The Gastonia ___ t>rroud to tko ProtMtlon ot Homo and the Intareat* Vol. XVIII. _^ I nert ts no Word to Full ol Meaning “Mother's Friend" mtm bar ta a oeodUloa »era hnAk U jfcftsSgggBa Tar2.-ffl ».?.scs;*«sii»siMar8S: •“ *us^rssii nS^iaa e.^ Tki WMOnKLO MOUUtVOll CO.AiuaraAa ion n «u MMMTa Professional Cards. IV. H. HOFFMAN, —DKNT181 Q AS TOMA, - • - • If. C. M* Ullicc over Pint National Bank, c. k. ai>a*s, m. B. n. it. uaiD, it. d. Adamn Ac Keid, PHYSICIANS AKO 8UBGBONS, OASTOKTIA, K. C. Oilico ut J. E. Curry & Co'» Drugstore, icoirr. l nun ham, -LA W YKH.— GASTONIA. N. C. L. F. ENGLE SB ¥, Attorney isd Connwllor it Uw, G'ABWJfJA, N. C. a. & MsMfU&M. - A I'TO JiffS r-A T-LA W OiSTOMi, II. O. Will inactlcc in the court* oi Gaston and adjoining oonntlea and in lUe Federal Courts. f \U. WILSON, M. L>., (iaatoula, <1. 1'IIYSICIAN AND SUJtGEON. fca'Omoe at Torreuce’a Drug Store. Phone No. 10. W. 11. Wilson, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SL UG EON. Day Phone 1C. Night Phone 34. J. M. (Sloan, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND BLItGTOON. Day Phone 10. Night Phone 80. B. V. lil.RXS. 4 K. M. OOFTVT. tmowx HIM I ■tllHiK uorlt N fcfHTiHUX. l>r». Glenn & Coffey, —Dentists.— Spociilty of Cro»D )Bd Bridge fork. Thoau wlaJnny our •ertkx* lo tlito line wll olitlyr ut by cajIIo* nl onoo. i &• Rnrirt. UilMiav heslol Its Iwv wfflrp H ' 'Yfllt | .r (IdldloTU'' fo W. V. OHmtC .*ry«Motit. TKAK5 WILL UU1K. WHEN WAR VETERAI8 MEET BAOH OTHER AT TEBR REUHMI. T»«r tNlMTNnfOmn, l«l (He Wclltaa l> mw4 OraHitw »r (fund BUI Arp In Atlanta CoWlluUoa. My good, happy and genial friend, Charley Cana, delivered a oott enjoy able lecture on the analysis of Unghter on “Why Do We r.augb ?” Now, If be will analyse our tears and tall ua wh» we do weep, we will the better understand another one o( the myate ries of our emotional humanity. Why •loss a man weep when then la no sor row In hie heart—especially so old man—a veteran ? If ft were not pa thetic It would be funny to see tbe teste in these old soldiers' eyes as they met and marched and listened to tbe martial renale or sat together under tbs sound of words that cuds from the lips of old men eloquent—old comrades In arms— words that awakened soul stUrrlug memorise aod quickened lot© life the hard bat berolt scenes that were living facts a third of a century ago. How hard tliey look-three old soldiers—hard in face and tea tare, bat soft In heart. It seam to ma I can pick them out from common people. Every wrinkle telle of Berries, of cof fering and disappointments. The bronte on their furrowed Cun has never yet been bleached and ttaslr walk is still a true bat tired mareb. Ecs, I can plek them ont all aronod me. look at old Copt. Nsal and Uaj. Foute, and MoCandleae and Dorbam and Moonteastle. They oant hurry now. Their quick step has gone. They marched and oouo ter mare bed, they advanced and retreated, they Charged and double-quicked for four long years, until tbe spring of their instep was worn down to n plane with bee! and toe, and now It is a fact that the hollow of tbe root makes a hots lo the ground. uai why eijouid an okl man weep ? 1 remember that when Baa Hilt’e >Utu« waa uncover ad and the great »pseches were oyer and qoeenly Win nie Davit war brought forward on the platform end presented to nt as tbs dan shier of tbs confederacy by Gen. Gordon, acclamation* rent tbs air and reached the beavena end made tbe welkin ring. Then everybody cried except tboee who bad do feeling—no Mnotloo—oo patriotism. Old Geo. Black was leaning heavily upon me and I felt tbe quiver of bit outlive frame. He leaned more heavily end I turned quickly to look into btsfaes and taw the tears courting down aa freely aa If h* waa a boy. Ax I brushed my own awav I said: “What is the matter, general V Do you want tome water ? Are yon about to faint? “Ob, no—no,” eald be, “Juat 1st ms sloue and bold ms up a little. I am feeling good. Thank God for Ills mer cies. I feel like old Ntcodemos when be eald: ‘Now let us die, eineo I have seen Thy salvation.’ ” Tbs medical book* tell ns that tear* are contagious. We all know that and have experienced It, but ordinarily our team came front our own emotions end not from another’s. I suppose that there were probably 10,000 bona Ode veterans at hash villa, and while under tbs In lloenoe of the oocasloo, the surround ing*, tbe memories of tbe peat and the thoughts that breathed and lbs words that burned they all abed tsars or felt like it. What a spectacle for northern eyes ! What a oommentary on north ern Intolerance! now long will it take to eradicate our love for the lost cause or onr admiration for lie heroes? Dike father, like son end daughter end It la already transmitted down the line from generation to generation aud In a few yuan more these reunions will be baptised with another name and be called the sons of tbs confeder ate veterans. I eald that probably there were 10,000 real bona fide con federate veteran* gathered at Nash ville, for It le a fact that our veterans »»»?• There are not 100,000 now alive—not mors than one In eaveo of all who served. There might have bean mors, but as pen sioned told ter • don't live forever; neither do they multiply ns the year* roll oo. 2»°,ss£«a.. Bxcept • pensioned soldier. No. For the peace and brotherhood Of all our people It would have been for better for the north to Imre aald 90 years ago: -'Now let ua be brattrea. You thought you were right, and may be you were. You fought a good Oght and shall bare your abate of this pension money. ” I f Linooln bad lived be would have said to sod stood on that platform. Waiter HooU mye: “Woo awalta a country when she ease the tear* of bearded man,” and so it wonld bo bet tor to conciliate our people with kind ueae rather than to nlloaato thorn with ubueo and unfriendly legislation. Sea whet a martyr aed a bare oar people have made of Sam Davis, the nobteboy who held his honor deem than hla life, ▲ad this reminds mo to my that I have a letter a good loiter, fro* IT. H. Hilbert, of Crawford, Mias., who was an army oomrado of Oelvla Crosier, the Trias soldier who uaa put to death by order of Col. Trowbridge at New berry, 8. C,, for resantlog an Insult given a lady by a negro soldier, I wrote of this a farmer latter and of Urn monument the good people of New berry bad erected to hla memory The negro was but allghtly wouodad aad la the ooofualoo la the ear an other man was srrssUd for the deed. When Crosier learned this he gave himself nn sod was shot at sunrise. Mr. Halbert bod oersr heard of Orostor's fata until bo mod it lo the Oonotltatloii aad Its now begs for more Information concerning him sud l»«o aad fata. Will aosm one who knows please write lo him. Ha mye that Crosier was o noble man and a ■pallaat soldier and belonged to Oeodo’a battary organised at Dallas. Tux. samuavissod 0*1 Yin Crater were but two. Wa bad many non ju»t like them, but they were not ao tried. Bat opaakiag of teen and war the touching tinea aver written were by T.sagboraa, who died more than 100 year* ago. iiffaarajs? zssr&tsk-* j§jjsSBSiiB53&ta£ oftaki of bImt dimm la Mtn," W*ft could bo more aweetly, sadly pitiful. No wouder that Burn* abed tear* when be looked at tbe print that had been made or the soeoa. Why has not some great artist taken the bint and pointed It to tbe life—the mother seeking her deed husband among tbe alaln on a battlafiald and wteptng over bar oh Ud a* he nursed from aornreaat —'“i1? **I drops mingling wltb the milk be draw." It la enough to make an angel waep. It la enough to ora phaolse Gen. Sherman1* piUteas remark tilt— “ War is halt" The poet llogera aald tba prettiest thing about a tear. He wanted to Bnd a cbeanlat who could orystalias one i.1?