The Gastonia __ D«Ti»t*a to th* Protsotlon ot Hon* Bid Tf*T 1—1 Vol. XV III. U*u~J'.l« } Gaatonla, N. Cm July 8, 1897. ' We meet the pa bile demand for a high-grade •wheel at the right price Crtilavur *rt- Asrfrt* r.r Professional Cards. W. H. HOFFMAN, —DKNTIST— oavtoxia, • • • • h. c. W Oflice over Klnrt National Dank. C. C. A1)AM», x J*. It. U. REID, U D. Adams die Rkid, l’HYSTCXAJNS akd SUDOBONS, QAftTONIA, N. C. OOlot At J. K. Corrjr & Go's Drogttore. ROB'T. L DURHAM, —LAWYER,— OANTUNIA, N. C. L. F, ENGLESBY, Attorney ail Consellor at Lav, U ASTON I A, N. C. J*. ff M&NHUM. —A TTOItXE Y-A T-LA W— UASTOXIA, S. C. WU1 practise In the courts of Guloo and adjoining oountie* and In tbe Federal Courts. E. G. WILSON, M. D„ Gastonia, N, C. PHYSICIAN AND 8UBGBON. M Oflke at Torrence** Drug Store. PhooeNo. 16. w. u. Wileou, M. I>., PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON. Day I'houe 10. Night Phone 34. J. M. Kloiui, M. D.t PI1Y8ICIAN AND 8011C1SON. Day Plrouo 10. Night lTsooo SO. •f. K Crjch*. ■Ml WIMC «■>«• ! /• • <; ■ ixrlnlly. M. M. CorrBT. Urs, Glenn & Coffey, -Deiltoto. SpeeUlty of Crown ud Bridle Work. THutci wUUIim( ouw aorvtcct In th* lino writ oblf** ui by anlHng at onrt>. ••♦r* i Bt«o*4 floor Ocotrol Hcful. • — fiiono No. JT, THE UNIVERSITY^ 47 Teeoherm, 413 Student*, (Summer School 108) Total #49, Hoard $8 a month, 3 Brief Courmea, 3 Poll Couraea, Law and Medical School* and School of Pharmacy. Grad net* Uouraoa open lo Women, Summer School for Teecbera, Scholarship* and Loan* for the Needy Add nee, PRESIDENT ALDEltMAK, _ Chapel Hill, N. O. ENTERTAIN YOU. Jstsust ss*MS8 atsa smKnrs.-swsSerrHS sa.'ss sSSfr Kggh&a LlUXaii, TRUM* 8»n4 for OAUAUlOlK CHAS. M. 8TIEFF. Mort^a, Va.....'........ *1* Main IWrrrr a.-.v.:-.mlCvSs»,Tf; i NORTH CAROLINA SKETCHES PBEPABATIOBS FOB ICAIOTO A atop. llnualM IMmo HI* PUu to Mia ratolly t*r a«Wa( rrcr W Mia Wlto'a Harpy nwwkl aave* Him flfMi the Mtully »r kmktai •rmwl mi * PHhy-A PlulUiw Myk John W. IlifM, la Charlou* INaennr. It waa one of “tboee early" day* of »prlag, "ban nature feet* lb# Orel life pul*o *Ur lo her dull, cold vein*. Tbe ■torn bad iltirtad la tbe nigbt. Tbo rain* bad oaaaed. And now the eoath wind Mowing »ofUy (welled tbe bud* and wblepered to tbe Bleeping grate ■nd dandelion* tint spring bad eon*. Overhead (bluing fragment* of cloud, belated *tragglera, echudod away Into the deep expanse of bio*. A hawk •ailing there screamed a shrill chal lenge caogbt up and flung back by tbe crow in tbe plnetop before he *ped away to bl* fellow* with elarooroua alarm. Io tbe apple tree a mocking Mrd preened ble wing*, then tried bl* Pipe* and scolded to find tbe love-notee had not eome. Tbe moiat mile of tbe barnyard fence steamed In tlw early eun. Among the log* of the empty crib there a little brown wren played hide and eeek with a hungry rat, twit tering excitedly to Sweet, tbe Maofc noee dog curled in tbe warm eunehlne below, nnd to BllL tbe ox, (tending with bead over tbe half lowered bars. The winter bad been bard on Bill. His hide, which should hsvo been whits end red, war dingy and be grimed. K*cb separate rib showed plainly, sud tbe eean of trace-chain* were there, and collar mark*, relic* of bygone tolL Sloes Now Year the barn bad been bare. The lari load of hi* winter feed Bill bad hauled to town and seen bartered for ble master's Christmas revel. And tbe oooklabam m mi t In* Him HMU kewi.t. k.ll ___ Void bow bii March bad alooe btm through low-ground* for aoch poor remnants of shuck and fodder as the winds might bays left ou the battered ooro. Bill was of that breed most oommonly known as “scrub,” and the toll aod hardship which bad come to bla early year* had oot improved the ■train. It had brought blm s sullen cuuotonanoe aod flanks sinewy and lean. Its rely bad bla pannob been folL And the troubled notes of appeal be was utterlug now ium a protest