f THE GAZETTE. j?£^^TnuwvvT.inruit*. ■MW » WMS6W nexthwirr. to *• Main at n* Vanin Ob Um Qrd of Aetwt ur. .Uciwai ot ■HMh Importance to Uwt»r»t**en uA MmatCuloslitolir held and It will d*o<4e fax tie w«wl wb-th: i Uie , e#mty mi of O-stwi sbrtl he n ■•"il from lie p.-**wt Vxwilou to ftertrmi*. U fcehoo*r< tmj prudent, HdlWu voter to Mqiulut IUumoU WHh Um (Mb bear! -g upon this qees tloo In order that 'fce as? U ecabtrd to onto Intelbcer.i'y. i® order to iIImho IhH queetHm ftoee x touiaoM •teerfimlut. be u« ■•WBec, dot, tbv lbo MkeofMYu* ■eat, that Um oauaty sent lwd mui Pit too® located and It devolved upon the voters ot tbe eeuetjr to refect ., bto toe Re bcsUoa. Lot us suppose also that ao ieiaixi bad been offered to cay town. I itardly thioU. this total the case, that It would be srrt oaUy con tended, even by those who •» aow opposed to removal. but that e majority of toe ettis ms ©t ttw euuu to would deebro that Gastonia is U*e plaee for Um ooaatyscat. . .Why* - OKOMse Gastoela to .w near If ait tbo georrmpblcai reutic of the Uiao any otW tows. Gwtoufci U nearer like Of pofruilttoa tbau any other Mwom Gastocto to the Urges* toss* tn the county. Po*» Gostonla taa store mlt-rond factllttoo cod fur that reason to easier 0* MRU than auy oUkc town. BW Ootonis is the only pciul I* the outfit; at whtoli Jin- building of a'system of Improved nauto to Hlmiy tn ton in ruty tiuo nvdi <*» tliao tiathMito Ins Adenatagiw that would entitle It t» the county Bsg, aay Uw opponents of removal, the oonaty seat has toea Axed and the m—I bsdWag* are sufficient tot tba aaadaof the county. B la Uua the coo a ty sou naa buso ftaad, aad tot ns admit again for the ■aha of BTgamaat that the preseot i are SBiReiuDt. \re will then , that Gastonia M... __ IWa coonty SI5,000 if the if action to carried la furor of raaanl aodalargaaaiabar of taxpayer* whose Pngoty wfll repreamt soetral hna Orad tboareada of dollars signed a fusiaaty that the mosey will be forth taming. Weaoppoee we urn reaeooa faty treat this as a bout flde offer. Jfaar tbao, wli.it would It cost to erect county building* as good us tboae at Dallas? Vnxn the bee* information loan get. not more than e Baade of tka oouaty and free of coat to tka taxpayer* But again. The op> paaaata af reaoral naort to the burfa ttauda ImedwaoBo tax. tttatrue, tka aoat of Beauty baildiuf* la entirely ta link—deaf the oeaaty earn nrtmlua an aad I tMakthoy ate man who cm le treated to an in tMe matter erJth aat ahuatag IMr dlaentloa. tf Uw •W.OOO. together with what wUI ha dfrived from Itotaato of (he oouaty Ptaferty man at DaUaa ta au.Hataaa to area* keUdtagathat will meat U,a c!uliinUt^r1*y*t Ug,M*timt dStSmiUkmUttdrnr, u?"ru7n m*. “wmlbnl the mm algafe* tta HI* <*U ta pay tha mt> K tfcay dvxr to «lo *>.'• (Hr wna Mr. A. (» M.trfu*, HfWa aa oeete. W—% He— On—Unit—t ourte 1U Widnalaa. Wn Koaraetoo It J. K. C'lrry A nnv sad bohoro bun Patjaolly honorable In all bo*sect transaction rssi^^a^0«St.“rTT “* “»•oha^ anil's Catarrh u*r* is taken Inui nailjr, aet lair dirretlj upon the blocsl and uauooua sar aSSW&SSS. VSsJSSiM*'* o»w»ne Mcytleu Before you bay • bicycle examine tbe Crawford. We liaye tested than, aod while they art standard the piioe la low. Gall at oar borne and aee tbera or aeod us a portal and wa will can oa you. G. F. A E. T. ExaLBBBY, Sooth Narrow Quae* Strait, O. J. 9U. Agents for Gaston County. R. C. WARREN, Blacksmlthlng and Wood-Work. GASTONIA. N. O. Wood u4 Inn. aajnmi Mm and eom thee, rtaht la my ■9BcU.K7. bwt \ kwdt tfirlok your Urw ind do /oar wuod work jugt m well. fork Don Promptly. u&SpF $nurss& «srE worw 'TVftt • wbj. It Print Tbit An Right. While 1 do nanMovd .ork and do a whwt R. O. WARREN. -WE AKE— Pushing Bab; Carriages. *» tbtr lln« w* two mm t vtfilelM for Um utu« folk*. At Mr prtoo* Miry an barfalno, (food h*r eoln*. Ijodo* »« ara • ^*t)(of Mini *!