*1 **• °°0,d *t as a gem next to bis heart for a talisman. Shakes peare oau the tears of an otd man ‘honorable dew that silver* down thy obeeka," and another poet describes man as "a peed alum betwixt a smile and a tear." So we will let these old soldiers weep it they wish to. It will do them good for they are not tear* of aorrow nor grief. Thay are the weillug “P and overflow of sacred memurte*. It Is like uoto s mao after years and years of wandering going back to the boose of his youth and greeting his kindred end schoolmates and oomrann Ing logetbsr about tbe Jots and sor row* of tbs olden time. These veter ans sll shared a common peril and It la but natural that they eboeld love »o get together and talk of It. Bo lot them meet and talk and weep If they feel like it, sad curses be upon the heart teas eat who aooff at it and say oh, let lb* old war go—wo are tired of It. iUnUM t Tm-pvm. SotthteUI Herald. Your taxes become dus oa tbe first Monday of September. If yon fall to pay ibeee taxes by tlie Ume of the ses sion of tbs Supreme Coart in Novem ber, you rseder yourself liable to either a fine not exceeding five hundred dol lars or to an imprisonment of not ex ceeding six months. The last legislature mads It tbs duly of tbe sheriff to make out s list of all delinquent tax-payers and report tbe same to tbs Judge of the criminal oourt at the next regular session of the court after the first Monday In September. It is then the duty of lbs judge to submit this lUt to the solicitor to tbe end that such delinquents may be pros ecuted. Remember, If you fell to pay your taxee by a certain time, you have com mitted a crime and are subject to a punishment by alther One or Imprison ment. It may be a greet hardship for you to do this, other claims must be «*t aside, but tbe law is omnipotent aod to its comqiaoda you muat iubmlt. This Is only another Instance of tlie oppression, indicted by the last I-ogla latars, upon tax-payers of North Caro llna. Tbe so called statesman, who composed that body, seemed to havo thrown aside all considerations for tbe welfare of their constituents in their action. They must acknowledge that sneb a law as quoted above willInflict untold suffering upon tbe people. Tho average voter and tax-payer Is unable to pay bis taxes by the time ■pacified. Claims of several natures are always confronting him at this season of the year. The crops, that an still In tbe field on Sept.. 1st, most pay the nut to the land-lord, most appeaae tbe merchant who has advanced supplies during tbs year, and most satisfy the wants of the family. This crop cannot be marketed before tbe lata fall, mort gages can hardly bs lifted before No vember 1st, and tbe poor tax-payer by that Ume, Is involved In tbe mashes of tbe law. Tbe man of substantial mesne will experience no dlflcalty nor Inconve nience by this operation at an nojost law, but the poor tenant and laborer will bo forced to undergo grant nriva Uona. He may not own property of any coneequsoeee, hot bis poll Is tbe seme ee the rich msa. ThelInjustice of snob a provision will be mote apparent aa the time draws near for Its enactment. Tbe tender mercies of the atarifl end Judge end Solicitor wlU be often ep lo lf tlmy eoforce tbe lsw, hew can they be lenient » WfeetOaMMI la, PMMruu? LnalavllM Ti.sssx:-Wbti, in tbe plenti lodae of Divine grtoe and the exbuber tnoe of American Independence, upon ■bom tbe eagles of victory bore so vften perched, and sung, “My oouatry tis of thee,” it becomes necessary to jommem orate tbe wisdom and tbe ichievementa of oar ancestors, on such jceaslons, I say every man, irrespect ive of color, race, or previous condi tion of servitude, should bnmbly re move tbe oovsrlog from bis nnworlb; dead and shout sin tuamsit oLonr a hcmol. imagine, fnaWcmeo, ouc nlvas following tbe star of empire as be wends his tortuous way from tbe ielapldeted rubu of tbe east to tbe ravage plains of tbe west. What will fOU observe, gentlemen? Tiny didn’t celebrate! They bad no 4tb or July. That was