The Gastonia f u — • Ml| „ — 11 'itit’i-.! . niu V«l. XVIII. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP. By riajor Joseph Jones, of Pineville, Georgia. r.mTtut i. Putbville, May 3ft. To Mr. Thompson: Dear Sir—Ever •ease yoo »u down to Plnerilto, lt'i been ou my mind to write yoo a let ter, but tbe boys 'lowed I’d better not. 'eaoee you mought take cm ofl about ray spallin' and dictionary. But aomethlng happened to me tolbcr night, en monetrom provoking. I can’t help Collin you about It. so you aau put other young chaps or their gard. It all come of chawing ao much to backer, and I reckon I're wished ther waa uo such plagy etulT more’n lire hundred linee* tense It happened. You know the Slalllnies Urea on the plaatatlon In tho summer, and goes to town io the winter. Well. Miss Mary Stalllna, who you know la the darllneet Jell In Uie county, come home tether sy to eee bar folke. You know rhe’e been to tbe Female College, down to Maooo. for most a yrnr now. Before the went she uaed to be Joat as plain at a old Shoe, and used to go Sabin and buckleberryln with oa, wltb wo'Jiln but a calico sun bonnet on, and was Um wildest thing you ever teed. Well, I always uaed to have sort of aneukln notion after Mary Stall Ins, and ao when abe come, I brushed uj, and waa 'termlaed to have a right acrloos talk with her about old mature; not know In abe mouaht he be captivated by some of them Macon fnlleis. fto, eburo enough, off I started, un beknowlo to anybody, and rode right over to the plantation-(you know our* la right jinlii th« wldder StallIn •ea). Well, when 1 got there I felt a little eort o' sheepish; but 1 toon got over that, when Mm Carlin* taid, (Out ah* didn't mean me to hear her) ‘•There, Pinny, (that’ll Mm Mery's nick-name, you know.) there's your bow come.” Mia Mary looked mighty eort o' ted leb when I shuck her hand and told her howdy; aud aim mode a eort of stoop over and a dodga back, like the little gale dues lo the acliool-marm, aiid said “Good cvenlc’ Mr. Jones" (She uaed to call me Jest Joe). “Take a ohalr, Joseph,’’ said Miss Carllne; and we not down In '.lit par in'. and I begun talkln to Mies Mary about Macon, and the long ride the had, and tbe bod roads and the raon etruae hot weather, and the like. She didn’t say much, but was In a mighty good humor, and laughed a heap. I told l>er 1 never teed aich a vwuM^w iu aujruuuj. nui i uarei uiu. Why, she didn’t look like live sisu gal. Good gracious! she looked to nice and trim—just like some ot them pinture* what they have la Appleton’s Journal, with her hair all komed down long aide of her race, as slick and shiny ns a mahogany burner. When she laugh ed the didn't open Iter mouth llko she need to; and she aot up straight and elllt In her chair and looked eo different, hut so monstrous pfetty! I ex*d her a heap of question*, about how the Hkod Macon, anil tbn Female College, and to forth; and abe told me a heap about ’em. hut old Ule* Stalltn* and Miss Carllne and Miss Kesiali, and ai of ’em, kep all the Ume interruptin' us, sxln about moth er—If she wm well, and If ehe was cwioo to the hpilug church next Sun day, and what luck the bad with her •oap, and all **ieii stuff—aud I do bo lleve 1 told the old woman uiors'n twenty time* that mother's old turkey hon wsa aattlu’ on fourteen eggs. Well, I wusu’t to be hacked out uiti-i-wny—io 1 kept li a join’ the *>»t l coaid, till blmeby old MUs Stul lioi let ber knittii.’ drap three or four time*, and then begun to nod. 1 keed tli« gala look In’at ou# another and plnchln’ one another** elbows,aud Mias Mary said she wondered what time It was. and said the college disci plines, or something like that, didn’t low late honra. 