jama. Tha necessary paraphernalia waa qulck ly got together ami away they went over tbe bills to Long creek, some in buggies, some on wheels and some on horseback. Just as they ware ready to begin dragging, tho rain began to come down, but they seined on. Falthfolly at Uiey knew how they dragged the creek until night, but there waa no reward save two or three Utile old measly oat-flab the slse of yoor Anger. Don't ask any of the boye for an ex planation If you do, they will be aura to Mod yon to Dr. Wilson—for repairs. Dcetfe of Nr. CluurlM Ktrrh. Hardly bud last weok’s paper been iiaoad auaouaclng the favorable pro gress of Mr. Charles A. Morris’s case of typhoid fever, when he becatna sud denly worse. Friday morning at six o'clock he anccumbed in death. Sat urday morning at eleven o'oiook Dr. L. A. Ttikio preached hta funeral at the home, after which the body was takeu to tbo Uhyite graveyard for burial. The deceased was the last living son of CoL and Mrs. W. G. Morris, lie was 42 year* old. but had never married, ne was devoted to hta parents and sisters, and a faithful man in every walk of llfo. He was oue of the most progressive, energetic, and successful farmers in the cdunly. A member of Philadelphia Lutheran church, lie led au upright, exemplary life before his fcllnwmeo. winning tbelr eonUdenoe. their respect, their esteem and tbelr Affection. His departnre is a sal’ dis pensation of Providence, and the par ents and sinters who mourn bis death have many sympathising friends who sorrow with them. Messrs WHS Vsrmhel si lows*, hast Saturday Mr. 8. J. Clinton of Bowling Green, S. C\, was in Gastonia opeuly And confessedly, for the purpocu of organising a company to eaptnrn a fierce aud savage wild beast which for tne past ten days lias been terrorising tho inhabitants of hla community. The varmint has somewhat I be ap liesrance of a dog, a Lear and a panther combined. Joe Brannon snw him. ao tho report goes. He uses on the creek anywhere from Mr. K. A. Caldwell's down to Mr. George Riddle’s. Hla Ravage growls are said to be frightful. HU tranks were seen by Mr. Bob Riddle and resembled those of a dog only larger. These are the facts as related to us. Wa do not believe Mr. Clinton was successful In organising hi* company, hut hope be will have better luok next time. We fas) sure he Will, if he will organize bis company first and not describe the awful var mint until after he has been caught. This la possibly the earner wltleh a few years back had stamping grounds around ritetesvlllo. He terrorised the inhabitants of liedell for a long time and was not caught that wo ever heard of. ■re. M. tl. Arr«wo«s ■»«•<«. Lut Tneeday a child waa born to Bev. and Mra. M. C. Arrowood at their borao In Marabvtlle, Union ootinlv. Now mother and obltd are both dead, and a lorrowlog husband and throe mother lea* children are left to mourn tlielr los*. Mr*. Arrowood died Thnraday morning aad wa* brought to King** Moon tala on Fri day'* noon train. From Mr. Arro wood’* coog regallon, Mr. and Mr*, two and Mra. Morgan w*r* of lit* tad funeral burly who came all tire wny from Marahvllle The borlal took place at Jaw* Creek Friday afternoon near the oh i Id hood home of the do tweed. Tin* funeral onovelae* were conducted by Iter. It. P. Smith, a* slated by Kara M. UeO. Shields and J. M. fiHrtlariD. Mra. Arabella Arro wood wna the drat daughter of Mr. and Mra T. J. MeOIII of King's Mouulaln, and was 04 year* o( age. Site leaves two ion* and * daughter, tlieir ages beingh. 