that the bare denied blm booms to bis aeant pasture, and tbs sun already rising two boars blgb. Presently the master Hannibal appeared In the cabin door way and Bill broke Impatiently Into short, sharp calls that needs mast have reached the negro’s ear, for without removing his pipe from hie teeth ha turned and called within: “Mom. yon feed Hill die aawnlog like I tola yer?” "Lika to know whs then I been do ing all mawnlng If I ain't feed Bill!” '‘Bill grumble Ilka be ain’t bad nervy bit*!” “B1U always agjmmblin’l Bill grum ble If he’s bumln’l Dey ain’t do mIis fyln’ dat alearl” And saying this Moses slouched out of the oabln and dragged bln soiled footstep* toward* the barn-yard. Tbs pip* was out of Hannibal's mouth now aod lie stood gazing after his young hopeful unable to And words to express himself. “Great mine to take a brick an’ bos’ yerl” be exclaimed at Length. “Dak make me say what I do ’boot niggerst Ter triflin’ lazy dogl If you don” feed Bill and fotch dot plow up I swar to God I take dla ax an’ brain yer!” Bat Mom bad sauntered out to the harm and with beck to bts sire stood confronting the UtUe beast, which with head uplifted, was appealing per ■latently for hi* breakfast. “Great mine to piok up a rail so’ bus’ youl” ho exclaimed. “Aiui never gwlen to gt’ yer nuttent” And be leaned aoroas the bars sunning himself In the comfortable warmth of the morning. “Dla da fus’ call!” It* mat tered, ,ren’ from bow oo till d* oot ton’o pick all 1 gwlen to bear I* ‘feed Bill,’ an’ ’plow Bill,’ like followin’ attar Bill wan da ’joyment in die life!” “Ton Mack ulggar darel Don’t you bear smI” wuw uuwn ioq rsunng u>> Briber an armful of windblown aedgo from tbe fence corcar, tossed It oyer into the mire. Then still maturing, turned arrow the desolate row* of cotton aUllcs, taaing tha plow, when It had stood la the furrow since lari year’s erop was d»ns. But the roles of Haantbe) Jawing yet In tbe doorway cams after la I in. "I gwien to hire oat! No use tryln’ to make a crop wld deee nlggerst Day trintdar dan po’ white trash I I gwleo to out a cow hide! Data whatl You can’t work niggers 'bout da oberaaer I Bat nigger Moss be oaghter be baa’! What de reason now nigger oao’t to aka crop as same as white mao f" The steer bad wlwd tbe wlap of riraw leased him and ww grinding It famtabadly, hi* big eyra fixed on tha muster who controlled, without let or hindrance, bis poor body and for the time an eh wul ae la to brute things who do thelc toll dumbly and patiently. Yesterday i)Ut hud left the swamp thicket to Bod shelter from tbe wind and driving rain. Oooa a steed had kaned against tbe log hollt crib, but this had tumbled down, and all day he hud pressed from the wind where his house load been, while tha eaves dripp ed upoo his shivering aids*. Hannibal draw tha blue amoks deep and strong aa he watched Bill now and itfloctrd upon his foresight In having raised the bars lari nlgbt whan be might have lied to hoot for him this morning through acre* of briery bottom land. Ha would begin tha break log of ground I for kta crop today. It wan almoat April now, and rinse tha lari bag of ootlon was picked !■ November ha a on hie had dona no toll. New year Imd round the larder barn, tha Drib empty, eod not a penny te show that Ilia ywr bad bean. Than Ummlbnl had tramp ad op Ui Hgolro Tom Wllaon’O, at his crossroads store, leased Urn eaMn and fort/ ecrm for another yeur. supplies U bo advauoed, given notes tlgosd *.