The Gastonia ___ DtTOtoi to ttao Prourtlon ot Homo «nd Uko lotor—to of \ VoLXVIll. Gastonia, y, September 0, 1897. MAJOR JONES’ COURTSHIP. By flajor Joseph Jones, of Pineville, Georgia. LETTER VI. fiNnvn.LS, Oct. 8. —To Mr. Thompson-Dear Sir: That duckin whal I got tothor Sunday glu iat a moortrous cold, and my nose feeli Jeet about twloa M tig ai It u*ad to before. Cold* ia curious things, any way; no wonder people always calls 'mb bad, for 1 don't know nothin but a down right fever'n «nr that maksa me ao out o’ aorta. Whjr, 1 onn't taste noth in and lmall oolblu, and I do believe 1'ye snorted moce'n live thouseod times in the last twenty-four boar ne wt I’m all the time a luctv-cheeinl ao I don't do nothin, or I'd write you be fore now about a coon hunt we bad tother night, whar I colebed more cold than coops. Hot we bad toms rale fun, I tell yon. It wau the fust eooo bunt, we've had this season, and I reckon it tuclt the starch out or earn of the boys, so they wool want to (o agin In a burry. Cousin fete like to ootoh’d his death. z uu wo, ri goi two of me oast ooon dog* in the settlement, and tbe feller* can’t never go without ’em. Well, Jeet after supper I heard ’em cumin, blowlo their borne like they wee gwine to tear down tbe walla of Jerloo, and the dogs all bowlln aa if heaven and Cmth waa eomln together. I’d heeu yin OH to go to aea Mias Mery, bat my noaa wasn't quit* well whar I blazed it Oh that dratted grape-vine, to I thoogbt 1 monght aa well go long with 'em; apeelaDy aa they begged ao hard tor my oompaov (my patience, my no** faeie last like It we* the spout of a hi I la tea kaule). and Smart and Wife wouldn't trail good without me to taka ’em. So I told nlggar Jim to gtt soma light-wood and Ura az, and let the dogs out, and come along. Wall, Coasln Pete—ha's cover said pass about the docklo I gin him. and I with I hadn’t duos It now. for ha’s a rite clever-hear ted feller after all, and. Ton know, it aiu’t Ills fault causd ha’s tot no batter aeoer. Cousin Pet* waa along, with taro bound pupa, and Tom Stall inn had three or four hounds, and one grata big yaller cur. what wasn’t worth shocks to trail, but was bomina tion to fight. Ben Dlara had more dogs than you cauld shake a stick at: sod siob soother hullabaloo as they all made! why, on* couldn’t hear blmself think for ’em. It pat m* in mind of what Ik. Shakespcar set about doga: 1 mw bvd web powerTnl disourd. ■Ida nrovi (hoarier. Well, we soon tuck the woods down towards tbe branch, and act I to Smart and Wise, “high on!’’ ara 1, and away they went, annffln and snort!□ like mad. Tbe rest of tbe fellers hollered, “steboyt aiok ’em, Towel hunt ’em, Troup, high on! hey 1” sod part of ’em want tare In through tbe brush Ilk* they had a coon's tail within an Inch of their dost*. Bat thar was two or three yoang hounds—sad, you know, they** tbe biggest fool* In the world— what wouldn't badge; aad wbeo any body triad to enoonrag* ’am to hunt, they’d begin to squall like Ml nater. and corns iompin about, and one of ’em licked Ben Biers rite In tbe face. “Cine your tmperencr!’’ tea Ben. “I’D lain yon bow to tree ooons betts’r that,’’ and apaag be tuck him a side ef the head with a llghtard-koot, and Mch another mi kt-il kt-t-ict 1 saver heard afor*. Two or three of ’em tuck the hint and turned tall for home. It waa a bo mi sable dark night, and every now and than it kep aprinklln a little. I end two or three more carried torches, but some of ’em had none, and waa all tb* time gittla lost, or git tlo hug in the bashes, nod then they’d holler oat, “hold the light eambody, over bare,” till they got out of thar UngWcnent. It waa a mlgbty tight of hotbarment. It was a mighty tight of botharment. and w* didn’t go verr imi. you m«y know. Blmaby on* of Uta dug* opened, and wa nil stopped to llktao. ‘‘Ougbl ough-ougbl” In about two alnlts morn w« iienrd him agin. “Ough-oagb! oogh-oogbl ougb-ougal” "That's Major'! Smart,” aa* Tom Stall in*. "Hate treed,” aea Baa hate way lotbar aid* of oraatton." "Ho, ha ain’t treed, bat bate on a warm trail,” tea I; for I know'd by Iba way ha opened. "I wouldn’t go wbar hail for all the cooci In Oanrgta,” tea Coasts Peto. “Stop,” tea I, "maybe ha’ll bring lha trail op tbla way.” Shore enough, be was comlo Ilka a •team ear, every now aad than bio win off—"ough-ough! ough-ough! ougb ougb!”—glttlu faster and louder aa tba trank warmed. Than old Wla* struck la, with hla voice about three pi tehee higher than SasarVa, and Troup aad Touse, aad the whole paok of ’am jlned la, keepiu op a most onda etoua racket. On they ooma, aad paaasd right by us, gwloa «p the btaoeh towards old Hr. Myriok’a corn Oald. Wa all turned sod took after tea, but they didn’t go far before they an ooma to a atop, and old Smart gin oat hla loud bull dog, "oagbl ougbl ougbP' which m loot aa moot aa to say, "berate yar coon!” Whan wa got up to ’em, thar they all was, friskin' about one of lha btg geat kind of poplera, sloes to tba broach; all barkin’ gad pantin' aad lookin’ up late the tree Ilka they sasd the noon run up. Sometimes tba yeoag ones would git In tba way of the old dogs, aad the fast tniag they’d know, they'd git aloag aora'a tlx root late bawbee, but they'd give • yelp or ao sad ooma right back to git served tbs earn* way agio. Well, I tell yon what. It tuck a fatter mighty wide betweaa the am to lack la that trwa, for It was a wbupper; bat off mate, and at It w« went, and by tha time nlgaar Jim got hla Area kindled all round, se tha oeoa couldn’t run off without our seein’ him, the old tree Mama U feat weak la tha kaev*. "floGl the do**. boys, abate gwloa to wave,” aa* BaaBUrs I Tha scat mlalt. keralaahl waat tha old ooplar. rigbl Into tba branch, mak la tba muddy water Qy In every dlreo tloo, and before the limb* waa all dnoa failin’. Id want the doga. All waa at 111 for about two mlolca before anybody Md A word. ’’Tbsy’ve got bla!” tea Den Biers, who waa slandlD’ with bla mouth wide open alt tbe while; “they’ve got blml burnt!" Then tber waa slch aootber lipplu and tearlo, and barklo and sboutln, and runnln among tbe doga aud fellers. “Horral take him! bite blml sick him. Towel lay hold of him, Wlsel shake him, Smart!” and ail kinds of enoouragsesent waa hollared to tba doga, bat every now sod theo one of 'em would came out pantln sod wbloia end bold in bis head a-nne side, with tils care all allt to rlbbooa. Tbe oooa had tbe advantage of tbe dogs for be waa down In tho brush and water, so tnore'n one dog ooaldo't fit to blm at a liras, nohow, and If one of ’em happened to take bold of tbe bltla eend. In tbs dark, bo waa nearly licked to death before be coold get loose. Cousin Pete waa on lop of tbe log with a torch In his band, coaaln’ oc tbs dogs as hard as bn could. “Here, Wolf," aes be, “hers, here, taka