11, sod 11 year*, Tlteee Mr. Arrowood loft with their graudpnrrnte end returned with a heavy I wart to hi* mtulaUrlal labor* daterday nfu-rnoon. The companion In hi* joy* aad *om>we la no lunger by hi* aMe. A women of many grace* of character, a dr voted wife, u loving mother has, gouo to her reward. . WHO’S tHHUtEME*? *T *' uukaolM WrM« fu» m REW RAILROAD for GASTOHIA rr 18 AMOVG THE POSSIBILITIES. ■Mrmrltla mmI iMk.rllU t* Im Um •wM-oai/ Two Mart Links Ttteu la Mil t»« (Mlkara a Mw (BV LU»* ttram MlnlUt ta Uaataaia. Thera U talk (u Oalelgb and la the newspaper* «f a new railroad poaaibil lty which will give the Southern rail way a wuub shorter and stralghter rout* than It now kaa from Beider I lie to Oaatonla. So far, tbla la only talk, but if the aobemo aa laid out promises proflt either to Ineraaaad traffic or qulok or schedule*, the building of the road appeari to be reduced to a mere matter of lira*. Bat a glanm at U* map will abow that quicker tolled alee will cer tainly lie glean by tba new rout*, and tbat Ui* section of country traversed, ooe of tba rlebed the In State, bids fair to tarnish abundant traffic. Col. F. A. Old*, of Raleigh, under data of June 5, taode the Wilmington Jfrucnper of tb* 6lh the foHowiog: " A mrvey of a preliminary cbarac ter begin* next week for a railway be tween Mooreerllle and MoeksviUe. It it to be made by an engineer with a view to ascertaining the moat drelra blo route. In fact tb* bed route 1* pretty well known now. The distance 1* thirty-one mile*. A regular aurvey *111 ba pretty cure t* quickly follow. Pbe rente wbloh the building of tbla link would make la a little longer than the regular Greensboro-Char lour root* of the Sootbern, but If tbe Southern build* from Walkartown to Rotdavlll* and leaves out Greaaaboro, and build* from Oaatonla to MooteevlUe It will get a much atraighler line and lave a good many miles, A glanoe at a map will quickly chow what a line for freight or passenger traffic can thus be eecnred.” Now look at yoor map. With Walkertown In Forsyth and Mooraa vllle In Iredell eonnetited. hut two abort links remain to complete a new route between Betdavllle and Gaatonta. From Walkertown to KaMavUI* a link of scarcely 30 miles Is needed, and an other link of S3 Dili** would probably cover the distance between Moortt ville and Gastonia. With thl* entire line completed, consider, with the map before yon. the advantage* tb* Southern would gain in a draigbter road and faster schedules. But of more Importance than these are th* benefits which would accrue to our town and oouoty. Tbla railroad, tap ping a new section of country, would not only bring to Gastonia new trade, bat now sorts of trade, and would add greatly to bar Importance a* a com mercial centre. Beside* affording easier acoeas to the grain, stock, fruit* and vegetables of tbl* more or less moontainoo* country, tb* proposed road by giving ns Winston a* a market might, under fair prices, develop a ntw Industry, that of tobacco-growing, among oar farmer*. Let (be new railroad corae on, and let'll also be carefal to do nothing cal culated to scare It away. C«kr Orswlai la a Hrtsaora. On the old Kphrelm Torrance place abont four miles from