<**«• mart, payaM* la Ibo orop eetyU ptaolnd, and further secured by a mortgage on "om ateer, naao Hill, ooe wooden hedetead and straw maltreea, one pine table, one bench, S'1** a pot, and on# griddle." Thl* being the earn total of the prop erty wLloh Hannibal and bio wife, Ann, possessed. These UUle prellmt n*y«a ao°a be bad trudged boats again with a bag of meal and ilnd of bacon, the Bret trolta of a crop not yet plant w. Attar Impounding Bill last night Hannibal bad Joload hie family. Bill•* oo-laborer*, spread about the wlda bearth by Die pine-knot (Ire. There *u Angy with the lest baby In arras, mosb whom we this morning saw at aody.sklllfulBt weeding sottoa, be sides Llge, Belllndy, Hlas and Babe, none too small to ptok the white fleeoe from the bursting holla, tbsee {set nodding or asleep all unmindful of Impudlng toll. Angy was bushing her baby sod dipping tbe oocsfortlcg snufl, while the young ones tamed yarns roast log <* ibe hearthstone. Wow you niggers beer what X tails y«rl" began Hannibal M be kicked the dog uway from the 3reside end lit his pipe. “Yoo niggers boar cae now I Ps gwleo to aaeke a crap dls year. I ain’t one o’ dcae po’ trifle' Digger* an’ when 1 sot lbs pace yoo’i got to follow! Wei gerlea to atari. de cup In de mswnlng. Hose, him so’ Bill do plow, Angy an’ Pete work de hoes, de me* o' yer burn stalks an' I gwleo to help all roond!" “You gwten to stand' round an* be de obomeer J" explained Angy. “IVbo dal talkin’’bout do oliemeer. J ain't beard nobody say nettla''boot no oberseer I But you bear wbat I tella yer, i's gwleo to make a emp wtd you niggen! All o’jrer eeu victuals, isn' we owes Squire Tom half de fust bale dls minute for rnnnin' os till cowl Six bnshsls o' msal an’ fifty pounds o' meet you niggers done est since new year, ao’ de lntrna arunoln’ afo’ de ootton's planted 1” “De house on Are, Derldyl" celled ooe from the bearth. ••wit do bucket, come o’ yet, an’ put It oqtl” Hannibal ordered “It** dat ■am* ole straw 1 Bade Moee atutf In de ohlmuey corner again yialtddy when do wlo’ an’ rain waa blowin* aa” “W.o’a gwien to git to work by light In de aewntat.’ De rain don* atop, BUI up In de pen. an* da moon shinin' on de right quarter. 1 *spen to make (o’ lade die year. Dare’s one bale for de rent, dat*a one I Dnio*s nodder bale For de runnln’, dat’a twol Dan’s □odder bale 'poo top o’ dat to buy a mol*. Squire Tom say be aell dat ole Ky Jim mule for one bale. Dat’a at Den one mo’ ’poo too o’ dat for riaaniball Dat make fo’f l’s gwien to fotoh up my fambly ’spectable, I lain "Dat’a right nowl’’ put In Angy. •T’i ’apse la trio aa’ yoa'B >*pecUble,’ an’ day’s got to be *wct*b)e"> I’a a 'apectable Bigger, an’ yon'a got to work an’ be >apeotable or I’ll b**’ yer open I Reason why nlggen don't git ’long no bettor )** case day don’t work I Moee, yon git up at crack o’ day an’ feed Bill, an’ dene Inters I’a roaa'in’ will do for break’ua*!’’ Tbe nlgbt had paaaed, day oome, and now the tun rlaing two lioura high ahoue comfortably upon Hannibal smoking In hts open doorway. Within tbe oabtn the children swarmed like die* about the oooklog breakfast, for Hannibal and they bad not alept the nlgbt before until tbe last roasted yam waa eaten. Hose, with plow on shoulder, still muttering et fate generally and at Dill tbe material embodiment of hla partic ular fate, waa returning pialnfolly through tbe tangled ootton row* Overhead the blue was swarming with clamorous birds. Growl Crawl Hawkl Hawkl tliey called, and them came, too, the long drawn squeal of the ene my climbing up and np and up. Crow! Crow! Hawtl Hawkl And from every Klnt of the oompnae hurrying wluga it fiercely In the fray. Baaed feathers came whirling down, and fainter and more faint from the depths above fall tbe eereem ae the great bird rose from the onuntleae break* high Into clear thin air. Under the eaves of the barn tho grey rat waa nibbling tbe bones of the little brown wren, nod Sweet routed from hi* sleep by the falling fragments waa nosing hungrily about 'Mil UOOQ hunmol now, shook col Ur and wooden ha me*, and trace ehaina bound with many raga. Tl>e bare were down and he was out, but aUll he stood there patiently, hi* hun gry eyea upon the field wondering dim ly. perhaps, as ether tollers do at Umea, why he could not wander there, why lie stood so