bold of him, good feDer, shake him!" Tom Stallinsea big car Jumped dnto tba log and tbe next thing 1 koow’d eouala Pete's light, was out. aad tbs dogs bad blm down under the log with the coon. "WO. my uwui gti ooll call off tba dogil bring a light feller*!” holler’d out cousin Pate; but before we could git thar tbe dog* like to uaed him up clean, Tbe big dog he wea enllln knocked him off the log lo bla burry ment to git at the oooo, aod bsfore Uio otbar doga found out tbe mistake they like to tare all bla elotbea off bla baok, they aod tbe brush together. By this time Umi onon tuck tha bank and triad to mako off, muat of tba doge bain out of tba notion of try in him again; but Tom Stelllna' big our, aflrr a heap of ooaslo, gin him one more hitch. The ooon bad no frianda In tba crowd, bat the other dogs was perfectly wlllln lo •how him fair fight; and If anybody don’t Ultra a oooo'a got nature l pluck, ba jeat ought to aeed that aame old ooon, tba way ba Ok So mat 1 mas Wolf would gather holt of him like be wea gwlne to awoliar him whole, and m-«i. him all loto a cocked bat, but It aldu’l aeem to have no effect, for In leu than no time, he’d have tha dog rite by tha oheek or by tbe ear, aod lie wouldn’t lat go UU tba bide gin way. It waa tha hottest eight’s work aver old Wolf undertuek, aud It took a mighty chant* of boUerln to make him stand up to the rack as well a* ba did. Tbe other doga kept runnin round aod whlnin mighty anxious, but they tuck good rare to keep out of reach ot the oooo. Blmeby I seed old Wolf drop hit tail, aod kind o’ wag It, when tba coon bad him by tba jowl I know’d it waa aB day with him then. "Shake him. Wolf! lay bold of him, old feller! bite him I” aaye Tom. but It want no nee, tba dog waa clean linked, and tha fuet thing aa know’d be waa gone for home, kind o’ whlatlln to hlnualf aa be went—and If nigger Jim hadn’t foteb’d my piatoli along with bin, tba ooon would got away after all. Cousin rote, who was terribly down in tbe mouth, and aa wet aa a Ground ed rat, wanted to go, so we gin nlggsr Jim the ooon and • tar tad for borne. Some of tho dogs waa along, and tbay kap a mighty anorttn. Ilka they’d coteb'd a monstrous bad cold, and eva ry now and then they’d Rod sum new place about ’em what wanted llekln. We waa moat up to the corner of our Reid when the dogs started up something, and run it a Utils ways aod stopped, Tom Stelllna and Ben Klara and one or tiro more, ran to ’em, be fore I could git thar. "Thar it te-that Mack and white thing—an that log,” asa Tom. “Ste bor; Batch Mm I” see be. Ben ran np with bis light, and the fuel thing 1 heard him say was "Pa-u-gbt thunder and llgbtalal— look out, fallenl it* a polecat''1 But tba wanin' was too lata for Bea Biers: ba gut aoant enough on Mm to teat him far a month. The doga gut ehook fall, an waa rolltn all about la tha leaves, white Bea eteud sad earned ■•rate would blow tbe roof off a meet In-bouse. ..11 vraa moot day before we got boms. Cousin Fata aod Ban Biers ray they wont never ga ooon hmatin any more, dowa that wav, anyway. No more, from yvar friend, till death, Joe. Jobbs. P. I—I tell von what It Is, old Toi ler. I btleve all’s right between me and Ulan Mary now. She told a young lady tether day that I waa tbe only real distinguished young gentleman In PioevlUe, and if my thografy was only as good aa my raterieh. I’d do fuet rata. Drat