Gastonia is a cedar growing 23 feet from the groond In the forks of s sycamore tree. Mr. Clip Torrence says the syoamore, now 3) feet through, grew from a haod epike which wai Jobbed into Hie ground by bis father long years ago. Twenty-five feet from tbe ground the sycamore forks sud from a loot-hold io the fork a codar tree has been grow ing for twelve or fifteen years. Mr. Henderson Long who Informed us uf Ibis unusual eombinattaD says he has known of it himself for 10 years. The oedar is about Avo feel blgh sod, we are told, Is still to bo seen. in l.noo.ooe l‘owocnd his vacation at til* borne at Crowder’s CrstU. Mr. Lawruoo* Heal went home with him for a short visit. —Miss I.ulye L. Gslock, the popular music teacher of Oakland High School left Monday for a tin** weeks stay with friends In Asheville, before going to hex borne In Rich meed for vacatloa. —Mrs. Uelle Pegram, of Fort Mill. 8. C., visited her sister, Mrs. J. I, Nslll, a few days last week and re. tamed home Saturday morning. Mrs. Nolll accumpanled her as far as Char lotte. — Rev. J. C. Kennedy, Use blind ovaugellst or Concord Presbytery, baa teen on a ten days visit to relative* In Gastonia sad vicinity, retaming homo yesterday. He preached In the Pree by ter Ian church Sunday night. — Miss Ora Lee Schell, primary teacher of the Oakland High School left Saturday morning for Lenoir to spend vacation with ter parent*. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. W. II. Wilson and the children. —Mr. L. L. Jenkins sad family are taking tnesls at the Falls House. They Wined tive colony Monday even ing. Rev. and Mrs. C. II. Durham, who have been boarding with ttem. now have their borne utCapt-J. D. Moore’s. —Miss Rertle Lee Fells returned Friday from ths Woman’s college in Charlotte and will enjoy bar wall earned vacation at home. ||or father. Mr. T. G. Fall*, attended the com mencement and returned with hit daughter. —Miss Naunlo Hoffman, who last session attended the how Presbyterian College at Charlotte, returned last Friday uigtit to spend a well earned vacation nt home. In Ute early fall »l>0 will enter Bryn Mowr near Phil adelphia, tor a finishing ooursa in music. —Ur. Sidney Maaney and family, of Griffis, Ga., arrived on the sic o’clock train Hnitday afternoon, and stopped at the Falls House. Monday morning they took the Narrow Usage for Llhcolnton. They will spend sometime visiting friends and relatives in Llaooln scanty. —Rev. and Mrs. C. II. Dorham are now boarding with Mrs. Durham's parents, (Japt. and Mrs. j. d. Moore. Early In July they yo to Aahovllle to visit Mr. Durham’s parents end to spend a few weak* In much needed rest sad recreation. — Messrs. John J., W. D...I, M., M. L., and W. P. Smith, end II. l! Wright of Clover, pssaed thrnngh yesterday on their way to Gaffney to attend the marriage of Mr. J. M. Smith to Mice Hose, a daughter of Copt, nos* of that town. —Mr. Lander Gray »u among the nnmtier of onr yonag folk* who cam* In from aehnnl la at »«k. Lait Mm I on be waa a Undent at Davu Military School at Wloaton II ta aUter, Ulia May, now attendlag lUudolph ilnooo Woman’a Oollega at Lynchburg, Ya.. la expected to errlyo Tburaday ntglit. -Mr. John IIIII auant Monday with hla family nt Uia Kalla llouae, tearing them Monday morning to look after Ilia work on Uia Inaaranoe building In Charlotte. Mr. IIIII la tho noted