hentoaeed, and why he needs must spend hi* life pulling that plow aimlessly op on* row sad down the other, neeer getting any where. Patiently he yielded to the fate be oonld not oomprebtnd and ttood apart waiting for hla aeenstomed toll. Uot someth fox waa amlas with bit old-time comrade tbe plow. He, too, had epent the winter In tba low g round*, and now tba awIngte-Ua* had fallen In maoy ptooea, aad a bolt waa gone. Hannibal bad ooma out. follow ed by all Um young ones, and they stood about aa lliougb tbe wbolo crop prospect bad suddenly oollapaod with Ilia swingle-tree. "Sloes," ventured Hannibal at length, "you bust de ax an1 go out la do wood* an’ out a hickory awtugla tree. an’ de res’ o* yer go down da araeb an* hant a grapevine for to ita dat awlngle-traa on wld." Bat at this moment Aogy appeared In tbe on bln door and battel, "Hanoi bell Yon know whet day die tot" "Wbatten yon ax re* dat!” he grum bled. "1 my you know wW day die lat” "What do rwaeon I don’t know! Aon day we wool to moating’. Monday Mrer Josh got married. Cbeweday I waat up to Mguira Tom’s. Next day llrer Mg*'* fuolal eras areaeli. lint waa Wednesday. YlaOddy wax Times day. sod to-day-Mom, put dat etaar apl If here alat we* aaeUln'lu on to crop on a Friday! , Tlmrt was a hurrah at this ntmmoV «t holiday. The children stood on Uielr bends, such as had asqeirad the aoopmplishmsat. Pomp kicked Hweet sod knocked Pete down Is meres*. abcnaM and tbo nwt of them crowded to help nnharneea BUL Asp stood V!? ?* U**® fro® tto doorway, delighted that It should ham been her fomtought which hud warded off an impending calamity from tto howse b.old-.. J*”"11*1 dr«* * good breath of mlM that for the present, at least, lie need not toes the problem of mak ing a crop with a rotten plow, lit hie pipe afresh and settled comfortably Sgaluet the rail feooe la tto sun. “Tnra Bill la to del T” called one. ••Put him In to lot t” ordered Han-1 Dlbel. •xwjrwlw to work tcHDonsr!” “Jxh* here aim I Too UUak y©» 4nM» n ooovlc'f \Vhao I flto to bo n MQTlef I ’■pec’s to work on teddy I I*» cwion Co town to-Bonor in dnrt eym Ilk* m ’spectsWs gant'maa !" Presently the bteek swarm of dnrktoa bad Ttomd m mjtUriooaij H tbi crow* overheed wfaarotbabawk sailed T* serenely a tollUry speck In the depths of ulus. Bill nibrad of bia per stood spin Id tbs bare yard Bud. Tbo plow sod collar had brought no toll to-day. The bars wars up again. It wan toeossprsbeoaibis. fit bad beard bio masters say “Tiiday" and lock." These doings won be good bis bn, tod he otaaed poodarlog, dosed bis eyes and chewed srbnt cod In bad. Hannibal emobed, noted bio pas opoo tbo otabUsAaM, sod pic tured again the big crop bt was going to make. It was so quiet now it waa ••*7 to think. The yooeg ones bad gone Ashing. Bill stood osar with syea closed ehewlnghlsood. A gray eat was curled asleep where Sweat had bean. Tbo hawk hong mol loo tea In tlimit blue. A tltgle feather, white and luminous, came drifting down from that far height, and aot a sound broke the stillness bat the soft clock ing tMf a ben to her brood. Hannibal could see tbo cotton growing. the biggest crop be bed oyer pleated; the rows laid by, toll and gnoa; the burst In* bolls, the fleecy boefceU, the tour bales piled at the gin house door, tt eras just as good as basing them. And the aun felt so comfortable. He leaned book slowly until be found a®™ msttog Place Id the bead of the fence. Hit Mad lay over sgnlost n mil. The pipe fell from bis Bugera, and with month open sad foot up turned be slept under the noon-day son. u« imk Hen. ». J. Patterson retiring Ooo’BMoecr of AgriouRurel. la Jast Boiletls. Lrt It be told over end over again Hint the fanner wbo hinds himself with prop lieu and dpUtel mortgages, or debt In order to beoure supptle* whtob be e*o raise hi motif, or to buy fertiliser for making a crop, tbs yield and tbe price of which no man can