larnln, say l —genus cornea by nalur, but everybody kin I era bow te spet, you know. What knocks me all In « heap Is, how upon yea LI i am I gwtna to “pop tha quantum,” aa thar eaU It. or ax oM Mira Wallins for bar daughter. Gracious! It makes me fhel all over sort o’ falnty te think of Ik I’m a grate mind to ooma to Med leosi, and am yon about It- -aa I know you’re a partlckler friend of mine, and would tell me tbe brat way te do. LETTSR Vlf. Pnt* villk, October !i7. To Mr. Thoapooe: Dear Sir—larrlr barn laat night, all aafa aa a crate of warranted cup* and eaueara Mr ooU'a cot a good deal batter aaaaa I toft Maoleoe. Hi •coordlr to promt*. I have tech up ay pea to lira you a ■mount of ay trip to your leva. JUI told you. I loft my hoaa la Warroatou oad tuck tfaa aara at Una aok for Madloao. It waa boot teraa o'clock fora the dratted tblar cocao . aJeog, aa4 whan R got thar It aada |ataba booeleable biowia aad anortlo that I «u more’d hair a mind not U ranter la no slch outlandish lore oi ooatrtvaaca. I’d heero a grate dral about etaam log I us, bat if tba Hsminy nole logins Is any uglier, or frlghUloi Utaa they ts, I don’t wooder nobody wants to tank’ to. Why, stcb otlmi nog-wheels, cranks, and ooofluUwaenU I new did aaa—and than thay’r an apltafa), and makes tba Ora fly ao, I couldn't help fa’tlu sort o’sheered of It all tba Iliac, Mud [ wouldn’t lieea that feller what nd on tup af tba cussed critter, and fed and watered It, nut for na eonaidaraabun. 1 waa lookiu round It a little, to try to git tba bang of It. whan the feller Jaat techcd a little brass flzln, aud rsugb b-b I It went right In my ear, and Ilka to Mowed my brains out with hot steam. -Hello t" sea t. ‘-muter, what mad* It do that ?’’ “Ob, It was Jaat bio win IU nose,” sos be, and be tuck bold of aootbar tiling, and the Infernal orttUr aot ap a yell like a panther wltb a grindstone on his U1L Tbondera tion, bow the ataam did fly 1 mougb to blow all creation to Hally hack. ‘All aboard'* tea tba man—tba bell taliped, and la about a mlolt everybody was stowed away and waltia. Chug, want something, and away X goes right over tba back of seat. Itjsrkad onus more, and then It began to go. Cbow, chow, obow—chaw, chew, obew —ehe. eba, cbtt-tu, chlt-to, nt-te, flt, lit, lit, cher-r-r-r-r; and tba whole bllin of di was gwioe a long with a perfect wills, end l he way tba Ora flaw waa mlracul us—grata big aparks now and than dudgln all around a feller’s faoa Ilka a yaller-J«ekat, and tbeo drap pln right down Into Bli busts. For aoma time it woold tuck three mao to watch tba aparka off ooa. and they ooaldo’U Wall, wa wool hummlu along jest Ilka lied tbuoder, ms kin more noise nor a doaeo eoUon glna all gwlne at onoe, only atoppln unw and then to Pi la °a lighten and All up tba bliers, and Ui drap a ptaseoger here and (liar on the rode. They was tba slaepyeat aat of people aboard that X ever did sea. Thar they was. all scaUerad about In th* seats, hearts and heels together; here a pair of boots stlekin straight upwards, and lhar a feller’s face, opened wide enough to a waller a sawmill, dome of am was monstrous troubled In liter dreams, and kep teasin' and twistin’ about as bity aa ball yaarllna in flylleia. wbila soma blgf.xiled fellers lay sprawl’d out on the banobea, quiet aa a mldlio’ of meat, soorin a perfect harrycane. The fact was uo resistible. aud the foal thlag I koowd 1 dido’t know any thing to pertlckler, ’eept that my ayas fall monstrous gritty when I tried to open ’em wide “look bare; muter—master I” “Hellul” seal. “Jim. what’s tba matter ?’’ 