ehureh builder who pot up tlic beauti ful new Prnobyterian church ta Oaa tonln and haa Joel completed twu large church contract* In Spartanburg. —Hay. H. I*. Smith gayo Ua a abort oall Tneaday rrealng on nta return from Jonea Seminary ooutmoneemrnt on whioh nry aalon he de||?,irr. Mow ret,anted Tuesday gw loaotr, «km ho baa been etaeo Iff **j**«MM«i*l*d the total ot Wnon Um «M tho Border ot Oe}*. Moore* n^hew, Walter Moore, ao4 Deltas Bowtaea la Glebe lewneblr la* year. Than waa a taE UtaL^S • atraae array of eeooaal ooltooth aide*. Thojury was only oat SSt «t£ latautem aad brought le a rerdici of nerder In tua tret degree, aad the vsxs ~-”1»*• •rataae at Krahlne Cottage on uext Tueeday. Th«e ererctaea are to eele ***** the quarter ceeteanlal at the PraaldaecyolDr.w.JC Grier,Pnei deet ot Bahlne Pottage aiearMwa. A whole bery of! Gtaetoois* pretty ffcta waa up and off bright aad early Monday morning for Dartdaoo College to parueipate la the gatattae ofeom neeeeaMet weak, iffwae Alda and Mallto Sayre, Dalah Field, Mania Deye, See Gallant. Clara aad Benia HoUaod eonpoeed the party. Kn. i. K. Curry was to here ehaaneaed the erawd/but the wee JwetoiTt off and they left In Prof. Dongfea’ earn. ■w. Mm>, f OIWM.-1 t From ■ e*VT of tbs vnU/ JTom printed at Parts, Taxaa, dated Mu fit*, and handed aaby Mr.M. X Hoary wo clip the following: "Mrs. U. A. Bleak died at hot homo. Cbloota, Monday night aad waa burled the fol lowing day. n*r dokaasa waa long but rest la aata." Mrs. Black 1* wail known in the Crowders Croak aactloo, where sb* aad bar buateyrt lived before moving to Texas in the tall of *fll, •bout sixteen years sgo, and bat many friends will bear with sorrow at bar death. The death of Ur. Kaak oc ourred about two yean ago aad waa. announced In the Qaxcttk. Vnale ' "—ires Mnraswi Uany of oar laadat* know aad rs asoDber pleasantly l be v—treble “Unde Miles” Johnson at Book Hill, an unde of our young townsman, Ur. Firm Johnson, ham Jones and his assistant Mr. Htewart, bars just dated a meeting In that town. The Utmld of last week baa this item of naws which will lntervat all of Ur. Jobn aoo’s friends many among oar readers: ‘‘Daring his stay bar*, flam Jooea bought* handsome saddle, a sat of single bitrneas aad a sat of double har ness from “Undo Mile*" Jobnaoo. Gjorx* Stewart also bought a art of single harness. Uncle Miles will take particular palas to make Lhasa job* up-to-date In every particular." M«ck la the iaa tjuit* a Utile flurry was caused la tbii part ol town Tuesday morning earned by thehors* attached to Hem. Holland and Doblnaon’s dal 1 vary wag on miring la tb* mud. He was balog driven over tbe new street which was recently opened up and Hied Is by tPr?',UM|* t2? wu*». al>ova tb* Valle House. Tb* recent rains have made tbe lower part a poad of mad and water aad the horse want down op to tb* abaft*. Both bone sad wagon wen aeon gotten out. la aa boar or mi two ladle* from Poem ram were driving Into town aad got caught la Um tame predicament. Una of tb* boggy abaftn was broken, and they wera badly frightened. This wm realty too bad, aad tbe town ordered the plan* enclosed by a rope at onee to prevent any more eueb accidents. *“"• Wm*« «• »Ta CM. “Coabbaioera" are all tb* alyl* now oo tb* Harrow liaug*. Sapt. L, T. Ntoboki went up the road Saturday with No. 183, tbo smallest engine on hie road, just