1 seed how the game **• gwine—but howsamever, I kep talkin’ to bar Ilka a cotton gin In peck in’ time, as hard as I could clip it, till blmeby thn old lady went to bed, and •flar a bit the girl* nil olearad, and left Miss Mary to beraelf. That was Jest the thing I wauled. Wnll, she not on ooe side of lb* fire place, sod I sot on totber, so I could spit on the hath, wbar ther was noth in’ but a lighten! chunk burnin’ to fire light. Well, we Ulked and Ulk ed, and I konw you would Ilka to hear all w* talked about, but that would be loo long. When I’m eery Interested Jo anything, or git bother'd about any thing, I can’t help chawin' a hemp of tobeekar, and then I spits u neon lion • bta, especially If for Ulkin.’ Well, we eot thar and ulked, and the way I spit, waa Urmtn to the crickets! I axed Mix* Mary If she I tad any bow down to Macon “Oh. yea," sha said, and then she want on aud named over Matthew Matlx, 2fat Fllnsofy. Al. Getter, Ilet rtc tttronomy. and e whole heap of rel ief*, that ahn’d bseu keepln’ oompany wltli moet all tier liras. “Well,” see I. "spoae they're u>atln pop’lar with you. ain’t tbay, Mis* Mary7”—for I felt mighty uneasy, and begun to spit u good deal worse. “Ten.” see aba, “Uiey’r* the most Interestin’ companions I ever bed, and I am anxious to resume their pleasant society.’’ I tell’you what, that eert o’ slnuiped ,nd • »PH right elaup oa the chunk and mad# it • riickedabrdl ushredlu snredlu sheerbeae was a good thing it did, for I blushed as blue as a Glnny •quash. I torned my lobackei ’round la my month, and spit two nr three limes, and the old ebuok kep up a moat boral nabla fry In. “Then I spoes jronr gwlne to furgll old acqealutancM," ees J. “seas* yen’s bran to Macon among them lawyers a»d doctor*, la you, Miss Mary? Ton thinks asorn of theta than you do ef anybody else, I epoew." *he."I am devoted to them—I think ef them day sod night 1“ That was too much —it Shot me right ep, aad I eot sa still as could be fur moie’n a minute. I umrtr felt ao warn behind the ear* afore In all mjr life. Tbuuderl how mjr blood did bile up all oyer me, and I felt like I could knock Matthew Mat lx Into a grease spot, If he’d only beeo tbar. Mia* Mary aot with her handkerchief up to her face, and 1 looked straight into the Ore plaoe. The blue blears was ruonln' round over the old chunk, ketch In bold here and letting go thar, sometime* gwtnc moat out, end then biasing up a little. I couldn't speak— I wee maklo up my mind for leUlu her the eltewelloa of my heart—I waa Jeat gwloeto tell her my feeilns, but my mouth waa ebook full ol tobacker, ao I had to iplt—and slap It want, right on the llghtwood chunk, aud out It Went, apnug! I ewar, I uaver did frel an tuck abaek lu all my boro day*. I didn't know what lo do. ‘•My Lord. Mia* Mary," aea 1, >*1 didn’t go to do It. Jnu tell me the way to the kltdieo, and I’ll go and git a light." Bill ah« never aald nntbln, jo I aot down agin, thlnkin abe’d gone to fit onn liemeir, for It waa pitcb dark, and I ooutdu’l aee my baod afure my face. Well, I aot tbar aud ruminated, and waited a long time, but the didn’t corns; au I begun to think maybe the I waeu’t gone. I oouidn’l hear notbio, nor I couldn’t see nothin; eo bimeby •es I, very low, for I didn’t want to wake up the family—aes I; ’•Mlsa Maryl Mim Meryl" But no body answered. Thinks I, what’s to be done? I tried again. ‘‘Miss Maryl Ml** Maryfare I. Hut it w_s no use. Then t heard Uh> gall snickerin' aud langhlii in tbe next room, and