'I Isn’t Jim. toaster." aea the Bigger feller what *»t *hakin' ma toy tlie oollar, ‘you better go to the hotel, the passengers Is all gone long time ago.” I sooo seed how It was, sod not hsvln’ no baggage but jaat my saddle bags, I tuck the road tl* taller pintad to, aod want along down the bill, wbar I like to fell over lota of cotton bag*, till I oonse to • place whar tber was more wagons than I oould count In a hour. It arms so dark I couldn’t make out nothin’ but wagons nod a lot of feller* aaUlo’ round • fir*. Tbloka I. i Madlaoa ain’t such a ding grate eltf as t thought It was, after all; and as I felt sort o’chilly, I jln*d the feller* round the Are. "Whar'a tlie hotel t” am I. “Thar sio’t do hotel beie," ses one feller wbat waa single' “UHv* my van* sloe* thu road: Kerry twain and a Imavy load.’ “Won’t you taka something 7” tea be, drawin’ a old junk bottle of rum, that (mailed strong enough of Ingun* to knock a man down, and plottn It right ondar my nose before 1 koowa’d wbat he waa up lo. "No, l thank you,” let l. “l'» * Washingtonian." "Who’s they 7" aea he; "turn of your d—n Klurnoy preachers, I spot* 7’’ "No,” *** I. "they** ravolutlocera*” "Bavolutlonanl” aea ha, "why, my grand-lather waa a rwvolotloner. and At agio the British at King's Mnuntlu, and halo’d to lick tyranny out of the country.” "Well, that wa* right,” ess I; “bur rs for the ravolutloners.” "Come take something,” see be, and lie pin ted the bottle at my nom agio. "No,” sea I, “I’m a rernlutloner, and go agio Klog Alkohol tooth and tee nail.” "Kin* who ?” m he, “Kite Ham,” in I; “that very tyrant that’s got you by tbs gnzile now. and ha’ll have you choked down yar kneea to him the fust thing you’ll know, It you don’t revolutionize on him and quit him.” The feller stopped and looked down tu the are—than at mo—than at the bottle, and then ha tuck another look at the Ora.” "That’s a fact,” era ha, ‘it’s bad oar oo my back afore lo-alght; bat somehow I can’t—yes I kle-tod bare goes, mister—d—a all tyrants—I’m a revolutions, too, a Washington revo lullonar. forever I” and with that ha throw'd the battle of ram smack la the middle of the Are, and it biased op blue aad yellow Ilka a trail-broth, as It la “Give meyerhand, roister I” saa 1, "I don’t want bo better proof of yoor manhood than that; etlek to It Ilka a true Washing ton revolutions." tttlek to It. mists »” sss he; “why, I oesr broke my word when 1 was sobs In my Ilfs, and new I mart UK a lie before | kin get drank. Stick to UI 1’va baaa wanitn to revolutionItv long sad now I’ve done It, aud I’ll oam knock under a* long as I live I” aad ha shock my hand, aad a tear sblaad la tba Irellght I doat hi leva tbrt wagooer’ll res git stalled agio, oa a good rooe, as loag as be lives. WHI, afts a while, before It was elear light, I started to dad the town. "Goad morale," asa am* falls, aom In out from ameug the wagoua with ■ qaare look In gimlet aad some tags of eottea la hie band. "Would you llha a bid fee your action this morels?" “I don’t kcor,” am I: "I'm alwayi wlA'iS/°r “ t"»da.' Whar la It f" see ha, and before! bad time to answer him, anolbar fella • Upped mo on tLc shonlder on totbei ■Ida. . '!