foretell, la enslaving himself; he la gambling on mere change: be ia build ing bit house on Ute sand, and sooner or latter tbe waves of disaster will bring blot to grief. Tbe farmer who raises bis own supplies—wbo avoid* debt like tbe plague, and keeps bla expanses inside bit receipts, who raises mousy orope only as a surplus—he la building oo a sure foundation, against which tbe storm* may best sod billows roll in vain; be U independent of panloe and business depression—be la Maater. Tbe time la coming wbeo these plain troths will be more and more apparent. Looking to the futon la all ths wide rang* of the varied Industries of tbs present age, t oao see no pursuit that offers to the average man with limited capital, particularly U be has not received training m a specialist, so oertaln a competence, with a fair ■bore of this world, ae farming. Oer Wfnlv there is no other pursuit In which he con to the seme extent enjoy his freedom and manhood; none more healthful, none with fewer tempta tions to draw him away from tbe paths of uprightness sod virtue, none In wbloh bo may have so eh eloso com munion with natare. and “nature's own great God adore.” And farmers era better then anybody el so, os a dam except preachers. 044*4* l4C%i*Mh. iKrtuiMh Newt. Two Sooth Caroline cotton mills, one et Piedmont and the other et Fal ser, oo tbe Southern Railway, have just shipped twaaty carloads of cotton drills to Shanghai, China. There wens 9.800 bales of clotli. worth HO a hole. Tbe train aarrylog the shipment will go west over ths Xorthero PneiOo rood, and tbs goods will Uka steamer at Tacoma. The goods wars sold to China In competition with ths mills of lie world. That so large an order should have been secured by Booth Carolina mills la ooaolnslve proof that the South oan ooapeto with the world with a fair Oeld, And while meeting end matching all competition, the So a there mills are making money. A Wmaf Viiawlll. Witnaboro CnranM*. Blackberries are rip*. There I* the largeet crop la mgntr year*. Blackber ry ptoe and •I*****5’ are coutrlballag to the happlweae of oar people , Ur. Jam** Jane*, of the drag Bra of Joote A Boa, Uowdoe, IN., la (peaking of Dr. King** Maw PWoovary, mj* that la at winter HI* wife waa attaeked with La Grippe, and her one* grew oo aerloae that pkyiiclans at Cowdan aod Pane could do nothing for her. D treated to develop Into Haaty Coa ■ompUoo. Having Dr. Klog** Mew Dlaoavary in at ore, aod telling tote of It, be took a bottle bo***, ei.d to tbe aorpria* of an alia began to got better fro at lire Bret deer, ned half doeen dollar botliee oared bar eoead gad well. Dr. Xtef *• Kaw Dlaeovery for Oonaumptloo, Hough* and Colda la goaraateed to do Ula work. Try It. fre* trial bottlr* at J. R Hurry A Co'a Dt ug Star*. UP US 1 BIRTHDAY. ATS HZ PHUiOIOPHIZES a little OH THE OOQAiZOl. Mr *• Ml AfO ta All Aaotbar pataroal blrttday la my Stony. Ttoy aaam to oaao about twlcaa y» t to n» aaw. How a?ary Jbtag abrluka aa wa naar tha goal. Tha Im ara not ao tall nor tha b 11 to aoblghan tbay aaad to ba. Taatto natural, and to nothing aaw—bat bow to It that «rraa tlma abould ahrtok ■ lima, that ia ao mrfc an bmAmm. am, and that la mresarsd by Um mm ticking of tbe clock, ana um u measured by toe (Wag ud setttagof tharaa, and that by Um rcrelriug aartb, aod that by Ua annual ooaree around Ik mt 1 out am why time Aoald seem to *riuk at ad, or, M any change, It should expand, for woou domora. think wSnTLrm mom, la a day than wtao wa war# children. Seventy-two year* ago to day I oum Into Ala aaWrary world tod have had aty ttaare of toy and tor row aad aa ooatoat wttt my lot la Uto. Am David said: “Tbs lines lave tollea to me to ylareert ptoaaa. Tea, I have a good heritage.” Bat poor old Job took It hard WbU Satu despoiled bla. aad ha eaxaad kit day aad said, ip Um ugulA of bla aoal: “Let too day'parish whereto I war bora. Why diod I not from Um womb, tor Uwo I AoaU tare lain oUU aad bau at rest, Ita then Um wletad oeaaa f root tumb ling aad tha weary an A raat r” Poor old mu (biased atory always ex kites my sympathy. Thao then was Jeremiah, who exclaimed.