what was tbe matter with thfon. Note first. If you please, the celebra ted city of Jiabylon. where even the negroes end poor wbllse were provided ■Itli suspension gardens, that wicked oltj, which fell without e struggle ■ben Joshua marched around It blow ing thirty blasts npoo a ram’s bora. ■They never oelebrated the 4th of July, rod where Is she to-day? book be neath tbe waters of the duad sea, and tbe weary traveler from Nsw Zealand, re arching vainly where to lay bis bead, sees a lone fisherman sitting upon lu ruins patoblog bis ante sod waiting For tbe Ude to net. iv oai la tee nuwrj oc Home, Uio proud mistress of tbe aear It possessed man/ great men, such u Julia* Catar, Richard the Third, Hamlet, and tha Duke of Wellington, all of which tha Illustrated Shakespeare baa mentioned la different parts o< bla book. Bat Roico did not celebrate the 4Ui of July and aba baa gone to join tbe la numerable caravan that baa "wrapped tbe drapery of Iba ooooh about U aud laydown to pleasant dreamt." Mow tbelr ohurcbe* are now atalta aud their court-houses dwelling places far Plutocrats, eayotas and Camauobea. I ooald go on thus, relating tbe mlefor tunea uf the celestial empire for hours, bat, gentletnea. ns Bonaparte remark ad to the Xing, tampoa is fugltlag, and I moat haalac on. i^ooa tor a moment, in panting at Urseoe, that ono* grant bom* of sagos, philosophers and mermaids. Hit aooa wsr* skilled la warfare, making win* aad spiling fruits to tba cohorts of the crusade*. This proud country koetr no masks*; bat oa sooner bad tbsy <|ult holding those great oslebratioas; of which some writer bad fittingly said oil sat bonus, at which in* hardy warriors ran foot races far go Idea crowns to wear upon Uisir laarated brows, than sba bswau to droay, aad wo must now say with oos of bor o*U brated orators Carthagalaiidaa oat. Ab. gsatlsmao, do eelebrattoas t That tails the story- Owwka, Ib>m*ns, IWlmrlaos and United Status | Alas, let not tba last remad follow tbs eharlot wheels of tbs former; lot us rattier be ap aad (Mag. Let as oele brato those grand Osya upon which our fathers fongbt, bird and died Uwt our oountry might bn free from tr>« British lion already preparing to spring ■poo aad oa ns op without tearing a ntooe to tail oor last mating pi so*. I pasaoTsr, gnoOemsn, tba discus sion of those great principles upon which I could dlsooorsc for boars. I hasten to say that It woald bare glrsa »* the most unboondsd sail sfsot Ion to bar* met with you on UU grand occasion. But tay country oallcd me. Mr. MoKlulsr bad prsrlously oallcd os* Vo dteeos* State matters of gran Importance. I bastsond to the aid of my oountry, for libs Waabtngtoa, •Olrc am liberty or giro ** dcaU. H I will not say good-bys, (nutlantern, foi tba rassoo that I bans to bo with yos on some other occasion of similar r.s tors, but, fa Usa srordsof tbs Krunob oh rsaorrutr l Toors eery truly anti lo eommaud. 'V. F. flkKunsus. *«*» eat en* while you ar* ao *ry,” Mid A. K. Stewart, of Boston. "My attention was Ant celled touts etraoge tact tar tbe tragic aad oaddea death of a lady acquaintance la Bos ton several years ago. I emailnl bar husband's invitation to din with them. Just as we were going la to dinner a servant did something that , oanaod the laddv to by into a terrible ragek She bed been irritable from some minor complaint for eevenldaya, and bar husband calmed her raSed feeling* mOeienily for tbe dinner to bo eaten In good tamper. I noticed that aha ate an annsnal amount of •oft scrambled egg*. Fifteen minutes after we left toe dinning room aba wee a oorpaa. She died le frightfol ooo ▼oleloaa before the nearest physician could reach tbe bouse. The dock . waa unable to ascribe the cause. A few moaths later I was visiting a brother in Connecticut nod on* of fata sons died uoder similar elreumatanoML Before breakfast one morning tha boy, who was aboot IS yean of age, beds figbt with a neighbor's