£* ** Prime now, neighbor T” Wt h* 1 U glvo yon tba top of tba market. Is it prime now. ekf” ‘•Haver mlod,” see tha fust. “It's ai good aa sold.” “Bag pardon,” ace lbs other feller: ”1 woa’t In tender*, thro.” “Whar la It T” aaa the fuel oliap, pnttln hla arm in mine; and walklo in among the wagons: ••aquars or round hales, ab T” ‘•Stop, stop, mlatar.” aaa I; “yoo’t mlitaken in tli« mio; you . “Oh. let's have a sample, and we’tl talk about tli« pries: Is Ibis it ?” and lit goes Ula glmlst, "I always sampls from both eond*,M m ht. “llut atop, mister,” art l “I haint gut no cotton bare; my cotton la In llneville, and slot mor’n half gtiinad out ylv I haint got no-” ’•wharf” sea bs. “Way down In riaevllk. la-” 'r*»hl” aes ha, “bag rae pardon — thougtt you was In the market.” and fora I oould ax him about Madison or you. bn wan half a dossn wagons o fl. borin’ hla glmlst Into soother hag of sot tow. Tbs saxt feller (mst was right at me to buy my cotton: bat I Inch him * °°s side and explained Ullage oon Aden Hally to him for* ha weofao far. “la this Madison.” am X, “whar the Southern Mtseallany la printed *•’ “Oh, no,” aea be. “this Is Heaver Tall.” ••Beaver Tall 1" tei I;“why, I never beam of that place afore,” and 1Jsat begun to bits up a Pula “I lock my P*»*s«s Xor Madison,” sse I. “and paid the mossy, and they’vs gone sod drapped aaa in Baavsr Tall! Now, that's a way to do btslnaaa; Uiat’s tba way travelers U tack in, bp these in fernal eorperaslinoa. If they don’t Ax It all to my saltsfartlon. I’ll prese nts tha company aa long aa thor’a any law In Georgia. Heaver Tall!” see t. Veo,” ass he. "this k Heaver Tall, which it to Madison aa tbs ‘Bay’ Is to Seveonab, ’Wall street’ to New Vorh. the 'Exchange' to FiladalXy, or tba •Blalto' (whar merchants moat do eon gregato.) to Venice. This It the bisl naas part of Madison, do yo under arena r ■ set no. "Yde. but I want logo to Mad Ison to ••• Mr. Tboapeoo on pertleklar bltDMS." "This la Mr. Tbompeon'i place of bUuew; you'll dnd him that.1’ am he. piiitln’ to a big open brlok house. Well I went tbar, but be vu tha rmlerode agent, what heaps tbe books of tbs con asm. "Ob. no," Jr* 1, “It’s tbe other Mr. Thompson what l want to toe.n "Well, tbar ho le," see ho, ‘‘thirt** Mr. Thompson, Jeat ooma down frost Coviagton.” When I weot to tbe mao he plnted to be axed main wanted to take a contract no the rode ? “Lord, no,” *«a I, “I want to CM Mr. Thompson •bout a very differ at. t kind of • Ma ne as.” "Perhaps you will And him over In that billin’,” am he. Well, over I went. "Kin we Mrve you this morulo’, sir ? Do yon with to store your cot ton ?” eve he. "Ho, no,” ere I "1 weot to see Mr. Thompson what edits the Mlaoallany.” "Oh.” see be. “that Mr. Thompson —my name’s Mr. Thomason You’ll And him at the Planters’ Hotel, tbe ; Aral good-lookin' man yon see with BpeoCudtC 00.” Good gracious I think* I if tbe old Frenchman bad lived In Beaver Tall be would hava found monsieur Tom eon* enough to kill him several limes, us ha says In tha play. Well, 1 pet out for tha Planters' as fast as I could— whar you know 1 found you at laat-« peach - ea, wbat grow Mg aa your flat, air T" and far* 1 knewed what to aay, be had aiy plate piled up with good thing*, uc I couldn’t dear H In a hour, hard notin’at that. “Here another plate, Mr ?’