rebuilt In Chester, to tretlta st ram log and speed log capacity. Doling sussmer all the p*meager *ti gluc* will be chaogod to coal-burner*. In tbo fall, whoa tbe preaeat supply of wood la exhausted, the mm* change will be mad* In freight engine*. Vcr tb* preaaat. ocallag stations will beat th* terminals, but wbaa aU tb* loco motivee begin to use coal a station will be eatabiuLed midway tb* line. One tender fall of coal will make the run from Cheater to Lenoir aad return. Tb* change from srood to seal is da* to two coasld*Tstlon*: (1) The wood Is getting scarce and ha* to be cot and carried a year before it le used, (S) eoal la cheaper. VMM* af Mow Aa—m» >—»■!». H. K. Atkin* Advert!*#* One row tot eel*. Ck>M badge found, apply at Ua«*tt* olUce. X. a I’efram advertise* two tolls h eow* for eel* or axolianm. John J. Oraaand, Clerk of Hoard of County Ooamtaalonore, publithe* no tion of eohool election. Ml** MU* Itevl* edreuieea In beet n»t* locate for (mall tilvnr watch Vwt lu or near Uwtoni*. J- A. Oleon, aweet, eette Liberty Mill* duura. Dealfi* apply to him. Leer* apply to dealer*. flea beat, neaa local* lVetdrol Alderman advert!*-* Ui* Uatvorafty at Cbapal lllll. 47 tenebera, foil conrtea. law and medical aebnnle, loan* nod eeholarahip for tlj* neady. 1*. X. Heath announce* to bte cue t inner* that for thirty day* from date he will pay the fere both way* of all liylnf wllkin fifteen mile* of Gnateala, who pwrahaea (nod* at hi* etore to the emnmit of dill. In an attractive advcrtlaeoiant on onr fleet p»pe Mr. W. M. Whit* make* tour liitereaUnq potnt#: (1) A wall-1 ■Htllahed granite monument la Urn «m duilof. (7) waklaR *u«li monument* la bin «*#«telty, (i) In price* Im> compote* wlUi lit* work, (4) kneeled ge of bte work ami prhw* will, he be lie eve, —■ cttie him yowr a* iter* Always Changing, Never Still. Every week brings something new to add to our pile of wash goods. Never before in the history of Gastonia ha, such aji arrav of beautiful wash fabrics, with such loa’ prices attached, been dis played on this market. JLmn't take our word for it—cocoa and see for yoarsdf Special Lot of Shoes, for Ladies' and Men's wear, on sola—most assuredly worth your attention. Jl. O. New Quarters! NEW 000061 NEW FBJDCSS! m MH-EnBiuVimnli*" ,rtaBai »*«> food fnNi good* at eriee. jut a* low mu jisraja •,ot °f °*u **,ni*10 ^ «»« HUITd to go at and tialow eutt. A FEW D02EN BBIBINatfrop 00 to 7* o*ot« oo U» dollar. b*tb£-^rt^ l^w*™ A*w,u for calebratod Bar State Stan. Noo* ir you want to oat bread that li bread gat a aack of “Swan Down” at $1.86. ”lgW*ta Bart I’atont’'iUM.gO, »«Mtf5a HwatT* JlSiTOd joJwH Mf«ir om tmj ottitc la tiaa return. Headquarter* Coe Vegetable* and Fault*. Cota* and *ee u*. ilore moo* J. P. Moore & Co. List Your Property. Mmmu Itt*. IMk mm* M4k, lHt. w-cfeSiSSSr^ BMil i»VK. t£F5»X*«». G. JODSON BUSS . . . For Bargains. When we say bargains we mean what we say. M Hi. Sruiklod Situ,.41.00. H “ Light Brown St|u,.~.. 