- “Oh, that ■y bead ware sratara aad mine eyas a river Of tears. C arsed be the day wherein I was tan; earned be to# mso who brought tidings to my father my tex e mu chad Inborn ante tore." T don't like three aad people nor aad •toriee nor total of reirery. I aarer mad a raareaea that ends sadly. I don’t Ilka the company of people who wear sad toore aad are aarer happy unless they are mlaanbla. I wish tost Hebert Boras tad aarer writtes “Man was made to reoara,” for I don’t be Hare It Of ad God’s creatures, aua *■ Um only oae that eu smile, aad be ■hocId smile as often re he can. Cow par was a red poet, but to dose say: -Baftlnd • trovatae sswMsneo Ho muj s saltire t»oo." That U batter. Tbe Creator erbo teeatiflad and adorned tba earth wilt fruits and Bowen aad gave na bird* to aing and mnato to charm, and atuddcd the heavens with star*, did not make man to mourn.. If Ha had given as Only bastards for bird! and dog fennel for doaren aad the howling of the wlada Cor innate wa might bars mourned; bat I rather ilka that poet who in tbs guab of hi* gratitude aaM: "Tkle world le very lowly. Ok. tajr Ood, 1 thank Ihcr ctmi I Bw.“ Young waa another aad nod solemn poet, and aayr “Mm want* (Ml little karo below. Mar wanta Wat UK la taw.” Sidney Smith was more genial, and •aye: "Men wmntabut Uttte aero below, Aa be«. perk. lamb, ewl roolaon abow.“ I wlah somebody would tell me where I sen find a parody oalhat same teat that era* written by John Qalaer Adams about half a oaotnry ago. U waa a ohsrtalog poem, and te|pn: -Wan wanaa but Uttlo bare below. Mar wanta that tau* loo*. ' -na net whb me anetly an. Ibn* ‘tm ao Is Che eokj Than ha aaU forth a delightful cata log as of what ba nose want, mod it ao oorda with our daetiss and oxeuaea as for indulging them. Lot a man, and espeeleUy a woman, wlah as mocbai ba or aha pleaaaa, hat ao good ooeesa of a dhdremfal longing for things we can’t gat Woman is peculiar abont that. She eaa want pretty things ewer so badly, and do without them ever ao graciously. During the war and about its diet ram lag aloes Urn wives and motharu who bad Head In laxary cases down to poverty and hard times with more fortitude than tba man—I know many asan who gave upend « away and died, bat their wives t* They held up tbetr beads and straggled on. I remember bow crushed aad helptem 1 tilt whan I got my fam ily book home and (ocmd Dotting but a shelter—not a bed to deep oo—sot a oow in the oouaty, no floor, ao soger nor eoffae—aota chtoken oar aa egg, and ao money to boy with, if there bad bean anything to buy—oo wood to burs, bo fenae around tbs be use and jo we had to bora the stable that tba Yankees built on oar lot for their horses, u wsadesolation, and with mo waa almost despair, bat my wife never surrendered, and aha baao’t yet. 8be wants aa many good things and oiea things aa anybody, but whan trouble comas ate eon Butter and ha strong. mit gooa time aeon now ror a man of my yvara to look book and take a kind of Inventory of wbal 1 bare done ail Ula time—what baa baoa ae ooapUebed for the world *e good or anybody* good, not tor wy own good, for that don’t oouat up yonder. Be fore I go Into the reoeTver'e baode It la well for WO to wake up an Invoioe. Wboo a aeboolboy wo naad to debate whether or eat there wee aeeh a thing aa dtrtatownd boworolonoi. 1 thought Own that there waa, bet rt mm to mo bow that alMoet ever* good thing 1 ever did waa very Mooh mUod with enltalinvee. aod all that Will « tw tae will ba an the line of tbe poet who aaym: TSia5!