* aa* be. I had dooe eat more’n I wanted ibeo, but ererjrbody. aa fer ae I ooald aee. 00 both aid**, waa flttln’ clean piatae, ao thleke I, here go**. "Hare eeme of the krambery tar to," ae* the oM fkOer, "what jgfewa an grape-rlnaa, or torn at the Worth (Jar ollaa blank her rye, anaowd deter to the i gjortwryT KuaUrd. air-taler kua I tard, made out of tbo Mggrat kind < : yam#? Hera's a hot one, dr, right out of the moatb of a rudbol oven! Havu son* milk, sir—Dorbaas oew’i inUk. If yon Him. rich as cream?' Aad that’s the way Ibe old feller wont oa, never crackle a smile all the time ud 1 like to hutted jest ostia to Msrgi him. In the afternoon I took a look al yoor town—and a mighty smart town It Is—but I nrudo’t tail you nothin about that. AC topper. I bar waa that old fellet egiu, fly to round the Iona tabla, with liia cheek apron on and a tartar 1u one hand. "Will you have a hot bisklt," aes he, "made out of the beat Canal flower from Imported wheat? Take s rqaars toad wsffel, dr; hem’s swaHer-tailed one*, If you like 'em better? Past rale Ulo ooffee, dr, some Muskevadn •utar to give a piaaaant taste to It? Cold bam? lulled ditto warn Durham ■leaks, briled fow—Euglls-’i breed—so leader they wont bare Mtin hard. Lat *ply roar plate with a very amall pises of tbs bueum of tbla pulllt? dome of ths reserves, air? any kind— qolmon, pare, big CogUsb peaches. Taka another hot bisklt, air— and if I'd sot thar, he’d kap me satin till this time. Tbs oata was rsady to itart. I pstd nr bill at tbs Plauisra’, and was •eon whlrlio on tbs stay borne. “I’ve been tblotln arm aanas of your advice, aad I’m satisfied yon eras right. 1 ahull ax Hits Mary fast, and by that time i'll ha morn need to it, and wont ha to akerry of her mother. Hot lt*a the worst job I over undertook any way I ran fix it. I’D tell you all abost It. Ho mom from Your friend, till death. Jim. Jovitt. (To Uu Continued Next Thursday.) rWH WATS »g TSig CATAWM. ■AlktAtItrUMUM UdMMan o» atllaUMw! T CbtrletU Itwt. Unw. Berwell. Walker and Can slrr and McCall and Nixon are look lag into the oonatltutioiialitj of chapter 413, laws 18OT, antitied “an act to re move obstruction to Osh In Catawba rivar, a id to provide Ash-ways.” The act creates a jury of seven men “to view the Catawba river from ibe State line lo the oroeelng of tbe CO eater and Leimlr Bnilroad. aud designate the places where obstrmcUoai should Be removed and the width of tbs 0th passage.” Section 3 of the set pro video that the water power of mill* located on aald river ahull not be In jured, but aald Jury la to decide wheth er or not Injury to water power would follow from the removal or obstruc tion!. Section 3 provides that said Jury shall bear ell complaints and net tle all diflkoltiee arising from Uie opening of Osh pasmgea aud section 4 provides that the Jetulno of said Jury sliali be Anal. The aot further pro vides for the compensation of said Jury aud whatever necessary help tln-y may employ. The Jury constats of Mr. J. M. WU sod, or Mccklouburg; Mr. I). A. Bar tley. of Iredell; Mr. J. T. Iledrlek. of Alexauder; Mr. C. T. Plowere. of Cald well; Mr. J. W. Lawreooe, of Cataw ba; Mr. D. A- Lowe, of l.incalo; Mt. J. M. McIntosh, or Qaaton, Already these gcmtlemen have com menced Idling out contracts for clear ing llie rlvrr and building Osti-woTS. Mr. O. W. Bowman was in Charlotte today. He bus seemed the eontr.vot to arrange the Aali-way through Mbyte's dam, near Mt. Hotly, and he itaU-a Ibat he will begin work at oooe. It la estimated that