I boguu to aee how It was; Mlaa Mary waa gone and left me thar alone. ’• Whar’a my hat?" aea 1. nrettv iouu, to tnincbody mauglit Ml me. But they only laughed worm. f begun to (eol about the room, and tbe flrtt thing I kuon’d, spang! goes my neaul. again the edge of the pantry dora wbat waa atandin open. The lire flew, and I oouldc't help but awar a lltUe: "D-o the dore," set I — "wbar'i my hair" But nobody a*id nothin, and I went gropln about In tho dark, foelin round to And socso way out. when I pnt my band on tbe dorc knob. All right, thinks I. as I putbod the dorc open quick. Tber waa a scream! heads popp'd under the bed klver kwinker’o llgbluin’-eometblng while fluttered by tbn burow, and out went tlx) caudle. I waa ill the gala* room! But there waa oo time for apoioglalii, even if they could a stopped squealin’ long eonugb to hear toe. I crawiltlied out of tbat place monstrous quick you may depend. Hadn’t 1 went aud gone and done It sure enougbl 1 know’d my oake waa all dough Urea, and I jest determined to 6It oat ot them dlggto’t aoon as poe«! le. and never mind about my bat. Well. I got through the parlor dora after rakln my tblna three or four times agin chairs; and was feelio along through the entry for tbe front dore but somehow I waa to float rated that f lock the wrung way, and blmeby ker altuh I went, right over old Mlaa Stal llnaea nptnnln-wheel, onto tbe floor! J hurt u>yt«l[ a good deal: bat that didn’t make me half to mod as to bear them oonfuundatl gals gigglin’ and laughin’ at me. VII, Mil* Vi mu ^iw wii MIM Kealab, for I knoared her votoe), there goes mother’* wheel! my Lordl’’ 1 tried to set the cuiaed thing op ajaln. bat It teemed to bay* more’n twenty legs, and wouldn’t Maud up oo Iww.— Maybe it waa broke. I went of tbe dors, but I hadn’t more’n got dowo the steps, when bow! wowl wowl cornea font or tire Infernal great big coon dogs, rite at me. “Oit oat! git out! hello, Cato! cell off your dogsl” ses I, aa lood aa I could. But Cato waa sound asleep, and If I hadn’t a ran back Into the hall, and gooe out of Uie front way aa quick aa I ooold, them devils would a chawed my bonea for true. When I got to toy boat, 1 felt like a feller Jest out of a hornet's neat; and I reckon I went borne a little of lb* quickest. Next aaoruln' old Mia* Mtalllne sent my hat by a little nigger; but I halnt aoed Mary Htalllnt sent*. Now you see what comes ot ebawln tobaokarl l No more from your friend, till death. Jon. Jokes P. M.—I believe Mlar Mary’s pone to tbe Female College agin. If yon ee* ber. I witb you would any a good word to tier for me, and tall her I forgive* ber nil, and I hope the will do tbe same by mo. Don’t you tblnk I better write her a 1st tor, nod explain matter* to ber t NOTABENY.—Thin letter was writ to toy perllckeler freed Mr. Ttiompnon, wbea he w,» rdlten tbe Family Companion iDugailne, down In Macon. 1 had do notion of turnin' author then; but when it come out with my name to It, and titer wasn’t no use of den yin u and (specially aa be writ me a letter beggin I would go on and write for tbe Mlseallsney, 1 felt a obligation rantln on me to continue my correspondence to that paper. All my other letter* wsa writ to Mr. Thomptoo, In Modlton. J. J. LKTTfcn it. Pi wav ills, Augnst 3k. To Mr. Thom peon -Desr Mir: The "Southern Mlaoellaoy,” what you sent me, U received, and ts J«M the thing. It had that letter wbst I writ you down In Macon, only In larger let tin, so oar folks oould read It s great deal IttlltT. Mies Mary la borne now, and things I* tuck all sorts of a turn lately. Mote 1 quit eliawln