boy. Before hie anger had subsided my nephew waa nailed to breakfast. He ate four soft boiled egg*. Hod I known an much then as 1 do now I would have pre vented It. In lea* than a bait boor after breakfast tbe boy died with ex actly tbe tame symptoms that wen present when my Mood's wife died. This set me to tbleklog about tbe matter. "It waa not long after this before a Beacon HiU friend of aloe expired suddenly after a meaL Tbs doctors, a* usual, were divided le opinion on the canoe of death. Some of them con tended that It wae heart failure, what ever that Is, and others are etui bold ing out that It was apoplexy. Inquiry developed the foot that my friend was very angry when ha sat down at table, and that h# ate fW* egg*. With these developments I searched no further for tbe eauaa of bis death. He was eagry, beau ega* and bodied. It them an not links In the chain of oaose and ef fect the human Intelligence Is incapa ble of logical thinking." TMUUKIMf*. American Omar. TIm aaryleea of the little etorosboukl be ns perfect aa that of tha Mg atore; | It Is last as vital to supervise details la tha ana as tha other; the principles or qoeilhoeUoaa that invite loaoaaa are tha aarea la tha llUla aa la tha bio store. It requires tha aame aort of energy, paraavaiaaoa, industry, econo my. originality and (ores to do a little trade aa a mammoth bail ease it takas jest aa matt kaowiadga. shrewd ness aad pluck to hoy aaa ease of goods as a thousand. If Um llttia ahothaepoc It wall equip ped hie business aaa no more stop growing than aa aak aaa batp growing under ooadlUaoi favorable fat aevelop maat. Krery little atorekaapar rhould ex hibit eouraga, show ambition and look forward to a career of arpanaloo. Tha power to aooamalata la as great In railing ap money as 11 the power of a anowball to grow whan rolled over Saida of snow. The spirit or enterprise will exhibit Itself in the llttia qalte as reach as la tha big atom U will always be indi cative of to me thing more promising ahead. Its morale. Its tone, Its stylo, equipment aad force will be suggestive of growth, ad lasraaslng power, and give promise to tha oommanttv of lo cleasing resource aad great ability to serve. Let Um little storekeeper taka soar age, push forward with vigor, and not be throws In the shadow baoaaaa there are ooareeUtara doing a greater bus) nans. Thefatam la a bswof premise to Um mao wbe baa oonSdaoaa to him self. ^ A W*r n l»«w. rhHXtdpMt HmM. Tbs mnitw of a aaooaaafnl Kaw York atom l»Uljr aald ha ooald ]ud*t of tba Talua of a aawapvaw aa a nedV an of poWlelty by Ha ram; aad baalas bans aakad to aayiala ha aald: -Wall, 1 rand Iht adluwlala. from Lbaaa l ean gaaaraMy tall tba social aad ftaaa dal ehanetar af Its randan." Than an tana or tboasaads who laattantlTal] fona thair satlnata of a aawayaawl cauaUtaauoy la tha aann way, with oat itotvtaf fa analyst tba noatb yroaaaa; aad ibalr tnailnst galda unarrlnfly. RIVER DEED PICRIC. 90TERROR JOUtOV Or mm» ooanvt. Ibtte win _ _ JR | (ART TMWQH MS*r. Wftl ft wfUbaaaoar aanaallllTar Band rally 2&rs'££iys-^s S3'S wa will bin aoao gnat apaecbaa h JWwWotToI Pnm, kAtfY#4MMe«t man” loped to the front with the conventional old Itor, which la tMc tuUacc hammed toteaoaat 0**0.11 bragan oftfwbridriOtetter, and wrigfeod tear pooade wot, toaay solhtag of a half gowac dry mad that dang to tha teal ami iootcg. Tteahoa bailor ataadlad hlmoolt, and am (data bord ef apdaua lot fly tba token af good lock. HU aim wm favtlrm. tbt ahoe Unking the bride In the bur of tea right of tela the groom buamo Uamdad with rage, aodmada ter tte teat man with a rator. Ia tba gaaaoal tomalt, tte malao took fright and ran away, aad tba bridal trip Urn oameto a aaddon aad nnrrnenlii teU. A wxrtaot charglog the atea thrower with xamaltaDd battery agon tea bride Uateettobeawara oat, aM tte aewt round la tea matrimonial maUa win Hkaty ba fcw^t with tba jaaUoaaf tte ► * * i ; ■ •• > i >