the eoat of clear ing tbo rlvrr and opening three Hall way* will bo at least *1,800. Tiie Uw providrs that the counties bordering where this work is done •ball hear equally Uw cost of sauta. An interesting question arises as to how the oomiotasioners and their em ploysa shall be paid for their senrtara, provided the Supreme Court shall de cide the aet unconstitutional. It BIMSk Lika a BarpemL. gew* and Olacrvtr. In view of tbe coca premia* of Uw bonds voted for a railroad In Onslow eouety; the mighty kick that goes up svury year In Wllkaa county; Urn 11U gstloe growing out of Uw bend issue In Staoly county; and the had taste left In tbe mouth of the psopte of most eoeatleo that vote bonds to baud rail roads, tbo following extract, from a droloioo by Justice Brewer, while oo the K scans Huprome bench, on Uvs validity of bom buods Issuad by a county lo aid of a railroad, wUI have special Interest; "If be (lha Justice) may be permit ted to paraphrase the words of tbo wisest of men ho would say to every one. 'Look not upon the voting of railroad bonds whoa It >• now, for at last it Wtctk like a serpent sad stlog eth like an adder.»»_ ■•Utr nninmil WUk Wlhn. lUMtb Oar. WUamnw Kwmwr. Senator Bailer and OUw Wllaon, hi* right band mao, are at odda. Boiler la dltptoaaed with Wlleon aod tbo rail way ooaamlaalon for oot redoaViR ratea. Ha la alao dlaplaaaad with Wllaoo’a haring a railway eating hooao and baa Mid no. Mow wilaoo Mila Holler to mind hie own buaiaeea. There are plenty of algae of a popollet break-up; •igeeof dlaluteg ration are plaoUfol. ( JmnUM, PrmUtmL J. 0. Koou, Catkin-. First National Bank, OF QASTOXI4, m. c. State aud County Depository. OOMGSHOED BTTBOT3I AU&UBT 1, IBM. wpii&inoo*, .... *ayjQOOO Barplni,.WOO 00 DMdMdtfddriaM«gui«tiM, MyOOOOO l.ljwwm, f.aiM JD.Mo**, TW.*SmZ '•*. DQMbc. Professional Cards. Wm, H. Lewis, —ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— -G Arran a, N. c. - u—i»o»«HA»g now maw muit W. H. HOFFMAN. -DRNTtat **«««*, a W Odlo* over Pint National Bank, c. M. mu, XII. K. X. in, M B. Adams & Bred, PHYSICIANS AMD SUBOBONA, OAtTOWZA. M. V. Otto* at J, ICwrykOt'i Urngntor*. ROJTT. L. DURHAM, —LAWYtR.— GASTONIA. K. 0. 4f n S -ATTORNSY-AT-LA W— •AITOXU, I. O. Will praetSe* In tha ooarto of Gaato* and adjoining oouaUan and tntbn Pndnrnl Court*. F. O. WILSON, M. JD., G**tOtola, S. O. PHYSICIAN AND SUftGEON. VOfite* at Tumroco’* Drag Slot*. _Phono Ho. 10._ W. H. Wilson, M. J>., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. L. I.GkDi, I, D.,iiMcUUPhjilclUL Day Pbooo 1A Night Pbooo Si. J. M. Sloan, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND 8UBOIOK. Pay Phono 1A Night Pbooo SO. Drs. Glenn & Coffey, —Deaton.— Thooo with tog work don* io oar lhto win pleuo call at our oOet at ooor. Dr. CoSey wlU tear* for Nov York City Oet. lot to taka a qunlal ooorao of all Urn high grad** of work and win bo gono arrant month*. Adnlsbtratsr*i Mice. Sale of Real Estate. TkISTTY CtMJJWE, IMaiaiann ■>iaiti>in,>i,a> **«• fuHeouma afatody. hum •»«««•. Tw> fall chain la Kofiuh. Woana «*■«■»** ta all elUML ————^ ww —» Gu&MM*Ot7QJS« a^U, UWJIUU. Band far alban and eaU WO. tf. XIIAO. Pwhan. M.C. mbthcabhoa Muaaiff iflucunai ^mmaucaits, WILL THE UHIYEKSITY. <7 Tnikm, «U MnH, (Dmmmt MMI 1M) TOUI M. M «» » MCMMOmftlMOiMft rmariy^r l^ri^OTii iSt WwiMwMMiMwIfcr iMn, PtUHtDUrT ALDUUIAH, TfcumfcsumuKiwrumm^ w. r. it—, wik »