tobaoker tod tuok to writia I Iterator* I west down to Macon to the *«initiation, wbar 1 got a heap of new kinks; but I haven’t time to tall you nothin about that now, a* ocv mutter eetoea next Friday. Yon ■ oow 11 aiajer, Mid things U In a bomlnable anarl down her* bout IMj Um*. I *a*d your r>loo* lo cor rw pood •uta, whar you mid you hoped M*J*r Jooa* would write for your columns, •nd 1 wanted to till you that you ■Bought (poet In hear from no every now and then. If you Uke my wrltina. I felt a little sort o’ icared at fu»t, but ell my acquaintances as bad read ay latter to yog. advise me to go a-bead and be a literary caracter, and a* you want im to wrlta for the "Mlacal lany," I'a termiotd to do what I kin 10 ™*e* the literature of Plnavllle. If nothin’ happens at the muster— for tlier’a some raonstroui fraetloua caracter* down in our beat, and they uuan’t coma a cavorting ’bout me when I gave order*. Ilk* ibey did round Sntqwell Cock rum. puttin’ him on the fsuce and tyla’ thing* to hi* ho**** uil. or I’ll put every devil of em under Um rest—If nuthln’ dou’t tutu up to perveat. you may expeot a letter from a.e for your next paper. No more from jour friend, till death, . Jo*. Joxxs. (lo He Continued Next Thursday.) •'warn m ckoby to aiwrex. ■arrow tHtago Blda car Banning tha ■ Isalnx Link. Cbarloilo OMorvor. Hjckouy, Aug. IS.—It wa* found th»t the director* of tbe Carolina * Northwestern Railway bald a session behind dosed doora hare yesterday to consider bids that bad wen received fer the construction of link of tbe road between here and Newton. So far as can be ascertained, no contract was dosed for tba work, pending other blda exported. I wa* luformed some day* ago by Director Ja*. A. Martin, of this place, that he had In hand several proposal* for tbe work, and ho think* the link will be built before long. Tk* «TMk1 llunn'i KevUw, IMh. Evtry city reporting this week notes loeretaa lu trade, and marly all bright crop puwpnou. Tha great change la business it emphasised by tba presence of a maltituds of buysrs from all parts of tbs country. Iiy tbeir statements of th« iltoatlon at tbsir homes, and more forcibly yet by the heavy purchases toer are making. But Uie customary signs of pros perity are not looking. Tbe Strong rise Id stocks, tbe growth of bank clearings and railroad earnings, tbe heavy speculation In many products, but most or all la wheat, lieve made the week on# of surpassing Interest even to those who best remtmber tbe upward rush lu 1K70. At tbe principal clearing booses throughout lire country payments in July were for tha Orel time slightly larger than la 18W, and 1L0 per oent. larger than last year; lo the first weak of August 7.7 per oent. larger tban in 16U9 and 28.4 par cent, largor thau last rear, sod lu tbe second week of Au 7u*^lbey are 17.1) per oent larger than n 1982, and 38.1 per cent larger lhaa last year. The great crops and tho haste of for eigners to buy sind ship wheat la view or shortage elsewhere, have made the week memorable. Taking of proDts by a pool lowered the pries 3 eeuta on Saturday, but It has alace rlaau 5 cents. DAT* »H* OpmHhoI17 Wlll TfcPy r*0 1ST l^wrtb WiiiMboro lluatlcr. If the Democrats of U,la HU to do not rout Ilia enemy In 1806, Uiajr had bottar quit Urn buiineu. With ull the fighting material at hand, furntaliad by tba last two Legislatures, which were corn posed of spoilsmen, Uiey Uiould have thing* their own way; and ■f they do not redeem the Slate. for Democracy and good government, it will allow Uiat there la something wroag. But excuse ua from any more fuilou. If a