«SSt2t-.m. in wnm There w mom ooMTert In that tor 1 betters I havs taken plea* are la divid ing with ethers the Mere lag* that (Jed bee given we, The rstrospse* la, bow ever, net free (tom etesds and blera, •ad I srouM Uwt I eoald 11 Vs Uvea Brags a-usaa date to do •ojwtbln* for U* follow U>°m wbo weto to oobm mm Mb. “Oat fsliBBi im ■*», *. ‘/wrote book* aod finoUd ateful oontrimotf an** ptaatod inn ud rtatt for a*, ud to •totodteffiLfflag^ M*tehtpT» tow pUnted™ °* <kMb iSdi 1 wldt Kmktu »**plloU™,TliSa. *1 tow written na; ttatotot ud * two. wttboat mllot tooie thoofto, ud taa Mf.wlto B;rm: 3S KSS/lS&u. Oo tto wbote.1 ut gwtetel ttot By llfo too tato dotted te tto l*tt tbreo uutea of tbl* cwttn town doc otvMnUon tto* up per loot ttoae* “d to. to tto wcrtd’i htoorp. A then wow bat tow booki u< fowar iiwipapm la tto United State*-when i ttow wtw tot two or ttote tbort roll-' rotdt, ud not * telegraph or telephone ,*-wton ttow wm no light tot cudie light, and notnfrleWoa match in tto world, urn tteel pea. Hot pragma »lwaya telega a twin of evil tbtogi along wltt IL Xwrp light to* It* •todow. Tto dertl la a Uraty caaa ud totpa op with tto pcaoattlon. Dm warn «n* a*»u km a Mdcum." .▲ad kla polpK, though lortelWc, k at Uw other aad. when Uw ainaere knra to oongrcgata. 1 nwiwlin when Uww m no hip poekata nor ptatola to pat la thaw. I ramaialwr whan toara traa no wbkky la this ooantry, and tha only spirits drank JJJw wins, Paach beeody, cognac that wu made from grapaa, udjirew England ram that tha Taokam mad# from naoilman They ■ado tha ram to buy algnca with la ▲Moa, hat aoma of it got down aootb. Wbiskay earns lotar, aad wm original ly uekeyhaugh. a gaitic word that, WfMtt to aw, moans watar of life. Wa last ayllabU wm happily dropped in eoaraa of tlma, for It moaoa turn— aad oakay was prooooooad woasky. But tt would Ukoaboofc to tall all Uw ohangM that hays marked Uw last QO yaaca-tha good of il and Uw had of it. I would Wot soma things oat If I Mold, aod oat the elook book, but God knowath. Especially would 1 Wot out •jury bad thought and army bed dead of my own atari aat that gave pain or anxiety to tboae who Icrad me. flia worst word in Uw language k waoeao. I am tmo from that, I know, twt not from regret. I with that aU tba young people would atop and think samstlmsa atop and think and ra •Wra to do nothing that will follow to«a Uka lioaqoo7# gboat whan they |c®» ola. Tb» Stalk Plwu Him. NkouLaduron' Rouord. Ac00MlDg to hi* opinions, expressed ***** • bj**f ***** through a portion of tbo South to visit the NMbvfile B*, o oitioo, tbe anticipations of deoretarj WUooo nbont tbo South have not boau KotoroDy ble opportu nity for jodglog of tbo whole region known so tbo doetb was rather lim ited, but no oca will question his ladg nujtUxu tin b. „„«,£TS : Ma when bo mskoo bio proposed ea toadod trip tfaroogh tbe South for tbo 1 porpos* of studying its roooaraea tod becoming bettor acquainted with Its people. Ouo practical result of bla visit will be tbo preparation of a bulletin on tbe •aWot of reclaiming worn-out mil. Thjf P*©*»*m *• bo an Important “* **•*«»“ ■«* moot of tbafr territory many Son than, eg riant to flats bar* lo tbo past boon rather pradigal of tbo soil, but with tbo rapM migration of bossessskars from laaa Inviting aaotlons baa oome a realln Uon of the in portae oe not ooly of maintaining the producUvlty of tbe land Mt a Oder cultivation, bat also •* bx^log to Urn future demand by taking slam to brlog under culture Main tbe {audio some seattooi which baeu alto wed Vo deteriorate. See* wdary Wilaoo has decidedly practical this autfeot. and from the biota whioh he haa already let tall bla Hody will ha of grant value to those who would conserve fruitful soil and rnoialm the waste places. XmiMMoe «ra*>M« b*h IMwa Owwrt Vim. Tto last Legl datura paaeed a special law for Coooord, allowing It to tax |a. Mraooa non and rawing maohloe rita. Tbta tbla bnutUal rat of poo want debt nbaad and pot a ctaoaa la tba machinery • net raying that no corporation