•»*.*> (loan* lo tore* tboar. And Remember for Pomltor* of Ml ktod* U# pUoo to oo*no I* Armstrong's Furniture Company. New York Racket. MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE! To clear up our Summer Goods and make room for our Fall and Winter Stock From July 15th to Sept. 1st 1 offer my ENTIRE STOCK of Summer Dress Qoods such os Wash Lawns, Sat teens. Percales, Barred and Lace Stripe Muslins at greatly reduced prices. Our aoc Colored Lawns now..._ ijc Those 12} & 15c Colored Lawus to go at 10c Beautiful 10c Colored Lawns to dose for.. 7#c Our Syi St 9c Colored Lawn*, your choice 6#c All 7>c Colored Lawns, now_ 5c Real Good 5c Colored Lawns, to dose for. 4c All 6c Summer Satteens, etc., now__ 5c 4C Dnss and Aprou Gingham.',, uow_ All sc Dress Ginghams, now.. ,c Our 6c " ’* now. ^ 36in Percales worth ioc, now. A Full Line Summer Corsets from 3* to eoc. A Pretty Good Corset for. aoc 25 Per Cent Off.. For this Special Time I offer my Stock of Clothing at a discount of 25 per cent. This puts our $10.00 Men'* Suit* down to.$7 5° $5-«> Men's Suits to go at Hit low price of $j 75 8.00 Men's Suita, now go for..._... 6.00 4.00 " .. •• •• .. ’ 6.00 “ “ while they last.. 4.50 ... " t w Now For The Boys. Our Boys’ Knee Pant Suits to go the same way. $2.50 Boys’ Knee Pant Suits, uow.--..—$1.88 <1.25, 1.35, and 1.48 Kuce Pant Suits, your 2.oo " “ '• " uow-1.50 choice....^ ^ A Lot.* “ worth >1.50, Special Bargain.', in Men’s Fine Dress 1-75, and 1.85. now. 1.25 Pants, $3.25, 3.50, 3.75 for. ,>00 Big Bargains in COTTON ADES, JEANS and CASSIflERS to close out. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. My entire stock of Summer Shoes at cost. Ladies $2.00 Oxfords, now_$1-65 •* 1.50 •* *' . 1.25 1.25 and 1.35 Oxfords, now- 1.10 “ 1 00 and 1.25 " *' —.85 " .75 and 85 " *• 60 .63 “ •* 50 " .482nd .50 " " 40 Misses Oxfords front 35c lo >>50. Men's Low Cut Shoes also redneed. A lot of Luilies Button Shoes were i.io, now 9* •• •• 44 «» 1 -a5 1.00 21 l*rx. Men’a Ox Blood rftioc* were $1.25 to eloo« 1 yy Odd lots Men s Fine Shoes worth $1.2^ to 4.00. Your choice out of this lot for.. 2.00 Special Prices on Mattings in short lengths from zo to ao yards. In Fact, Low Prices Prevail Throughout OUR WHOLE STOCK. A CHANCE IN A LIFETIflE to Buy Qoods Cheap. Call Early. Yours to serve. The New York Racket. Was tan. A wide-awake ealeemen to travel (iaston oouaty to tell a popular article and collect who can furnish assail honesty bead and a horse. Experi ence not necessary. Apply at once to R. B. Soott, special traveller exeat, | or to Tun Boron Ur1a Co., Charlotte, K. C. G. JUDSON BUSS . . . For Bargains. When we my bargains we mean what we nay. 20 ibi. GruiUM taju,.41.04. 24 * uat Brow Sojir,.1.00. Good Flour that will make Oood Bread at --$2.60. BB SUKB YOU G. Jodson Hass. Turkey and Greece. n~~ta »«-... But the Point Hist tboold Internet bonsoksspen to not how to sot it* beii»* how and whereto obtain the BEST OBEASK, Tor Misto tatoLi•»*. cooking porpoun. br“d «“» for other KlngraiPH Lard ■1t«o universal satisfaction to >11 who dm It, >nd if yoo h>«. „ thouVI wind up >n order and tot os supply you. I>°' It, you Dm ,,Koll«r JUni”or “Jelltoo” Flour, Kingan’s II.,', Han’s Lard, sod you will bt at happy an the Sullen la ovJnJu TtotSLw,Ul Ki"* Vows, etc, EDOA-IEl XtO-VTS Sc OOMPAKry TIE STATE BOUAL . . . . . . AID lDUSTlIAL COLLEGE uinraioici>, h. c. nai. nMUM ». miitii. WITH CAROLINA OtLUttK Of AiUICVLTUU — HICBARIG ARTS, WILL OPEN SEPT. 9lh. 1*07. Tkartnaati Mat—I.. HtnUfc mA mkaloU eeoMM. M—IE NMdhia ■a rrrrf I pailaana. aAiu> tS3rsSJ?£X2»;:: *.as a rrbr *o» CMal—vaa m ALEX AATffEt l|. not.LAIIAT. L k D., lUiaaon. w. c. This is~tie MaiT // -