tub can’t stand on lte own bottom, let It fail. Dam-Pop (nslon la Notth Carolina won’t mix— It has been tried. WM Waa a*n I*. ToikvtO* Tuomaa. In the election recently held to Gaa ton oounty, it was a)town bow popular waa tba proposition to moye the oourt hones from Dalles to Oaetonla. tbs oore enterprising town of tba two. 1486 votee were east ta favor of Gae loata and 1275- In favor Of the old town—Dallas. Gastonia had a major ity of tba votea, bat it waa on* of those questions In which majority 1W. "“t rale. Tlie law required a majority of the qualified voter* of the eonoty. All did not vole. Uuuila. Mt. Host Thaw We do not recall any town In the State, except Charlotte, that has anoli au airof up-to-date-nrae about it, and which la animated by eucb a spirit of n»»Mty and prngraaalvuner* as has tba little metropolis of Gaston Coor.ty little, relatively, now. but dtetlO’d, we believe, to hava a large population In tlia near foture. <»»« MttcWtw UMi mi* Baa. A***4®®* lf«l 0»««ntonw8Mjlh, Milt. A few days ago Capt. W. H. Kltohln waa having a Battlement with a colored •ho man Insulted him. Ha raa the oot orad man out of hU grove and shot at Mm after tie bed raacbed the road, but there waa no damage done. AnHoaealva. Bbtt Hat.vb in the world for g“*A l™1***. Botaa. Ulcere, Balt Eruptloaa, and poaltlrety eurea PUaie, <* °° P*r required. It la gnarantaad •Mtefacitoa, or money ndMdeS. Price * oaota per box. »2 ■MabyJ. B. Carry * Oo ARP ON LYNCB1HGS. THE SOOTHERS PHILOSOPHER WRITES A 8TR0KG LETTER. *A»» Uin fa^iU #y coma from those abo are com potent to judge. "Great man are not always wisaT” ssltb lbs Scriptures. Tha nearer the prres Is to tits people, lbs eouqtry paopb, tbs more ready it is to apologue, or to justify, the speedy reecotlsfl of this olaas of erlm I sale. Tb* preaohere and tha press may fulmlssta sod Iba governor pro olalm. bat 1 cannot help rejoicing at ovary septum aod emy execution. The law’s delay lus nothlog to do with I*. It ia tha sponUnaoua outburst of amotions long f#K snd long imatlmred and those emotions are based upon love—luv* for k*®« »»d wife »nd ohlldreo, love sad rmpaot for the wire* aod daughters of tts ualghbnre. Lynching nagrt** f°* tkta crime it no evidence of laelosauc** among our paoola. Tlm erlm* steads oat by Utalf uao atrocity f<* ao law la ad eqDate ends* Itejjl yat bean foaad. Why II ba aw tha ta cream In defence of lyochiug* wo eau "<* tell. It may be that tluce lb* war northern philanthropy, ruppleiueuled by eoatliero office seekers, hare so ex alted hie eoueequenoe and hie dew re Tor mini equality that bit fear of punishment has been allayed. But oeitain It U that Ut* raoe has rot yet been (really Intimidated by lynching*, and they ara considered martyrs by moat oT the prnacbsrs and taacbcra and editor*. How many more outrages there would be If the** lynching* •hould stop we can only conjecture. Bishop Taruer proposed « dir of fast lug and prayer fur the deliverance o( bis people frym these horrible lynch lop, but not a word (beat the out rage* that provoke them. But it la curious and aomewtiat noosing to read the different counts lo this general bill of Indictment against the people who resort lo vio lence. Some assert vehemently that then I* a defect In the law's machinery and some say not. Ooo preacher says that OH per oent. of those lodlctcd es oape. On* more would come square up to Judge's Dooly’s vsttmit* when b* said: "GsaUvmea of lb* Jury. I uliarp you that ninety-nice gouty ones hare already escaped.” One learned lawyer says that Kyder would certainly have bean triad and coo rioted