efaouU lary a apectal tax oa tbaao people. Oaooont’a ootaoeia aiooara tail Monday lenad then naelal taxaa, but will be unable to collect tbeaa. Brary day fraab evidence of Ibo aaininity of tba laat LagMataro coaaeo ta light, Warner* ■ ■ ■ oj ai wr nikrthtliMih. swstkbtmsSs Ilk MIU. UkUkMnaiM MkM will lafcna weak's lima and will In mUm om tba Union l>a*Sc rmm MdaH »im aea - | h m [ fcwmxiya. *»w Tort Wall anagxprcw.. One of tbe great tricks of ex-Socatcr of Teiua, while la otUoe, waa «*eddfy»f«wSV km* auibcTae W5i!ir4.v,w,,?n«*r’’ ■od**# «■*»• eerver tolhanUery 1* would appear u though tbe Whole weight of liLx Intel lect wax devoted aofelj to tbe proper aenlpaletloooC theetrtDgx oo S.X gen, aart tbo Louisville IMapeUb. Another peculiarity of Ute Senator wee eu annoyance to eocee of bU more eupentltuoue nolleaguxa He bed a greet way of select lag any aaetouthe , Democratic aide, provided It waa not ' Me owu. Whenever a Democratic Senator waa akfc, Mr. Keegan in vnrta Wy appropriated Ida ctafr, end. aa derug tbe oourae of hie career in tbe Senate a neater of UaeoUeagueedied, S*jjd hasen to be looked oo aa abondowtoraay sick Senator wboeo obairbe ooold appropriate. it la welt remeariNred that on one onaaaiou, wb« Senator Vance was sink, be wrote mteSeaatpr I’aaeo, who ar> ipi;asBi£rj!ss.£ra log, ualhetioalijr. * or heaven's taka don’t let «M Keegan have my obalr.’ Senator | Vance's chair waa taken oat of tbo Sonata chamber. “Wkj lukr m»Mni Till IteraM. A yooag German Immigrant who knd not a dollar in Um world end no ndnUyaa, trinoda or aequelataaeae In Aamrlm worked Hi* way waatward tom New York until hart—had a ■nail town la Ohio, where be aeourod ipoaUloo aa clerk la n dour nod fowl dare and want to wort. In almcat la iooredaUy abort time he learned At* Engl lilt language and had ■attend u>» few detail* of tha baai mas In which ha waa engaged. Ooa day b* oralkrd Into another ted dote a Sock away, aald that b* had maidjhal the proprietor of theptaao talrad toaellout, and Inquired tbo Nice. Tbo feed dealer wanted *1,300 noaah. After n few ioqnlriw Um wOer mid: “AU right. 1 Till 0*11 ■morrow at 10 and wa’Ugo orer to A* bank and gat tha money foe yon." Ko ooc know u/tblit tfas rating German- The feed .tore man »hoI"*^dto «dl lamped to the ooa iitutop that the proepooUrt purobaoer ■oat ham broagbt conntderabio money trom Germany. Thn naxt day. comp ly on time, tha German called to take ***<**1011. “Gome on," be aald. 'vatlge right to tha bank now and rat the money." Toflathar they entered tba bank, rba German aapronhad tha amW*r% window. Intrndnoed blmaolf and aald. “I»«* I* Mr. Job**, who keep* Um tod atom on Main *tre*t. I boa toagbt oat bla plane for $LSUb tbdTtbalf called Ingot the mo-y!" “IJek.Tour pardon," replied the ambler, "bat yon bar* no aoooont ter*, barn yon r< “Too don’t uadarataod." aanwatty remarked tba Garamo- “X don’t nat aa aceeant at all; I vast only tbo “Bat yon hav* no mecoy in tbla bonk,’’ acyMncd tbo oOolaL “Of oonrae not,'’ aaaeatad the aaliar. “Hiked BMaarlrouid paya laawu naeawir Bat I bor’ut any money at elLwtlaom oomotoyon to get It.” •MbJ* »ot yoa liar* rooawy unlee* yen brat girt it to tm." “Tba* why & a lank r* excitedly demanded Urn would-be-borrower. Th* coUoqtiy whh>V aoiucd waned ao load that tbo praaldeui of the tank mm* ant at Ua pr Irate otto* to a— wbnt wa* the matter. lie took Um vontig German In hand personally, ttolatter told Um UukoreH about blmaaif and hi* alma, and la lam than UAOO and bold a drat mortgage ou a faad atom owned be tU bappteafyanng focatgaer la Amorim. Tbit occurred away year* ago, ft la true, but that young Carman to-day la the bead of a corporation eanttollsad for $4.0 *‘,000. aoilbia name, if I wan to gl«* it bare, troaid h* icoogMtaad InatMUy a* one of tbe leading In nteaoo men of (bla eonutry. with t tt» wM |

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