1.50. Oood Flour that will make Good Dread at •—92.60. BE SURE YOU G. Jodson Boss. The Elmo Stove Pleases Everybody. Cooks well, IasU well, sad takes less wood than any other stove made. LONG BROTHERS, Gastoxia, X. C. Sol* l|*nts for ftaston Co. Dr. 1. HOLDER, Specialist, located la Gaitnnia and rapaotf ally taodankto yrofaarioaal Hrrlooa U vka otUaaoaand aarroaodlng aountry ta tha teaatwaot of UUBOXIC DUKASES or *U kinds. Offlaa at Dr. 0. II. Taylor’i rwi daaaa, whan I way ha found at all boon, day or night, wbao not profra •loaally aoaagcd. Consultation Free. WAGONS AID BUGGIES. (Jmlg niui wr lUlaera, Alan Kalultaand A«td* Kr«b tModa, ataiaUrd and rr ItaWr. Da aa tmfora buying. CmdIj him! WilMon. ' 1 ' 1 1 ii.. a , - - -r Notice of Election. The Board of OunMcm of Gutoo Gouty, tf.G., hereby give notice that an election will be held at tha several voting precinct* In each m« every township (eehool District) la Outoa County, tu scoorJtaoe with Um requirement* and provisions of chapter 431 of the Ante of the General AaaontMy of North Carolina enacted at Uie loot awsloa thereof upon the question of levying a special district (Towmahlp) tax of ten outs on every •100 snrth of property and thirty oeats on every poll, taxable within toch tax shall be ooUscted at Um sales time and la the same manner as Ik* general sebool tax of said couuty, and •ball be placed to tbe credit of the dis trict (township) in which it Is collec ted. Those who are In favor of tha sold Ux being levied by the Board of Com mleslontr* of said ooanty will votes ticket on wliteh shall be wrUlucr printed the words “For Schools'’end those not In favor of tUo levy of seek Ux will vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed lbe word "Against tfcsfcoolt.’* The following named persons have beoa appointed Registrar* and Judges for the several voting preoioots and will attend tithe times and pieces spMlflsd In the General «taction law of horlh Carolina for the HeglsUatloo, Cbsllengtog and trying of voters, vis:: rucutcn acd tieoi*t* a*s. Bakkbu— Henry a. Baker, 3. 11. Wilson, acdThoa. VMM. ttxmwn Crrr-jj. T. Smith, J, J. Kaonady, and 1. A. while. Bclmoct.—A J. Smith, J. W. ArmMtoDg and J. 11. Sloan. CAxaraua-Albert Farrar, B. I*. Abexuethy and Lea Caution. Adsrimldt, W. 8. Carpenter. and Wiley Clark. 1 On mavvnt* —L. H. J. Ileamr, G. lm Ueem and J. J. Carpenter. Dallas, No. l.—J. It. ttfwta, L. 1*. Stoere and F. W. Tho mason. Dallas, No. *— J. tf/Lowia. P. M. Bhrot. and Joans Patour. OAimniA. Xo. l.—J. D. Hagan, J. W. Abernathy, and L. G. Cathey. Gastosia, No. S.-A. C. Stconp, WUay Uaaaa, and P. J. Muebstger. Gixxira.—W. D. Gleen, BoxOo fcroep. and W. 1L Falls. KimKa —John J. Uetle, A. Q. Ganu and J. J. White. Lomi—a 3C BoWoaon. J. B. i Titcaan and P. W. LaspaT^ Mt. Hollt .—Bobt. Stows, W. P.' Holland and G. W. Bowman. tfifSJi'AfcST”',r~A '• 2fesSlASB8*J- * pucci kots An nrosn. BAKUnx-P. T. WklUridw. 4. T. McGill. It H. Oimtt. Itmjnnm Utt.-D. v. ftmte mi£2r#-liij5-grz A rut rang. A. J. Haukla. Vgmumg-*. A. Httdam, A L. JHMA f. D. Urn it*. CiMjmiMi. —C. a onutar, Pm CMpmtar. «*.. U L KU*». OlBJIKTTTLLIt—& A Mlim, J. B. tlour, trillion Coalur. lUUAt JK L-A. I*. H. Uhyoo, A IX Brow*. W. -, No. W. M. Pmout, L. A. OMhiXU, No. 1_. Mum 4mml ivn. r*-n. Oaktoti a.No. 1—». J. I* niokAVmi.Inctorrgw. OLKXK'I.—J. P. WH.**, J.2 n». 4. a. FmIcm. „f'i<**'».—4. KI»T, 4. A. Tormwt, M. nttixy, ■ 1/.VKLI-K. J Tiled, Rph IToC m«n. j. N. Umax Mr. hoLLT.-J. C. ttontaU. M. n. 1*1141, Cbm ftarrW. (Haim iimxt.-T. M. Alllna.Man out*, t\ It Mm*. ttnti.kv.-m. H. 1'aitnoa, W. 0. UutMm. W. A. lianML Pmw-4. if. UntfmUw. A. J. Martin, A. It. IdaoNamt. Jwwt <|. 11>*Tr, OMrnMfci Itao** *4 caaat* OMHoRtfpanx Mr Ordor of Uw Maud, Jouxi.Oa iNMN.nni