la SopUmher, and doulOea* been speedily executed. Another says he would have boon stol to the asylum aa a luuatlc. Judge Bleeklev asys the law needs no reforming—that It la right now. The Bar association bare resolved that It doe* need reforming. Oon pre*cb«r quotes Scripture that says “The laud mast not be defiled with Wood,” hot does notgivslbecon text that says “Innocent Wood,’’and the farther context that says: “De liver him uoto the band of tb* avt-tiger of blood that be may die, and thine eye shall not pity him.” Life for life, band fur hand, ate. “I>t them stone him with stones.’' eta. Itasems like a UrrWwquo for any proaclmr to go to the old Mosaic law tot a text against nummary punishment for heinous crimes Tb* avenger of Wood was oa tb* warpath all tb* Um* and tree tb* man who anwitUogtr killed hit ueigb bor. ant hating him before lumO. had lo fly for his life to Uis city of refuge lest the svenger of blood overtake him. NAJ UIIU. in, being hot shall slay him. Those rtvr tiger* of blood must bare bmi blood-thirsty fellows Indeed. It wee au awful code of law, but tbe children of Israel were an awful race to deal Willi. I wonder what tlie boys nt Ibis gone rail on would eay to a law Ilka ibie: “If a man havo a stubborn and rebel lious aoa who will not obey the voice at hi* fattier or bla mother, then shall Irie fattier lay bold on him and bring him to tbeeldns and eay: Tills, onr son will not obey our voice. And all tbe men of lbe city shall stnni bin with stone* Uiat be die. And Israel aball bear and fear.” Wliat a horrible death was that 1 And yet it vae a common and frequent punishment. If l was a preseller 1 wouldn't go to tlie Old Toatameat Cur a text against lynching I wouldn't even quote Cain whom the Lord marked, fur It seems very certain Uiat if Uw Lord had not Interfered tbe people would have Wucbad him. Josephus say* that tho Lord protected him because of hi* offering and becaua* ho entreated and said: “la my min too great to lie for given Tn To my mind ilia mis of tbe whole matter I* that neither tbe taw’s delay Dor Its uncertainly baa aoytlilug lo do with Urn impulses and emotions that control Dm when Uiey pursue and overtake and identify and execute a r.egru for his crime against helpless innocence. Kwry parent and husband and brother In tl>* neighborhood im mediately becomes an avenger nf blood. If lbs brute lias already been caught by tba officer* of the law and securely placed In prison, then let him ■tsy there and meet hie doom accord ing to law. I would not take nuy prisoner away from a faithful and honest sheriff—nnlee* p.’rti»ps the vlcUm wma on* of my family, nor even I lien an lest it could be done without shedding tbe blood of officer* or friend*. rvr ail omar crifUM IQ* uw* we ha** are good enough foi all good cltlmaa, and i feel no grant concern for tlie bad. I suppose that at loaat half thn lawyers carry oommM weapons, but they don’t onrry Uwtn for me. Certain It la I want no adeloo on DiU subject from praas or pnlpit, from judge* or lawyer*, and especially from young no married man er those who lira tu rook-bull I elUaa. I bad rather bear and bead tbe voiea of the women •f this southern land, tbe ■ other* and daughters who alone are the victim* when peril ooaae. If It somes at alL What do they any f St's MSrna, Ten Knew. Dublin TirWphonn, Home people doa’l advertise because they aay thn paper la oot rend. Bat Just let one of them be caught kiaelog another man's wife or trying to bold up the aid* of a bo I Id toe teme dark night and bit tuna change*. If tbe printing office le in a garret ef a seven teen Kory bulld og be win climb to the top to ask tbe editor to kaep quiet. WWWWW—n T*» Te*a Ala* Slave Uw sail t rass. Coaaonl Ikuw. The old soldiers of Bowen ehaHesg* aay other county In the Stats to s game of ben. Um ulae to be selected to be Union or Confederate veterans, r. A. Hartman, Hsllabury. I* manager. I ■■ II—HI I - Gaston Institute. GASTONIA, IsT. CL P. Held,—— —..Principal. J. W. Hold,-_—.-Associate-Principal. Fall Term Opens September let. UMMI OOttawa Preparetory and Aoadamic Branoha* and Mualo. Tho prloelpato will ha gtaA to confer with 'apik who ontertng or with tl eir |wr«nU. nnmiRB AXSODJKanUUTS AT AT K.tni.Y OATS. ■ *» StBSMU, r.enidt*L J. |>. lfoOBB. QiMfrr. First National Bank, OF GASTONIA, N. State and County Depository. OOJCMEFOED BOURM AUOUBT 2. IBM. mpiui hoc*, * WOOfXXUn »»!*«. 6,500.00 ! DIKEOTOU. * 'i LL.jbbUm, rar^M, DifUmdi paid tine* orgksiatica, M^KUO T. DHUm. on■ m** mT*T‘ F>nm!I,»wtT—>»au tont With ownoocvttw tanWni. *° P*,in"* *wnr •■™mnia-t«t1on limti — - t— I hr . . i i ' . ■ * r Pi*ofe8sloual Cards. Wn U. Lewis, —ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— Offlee itjxUlr* la Ocotn) Hotel Bandlor -Gajtoxia, X. O. l>kwwnUm Urolbtr, u«w nan boOtou W. //. HOFFMAN, -VBHT181 OArroKM,-*. o, WOKca over Tint National Bank, c. X. ADAM, Jt. 1>. n. X. a HD, X D. Adams & Reid, PHYSICIANS axd BUBO EONS, OAfTOSlA. M. C. Qfltot nl J. K. Curry * Co'* Dragster*, ROB’T. L DURHAM, —LA IP rBN.— OASTOX1A. x. c. L. F. ENGLES BY, Ittonty ui Cooisiltor it Liv, UA8TOBIA. N. C. A & —A TTOIWJSY-A T.BA W 0AtTOXIA, K. C. Will praettoe la tli* court* of Gnitoa and adjoin In* countlaa and In toe Pedant Court*. F. G. WILSON, M. D., Gaatoola, X. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. «TO«ca at Torrenc*'* Dm* Stora. __Phono No. 10. w. II. Wilson, M. D., PUV81CXAN AXD SUBOKON. L. I. Clean, I. D., luocUii Plydcln Doy Phono 10. Night Phono 34. J. M. Sloan, M. I>„ PUV8ICLAN ANI> SURGEON. l>ay Phono lfl. Night Phooo ao. Drs. Glenn Coffey, -DentlRte — Thoao w tab lug work deno In oar lino win gloom call at oar odtoo at oooo. l>r. Coffey will leave far Now York City Oct. lot to take a apretal oonioo of aB tbo high grwdoo of work aad will bo gono aooenl ooooUw. A. L HHXBM, Tonsoklal Paulok WkWLT rirrmovr »<** PkrAolooo^work Sale of ltcal Estate. » i ", % >■,'V . .«• * •. •• * i ; \ •’ llig’s Moutsln Hgk Scbool, C. I. MUM, Nk*U. OuuJuvt rd br C. A Dmn, om at |0o pHieC fnloor Um KiMn IMM t T-'rTT Iwlirwipal. >*rop«r»»ic prc*Maau or Out Oatror »"J onj oOMwao of K. C. for t “IlMil. •MnM Um 1‘iMpol. at KiMTo ItaMlaM. EUSKINE COLLEGE^ Dae West, S. C. oriaw LAST WEDNESDAY IX September. Uimt ntUndtoco laM jmr In IU entire history. Twocoonoa ™I'*i tou* detrM** a. a «* .; M- a Total njMMM far Um Um nossth* in Um “Homo" 0116. In private ftnilUet— 3135. ^^ssmm THE STATE Mill . . . ... IN IIDOKTEULCOUIML a a*ex mono. a. c. lUMMna niwr hMSt --- -^T-fin __HSM.CT»tMIHUMWfc TltlKlfY COLLTOR «wualnwi|minifc Tbn* Ml ooMnat oCttadf. Lana f'S^ ofaUcUr^. T*» fall o«m. Addreaa JMO. C. KIDOO. __ PatBata, M.q MtTM CAK0USA cmaww awicixtibi MBCiAMC AITS, ^WtU.OR*W •m.M.IMT. m fwiy 4agmtmSk!**m mwnminw. iKCLuniwfi DOAftD^C tZ STiftrsaSu;:: • AB AnHrfcrflWWuinn AUK AMMM 9.M01XADAY. I. u aw ■UMMI. M.C h!Sfl,‘ theThiyersity. 47 Toaafcara, «u (inoM Mmol 1M) Total 044, Board «4 a Matt, s Urtaf Oounaa. 4 Foil Own, Law aad Median! InBonla aad Bahoei offaaraway. QtadaatoOoamaagaa to ^okoo, SoawMt Maftael for Taaokan, Bsbotanlilpo aad Lasas tm IBs Beady president aldkruab, _ • ■, '• OBapnl THU. 31. C. TtoBiH ttuhlmteMmitek to at COMMr•Tw'l